255 Septic Upgrade Application 2002 -- 3-1997 09:30 191371391100 MASS. DEP/WESTERN REGIONAL P.02 FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL PAGE 1 OF 5 Commonwealth of Massachusetts ivoizi/fi9,P73'Taiy , Massachusetts Application for jacaijingradritai Title 5, 310 CMR 15.000 DEP Approved form required by 310 CMR 15.403(1) To be submitted to Local Aoprovine Authority/Board of Health: For the upgrade of a failed or nonconforming system with a design flow of <10,000 gpd, where fill compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1), is not feasible. To be submitted to DEP: For the upgrade of a failed or nonconforming system with a design flow of 10,000 up to 15.000 gpd and/or for upgrade of a state or federal facility, where full compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1). is not feasible. add NOTE: of upgrade approval shall not be granted for an upgrade proposal that includes the design flow to a cesspool or privy or the addition of new design flow above the existing approved capacity of a system constructed in accordance with either the 1978 Code or 310 CMR 15.000. 1) Pacility/system owner Name %AR Cannon Taff CC en.,..4-2 Address /G c,.,,i/o.., Gre-Q n o/t Phone# ��4—74,3 2 Address of facility 2 c r r /ar /nv c 0/9Ir ie( 2) Applicant (if different from above) Name Address Phone # 3) Type of facility .a. residential ca nmetoial school institutional (Specify) DEP APPROVED VOW:tapes 1t-06-1997 09:16 14137641100 MASS. DEP/WESTERN REQIONAL P.03 FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL, PAGE 2 OF 5 4) Type of existing system privy _cesspooi(s) l-----Conventional system Other (describe) Type of soil absorption system (trenches, chambers. pits,etc.) (/nxr-,...ory exc, �r-�„_ 5) Design flow based on 310 CMR 15.203 7 a) Design flow of existing system C gpd Approved? yes approval date no why? b) Design flow of proposed upgraded system 355 c) Design flow of facility 333 gpd 6) Proposed upgrade of existing system is a) X Voluntary Required by order, letter, etc. (attach copy) Required following inspection required by 310 CMR 15.301 (provide date inspection font was submitted to the approving authority) (date) b) Describe the proposed upgrade to the system Tnr-,bv AG,.. 1300 %r seer_ % n0(7 5r/ )0 err r lea. /7n x/ FRo. gpd c) Which of the following are applicable to the proposed upgrade? Reduction of setback(s) (fiat setbacks to be reduced with proposed setback distances) Percolation rate of 30-60 minutes per inch (state actual perc rate) - uwovaorOwt.MOMS 11-06-1997 09:19 14137841100 MASS OEP/WESTERN REOIONAL P.04 FORM 9A • APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL PAGE 3 OF 5 Up to 25% reduction in subsurface disposal area design requirements (state required & proposed sire) Relocation of water supply well (identify well, describe relocation) e/ Reduction of required separation between bottom of SAS & high groundwater (specify proposed reduction & pert ram) Rom S "-k. 4' Other requirements of 310 CMR 15.000 that cannot be met(specify sections of the Code) System upgrades that cannot be performed In accordance with 310 CMR 15.404 & 15.405, or in full compliance with the requirements of 310 CMR 15.000, require a variance pursuant to 310 CMR 15.410-15.417. 7) If the proposed upgrade involves a reduction in the required separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and the high groundwater elevation, an Approved Soil Evaluator must dete mine the high ground water elevation pursuant to 310 CMR 15.405(1)(1)(1). The evaluator trust be a member or agent of the local approving authority: Distance from soil absorption system to high groundwater 4- feet As determined by: Evaluator's name - • d L4 C°o r Evaluator's sign• .;70ilyy' tO3-71 Dam of evaluation OSPWROrmsoasr-124/AM 11-06-1997 09:19 14137641100 MASS. DEP/WESTERN REGIONAL P.05 FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL PAGE 4 OF 5 8) Notice to Abutters No application for upgrade approval in which-the setback from property lines or a private water supply well is reduced shall be complete until the applicant has notified all abutters whose property or well