319 Septic Inspection Form 2008 y(9,12/e.ttoA 47::t tlf vcir Owner information is required for every page. Important When filling out forms on the computer,use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not use the returr key Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Properly Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds City/Town Ma 01053 10/10/08 State Zip Code Date of Inspection Inspection results must be submitted on this form. Inspection forms may not be altered in any way. A. General Information 1 Inspector Tom Martin Name of Inspector Turkey Hill Field Services Company Name 140 Easthampton Rd. Company Address Westhampton City/Town 413-527-5311 Telephone Number Ma State S14199 License Number 01027 Zip Code B. Certification I certify that I have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at this address and that the information reported below is true, accurate and complete as of the time of the inspection. The inspection was performed based on my training and experience in the proper function and maintenance of on site sewage disposal systems. I am a DEP approved system inspector pursuant to Section 15.340 of Title 5(310 CMR 15.000).The system: ® Passes ❑ Conditionally Passes ❑ Fails ❑ Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Approving Authority I ,IN• 10//0/05 Ins"'s Signature Date The system inspector shall submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority(Board of Health or DEP)within 30 days of completing this inspection. If the system is a shared system or has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater, the inspector and the system owner shall submit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP.The original should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer, if applicable, and die approving authority. ****This report only describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions of use at that time.This inspection does not address how the system will perform in the future under the same or different conditions of use. Cony of 15nsn de'.03/08 Pile 5 Official IntPocton con:Sub wrtx Sewage DityamI System.Page l of 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (coot.) Inspection Summary: Check A,B,C,D or E/always complete all of Section D A) System Passes: ® I have not found any information which indicates that any of the failure criteria described in 310 CMR 15.303 or in 310 CMR 15.304 exist.Any failure criteria not evaluated are indicated below. Comments: B) System Conditionally Passes: ❑ One or more system components as described in the"Conditional Pass°section need to be replaced or repaired. The system, upon completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by the Board of Health, will pass. Answer yes, no or not determined (Y, N, ND) in the ❑for the following statements. If not determined," please explain. ❑ The septic tank is metal and over 20 years old'or the septic tank(whether metal or not) is structurally unsound, exhibits substantial infiltration or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System will pass inspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. •A metal septic tank will pass inspection if it is structurally sound, not leaking and if a Certificate of Compliance indicating that the tank is less than 20 years old is available. ND Explain: ❑ Observation of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the distribution box due to broken or obstructed pipe(s)or due to a broken, settled or uneven distribution box. System will pass inspection if(with approval of Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s)are replaced ❑ obstruction is removed Copy a w cep do<•aan`b Tale 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Pape2 of 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greq Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) B) System Conditionally Passes(cont.): ❑ distribution box is leveled or replaced ND Explain: Copy of fsnsp.aoe.03/08 ❑ The system required pumping more than 4 times a year due to broken or obstructed pipe(s). The system will pass inspection if(with approval of the Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s)are replaced ❑ obstruction is removed ND Explain: C) Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health: ❑ Conditions exist which require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order to determine if the system is failing to protect public health, safety or the environment. 1. System will pass unless Board of Health determines in accordance with 310 CMR 15.303(1)(b)that the system is not functioning in a manner which will protect public health, safety and the environment ❑ Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a surface water ❑ Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh 2. System will fall unless the Board of Health(and Public Water Supplier, if any) determines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the public health, safety and environment: ❑ The system has a septic tank and soil absorption system (SAS)and the SAS is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. rtes Official Inspection Farm.Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 3 of 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 Ckyftown State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) C) Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health (cont.): ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or more from a private water supply well". Method used to determine distance: "This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory, for coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered A copy of the analysis must be attached to this form. 3. Other: D) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: You must indicate"Yes" or"No"to each of the following for all Inspections: Yes No O ® Backup of sewage into facility or system component due to overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool O ® Discharge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool O ® Static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool O ® Liquid depth in cesspool is less than 6" below invert or available volume is less than %day flow ❑ ® Required pumping more than 4 times in the last year NOT due to clogged or obstructed pipe(s). Number of times pumped: ❑ ® Any portion of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. 0 ® Any portion of cesspool or privy is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. roe 5 Offid Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Deposal Systen•Page 4 N 15 Copy dtsnspm°.awe Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 Cdy/rown State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) D) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems (cunt.): Yes No ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone 1 of a public well. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. ❑ 0 Any portion of a cesspool or privy is less than 100 feet but greater than 50 feet from a private water supply well with no acceptable water quality analysis. [This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory,for fecal coliform bacteria Indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered. A copy of the analysis and chain of custody must be attached to this form.] The system is a cesspool serving a facility with a design flow of 2000gpd- 10,000gpd. The system fails. I have determined that one or more of the above failure criteria exist as described in 310 CMR 15.303, therefore the system tails.The system owner should contact the Board of Health to determine what will be necessary to correct the failure. E) Large Systems: To be considered a large system the system must serve a facility with a design flow of 10,000 gpd to 15,000 gpd. For large systems, you must indicate either"yes° or"no°to each of the following, in addition to the questions in Section D. Yes No ❑ ❑ the system is within 400 feet of a surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is within 200 feet of a tributary to a surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is located in a nitrogen sensitive area(Interim Wellhead Protection Area—IWPA)or a mapped Zone II of a public water supply well If you have answered"yes"to any question in Section E the system is considered a significant threat, or answered"yes° in Section D above the large system has failed. The owner or operator of any large system considered a significant threat under Section E or failed under Section D shall upgrade the system in accordance with 310 CMR 15.304.The system owner should contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. Copy Gnsp Ooc.0399 Tie 5 Official Inspection Form.Subsurface SLAWS Disposal SYiW^•Page 5 of 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Checklist Check if the following have been done. You must indicate"yes" or"no°as to each of the following: Yes No Copy of I nsp.d%•03/06 ® ❑ Pumping information was provided by the owner, occupant, or Board of Health ❑ ® Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? ® ❑ Has the system received normal flows in the previous two week period? Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of ❑ ® this inspection? ® ❑ Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined?(If they were not available note as N/A) ® ❑ Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? ® ❑ Was the site inspected for signs of break out? ® ❑ Were all system components, excluding the SAS, located on site? ® ❑ Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior of the tank inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees, material of construction, dimensions, depth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scum? ❑ ® Was the facility owner(and occupants if different from owner) provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? The size and location of the Soil Absorption System (SAS)on the site has been determined based on: ® ❑ Existing information. For example,a plan at the Board of Health. ❑ ❑ Determined in the field(if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance is unacceptable) [310 CMR 15.302(5)] Title 5()Magi Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 6 of el IS Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma _ 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspedion D. System Information Residential Flow Conditions: Number of bedrooms (design): 3 Number of bedrooms(actual). 