595 Septic application and permit it . COMMON1 LALTIT Of MASS;ACHUSETIS Board of Health thri et %')12/'41.1. CITITICICth OT I OMPrIANCI ." Description of\4bIIC U Individual Component(s) J Complete System The undersigned hcrehy CC!rih That the Sewage Disposal S stem, Constrr cued ( }.Repait eci ( tl':Cpgra led ( ).dhan I in I/1(414a ��r ,�. _,,er� 1 5-;/ FFF at has been installed in accordance with the p o- V so f 310 CAM 15.00 (Title i) and the app: applicant N ll al- y dated el Approved Approved Degn Flow Installer . i .. �r • upd) sign pl. >huilt I I- elating Designer: The issuance of this permit No V Inspect> I .. a all not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed.' COMMON11 UALTII Of MASSACTRISEITSII- Board a Health r Board f .1 i.i/i�/ DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION P-KR yI f i Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( ) RepairQ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( )an individual sewage disposal vstein at as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. V 1 - - ; dated Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit. Al!local conditions must be rut Rem 1255 Rev 516 AMn.satin CO Beebe MA Date 1/ ?!- Board of Health ( /�-. ! /v / COMMONWEALTH (H 'MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health. italRi I rO%% , AIA. TION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTTUCII()N PFRFI]T p FEE Cry G /�F _ I.oca %Sr M ap/P Oy0'on' / 'rI�t a" 2l) Owner's Address T Nance Q[.2 Q I Die 4 LW/ l C a'�i ti.l , iil i'} �° 2n Lot# Us � - s I ph P; l -� / 0 '-� sg e :Name h {"v ish,S..i M cats Address j_u. ke _ d c \c L l +i .mat '2 (4-h) I c)sit -" c?ff Telephone# La- A?) S2 R 3 ici i _ TsT -f Building J +- 'n^a.la/ In Size s4 °- ei g r AA. ( Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms : Garbage gander Other- of Building No.of persons /U Showers r)e6 'r( 1 Type o Other Fixtures Design Flow(min-required) ..,5 0 gpd Calculated design now S ti s% Design flow prodded gpd Plan: Date / I- !J- o Title ;I:"rr°'ref> faC hA2Fri,FA-) Description of Soil(s) 4p.e Ole>— Soil Es alumni Form No. N u d mber of sheets d`- Res Dare /I-/<'' a A (c c*i+J( RQ C ' C AA; 1 Name of Soil Ex ablator Dare of Evaluat DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS in one i r,.c.A c. 112e).(.b> �,1J CzllaANNA L)* p wl Cii<lo.A.Eltf l/SC CPSZ .iO A, : '1 The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. SVIedDate Inspection No. ;L.ONJ1OINWEAL1 Roof Health. CLI2TTF Tj-{4 COI\IPLIANCL Description of Work: :IIndividual Component(s) RCom'leteSfstem 'the undersigned hereby eels&that the Sewage Dispo-. System: Coltsy, r ted ( I.Rep: d ( 7.I'pgtad d ( At 'atoned ( ) bv: f3 • LASS at � � has been installed in am rdance with thtryfe it of 310 CMIR 1300 (Tide 51 and .4W approccd design plans/as-built plans relating to application No date Ii smiler Designer. The issuance of this permit shall n&bk construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. K dpproced Design Plow (gpol Inspector: Date: 110t1>1fNWLA W OF I \SS.ICIII'SLTIS daonI of