Title 5 Perc Test Documents, Unlabeled Locations, 1995-2001 v' / -21 , -fu 0 I „ ;,;2 1 OnJife Review /Location Address or Lot# nnM 1 ---r Deep Hole Number I i Date ,/[V, i�� Le I k (n I Time /(� '(2j 4-n I Weather I Cf22..0 SD i Location(identify on site plan) Soil Mottling Land Use }_..,rk----- I slope(%) I -3,9)-2,_, I Surface Stones I M c Vegetation 5d-- ,C<, FL5 Landform '/.Q�. Position on Landscape(sketch on the back) I Distances from: Open Water Body feet Drinking Water Well /(.r' feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way feet Other feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: /— I AMINILWM OF TWO HOLES REWIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sol Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Sal Color (Murrell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders,Consistency,%Gravel) l)_ 6 A C 5d-- ,C<, FL5 /° h ..73 lo,., 5/, as'ly/`• y ly j ray Ili . 4 . :.; E (6__ j,ri/ a/5 j ,�2s) ( i-t-1-Q I DryUto Bedrock l ParenDepthto groundwater Depth bpmundwater Standing Water li the Hole _L " A/LI ilk., I Weeping from Pit Face I q///av%- Esttrreted Seasonal High Ground Water r ( 'S J DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` Deep Hole#: 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Indies) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Sri Color (Munsell) Soil Mottrnn Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders,Con sistency,%Gravel) 2(P- 114> Af I, } / � �� 10 J�, 1/b °� C � E�� 5 �l� I /�<>If ray Ili . 4 . :.; E (6__ Parent Malrial(geologic) I I Depth to Bedrock Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Location Address or Lot No. FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , Massachusetts * Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve ar Site Passed Site Failed ❑ Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments. ..... DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07195 Percolation Test` Date: 4117IS(! Time: .. Observation Hole # 1 ` / Depth of Perc ig it Start Pre-soak /0 End Pre-soak ld ; 33 Time at 12" /0 r 3; 30 Time at 9" I Q , 43 - C Time at 6" Y i 1 ° r u is 53 tI .1 0 1 Time (9"-6"1 6.5 fry- Rate Min./Inch IS/ _ * Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve ar Site Passed Site Failed ❑ Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments. ..... DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07195 Prepared For: Location: PROPOSED DOMESTIC SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN LnweiL /va zzon Norf%i n•nr Road No , 1-A any, Number of Bedrooms: 4 Garbage Disposal: y'm LEACH AREA DESIGN 4 Bedrooms x 2 persons/bedroom = 9 persons 8 Persons x 55 gallons of wastewater/person/day = 4t4/0 total gallons of wastewater/day. Percolation Rate: 2. 6 min/inch Gallon of wastewater/square feet of leach area for a Percolation Rate of: 2. 0 min/inch = " Gal/SF Sidewall Area /. 0 Gal/SF Bottom Area * If a leach bed is to be installed, no sidewall is allowed. * If percolation rate exceeds 20 min/inch, no bottom area is allowed. - SEPTIC TANK - * WITHOUT GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Gallons of wastewater/day x 150% = capacity or septic tank. REQUIRED effective liquid RECOMMENDED: Septic Tank * In no case will the septic tank be less than 1,000 gallons (effective liquid capacity; ** WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Rio Gallons of wastewater/day x 200'%. _ capacity of septic tank. RECOMMENDED: /SOO Septic Tank $ S O REQUIRED effective liquid ** In no case will the septic tank be less than L, 500 gallons (effective liquid capacir -AfAtPR pHI '\TI FY. (R,.. & ASSOCIATES. INC. LEACHING PIT DESIGN Precast Pit Used: /O ' Long x S Wide x 2 ' Effective Depth Using 4{10 " of stone all around and 6 " of stone under pit. SIDEWALL AREA: /8 ' Long x 2• S ' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = 90 SF /3 ' Wide x 2..f • Effective Depth x 2 Sides = GS- SF Total of /SS SF (Sidewall Area) x 2 S Gal/SF = 387 Gal/Pit (Sidewall). 30TTOM ARIA: /5 Long x /3 ' Wide = Z34 SF 3.3 6/ SF (3o[tom Area) x /. 