502 Soil Assessment & Cert of Compliance d _
' 1. Septic tank is equipped with an outlet filter. This is a
a ''maintenance item. Filter must be cleaned whenever septic tank Deck
is pumped, or every 3 years, whichever is sooner. Failure to —i ,
maintain filter may lead to system failure.
• 2. Recommend pumping septic tank on a 3 to 5 year schedule, Proposed 3'
a depending on house occupancy. Bedroom
i 3. A copy of this document attached in the basement/utility Addition
, area will keep this information available in future years for
'', maintenance.
., i 4..4 '
,y - Infiltration Chamber Leachfir u Use minimum 5 sand
1 I for all fill requirements
ows of nits under units,minimum of 6" Add deanouts at Y Bee oelel_�- -
I \ between rows of units,and within 5 feet 7k/r surrounding units. Note.No overdid required.
ix .r - NORTH
driveway o
m r , ° o.Pr ! I m
It Ui1 �1h -�
pp,011-411/401-0111 111f 1 lyllllrfit'll �,
� II 11111111111j11i11 11�r TBM nail near base B -`
111 11., f32 dia.maple.
lospe 1mn Pon: �Betail_ 1fp11 D BIaV n n:aoo_oV Porch
New 1(gallon Tale I \‘. p
septic tank MIS outlet filter. \ £
As-Built "A" ' I w
I \7
"C" 60 1/2 ft. 56 1/2 ft. \�
PL. -_-Boundary length:approx. 1,ea ft:-1 - _ F _
"D" 78 1/2 ft. 50 1/2 ft. i Land Area 375 ac.
"E" 98 ft. i
"F" 31 ft.
Date: Owner: P
As-Built Drawing 10/5/09 HOMESTEAD INC.
Existing Septic stem Peter Flinker
g P Y moss Thomas S. Leue R.S.
502 Haydenville Roa a �E11er
Scale: 1 : 20' Revision Date: / i 7 ) ,
Leeds, MA 01053 William Cape Mn ntoev
Except as Noted 8/24/12 \hxEn s�fi� gala]rzs_as:sa
No. Fee
Calvt34014WEALglif or •ssau;•CussTIr's
Board of Health, Northampton, MA
Description of Work: ( X ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components
The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: upgrade
Dave Loven Construction
502 Havdenville Road. Northampton
Homestead Inc. Project#: 519
has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved
design plans/as built plans relating to application No. dated 10/6/09 . Approved
Design Flow 660 (gpd).
Date of sub-grade inspection: 8/22/12
Local Approving Authority
Northampton Board of Health
This certification represents no warranty, expressed or implied as to the functioning or
longevity of the onsite subsurface disposal system. Rather, the plan and installation are in
compliance with all applicable rules and regulations in effect at the time of plan submittal.
cc: Peter Flinker, 502 Haydenville Rd., Leeds, MA 01053
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
=_e City/Town of Northampton
G =,='r4; (�? Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal
"Jr Site Address: 502 Havdenville Road, Northampton 01053
IC. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserved disposal area)
1 Deep Observation Hole Number 1 9/11/09 9:00 AM Clear
Perc date Time Weather
2 Land Use: lawn
(e.g. woodland, agricultural field, vacant lot, etc.) Surface Stones or
Vegetation grass Landform .me terrace
Longitude: Position on landscape (attach sk-
3 Distances from: Open Water Body 130 Drainage Way >150 Possible Wet Area 130
Property Line 44 Drinking Water Well >,M) Other:
feet feet feet
4 Parent Material: alluvial Unsuitable Materials Present: ag
If Yes: Disturbed Soil Fill Material Impervious Layer(s) Weathered/Fractured Roc) Bedrock
5 Groundwater Observed: No
If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 4 inches Depth Standing Water in Hole 4 inches
Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 25 inches
Depth I Soil Soil Matrix Redoximorphic Features (Soil Texture Coarse Fragments' Soil 1 Soil Other
(In.) Horizon Color-Moist (mottles) _ (USDA) Cobbles Structure' Consistency
Layer (Munsell) H Gravel & Stones
_ _ (Moist)
(Munsell Depth Color Percent
0 13 I Ap 10YR 2/3 ! _ none
_i loamy sand friable
13 - 34 'I_ B W I7.5YR 5/4 I i fine sand 40% I _ blocky
34 64 C 1 10YR 6/6 i sand 20% y I friable
_ _ blocky - - roots to 74"; large I
i Y
64 102 I 76 10YR 6/4 I >5 loamy sand 2% I blocky friable bands, layered
C 2 10YR 6/6
1 1
DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal• Page 2 of 5
' - a. Commonwealth of Massachusetts
City/Town of Northampton
I"--'_ Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal
eLm/v Site Address: 502 Haydenville Road, Northampton 01053
DEP has provided this form for use by on-site professionals and local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must
be substantially the same as provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use.
A. Facility Information
1. Facility Information
Peter Flinker
Owner Name
502 Haydenville Road
Street Address Map/Lot
Northampton MA 01053
B. Site Information
1. (Check one) New Construction . Upgrade 9 Repair 9
2. Published Soil Survey available? X Yes _ No If yes: 1980 15840 9
Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit
HgA Hinckley, Loamy sand Severe limitations: poor filter
Sail Name Soil limitations
3. Superficial Geological Report available? X Yes _ No If yes: _,..1967 190080_
Year Published Publication Scale Map Unit
(glacial kame terrace_
Geologic Material Landfonn
4. Flood Rate Insurance Map:
Above the 500 year flood boundary? X Yes _ No Within the 100 year flood boundary? _ Yes X No
Wthin the 500 year flood boundary? _ Yes X No Within a Velocity Zone? _ Yes X No
5. Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map
Map Unit Name
Wetlands Conservancy Program Map
Map Unit Name
6. Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) Range: Above Normal Normal X Below Normal