is affected by certified mail at least ten days before the Board of Health meeting at which the upgrade approval will be on the agenda. Such notice shall include the due, time and place where the upgrade approval walk discussed. If the Department.is the approving authority, then notice to abutters must be completed prior to the date of submission of the.application to the Department. The notices to abutters shall include a copy of the completed application form and shall reference the standards'set forth in-310 CMR 15.402 through 15.405. List of affected Abutters: Abutter Name Date notified Address Abutter Name Date notified Address Abutter Name \ Date notified Address ! \\ Abutter Name / Date notified Address 9) Explain why fun compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1);is not feasible (each section must be completed): a) an upgraded system in full compliance with 310 CMR 15.000 is not feasible: b) an alternative system approved pursuant to 310 CMR 15.283-15.288 is not feasible: no i- rizCers0-L IMP•Intuvtm IO WA.turn. 11-06-1997 09.20 14137041100 MASS. OEP/WESTERN REGIONAL P.06 FORM 9A • APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL PAGE 5 OF 5 c) a shared system is not feasible: can n�nsrery d) connection tot sewer is not feasible: 0 10) An application for a disposal system construction permit, including all required attachments (e.g. pleas A specifications, site evaluation forms), must accompany this application. Is the DSCP application attached? _yes no 11) Certification 1, the facility owner, certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments, to the best of my knowledge and belief, are true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there may be significant consequences for submitting false information, including, but not limited to. penalties or fine and/or imprisonment for thawing violations." Facility owner's signature Date / SNIP 4:Thj H Print Name • &-niap �-/76are /0r/4,/SS Name of prepares ate Slay- 3 e a e 72 Telephone # &address of preparer 2 :i cs ic /c) Cna. Olo�� NOTE: Title 5, 310 CMR 15.403(4), requires the system owner or operator to submit to the Depsrmrmt a copy of the local upgrade approval upon issuance by the Hoard of Health and prior to eommmcememt of com:uction. =ranaOYm ram•tvnnl 11-06-1997 09:20 14137841100 MASS. DEP/WESTERN REGIONAL P.07 FORM 9B - LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL Commonwealth of Massachusetts )1)ocTNA/rG7ot/ , Massachusetts Type of facility: raidmtial iodnnional oemmmcial school dWgo flow per 310 CMR 15.303 pd System designer: Name Th.,a,.of F4:74e/° r2Z )IAtP.f ZI) Q.!TAted(Phone No. r,9-382S Local Upgrade Approvnt granted ton reduction in rctbsck(s) (specify) pea rate of 3040 aio./inch (specify roe) reduction la SAS area of up to 25% (specify % rcduaion&sire of SAS) reduction la reparation between FRa n. 4- SAS s Wgh pwadwaer (specify reduction&pore rate) relocation of a well(explain) c. Z Liar loeal+ruiaocei granted(no DEP appnwai required per 310 CMR 15.412(4)) List minces firmed requiring DEP approval Board of �of upgrade J (/J/' �/ � s' /VQ2��� rNov BTBe /Om�/�/ City THE SYTT It OWNER OR OPERATOR SHALL PROVIDE A COPY OF THIS LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL TO THE APPROPRIATE REGIONAL OFFICE OP THE DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL UPON ISSUANCE BY THE LOCAL.APPROVING AUTHORITY &BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. IMPAPIIIM VOW.IwaM On-Site Review Deep Hole Number .1— Date 2 . 1.-1 gl Time era, nw Weather ovt2e?s7` Location (identify on site plan) Land Use /2 -Sr pCNT,■L Slope (%) 0 Surface stones /Denrc Vegetation /beta J Landform 6c-.u,. n /7..taa,A-c Distances from: r Open Water Body a-ap feet Drainageway A Lb Ai t feet Possible Wet Area /00 -feet Property Line 3G - - -feet Drinking Water Well C. feet Other -- DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG i =eotn from Surface ('ncn0e1 - Soil Horton "'_' ^" Soil Texture (OSSA) -- — Soil Color i Munselll Soil Mottling Other Swq ;e.Stones. ravel rs. Consistency,%Gravell o ray U I Ts )77 1. IS Ts '7`i 5-4 To (3a A 7� uw C') � St !L I 07z /}, to Yee. 4,. y/ a.5—' (y 5��2 tl/, /�' Sr `l, a)- a-y // i o yc 6 4/5 boo re etegr 1`,.,T^.,a/ 62.900 0 r" ze° � TS/ • Ge17•,,u f/pt re,eel UE2.t 'Fre�n ano7y To 4i;'cErrr`....7Et7 Co 46 kr1 NLr Ari'rf EQY Fla•+r1 to/free -4•44.P t 6•crtvE L irt/ ' ue,- cog. Li R YES- %! `, Parent Maieri�l (geologic): �� Depth to Bedrock i ].. f)enth to Groundwater Standing Water in the Hole: I ` Weeping from Pit Face' /C/.0 Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water:2y er Fi Owner's Name Address and Tel e: .