0 Gal/SF = 23 9 ' Gal/Pit (3otcom) 357 2391 Cal/Pit (Sidewall) Gal/Pit (Bottom) 6 2/ TOTAL Gal/Pit (Designed) * Without Garbage Disposal: Total Gal/Day (REQUIRED) ENO Gal/Day (Daily Flow) = G G0 Gal/Pit * With Garbage Disposal: 1.5 x (REQUIRED) Pit(s) Using 460 Gal/Day (Daily Flow) : 6,2/ Gal/Pic = • AMTC.." •4L[ WOQK W/CL BE LLul/E /4/ AKDFLWE WITH THE STATE EN✓/RONt-IENTAL soar/.vC �05ED /3 TO EOPE 7,/,/,44/ewe SFFOGCf O/ OP DRY WELL APE E6/W DEPTH OF 7-NE- rate S CTNE P/T, /V1/GREYER /3 GREAEEA. GREATEST EFFECT/YE MYD TN OR ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. a ASSOCIATES , INC. REGISTERED LAND SURJEYORS I. CIVIL ENGINEERS 125 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON , MASS . ' ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Successors to Davis Engineering Co. Established 1870 Registered Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Mass. Attentions Mr. Robert Landon Dear Mr. Langdon; 30 CRAFTS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MASS. TEL. (413) 584-7444 March 31, 1967 I have made an inspection of the soil on a parcel of land located on the easterly side of North Farms Road slightly north of the road leading to Harold Fitzgerald's pond and the Mindagus Park area. This site comprises of approximately 18 acres of land and is to be purchased by Mr. Donald Warburton of 62 Acre Brook Drive, Florence. Mr. Warburton indicated to me where he desired to place his proposed dwelling and where he would like to have Fis septic tank and leaching field or bed placed. At this location, I found the following soil conditions' a" to 6" loam and humus; 6" to 24" saturated brown clay; 24" to 36" very coarse to coarse sand mixed with silt and clay with water passing through it; depth to ground water is 24". Mr. Warburton proposed to place his house almost on top of the ground at this location and to fill in around it. He then proposes to place the septic tank and leaching field in the filled area to the front of the house. The house will set back approximately 725' from North Farms Road. It is my opinion that if a permit is granted to this site based on the following recommendations that extreme care be used in the construction of the proposed sewage disposal facilities. To construct a facility at this location, I would suggest the followings Completely strip off the top soil and the over burden of clay to the coarse to medium sand strada. I would then fill this area to a minimum depth of 4' above the sand strode with a clean very coarse sand or a clean gravel. Please note that any type of bank run gravel will not suffice, it must be a clean gravel with very little silt or clay in it. I would then construct in the usual manner a leaching bed of approximately 650 square feet. This of course can be made larger or smaller if you so desire. The clay that was excavated from this site should then be brought in around the edges of this bed and throughly compacted to form a dike type of construction so that the water in the leaching bed will go down through the 4' of coarse sand or gravel into the coarse sand strada which lies below and will not bleed out of either side or on the ends and thus cause a nuisance. The area can than be loamed and seeded over in the usual manner with the minimum of 18" of cover over the disposal pipes as prescribed in the sanitary code. I feel that this type of situation will probably work provided that construction is performed and very ridgidly inspected. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Almer Huntley, Jr. Registered Sanitarian ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Successors to Davis Engineering Co. Established 1870 Registered Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers 30 CRAFTS AVE, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. TEL. (413) 584-7444 April 14, 1967 Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Mess. Gentlemen: I have made a percolation test on land belonging to John Vollinger located on the westerly side of North Farms Road. This test was performed for a pro- posed new dwelling approximately 250' southerly of Mr. Vollinger's present farm house. Because of the nature of the soil in this area, it is my opinion that a large leaching field must be constructed. The material involved is a grey gla- cial till with a percolation rate of 1" in 20 minutes. Mr. Vollinger is to live in this house with his daughter making a population of two. With this in mind, I would recommend a 900 gallon septic tank with a minimum leaching field area of 450 square feet. