192 Septic Soil & Perc Test 2010 FORM 11 -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 1 of 3 Performed By: Witnessed By: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts ,Snit Suit4ility Assessment for On-site ewage Disposal 70- - L Date: i° /n, cU ,v lz�vsf t La, /9a co/as Vow consttucUon C Repair , !it 1 4 Date•/6/7 /o?Op 1124 L///EA(J )', ' /9e Gabs. ,/ 'boo # , /2,0 NatrAllouja t) Ai/4_75 Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes tl�' Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit _.. . Drainage Class Surficial Geologic Repo Year Published Geologic Material (Map Landform Flood Insurance Rate Soil Limitations t Available: No ❑ Yes vO '" �� � Publication Scale _Lr _, p/ Above 500 year flood bt undary No • Yes a— Within 500 year floodb4undary No es ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No PYes m.❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland inven ry Map(map unit). Wetlands Conservancy gam Map(map.unit) Cunt Water Resource onditions.(USGS):Month Range:Above Normal fNorinal ❑Below Normal Other References Revie S63 523t .?8 v arstaovm row.vntnt • • • . Fops ll•SOlL AlVli'POINk • " ' • _ _•Pak'2.d'3 /9t C�LcS. IV.F.9i�bw ep Lba u., .. «to Nb , . „,ii Addeval'glR> .. n site Rei etv • Or{sue Review f �, , • /tt �p p ;ijy. .y lw*J '.4._''an , /o` l/;O_.: 700 w •uw; COOG, .'Ow H5 '. ...,0/"�'D ,.T. n,,,,.. ° �w:. ii'oG• �r�, c/60py M ..tlIse . ,ts. 1.. . Ixi 1 >wa.. ..r_c0/7?-P ,fGUr. cra<oSw ter_ •• sbo.Ixl_!L• &niceaw,. , ... , _ 0. r647 0 _••a'.�, - -O 5�/ /"l't?E�'...�.:.=.voZ.ed undican•. : r1,u' °'M' ' /er9"ar.C. .� • "hi.. 'Ytdvtp.:I.b/1S nIt.back{,. y tlwml' "" - Pasdtmkun n M,..law44 W. a:P t.w-4.b./tbM pn t$I«b.t ck1 n. . , , y ' • w �• • - Utt.W r Ebel, / IM • +Ydnw.+:r / HM , • Dwnw:w est,-z wt -Drainage aygaJo.i C. eWw.i Aat9 rw • tbbwtr Os. . 6K1 ,k'ynrw.Y / twl .ODw GYIWq wW�N.J.•...j_J.I..t// O.t�'iy_ ' .. - .:. : '. DEEP 9BSERVATION HOLE-LOO. • - • • • • ' : . - DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LAG' • ..ar°:t:..p.: bsbut e...c"(+ r.`�,.,. ' •'tl.::..i.«.....a:.r..r wt�trw.t - twos tr.,w u..,... . lJ- , :/ // 1 0-/8 t .. . . .• •- rrvv wr /ai/2 9/L /dye /B--L i4P . toy,, 10-?- ci • 4 sT. l4,,. - . - •Pr/L./UV/04 iLie . �/ Qe cv be /Ore • // .. .qp � //,, S�o,cvhs ./�9 G/ .ls/�u�/Z„� Mo/�.�(.�( gra el 57:1(.0.0165•z �Ptp• 1=2/ ' L1( Fiv�6Lr• /6 awaa.4 U /751f T w,nw,...dta /U� • warvaDSL[tuwbbAt tv[nx rwnua .au �- t Ism mats*wool ' n.,..r.:.. ..�.�....rbi4.rid G[rT1lR-�33j/ /aL/• ' a......r . wmercotr_ns twaywrww.nr za4? -•wwi..r04/0 , qn'/ . . trw s....ttyi.4.:e Vi+.: _ , {*,pwwr.bbe: : ' ,,4,4/ ww[.+�/1^�rn� /l test No, PIPC /Q . Reading • 'Cline yL ._ n „ % Saturation (15 mil) % /_ g'el1olatien 'Test /O0 7 Co Pere Rate Ground Elev. Depth of Pole Test Pit rt"/ Depth Soil Deacri,p tion F/ cO // /CO9 Tegt No . y% Z TP--L Rending{ Time Salur loll (.15 min) id' cal Hilt/inch Pere . Rote „y,.:.. Ground Elev . ._...._. hopth of Iloeelt, Ueep Teat t Teat 'loll Depth Soil 1tl/9/ tAer ° L a 0 N-stij Ors 4- Eta -S W s �rr/ JAW° 5 f—/O l0 P a A—i66/stig 49 re "cat Groundwater Depth /ofp—Eiev Bedrock Depth Les inh ( y .6e,el Description Croup water Depth . ev. Ground Elev, Elev.— Bedrock Depth Elev.—'— ._ Ground nevi.. S.C.S. Soil Peecription 77G1, Seasonal Iligh Water Tablet /f Bench Hark: Elev. ✓ - S ' Description WPC pnlli-e 61 ■ S t &OTOO itt av/Ado :0/f/2a 6/) T Date: /0 40/0 C.11 eat . nR ne = r: uitnee : Loco tin o Pere : ate 20/2 .2k77.Theall CC to 6 , FORM 12 PERCOLATION TEST /92- c-o%S /Ke%douw /24 Location -Address or Lot No. NO�LJ71 4(����C/ �(�ts COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS No1--fl6miofO Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: _/_0.,�_1 97U/d Time: _.9" 517_,— Observation Hole # Depth of Pero 0-:-3 °' Start Pre-soak 912/ L .— 9r7 End Pre-soak 9 C7 Time at 12" 7 X14 Time at 9" /0 O X8/3 Time at 6" jO a 7 Time (9"-6") 16/3 = to s h Bate Min./Inch /,Z.P6/9#-) Minimum of 1 pe colation tot must be per ro med ini"botht a primary reserve area. area AND Site:Passed , Site Failed ❑ Performed By: ,adif/v! s _._. Y7f /42/E.--i= Witnessed By: 1T. Ni£%/ZOS7G aO/,' Comments: FORM 11 - SOffi EVALUATOR FOR • Page3 of Location Address or. Lot iNo. . ./ roc caters % ,,g a tc' /c0 ✓ a¢aa% GUT . Determination for Seasonal !sigh. Water .Table Method Used: • U De ob rued standing in observation hole inches pytrt ep weeping from side of observatiorthole . inches . er epth to soil. mottles _ inches •a/yvwi ❑ Ground water adjustment :• feet . . . /06 Index Well Nu 'm'ber . , • Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor - • Adjusted groundwater level . Depth of Natural:'/Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring •observed throuoout the area proposed for the ff not, what is the,.depth of naturally occurring Certification I certify that on • sf9.r • tdat approved by the Departmentdf Eri was performed by me consistent described in 310 CMR 15.r 17 pervibus material exist in alt arm soil absorption system? j// pervious material? • is soil evaluator examination Hon and that the above analysis trafhing, expertise and experience Date _//4,,�Po/d 160.46 00 1 . 7.31 n 180 515.00 26.84 113. 1 471 .31