7. Other references reviewed'.
DEP Form 11 Sail Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 1 of 5
S., \_
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
City/Town of Northampton
Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal
/e Si P te Address: 502 Haydenville Road, Northampton 01053
C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserved disposal area)
1 Deep Observation Hole Number 3 9/11/09 9:00 M Clear
Perc date Time Weather
2 Land Use: lawn th 8%
(e.g. woodland, agricultural field, vacant lot, etc.) Surface Stones Slope (%)
Vegetation grass Landform,me terrace
Longitude: Position on landscape (attach sketch)
3 Distances from: Open Water Body 130 Drainage Way >150 Possible Wet Area 130
Property Line 40 Drinking Water Well >150 Other:
feet feet feet
4 Parent Material: alluvial Unsuitable Materials Present: up
If Yes: Disturbed Soil Fill Material Impervious Layer(s) Weathered/Fractured Rock Bedrock
5 Groundwater Observed: No
If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 0 inches Depth Standing Water in Hole 0 inches
Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: ¢¢ inches
Matrix p Texture, a Soil Other
/ Layer (Ma- i Redo (mottles) (USDA) li Cobbles I Structure Consistency
ximor h¢ Features Soil Texture Coarse Fra ment Soil
Depth Soil Soil Matrix Depth I Color Percent Gravel & Stones )
--_ loam sand
• 0 12 A lOYR 2/3
P - - Y I ! none
12 - 30 I Bw 7.5YR5/4
- fine sand 40% I blocky friable
30 - 92 C i I 1 OYR 6/6 1 sand 20% blocky friable blocky friable
192 - 110! C2 10YR 6/6 86 10YR 6/4 >5 loamy sand I 2% roots to 72"; large
_ y bands, layered
DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal• Page 4 of 5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
City/Town of Northampton
r)- -,, Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal
Site Address: 502 Haydenville Road, Northampton 01053
I C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserved disposal area)
1 Deep Observation Hole Number 9/11/09 9:00 AM Clear
Pero date Time Weather
2 Land Use: lawn No 8% �
(e.g. woodland, agricultural field, vacant lot, etc.) Surface Stones Slope (%) I
Vegetation grass Landform me terrace
Longitude: Position on landscape (attach sketch) I
3 Distances from: Open Water Body 130 Drainage Way >150 Possible Wet Area 130
Property Line 44 Drinking Water Well >150 Other:
feet feet feet
4 Parent Material: alluvial Unsuitable Materials Present: NO
If Yes: Disturbed Soil Fill Material Impervious Layer(s) Weathered/Fractured Rod Bedrock
• 5 Groundwater Observed: No
j If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit g inches Depth Standing Water in Hole 4 inches
I Estimated Depth
IHOril Color-Moist Matrix High Redoximorphilc Features I Soil Text reH_ Coarse FCObblents Soil Soil Other
Depth Soil Soil Matrix Redoximorphic Fea
Structure, Consistency
/ Layer (Munsell) Depth Color il Percent Gravel & Stones (Moist)
0 12 _Ap 10YR 2/3_ _. loamy sand T _ none I
12 - 30 Bw I7 5YR 5/4 fine sand 1 40% blocky friable
30 - 86 C 1 10YR 6/6 sand 20% blocky_ friable
roots to 70"; large
84 10YR 6/4 >5 loamy sand 2% ! blocky friable bands, layered
86 - 1121 CZ ' 10YR 6/6 I. _ _ . ._
DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal• Page 3 of 5
Location Address or Lot No. 502 Haydenville Road Northampton
Homestead Inc. #: 519
Northampton, Massachusetts
Percolation Test*
Date: 9/11/09
' Observation Hole it 1
Depth of Perc: (in)
,Start Pre-soak:
End Pre-soak:
Time at 12":
Time at 9":
Time at 6":
Time (9" 6"):
Rate - Min./Inch:
Time: 9:45 AM
2 3 4
9:45 AM''. '
Added 24 gallon of water and could not maintain 12"
water column for required 15 minutes soak time.
Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND
reserve area.
Site Passes /Site Fails: Passes
Performed By: Thomas S. Leue Homestead Inc.
Witnessed By: Aimee Petroskv, Northampton
Commonwealth Cityown of Northampton of yi
Form/T 11 - Soil Sul itability Massachusetts Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal
Site Address: 502 Bavdenville Road, Northampton 01053
D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation
1. Method used: _ Depth observed standing water in observation hole A. inches B. inches
Depth weeping from side of observation hole A. inches B. inches
X Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A. _76 riche B. _84 inches
Groundwater adjustment (USGS methodology) A. inches B. inches
2. Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level
Adjustment Factor Adjusted Groundwater Level
E. Depth of Pervious Material
1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material
a. Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil
absorption system? Yes
b. If yes, at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary: _12 Min. inches Lower boundary: 112 Max. inches
F. Certification
I certify that I am currently approved by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15.017 to conduct soil evaluations and that the above
analysis has been performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. I further certify that the results of
my soil evaluation, as indicated in the attached Soil Evaluation Form, are accurate and in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.107.
j �� < 1_.o-c—�—_ 9/ 11/09_
Sign iori<uI Jull cueivaLui Date
Thomas S. Leue SE 1368 June 1995
Typed or Printed Name of Soil Evaluator/License Numbe Date of Soil Evaluator Exam
Aimee Petroskv Town of Northampton
Name of Board of Health Witness Board of Health
Note: In accordance with 310 CMR 15.018(2) this form must be submitted to the approving authority within 60 days of the date of field testing, and to the designer and the
property owner with Percolation Test Form 12.
DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal• Page 5 of 5