�e$;79 tvJ' 7ya2 7L CO NNec/ Dart- Cam 1k Arden; t7• ' lira-kJ is he. Ply. Ol rite No.: Date: April 1,1996 Commonwealth ofMassachuaetts j(ic,-4_211-447-Bv Massachusetts Site Suitability Assessment for On-Side Sewage Disposal Performed By:. 77EN Nf s P- La tan YE- Certification Number: Witnessed By: Ferinwa /;/r -E-0.1-Ca Location Address or Lot No.: 2,55 CAdesto e4do R& New Construction t, Repair E Mica Review / n> n* 351/4,aCH) 3J Published Soil Survey Available: No Q Yes $ Year Published g 1 Publication Scale j,'I,5$'/ Drainage Class E7 cr s e,e&/y Soil Limitation Surfrciat'Geologic Report Available: No { . Yes Year Published • Publication Scale Geologic Material(Map Unit) Landform C,cou- .,- e+r ourre. Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No 0 VIM gf Within 500 year flood boundary No p Yes rig Within 100 year flood boundary No '% Yes Q Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map(map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Soil Map Unit //2 5Lope, Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month -TUki f9 94 Range: Above Normal p Normal ❑ Below Normal sa Other References Reviewed: • s, On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 7 • Date 4f- / 55 Time ¥'3e 4" Weather Location (identify on site plan) Land Use S roe «T o; L. Slope (%) 3- Surface stones .A 70. Vegetation tries 714 4 7 Landfomt /ocJo s7 +'+ORA-4,Afr Distances from: Open Water Body a 00 1- feet Drainageway /VO NC feet Possible Wet Area /o D r feet Property Line_ I 0 feet Drinking Water Well G Yy feet Other bur/T82 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Ceoth Gam Surface (inches) Soil hanzon Soil Texture I (USDA) Soil Color I (Munsetll Sod Monlirg ' Other (Structure.mto es Boulders. Q 70 LI 7 D III /1 A 13 Vim . - S/L 5 /tom L/ ! z BUG /I� to a 'l Y /lP 715717_ sS ' r .hrAe 4- 4y • 7Sye C4, L/ 3 r_••rE) RStt k 69S/t5 c.ee>2, %Np∎era 2U' at, he 4r•u/9q Sems Fs 97 alt _ e� a / = FnTar45/7.5ye /o Po 4209 06L 4- CO 4414`i ip Parent Material (geologic): 39 54 c it L C Depth to Bedrock //S flenth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: Niel; Weeping from Pit Face:yoArS -Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water:yy 4 On-Site 3 n-Sitte Review Deep Hole Number tT Date ` '9f f Time 9 '69.4-K Weather Aelfert en*T Location (identify on site plan) Land Use QE r t?6..t 9 t-- Slope (%) h Surface stones ,uort Vegetation Lis ru/J Landform 6,iC evv P r r, e2Aw& Distances from: Open Water Body 2-& feet Drainagewav NO.vc feet Possible Wet Area / 6D feet Property Line SO feet Drinking Water Well Lr 1 t_/ feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Ceara from Surface (Incnesi Sal Hcracn Scil Texture (USDAI Soil Calve (Munseal Soil Mattl:ra Other (Structure.Stones. Boulders. I Consistency,%Grave» o /° Z A v A- 5 54 1 104J6 g ? o7s /I?' F gaol IM01■1049, Parent Material (geologic): 53,}reL t iI Depth to Bedrock MAnth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hale: 71. 'I Weeping from Pit Face 76 rr Estimated Seasonal High Ground WatergLfl s Co � cS )AZE'tpcw Location Address or Lot No. 7. b J` cart, ri9gDeu FORM L -PERCOLATION TEST >-0a• COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ?Ue&�7-1-i anepTi'• Massachusetts Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed a Ferfcrm.ed 'cy: it t' vt 5 ei l,9e_OVettr` ' Witnessed By: Comments: Q_Vii'Lar41.)T B-rkkD /Taw 'F:At J m.. To 7.190 /'./r. 2•'/J17 O?Alr2OVW TO RM•=Olt,S • Percolation Test` Data: _ R- 17- 45 Tim., q:ae. Observation Hole hr Depth of Pero 94 S-_- -.e-soak I ^ li5 Eric Fre-stak l C."):(:) 0 T:m.e 3- 11" lc,' to Time a: = j .: 5 y Time a: 5" 3.4.6-6 A-.775. I, Time (S"-6"1 punt- - wre, La.