471 Septic Plans & Tests 1997 rl n• . 111S•11 FORM I I - SOIL EVALUA! No. Dhlel Co nnronwealth of Massachusetts , Massachusetts. „ i , t t . Soil Suitability Assesunent for On-site 'Sewage„ i4 . Perforated $y: /1!),_, ci-f/4"7 ✓2Iri/Z-U7? .-f-' % Date: •'°It:9)0 4 Withepied'By: TGr. :/1 4t7c Z /7,,et_,/ g q i• i 11N1�a��.,�. r...r......'- LLTy -... _ IC, If/G/f f 5'i[i1jy'/[/ F7/ Co/ f Xcc-92 •.:::: 547/ Gabs. ift�,+�c<-'.✓XO, 4/x4'7W 5'A yo/C-ti K1, ' eW QonstrUction Repair ❑ • �% Idea Rola* U//' A"'3 '•Publbtiat Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Ye. Q--- • 1•011)Yak Pbrr hied Publication Scale Soil Map Unit 21 t1::1:a, • • Dralnlgi Clait Soil Lb tlletlomra t "'t Iaka. 44 k.' Sutfiolaf&eologlo Report Available: No Li Yea I.3 Year Phbllahed Publlcaliuu Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landforra flood Ilisurance Rate Map: Above 500 year food.boundary No Dios r1,1*----- Wlthih 560 year flood boundary No 9'S es ❑ *IIhld 160 year flood boundary No Sfe:, ❑ Wetland Aida: :NatlidadoWettand Inventory limp (map milt) , 1�6tIYilAa doraervanoy Progryun Map (nap unit) t • • 4,. durrbnl,Water Resource Copditlons (USG;‘A: Month RangetAboVb'Nonnal •Intgrmal ❑l rlcw Normal ❑ ' Other References Reviewed: 1.1. y.41■'ll I.oil ' 'i^.' • e141'0M •,.vh r I •Su.i(1.Altl4 ' • • •. a ,q,bri401 aV APVaOVW VUMM•n1O !' . AAHt; f fi ) t f la I I?IfI FORM I1 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 of 3 Location Address or Lot No 9 7/ . -2'7% li'/-�.Ot-e&J J/o I•.51 Deep Hole(Number ���/ Date: LoCeilont lltdentlry on site/plan) / . ,. . Land Use _/Le,S, CL e>4/u Slope 1^. Vegetation /2ZLt s1PG/ Landtorm are./.0-1 /./ Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body /vd Coofeet Possible Wet Area4or,feet Drinking Water Well ,9eld On-site Review Time: Cat 2/ Surface Stones AL.HA ' - We ather DeptMoBedrock: 7 cG.'"?// GLai- d spP Drainage way ✓'vlfeet �� Property Line feet 7a 4• .jrj Y.rq. Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color IMunitell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders,Consistency, % Gravel) a- 51 -Zs- 75.:- S7 • g7 /Yon-7- ,€o d/IIrd �/� • MINIM OF 2 HOLES !Parent Material Igeologicl so/ tor»Ta 4e EUUIREUAI VARY 11 PJN am/+yUB tU UIS pf5 to epee,u-�! 7d /Coma's / /0 ,t',L.PZ_n ' S' hot/ //v s /5 c -t M,F,(s/t---c. 7' iDeathto Groundwater' Standing Water In the Hole: /(//12-/ Weeping from Pit Face: /ifd •C( ® Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: DEP APPROVED FORM- 12W/9S jfd FP' , i111 { 9t, I f Yo 1 'Rte'i Location Address or Lot No. • Jnl l /"T L FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 or 3 On-site Review Deep Hole Number Z-Z- Date: .Cl/r!F'/9� Time erilihnon a��ltgg glen)% f1Q S/G(�r�ylet�/Slope I'M Sur Vegetation Coeetldm tea Land Use - r/ Landform dro'n-y Z. -L* Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Bodyr0'U9 feat Possible Wet Area ,d'v47 fez Drinking Water Well/ta faet 9°0 Weather ,s'r/n/7, ile r face Stones Li-On Z e .6 O O I,.,L7J' Drainage way 6:74/41 eat / Property LIne7D feet 2k /I,'n i'teU Other • MINIMUM OF 2 notes n c•.