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, I /a .����1 Almer Huntley, Jr. Registered Sanitarian AHi ss Enclosure cc: Mr. Vollinger PROPOSED DOMESTIC SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN / pi L A M Q- Prepared For: Ro6ea7 CrJitOe Location: Nomrh Forms Rood/ N ' Ton Number of Bedrooms: 3 Garbage Disposal: Yes LEACH AREA DESIGN 3 Bedrooms x 2 persons/bedroom = 6 persons 4 Persons x 55 gallons of wastewater/person/day 3.3C) total gallons of wastewater/day. Percolation Rate: /2• 40 min/inch Gallon of wastewater/square feet of leach area for a Percolation Rate of: /?- (e min/inch = 0. 83 Gal/SF Sidewall Area O449 Gal/SF Bottom Area * If a leach bed is to be installed, no sidewall is allowed. * If percolation rate exceeds 20 min/inch, no bottom area is allowed. - SEPTIC TANK - * WITHOUT GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Gallons of wastewater/day x 150% = REQUIRED effective liquid capacity of septic tank. RECOMMENDED: Septic Tank * In no case will the septic tank be less than 1,000 gallons (effective liquid capacity ** WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL: 330 Gallons of wastewater/day x 200% _ 444, REQUIRED effective liquid capacity of septic tank. RECOMMENDED: /COO Septic Tank ** In no case will the septic tank be less than 1,500 gallons (effective liquid capacit ‘ , vfcp tlf -Na FY Ift & ASSOC [-AtF . I\C LEACHING PIT DESIGN Precast Pit Used: /O.O ' Long x f O ' Wide x 2 .0 ' Effective Depth Using 4.0 ' of stone all around and he, ' of stone under pit. SIDEWALL AREA: $' Long x 3. 0 ' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = /05 SF /3 ' Wide x 3. O ' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = %6 SF Total of / 6v BOTTOM AREA: /3 ' Long x /3 SF (Sidewall Area) x 0. 63 Gal/SF = /S 14 Gal/Pit (Sidewall) ' Wide = 234i SF 223 SF (Bottom Area) x (2. 49 Gal/SF = /13' Gal/Pit (Bottom) * Without Garbage Disposal: 4r S/ Gal/Pit (Sidewall) //,r Gal/Pit (Bottom) 249 * With Garbage Disposal: 1.5 x TOTAL Gal/Pit (Designed) Total Gal/Day (REQUIRED) 3.3 O Gal/Day (Daily Flow) _ 4/9J Gal/Pit (REQUIRED) Using 549f Gal/Day (Daily Flow) ; z49 Gal/Pit = Z Pit(s) ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. pEEC45r ter��ZL IRICac ElL 0C1.41154C CO✓ER G/w'f 'TO.UC 1_i�4fr /9' 4T4 O,f/ 1:22 el ;Eel 79.70/ir #4s+EC, S,a vE /2'.1-fi11 TOP .SD/L EX/S77LIG sAIL oeEC.4ST_ 0.27"PE/r- O DY Kt"LC n n n � n N ettt Ex/s7IUG µ E — ,6.72gied3,4140_.. 414(1.� '/Ain' /0'- 0" ELL-1/41 T/D/U MITE •AZL WORK W/LL dE LLU/E /.f/ 4CCOP12.4WE WITH THE 57ITE ENV/RONF4ENTAL • CODE - 7/7LE S SFFp•4GE P/F QP O.PY WELL .4.PE 'w' SP.SI,UG wie ,U MOPE TNA.0 OVF USED 19 r0 SC7W.rE THE GREATEST EFFECT/YE I✓/OTH OR DEPTH OF THE PIT, IVH/CHEYER /3 GREATER. ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. Q ASSOCIATES , INC REGISTERED LAND SUR JEYORS L CIVIL ENGINEERS 125 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON , MASS . NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH PERCOLATION TEST DATA Address Lot # Date Owner Engineer/Sanitarian Perc Rate min/in Depth to water 2±,L, min/in min/in min/in Sketch of Lot w/ Location of Test Holes $ Witness Fee y Witnessed by J s s: ', ' 5 / . r3 3- > , Sig s , (0 i %S / ' ' Address c Owner NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH PERCOLATION TEST DATA Lot lb v/ /fy Date o , Engineer/Sanffarigh Excavator Pere Rate 34 min/in Depth to water 5 /C-1 b HD min/in min/in min/in Sketch of Lot w/ Location of Test Holes $ It Witness Fee Witnessed by II I ,./ it 3/ Q Address Owner NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH PERCOLATION TEST DATA Lot # �/Engineer/Sa [arian 5l;741 Date Perc Rate 3gV min/in Depth to water min/in min/in min/in Sketch of Lot w/ Location of Test Holes Witness Fee Witnessed NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Location