271 (Girl Scouts) Emails AUG-4-2009 83:28P FROM:MARY G. KLRES ESQ. 4132538744
409 Main Street Suite 116 Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 256-3300 office (413) 297-5048 cell
(413) 253-0744 fax mgklaes@comcast.net
Mh . MK
TM' Yawn 'Board at f!ica.LHti
Mary G. Klaes, Esq.
Attorney & Mediator
From: Mary O.lames,Esq.
Fans 58i— foaI
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• Comments:
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This fax contains confidential information and is only intended for the person/agency staff fisted above.
If you receive this fax in error,please contact this cffice to M us know&this error. Then,please
destroy this information.Thank you.
4 Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts of Western Massachusetts.Inc.
241 Haydenvllle Rd
PO.Box 558
Leeds,MA 01053-0558
1 413 584 2602 or 800 462 9100(in MA)
Peter Mc:rlain
Northampton Board of l teal( -
210 Main Street
Northampton, NJA 01060
lune 2. 200
hJl. McErlalil_
Th^ flirt Scouts of Western Nl assachusctts purchased property at 271 Havdenville Road,
I , MA in lune 2001 with the stipulation that the septic system would be repaired
within 2 years as specified in ,21 Sheehan Associates lnc. design drawing #011 15 PDR
dated 5:24/01 . Refer to Permit 1101-5 and project # 01-119.
I have received several bids I • date from local septic system contractors but will not be
able to an and the contract an ! stall the project before the expiration date of the agreement
in June
The Girl Scouts of Western I assachusetts is requesting an extension of the above time
period in order to complete is necessary repairs. I believe we can get the project
completed by fall.
Please contact me if coo require any additional information_
Thank You.
Everett I'cterson
Propertc Manager
Edward Ansanitis
271 Haydenville Road
Northampton, MA 01039
Dear Mr.Ansanitis:
June 14, 2001
RP 15 2001
Re: Northampton-DWPC-Title 5
BRPWP59 Alternative Percolation
DEP Transmittal No.: W019897
271 Haydenville Road
Pursuant to Title 5 of the State Environmental Code,310 CMR 15.412, the Western Regional Office of
the Department of Environmental Protection has completed its review of the above referenced application
for approval of a variance granted by the Northampton Board of Health.
The application contains a copy of the Board of Health's grant of a variance from the following provision
of Title 5, 310 CMR 15.000:
• 310 CMR 15.104 Percolation Testing Use of an Alternative Percolation analysis.
As part of the application,the Department received plans consisting of 2 sheets,designed by R. F. Sheehan
Associates, Inc, stamped by Robert F. Sheehan,P.E.,titled:
Repair Septic Design for
271 Haydenville Road,Northampton, MA
Edward and Jean Ansanitis
Dated: Apr.29,2001
Revised: 5/24/01
The plan proposes to replace the existing subsurface disposal system, for the existing 3-bedroom house. The
proposed system,with a new two compartment 1500-gallon septic tank,a distribution box and a soil
absorption system(SAS)consisting of two leach trenches,each trench to be 50 foot long by 4 feet wide with
an effective sidewall depth of one foot.The design for the leaching facility is based on a loading rate of 0.66
gpd/sq.ft and will provide 600 square feet of leaching area.
This information is available in alternate format Ity calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6872.
436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103•FAx(413)784-1149•TOO(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100
0 Printed on Recycled Paper
Based upon its review of the application,and in accordance with 310 CMR 15.410,the Department has
determined both of the following:
a) The applicant has established that enforcement of 310 CMR 15.104 would be manifestly unjust,
as excessively high groundwater and the saturated soils on the lot prevent the designer from
conducting a percolation test.
b) The applicant has established that a level of environmental protection that is at least equivalent to
that provided under 310 CMR 15.000 can be achieved without strict application of 310 CMR
15.104 and 15.105 by the use of a raised SAS which will be in compliance with the requirements of
310 CMR 15.000. A particle-size soil analysis in conformance with the Alternative Percolation
Testing Policy was performed and, along with an evaluation of soil compaction, was used to
determine soil classification, the effluent loading rate, and the design of the system. The system is
designed in accordance with that policy. The use of the alternative percolation test through soil
analysis is acceptable under the present high water table conditions. The soil analysis resulted in a
class I non-compacted soil determination. The proposed SAS is designed using a 0.66 gpd/sq. ft
loading rate based on the lowest LTAR for Class I non-compacted soils.
