176 Septic Application Permit Soil & Perc Test 2003 THFr COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS A;r , -tfui FEE cAppliratinn for !ispasul !gstem frinnstrnrtinn Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct( )or Repair( )an On site Sewage Dispo al System at: Location Address or 1 of No Owlet's Named-Address and r 1.No In. Ile Name.Ad dreyy and Tel.No. Designers Name.Address and Tel.No. Type of Building: Dwelling No. of Bedrooms Other Type of Building No per Persons Other Fixtures Garbage Grinder(i Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Design Flow gallons per day. Calculated daily flow gallons Plan Date Number of sheets (1 _ Revision Date Title _. . . Description of SoiF Nature of Repairs or-AAltewgons(An swer when applicably) / 2 Date last inspected. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. /'signed Date Application Approved by Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No Date Issued THE CpMM NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ✓f�'�� '' i7)/74 MASSACHUSErrs Certificate of (tinmplianre yyy THIS IS TO CERTIFa that tl)eOn-rCiip Sewage Disposal System formlled(1 i f ripppaIre4tigpllaced ) o I at yr �'e C�"_� r a .. � h3y.bge�co ,ructed in accordance wiih.1hg pfpv lions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No `f dated Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: The issuance of this certificate shall not qe cQpstrtas a guarantee that the ystem will function as designed. This Certificate expires on r. / 1--;" !rj DATE - % _ Inspector J <' ' (� THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS No. ^"" 1--(4-,.. )_J:n/ MASSACHUSETTS !ispusttl $gstem (Construction Permit "--,1 : [5.-/,,,, : r Permission is hereby granted to - to construct( ) or repair( )an On-site Sewage System located at 1 1/4,"/! FEE J and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. All construction must be completed within two years of the date below. .a DATE - Approved by FORM 1255 Be v 3/95 A M.SOLKIN CO-BOSTON,MA - No. FORM II - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page I of 3 "446/61 Date:/ /6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts . Massachusetts Soil Suitabili y Amassment for On-site Sewage Disposal Dis posal Performed By: (Ott( //9/77 v/ Date: %L/� / z h I / 7? .49(€ Witnessed By: n 1C /7 %Z 6 ///c/ ge/� Net (-.4/f/ Jlitccin/a J - /1/4_, o.( / sie ctil or-el /7/ /&/FS titNUl"c} r'O . /74, _ Cv6 5 %1-%re...1,0 /.t; AA)/477/N-f¢'/P /Oti /2-/4,55 �/ �>_ new construction lit Repair iKl /OOIJI/jy7,le., Ai fl Office Review 'ulrlished Soil Survey Available: No U yes .07 /iav Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Utainage Class Soil Limitations 58(0 - b0 /3 Suriicial Geologic Report Available. No ❑ Yes 0 Year Published Publication Scale /...)4/0/4/17 Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landferm ... Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑Yes Within 500 year flood boundary No 0 Yes 0 Within 100 year flood boundary No ®Yes ❑ Wetland Arra. 14ttional Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) ..... .. __. Vieslands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) __.. Curren( Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Normal 12Nonnal El Below Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: ov Arraova,roan,. um.n •SI 4.0111 141401 ilLS.411410.41JV ISO _r S' Z'Ai a ,z_____ .Y•Y/IN matte _.'---1,•°M Sow. ON news nterswa. _ -_._ _ -_ __'__.. 7/ 'M•U nNWuwM•`MP•q 'yn/ C' •44u0WY000.4 I..L____ •_.._ _ ) > /3' Ory sv 790, Orr „ z 3/7ri4// z%✓ 75- i5 Gd-y/ 2r, _)-767 1147/ 7 � ° a/h OMeiS t'/ -� . 1' o /v � �n� 098 9/- O/ a'no/ "A"' (/y A •NA.s f1 IYIw•] '.Jpwy -•«r1Y xn.n.wl s,YU... 1441 Y"Y v I•'I .•AI.4I Ml 1•W.ylYayr IM•Y 1••u sou "Atli yYYp • .001 37011 NOII.VAU398O d330 OSnii20/YaRe/ 7<<i 21 7S-0rvilorY }'n/r7 1rv,7z/' ,52 7"- . •aI 970° o J 'J .yu. .. u.. . .Y PM eI•. e (�~l// ? I �/S� .o.. , �L . A:......." . u (7(J/ u...V uM q4P J 1 " -14 O0/ n.... v u."." ,..y , CV/ AVn4 w YJ •M • O . m.. 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IX,"/n.. .1 y, OW .1.u., Yw...HW —'r i..,.•y 1.111 1116 simmig ammunitions 1.0 1.000•04 h'5F4rnjoQ waelprl .,/Y n74'7 uap'IWA C7 or>, a ?t/Q$ •14.IU1e YID 11.y. / c tut o.1.yy 76,itfy 9 a/$fl/ °Opal j.SII JyS,LY �r YI IYY O or/C 700! 1 M ...1.y1 :.11411 non aN 6 7 17/n/z/ 7-,(// 41ai.laN' a,es-1.n Sstonvi /va{dGV(7,v_e orY O'l1 rnani 1,141/ 5,-1/02 9( / ..N ,.,, M I..1,p1y ae,leoe'1 CATalma 'woe 1OJ.V/l'IV csI lit IS 11 11111114 Pe, cola ion 'fes t Test No . 1F'r: / Z9 64e Reading _ -_. Tillie .Snp/ci Sa turat Ion ( 15 mlu ) 930- 9V /2 9 VS c lye ?..5".3 7 (ss io 00 pert Rate c.) M/ ni i .e�n�i' 1f, 0 Mlu/ inch Poi I' . lime J •o Min/inch Ground EIev . C, wind P: I rv . __- Dept h of hole VV Urplh of Inn I -34j4------- Test I'll 7/), - / nett I' 'real PI I. is J f/19 �Lp rp. i.