Address or Lot ✓ • sc-. • Owner iv, rtCWUN t WY MI CYCRI IRLIrLIOW UlartMAL Alfte Date 6-/ 7 Time 1 Owners Address j t c %0-c_ J Engineer I Weather Phone# Land Use 7 �1 %Slope Surface Stones Landform V •etation Start Time //,do /a N Position on Landscape(Sketch Open Water Body cntheback) feet Distances Drinking Water Well Stop Time / '(rD /1: feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way _ feet Other feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` it- Parent Mabial(geologic) I I Depth to Bedrock I Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face Esti mated Seasonal High Ground Water DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' ---r••-•-^ MIWMUM Ur mu RQLESREQWREDATE#ERYPROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Soil Horizon Sol Texture Sol Color Sol Surface(Inches) Otter (USDA) (Memel) Molting (Stricture,Stones,Boulders.Consistency.%Gme) (7 A i• •; �. �(a v�-- .; li r Parent Mahal(gedogc) I I Dent,to Bedrock I Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pd Face Estimated Seasonal High Gmund Water rtCWUN t WY MI CYCRI IRLIrLIOW UlartMAL Alfte Depth from S Sol Horizon S Sod Tete S SW Color S Sol O Other rI J � n � � . � 7 7 �1 �r,-°L d DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' ---r••-•-^ MIWMUM Ur mu RQLESREQWREDATE#ERYPROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Soil Horizon Sol Texture Sol Color Sol Surface(Inches) Otter (USDA) (Memel) Molting (Stricture,Stones,Boulders.Consistency.%Gme) (7 A i• •; �. �(a v�-- .; li r Parent Mahal(gedogc) I I Dent,to Bedrock I Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pd Face Estimated Seasonal High Gmund Water S [T,iait@1; vt1 .>4 ' o1. 1r5! /2r f I PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I J lime: 1 Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc 36 k Depth of Perc / Start Pre-soak —) ,, /y Start Pre-soak 7V'� Li 7 End Pre-soak , ; End Pre-soak 3 go i / /3 ki---- Time at 12" — Time at 12' - ', S5 3 , -f0 to Time at 9' a Time at 9" I ' Time at 6" ' Time at 6"I 0(--0 L S v Time(9"—6") 3// ✓. Time(9"—6') L y-/ 3 Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch .2 >�I /62 Vv"I (,— *minimum or 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. [ Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by _ Comments: Location Address or Lot# NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review Owner Deep Hole#: • DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* —.mu..uti:try n vtea ncuUIRGDATEVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Indies) Date Li/(1// Time Deep Hole#: Owner's Address '- ?7 Engineer i io ' n f I , . _. Weather Phone Land Use Sal Horizon %Slope Surface Stones Soi Mowing Landform (Structure.Sores,BaMetsgCons'¢t¢nay,%Grew V-!etatton Siert Time /// „9 Position en Landscape( Open Water Body toll on the back) feet Distances Drinking Water Well Stop Time feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feel Drainage Way feet Other feet I Weeping from Pit Face Deep Hole#: • DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* —.mu..uti:try n vtea ncuUIRGDATEVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Indies) Soil Hovixl Texture USDA) Sal Color (Munsen)) Deep Hole#: 1 '- ?7 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` *MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA io ' n f I , . _. it Depth from Sal Horizon Soil Texture Soi Color Soi Mowing l (Structure.Sores,BaMetsgCons'¢t¢nay,%Grew � - - -. 1 i l' I I �-!_/. ��_ // r--1 �° atra Parent M ,(geologic) 1 I Depth to Bedrock Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole I I Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water ^iti' b Deep Hole#: • DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* —.mu..uti:try n vtea ncuUIRGDATEVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Indies) Soil Hovixl Texture USDA) Sal Color (Munsen)) Sod Mott q Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders.Consistency,%Grew io ' n f I , . _. it Parent Maial(geologi) I I . .i to Bedrock I to.mundwaler. .r Stand .Water b she Hole Estimated Seasonal -Weeping from Pd Face I . High