Hettm, Att DISPOSAL STS I D1. OSIIdL'C IIOJ' P� k III Permission is hereby gran ted t o; Co 9struc5(�Repair( ) grade( ) Abandon( y) an ind duals gedt�p�,el system at -het as described ikthe a�cauon for j ," Disposal System ctmstrttiction Permit No. _dated (� Provided: Construction shall be completed within three wars of the clam of this permit All local con diti q u t be met. HE Form 1255 Rev 5.96 A.V.stun CD eostor.MA Date Board of I Iealth 11- AN T A Xp amy E pp MAGINNIS foN9#$t 'it 8E i1P ■ MI )NW-,ALAI i)F '1.\SS11. Bond of I ralth.%10Z }t-)IA I ITS ��•.�� ;Lfd. TFON LOI? DISPOSAL SYSTLt_ • LILTIOfN ; 1T - -- vucl( 1 Pupal'( U1 '-rdr dbandon( ) - 7 Compete System. Lmponents "'!` ,• Type of Building_ SING LE re‘,---, L. Dwelling-No.or Brdroom. C Other r-Type of Building No.of persons I,0 • Showers ( Cafeletja ( ) Other Fixtures L Design Flog (min. required) C 5 G gpd cal, dated design flow S 5 C Dcsign Pine provided !.G a-d Plan: Dale I - 10-G3 !N nthtofsievs - 3 kewsion Date 4 -.;� Q4 Title l-/d4 f LIIvIC . LC AC fr ID Cr GtD — SCS `< '.Ci rh: o--G111-9 -Al'htJ' ` .= :v , N • D sd iption of SAN ON •r,L t w aC/3e 0 Or F c- h"7 rt . _.•, ' Soil Eial t Form No. Name.f Soil EuluamON/ (bE D u maw?.Oki rl F v (� k' II ` DESCRIPTION OF REP.AIRSOR:UTERal IONS el C_.Nh C:da �Xts t -G I(1tNi YltS��C9� C X�jW xl 5n) is• ,._I> RIP ) (,e, •ii1 (FLt.=Arc i2 Lt %I (. (3(.- 0 (4“.a 'C X 3( (.,,)v e Lot Size • Garbage gdhiigr{/f r The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Digposal System in aodida;r4a the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate off Compliance has been iined by the Board of Health. Signed 1 w -1.., : ,.. ..,c,.�...a _ -Date 2 b C j e Inspet nious i local 5 ja„ ()DOD- �oAO o Nair�e P IT DC- W2� Map,Pan e]# -1 Id ' "C GLES M EAC.W 20 I ern ei I 9 ( r il plw,e% 413) 5 7 93 i I,Installers Nance Kr12 S //'' O(C,-�A/4-1) I "b c Name ) rl,y�;n/ VIA je,,, NYS' Q5 Addres iR iV(_tZ 1)Fllt ' 1"AFID�'i vo)i\ Vdd `)c-AAJCAGF-t -F��LSlflfllls(51p)., Telephone# ( 1--2' rq — 539_11_' Telephoned (4I� ' S2 ) - Si ' 1 Type of Building_ SING LE re‘,---, L. Dwelling-No.or Brdroom. C Other r-Type of Building No.of persons I,0 • Showers ( Cafeletja ( ) Other Fixtures L Design Flog (min. required) C 5 G gpd cal, dated design flow S 5 C Dcsign Pine provided !.G a-d Plan: Dale I - 10-G3 !N nthtofsievs - 3 kewsion Date 4 -.;� Q4 Title l-/d4 f LIIvIC . LC AC fr ID Cr GtD — SCS `< '.Ci rh: o--G111-9 -Al'htJ' ` .= :v , N • D sd iption of SAN ON •r,L t w aC/3e 0 Or F c- h"7 rt . _.•, ' Soil Eial t Form No. Name.f Soil EuluamON/ (bE D u maw?.Oki rl F v (� k' II ` DESCRIPTION OF REP.AIRSOR:UTERal IONS el C_.Nh C:da �Xts t -G I(1tNi YltS��C9� C X�jW xl 5n) is• ,._I> RIP ) (,e, •ii1 (FLt.=Arc i2 Lt %I (. (3(.- 0 (4“.a 'C X 3( (.,,)v e Lot Size • Garbage gdhiigr{/f r The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Digposal System in aodida;r4a the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate off Compliance has been iined by the Board of Health. Signed 1 w -1.., : ,.. ..,c,.�...a _ -Date 2 b C j e Inspet nious