3 DESIGN flow based on 310 CMR 15.203(for example: 110 gpd x#of bedrooms): Number of current residents: Does residence have a garbage grinder? ❑ Yes Z No Is laundry on a separate sewage system? [if yes separate inspection required] ❑ Yes ® No Laundry system inspected? ® Yes ❑ No Seasonal use? ❑ Yes ® No Water meter readings, if available(last 2 years usage(gpd)): Sump pump? ❑ Yes ® No currently Last date of occupancy: Date Commercialilndustrial Flow Conditions: Type of Establishment: Design flow(based on 310 CMR 15.203): Gallons per clay(gpd) Basis of design flow(seats/persons/sq.ft., etc.): Grease trap present? ❑ Yes ❑ No Industrial waste holding tank present? ❑ Yes ❑ No Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system? ❑ Yes ❑ No 330 1 Water meter readings, if available: Last date of occupancy/use' Other(describe): cncy of ISn p.ECC•0.1W Date Title 5 OIAtlaI Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systen.Page 7 or 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owner's Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cons.) General Information Pumping Records: Source of information: Was system pumped as part of the inspection? If yes, volume pumped: How was quantity pumped determined? Reason for pumping: Type of System: ❑ Septic tank, distribution box, soil absorption system ❑ Yes Z No gallons ❑ Single cesspool ❑ Overflow cesspool ❑ Privy ❑ Shared system (yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspection records, if any) ❑ Innovative/Alternative technology.Attach a copy of the current operation and maintenance contract(to be obtained from system owner)and a copy of latest inspection of the I/A system by system operator under contract ❑ Tight tank.Attach a copy of the DEP approval. Other(describe): Tank with Leaching Galleys Approximate age of all components, date installed (if known)and source of information: Certificate of Compliance issued 8/2/06 Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site? ❑ Yes Z No • Copy at ISnpdC•OMB ide 5 Official Ingeclwn Fun Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Pape 8 ot 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds City/Town Ma 01053 10/10/08 State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (Cont.) Building Sewer(locate on site plan): Depth below grade: Material of construction: ❑ cast iron Z 40 PVC ❑ other(explain): 11 feet 20 Distance from private water supply well or suction line: feet Comments(on condition of joints, venting, evidence of leakage, etc.): joints and venting fine, no evidence of leakage Septic Tank(locate on site plan). Depth below grade: Material of construction: Z concrete .75 feet ❑ metal ❑fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain) If tank is metal, list age: years Is age confirmed by a Certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy of certificate) ❑ Yes ❑ No Dimensions: Sludge depth: Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Scum thickness Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle How were dimensions determined? Copy of tSnsp.6x 03S8 Title 5 Orfitlel Inspectton Fans Subsurface Sewage Oigos System*Page of 15 10' x 61 5' 1 inch 30 inches 1 inch 7 inches 12 measured Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/rown State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Comments(on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): integrity fine, liquid levels appropriate, no evidence of leakage Copy of tSinsp mc•Owe Grease Trap(locate on site plan): Depth below grade: feet Material of construction: ❑concrete ❑ metal ❑fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain): Dimensions: Scum thickness Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Date of last pumping: Date Comments(on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert,evidence of leakage, etc.): Tight or Holding Tank(tank must be pumped at time of inspection) (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: Material of construction: [' concrete ❑ metal ❑fiberglass ❑polyethylene ❑other(explain): Tile 5 Waal In5pedion Fain SNURxe Sgwa a DI sal System'Pap 10 al 15 Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owner's Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Tight or Holding Tank(cont.) Dimensions: Capacity: gallons Design Flow: gallons per day Alarm present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Alarm level: Alarm in working order ❑ Yes ❑ No Date of last pumping: Date Comments(condition of alarm and float switches, etc.): Attach copy of current pumping contract(required). Is copy attached? Distribution Box(if present must be opened) (locate on site plan): ❑ Yes ❑ No Depth of liquid level above outlet invert Comments(note if box is level and distribution to outlets equal, any evidence of solids carryover, any evidence of leakage into or out of box, etc.): Pump Chamber(locate on site plan): Pumps in working order Alarms in working order: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Copy of ten p dc.03106 rkes Official hxptia,Fmn:Subsurface SeaagepiWX<l sHa^•Pip 11 of 15 Owner information is required for every page Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cons.) Copy Cl tansp.me.0108 Comments(note condition of pump chamber, condition of pumps and appurtenances, etc.): Soil Absorption System(SAS) (locate on site plan, excavation not required): If SAS not located, explain why: Type: ❑ leaching pits number ❑ leaching chambers number: ❑ leaching galleries number: ❑ leaching trenches number, length: ❑ leaching fields number, dimensions: ❑ overflow cesspool number ❑ innovative/alternative system Type/name of technology. 