46 Conservation Commission Title 5 Failure Report 1997 S CROT,GC, oianers July 1, 1997 Conservation Commission City of Northampton City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Dear Members: Please find enclosed copies of an Abbreviated Notice of Intent for Scott Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton's property is located at 46 Maple Ridge Drive in Northampton. He currently has a failing septic system which is located partially within the 100 foot buffer zone of two wetland areas. The total affected area is approximately 600 square feet. Mr. Hamilton's leach fields were placed too high within the soil horizon profile which clogged the existing soil absorption system. We are proposing to replace the soil absorption system with a new one that would be directly connected with the lower soil horizon. The new system would be placed almost in the same location as the existing. The existing system currently lies within the lawn area of Mr. Hamilton's backyard. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Darrin M. Harris,PE Project Manager DMH/jwm File: SPT-200 Copy. Department of Environmental Protection Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Board of Health, City of Northampton Post Office Box 293 3 50 Depot Street . Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 • (413) 684-0925 10 FAX(413)684-0267 1099: continued Form 4 Commonwealth °MMassachusetts 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEP File Na Abbreviated Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act,G.L.c.131,§40 (To be provided by DEP) City/Town Northanmton Applicant Hamilton,Scott To be used only for projects of minimum impact as described in the General Instruction for Completing the Notice of Intent. 1. Location:Street Address 46 Maple Ridge Drive Lot Number Map 36/Lot 248 2. Project Type Construction Description Septic System Repair 3. Registry: County Hampshire Current Book 3565 &Page 137 Certificate(if Registered Land) 4. Applicant Scott Hamilton Tel. 413-586-1173 Address 46 Maple Ridge Drive 5. Property Owner Same Tel. Address 6. Representative Hill-Engineers,Architects,Planners.Inc. Tel. 413-684-0925 Address 50 Depot Street Dalton,MA 01226 7. a. Have the Conservation Commission and the Department's Regional Office each been sent by certified mail or hand deliver, 2 copies of completed Notice of Intent with supporting plans and documents? YES [X] NO [ ] b. Has the fee been submitted? YES[X] NO [ ] c. Total Filing Fee Submitted $55±$35 local d City/Town Share of Filing Fee $40+$35 State Share of Filing Fee $15 (Sera to City/Town) (Y of fee in excess of$25,scat to DEP) e. Is a brief statement attached indicating how the applicant calculated the fee? YES [X] NO [ ] 8. Have all obtainable permits,variances and approvals required by local by law been obtained or applied for? YES [X] NO [ ] Obtained Applied for. Not Applied For. Disposal Works Construction Permit 9. Is any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands Restriction Order pursuant to G.L.c. 131, §40A or G.L. c. 130,005? YES [ ] NO [ X] 4/1/94 310 CMR-399 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 10.99: continued 10 List all plans and supporting documents submitted with this Notice of Intent Identifying Number/Letter Title,Date SPT-200-1 Septic System Repair,June 30. 1997 11. For work proposed within the Buffer Zone (as defined in Part I, Sections 10.02(2) and 10.04 of the regulations)describe,with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: (a) The size shape,type and location of the proposed work. The proposed work involves the reconstruction of an existing soil absorption system partially within(2) 100 foot buffer zones. The total affected area is approximately 600 square feet. (b) Mitigating measures and designs to insure that the proposed work will not alter the resource area which said Buffer Zone borders; or if it will alter said resource area the mitigating measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standard established for that resource area in Part II or Part III of these regulations. Mitigating measures will be the installation of hay bales on the down slope end of any construction as shown on above plan Hay bales shall remain in place until area has stabilized 12. For work proposed within Land Subject to Flooding(as defined in Part III, Section 10.57(2)of these regulation)describe,with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: (a) The size, shape,type and location of the proposed work (b) Mitigating measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards set forth in Part III, Sections 10.57(4)and 10.60 of the regulations. 