Incident Information Work Sheet "INCIDENT INFORMATION WORK SHEF%h64 1. MUN ICZPALZTY�h-0.i` \ 2. ADDRESS 3. TIME OF REPORT Date Time A.M./P.M. 4. INCIDENT OCCURRED Date Time A.M./P.M. 5. PERSON WHO,V^Vim FIRST REPORTED INCIDENT Name - � 1/�o./.�c—� � � Tel. No. 6. OIL or HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLED/RELEASED (Trade and Chemical names) a. Name(s) b. Quantity released c. Physical form d. Container type e. Container capacity f. Note where applicable: tanker truck vessel g. railroad above-ground tank _ below-ground tank Total number of samples obtained pipe, hose, etc. 7. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SPILL/RELEASE INCIDENT (Fire, waterways, fatalities, ill-effects: E. NAMES OF RESPONSE PERSONNEL ON SCENE 10 -1 9. IDENTIFICATION OF FACILITY/CARRIER Name Address Tel. No. Agent/Contact Tel. No. Other Information Truck Trailer No. Railroad Car No. Origin/Shipper Destination (Am AM-4-&&) `4 WA9A