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Lot 5 Septic Application & Plans (2)
FEE 15 - THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS tiara far pisposal $gstrm @Ionstrnrtiun Permit made for a Permit to Construct(v1 o Repair( ) an On-site Sewage Dispo al System at: Location Address or Lot No LQ1 41 Z C_2 ° Me■ oow w On neri Name.Address and Tel.No. R°r.I (3e.=RCtltA6 Hi,PLEy ‘AA pc Installer's Name.Address,and l el.No. Leer-A-("S7�-< v • -C.2.--c-s-- 1 Designer's Name:Address and Tel.No. .I7,IV.vtl,-, AAAGINNI' 7o Ano�1AU✓2 2U I Lu EnT Ptflv(r,s.),WtA (¢13)52, I52°tI Type of Building: Dwelling No. of Bedrooms Other Type of Building Garbage Grinder("5 No per Persons e.9 Showers( -11/ Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow "to • 446 gallons per day. Calculated daily flow 660 gallons Plan Date 5-30 - 0 f Number of sheets Revision Date Title L&AC}f iN 4 /361) Siss2:EW Description of Soil 5CF PLPoJ r .7 .f%.S. FZI<rlC1 Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected' Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. f7 �� Date Application Approved by Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No Date Issued THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �(l� -Ur' „ l-rT MASSACHUSETTS Cortificute of Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the On-si e a Sewage Disposal System installed(,V!)or repaired/replaced( ) on �! '-- by R'I " � ri- ' .t .trsii 2 for Tim e, 7:>s ¢ at A—CT "`— C,- lE' ' (i 6° r r ,c kcH C" has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No. - G dated - ? > -e Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. This Certificate expires on it/ 1, =- ' r ' DATE /II .L' /7/ =57l i Inspector 1°-f 75 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MI? —1;60411/-/ 2 MASSACHUSETTS !isposul *stem Construction Permit Permission is hereby granted to 04" /�C�tc (- LvL_r to construct OO or repair( )an On-site Sewage System located at - i( /7(//6j— FEE 7 Lc-* ";- C /eS /bkir/tc and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. All construction 7SLst b completed within three years of the date below. ie '.� .), / ,+—. Approved by u sLLary CO BOSTON NIA DATE FORM 1255 Re /z1 On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 'T Date 4-10• a000 Time Weather Gip u'p v Location (identiF/ on site plan) Land Use I.Liysa�tq» Slope (%) Surface stones____Vegetation lBO? g N 7 Landform Clete"in--•t> raisa-chest Distances from: Open Water Body L{Db feet Possible Wet Area LI D67' feet Drinking Water Well N1 5 feet Oeotn from Surface (inches) a To L ( 55 Tv Lo �D Te 7g Drainageway acre feet Property Line S7 T T,N feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Soil Horizon Parent Material (geologic) Depth to Gr__ oundwne: A C, Soil Texture (USDA) S' `l 75 Sod Color (Munselp 7S72 1) Syct3 Soil Mottling fJo sit tom/' SFatit> Other (Structure. Stones.Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) Lc#SE/eaa771 5 e-x la24 A'U/42 R,ar.rr 8'.1E 12,450T 5- STeuES GB°J3 PCP A*n rK E'p. 54 WI, 5o Gilts ve -, f'ta6tE CErrE nt- nit)) S.Br 'P rcre4/E SSvGuv�L (Dr' t la'Y 4 LI Depth to Bedrock 72 Standing Water in the Hole:)0 fA,t Weeping from Pit Face: rob Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water:Le' No.: Date: April.1,1996 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts NOD- 9.2PT°so ' Ste l abili Ass- m-nt for On ite Sew Di Performed ey: Iry n' > Lis c an s>E Certification Number. Witnessed By a T'" i'1. Ea / Location Address or Lot No.: a Lb (E J Owner's Name, Address and Tel.%: Y✓/e ArD o u9 n e-its ov� b-a,e 05 SNIt.)