Ground Water l PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: Time: j Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 12" Time at 9" Time at 9" Time at 6' Time at 6" Time(9"—6') Time(9"—6") Rate Min/Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. • + _... r • • `.. • Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review Owner Date i ,. Time Sod Horizon Address t Engineer I Weather Phone ft I Land Use (Structure,Stones %Slope Surface Stones Landform Depth to groundwater Standvg Water in the Hole V-atation „tart ime Pwitionn Landscape(s onthehack) Distances Drinking Water Well Slop Time feet I Open Water Body feet Property Line , feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way _ feet Other feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` Deep Hole it MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sod Horizon Sol Tate (USDA) Soa Color (Moser) Sod Montag Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders.Consistency,%Graven f � J (Structure,Stones Other Parent Matiial(geologic) I I Depth to Bedrock 1 Depth to groundwater Standvg Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face 1 3y Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' • --- •....-^• MINIMUM Ur IWV HL ±SHEQUIREDATEVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sal Hodmn San Terhae (USDA) Sd Cob' (Maser Sod MotEg (Structure,Stones Other Parent Mahial(geologic) I 1 r..., to Ben I Depth to groundwater Standbg Water in the Hde Weeping from Pd Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water 11 PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I lime: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12° Time at 12° Time at 9' Time at 9° Time at 6° Time at 6" Time(9'—6°) Time(9"—6°) Rate Min/Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review - - �, --_ Ns J w QtA 3 �w V A-47/� Date S��il /41 Time Sol Texture (USDA) Owner's Address ( / I Engineer I Tt1W Weather Phone p Land Use / J ..a ,. ; l IU `%` S/i// t zz /D151/ %Slope Surface Stones Landform //G I Weeping gam Pit Face I V=!etatlon Start Time faixtape(.sketdi on the badJ Distances Drinking Water Well Stop Time Open Water Body feet feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way feet Other feet • DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* - r —,.......m%or I..v nvaca HCwma Al evens PHUPU.Ito DISPOSAL AREA Depth from ' Surface(Inches) Sol Hainan Sol Texture (USDA) Sod Color (�� Sal Muffing Other (Sbucture,Stones,Boukbrs,Consistency,X GreueQ Tt1W 1 � Ir p / J ..a ,. ; l IU `%` S/i// t zz /D151/ V Parent Mahal(gecbgb) I I Depth to Bedrock I Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole //G I Weeping gam Pit Face I Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water /r" DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* • -- wroseum ur I WV twin REQUREDATEVERYPROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depot from Surface(Inches) Sod Homo Sol Texture (USDA) Sod Cobr - (Mussed) - Sol Molting Other (Structure.Stones.Boulders.Consistency,X Gravel) — 9 p U "A j'l CI(/)_. / Parent Mahial{geo$ogbl I 1 Depth to Bedrock I Depth b groundwater Standing Water in the Hole 1 .Weeping from Pit Face 1 Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water 1 -' cf-'= I ' !' /0 I PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I II Time: I Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc ' `/ Depth of Pere U Start Pre-soak /I ? Start Pre-soak / •�1 ` O/ ? 1( cU " End Pre-soak �� End Pre-soak C> ,� Time at 12" Time at 12" Y 'K / Time at9° Time at9" `I [H I VTime at 6" Time at 6" 3 1 LI U IN-- Time(9'—6') lime(9'-6") / ,C5 Rate Min/Inch 10\I, \h'N \ Rate Min/Inch 5 -minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title S- Location Address or Lot# ,/ Owner Date Time Sol Tevbte (USDA) Owner's Address Soi Mottling Engineer I Weather Phone# Land Use Other (Shan,Sbcs•Boulders,Consetenq•.