595 Soil & Perc Tests -- --c-t.71-1.31.7=171.7r170,7131•71.-.. ALAN E.WEISS,M-S RS,LS P. Licenscd Silt Professional Revistered Sanitarian Hydrogcologisi -Weiland Consults Preddeni -Soil and Water Turin^ -21E Silt lmesdgaions 350 Old Enfield Rd. -Percolation Tests and Sdchcnown.MA 01007 Stptic Dcsigns (413)323-59575323-0916(FAX) -Tide 5 Wprctions acweiss@chanernd Soil Suitabili m-.,.-rrirrrun-rvxN Page 1 of 3 Date: 613/3,015 Comm�G Assessment mvea th of Massachusetts , Massachusetts or On-site Sewa'e D Performed By: \\rl. 1},12.`f �S ) Witnessed By: Eot..sm�t.4l. osal Date: (,/37)D15 �."�.. gigs da cien vrfLa) aGlik ,Ntr7hamr4o,u) .nA few construction ❑ Repair I]9 rd_, Mee Review Published Soil Survey Avaiiab'.e: No E 7 Publication Scare (fTS Drainage Gass 60e-II ,�)roA.l� Drainage Sos C.._.._:ions .,J Sur`cal Geolo5;c ecor Ava'.as'e: No i ;J' fey 1 Yce acbisc_ - - PCb]-„a3O�: Scale Geologic Mce-.c (Map UnE ) V'I(4ual I1 tl .. ... t7ruolIP..._. . Hood Insurance Rate Map: .. Above 500 yes flood boundary No Dyes Within 500 year flood boundary No ,U.J��-Yes Within 100 yes flood bounday No Yes D Wetland Area: AM National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Neural �NQrmal ❑Beh^, Normal E Other References Reviewed_ delen SJc mans 5GS lfayyde-ntril/ /oad> porfh et/MP di4h,1 nA dd7, 7S-58 SOii i!a_ ... SU r-()UI't.l DEP APPROVED FO KV 1 e?, Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used• ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches ❑r /p , epth weeping from side of observation hole _. inches LJ Depth to soil mottles _ inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Adjustment factor ._ Reading Date _ Index well level Adjusted ground water level __________ Site Suitability Assessment: Site Passed E Site Failed ❑ Additional Testing Needed: Performed By 4(&t WafS sr, ifs Witnessed By: a M`!h.! .°)Fir ..... ...—•••— Certification Number- Comments: Percolation Test Time: ..3_.__._..._-- Observation Hole # 3 Depth of Perc • yZ"' Start Pre-soak 3i 0 f�f End Pre-soak ti i j 3 Time at 12" vi j; Time at 9" 4: z3 Time at6" cI ,CIO Time i9"-6") I/ M� (I Rate Min./Inch / M CO u. Site Suitability Assessment: Site Passed E Site Failed ❑ Additional Testing Needed: Performed By 4(&t WafS sr, ifs Witnessed By: a M`!h.! .°)Fir ..... ...—•••— Certification Number- Comments: On-site Renew �� �d� Deep Hole Number 2 c Date:.GL34S... lime. Li:.o Weather • -S.1`) Location (identify on site plan) Land Use Vegetation _..._..,.._ Landform INCZOR Slope 1%) 2-3 Surface Stones Position on landscape )sketch on the back) _..__._ Distances from: Open Water Body 1.00 feet Drainageway .. feet Possible Wet Area 206(4- feet Property Line ...57:!.(4. feet Drinking Water Well fb0k_. feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munson) Seil Mottling Other (Soutane,Stones.Boulders. Consistency. h Greaaf lik 0 --It t2-28(1 pg ` —g° ` A 6 C' -A-Ac, -FSL si-/b t°1 11 1014110 2 s 1(3 .Xc Z.S4)I 7.i*I*C c n b � S ook_ -Lir c. s-ml9 to7oSke o -(o y fo -ze zY';s�I. 6 G L sz-AS Parent Material (geo odic) 41.C!_ ._.._.._........._...._....._..__.__.................. Depth to Bedrock: �;?----- Depth to Groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole: _._pa f Weeping from Pit Pace. "°r r Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: ._ 6..__. Location Address or Lot No 51'5 4 igt-ut 2 %?6 Determination Method Used: II or Seasonal Hi.1z. Plater Table Depth observed standing in observation hole._...... . inches Depth weeping from side of observation hole.._ . inches FDepth to soil motfies 5GF. inches Ground water adjustment .______... feet - 11 Index Well Number .___.._ Readcig Date index well ley& Adjustment factor __ ._. Adjusted ground water level Depth of Iv-torah? Occurring Pervious Material Does ot. last four feet of nat+sat?y ocoutrinr pervious metered exist in =! areas observed throughout the area proposed i cr the co:: absorption system? 1f not, what is the - �. `- C+epth of rl ture:iv occurring pervious m�erial? • Ge i t Lation, ? certify that on -6--- (date) ' have passed the soil evaluator examf-natiod approved by the Department of Env1 ormental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required trainin e erttise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017 g' �'' Signature )t'APPROVED FORM.12107195 Date eie/St C