11 COC COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACITUSFTTS A.-1( pq Board of Health. ���7+;/o4) MA. � //,�- CERTIFICATE OE'COMPLIANCE Description of Work: 2flndtvi�ual�Component(s) 7 Complete System � The undc s g ed hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed (),Repaired 1/Upgraded ("j,Abandoned () ha - or iti f' C--k- -G(rLE'—t— :■:c Lr- I li t- lycA- • f -! /kl t fi • = 1c1 S ij%%iG FEE r 'v F has been installed in accord ic with the pros son 'of 310iCSIR 15.00 (Tide 5) and the approved design plans/asbuilt plans relating to application Np ,! dated 7 /.'o 7 App oved Design Flow ji (gpd) Installer Jf[ (A [� 142716/0 tit// "7.1C !/V 71/4/1: I-Zt- Y- /? /�_/ l Designs 41-1. 'j 1/11/55,5- Inspector ,ti 11.x' - Date: .{;f The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. 1 0 Y Cr);vIMDN\?'LAL111 Of CIIIJ NIA S' SI TTS , MA. CL] [I lC.tiTL QI CO11111.1AN'i_1: Description of Work: Individual Component(s) CI Complete System ,4'& Fez 6 OiJ L The unclersig uedherebycertifytha ttheS ewage Disposal Systen:1 Coo•truied ( Repaired ( Upgrade ( .net ( ) by Ap r bR/e iri et szti _ _ y=a- has been instal in aaccer an e with the to sini 'of 310 CMR 15.00 (Gtr 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to applicauou o. da -. Approved:Design Flow L(_(gpd) Inscalleel Designer: Inspector //(. �� Date S2 The issuance of mks permit sba i no:u ree J.nt the system will function as designed.