13. Is the project within estimated habitat which is indicated on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State-Listed Rare Wetlands Wildlife (if any) published by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program? YES[X] NO [ ] Date printed on the Estimated Habitat Map NO MAP AVAILABLE [ ] (if any) 1995-1996 4/1/94 310 CMR-400 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRO I ECTION ,10.99: continued If yes, have you sent a copy of the Notice of Intent to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program via the U.S. Postal Service by certified or priority mail (or otherwise sent in a manner that guarantees delivery within two days)no later than the date of the filing of this Notice of Intent with the conservation commission and the DEP regional office? YES[ X ] NO [ ] If yes, please attach evidence of timely mailing or other delivery to the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. I hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying plans, documents and supporting data are true and complete,to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant `A/...�...'h 14 - H:II Enwr iS Signature of Applicant's Representative 4/1/94 Date Date 310CMR-401 • ESTIMATED HABITATS OF RARE WETLANDS WILDLIFE 8 CERTIFIED VERNAL POOLS Predated by Naval Heritage & Endangered Specks P• ns vi , MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Note: Intended for use ONLY with the MA Wetlads P rotection Act <egol tioas 1310 CYR 10). R••: is Me•dow Res i In <nott lodes Yapf to lint. adjact t gut Si I EASTHAMPTON QUAD vee • • • HIM engineers architects planners fa 50 Depot Street Dalton, MA 01226 (413) 684-0925 No2THanvroN SCALE .5 con Heim 11.7-01'4 fEP7)C sy5rEr., REPAIR m.f55• REVISIONS BY DATE DALE -7 /1 /93 CKD. AP'VD. TITLE USGS QUAD NO.pr- zoo -A - NOTICE OF 1NTEPT FEE TRANSMITTAL FORT DEPARTMENT OF ENV:El:M NTAL PFCTECITON DIVISION OF WETLANDS AND WITERNAYS NOTIC OF INTENT (NOI) APPLICANT: Name /coT H/ rn,4-77"/V Street N6 MAPLE giwL6 DR- City/Town No2Jh/MP7 State Mei' Zip Code oioG° phone Nunez Li/5 - c86 - b9 -0 PROPERTY. OG3IE2: Name SAML Street City/Town State Zip Code Project Location: Street/Lot Number 4.5A^'7E City/Town t AM E DEP FILE Na BER (if available) NOI FILING FEE Total NOI Filing Fee: $ 56-. °<-7 State Share of Filing Fee: $ /ri . 00 (1/2 of fee in exci c of $25.00) City/Town Share of Filing Fee: $ 1710 . 00 DISPUI'' FEZ Total Disp.it Fee: $ (as determined in Notice of Insufficient Fee letter from ccn r.'ation cc +;scion) State Share of Fee: $ (1/2 of total disputed fee) City/Town Share of Fee: $_ (1/2 of total disputed fee) . INSTRUCTIONS 1. Semi this Fee Transmittal form with a check or money order, payable to the Ccmttunwealth of Massachusetts, to the DFP Lock Box at: Department of Environmental Protection Box 4062 Boston, MA. 02211 2. Attach a cccv of this form to the Notice of Intent submitted to the local Conservation =mission. ' 3. Attach a cow of this form and a cocv of the DEP check to each of the Notice of Intent forms submitted to the DEP regional office. 11/10/89 Wetlands Filing Fee Calculation Worksheet For Notices of Intent Filed under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act(G.L Ch.131, Sec.40)e SCATEGORY1 $55 Per Activity $ I a. Existing House/Residential Lot(addition,deck, garage,pool,shed or driveway) b. Site Preparation(each Single Family House(SFH) lot; removal of vegetation, excavation grading where house construction is not proposed under same NO0 C. Control of Nuisance Vegetation (removal,herbi- cides,etc.; per lot under 1053(4)) d. Resource.Arealmprovement(under 1053(4);other than removal of aquatic nuisance vegetation) e. Septic System(or any part thereof; construction, replacement,upgrade) L Monitoring Wells (installation activities except access mad) g. New Agricultural or Aquacultural Projects TOTAL CATEGORY I ACTIVITIES 5«i I CATEGORY 2 $250 Per Activity a. Construction of Each New SFH (including site preparation,retention/detention basins, utilities, septic systems, roadway/driveway except under 10.53(3e);under single NOT) b. Parking Lot(any size) c. Beach Nourishment(placement of sand) d. Coastal Activities(pursuantto10.24(7a-c)(includ- ing electric generating facilities, public utilities, limited