132 Complaint Record & Compliance 2003 Date: ,ijjO5 ITime: Map: Parcel: ®Parcel: � 4.Name of Complainant: fej Address /3, C.-t -& '7� %`• Tel: O COMPLAIN ���I �NA-pTU_RE c �V R.,—Location: /3...)- C- 4 j Owner: L J u�.^"s'L� Cf<�Y Q J-1-a-1- 1 ) Address /53" ( "ez �� Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: y�,),(�3 Time:.5"Sp INSPECTOR'S REPORT:(" V2";:ii"--1 rffit-e-6.ail-A. Action Taken:/--/t9 /17 Inspector Signature O =., . I j I ze s- �1 j a ji_ _ 5 ' 4 ,. .. it 1 I l + r I 1 .: r t�, . I � ia i 1 - A ;I, . a I} f- • ' ••• w„ `'.•_iil •°.,—a--9 t ' _. 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' L ■ µtiu R'-'#`�.,' ♦ F .� BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS RICHARD P.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH,Chair ROSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH ]AY FLEITMAN,M.D. PETER].McERLAIN,R.S.,MPH Health Agent (413)587—1214 FAX(413)587-1221 October 1, 2003 Mr. Robert F. Messier Sr. 132 Cross Path Rd. Northampton, MA 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET,Room B NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060-3167 Re: Solid Waste Processing at 132 Cross Path Rd. Dear Mr. Messier: It has been brought to the Board of Health's attention that you have been operating a solid waste processing facility at your residence at 132 Cross Path Rd., Northampton. Solid waste processing activities take place out in the open air and includes the following: waste sorting, waste recycling, loading and unloading vehicles and, the storage of waste in vehicles, trailers and on the ground. These activity constitute violations of Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 111 Sec. 150A and 310 CMR 16.00 which prohibits solid waste facility operations at any site other than a site assigned by the Board of Health and/or the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) as a waste processing/disposal site. There has never been a site assignment issued for 132 Cross Path Rd.. You must immediately cease the processing and storage of solid waste at 132 Cross Path Rd. You may relocate the operation to another site provided that the site has been properly assigned as a solid waste processing site by the local Board of Health or the DEP. In addition, there is a large accumulation of various types of waste products on the ground, including: old mattresses, appliances, auto batteries and assorted junk. This condition constitutes a public health nuisance,which must be abated. Therefore under authority of Ch 111, Sec. 123 of the Mass General Laws you are hereby ordered to clean up and properly dispose of the above mentioned waste materials within seven (7)days of the receipt of this notice. Please contact the Board of Health with any questions concerning this notice. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent cc: Northampton Building Inspector Anthony Patillo Cert. Mail: #7001 1940 0005 1331 4568 October 6, 2003 11 Hancock St Northampton, MA 01060 Peter J. McErlain 210 Main St,Room 8 Northampton, MA 01060-3167 Dear Mr. McErlain, I am writing to inform you that on this date 1540 pounds of"assorted junk"has been removed from 132 Cross Path Road to the Northampton landfill. Mrs. Messier has the receipt from the gatekeeper. I have asked her to send the Board of Health a copy. Would it be possible to schedule an inspection of the property, at which both Mrs. Messier and I could be present,to facilitate an amicable resolution of the problem? As to the charge that a solid waste processing facility is being operated, I have my doubts. The Messiers are a large family,and own lots of stuff. The washing machine, for example, works fine, and is being kept for future use. Robert Messier is currently a prisoner at the Hampshire County House of Corrections. I have a hard time imaging Mrs. Messier running a processing facility under these circumstances. I am sure a meeting of the parties would be helpful toward resolution. Please suggest some times that are convenient for you. Sincerely,