19 complaint and court documents 11(/A14I1 IiY 111 Al 411 JOHN 1 Ji,Gt e. l e.., ....� YKTKH C xeNNY, m 11. YKJ®1<aNICCENNTNLa.1.; RN: OFFILe or THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS PKT KK J MrbK1 AIN, heals, Agin' 1111L.1cI H . PJI ...1i„ May 22, 1704 Mr . Frank C. Heston 19 Country Way Florence , MA 01060 HOARD OF HEALTH 11U MAIN SIHFKT 01060 44111 f3E °Y)u Ku. 113 pear Mr . Heston: Re: Sewage Nuisance, Map 12 , lot 17 As a result of a complaint, a representative of the Northampton Board of Health Inspected the property at the corner of Country Way and North Farms Road and observed a pipe extending from the rear of your property, 19 Country Way (Asses- slot. Map 12, Lot 17,) , across the boundary line and onto the ad latent easterly lot . Analysis of water flowing from this pipe revealed the presence of sewage bacteria. Whether thfe sewage flow is the accidental result of sewage flowing Into e foundation drain or an intentionally installed overflow drain from a malfunc- tioning leaching field, the condition violates Section 15.02 (20) of the Title 5 of the State Environmental Code and is also a public health nuisance. Therefore under authority of Chapter III, Section 123 of the Massachusetts General laws and Section 15.02 (19) of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code . 110 CMR, 15.00, you are hereby ordered to remove the drain pipe and repair your sewage disposal system If It is malfunctioning within seven (7) days of the receipt of this notice. Please be advised that all repair to subsurface sewage disposal cystems must he made by an Installer licensed by the Northampton Board of Health and all work most be in compliance with the requirements of Title 5. You have a right to a hearing on this matter provided that your written request for such a hearing is filed with the Board of Health office within seven (7) days of the receipt of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Northampton Board of Health office. Very truly enure , (ir icf 11 ( 6 Peter .1 . Mc Fr lain Ilealth AY ant / / _ r P IH, lac �,°l :.✓�Fii _ _ �i �/ j .7*—�yiQiIlvi*) 1r r t I I I rJ N_,1 I I%I' 1.9 i15 1 11c/�/K•-Y� st ,�y Delivered by // �"` date V/ /1/7 Received by date / 2M A. LOWELL WATSON II 150 NORTH FARMS ROAD NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHHSLTTS 01060 Mr Peter M^_Eirsin City�of Motthampton ` ft _e of the Board o _ 2 O t1a in Street Northampton . Ma . 01 ., 60 Dear Peter , This e !. ter is '.n regard to the fatted septic system of Mr Frank .._stun , located at 19 Country Way ( Assessors "lap 12 , Lot : 7) This septic oroblem has been on going since Mug of 1989 . s e a at taahed letter from you to Mr . -..eston ) As you most recently saw in May of this year , rcw sewage is present on top of the grass and ground in both Mr . Heston ' s yard and also my yard , covering an area of apprcx :matel ': i , 000 square feet . Ycu stated this situation vans not acceptable and could not be allowed tc continue any further . It is now October and still there Is no physical resolution is in sight . Surely the City and the Board of Health have a right and duty expect Mr . Heston to bear his responsibilities as a hcxecr;ner , parent and member of the community and clean up this sewage heal `h problem . Similarly , as a tax paying member of this community , _ ha ✓e a right to a sewage free rC feel a [ 1 possible " grace" periods are now up and a resolution of the problem has t;; he made . i would like to know what steps you are taking to end this now intolerable situation . sr C c letter of May 22 , 1y84 /6( A«. ell 'datscn HOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chairman PETER C.KENNY.M.D. MICHAEL 11.PARSONS PETER J.McERLAIN.Health Agent Mr. Frank C. Heston 19 Country Way Florence, Mass . Dear Mr. Heston: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFnCE OF TIE BOARD OF HEALTH May 26, 1989 Re: Sewage Nuisance Map 12, Lot 17 210 MAIN SSREET 01060 013)586 6950 Ext.213' It has come to the Board of Health' s attention that the septic system serving your property at 19 Country Way (Map 12 , Lot 17) is malfunc- tioning. Sewage is flowing to the ground surface and on to the adja- cent property. This condition violates Section 15. 