271 (Girl Scouts) Texture Analysis Results 2001 UNIVERSITY of MASSACHUSETTS UMASS. UMass Extension Customer Name: Agroecologv Program Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory West Experiment Station Box 38010 Amherst, MA 01003-8010 413.545.2311 413.545.1931 Fax htt p://www.umass.edu/plsoils/soiltest TEXTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS A.F. Sheehan Associates, Inc. Robert Sheehan, Jr. 146 Taylor Street/Parish Hill Granby, MA 01033 Sample ID: Bag 645925 Customer Designation: Edward Ansanitis Percentages based on less than 2 mm fraction Fraction Percent Sand 76.9 Silt 20.2 Clay 2.9 100.0 Sand Subfractions Silt subfractions Very Coarse 11.3 Coarse 10.3 Coarse 13.3 Medium 7.5 Medium 15.3 Fine 2.3 Fine 23.6 Very Fine 13.4 20.2 76.9 Under USDA criteria this sample classifies as a loamy sand. Classification is based on particles that are sand size and finer (i.e. less than 2 millimeters in diameter) . Those particles greater than 2 mm are included in the textural name as a modifier (ex. gravelly) . The sample submitted contained 19.2 % gravel on a weight basis. Any questions pertaining to these results may be asked by calling the Soil Testing Lab. This soil material classifies as a CLASS I soil under Title V. Effluent loading Rates range from 0.66 to 0.74 gpd/sq ft.; Perc. Rates assigned values 8 minutes/inch or less. UMass Extension:Working Partners UU11Pr niev De perm of Amriculvu papa mg. VL_s:Rhueon F emmn ofen equal appnrnn ru SOIL TEXTURAL TRIANGLE 100- 80 9 At 70 A A(o \tea 60 --_AT_-_-_- aO 4co.. 0�40C4 50 At C.i axe Irk& t , 30 --4A`FAT-AT-�0 20 Ai gi va a s mo 10 a■VAMONITAITATAA AZ47_ SA 1 SNA O percent sand Edward Ansantis 271 Haydenville Road Northampton, MA Loamy Sand Title V Class I 0 s s CI tr •0) N � •- n • nlm Z Z Z Z Z 100 r 1 l - 1 I I I I 90 I I I I. I 70 1 I 60 I I vs 50 ro a- I ae I I I 40 I I I 30 I I I 20 i 10 0 _ - l I _ 1000 50.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 Grain diameter Imm) v \ Grain-size distribution curve /I Project No. l�7Ss1¢,(, n`"•- Sample No. 4S 92S £a too�l Ph A"In- ' ' 1 R\ Plotted by S. 3°A•�./UN1a 55- Date 0 Z - OS — 0 j Z71 f45y dt n+ 11 O- 0