246 Complaint Record & Emails Date:.69-7.7,7Z-y 'I Time: Map: Parcel:,‘ Name of Complainant cS;)oi g rC2/J" /I - 3'- dL Address: c99!4/ itice_,n//// Sef Tel:,_SeCrt=F4 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: UM-7 590/1° St" . uJ Se cUcci•e__ 1'v72 n , 1-r% w COPY Location: tj(p Owner: ,TO/N, 1714.,4C', %0" h- ,rn -i A U� �e9 Teri/ fund&/ O/3 % Qi%8-Sa, ,, 5 TakeDE-li. Take I Date of Inspection: �`y/ Time: S._ D INSPECTOR'S REPORT: �y "` x p � i9-K frfctK/ F . K' /�-,`e G0--lt gc /l`i'd ' Action Taken: Vo"' Acd-u-t,,. /Q/-wy` S'U Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JOHN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. CYNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N. PETER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 January 4, 1999 John T.McKenna 70-A Montague Road Wendell, MA 01379 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Re: Septic System Failure at 246 Haydenville Road Dear Mr. McKenna: In response to a complaint,on January 4, 1999, a representative of the Northampton Board of Health conducted an inspection at your property,244/246 Haydenville Road, (Assessors Map 6 Lot 35),Northampton.That inspection revealed that the septic system serving#246 Haydenville Rd. was malfunctioning.At the right of the dwelling sewage was flowing onto the ground,under the ice,and down the driveway into the road. This condition violates Sec. 15.303 of 310 CMR 15.000,the State Environmental Code,Title 5 and is a Public Health nuisance. Under authority of 3 10 CMR 15.000 and Ch.CIA,See;^I3 of the Massachusetts General Laws you are hereby orderedto begin the processpf repairing the Septic system*1246 Haydenville Rd.,within seven(7)days of the receipt of ibis notice. You must contract with a licensed engineer or registered Sanitarian to conduct a percolation tests and design a replacement septic system. A licensed septic system installer must complete all construction work within sixty(60)_d.ys. In addition. in order to prevent further health hazards you must pump the septic tank as needed to prevent sewage from flowing to the surface of the ground. Please be advised that you are entitled to a hearing on this order to repair your septic system provided that you file a written petition requesting such a hearing in the Board of Health office within seven(7)days of this notice. Please feel free to contact the Board of Health office at(413) 587-1213,if you have any questions concerning this matter. Thank you, in advance,for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Certified Mail#P 573 708 215 JAN 14 1.99; Peter J. McErlain, Health Agent Office of the Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 John T. McKenna 17 Blueberry Lane Wendell, MA 10379 978 544 6393 January 10, 1999 Dear Mr. McErlain, I am writing in response to your letter of 4 January, 1999, regarding the septic system at 244-246 Haydenville Road in Leeds. This is to notify you that I have addressed the situation at hand by having the septic tanks pumped on January 7, 1999. This is also to request a hearing on your order to repair the septic system. At that hearing I will ask that I be allowed to wait until the ground thaws to begin the process of determining the actual problem with the septic system and then addressing that problem. The additional cost of excavation while the ground is frozen would represent a substantial financial hardship. It is entirely possible that the system needs only to be repaired, rather than replaced. I will of course engage properly licensed or registered people to make that determination. I will also have the tanks pumped as necessary to prevent any overflow. Please contact me when the hearing is scheduled. Thanks very much for your assistance in this matter. Yours truly, I k.0 John T. McKenna