223 Title 5 Pumping Records 2010, 2014 Important: When filling out forms on the computer,use only the tab key to move your use -do not the return key 49 Ian .eS Ht0?)di' b7/,2 Commonweal of assachusetts City/Town of %) Mt/0k System Pumping Record Form 4 DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use. The System Pumping Record must be submitted to the local Board of Health or other approving authority within 14 days from the pumping date in accordance with 310 CMR 15.351. A. Facility Information 1. System Location: Address City/Town 2. System Owner: > ST1F ItN uit C- State Zip Code ViPoc- gzri, different from oration) City/rown State Zip Code Telephone Number B Pumping Record f4- i 1. Date of Pumping Date 2. Quantity Pumped: 3. Type of system: ❑ Cesspool(s) eptic Tank ❑ Tight Tank C Grease Trap L' Other(describe): 4. Effluent Tee Filter present? ❑ Yes o If yes, was it cleaned? .h Yes L N 5. Condition of System: 6. System Pum Name Vehicle License Number Company 7 Location ere contents were disposed: Signature of Hauler Date Signature of Receiving Facility Date iROrm4.doc•03/013 System Pumping Record•Page 1 of 1 Commonwealth gf Nassachusett City/Town of D Grp System Pumping Record Form 4 DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used. but The information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with yS_r iocat Board of Health to determine the form they use.The System Pumping Record must. be submitted to the local Board of Health or other approving authority within 14 days from. the pumping date Ir accordance with 310 CMR 15.351. A. Facility Information When mong out System Lccatior: 'r.s or the ▪ h t▪ he tan hey Address to move your ourtar do not use the return key Grycown 2. System Owner S S ,- I1t6 g L= G- State Zip Case Namer2 3 17)0pCW,DCL gs)i Address(if different from location) City/Town )0\44 INEnPTo11� s;ep3 .3020 • fit Telephone Number B. Pumping Record Date of Pumping Pate I 2 Quantity Pumped. ons 3. Type of system'. -I Cesspocis) aepticTank Tig'ni Tank E 3reaseTrap Other(describe;_ (A 4. Effluent Tee Filter present? ] Yes o 5. Condition of System_ If yes..was it cleaned? ❑ Yes 2 So 6. Systerne}ynped ey: reN}r etc (/ e_ toO / / VehlGe License Number to (L �lL%n,/„�� 7. Location where contents were disposed: U? � - 29ipfeeof Hauler Dote Signature of Receiving Facility Date t5form4.dog.03/06 System Pumping Record •Page 1 of SEPTIC TANK PUMP WORK ORDER KARL'S SITE WORK 327 River Drive Hadley MA 01035 karlssitework.com 413-549-5396 Job Type: ❑Title V Job ft ❑Septic Pump Customer Name Judy Steinberg Address 223 Mapleridge Road Florence MA Phone: 413-320-2368 Cell: Billing Name: Billing Address: same Email: Date Ordered: 7/25 Scheduled Pump Date: Aug 1 Date Pumped: cc- /' We uncover no Hrs.-Li .0 +&61C(-- We backfill no Hrs. Dump Fee. 2L O ) 51401 Electric Rod Time: Disposal Fee Type of Tank ❑Septic: 01000 1500 02000 ❑other Hand Rod Time: Pumper Truck )°2C1 hrs. OHolding/Tight Tank: 02000 03000 ❑other Condition of Tank when pumped:GLAC\f% '- �) C04 C.l` E*- Q -' )4n-r) G07-C3i (,NcW. - h/l _ - F,luical Special Instructions: pst- is unc /3 tops uncovered