∎0, WV-s Had,\CNIMA O\bt5 New Construction 9 Repair 0 Office Review Published Sail Survey Available: No D Yes 2• Soil Map Unit l0 c c Year Published 8 i Publication Scale So'iI Lim a�n il p '! Drainage Class Li i- h�;NC t> - Surficial Geologic Report Available: No ZYes D Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landforrn - - , ,e• r er Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary Within 500 year flood boundary Within 100 year flood boundary Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) A �fy 7 o--- Month Current nter Resource rn (USGS): Normal ' Below Normal 0 Raange: Above ove No Normaal 0 Other References Reviewed: No No jaa No ' Yes Si Yes D Yes On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 3 Date 4- 6 ' lust Tme_ Weather r La v Location (identify on site plan) Land Use /t7/)le--0(Ai-, ti Slope(%) / Surface stones 5 7t\ Vegetation/.)orb ( 4N7 Landfarm a2++ri-7 v2-e ,A,c Distances from: Open Water Body L[B.9' feet Drainageway ,VOnfr feet Possible Wet Area V00"" feet Property Line 7s feet Drinking Water Well ✓'-'! ? feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (incites) Sou Horizon Sod Texture (USDA) Soil Color (MunaeH) Soil Motulog Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders, Doneuteney,14 Gravel) 0 te le I to Ts )b l� Te 3D 30 To [ab (, 0 To s D Ste Ct C1 C. Sj lL �,� C/ 5 [ ✓rjf L i M/ J y>/ ID t/¢ (� C� R y `7.Syg, l/ 2 �r s y /`/ y/ s `r. A 3 Loo SEf ReeT7ykTeec C.2R,JU Iq2. hand Rou7y 4/To NO Co h.S[r>) f"-gg r>; Co,4,ctE s.r.... s 4 1214 vet ice33tcS C,vosE 4oine /tie D. gsaD y5y oza vv- si,i) re-1 ss,vE CE/sr E..TEt man 94,-D, fvzrn5 rE S tir (>awrrc L . Parent Material (geologic): flenth to f;rnundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: A76/at Weeping from Pit Face: Estimated Seasonal High Grouid Water_ DUIko?S5 epth to Bedrock On-Site Review Deep Hole Number Date K ' L - "-obi, Time Weather CI-Au, V Location (identify on site plan) Land Use dOtftiP AI' Slope (%) ) Surface stones S ,'o Vegetation /n,19OA> ?'b Landform 6.LpI'd!' ✓1 tzse A 'r Distances from: Open Water Body ti"DO feet Drainageway p Ai feet Possible Wet Area 4 Boy feet Property Line. Soy it ?„t feet Drinking Water Well Pi / V feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Cacm from Surface (inches Sod -:rzan r0 24 (3w 2)( TO yo Cl Lip Tv 200 Sod Texture (USDA) Soil Calot Munsein Soil Manl:na lI Other (Strucure.Stones,Boulders. Consistency,%Gravel) Le YE Sena /Stein flm`Cs-r "t6uc47 CD 441Em ice ”t 4 E Lees E crosr? pyn.. 6,r-strE f- eat a>11) •h $q ND F21.7 C-0413'1 62-1 4 41 c Tin iL93'C Parent Material (geologic): nil to-et 412 Depth to Bedrock LSD 91nth to Groundwater Standing Water in the Hole: NbVt Weeping from Pit Face: lop Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water._ Co t€ mtRDetu ✓� ©gam FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. a cc,(E /hnt• �c1.o Determination or Seasonal Hi•h Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole _.... . . inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches Depth to soil mottles' G t inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date _.... . . Index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? i= If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on /7 5 (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Dep rtment of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the •uir-- aining, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.. v Signatur-�ff iv4bt2ii � Date y—Z - loop 7// III, DEP APPROVED FORM-1]/07'95 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. P., CI, > rat •><t7c*+, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Norf-ffetnrp oo , Massachusetts Percolation Test` Date: f Lo' Z64D Time:, a.:CC rD. Observation Hole # -7 3 Depth of Perc Stn " S 2 " Start Pre-soak g> : 2 0 ;- 7> 2 End Pre-soak 2 : 3S a 'S 3 Time at 12" c?..' '3,j a.: S 3 Time at9" a , lt ) (3.. Silo Time at 6" 2•. y S 3,'t ) Time (9"-6") 7 5 Rate Min./Inch `3 L a Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed Site Failed ❑ Performed By: ' r Ara/‘5 - L9 e nit 5 Witnessed By: j tFr2 Ph. e-x-C-too Comments: ... DEP APPROVED FORM-12109195 FORM 3-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Commonwealth of Massachusetts NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts Certificate of Compliance This is to Certify, that the On-site Sewage Disposal System installed (X) or repaired/replaced O on by for ROY GIANGREGORIO at LOT 2 COLES MEADOW ROAD has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No. dated Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. The Certificate expires on Date Inspector 20 48 LP of 4' PERF PIPE 0/ // 4' PVC SOLID PIPE / PUMPING MANHOLE .U. 4•PVC SOLID PIPE Pry DISTRIBUTION BO •B^ r o: ,< �tx °F EXISTING 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK �\ s "A.. \ N 4 ` tor T s4Nirmck0 AS-BUILT PL• • AS — BUILT DIMENSIONS LEACHING BED SYSTEM C 48'L x 20'W ) 'A' to 'C' = 59.5' SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 'A' to 'D' = 84' LOT H 2 - COLES MEADOW ROAD - NORTHAMPTON, MA. 