11 perc test c-vNSULTANTS, INC. ALAN E. N'ELSS,M.S.,L.S.P. Licensed She Professional Rcgisiered Sanitarian Hydrogcologisl President -Subsurface Investigations IOId Enfield Rd -21 E Sim Investigations cbenown.MA 01007 -Pallutlun Remedimion 3)323-595]@323-4916(34%) Septic laDesignssm and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Noti%aitofW , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for Ora-site Sewage Disposal AAL FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page I of 3 Dale: _l—g-O/ Performed By: Witnessed By: ALA.) ui ts_s tEu E MPC11(1Ell■. Date: 7- 8- -cc' Lcca m Ley 1k COL, 1Tt UJGA %(ofe1/45z2 ,,J/ dew Construction L Repair L'7 yrd r..,hn J - 5oct 'iYRS (1 Cc, W Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No Year Published 115 f Publication Scale Drainage Class 0A1)1D Soil Limitations Sudicial Geologic Report Available: No LJ Yes `I Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landformr Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No LJYes LJ Within 500 year flood boundary No LJYes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No EY s l Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Normal LNormal Ll Belt w Normal Other References Reviewed: Li Yes C5v ZS,c e DEP APPROVED)FORM-I//07/95 Soi! Map Lini! .� C Location Address or Lot No. FOR:1i 11 -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 of 3 On-site Review Deep Hole Number 1+1 Date: poi Time: i11 qr‘ Weather RA ns spec Location (identify on site plan) Land Use flI( 'I Qty Vegetation 2 Landform 1.(. kC-C (5,.,.e- Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body 10o feet Possible Wet Area 0 4 Drainage way So 4- feet —Let Otheerty Line Sc -feet Drinking Water Well (Co Cp feet Other Slope ) — _Surface Stones 5a ne_• DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color Soil Other (Monsen) Mottling /Strucure.Stones.Boulders, Consistency, % Graven v- 57 " 6 � 32r=rzo'r C- /20 rr-2C2° c- Z• tits¢ I2c F'M . SA,uo` . (cos & drab _. o i c.y �+r 1112.Sy `ft 2 • l•.• . •II • • Parent Material (geologic( b(i 5h Depth to Groundwater Standing Water in the Hole: (Ve(- Estimated Seasonal High Ground Waxer: /Zp'l Depditoaedrock Weeping from Ph Face: it"iGI- DEP APPROVED FORM.120]!95 Location Address or Lot No. 1( [o FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS N� act �s1 oaj , Massachusetts Percolation Test* Start Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 9" awn w ric Entaispam Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments: S'te Failed ❑ DPP APPROVED PORM.12/07/95 Location Address or Lol No. RORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 L I Ccau5 03.±i Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: Depth observed standing in observation hole L-1 ,-,�D h weeping from side of observation hole H"-Depth Depth to soil mottles /z(1.rr inches iJ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number .... Reading Date inches inches Index well level Adjustment factor _. Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring observed throughout the area proposed for the If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring Certification p I certify that on (P 7 (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Dep ment of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent wii the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. pervious material exist in'al! areas soli absorption system? pervious material? Signature DEP APPROVED FORM- 12/07/95 ate 7%1 v me te.oe g13Stlbbld7 6 J SOLDATIS PACE B? -NOTE- THIS PLAT IS+COyPREp FROM DEEDS, PLANS NC OTHER SOURCES MD IS FAITut TO BE AN ACCURATE ACCURACY IS AND I$ NOT TO BE RECORDED. BODING LOCATION ACCIRtACY IS NOT 6UARANIEFD TO: PROPLfl SAVINGS BANA & CONNOWEALTR LAND TITLE INSURNACE CDHRANY 10 THE BEST OF MY INFORINTRIN. KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF I IEREBY REPORT THAT I HAVE DAMNED TIE PRISMS AND BASED ON EXISTING MOM MDITATION ALL V6UIE EMBLEMS. AND BUILDINGS ARE LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SIOIN AND THAT THE IRO.Y WITHIN THE LOT ONES, OWCEPT AS NOTED. I FURTHER REPORT THAT THE PROP 6 NOT LOCATED WIT/in ASP ONE NRA AS SOWN ON FEDERAL FLOOD NSURANOE MAPS FOR r� 2501�6�7 J SUpyEnOIRE F\A.) -5. Its -NOM- THIS LMAT FO�IIpRT-NOMLOAI AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A _ WORTHATtON. xASCADWUWrns PREBARFD FOR C1 I$TY s. c JEFFRRY J. SOLDATIS SCALE: 'ea(OOI SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 12 EEApTFONNyAND A T$EVS},,WIG 235 RUSSELL SYREEt itti iY IIII�ApR Errs