41 Septic Application & Permit 2005 Jc4 - �uy L PhL 7i , }� D COMMONWEALTH a �i>rt'SsPcIllsITTSGi� ?� /a � 7 Ly, Board oflleatth, �G4 k16 ■n � 9^ Md. .I o •�i 33 APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct(i0 Repair( ) Upgrade( Abandon( ) - Q Complete System ❑Individual Comp eats Local :I7< &C S5/2471 Pd Ownet/aie Lq /r %/GfyPr1 . 1)- -}/l/ Map/Pal(el# 2S _-7)2 Address( eoSS436 i 1 Lai# Telephone# 0�/3 L. 7 - 093p !-Lk. Installer's Name M�1LC Mor7,ursi�l Designer's Name I eC- /� s. , Gv�/sr .,%a T- ephone# , ,L Al" Q • - till',Y - Tel phone to _ S bpe of Building )welling-Na.of Bedrooms Other-Type of Building Other Fixtures Design Flow (min required) / No.of persons Lot Size £J1 (c.(i( ± Garbage grinder Au) Showers ( ),Cafeteria ( ) gpd Calculated design flow 330 Design flow provided S/� gpd Plan: Date i 2 / 3-3 / QL( Number of sheets Recision Date Tide SPp S TVA ° S ' S/v /0/6n Description of Soil(s)r-, e /G S 5 s[ Soil E■aluator Form No. Name of Soil FA Anatol %q L</e r is Date of E■aluation //123/0" DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRSORALTERABONS IV $JS (/ I .)ew iySfen-, The undersigned agrees to instal the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. 4- Signed Signed Date r t I Inspection � 'f'2/U(a - �` A/Wa-1,-2,4e-'7Gtir '--) 'COMMONWEALTH IfONWEaLTH (1W MASS,ICFIUSFIIS Board of Health, 1:. / t (//-istl/7;, / MA. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FEE Description of Work: ❑Individual Component(s) LIComplete System /g lit / .'/N', The undersigned hereby certify that he Sewage Disposal System: Constructed ( ),Repaired O,Upgraded ( ),Abandoned ( ) / at t7 has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title ) and the approved design plans application No.-. / dated / / /App oved Design Flow J45/ (gpd) r Installer — Inspector 6 4/ �i 54: 414/+4 Date: The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. No. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, //hr-knu///Jail MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION HERMIT built plans relating to Permission is hereby granted to; Constructel Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system f at i '/ c'3yf ,%l/�li )1y/*'/�. r /" 'J7�;;J <,:rC t7/,/ d" iN as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. -- -, / , dated / //'L_ Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit. Allflocal conditions must be met. Forth 1255 Rev.5,96 A M.Sukn Ca Boston.MA Date )' / Z/C }Board of Health 7 /a 0.1.,1 /2ll/4-