30 Application & Permit 1998 • To THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Yip MASSACHUSETTS FEE �pplication far !ispasal !ystem Construction Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair( )an On-site Sewage Disposal System at: I oeaion Address or l of No 1 a� u '� �' rAX , L rez CE Owner s Name,Aress and Ti.5 No. «!d`e d _1 F PO f+' .:.yarnol4Vrc L Dqs6 Name�;ryaa err�g rti.Na (V I' ,nyLT/: '' l)' tm an name.Address and ncik9, q i r t ''S'''lL (� tr)eCGCG4 —I cv Lo Type of Building: Dwelling Other No. of Bedrooms Type of Building No per Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fijtures Garbage Grinder(') Design Flow gallons per day. Plan Date Title Calculat i daily flow — gallons. Number of sheets Revision Date Description of Soil Jr of Nature of Repairs or'Alterations(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected' Agreement: The undersigned agrees system in accordance with the Certificate of Complianceifns e Signed (/w to ensure theconstruction avd maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal V�'isions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a jl en issued by Aitfs Boygi a[ fh. r. Date Application Approved by Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No Date Issued PA- Z-M----. 2 ) / D--- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS .4' -lc/'./tTvi,; MASSACHUSETTS Certificate of Compliance <THISJS 7'9 CERTIFY, tJat the On-site Sewage Disposal System instaileQS ) of ropatredlreplace jl'Jron Y � . for ,. at , . - heed)constructed in accordanpe with the rovisions of Tile 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No dated / Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: The issuance of this cert'tficatg*all,ttett)rercotsirued as a guarantee that the system will function as designed�This Certificate expires on // _. rJ A ; �+.� -'7/ P 6= 6y / r' DATE 1 Inspector No. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS PispoSUI $ ' tem (donstrurtion 1ermit Permission is hereby granted to CO construct( ) or repair(L)an On-site Sewage System located at and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his;her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. All construction oust be completed within two years of the date below. DATE Approved by FORM 1255 Rev 3,9 5 AM.SOLYIN CO.•BOSTON.MA