275 Septic Soil & Perc Test • • FORM II -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 or3 � FORM 12-PERCOLATION FFST Location Address or tot ate. Z ,g i7S Nenen.0 SP Location Address or Lot No. 07f /' i i7dta 5l Determination for Seasonal High Water Table COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS /tag T7-js.,,o P'D// r Massachusetts - Method Used; El Depth observed standing in observation hole KreChes Percolation Testa ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches • ❑ Depth to son mod y�, es o—•incnez Date: 9 .. r Z Time: ❑ Ground water adjustment fee: Obser:anon Ho!e I Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level N epth M Parc Adjustment factor Adjusted ground waver lave: 7/ D SS II Start Presoak Den of Naturally Dc .ring Pervious MaTerial End Presoak w O'/J/r / Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in �t areas Tme at 11' C/7 G,1t observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system7 yi n If not, what is the depth of naturally oCcurr n / Time at 9 9 p<wipuz ma:erlaP / 0 Time at 6- /` r.rtif�rehon L✓oLO A:fT /, , t//F7LYL- Time 19'.6'1 I certify that on)1pnE 9r4"ldate) I have passed the sort evaluator e ves nat on Rate Min./Inch approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training.expertise and e•perrence described in 310 CMR 15.017. Q • Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both Na primary am AND / /// Date %-/L/ Q Z reserve are Signature DOG Site Passed Site Failed ❑ Performed By: 7?-_. C 4c{r'/j[._L( witnessed BY: ,°crfl f /1^c(3X Cy4, et) Comments: lit?.rrvoru r viol i.e,oi ® DIP.e.+o.mrw.is.r,.r • • . S FORM II -SOIL EVALUATOR FORK FORM 11-SOD.EVALUATOR FORM • Page l of . Patel of Location Address or Lm No. Z75 Al eerFrct ri 5r, wcine se.,,„rJ„i No. Dater -1L—o7.- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Ort-site Review ld27 kJinM/l rot— ; Massachusetts Deep Nola Rome., Cate: 9-/tw Z r: w..m., 9.i”'^j ,Soil Suitability Assessment for On-sire Sewage Disposal Loe.eon b,.mmtygt wane _ . _ -_ Land Use sieo.IXI Z Surf AC*smnea !U° PMamrd By Pt b¢c+ ,Cri n •Lei Defeo 9„ye'_vZ Lwlorm CQ7taS Vansa%d By: 4 at n'. `-eIZ.LA.i_&) . . Lancform a✓vw asy .. Position on bna.cape(swrn on ma back) a.: .a from: •-• �.-_- �= (./ /� tie Open Water doar7(to tel oramw•war 7Sat feat :—r• �y I—v T1••'1 I Possible Wet Area rat feet P,aa.nu Let. 7i'O f. VRW OdOtruRlOn []Rebair pp - beaming Water Wea /op leer- Omer ten Se�/-�JL/Uy1 7 Omit Rnkm P6tp a 0- ZCo -760 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG. Published 5.:l Survey Mailable'No ❑ Yes i !! Year Publifke! Publication Scale . . ...._ Soil Ma U Map o....... s«.�... wrn.. eek). sr mDrainer mu. Sell Lamiwiws - s....u. .x 'vacs., wxs u..uea. n..v..iy . .x om•Mn.u u . Sum i i Guleaic Repen Aabla te:No ❑ Yes O /�5 ®s'.�ad ' t I , IL Year Pblled _ Publication Sale _ I `2 `II 44 (� �7j o/'et(, - uo La LL timran54aW(Map Unlp /'` Z� i S Z S GILL IyY need Ingram Rue May ---. C. S/9 nD^Q I - S'R ND Above SW ya flood boundary No QY LII{ Wien SO0 test good Wintry No ,l.YYW ❑ wieie 100>d flood baue4ry No IJYn [.1 Wow As: d4-Q�^D d ' 7bl rill 'gw� (': 1Ci// i//A Noises!YmWd la' yMT gasp weal - �p �� w.Rwd.a....aar grogram Map twat Rio . G 170-fly/1 S �pw Sam' on,Wake Rise,,Caoditiou(USSGSS• each ._r....nw„ sees,. .. Mge:Abeea Hn.I Oita! L4&Iaw Normal 0 ___ .. k..use OLh'..+raSw y1Df enner Law my.own wer 2.0" •Gee Retie Re.k.ad: Non•.o...m x.. swr.s we.• ww .2 w.,ne..rer6 h r® ( ® s ear oAr . n Pa.nmY,en .„a", t Z S ■ -- 7 FILL. 11 F O � S i5 _ S- o 7ally 6s q I'Location AddressprLot,*4l 075- Flu Date .. PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak \ ' Start Pre-soak \` End Pre-soak End Pre-soak GTime at 12" Time at 12" Time at 9" Time at 9" N / Time at 6" Time at 6" Time (9"-6") Time(9"-6") Rate Min./Inch Li'Ati° A Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area SITE SITE I SITE SITE PASSED _ FAILED I PASSED _ FAILED Performed by I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: L—_ NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH— Title 5— Site Review arias. I ,phone#..:1 S! Start Time;. Endi/me: r✓ Deep Hole#: -4 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* rd OF TVJO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders,Consistency.%Gravel) 3 r r / I V Parent Material(geologic) I 0-1/1s A JJyi—( ---. Depth to Bedrock 1 ottS1 c, Depth'to groundwater..Standing Walerin the Hole „� . I Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water % / 2) 7 - Parent Material(geologic) I Deep Hole#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure.Stones, Boulders,Consistency,%Gravel) 41 i I6 , 1 1-/� _._ 1. X 1 l) ) I d( Parent Material(geologic) I Depth to Backed( I - Depth to groundwater ttaand'ingMY rid ttiWide I Weeping froth Pit Face I Estimated Sea swtal rngl Grouts