Lot 17 Title 5 Applications/Permits 1986,1988,1990 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD QF HEA H or Certificate of Campliante THIS L.C.-/T/0 CERT�'Y ThaprJle Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed by � �Z C C f /7 <1.7 1( at has been installed in accordance wife the provisions of_TITLE 5 of The State Environmental Code s sed in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. C- 1 C dated /x/1 (= THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. �7 � DATE � —A S ../-/- /7/ Inspector !� G.-- m ( Street Repaired THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1� BOARD OF HEAL7H —2& C cb of No....G� �. r Uispanal rr•prks 4nnstrurtfnn 1rrmit Permission is hereby granted T /t /' /. '( to Construct ( o, Repair ( ) an Indivj'`�f Sewage Dis System at No `..6..-7 fl/7 i(../..::9/. ......: X.�q.G...i.(..1-'T.'L( as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No..ZS.,a,l ',Dated__L att Board. v B F - - ear g(Health DATE ` f� / / L FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC., PUBLISHERS CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE- Nd% FEB THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH City or Northampton Application for Binomial rr; larks Cnnnztnxrtiun rrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (x) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: Maple Ridge Road Lot # 17 John Puccitioo.nacre„ Owner Juggler Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedroom Other—Type of Building Other fixtures Design Flow 55 Septic Tank—Liquid cappeity 150C1ons Ilona 3 Disposal Trench—No. L Width or Lot No. Address 4 Expansion Attic ( No. of persons Address 70,044 Size Lot Sq. feet Garbage Grinder (E ) Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) per person,Be! r(5y. Total dailyrflow 660 F.ength 6 WidthZO., Diameter Total Length Total leaching area sq. ft. Total leaching area sq. ft. nt Sp�)lpns. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Other Distribution box ( 7f) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by armer Engineer Test Pit No. 1 4 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 9Z Test Pit No. 2 minutes tier inch Depth of Test Pit oi 'Log Description of Soil o - 8° topsoil g't - 2E" sandy subso 24" - !2't sandy till w/itnes Engineering Corp. Date 5/ 1/86 Depth to ground water 74" Depth to ground Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System ' rtVith the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code e undersigned further agree syn 4gto p ace the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance,has ed by the board of health. �� Signed �� 11n r� rj �l Application Approved By �_Y � ` i�l� ,��Gr-�-� / l�S�i�, Application Disapproved for the followang rP'ruonr Permit No. %U Issued Ir / / J`.50 ECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Fxx BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON. Application for Duipn!in1 i'1lnrli!i a11 notrnrilnll 11`I'11111 Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (x ) or Repair ( ) an Individual :x-wage Disposal System at: MAPLE RIDGE ROAD LOT jr`17 Lmation-A irrs Ins No. DOUG KOAL BAKER RD. r$HUTESBURY A44ll I,i tiI1., Typo of Building Size Lot 70, 044 Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms 4 Expansion Attic ( ) Carh.-agc Grinder ( x) Other—Type of Building No of persons Hbovers ( ) Caietcr is ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow 55 gallons per person iiiii day. Total clailx Il v. 440 niiillom,. S.ptic Tank— Liquid capact' 1500gallim I xingthla 6 VA'lltli5 8 Dialmt I) Itl 5 t in Disposal Trench No. 2 \\'ialh... 3 .. To1: I I cmgrli 102 Tidal Icaching i-, 510 ki ii Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth helo:v inlet Total leaching arm IL Other Distribution box (x ) Dosing �umk ( ) Percolation Test Result Performed by FARMER ENGINL'L'R1NG Test Pit No. I minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Test Pit No. 2 TEST s_pIT nch Depth of 'test I'it Description of Soil 0 -8" TOPSOIL MASS . 92 Depth to grow]:i water__74 Depth to gr CORP. Date 5/1/86 B-24" SANDY SUBSOIL 24-92' SANDY TILL W/FINES Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedcscrihed Ind • Dispos;t the provisions of Article NI of the State Saniniry Code-- fh: un.Iw pm.aiunlmr ;igreees operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued h.r the b,,u . :a( health. Application Approved By Signed Application Disapproved for the following reasmis' Permit No Issued mm CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PA oRD QF H ALTFjI Application for l ilpnn t orks Cn'nnstrnrtinn Permit Application is hereby made or Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: nstaller Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Other—Type of Building Other fixtures dd Address Size Lot Sq. feet Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow ��{{gallons per person per day. Total daily flow gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity fJ"'gallons Length Width Diameter Dee th Disposal Trench--No 5a.:____ Width 3 ' Total Length 102 t Total leaching area Sip sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Resultsy If Performed by w Date Test Pit No. I minutes per inch Depth of Test Pita Depth to ground water—IY.e Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water o —g• �fisol/ se. . s. Description of Soil & 3 r Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Dis�Q sal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Cod —The undersigned further 99rees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has bee j. �t the b d of �altx ed Application Approved By _ . . ,3f/3 Application Disapproved for the following ret.rons• Permit No Date Issued Date CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No ' • THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH City_ OF Northampton Appliratian far laispasttl rr1 arks Cnnunirurtinn fermi# Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: M3p-A.f: 11144 Rpad Lot 1117 Location-Address or Lot No. John Pucci. Owner Installer Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Other—Type of Building No Other fixtures 4 Address Address 70 ,044 Size Lot sq. feet Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (x ) of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow 55 Septic Tank—Liquid capacity Disposal Trench—No. 