595 Septic Compliancr snf plsnd 2004 10/15/2004 1e:19 4135495115 KARLS EXCAVATIs 021-14-2E104 16; 17 FMJI: *M I44 PIUN bJWL OF 41.) Jk1l1CC; IUFY14134',11D BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS ROSEMARIE IURPARN.RA.,MPH WOW SCMMOEOIRt,WSJ,CH[n 4AY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF EM.MJ.Sas NA,U.S..C.H.O. olnMer of Palk t•t. RIfld M*eywer.RS,Saran tonic PIANO*Meet NA.,PuMM Mat Nuns Iletlenne Son,Park BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Board of Health, NDrrhamptne PAGE el Y.1 •2 MAIM MEI NONTMAMPTON,PIAr MA (41 7-1214 FAX(411)517.12 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ❑ Individual Component(s) I21 Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed r Repaired q Upgraded 0,Abandoned 0 . by: V' Ulffq�? -5 3% at has been installed in axurdance with the provisions of 31 0 CMR 1/5.00 (Tide 5)and the approved design pian `e s/as-bui t pans relating to application No. 47-0.3 dated "I 0....YJ10 / Installer (Af+ Designer _ __ r-or Approved Design Flom (gpd) rads s.{r 4 Date The I wants of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: _Individual Component(s) X Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed X Repaired_Upgraded Abandoned by: Dr. Brett Denhart at: 595 Coles Meadow Road - Northampton, MA. *** This system has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00(Title5) and the approved design plan / as-built plans relating to the application No dated: Revised: April 20, 2004 Approved Design Flow: 907.20 GPD Installer: Karts Exca T Designer: Tim Date: June 19 2 The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PLAN VIEW SCALD I' = 30' Swimming pool 40 mil poly line AS-BUILT DIMENSIONS 'A' to 'D' = 80.5' 'A' to 'E' = 725' 'A' to 'F' = 905' 'B' to' D' = 76' 'B' to 'E' = 68.5' 'B' to 'F' = 87.5' coop Driveway GARAGE N rEXISTING 5 BEDRDROOM HOUSE \ °A• \\ \\ \\\ or Infiltrator leachin• bed aliEeaa EMS'a� Esamaca asegaaa B 42' ,Sy OLF of 4' pvc solid pipe 1500 gallon Septic tank 4 pvc solid pipe xisting distribution box Existing distribution box Existing distribution box attond TIMOTHY E. M AGIN N IS # 982 "Pp a1ST EREa TA R As-built plan 595 Coles Meadow Rd. Northampton, Massachusetts Infiltrator Leaching Bed ( 42'L x 36'W ) [wren Dr. Brett Denhart Addressi 595 Coles Meadow Rd. Northampton, MA 01060 Phone' (413) 597 - 7935 40 mil poly PLAN VIEW SCALE] I' = 30' Swimming pool ner\ AS—BUILT DIMENSIONS 'A' to 'D' = 80.5' 'A' to 'E' = 72.5' 'A' to 'F' = 90.5' 'B' to' D' = 76' 'B' to 'E' = 68.5' 'B' to 'F' = 875' ,LOOP Driveway g GARAGE \ EXISTING \ \ 5 BEDROOM \ HOUSE Infiltrator teachin• bed 18 o aESElaIREalmis 8 �' MEEeSMai 42 TOLE of 4' pvc solid pipe 1500 gallon Septic tank —4' pvc solid pipe xis tang distribution box Existing distribution box Existing distribution box As-built plan 595 Coles Meadow Rd. Northampton, Massachusetts Infiltrator Leaching Bed ( 42'L x 36'W ) Owners Dr. Brett Denhart Address: 595 Coles Meadow Rd. Northampton, MA. 01060 Phone' (413) 587 - 7935