%Gravel) %Slope I Surface Stones Landform Parent Mabel(geologic) I I Drythb Bedrock V 'etation Start Time PCMboio lint ®pe(sketh Open Water Body on be back) feet Distances Drinking Water Weil Stop Time feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feel Drainage Way feet Other feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: " 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Son Horizon Pi Sol Tevbte (USDA) Sod Color (Morsel) Soi Mottling Ober (SVOChua Stones,Boulders,Consistency.%Gavel) Soi Color. ... (Mimsd) - Soi Molting Other (Shan,Sbcs•Boulders,Consetenq•.%Gravel) Parent Mabel(geologic) I I Drythb Bedrock Depth to groundwater SbnGmq Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' ---r•. mummy a(Jr IWL i nutt5HtQUIREU Al-EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sol Hors= Sol Tune (USDA) Soi Color. ... (Mimsd) - Soi Molting Other (Shan,Sbcs•Boulders,Consetenq•.%Gravel) ihbo gramdv2b: Sbnrdg Water in be Hob sbmated Seasonal High Gmud Water Depth b Bedrock f .Weepig nom Pi Face _.._ I LflI HI PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc /{r, Depth of Perc 0"''- Start Pre-soak I rJ Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak t End Pre-soak • Time at 12" Time at 12° Time at 9" Time at 9' Time at 6° Time at 6" Time(9"—6") Time(9'—6") Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: .dtion Address or Lot# Engineer I Land Use Landform NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review Time Owner's Address Weather Owner Positron on Landscape(skeMh on the balk) Open Water Body Possible Wet Area %Slope V tetation Surface Stones Phone# feet feel Distances Drinking Water Well Drainage Way C'cr'Time Stop Tore feet Property Line feet Other feet feet Deep Hole#: In Depth from Sudace(Indies) Soil Raton DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOVL AREA Sol Toshio (USDA) Sod Color Sol Matting I Parent Mehra!(geologic) Depth to groundwater Stewing Water ill the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Other (Structure.Stones,Booklets.Consistency.%Gravel) Depth b Bedrock I Weeping from Pd Face Deep Hole#: Depth from Surface(Inches) Hommn DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED ATEVERYPROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA d Te Mre (USDA) Mo Parent Mahlal(geologic) Depth to groundwater. Star* Water b the Estimated Seasonal Hgh Ground Water Other (Structure Stones Bouden Consistency %Grave( I l Lo Ihcll V 6)�<C 7i7 al€7i1 I PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I Time: I Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 n Depth of Pere Depth of Pere Start Pm-soak Start Pm-soak End Presoak End Pm-soak I I Time at tT- Time at 12" Time air „ Time at 9' if r Time att' , ;. Time at 6" -6% Time(9'-6") �r Time(9"—6') (7 / Rate Min./Inch ,( Rate Min./Inch •min4num of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the p^rnary area AND reserve area. ) ■ ■ '.` • • Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: NORTHA PTON BOARD of HEALTH- Tide 5- Site Review Location Address or Lot# Owner Date / Land Use tandform Poslbm on Landscape(sketch on the bad) 0.en Water Bod Possible Wet Area Dee. Hole#: / Depth Rare ) feet feet Sod Horizon ® %Slo.e =- Phone# Surface Stones V station Distances Drinkin• Water Well Dralna e W Start Time Stop Time Mina feet Other� 1111111111101 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF IWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Soi Texture illaqinIEMMIESPIEMENI SDA Parent gum l ... ..tc ., b.roundwater Ste j W- Estimated Seasonal H",h Grourd Water Dee Hole#: Dept from Surface nches Parent trial DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` 'MINIMUM OF IWO HOLESREQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA -- SW Wr c nb mundwabr. Stand Waerb Ne Hole Estimated Seasonal H Ground Wafer s ill-,rriC.DrSfirriti wl1.si 571itTiI / , 76(. I\ r,.±_ 1 4 /Dr la I PERCOLATION TEST(S) I Time: I I Time: I I Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc _./5 r Start Pre-soak i� - �,,- Start Pre-soak / I , c) ,k _ -, '/ End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 12" , Li Time at 9" Time at 9" a Time at 6" Time at 6" �f V Time(9'—6") Time(9"—6") , .f% Rate Min./Inch Rate Min/Inch A I 'minimum of I percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve a ( ■ • 7 • • IPerformed byy f I Performed by I I Comments: •