111 Title 5 Application/Permits 1997, Upgrade Application 1997, As-Built 1997 HOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES August 15. 1997 Board of Health Town Hall Northampton, MA 01060 TITLE S .SITCIALIS IS /51) NI 112111 PLEASANT SI RI I41, REAR AMI IFRSI,, MA 011102 I'I IONP: 01:9 256-MO0R FAX: ((113)549-1850 Re: Final Inspection of.Subsurface Disposal System installed at 111 Maple Ridge Road. Dear Board of Health. On Friday, August 15, 1997. a representative from our office inspected the installation of a single leaching trench at the above address The system was installed by DMO Construction, Amherst, MA. Our representative found (he septic system to he installed in accordance with the approved Sufism"ace Disposal System Design, dated July, 1997. The locations of the 1500 gallon septic tank and Distribution Box, with new leaching trench, can be found on the"As-Built"drawing enclosed. This letter shall serve as Engineer and Installer Certification that system was installed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.00, The State Nnvi ronmental Code, Title 5, and the approved design. If there are any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely yours, Dan Nitzsche SE, Certified Title 5 System Inspector, System Designer I hereby certify that the above referenced septic system was installed in accordance with the State Environmental Code, Title 5, and the approved septic design prepared by Howard Environmental Services. Installer: i\ mil-CLET—C.; Date: reS)_Ici ' I'I It("I'I.SI'IN( I • ,All'1 ICS)'SI ISM ENGINE!RIN(; • P NVIRUNMPNIAI.I IIN,SIII:IINu HOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TITLE 5 SPECIALISTS 750 NORTH PLEASANT STREET, REAR AMHERST, MA 01002 PHONE: (413)256-8008 FAX:(413)549-1850 August 17, 1997 Ray Pierson Ill Maple Ridge Road Florence, MA 01060 Re: Final Installation Certificate For The Upgraded Soil Absorption System At 111 Maple Ridge Road, Florence, MA.. Dear Ray, Enclosed please find a copy of an Engineer's and Installer's Certificate letter approving of the above referenced fmal installation. Also enclosed is the As-built sketch and final design calculations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Thank you for allowing us to be of service. Sincerely, Dan Nitzsche SE, Certified Title 5 System Inspector, System Designer cc: Northampton Board of Health PERC TESTING • SEPTIC SYSTEM ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION Ray& Nancy Pierson 111 Maple Ridge Road Florence, MA 01060 Site Location 111 Maple Ridge Road FLORENCE, MA PFSIGN CAI CHI ATION4 Design Per e• Rate: 15 min./in. Existing Data. Daly Dw='an Flow: 110 GPD/bdrm..x 5 beirms. =550 GM x 150% (disposal) =825.0 GPO 5y. tvm Laar:hing Arnas• Existing Soil Absorption System 1,377.0 ft2 Installed& Final Calculation for Soil Absorption System • 5iclewallArea: 2(75'x 1.5') =225.0 ft2 • 6ottom Area:75'x 3.0'=225.0 ft2 • End Area: 3'x1.5'= 4.5 ft? TOTAL: 1,831.5+72 1 T A R• Class II soil 015 min./in.=0.56 GPD 1,8315 fT2 x 0.56 GPD/ft2 = 1,025.6 GPD TOTAL for SYSTEM: 1,025.6 GPO > 825.0 GPD • SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION (continued) Property Address: I/f MrwLL t GE Rd Owner: MERS0/0 Date of Inspection: 9-fie/99- SKETCH OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: include ties to at least two permanent references landmarks or benchmarks locate all wells within 100' (Locate where public water supply comes into house) (PGe4E Tp s. A . Sr MAP 2 / OGe- ROAD (revhed 04/25197) Page 9 of 10 HOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 750 NORTH PLEASANT STREET AMHERST, MA 01002 )413) 256 - 8008 PROPOSED UPGRADE SHEET 9 of 3 for SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM , oe3 ,t.smar sc i NINA 3 c3 ` INCHA•'I a Leaching Trench 4,c;N41 Cross Section `R` "'`' Not to Scale V V Breakout Elev: To Be Determined V�'�'^ 9" min. Cover Material [Match Existing Elevation] 2" us"- 1/2" Pea stone plan a.%rsid : :Aim .:{��hfili A ( d°°1 b 7 e'_ . • l����/�� �Y�ilir',F',Mt `J oft = of h d6ton 1.. .„ o Health cS {+<�i;�;r�f>ji"� 24subject to t- e fol ,:ing conditions: 1.5' Effective Depth t #}+S:#'4 t+f1,b! 3/4 - 1.5" Dbl. Washed Stone 1 Design Fnzineer must inspect and verify in writing that the sewage disposal system 2' width I was installed in accordance with these -;_proved plans. SHEET 2of 3 1LEI1GSL CALCU1 ATION'z Dee an Perc Ratc lb min./in. Existing Data. Daily.DeeignFlow: 110 GPD/bdrm..x 5 bdrms. =550 GPP x 150% (disposal) = 825.0 GPD Site Location Sys+.m PannNng Aromas: Existing Soil Absorption System 1377.0 ft2 111 Maple Ridge Road Absorption Soil Absoso rption System FLORENCE, MA • 5/dewa//Area: 2(75'x 1.5') = 225.0 ft2 • 0ottam Area:75'x 2.0'=150.0 ft2 • End Area: 2'x 1.5'= 3.0 ft2 TBM: To Be Determined in Field. TOTAL: 1755.0 f2 Assumed elevation : 100 . 0 ' L.LA.Rr Class II soil f'lb min./in. =0.56 GPO 1755.0 R2 x 0.56 GPD/ft2 = 983.0 GPD TOTAL for SYSTEM: 983.0 GPO > 825.0 GPD CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Remove all Topsoil &Subsoil for length(75")of proposed leaching trench. 