'B' to 'C' = 66.5' Ner 30. 2001 Pc. I or I SCALE AS NOTED 'B' to 'D' = 95' SCALE: 1' = 30' Name: EASTHAMPTON Date:5/29/101 Scale: 1 inch equals 4000 feet Location: 042° 19'16.3" N 072°40'54.7' W Caption:LOT#2-COLES MEADOW NORTHAMPTON, MA. FOR: BERCUME BUILDERS Copyrght(C)1997,Maptech.Inc. Ili Q. Itg‘, „40:t 'st diottr.- fee t. It ;!1. ' !". .". • "trercIli at- . r �. beet a 1.1> it i' nib \ , I Fia ;. •gip° 1 *,1:: ill‘.. <d � � ea 4 � _ 1 � ' w s 1F� t 1 0.. • �`\ s S/ / • 'we d! 1' 1 % m ' / I U ;�.,� `�p. ` 1 1 dess \,:\ . t / d1 I' et 1------ "l f s\ ~ 40 1 it •• ' I 1 \ -3 n\- I 1 I ' 1 e 1 kl 9 gat 6� .a Emu e k it "b -Pa �r . 9 il A .... I. i 10111 HOWARD LAB Phone. WAT Sample# 10076 RATORIES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. 750 North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 413) 549-8260 Fax: (413) 549-1850 MA Lab License. M-00851 ANALYSIS REPORT analyzed rot: Bercume Builders Address. 25 Sylvia Heights Hadley. )IA 01035 . rele hone. Sample Location: Coles Meadow Road Northampotp, MA Sampled By: HWD Date Sampled. 10/1502 Date Received 10/16/02 PARAMETER RkkSULTS I LIMITS COMMENTS LTotal Conform LBacteria 0 Coloa.n 100m1 0 Colones,Irmo OK pH 8 31 tin ',hurt n i.$.5 pH units OK Manganese 0.05) goo o os myl OK Hardness SO The Nu Sunda' eso SOFT >MOFARO Conductivity 023 rSam Noswlmv] No Stour Chloride 16.8 mV. 150 m3,1 OK Iron 0.04 rt D.3 mall OK Sodium I2 m0 rimy] OK Nitrate 1.61 owl amen OK Nitrite OA myl ; 152,9 OK Color 11 a,tvc,:s.vet> I> �oCna Viol" OK Turbidity 1.9 >n.0 s CU OK Recommendations. This sample meets acceptable standalrds of potability for the parameters tested. Date: 10/21/02 Analyst: JB Checked By Jonathan Belie Laboratory Supe troy NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5 - Site Review `,....... Location Address or Lot# y D i Owner j Date ill l0 G..J Time Owner's Address Engineer [ ..., ' k. c4 eu4...4-�--... Weather d- Phone# I Land Use _ %Slope Surface Stones Landform Ve!etation tart Time o1-; / L/ Position on Landscape(sketch on the bad) Distances Stop Time - 7 Open Water Body feet Drinking Water Well feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way feet Other feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Deep Hole#:c2 — ) 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Soil Hoion Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other ' Surface(Inches) (USDA) (Munselp Moltlirg (SWcture,Stones,Boulders,Consistency,%Gravel) r\ k I � (/ g ; L j l nY 'mil (GO NZl '�1 - � ?i ( _ 5 Li ii `i/3 c r ti« u � . r ,, . . Parent Maeial(geologk) I I Depth to Bedrock I ` Depth to groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole > I Wee from Prt Face l I /J Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water ‘(7)cI - DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: ILA- `) `MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Surface(Indies) (USDA) (Mansell) Mottling (Structure,Stones,Boulders,Consistency,¶4 Gravel) C / C J yt a /( _ fir,-�I ,�i , _ C Parent Mabial((eobgk) I rAT L11 a- A 1 I Depth to Bedrock I 7r7) Depthtogroundwater. Standing Water nliie Hold > /(f0 ' I Weeping from Pit Face I i Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water iiC<la_T'CCc)i?.-t_:o7Y'FeIF� eo-14-at..' 1 PERCOLATION TESTIS) Time: Time: Observation Hole #1 �a \ Observation Hole #2 2, —LI_ Depth of Perc _ j Depth of Perc cc Start Pre-soak Start Pre-soak :-) 3i End Pre-soak End Pre-soak 2- ' 53 Time at 12" Time at 12' Time at 9" ,7- III Time at 9' ', X17 Time at 6" , /I D Time at 6' 340 f Time(9'—6') Time(9"—6") Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch *minimum ill perco:atien test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Performed by Performed by Witnessed by I Witnessed by Comments: Fez No THE COMMONWEALTH OF' MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH i7 V. OF 't<ce 7HfMh/P7a,..1.. . Appliratian for 39iripnsal Hindu' (nnnhirurtinuIndividual sewage Disposal Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (2.7firr Repair ( System at: 60/65 low0 , 1 X90 Locator.Address 6Rq_NS..._,4ZRf'11 Le Owner Ler ' Z or Lot No. Go/CaS ,,041200 4•.: WaraD Address ddre=e I-)• .........._.._......