02 ( 20) of 310 CMR 15 . 00 and is a Public Health Nuisance. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 123 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Section 15 .02 ( 19) of 310 CMR 15.00 State Environ- mental Code you are hereby ordered to repair your sewage disposal system within seven ( 7 ) days of the receipt of this notice. Please be advised that all repairs to your subsurface sewage disposal system must be made by a licensed installer and in accordance with plans prepared by a registered professional and in compliance with the requirements of 310 CMR. You have a right to a hearing on this matter, provided that your written request for such a hearing is filed with the Board of Health Office within seven (7 ) days of the receipt of this notice. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Board of Health Office. Very truly yours , Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMc/mr Certified Mail #P 688 859 795 SHOWCAUSE # 2315/98.e Trial Court of the Commonwealth Clerk's Office District Court Department Hampshire Division 15 Gothic Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 November 14, 19 89 TO Prank Reston "It-Country fir".. Florence, MA 01060 You are hereby notified that your application for a showcause hearing for alleged Failure to correct a public health nuisance (111-123) — Failure to correct a violation of tittle 5 state env. code 310 81( ' . has been received and a hearing thereon will be had in the CLERK'S OFFICE on Non day Nov. 27, 19 89 at 3:00 INK PM at which time you may appear with counsel if you wish,and present such evidence as you desire to have considered. Failure to appear will result in the issuance of criminal complaints. PLEASE PRESENT THIS NOTICE AT THE CLERK'S OFFICE IF YOU APPEAR ON THIS MATTER CC: Peter J. Mclrlaia elc APPLICATION ❑ ADULT FOR COMPLAINT ❑ JUVENILE E NUMBER Trial Court of Massachusetts District Court Department ARREST ❑ HEARING - UMMONS ._ WARRANT The within named complainant requests that a complaint issue against the within named defendant. charging said defendant with 1 e oltense(s) listed below. COURT DIVISION Northampton District Court 15 C01111c Street Northampton,MA 01060 DATE OF APPLICATION 10/5/89 NAME. DATE OF OFFENSE PLACE OF OFFENSE ADDRESS r Peter J. Northampton 210 Main Northampton, L NAME.ADDRESS Frank Heston, 19 Country Florence, AND ZIP CODE OF COMPLAINANT McErlain, Agent 7 Board of Health Street Mass. 01060 AND ZIP CODE OF DEFENDANT J (owner) Way Mass. 01060 No OFFENSE G.L. Ch. and Sec. 1- Failure to correct a Public Health Nuisance Ch.111 Sec. 123 Failure to Correct a viola- tion of Title 5 State Fnvi rnnmen Yal CndA 310 CMR 1$.00&1$.02 3. 4 COURT USE ONLY---■ I A hearing upon this complaint application Ii DATE OF HEARING TI MB OF HEARING will be held at the above court address on f AT COURT USE 4—ONLY CASE PARTICULARS — BE SPECIFIC NAME OF VICTIM J. Owner Of property, person assaulted.etc. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Goods stolen.what destroyed.etc. VALUE OF PROPERTY Over or under 5100. TYPE SUBSTANCE OR W A O Merhan OR WEAPON Manluana_gon_e.c. )THER REMARKS: Mr. Heston has failed to correct a malfunctioning septic system on his property at 19 Country Way, (N'ton Assessors Map 12, Lot 17 ) A copy of the certified Notice to correct the violation is attached. ' x 51GNA RE OF COMPLAINANT DEFENDANT IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION OF BIRTH — Complete da a below if known. rTE PLACE OF BIRTH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SEX RACE HEIGHT WEIGHT EVES HAIR AUPATION EMPLOYERISCHOOL MOTHERS NAMEIMAIDENI FATHERS NAME + COURT USE ONLY + DATE DISPOSITION AUTHORIZED BY NO PROCESS TO ISSUE At request of complainant ❑ Complainant failed to prosecute ❑ Insufficient evidence having been presented y PROCESS TO ISSUE TYPE OF PROCESS - E Sufficient evidence presented ❑ Warrant ❑ Defendant failed to appear 7 Summons returnable O O cc S Continued to 0 oO OMMENTS