-• - -- -- 'Parent Material lge loald j " 4_-- peothtoGroundwater: Stan ing Water In the Hole: /✓a fetes .e ty-tiT /1, ^^ /771o//ry F%.�/t/S • 'Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water:_ IIEP APPROVED FORM 1,07195 DeptMoaedroCI( Weeping nom Pit Face: 4.2d t�l DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Depth from Surface'Inches' Soil Horizon Soil Tit sluts IUSDAI Soil Color (Mongol') SoII Mottling Other (Structure,Stones.Gaoulldders. Consistency. % v ._ 4( . —ZS zs— $g 7:C X),a.4_20 _ 9Z 7 /9, S&L) G, C z_ c, 41 50041/ S p" •t s/07r., 5-A an /lie-. s � P° /.L , 6 Vie S-& yK 'q s-s/ /47 2' S /n6/7/� 40 yin 5---8 1�/ 0 /�G4�l S % i�i r7-7/95 5-itt-eal 7IrCYii7 . ' IC/2. /+7 [1204 OnnDIIIin IilepfSAL aaA • MINIMUM OF 2 notes n c•.-• - -- -- 'Parent Material lge loald j " 4_-- peothtoGroundwater: Stan ing Water In the Hole: /✓a fetes .e ty-tiT /1, ^^ /771o//ry F%.�/t/S • 'Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water:_ IIEP APPROVED FORM 1,07195 DeptMoaedroCI( Weeping nom Pit Face: 4.2d t�l FORM 12 - PERCOLATION 7Efl Location Address or Lot No. Go,d &/5t5 fZPgtocj -te COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Weir/40-171/41.4 Messeohusetts Percolation Test' .; Dete: ... :,0/.. 7 Thnet, 9 °U Obuervetlon• Hole M 7/2 7 %�z - z Depth of Piro .. . _> 7> Start Pre-soak 9 Sell /0 ' 03. /U.'/7 /O 3z--\ End Pre-soak /O '63 /0 •1z Time at 12" /U 03 /0 3 L Time et tit" /D 2 3 /0 S3 Tlm.,it d" /0 /13-3/ 1/ 09 Tims to awl ,3//3 ; /o, 33 (34// ; /2. G . Ruts Min./Ino)i /3.6 jr / u /1 0 ` Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed In both the primary afilr'AND'.'•y MOM area. elite Passed D Bite Felled ❑ I r, Performed By: i cc /0)79 LJ//r /1077 ME • Wlirtaned Byt ' /2. Mc. j2t.9/LJ i5o ea Comtn,nts: - . ,Y S sss*nPQPm FORM•11111701 Unit no, /ere / leading J 3.1 me {atucatian ( 17 min) 9• Y6 1// /O 9 7 /p Peru Retw, e' leound glee . lepth - or Hula I'eteululluu Teal 'rent. I I o . /7-terO IlonJlnp `'rl me /003 !a, lII nil ion ( l i min) /0 ./7 — /0 it O . /Z /0 ,37 7 /4) 273 /0 as 7. 0 Zf;_a / 7-3 /0 nln/ lm+ah 3�+ CO roro Moto Ill I p. lnv . 11,41.1h or nol ,4 .��Z—/ Deup__t.tat I'll /e 7/JZ rest Pit. ii ini" 111 . —2 Depth But),-Ueeurlu Lion Depth Uull Uaauclptlun org ..o.-Y_ �/-s «a 52-.C . . 0?au-t../ WA YO LAS S'iz-rf! .f/-2S: (c r- j s"O•t /O flJ S 1�8 7 �/�c.v��/IaIt- Ya.c c/ .577-1.-,0 ..es___G(Q sitwo. it/4. R7 ,tj—C(Jo, CO £7 le ono /dr er:/ %v% tL S /1.pc/o TtL groundwater ' Uepth_/g7 NIA v ._,Foic., IreuTiAentel Depth (n/ Il1ev.' le 'cp' -- : • Bedrock Depth glee , Iledruek Depth - Slay . Ground: Blev . ground glee . OS '0/7 £p HiH/mall S.C.B . Soil Description 5": 7ti'J2�9ene win 1 111 11 tinter Table? Z/ Lc Bench Hark: Elev . Description OoHHBHTS1 Ile In : cI lent. : C1!