`. Depth Soil Vesta Jilt nun 'I'rvf Pll �/ /' L_ --------- - - -L -- Dept ll Soil Description (l -/o _ ars- eu ,lip ) - - P _1.C1 -/_8__- LFi.r $ y 5-44-40 c Q -/U o�S_coir/,- S v,5- /0 --/(13 ,_57c._ ry _a_.4.0c,o Svc /r5 -/Z c i T.9s% s/J/u o ir.��e..? Groundwater UepU� J kitty P Ste__-?-6�tD S rt Bedrock Z' Ceoundwa ler Depth ZI Elev. Ground Elev . Depth / c E, lev . Iled rock Depth s« >'�lev . __ 7. Ih-uand hlev .__ A-yL�r 6 L S . C . S . Soil Descriptiou _S Seasonal Iligh Wa Ier 'fable? /%f Air 6 Bench Mark : Elev . 5-2 ( L.;,)06., _ description --- — /Pir. A "Ye fRL14u Ilrn'I IUr 'I' I me q S a off at lon ( 15 mlll ) 937 - 75--a pra /D C o19MGMrs• 1(4 Dia XI eye cc)A, 0 La accdes c-e'l 1 ) 6 9 Rug l nee r WI l ue sn : Lora( Ion OF ere FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. /76, Gat 5 / ,5/De, 2C)/9O COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS A.1/21/21771/9/11/74,, Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: /2//i0/0 2- Time: Observation Hole p j //, '97(3- / r/O Z Depth of Pere V y /, Start Pre-soak zyyec_A 2,y,4 End Pre-soak 9�s= 9sa 930 9V- iuf/�'f4 8 Time at 12" %57J 7 VS-- $o ii A4el Time at 9" 47(3 9 98 P /lc FaL Time at 6" /000 q t.575- - p P2V UK4/ - /e?/O.v//Z P,f i Time (9"-6") 7/3 r 2, 33 G0Li5/5 TT/t/T Rate Min./Inch ,04-.3764' ' A''- 7LE ,%U /�.,//_' .pPS/c,•C/ £ATj f C / /0o// • Minimum of 1 percolation test must be per ormed in both he primary area AND 4if1""0 p,00ra /7oPv ,eirc;)D Site Failed ❑ A2e/' 3/61 C n-e/e /3-, 2/Z reserve area. Site Passed Performed By: c_e- r etixi9 E Witnessed By: /1)427-,CA:. tic /k,Ct,ry /.(J go/.,/ Comments: -) c ?cc' 7o ov APPROVED FORM.vmn, 587 it .y I.orallon A,Idren, or lot No. FORM 11 S011. EVALUATOR FORM Page Sof3 /76 (-0c-05 n ,¢z7,p0 w 244¢,0 /00,te/-NAviy,o /z ii svA75-5 Determination for Seasonal Hits Table Milhod_Utted; Latepth obser vad shoaling In IsJ�- l`)np11. wnapinp from olds of 1. J-a,epih to soil r nottlon Ground wwtm wdlrrwlmnnt Indere Well Number nenrllrr Adluetmenl factor Arllnsre nliaarvalloo bolo Inc allaervnoon holy. hi I.u•hen Inn, blo/////I!/ Unrn ./e-r, r-e /V J tndnn w rl pr moot welnr level hes cline 72 7z �rei6z" 11 level 7/?--/ 7%%-z DeD.lh offla urolly_Qocuning Pervious Material Does et least four observed throughout the area proposed for the If not what le the depth of naturally orrpning Q_ertllicaikon I osrtlly that on pervious materiel exist In all areas • soil absorption system? r./P47_ IlerulOpe material? • Jets) 1 have passed the soil evaluator ex 1 r approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above wee performed by me oone)etent with the requirer)training, expertise end elato�ir la� described In 310 CMR 15.017. Signature DO arr11O VIII ro•M. 11nrn1 thole PERCOLATION TEST(S) I Time: I Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Pero Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak r ! Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak !' -, End Pre-soak Time at 12" - Time at 12" Time at 9" Time at 9" Time at 6" - Time at 6" Time(9"-6°) Time(9"-6") Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch primary area AND reserve area s NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review Locaiion Address or Owner Lot# , - y < ; /. _ : Date p— ' / in,— Time Soil Texture (USDA) Owner's Address Sol Mottling Engineer j Weather Phone Land Use %Slope I Surface Stones Landfomt Parent Matal(geobgic) I I Depth to Bedrock I Vetetation Start Time Distances Stop Time Position on Landscape(tietdi on the back) Open Water Body feet feet Drinking Water Well Drainage Way feet Property Line feet Other feet feet Possible Wet Area DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munson) Sol Mottling Other (Shucture,Stones,Boulders,Consistency,%Gravel) it Parent Matal(geobgic) I I Depth to Bedrock I Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water I Weeping from Pit Face I DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` Deep Hole#: *MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Sal Texture (USDA) Sod Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other (Shucture,Stones,Boulders,Consistency,%Gravel) Parent Matrial(geologic) Depth to Bedrock I Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face I Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water • J.W. Cotton Excavating, Trucking& Snow Removal 5 West Street West Hatfield,Massachusetts 01088 Telephone: 413 •247•9608 Fax: 413 •247•0276 April 01, 2003 Board of Health City Hall Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Subject: Helen Steward 176 Coles Meadow Rd. Northampton, MA 01060 The subject septic system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans, 310 CMR 15 and local board of health regulations. Sincerely, .9iohn W. Cotton, Installer JWC/kr Internet: www.jwcotton.com Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 921,Northampton,MA 01061-0921