80 application and permits CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No — Ens" .t THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD,OF HEALTH OF per - - J -s -'G.! -"i _. Applirtttiun far Dismal II:lurks Ctunntrurtiun Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (;4 rr Repair (L) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: t ocatio▪n..▪ A _/- ,ortLot Noy / Owner -- Address C Installer - Address Type of Building Size Lot Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow gallons per person per day. Total daily flow gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity gallons Length Width Diameter Depth Disposal Trench—No. IN Total Length Total leaching area sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft Dosing tank ( ) Performed by Date minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Other Distribution box Percolation Test Results Test Pit No. 1 Test Pit No. 2 Description of Soil Nature4f Repairs or;Altgrations Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE S of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been iSsueddiy the board of health. A Signed s r Date Application Approved By 72111. Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Permit No Issued ate:_. Date by at has been installed in accordance with the provisiio of TITL C f 7 The State Sanitary Code a. de ibed in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No • Z"' dated L.� is•L- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUA ANTEE T T E SYSTEM WILL FUNC/'�,1ON/$SpATISFACTORY. DATE /°%" Z/ .?'- Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF 71 I ertifirate of flnmplianrr THIS IS TO CERTI l t th Indi baI Sewage Disposal k79 ed ( ) or Repaired ( -t No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH of Al 3itn.pnnttl P.E into Qlunntrw#inn lrrmit L FL✓E./..L:....0 .i Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) pr.Repair (L-') an,Individual Sewage Disposal Systeu✓' r at No - if L.i. / l�v F'-° C.,.r ilk:.�i . ' 7 Street s as shown on the application for Disposal Wo▪rks Construction Permit No— Dated DATE FORM 1255 A. MSULNIN, INC.. BOSTON Board of HFalth No 4 \ t, TIM t. ppINNIS Ap�FBt rn idiwalnt C(OYI ION\i'F, Lif OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health,41 1/% . MA. TION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT p Owner's Name -pi c fl3 , Ay Al Loc< i$ NIRy (/JPt Address MORkilN� 610E. (.}aiVVt- SIRAaNRN\ map/Parse .. Lor# il 41 - 1V10(ZA%L�S�-CIS Telephone# 4,4 112-- p l I0 / Installer'sName /1b '.%l /1 /W ' Y Designer's Name i I yyl 4 M 46.//{ V) S Address '16 IV\O k&Vt RD- W r r7,P✓s TtAddr Telepl te# T l ph ne# (.14 )3) s z%- 52 9 / Type of Building Si N&)-E TAmIll I.ntSize sq.ft Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms 3 ) Other-Type of Building No.of persons e Sh : 6eSetewn( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow (min. required Plan: Date Title Description of Soil(• Soil E aluamr Form No 30 gpd Calculated design flow 3 J" Design flow provided 480 gpd Number of sheets o— Recision Date 3-3- osEp u85t' AGE SEw;6 _sl •ow 3. Sd✓1 L /oRarei. S fl4 f�fSS Name of Soil Evaluator �t r ���SC Date of Ecah'anon DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS I Ep(tcicx FU Li c . So/L Ar2scaiof ?0A) SysTen aiky - nesTfLL- v0 3 5,45 oN Lsr 9/ The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and de�sJ � further agrees t of to place f '9 % oper ion until a Certificate of Cott E ce has been issued by the Board of Health. Sign( -'y �f. r 9y%�-Ci�- Date /%1// Inspet mots S COMMONWEALTH f)��F IASSI IIUSLTIS Board of Health, 4/ rill; )taW.Am. CERIIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: 3S individual Component(s) ❑Complete System The under s% d here/by ufc that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed ( ),Repaired (GY�Jpgraded ( ),Abandoned ( ) bv: I114le K I :/( (/ / i, ( i,,, at .L 1 7 a y has been installed in ace/or/dance with their ■jsi 1257f 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No - / date( ? / . Approted Design Flow 47 / (gpd) I .edge ---7-7 � /1 :,c ,1%' '`'( '� �. .. L� /-�.,)/�([. Designer: W / ` �yit Inspector: /me `'Date: i The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed e- - FT( No — / FEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSlCJIUSETTS Board of Health, 44,444 w1 . DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTI£L'�TION PERMIT ) Repair(/Upgrade( ) Abandon( Permission is hereby grant to; Consfruct( a[ _ � Disposal System Construction'Permit o. ` �7 dated Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this per O Ce//. GGVt ( �Ct-G m:1255 Rev 5 9E P M Sulkir Co.'Boston.MA Date 3-iv. 99 Board of Health FEE an individual sewage disposal system as described in the application for x�it, I locjLconditions J..kie met. No. 1p FEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of health,NORM?,II"lP! (•'f� .MA. ATION POR !DISPOSAL SYSIEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Type of Building Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms Other-Type of Building No.of persons 4-7 Other Fixtures NGLE ram) y lot Size sq.f. Gmb�agg/e rindrr( ) Showers(10. - ete...-.' - Design Flow (min.required) S1%0 2 n (�v gpd Calculated design flow .3,2 O Plan: Date 9- 6- 7 Number of sheets a-- Title PEA O' Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluaor Form No. Z` V4 " G 1Ci an9 Date of Esaluation U ✓ (a Design flow provided 359. 0 Lilfgpd Revision Date Name of Soil Evaluator DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS tiZ 03)L) & 6- SO it- 2 oP ?1A) 1( r99 The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date Inspections location {�. 0 C CO qJ Owner's Name'1»QO')p, rn ail/1 -0jArR Map/Parcel# ,_/ // Address Twit Telephone# Installer's Name �y Designer's Name...rim U1v ei,e) uum,s R ? Address Address r Add (U fn rsn vo /icioa Reap-C.(J their/e7N) Telephone# Telephone# 640) 5z,9 - 5zAL Type of Building Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms Other-Type of Building No.of persons 4-7 Other Fixtures NGLE ram) y lot Size sq.f. Gmb�agg/e rindrr( ) Showers(10. - ete...-.' - Design Flow (min.required) S1%0 2 n (�v gpd Calculated design flow .3,2 O Plan: Date 9- 6- 7 Number of sheets a-- Title PEA O' Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluaor Form No. Z` V4 " G 1Ci an9 Date of Esaluation U ✓ (a Design flow provided 359. 0 Lilfgpd Revision Date Name of Soil Evaluator DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS tiZ 03)L) & 6- SO it- 2 oP ?1A) 1( r99 The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date Inspections