5 Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, damp soil, condition of vegetation, etc.): no signs of hydraulic failure, observation port of galley opened and stone dry rue s Official hapedinn Porta SWwlace Sewage Disposal System•Page 12 of 15 Owner information s required for every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd. Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 D. System Information (cont.) Cesspools(cesspool must be pumped as part of inspection) (locate on site plan): Number and configuration Depth—top of liquid to inlet invert Depth of solids layer Depth of scum layer Dimensions of cesspool - Materials of construction Indication of groundwater inflow ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): Privy(locate on site plan): Materials of construction: Dimensions Depth of solids Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): Copy of LtinsploG.03Ne Title 5 Official Impen4on Form''Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Page 13 d IS Owner information is required for every page. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds cay/lown Ma 01053 10/10/08 State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a sketch of the sewage disposal system including ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benchmarks. Locate all wells within 100 feet. Locate where public water supply enters the building. ✓ 1.1, 614, its 67/ »14.4 1 iw :1 Frcn l7'4/t Copy of Snsp.aoc•C3Fe MS 5 Mod Wpticn iwm:SDsNam SewO nl •Page 14 al is Owner information is required for every page. City/Town Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 319 Haydenville Rd Leeds Property Address Greg Jaff,ams Owners Name Leeds Ma 01053 10/10/08 State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Site Exam: ❑ Check Slope ❑ Surface water ❑ Check cellar ❑ Shallow wells Estimated depth to high ground water: Copy of l5np.doc.0.3/0e 60 inches below grade feet Please indicate all methods used to determine the high ground water elevation: ❑ Obtained from system design plans on record If checked, date of design plan reviewed: reviewed 1018/08 Date ❑ Observed site(abutting property/observation hole within 150 feet of SAS) ❑ Checked with local Board of Health-explain: ❑ Checked with local excavators, installers-(attach documentation) ❑ Accessed USGS database-explain: You must describe how you established the high ground water elevation: Perc test data on system plans obtained at the Northampton Board of Health indicate perc test conducted on 8/2/06 by Mike Lavigne and witnessed by Ernest Mathieu. Title 501etlel hegWOn Form Subsurface Swage D'appeal System Cope 15 of 15 HAYDENVILLE ROAD - NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS Plan view Scale: 1" = 20 Pumping manhole ('0') Existing / Existing 3 bedroom garage /— house / 0 o / // / / of / Existing 4' pvc solid pipe Existing septic tank Inspection port (D) ( 1 / galley ) 8ft Of 8 Inspection port - center of last galley As—built dimensions A to C = 15' — 0 B to C = 27' — 0" A to D = 32' — 9" B to D = 35' — 8" Date: August 29, 2006 As—built plan 319 Haydenville Road ( Rt. 9 Northampton, MA. For Paul Mardus 319 Haydenville Rood Northampton, Ma. Contractor: JC & Co. Northampton, MA. Tel: (413) 527 — 5232 08/03/06 12:57:42 PM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS EFFECTIVE DATE OF VALUE: JANUARY 1, 1998 PARCEL ID: 06 -038-001 319 HAYDENVILLE RD PLOT: LIVING UNITS: 1 CLASS: R - 101 CARD #: 1 OF 1 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS ZONING: SR NEIGHBORHOOD ID: 4.00 FINAL VALUE FLAG: MARKET MARDAS PAUL A & LAND DATA CHRISTINE S PARMENTIER - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 5-7 EAST ST TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND VALUE PRIME SITE 11250 79,280 PRIOR COST CURRENT NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 LAND 79,300 79,300 79 300 BLDG 70,200 66,900 98,600 TOTAL 149,500 146,200 177,300 DEED BOOK: 7997 DEED PAGE: 351 SALES INFORMATION DEED DATE: 2004092441019 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.258 TOTAL LAND VALUE: 79,300 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY 19900201 LAND + BLD 85,000 0 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20041019 ADDITION DATA X DATE: Lower Level First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Area DATA COLLECTION INFORMATION OFP 20 ENTRANCE CODE: UNOCCUPIED EFP 156 INFORMATION SOURCE: DATA COLLECTOR: AD DATE: 19991102 DWELLING INFORMATION STYLE: RANCH YEAR BUILT: 1952 STORY HEIGHT: 1.00 ATTIC: NONE Basement: FULL TOTAL ROOMS: 5 TOTAL BEDROOMS: 3 FULL BATHS: 1 ADDITIONAL DWELLING INFORMATION Half Baths: 13 BASEMENT GARAGE(#CARS) 1 ADDITIONAL FIXTURES: EXTERIOR WALLS: FRAME BRICK TRIM: X UNFINISHED AREA: STONE TRIM: X GROUND FLOOR AREA: 1110 REMODELING DATA 12 c21 FINISHED BASEMENT LIVING AREA: X BASEMENT RECREATION AREA: X YEAR REMODELED: MASONARY FIREPLACE STACKS/OPENINGS: 1 / 1 METAL FIREPLACES: KITCHEN REMOD(Y/N)) vg is HEAT/CENTRAL A/C: BASIC BATH REMODEL (YIN) HEATING SYSTEM: WARM AIR FUEL TYPE: OIL QUALITY F INEIXRN SAEAGE COND/DESIRABILITY/UTILITY FR INTERIOR/EXTERIOR AVERAGE OUTBUILDINGS & YARD ITEMS PERMIT DATA TYPE QTY YR SIZE1 SIZES GRD COND DATE PURPOSE PRICE 25 29 NOTES: BEIGE COLOR 27 5 4 O.e 15