/'t/4" ,&, /9-Ad, xi 7/ tnC Engineer l ) . ul lneenl hoc at low Lou urile rel /997 • 3-4cs410t) h_7.1 ..r 1 • FORM 11 - SOIL EV ALUA No. Date: Coiiaiiiuiiwealth or Massachusetts • Measechusetta IA Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site.SewageoDlig n%HUI Perforated By: 4-4--//9,77 a /-7-7 - Date: ' • Ir".00144 Withipeai By: yec "F7C eC, n.1 ^ Leleriell An-.e. / 7:7a"; • yew'conatructIon 0 Repair 0 Ofildi ' n Wei Published lid;Survey Available: No 0 Yes Publication Scale braliibai Soil Limitations Soffit:4a °vi ; ola& Report Available: No 0 Yes •, Yee.Published „ „. Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Una) LeittiForal Flood Maumee Rate Map: Abram SOO year flood boundary No 0--- womb 500 year flood boundfry No Ehci.i El *Mild 160 year flood boundary No Elcer 'Wetland Aid.: • :NatialtidAiletiand Inventqw.Ltep (map uoii) tad& tonaervsney Program Map(map mill) • Garrard;Water Resource condition§ (USOZiOdoeill RatigtlAboVIENormal .13Nonnal arainv Normal 0 ' . • Otheilieferenees Reviewed: l• 5611 Map Unit I ••• I brit. • • DIP/MOM IURAI•11/010/5 ••1 's 4-1 • ' —•,*(do •1,400 I auiRriut .*••rs 111 '... '01M4).( ;), U f'hl I 9:16.1 Location Address or Lot No 1 FORM II • SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page2or3 On-site Review >Q / Deep Hole Number ✓/S / Date: b/' nLoccatlornirlidentilyion site plan)/ , Land Use y/IC'S>.�� ✓ Slope (% Vegetation ,,,.,.CFO.t.—e SKP }+� Landform Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body lat ,y� Possible Wet Area /'/ 4"—leet Drinking Water Well / feet `700 r._ 9 Time: p DO Weather z Surface Stones rj ,n-c..P%Q.„ tboli A-4 <- Drainage way eel Property Line SO feet Other • MINIMUM OF 2 Mutts ncumnc:9.. c.c• Parent Material Igeologlci 17" —"la ,yapih to Groundwater: Standing Water in On Hole: /s A/ey Weeping from Pit Face: :Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: DepthtoBedroek: OLP APPROVED Fatty' 12101195 /f /7i"%e9% ' Nom DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Depth from - Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color IMunselll Soil Monling Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency. 96 GraveII o _ V 44' - ZG Zo �L A 860 C f /°y, ....3 -- c: /o ;,', ' S to �/ S_ V s�o4-r.-, `-c- n; sLorr 2 4/0 nor -U f 9 ,__ /°� 7'y' J /4 Cl/1 �iP `o/ '5.14 k., `77 /9-Sf ! c CiL/ ° C�C / • MINIMUM OF 2 Mutts ncumnc:9.. c.c• Parent Material Igeologlci 17" —"la ,yapih to Groundwater: Standing Water in On Hole: /s A/ey Weeping from Pit Face: :Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: DepthtoBedroek: OLP APPROVED Fatty' 12101195 /f /7i"%e9% ' Nom 1`44,404 ill • C 'IH I n;ffi't Location Address or Lot No. .1.:1 r FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM ^s , Page 2 of 3 /of- .3 On-site Review Deep Hole Number 7 3- L Date. .Y/�G/�J Time: Weather ,$-U/7/7 G' w' a Land Use Slope I%) ✓ Surface Stones 120!.Z",C/ Vegetation ./�yL-/�S-74/4 � landform ,._, 1Z_019-a- �.., 1, Position on landscape (sketch on the beck) Distances from: ' `'` / ' /o-•.