2. Excavator should be a track type unit due to the potential compaction of existing leaching trenches during construction process. If a rubber tired excavator is to be used,the Contractor must use extreme caution when working immediately adjacent to or above existing leaching trenches. 3. Contractor is to determine limit of nearest existing leaching trench relative to proposed trench A minimum seperation distance of 6' is to be maintained between existing and proposed leaching trench. 4. The existing Distribution Box(D-box)may remain in service, if appropriate. A concrete D-Box is to be used if a replacement is '.. required. Cement a 4"dia. PVC Tee to the inlet pipe of the existing or replacement D-box. First two feet(2')is to remain level. 5. The proposed leaching trench is to be 75' length x 2' width x 1.5'(effective)depth. Backfill to maintain 9"min, cover depth. • 6. Contractor is to site and calculate invert elevations for all proposed plumbing during installation. Use existing D-box outlet inverts to establish minimum invert elevations for proposed leaching trench. Maintain a pipe slope of 0.01 from D-box to perforated leaching pipe. Maintain 0.005 slope throughout perforated leaching pipe. 7. See Leaching Trench Detail for construction of proposed leaching trench. 310 CMR 15.247 requires leaching aggregate to be double washed, '''A"x 1 IA"stone [ Material; 75' x 2' x 1.83' = 10.2 cu.yds.] Cover stone above leaching pipes is to be double washed, 1/8" x 1/2"pea stone[Material: 75' x 2' x 0.17'-1.0 cu.yds. Additional Title 5 sand may be needed to provide 5' of permeable soil beyond the proposed leaching trench [Material: approx. 75' x 4'(est.) x 2' =22.0 cu.yd,(est.)]. 8. Replace all excavated Topsoil & Subsoil above proposed leaching trench. Rake&re-seed, if needed. gi/ccr 3 eg 3 f}PPRo,C. 4.c-4r' yid I5 8E/� Qoo D sL `�'/ w riNv'- t____----'----1S75--- 1 �► �I .. �s / o _ , i a.W ' 5"9.1 x ism-- p -(3oX Auf 6�E�� rirce s sa S > > / d Y , ‘r Ylitip _� [1 � --• --15 -, J �14 �.__ J °v °� - 1r7�" 7- , L l w pc ZS �� �� no e AREA TO BE v J � � tug: 1"= ySf Y� q I o_RC ' 3 '' ':JL Sl:-:aJ1e • _ fhAtiWt,0 f 4k ckiGt. Sri_ iii, /993 SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION (continued) roperty Address: III NIAF(i R IbGE Rd Owner: a/ERSO/n) Date or Inspection: SKETCH OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: include ties to at least two permanent references landmarks or benchmarks locate all wells within 100' (Locate where public water supply comes into house) MAPLE R RoA (revised 04125197) Page 9 of 10 HOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 750 NORTH PLEASANT STREET AMHERST, MA 01002 (413) 256 - 8008 No. 3217 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ^7� I BOARD /O,,FQ s�H�EA`LTH IabA�I OF fzerR JcC FEfl APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Pcrmit lo ConNrud t ) Repair f I Upgrade ! E Abandon ( ) - ]Complcic Svsmm ''Lilvidual Components 1�� �1 CE�YiAL /14�/I M�P kl ". Nmb (v (T/3)592 -643s �,�,�.,,,��. l u. y HO i I :.. r0 °11` 760 MOAN PLERUktiti*EET(REAR) ,�ddre AISHERST,MNFT0101/2 Tc kph Onc" li kph o"c. Type of Building: S , F. 1-4 . i Dwclliog—No.of Bedrooms f/ \i‘ Other—Type of Building Other fixtures No.of persons Lot Size 24C± $ry-f t. Garbage Grinder (y[}3 Showers ( I. Cafeteria ( 1 Design Flow (mi Plan: Die Title uircd) .5$7S gpd Calculated design flow 82� Bpd Design flow provided �3,gpd Number of sheets Revision Date f . Sr�1. SEE 1913 REPOkT t Yn tyt, o(- t1nScT14 RLtaaS Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Evaluation Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS L4PGa4 be S. A .5 C..Ir- -n- One i r _ tit) N . The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees not to place the system in o•-ration until a Certificate of Compliance has been ued by the Board of Health. 8 la I'S 'i Signed / /i(h Date Inspections FORM t - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5196 No a-\ Description of Work: SrS V-V:lU -� THE CO ONW ALTH OF MASSACH US ETT�`� FFR ��/( BOARD OF HEALTH "` z. / CERTIFI ATE OF COMPLIANCE -ll(d vidual Component(s) ❑Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System:Constructed( I.Repaired( )-Upgraded( Abandoned( ) by: 1J /14 -( has been installed in awordance with the provisions of 310 C R 1130 plans rela`tiin) ttooa plication No. -i..)--/7 dated W.4- / 2 Installer J Ad -u C- �. Designer: mita. / - - u . Inspector - i 7'Date ' �j-� The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 (Title 5) and the approved design tans/as-built Approved Design Flow c (gpd) No THE COMMONWE TH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE cl Zs4 OARD OF HEALTH DISPOSAL SYST M CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT Permission is hereby granted t Construct ( r Repair ( ) pgradc ( Abandon ( ) an individual sewage disposal system at �� �-jQ�f t as described C/ in the application for Disposal System onstruction Perkt No. 3e-— .dated r / J Provided: Con ruction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit. lo I conditio m fit. C -7 Date / Board of Health 6->;) FORM 2 - DSC DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 FORM 1255 'REV 5/96) CH&wj Hoses&WARRENDA PUBLISHERS- BOSTON