889 Pumping report 2015 • ■ Cornmonwealth Ma m sachusett City/Town of Iy o /.1)k,f 1' C ° n, System Pumping Record Form 4 DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with yocr local Board of Health to determine the form they use. The System Pumping Record must be submitted tc the local Board of Health or other approving authority within 14 days from the pumping date in accordance with 310 CMR 15.351. A. Facility Information Important'. Wnen(fling out 1. System Location: forms on the computer use nary Ina lab key Address move your - cursor-do nor City/Town Stale Zip Code cse tae return hey 2 System Owner. 1)e1 �-�14lz SUt v m k`j Coll 1� h�uuu Address of different from location) City/Town i\ jj IV raf iG 1 • . B. Pumping Record y 1. Date of Pumping " Dabs'\ 2. Quantity Pumped. State Zip Code Telephone Number Gallons 3 Type of system: C Cesspool(s) _'Septic Tank ❑ Tight Tank ❑ Grease Trap vJc t \ICK r 3�-y�S, Other(describe): 4. Effluent Tee Filter present? C Yes ;XNo If yes, was it cleaned? ❑ Yey,J No Condition of System', CSC* 6. System Pumped By: Na4 'S LS C Company 7. Location where contents were d 1, i 3- 'S 2 Vehicle License Number Signature of Hauler pate Signature of Receiving Facility pate heforma.dco 03/06 System Pumping Recoro Page `a