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VINf-t3:,- ".;,:!-... % ''.''.7.c'f.Hy; :••.;5:•ill' .!1+':;,;::-"4-:. ..,',C•f'-...?0`,';';',4? -::::lfr-,',. 'L-'' 41:- ') ,15:t-i•-rdl-'.',.. .1t•-::''.::].,Y. .-?::. '1:,c_‘, ,,\:C.'.' ::',':'; ......:- ,,,, . : 1 :in.- :-C• .' ...'t \ ook : . FORM II - SOIL EVALUATOR Fog3,/ • Pagt 3 or 3 Location Address or Lot No. Zj j cat - oz2�9asu Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hale_ : inches L Depth-weeping from side of observation hale inches Depth to sail mottles ..... .. inches Li Ground water adjustment _— feet • Index W=° Nun^er Reading Date ____ Index well level _..__. Adjust.—.,--`ac'or Adjusted creund water level De__tr. iatr=_!Iv G_p_. _drops „,cps at least four feet y f naturally occurring pervious material exist in ail :Pea_ cps-rd thrd chcut the a.area proposed for the scii abscrpttcn system? y `7 If nc:, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious nate_riai? Ce. _.fica-.:a carry that on "au' t9 etc (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15 17. Sicnatur DE?A)9ROtID FOR-NE- 11;07:95 Date q I • �7j Location Address or Lot No FORM 12 -PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS tvo.crry R.'prq,, Massachusetts • Percolation Test' Date: 9-1 - RA rrn=. R:oo .9--r Observation Hole .+` f Oeoth of Pero Lf Lt u Star Pre-soak ?." Li D v , Er : re-scak s:oo Ti-._ at II 0-4 Time (F-5") Pate :Min./Inch < izt2 ' Minimum of I percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND . reserve area. Site Passed E Site Failed ❑ Ferrer-.__ Ey: ✓GNNID Witnessed.Sy: r 2 »7 � c- LL• 2• Cf.J Comments- FORM 12-PERCOLATION ns Location Address or Lot No. '7- b 5 colE> r7gy,Do1✓ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1Uaz1144,777;», Massachusetts ' Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed Lr!- Ferfcr-.ed !y: r✓•vt S C 219CDU'?Ft • Witnessed 3y: SS Cornren-s: Qu zr-,rbbjT `i > t2e,aj `F:;a Rm• %D 7,s. fit '/i`J(_.._. Or ALMOV=FORM :=77115 Percolation Test' Data:' R- 17- 95 lime 4.UORr OCseria:ion Hole it Dpnt..- of Per: I+11 St_- F.e-soak I R. L5 End F.e-soak 1 D;007 Time _: 1Z, 10 .7)D _,m_ :_ 9" Ia: 5- Li -_ _. : 3:s '�.,*s "" Time (c.•-O'') Fo frct.' -. Lviii Lt.* r'D2 Nri✓ Le c.v7ja✓ Rate ivtin.;Inch ' Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed Lr!- Ferfcr-.ed !y: r✓•vt S C 219CDU'?Ft • Witnessed 3y: SS Cornren-s: Qu zr-,rbbjT `i > t2e,aj `F:;a Rm• %D 7,s. fit '/i`J(_.._. Or ALMOV=FORM :=77115 FORM 122 - PERCOLATION TF.st Location Address or Lot No. ..2-S5 Cale-3 htc /?p#_> COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS /Urn 4mp .a , Massachusetts Minimum of 1 percolation test must be per'orned in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed Cl 2er-formed Ey: N,.Sr 2S� Witnessed 3y: c C✓L /.J Cornmen•s• Dr,A 7ROV=TO22•1•U.'77175 • Percolation Test` Date: • 3 'H Tim,• 1 Observation Hole - -p`^ _; ?erc Loa-44/ ` I LIOlr ---• - r. e-soak 4( ` 50 03 1 � Eric ?,e-soak 5 ; 1 3 13 ')p Time -: is q: i 3 /9 't- 17 Time a: V. /AO • Y7 I to yo Time a: e" P.4llt> z.Jrr.L iO iref.te7 1.,` .T/4 L ,arrr• )20 it- !30 /krv; ,ev/ Time 9"-5") WI)I mue.2.vrg4t- % ..k- twill 0 ne2r, 4 r ie.[lr Faze Min.flnch • Minimum of 1 percolation test must be per'orned in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed Cl 2er-formed Ey: N,.Sr 2S� Witnessed 3y: c C✓L /.J Cornmen•s• Dr,A 7ROV=TO22•1•U.'77175 C6'Q ( rnQQ6324 6 -- ) ° p \ . 6175 - c1 io6u sre # I - FA1 G 1c�1 - . ■ G+'L , i 00/ I ?1!S lsal ?and t r 'd 1r'1 ,�1 pi TIF41 --- -,-9-ly On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 7 Date t • I • Ti Timej3° 9^r Weather Location (identify on site plan) Surface stones -z %G- Lantl Use QrS rDt «TA L Slope(%) a- Vegetation Wee 7+-/N 7 Landform /e.r+.T7 "retat.r.wrE Distances from: i Open Water Body 3 00 * feet Drainageway No t-'t feet Possible Wet Area /0 D ' feet Property Line_ I D feet Drinking Water Well L nv feet Other L✓9 TE'e- Parent Material (geologic): /l9 5E c 77 L C. Depth to Bedrock /l/� • Deoth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: ✓aor Weeping from Pit Face: a'nnrF -Estimated Seasonal High Ground.Water:1Y .4 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (inches) Sail Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mealin3 Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders. Consistency.