�� Open Water Body Ain?leer Drainage way feet Possible Wet Area�jp�rfeet Property Line / c feeVd £4' Drinking Water Well,.' / feet Other ori • MINIMUM UFR HOLES HEUUmnr r Patent Materiel lgeologlc) YAW-et-one L peoth to Groundwater; Standing Water in the Hole: "C V+ Z- —97----- DeptMoaedrock: Weeping from Pit Face: Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: IIEP APPROVED FORM i2/07195 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Depth from Surface Ilnchhess)) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Solt Color !Munson) Soil Mottling Other (Structure.Stones.Oa,�ers,Consistency, % 5'- Ljt 2V— $L L- �� e <J Gy G L S -L ,fin,( nor-:/ tea ttr S/ r�0 X e imirmRSIISTIVMSELGrin ioyC Co /O 67 6y� 7-3 fro rr_ e/ /O ce o//Zr /O S'/a/ /o J/Ov_l`� • MINIMUM UFR HOLES HEUUmnr r Patent Materiel lgeologlc) YAW-et-one L peoth to Groundwater; Standing Water in the Hole: "C V+ Z- —97----- DeptMoaedrock: Weeping from Pit Face: Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: IIEP APPROVED FORM i2/07195 Locution Address or Lot No. FORM 12 - PERCOLATION UM' Zc/ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , Messeohusetts Percolation Test' Date: .., (�/0 Y/q 7 Time:. /// ' 30 Obpsrvellon, Hole M I 77:5- / J / /v- 3 - a Depth of Pero 07- 37 Start Pre-.oak // ,- 3 a ././.' «9 End Pre-mask i. 1/7 / z, D Mae at 12" // r7 24 /L 047 Time at 9" _ �— /2 05 3 - " /Z ,./ e-, Tlme,at d" p .39 f Tlna. (f�•-B•) , '13 /) r- V /3 / c3 3 t • Rate•Mln./Inch s'2, /2 • 6 /17/As // 0 , ,U n / L4. • Mhilmum of 1 peroolellon test must be performed In both the primary afili ANDtj re ns are,. t date Paned Mt Palled PsfonnW By: Witnessed Bys Comtnentat _.. f /trUJ/ , //0// • • t ty • e at No.. J��p-��`'c e nding T' Time •turn ion ( 17 min) 40 G. ' • e ra Rates' round elev . ■ptu or Nut. I'ei'uuiallui Teel //•'JL // 7 �� 7// V7 /7 ;• /Z.3 , , film/ Loeb e et vit %,•7 - • th 8o1' 'Ueecriptiun ev _ � r• Lo � � ��rvo Yet -Y3.r- y4r •ntg �/cc_ �Ooc tff ea It 1'nrv . Ilnln n • rnuul I Inv . Ill,PI Is el 1 1101Ir �•nnl. Ito . Il /4' r[ Z •1 we%,1.11 1111 J1t1 't, nl tun 11i in /L roundweter edrook round Slav .C.S . Soil Depth flue R1ev . Depth elev ._-- Deecription ' /57"4/r57 lench Mark: Elev . Intl t Ili ,• /T. 0 7 L 0 • • / 7 /7_ z/ e.- 2-Ci • OS S;d &wino Uel .th Hui! Ueeurlptiun GC: 4.1,it wl Sly 52L vi - SUB /Son//¢_L drunul ante l.