218 Septic Application Permit & Compliance 2006 Appbcatic FEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 'i ( RoaraoyHratrn, /01)//T// Tar.,wn. APPLICAT➢ON FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT or a Permit to Construct) RepairX Cpgradef Abandon( ) - /Complete System O Individual Components Location _7--65r i)ii R/a/z//F/2 Owner's Name GfF // /)4 A'Pt T P 3 Map/Patcei#2/6) (O( rs .1-2,-/mow ?IO /, /'I/J Andress TelephoncN Zit rot4S /+7F/2OG'c/ 20 4// —/V7V Lot# /tier Installer's Name -3o h N a) (10 0/7 Designers Name km L/ f)/6J cy/f/2 LS i f% Address - � .Address //G,.`.. - //J ./ .F'di LTclephoneg p <// � 217. 760 r I t4O-. ":�'�T5lepW T/ ' L3_$ 7 '%J S Type ofBuilding .(5//7 AJT/I2( NOW')C Lot Sue Ca / 5//Xis q�1c Dwelling Nr. of Bedro 3 j%4/007-/ ,U0 Di 9f/a5/t iJA/% Garbage grinder WO Other-Type of Building 5-;VG CE /7,4 h9;14/ No of persons /O Showers (L„Cafeteria (4)G Other Fixtures 7G/(L 841T Design Flow (min.re[q/uired)//U Al 3 gpd Calculated design flow _YJ ) Design flow provided 33/ PI Date�n / /r/ (7h0 Numberof sheets gpd Rr r+on Date /(/)/Li Title 57177 ?</r/T/'// /7/=,/ L-' r g T 8/2/1 fl f? 0.2/8 GOCCS 4-l-/'/9/7Gw �0 Description of Soil(s) f� //7i//(Aii/) Soil Evaluator Form No. // DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS pr.7f/0n 44-aci //G V Name of Soil Etahiamr �S a c n valuation ��'� (S/Th(U/“IgbFS/6 4,1 c'CI LS/ • rcr fib, sr/)77( .Sys-/ / /ZP670s/942 (414 /s Q The undersigned agrees to instal the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to/rot to place the sys min operation until a Certificate of omplance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed ?� ,�[-..% i.U'r/>T•M'C.Date 9/ 7/oc- Inspections COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, /J1/42-71H "1! /oiJ MA. CEIIIIFIC: " _ OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work ❑Individual Components) beComplete System The undcyg ed 1 reby ce tify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ),Repaired O Upgraded (rj,A andoned ( ) b.-: 7 / r,: / f ' 7b✓esi sr A-ra-ri=/ Lt-0 1'/ — 9Ge7; at has heen installed in ar ordain e with the pros isions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the apprrncd design l fans/asbt It plans relating to application Co ; /% dater r a Appnned Design Flow vi / (gpd) Imtallev-t°'• FEE -xJ. -,'' %6? Designer: The issuance of It- lnspecwr: / 4 ):)-% :&V (a*s<C43 Date. permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, / // /e/-91 y2 wL DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( ) Repair( at - i ) t .• ss L »7i- Disposal System Construction Permit No. '✓`! '�� , dated/'l l/s /U/,(J Provided: Construction shall be completed wityin th)ee years of the date of this perm'. ; All locall�r dtiicieR+nwsi be met. For 1255 Rev 5.96 A,M.6ulpn Co.Boston.MA Date '1/ t; t'o'rt Board of Health / t FEE ( 56./6 s ilt . Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system as described in the application for ea, OjZ2'4n , 7 2/2716a# Street ?2ontlramizta(c, 716,4 01060 %C. 413-587-1214 lax 41S-517-1221 Title V Certification of Compliance TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE DESIGNING ENGINEER AND THE SYSTEM INSTALLER DESIGNER SIGN-OFF Pursuant to 310.CMR 15.00 of the State Environmental Code: Title V,Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage,Section 15.021 (3),the Designer and the Installer of a system are required to sign this form as a condition for issuance of a Board of Health Certificate of Compliance for the onsite septic system This is to certify that the onsite sewage disposal system that I designed as: at o?/B COL-if /Y/!t/51/701-0 la on AVO CO (Address) (Date) new construction XI repair(existing system) DWCP number 7!Y)(o - 17 has been constructed in compliance with 310 CMR 15.00, and all local requirements.Any changes to the original approved plans have been reflected on an as-built plan that has been submitted to the Board of Health. /4 s S1E/Z-074 PE Dwi=er's me) (Address) /IV V/66 Designer's signature) (Date) 46G,o%iid i2? /4cye6 4-/4 INSTALLER SIGN-OFF Thus is to certify that the onsite sewage disposal system that I installed on /CV V G 47 (Date) at the above-referenced address has been constructed in compliance with 310 CMR 15.00,and with the approved plan and all local requirements. Tom- &tz--, 5(,&-P sr eSTA&97 .3-0 HA/ (orroti/ /3/4217-titc0 (Print Instal er's name) (Address) (Installer'ssigature) /d/p V° 6 (Date) NOTE:This certification represents no warranty,expressed or implied as to the functioning or longevity of the on-site subsurface disposal system Rather,the plan and installation are in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations as are in effect at the time of plan submittal