projects e.g.:repair/maintenance of exist- ing piers,buildings,culverts) e. Limited Project Activities(in 1053(d and f-I);per footprint) Each Driveway Crossing (associated with a SFH pursuant to 10.53(3e)) g. Any Point Source Discharge h. Control of Nuisance Vegetation (under 1053(4). except on a SF11 Lot) i. Raising or Lowering Surface Water Levels C9r j. Any Other Activity not described in Cat1,3,4&5 TOTAL CATEGORY 2 ACTIVITIES CATEGORY 3 $525 Per Activity a Site Preparation for Development(except SFH ; including removal of vegetation,excavation&grad- ing when actual construction obt proposed under same NOI) b. Construction of Each Building within Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, or ApartmenUCondo/ Townhouse Development(including:siteprepare- tion, retention/detention basins, septic systems, parking lots,utilities pointsowce discharges,pack- age sewage treatment plants,roadwaysfdriveways. except under 10.5313e)if under single NOT) c Each Roadway/Driveway Crossing (if not reviewable under 1053(3e) or associated with SFH) d. Hazardous Waste Cleanup(except as in Cat 4) TOTAL CATEGORY 3 ACTIVITIES CATEGORY 4 $725 Per Activity a. Each Roadway/Driveway Crossing (under 10.53(3e)associated with commercial,industrial, institutional development or residential subdivi- sion construction) b. Flood Control Structures (construction, repair maintenance) c. Landfills (public &private); creation- mainte- nance,operation d. Sand and Gravel Operations (creation, mainte mince,operation) e. Railroad Lines(new or extensions of existing) f. Bridges(construction,reconstruction,expansion maintenance;except for a SFH Lot) g. Alteration of Resource Area to DivertWa ter(asso ciated with hazardous waste cleanup.non-exempt mosquito control projects,otherpurpose not iden- tified elsewhere in this schedule) h. Dredging Activities in Water Bodies(except asso- ciated with new deck,pier or other structure) i. Package Sewage Treatment Plant (construction' discharge from) TOTAL CATEGORY 4 ACTIVITIES CATEGORY 5 $2 per Linear Foot Minimum$50. Maximum$1,000. a. Dneks,Piers, Revetments, Dikes or Other Engi Deering Structures(construction,reconstruction, repair,or replacement;coastal or inland;including placement of rip-rap or other material) TOTAL CATEGORY 5 ACTIVITIES $ TOTAL PILING FEE (Sum of Totals in Categories 1-5) Person Calculating Fee Schedule 1pMaiEitu HARRIS Address I-) i I/ 40E7 ZS • rjo oeyn-r 5r. i DALTDN , M4 01124 Telephone -4-89-04t5 Signature 1/Zrs---." 14----- Date 4/1gi17 *Categories as in 310 CMR 10.03(7X c);Fees as in 801 CMR 9.02 Prepared by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions. Revised 12/193. Page 10 MACC Newsletter Late Fall 1993 C P 395 650 751 t_ ` Inrncml^nnjr:e D.\159T. -aco Reeeipt for CnrfifL d Mail vvv¢ No 51 inn ( 9_Fr 'rl J ( ! :1 X m X N t0 - 1=10V27 fa re l 2 Q F I Flo Itu trl trn tone)P� ll( re ievrtsr } y I r. i o2 o � 11r7 $ Qg' 1 i(1 B i n • 6 n 1' ]ss' o@ �2 I at .Heri[age&Endanger_Spec'es ) y a p g o o o r• „ a $3• p ,rary - ' =� �, ronm v, Ig SE m 100Cambr idge Street l i,t I I m g o I loiik I P/II 1dr g I b. = ^ r "- y1iF °,it os[on, MA 02202 _ - . z ono �• 7w Y v 1 oP R I Q I ni • No. rvl4va 1 - flrrl.al-H1av v rM11 1.13%—r Commonwealth of Massachusetts NORTHAMPTON , Massachusetts Fee Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ❑ or Repair an On-site Sewage Disposal System at: Location Address or Lot No. Owner's Name.Address and Tel.p 46 Maple Ridge Drive Scott Hamilton Northampton, MA 46 Maple Ridge Drive Map 36/Lot 248 Northampton, MA 413-586-1173 Installer's Name, Address.and Tel. > Designer's Name.Address and Tel# Hill—Engineers,Architects,Planners,Inc. 50 Depot Street Dalton, MA 01226 411-684-0925 Type of Buildine: Dwelling No. of Bedrooms 4 Garbage Grinder ❑ Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showers ❑ Cafeteria ❑ Other Fixtures Design Flow 444 gallons per day. Calculated daily flow 440 gallons. Plan Date 6/30/9 •umber of sheets I Revision Date - Title Septic System Repair Description of soil Loamy sand — sand Nature of Repairs or Alterations (Answer when applicable) Replace existing soil absorption system. Date last inspected: 6/97 Asreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage. disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in • operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. Signed • Date Application Approved by Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No. - Date Issued