Perc Tests Lot 27 1993 TIMOTHY E. MAGINNIS, RS Environmental Consultant • Registered Sanitarian 70 Montague Road Westhampton, MA 01027 (413) 527-5291 Michelle Kaskey 331 North Farms Road Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Northampton - Maple Ridge Lot # 27 - Sewage Disposal December 3, 1993 Dear Ms. Kaskey: On December 2, 1993, I conducted 5 deep hole observation test pits on Lot # 27 located at Maple Ridge in Northampton, Ma. All tests were conducted in accordance with the State Sanitary Code Title-v and witnessed by the Northampton Board of Health Agent, Mr. Peter McErlain, I have attached a copy of the soil logs for your records. Due to high groundwater elevations, the presence of oxides, and impervious soils at these test pits, it is my opinion that the area at test pit # 1, test pit # 2, and test pit # 3 is not suitable for the installation of an individual subsurface sewage disposal system. However, at the request of the Northampton Board of Health Agent, I reconfirmed soil characteristics at T.H. 27-A (see T.P. # 4 and # 5) and determined that this site is suitable for the installation of an individual subsurface sewage disposal system. If I can be of any further assistance or you would like additional information, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Timothy 1, c.c. Northampton Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Ma 01060 Attn: Mr. Peter McErlain Health Agent Requested by: Site Location: Lot # 27 Michelle Kaske 331 North h F d Northarrn= _ Mao le Ridae Lot # 27 North—' ton—M,q Date: Dec. 2 1993 Reg. Sanitarian: TilrotM E License number: # 982 Board of Health: Peter McEralin - North on Test o it 1 (rear of lot) 10 .(Rgist) �Q SILTY TILL 20' - 12 & CLAYS & SILT Groundwater: SEEPAGE GE 22•. Oxides: Perc rate: OUT 0 - 10" 10" - 20,. Test o_ {t $2 Test tA 't # 3 0 - 12" Groundwater: 51" Oxides: Perc rate: NO T SUITABLE THRU OUT 12" - 24" 24" - 132" Groundwater: NONE Oxides: Perc rate: NO AB, E 3 Test pit # 4 (12/2/93) CONFIRMED SITE @ T.H. # 27) 10� TOPSOIL SUBSOIL FINE/MED I SAND TILL 24" - 120" SANDY TILL 0 - 12" 12" - 24" Test pit # 5 (12/2/93) CONFIRMED SITE @ T.H. # 27) r • 10 TOPSOIL SUBSOIL F ANDPED SAND & 24" - 120" SANDY TILL 0 - 12" 12" - 24" Groundwater: NONE Groundwater: NONE Oxides: Oxides. Perc rate: 10 MPI (PHARMER ENG.) Perc rate: 10 MPI (PHARMER ENG. ) TEST PIT DATA FOR TEST HOLE # 27-A WAS OBTAINED FROM THE NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICE ON DECEMBER 2, 1993. 7.0 1 T.H. 27-A - LOT # 27 (Phanner engineering) MULCH TOPSOIL SANDY SUBSOIL MED/C ARSE SAND SANDY TILL 0 - 2" 2 - 12" 12" - 26" 26" - 48" 48" - 84" Groundwater: NONE Oxides Perc rate: 10 MPI (PHARMER ENG.)