* 1 t •-r. No, L.,-7-,a..J '_.e NGn.ilnch Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed a Ferfcrm.ed 'cy: it t' vt 5 ei l,9e_OVettr` ' Witnessed By: Comments: Q_Vii'Lar41.)T B-rkkD /Taw 'F:At J m.. To 7.190 /'./r. 2•'/J17 O?Alr2OVW TO RM•=Olt,S FORM 22 - PERCOLATION Location Address or Lot No. ..2-S5 Cate-5 in-optai /2er� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1Up.e2r4 mp) a , Massachusetts ' Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed Q Per'crmed Ey: 1cnN , j • L'¢Ce Witnessed By: rc/Cy2 ✓ t ter-. /a) Comments- DE?ATTtOY=TOA.N-t--'COS Percolation Test' Date: • . 3. TI Time: Observation Hate as ve.t`. of Fero L 0 a' e r Li D if Star- -re"soak x( ` 56 I fP: oS Ent ?.e-saak , / 3 Time a. E PettI > .Zr17r.7i 30 y7r fP. ao i-E IrAPien sN ,T•• “ r30 ntevr a c,/c Time iS"-a") J4i)I mLX-vtnitt4t- ',ah- twal OVE2f,y 5r Sod A' =_t_ Min./inch ' Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ❑ Site Failed Q Per'crmed Ey: 1cnN , j • L'¢Ce Witnessed By: rc/Cy2 ✓ t ter-. /a) Comments- DE?ATTtOY=TOA.N-t--'COS FORM ii - SOIL EVALUATOR FORN/ Page or •.. Location Address or Lot No. Zj 5 cot t:y »z2.9L`sr. Iaextb Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: E Depth observed standing in observation hole inches U Depth-weeping from side of observation hole , inches Depth to soil mottles ..._ .. inches I! Ground water adjustment feat Index Well Number Reading Date .._. Index weir level Adjusrm=^ Adjusted- tacror _ ?�dlusted crounc water level ... D _:- Va. =!Iv Cc:_.- ._ _^ric,,c fvt=_:e• a! Goes at leas: four feet of naturally ecc_rrinc perilous material exist in ail a _ cosented throughout the area proposed for the scii absorption system? y�5 If cc:, what is :he depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certifica_c • I certify that cn Nev- 1445 (date) r have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environments(Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required trainir,e, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 1517. Sicnatur OSA>PROttj FORM- {-JO':95 Date q 19�j FORM 12-PERCOLATION Location Address or Le: No. 3SS` C I"> Ni r.9 dew � > COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ti -oprot.l, Massachusetts Percolation Test Data: 9'/ - 99 rm-. R>:oe) 9-7 Observation Hole # 3 Depth of Pero LI11 a S.a. . -re-wak ¶ Li `c /J ' J Ent Fre-s:aR VDD mot ' 17 Tire at 9 ; 1 Time at q( .• 2-`1- Time (S"-5") Sate Min./inch C Minimum of t percolation test must be per'crmed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed ® Site Failed E Fercrmed By: • Witnessed Sy: Commem • ✓ENN1) IR-TS � - A4 coo-aye �'7j_ cz lr.J "AM0 eV i7!OAH-L'c:195 Gi? Niel .. :i: - 4:::,-, { NA h } Y Yom • f S , .. f a ,}�U"t t � 3 r Y '� 4�AM1 _ >L .• 9 ,,- LL ,t$ rax + R '{ 00 _404 . .I Y SY J= �L C .F � ,.tom '�� it, `t� \\ �N �` i O \a \r < f fbRJy t i .3& C1 v , � „N .y d dal a td ' 04 s'e . /' ' , � . .° Slf 3J6!d!.AttyeUJ� `a 4 ' k � y 0� Qy } .? a �i>�� . '. ti -: td Wd0Z:L0 666T at '9W7 E07LfLL[TP : 'rn 30Hd Wpm{ 4 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF .. ALTH OF.�I�I..V� Cirrfifirutr of (gum tuurr THIS IS 0 C ?TI I T at t Ji livid Srwige izposal Sysmm constructed ( ) or Repaired QC) by 's .� �I --- aL. aS'� Ie e. ) has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITI i},jr he State Sanitary Code as describer/Lin the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No `ruC7 ___.... dated ii.-L '- 99;._.—.. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CO ED AS A GUA$[s�1TEE THAT THE SYSTEM WI L CTION .SATISFACTORT. DATE— ..200 . — Ir-rcco ,... Thomas J. FtfzGerald, R.S. ,M.S. Percolation Testing • Serie System Design Regis:t od Santdan• License en 1028 V6iUbel UO, 2002 Mr Deter Mrrerl,in Normampton doarn or Realm ivul u li Jai rpiu I, MA. 0 1060 Dear Mr. McCerlain: This is to certify that a septic system constructed at 25b Coles Meadow Road Northampton was installed according to plans as approved by your office using a non-intrusive inspection methodology. Sincerely, cmgiThhomas'! iL.Geral 72 Davis Road,Southwick,MA 01077. 41315694828