%Gravel) 0 t° Li %° MCP 10 Li 21� I t b A _ I,J _ S�� c, L/ / r�/ , a y C. /1.).. 10 a y �40 %.S/ 2 e Li - 14y', 7sye / 7.5YT lel / t C64•5',r5 LIe/E Fa.ue. rt°a7s Art-is 0194. !e5'g'Es W-est Lk-Cy r2"71 pal- /44 42,9 on 4. Ce 44./i 5' e Parent Material (geologic): /l9 5E c 77 L C. Depth to Bedrock /l/� • Deoth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: ✓aor Weeping from Pit Face: a'nnrF -Estimated Seasonal High Ground.Water:1Y .4 On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 3 Date ` .9f Time C/,-69AML Weather Ot.l b f•[ST Location (identify on site plan) Land Use %Lei (pc.,T 4 L Slope (%) h Surface stones Afa....E Vegetation 1—%9 tr./& Landform /s re.err"17 P7fr a keirw e Distances from: Open Water Body 2tD feet Drainageway NO,✓t feet Possible Wet Area / bp feet Property Lire SO feet Drinking Water Well C41 v feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Caotn from Surface (inches) Soil Horizon Scil Texture (USDA) Sod Color (Mussed) Soil Mottling Other (Structure. Stones. Boulders. Consistency, %Gravel) d -m Z �L t; I D Z 1 FPrcrc f Lett sc g,07 '7/ &LENVfpg, / 1 ? Tb jai J/ (� illy e L9/ ! 4 a.o7► en- yl9 'y Finn,, �Z OCrt 624 idyl y2 f<i.rgtf 4J54 Tp i 3 �t/ Cc C �5 7,S y li t bArt 7 % Ganti Ce.t�4b 4 aa) 4•e fo,<c Cr tS) S ()sty Pie.n/ L6.tm Parent Material (geologic): 1 / 1- - Depth to Bedrock Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: 74. " Weeping from Pit Face' 74. r! Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water.egLJ On-Site Review Deep Hcie Number Date 2 . 3.1? Time Bret etW Weather o✓c ee?s' Location (identify on site plan) Land Use tar Sr 77CNTgl Slope(%) 6 Surface s•ones AJOarc Vegetation G„fWA) Landform G e:-er.. T> r7n.entnr..sc Distances from: r Open Water Body a-at feet Drainageway ,UO4)E feet Possible Wet Area /00 -feet Property Line IO - - - 'feet Drinking Water Well C,YY feet Other - - - - -• Parent Material eolo ic): i3. YEL 77/7 Depth to Bedrock 3. (g g t �2 Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole I 2`e Weeping from Pit Face:/ale, Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water.2y if as DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Ceem rrn Surace (inc-esi Soil Horizon _' "' Soil Texture Sod Color (USDA) I Munseip . — Soil Mottling Other (Structure.Stones. = Consistency,%CraveiL o rg q H Ts 13 7 Td `7y J 4 TO f 3A A kl ` 5 x -5/1_ s�� (L (o. Z / 3, lb yK %O y a.s> �y !J ye l`/ St A, of'-/- .I/ to ye /O/3 G,/ C.cc re/ etejg r`.t,.r3re Eerauu/e . 11-r7) 2Ge 7"/ 6312-nt)U ion, Felec9 thrc f Fre Relit To la; crnsu.+7Et7 cOe$8Zy fer .sre Ely rim sr, £Oqe rttl Fsue"- c03- Parent Material eolo ic): i3. YEL 77/7 Depth to Bedrock 3. (g g t �2 Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole I 2`e Weeping from Pit Face:/ale, Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water.2y if as Owner's Nan, Address and Tel 0: .yf .»Y 7ya2 GrrL CONNOc t6 Wain 0 i7, in2atur,EJt-Q ram. 0130+ No.: Date: April 1,1996 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Nparfr4rsp7B4). , Massachusetts Site Suitability Assessment for On-Sue Sewage Disposal Performed By:. 77tN Nt s P- d,rQZ-42114-St Witnessed By: -a J27c L2Lr.Ar Certification Number: 2/S: Location Address or Lot N�9: JcsSCO(VS Vfteadl u P. New Construction ;It Repair riffles Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes $ Year Published g/ Publication Scale %'/,54 t/0 Soil Map Unit in ca i Drainage Class Er et s s rtr 1.f Soil Limitation_.J . t SurficiafGeologic Report Available: No 0 Yes ,_ Year Published • Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform erten.✓a M owl./are Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No 0 Yes S Within 500 year flood boundary : No p Yes ' Within 100 year flood boundary No '% Yes 0 Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) t �gq 4 Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month_. I Range: Above Normal 0 Normal ❑ Below Normal czr Other References Reviewed: ( t �z Ir�_di rt>ax.6(; rat .,1) a5S (A-CA � i rr I r / I I PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: J Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc /, Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak .