IRA Plan Submittal Letter 1996 WILLIAM F WELD
Lt. Governor
January 29, 1996
Massachusetts Highway Dept . (MHD) Re : Northampton -
10 Park Plaza, Room 4260 Mount Tom
Boston, MA 02116 Maintenance Facility
Rte 5
Release #1-11151
Attention: Mr. Ross B. Dindio,
Chief Engineer and
Mr. Gregory Prendergast,
Deputy Chief Environmental
IRA PLAN Submittal Letter
M.G.L. ch. 21E-310 CMR 40 . 0000
Dear Mr. Gentlemen:
On January 22, 1996 , the Department of Environmental Protection,
Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response Section ( "the
Department" ) received an Immediate Response Action (IRA) plan for
the above-mentioned site. This letter is written to inform you of
the Department ' s approval of the IRA plan pursuant to 310 CMR
40 . 0420 (6) .
The IRA plan has been submitted to address a tightness test failure
of a gasoline UST at the site, of which the Department was notified
on November 22 , 1995 .
The IRA plan/report (the "report" ) , dated January 22 , 1996, was
prepared and hand-delivered by MHD' s consultant Louis Berger &
Associates (LBA) . The IRA will consist of the removal of the
failed underground storage tank (UST) , soil removal, and further
assessment to determine if residual levels of petroleum
contamination warrant subsequent excavation.
According to the IRA plan, "analytical testing of soils and
groundwater near the gasoline UST indicate that groundwater
cunt. c aciu::s exceed RCGW-_ reportable -onoe; ..L ns . " Also, It
is stated that "the excavation area may interfere with monitoring
well 2-MT-W-2 . In this event, W-2 will be sampled and analyzed for
436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • TOD(413)746-6620 • Telephone(413) 784-1100
0 Printed on Regded Paper¢P%Prot Cnn.
IRA Plan Approval Letter
RTN: #1-11151
Mass Highway Department
Mt . Tom Maintenance Facility
Northampton, MA
Page 2
VOCs and TPH prior to decommissioning. " Accordingly, LBA plans to
reinstall this well due to the well ' s strategic location proximal
to the UST. In the event oil-contaminated soil is encountered
during the well ' s reinstallation, any additional contaminated soil
will be excavated and added to the soils already stockpiled on-site
from the tank removal . All contaminated soils will be managed in
accordance with the Department Policy #WSC-94-400 .
"The gasoline UST is located within a high traffic area at the
maintenance facility. The IRA cannot be conducted at'present
without significant interference to the facility' s snow and ice
removal activities. Therefore, the IRA is proposed for the spring
of 1996, following winter maintenance activities at this MHD
facility. It is anticipated that the IRA will be initiated prior
to April 1, 1996 and completed by May 1, 1996 . "
The Department hereby approves of the IRA plan, as stated above,
with the following conditions:
• Any additional remedial actions not referenced in the IRA
plan must not be implemented until approved in writing by
the Department .
• Total soil excavated shall not exceed 500 cubic yards
unless prior oral approval is received from the
Department; and
• The Department shall be notified two days in advance of
the RAM initiation.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact
Steve Cooperman of the Emergency Response Section at The above
address or (413) 784-1100 ext . 314 .
Section Chief
Emergency Response
IRA Plan Approval Letter
RTN: #1-11151
Mass Highway Department
Mt . Torn Maintenance Facility
Northampton, MA
cc : Northampton
Fire Department
Health Department
Mayor' s Office
Louis Berger & Associates, Inc .
O' Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc .
attn: Kevin O'Reilly
MHD attn: Charles Tuttle, Steven Miller
Certified #Z 082 549 391
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