2 Seepage Pit No Other Distribution box ( x) Percolation Test Results Test Pit No. I 4 Test Pit No. 2 Description of Soil gallons per person per day. Total daft flow 660 li 5galops. IU ' 6 di)/ 150%allons Length Width t Diameter Dept Width 3 Total Length 120 Total leaching area 6 06 sq ft Total leaching area sq. ft. Diameter Depth below inlet Dosing tank ( ) Performed byP h a me Engineering Corp . Date 5/ 1 /86 92 ' Depth to ground water '74n- Depth to ground water minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Soil to 0 - 8" topsoil 8" - 24" sandy subsoil 24" - 92" sandy till to/fines Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Di po the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code—The undersigned further system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application Approved By _ Application Disapproved for the following reasons.. - - ith ace the Date Den Due Permit No. Issued Dae CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No• Fax THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH City OF Northampton Applirtttiun for 313iopuuttl i,fl arks Citonstrurtion 1 rrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (x) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: k4.plg...l{.Ld&q Road Location-Address John Pucci Owner Installer Lot # 17 or Lot No. Addres Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms 4 Expansion Attic Other—Type of Building No. of persons Other fixtures Design Flow 55 Septic Tank—Liquid capacity Disposal Trench—No. 2 Address 70 ,044 q Size Lot sq. feet Garbage Grinder (g ) Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) per person peril ay. TotalSdtily fiow 660 gallons Qa11?Ps. I 50%allons Length Width Diameter Depth 5 4 Width 3 ! Total Length 120' Total leaching area 606 sq ft Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box ( g) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed byPharmer Engineering Corp . Date 5/ 1 /86 Depth to ground water 74 6 Test Pit No. 1 4 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 92 Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground note. Soil Log 0 - 8" topsoil 8" - 24" sandy subsoil 24" - 92" sandy till w/ fines Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Di pos. ^ i ru -. 's '" with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code—The undersigned further . ace the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following reasons: Permit No. Issued nd CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No' —' THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Fax Pgiptiuition fur ilinpnnttl 3 irks @Tnnstrurtinn jrrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( 1) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: Location•Address or Lot No. Owner Installer Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Other—Type of Building Other fixtures Design Flow gallons Septic Tank—Liquid capacity ' gallons Disposal Trench—No. Width Seepage Pit No Diameter Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results ,, by Date Test Pit No. I Y minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit i Depth to ground water. Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of Soil Address Address Size Lot Sq. feet Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) per person per day. Total daily flow Length Width Diamete Total Length i Depth below inlet se t gallons. Depth Total leaching area sq. ft. Total leaching area sq. ft. j Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health; Application Approved By Signed Application Disapproved for the following rea'•ons• Date Permit No Date Date Issued Date by THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF . .. . .. . .. . . ... . . . . . Olrrtifirnte of Qtamplianrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired Installer at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No doted THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE Inspector No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACH USETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Disposal °rho cgnnstrurtinn Permit FEE Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No Dated Board of Health DATE I FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE 'NdaC .212 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH City OF Northampton .Appliration for Bispnsttl 331nr1us &instruction Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (/) or Repair System at: Mq,ple Ri4ge Road Lot 1117 Loc a1 m,.Address John Pucci 2 i/ Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Other—Type of Building Other fixtures Design Flow 5 5 Septic Tank—Liquid capacity Disposal Trench--No. 2 4 an Individual Sewage Disposal or Lot No. Address Address 70 ,044 Size Lot Sq. feet Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (g ) No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) gallons per person per day. Total daily flow 660 gallgps 150(%apons Length I U 6 Width 5 8 Diameter Depth 5 4 Width 3I Total Length I20 ' Total leaching area 606 sq. ft h' s . ft Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leac rng area q • Other Distribution box ( g) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed byPharmer Engineering Test Pit No. l 4 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 9 2 Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Soil Log Description of Soil 0 - 8" topsoil 8" - 24" sandy subsoil 24" - 92" sandy till w/ fines Corp . Dat Depth to ground water Depth to ground ware 5/ 1 /86 Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable /Y Agreement: ,/ The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Di poszf S`y'7 the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code ! e undersigned further system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance as b•- ed by the board of health. Signed �� yr/ Y ® ��'/! J Crr/ .' 50 k) Application Approved By _ �,5/ Application Disapproved for the following on 74" Permit No. cm). 5 - 9) Issued 1/4y/5o LaValley Construction Standard Tie Form s L L -D"'' i Ilia H I eic>. _l am --- - ----- ----------------------- 5'rignt Bldrs. -obi _ Client Lot g 17 'Maple Ridge Rd. Location p;edtall Septic and Dtilit i es Description of Installation-Ma ?grow Concrete Proauc is Make and Type of-VaWa 3d Health File Client ^ office COPY to LaV alley Constr. Date r.a' BY