The Department,therefore,approves the Board of Health's grant of a variance from 310 CMR 15.104.
Additionally, the Department imposes the following conditions as part of this approval:
I) The applicant shall obtain a Disposal System Construction Permit (DSCP)from the
Northampton Board of Health prior to commencement of construction of the system.
2) The system is not designed to accommodate a garbage disposal. As such, one shall not be
used or installed at this facility.
3) There shall be no increase in design flow to the upgraded subsurface sewage disposal system.
The design flow for the,facility is 330 gpd The facility consists of a 3-bedroom house.
4)At the time of construction, if groundwater has receded to a point where percolation testing is
feasible in the opinion of the local approving authority, then confirmatory percolation testing
must be conducted and, if necessary, the system design revised based on the actual percolation
5) A copy of the as-built plans must be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the date of
issuance of the Certificate of Compliance from the Northampton Board of Health
6) Should this upgraded system fail, the owner shall immediately notify the local Board of Health
and the Department.
7) The applicant shall record in the appropriate Registry of Deeds or Land Registration Office,
prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance, a copy of this approval letter in the
chain of title to the property to be served by the system.
This variance determination is an action of the Department. If the applicant is aggrieved by this
determination, she/he may request an Adjudicatory Hearing in accordance with 310 CMR 1.00 and MG.L.
C.30A. A request for-an Adjudicatory Hearing must be made in writing and postmarked within 21 days of
the date of issuance of this determination. Pursuant to 310 CMR 1.01(6), the request must state clearly and
concisely the facts that are grounds for the request and the relief sought.
The hearing request, along with a valid check payable to Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the amount of-=
one hundred dollars 1100.00), must be mailed to:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection
P.O. Box 4062
Boston, MA 02211
The hearing request will be dismissed if the filing fee is not paid, unless the appellant is exempt or granted a
waiver, as described below. The filing fee is not required if the appellant is a city or town (or municipal
agency), county, or district of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or a municipal housing authority. The
Department may waive the adjudicatory hearing filing fee for a person who shows that paying the fee will
create an undue financial hardship. A person seeking a waiver must file, together with the hearing request
as provided above, an affidavit setting forth the facts in support of the claim of undue financial hardship.
Should you have any questions pertaining to this matter, please contact Andrew Juskalian,at 413-755-
2215,at this office.
awrence F. olonka
Watershed Chief
Connecticut River Basin West
Bureau of Resource Protection
cc: R.F. Sheehan, Assoc., 146 Taylor St.,Granby, MA 01033 (ENC)
City of Northampton, Board of Health,210 Main St., RM 8, Northampton, MA 01060(ENC)
DEP Watershed Permitting Program, Title 5 Section, Boston
Health Agent
Paul Nietupsld,Title 5 Program
Department of Environmental Protection
Western Regional Office
436 Dwight Street
Springfield,MA 01103
210 MAIN STREET,Room 6
Re: Title 5 Variance Request—Alternative Percolation Test - 217 Haydenville Rd.,Northampton
Dear Mr.Nietupski:
The Northampton Board of Health has received a request,submitted on behalf of Mr. Edward Ansanitis of 271
Haydenville Rd.,Northampton by R. F. Sheehan Associates,Inc.,for a variance to allow the use of the Title 5
Alternative to Percolation test for repair of a failed septic system at 271 Haydenville Rd. ,Northampton.per
Policy#BRP/DWM/Pep-P00-4. The request included reports from the University of Massachusetts Soil and
Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory and septic system design plans from R.F. Sheehan Associates,Inc.
On April 12,2001,the Northampton Board of Health voted to grant a variance and accept the alternative
percolation tests results,which would allow the repair of the septic system at 271 Haydenville Rd.,Northampton
based on the laboratory test data and disposal system design submitted by R. F. Sheehan Associates,Inc.
