96 Septic Application & Well Report OCT 3 2000 Eri OF RT CTi NS NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts A cicse Disposal System Construction Permit FORM 2-DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Commonwealth of Massachusetts No. 50-5° 13-99 Permission is hereby granted to ROY GIANGREGORIO to construct(X) or repair() an On-site Sew e$ygt�m located at / L�/W /1 LOT 1 COLES MEADOW ROAD and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. All construction must be completed within two years of the date below. Date Approved by Analyzed For Address- Telephone: Sample#7504 HOWARD LABORATORIES of NEW ENGLAND, INC 750 North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Phone: (413)549-8260 Fax: (413)549-1850 MA Lab Lic# M-00851 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Contemporary Country Builders 31 Russelwood Ridge Northampton, MA 01060 Col- ( Sample Location: 74 Coles Meadow Rd Sampled By: HWD Date Sampled: 8/22/00 Date Received: 8/22/00 Limits Comments Total Coliform Bacteria 0 comomernoom: 0 «mn;csn oo-t OK pH 7.07 pn ;:n:Li 0 m» Un tc OK Manganese 1.205 rgr: 0. * Hardness 154 no No St anmm .w oolt. ,mo 1,,.a Conductivity 0. 12 .sic. No standard a. ..t..^.,.° Chloride 18 myn OK Iron 2. 15 mgr 0°"0i' Sodium 7 ..,i1 20"9R1 OK Nitrate 0.6 mqn 3n^g/1 OK Nitrite 0.000 .0n =inn OK Color * 1880 vtco color vm to n It co tenor Um t. * Turbidity * 99. 9 no Soda * Recommendations: See enclosed MA DEP Chemical Interpretations shoot for manganese iron, color and turbidity This sample meets acceptable standards of potability for the parameters tested, except for those parameters marked with an asterisk (*) . Analyst: JK Date: 8/23/00 Checked My:Jonathan S. Begq Laboratory Supervisor