235 Septic Application Permit & Compliance 2004 No. FORM 1A - APPLICATION FOR DSCP Fee COM∎401■4'WEALItiOE 7■491SSACAISETITS (inard of Health. Northamnton MA APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to: Repair ( X ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components Location 235 Coles Meadow Road Owner's Name Steve Mongeon Map/Parcel Address 235 Coles Meadow Rd. I Lot# Northampton, MA 01060 Installer's name Telephone# 413 586-0254 Address Designer's Name Thomas Leue, Homestead Inc. Address 1669 Cape St. , Williamsburg MA Telephone # Telephone 413 628-4533 Building Type. Dwelling Lot Size (sq. ft.) 134 .900 Bedrooms: 3 Other - Type of Building No. of persons Other Fixtures Design Flow (min. required): Calculated design flow: Design flow provided: Garbage grinder (no) Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) 330 gpd 330 gpd 330 gpd Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Soil Evaluation lo y sand 315 Thomas Leue 8/25/04 DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS new septic tank and leachfield. The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLES and further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been Issued by the Board of Health. Signed Inspections Date DEP APPROVED FORM 596 FORM 3A- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No. Fee COM241oa(wnAr t(oF Wtss.CIIIISEYYs Board of Health, Northampton, MA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ( X ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Repair by: J.W.Cotton Excavating at: 235 Coles Meadow Road, Northampton Homestead Inc. Project#: 15 has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as built plans relating to application No. dated 9/5/04 Installer Designer: Inspector: . Approved Design Flow 330 (gpd). pv� - (-kid 47 » )Date: a-24°`/ Date: 11/22/04 Date: i///2%/ a% The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. cc: Steve Mongeon, 235 Coles Meadow Rd., Northampton, MA 01060 DEP APPROVED FORM 596 North a .a vi Outline o = 3 tn PL f 3 bedroom house Infiltrator leachfield: use Standard H-10 na Ft infiltrators or equivalent. Four rows d with four chambers per row. it 1 Use 6" Title 5 sand between rows. Use select native sand for backfill. 0 Town water ... 3 .Zx14 / / o !R • \ s� Orig. Surf. Elev.: New, 1500 gallon, 100.9 I Title 5 septic tank. -2 I I 25' A' TBM: Nail at base of pole. so Mil IIERLI ItIUl tt Elev.: 100.00' :74,1,■ - I�IPII[ITIIIIII Driveway i • sa' �1 IIIIIIIEBILI E I I I 1 MECo #25 Orig. Surf. Elev.: r 99.3 COLES MEADOW ROAD Date: Owner: ' M ' As-Built Drawing HOMESTEAD INC. Existing Septic System 9/5/04 Steve Mongeon Ieo TMptAf6. Thomas S.Leue R.S. Revision 235 Coles Meadow Ro. e f ° /1 6eaCape s Scale: 1 : 20' Northampton, MA 01060/ Williamsburg,MA 01096 Except as Noted 11 /22/04 se [4131628-0533