• Depth Elev. lied ruck Depth Elev. Uruund Elev . pawl 9 e■ 'C ./.16 6/1' Seneunnl High Noter Table? /1i ticiLle lie e : 1.11 tun ' MMUSTS : Doan : 72,/t '-f 4;16 /997 1; 11 ell I. . ./77,4/ � ,aCa4 milt/ ' 0 Engineer ' Witneent a4mmamier hoeul. loa' oche ret 0 End Pre-soak /? cc= Location Address or Lot No. FORM 12-PERCOLATION TEEr COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ,Massachusetts Percolation Test' Time Observaton Hole Depth of Parc Start Pre-soak Tuna at 12 Time at B- /t � a Time a s- rd- Time 1B'-e1 I � C�3 114/-4 Rate Min./Inch 1 / J/rte / - w •Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the prime area AND reserve area. primacy Site Passed Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments: _ Site Failed ❑ i J - 0n-Fife Review Location Addressor Lot# I r-I 1 / - F! Deep Hole Number I I `Date ����7//{/ �1� q r�—/ (Time I /( { 0( /-I" I Weather I .1-/--I" ,,-' '! Location(identify on site plan) Sal Texture (USDA) Land Use y) , .- J-,i. - -- I Slope(%) I I Surface Stones _I '✓ti" „ ' % Vegetation Landform Soil Mottling Position on Landscape(sketch on he back) Distances from: Open Water Body feet Drinking Water Well , ,/ i location Address or Lot No. FORM 12-PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: L.' Observation Hole e Depth of Pere Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12' 1) 6'3 lime at 9' Time at s• 2 Time 18•-6•1 Rate Min.MCh I f •Minimum of 1 percolation teit must be performed in both the rime reserve area. P rY area AND Site Passed ❑ Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments S Site Failed ❑ , V1. 0n-site Review Location Addressor Lot# I '7 I —A) i l 1 r k)- ✓Q TY Deep Hole Number I I Date (C y 7 Time I Sal Color (Munsell) I Weather] /s--1A-:1,. Ica--r- Location(identify on ite plan) `11 Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders,Consistency.%Gave() (S udur%Stones. Land Use ,� C, ( ',2•,, I Slope(%) I �� I Surface Stones I J Vegetation ^rf.ci,.r/ A l.�fr� 1 /.° r;/rIl✓ lF Landform /✓ Parent Mxblal(genlogk) I I Depth to Bedrock I Position on Landscape(sketch on the back) Distances from: I Weeping ham Pd Face Open Water Body 4,„) feet Drinking Water Well �f p'5 '- feet Property Line ,> C,-,e "feet Possible Wet Area ir. a-,/.. feet Drainage Way feet Other feet Deep Hole#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' � 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Intlles) Sol Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Sal Color (Munsell) Sod Mottling Soil Color (Munsell) Sat Mottling Other Boulders.Consistency.%Gavel) Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders,Consistency.%Gave() (S udur%Stones. '- S c I � rr /` rill ) d JL "C I _ i 5 & N-[ 1 /.° r;/rIl✓ lF P 3 /✓ Parent Mxblal(genlogk) I I Depth to Bedrock I 77 Depth to groundwater Standup Water in the Hole I Weeping ham Pd Face Estlmated Seasonal H'eh Groan Water '- , Deep Hole#: cy — DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Sat Mottling Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders,Consistency.%Gave() il� _ \, OX rr /` rill ) d �_ / C U (tl C( ?% / r;/rIl✓ lF / L y Parent MaMal(geologlc) I I Depth to Becht* Copt to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hate ///''/ ! I Waepitq Rom Pd Face Estim lee Seasonal High Ground Water '- 'Ng