`/I ; — Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" � I Time at12" Time at 9' q Time at 9' Time at 6' , Time at 6' Time(9'-6") 3w g � Time(9"-6') Rate Min./Inch L 3 I Rate Min.Anch •minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. • • - • < • Performed by -Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: t� � r 1 NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- . 7 k Deep Hole#: 3 lion Address or Lot If C) Depth ken (Indies) Sal Haimn Sal Texture (USDA) ate /i I i/t�//i� Time Other (Structure.Stones.Boulders,Consistency,%Gavel) Owner's Address 1 1 l//Lk J l�'-t_, ! _ �-1��I� Engineer ,A&A, _ ifii--.^ - Weather Phone# Land Use k �� (, %Slope 1 Surface Stones d ,6,--‘,. Landform �j���. I Weeping Iran Pit Face I ^/gyp_ _. Vegetation Start Time VV ( F Poation on Landscape(sketch Open Water Body on the bead feel Distances Drinking Water Well Stop Time — feet Property Line /J feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way _ feet (tither feet . 7 k Deep Hole#: 3 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* rib •MINIMUNOF FWD HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth ken (Indies) Sal Haimn Sal Texture (USDA) Sad Color (Munseln Sd Mottling Other (Structure.Stones.Boulders,Consistency,%Gavel) /Suurrface Ir Parent Mahal(geologic) I I Depth to Bedrock arsecil I Weeping from Pit Face k �� (, Parent Mabial(geologic) I I Depth b Bedtak C Depth b groundwater Standing Water n the Hole �j���. I Weeping Iran Pit Face I ^/gyp_ _. Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water it L/ 4 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: %AIN/NUM OF IWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sd Horizon Sal Texture (USDA) Sal Cow (Munseln Sol Mottling Other (Structure,Stones,Dodders,Consistency.%Graven Parent Mahal(geologic) I I Depth to Bedrock Depth to groundwater. Standing Water In the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water v-- .. ( ,-nWiiClai :v7fri J,'5 TIi f Li'ir�7 "2. �' u 1 -- �-„ - I q' (7 61 1 PERCOLATION TEST(S) I Time: I I Time: I I Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Pere I Jt r. Depth of Pero 0 Start Pre-soak L Start Pre-soak ^„ el End Pre-soak z, End Pm-soak Time at 12' �� • Time at 12' V-, ? / Time at 9' I I Time at 9' r ' Time at 6' lime at 6' Time(9'-6') Time(9'-8') /D ;Ji 1� '�° � � Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be perfomred in both the primary area AND reserve area. • • • • Performed by - I Performed by Witnessed by Witnessed by Comments: I. ' ' 'e ,� A NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- TiUe 5 S't R • - r e evl�rr Location Address or Lot# r Owner DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Date r/I 5 5 Time 6 � -�J Owners Address I,(� U,� Btj 3 ° F _ irila� Land Use r/ ■ Weather tillar aa •hone# 2,1-, %Sloe Surface Stones 5G ; i/ Landform ye!station Start Time Position on Landscape( 0 e Water Bod ketch on the back) aro feet Distances Stop Time Drinkin. Water Well v Pro Line �.O feet Possible Wet Area 0� feet Drainage Wa � Other Other feet ,� � Deep Hole#: i DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sod Hatton Sod Texture (USDA) Sol Color (Munseo) Sol Mowing Other (Structure,Stones,BoiMers,Consistency.%Graver) fO - U I 5� - V .Thi n y G, I S 2,1-, Sal Color (Munseli . /� r -4 5G ; i/ X14 f..„,,‘_..-- -. a :> L ParentMabxl(geobgk) I I Depth to Bedrock I Depth b groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole I Weepkg from Pit Face I /ha Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water 2 Y y ' Deep Hole If: 2---- DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* VINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Sod Hagen Sol Textore (USDA) Sal Color (Munseli Soy Mottling Other (StrucWre,Stones,Boulders,Consstency,%Graver) r�� i� ' uy 4 -\ < . 3 L � � Car °s Sero L X� 5-14 lr 10 °� S)/r � � f l� (7-5- I 10 �^ '/b ��,_ P �., h F , _ � r < . ,� � Parent Mahal(geologic) I j Depth to Bedrock I Depth to groundwat er. Stabling Water in the Hold I Weeping from Pr)Face il. y Estimated Sensorial High Ground Water V x / K, .