Per Policy#BRP/D WM/Pep-P00-4 this variance is subject to DEP review and approval.The disposal system
repair permit has been approved and will be issued upon DEP approval of this variance.
Please feel free to contact me at the Northampton Board of Health with any questions concerning this matter.
Thank you.
Very I ly yours,
Peter J.McErlain,Health Agent
cc: Mr.Edward Ansanitis,271 Haydenville Rd.,Northampton
R.F. Sheehan Associates,Inc.
GRANBY, MA 01033
TEL & FAX 413 467-7228
April 11, 2001
Board of Health
City Hall
210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Board Members:
Subject: Request to use alternative to percolation test for repair of
septic system at 271 Haydenville Road,Northampton, MA
We are requesting your consideration and approval to use the Title 5 Alternative To Percolation Testing
Policy,Number BRP/DWM/PeP-P001.
On the day and at the time of the Percolation Test the soil was too damp to
achieve a realistic Pere Test. Following are the conditions observed at that time:
1. The Perc Test could not be done because the soil was damp.
2. It was determined that the soil is uncompacted and this conclusion was with the concurrence
of the Certified Soil Evaluator, conducting the Perc Test, and the City of Northampton Health
Agent,who is also a Certified Soil Evaluator.
3. The technique used to arrive at this conclusion was: observing that the excavator had no
difficulty digging,there was no chattering of the bucket and it was relatively easy to
the wall of the Deep Observation Hole with a hunting knife. The soil was friable.
4. The Particle Size Analysis, Soil Type, and Soil Class were determined by the Soil Lab
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Copies of the report are attached.
The Soil Sample sent to U Mass was taken from the wall of Deep Observation Hole 1,
51"below grade in the C Horizon.
5. The loading factor used was based on the information received from the University of
of Massachusetts: Class I, uncompacted.
Attached is the septic system design, Drawing Number 01115PDR, for a repair at the subject address.
The Board must issue a letter either approving or denying the variance request. Assuming the variance
is approved I will forward four copies of the Design to the Western Regional Office of the DEP for their
review. They also require a $200. filing fee.
If there are any questions please call me.
Robert F. Sheehan, P.E.
JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman
PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent
TO: Girl Scouts Western MA Council
Haydenville Road, Northampton , MA 01060
FROM: Peter J . McErlain, Agent, Northampton Board of Health
DATE: July 1, 1982
RE: Repair of Septic System
14131 586.6950 Eat. 213
Examination of the sewage disposal field at the Girl Scout Council Headquarters
on Haydenville Road, June 30, 1982, revealed that the field was no longer work -
ing satisfactorily and, therefore, must be replaced.
Because an adjacent storm drain line and a nearby brook greatly restrict the
relocation of the sewage disposal field, test holes were dug up gradient and to
the north of the septic system. While the soil in this area was found to be
only marginal at best, the lack of other acceptable sewage disposal alternatives
necessitates locating the system in this area.
The following is a list of equipment and materials needed to repair the Girl
Scout Headquarters sewage disposal system:
1 . one sewage effluent lift pump with separate line wiring
and alarm circuitry in building,
2. one sealed pump chamber with risers to grade,
3. approximately twenty feet of solid force main with sealed
joints (of size and type compatible with pump) leading Li
distribution box,
4. one distribution box with five feet of solid pipe leading
to each leaching trench,
5. two 50' long - 3' wide leaching trenches , excavated to a
depth of 5' , with the removal of dark brown impervious mat-
erial at the 2' to 4' depth and a I' penetration of the grayisl
silty sand layer at 4' , plus.
The trenches will consist of 2' of sharp sand, topped with 22" of
washed trap rock or native stone to the crown of the 4" diameter pip
with 2" of pea stone and backfilled with 1' of topsoil.
The 4" diameter perforated pipe shall be laid at a minimum slope of 0.005 ur
3" per 50' with the down gradient end scaled. There shall be at least 6' be-
tween the trenches .
o 11"
This system must be installed by a licensed septic system installer in accord-
ance with the requirements of Title V of the State Environmental Code.
Also, a sewage disposal system repair permit must be obtained from the Board of
Health office.
If you have any questions , please contact me at the Board of Health office.