_......................Instalier..__ _.... Size Lot Garbage pad G; feet C Type of ll Building arbage Grinder ( ) Expan lion Attic ( ) as Dwelling—No. of Bedroom r Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) .-1 a of Building Ao. of persons Other--Other g C Other fixtures gallons. Design Flow gallons per person per day. Total daily flow Depth W capacity._.._..... lions Length Width Diameter I W Septic Tanknch—N Width Total Length__..._._.._ Total leaching area sq. t. Disposal Trench—No. Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. (' Seepage Pit No Diameter eP 5 Dosing tank ( ) Z Other Distribution box ( ) L j{gjse$4 ,.�O4; _,-6wediDate_....7 7J.�/`.___. Percolation s Test Results Performed inch Depth - 'rest Pit 72"e Depth to ground water__A/..oN4`. . inch y minutes per inch Depth of i v.rr M Test Pit No. 1 3--.�2 Depth to ground water Test Pit No 2 .minutes per ' 1 Depth of Test Pit P Description of Soil if reset- !/.t_.�.1W 3(C7� S r. ice4 LED.Gi� .Fl7 -3 ,� s• ,ut A L SiT4>' ° i%:h . A dr La-/--'+.a. Nature oRepa rs or A. Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordAgreement: ance with the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed. O U U dA7Q ak c01pe i �o c /ejE25 Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Dale D,te Mae Permit No Issued Date '51 LTy Sq N9 J; ar G8 ELEl r r.. 3y,rint s 3�z G RA Jr 57 2n �c cis '/ paW 20 La7 t`Z P O M E /3 7 : 2 7 1"/c,l- 52'4 z ea a _ !'''? /.7/ /1/42 71,09m.0/04/ yf ti?ae}N° x 9>e2 /53 F&'4 P/N 75 �<K NEX— 7o /E r ,ik 3 �SA�n 2-3'r i.4 Of co Obit 2, t_ Y J No 62oul.Io \NJ c\2. (s-0 FRO1 pr &t Coe or to; +'/ ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES , INC REGISTERED I AND SURVEYORS R. CIVIL ENGINEERS 238 BRIDGE STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASS . _34CK ti!.gT-i _ .. - July 21, 1971 Mr. Grant Strange 2 Fort Street Northampton, Mass. Dear Sirs After receiving percolation tests received in this office from Almer Huntley Associates and further holes dug on the property by Charles Ebsrlein, Jr. of Hampshire Construction Co., I feel that sub service drainage can be installed on your property on Coles Meadow Road and can be expected to operate satisfactorily. Tours truly, ROBERT W. LANODON Inspector of Plumbing & Gas Fitting Location Address or Lot No. /1. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM � ,a Page 3 of 3 /Let CG 47 5 jtic4�7 c/cv 49 AC)/2_tlin a-30 P'"J/% Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used. pth observed standing in observation hole inches epth weeping from side of observation hole inches Depth to soil mottles . . inches ❑ Ground water adjustment _ _. feet - 4-c " Index Wall Number Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material 6 c" Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? /Ci^-sue If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on 3 /i (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Depart ent of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the r§qui :d training, expertise and experience described In 310 CMR 15.017. e Signature PRr APPRDVYD FORM.13101111 Date 5/75/0 y" FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST ,co Z / 70 ( &S iice,-7/>riec-' 'CO Location Address or Lot No, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: Observation Hole # S-"/ /o V Time: 700 7At-/ 77) Depth of Pere Start Pre-soak 9'vS -/P cc2 vis - /c' Ci.. End Pre-soak i'/ C CI /D ee Time at 12" /0 cc-' /C Cr c-- Time at 9" Time at 6" Time (9"-6"1 Rate Min./inch /r./ 3 /L /3 = 5S3 /1/4 L,)3 be 6 /.v 4< 6 yLji.L/i/UL.! 10.2s- / LY "Se fret/c'? l / • Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed Sa Site Failed ❑ Performed ay: .Nbtessed Sy: Comments„ , 44z;%2/ /E t,L 150/7' eV Arreon°MM.•pr•Of /�rZ_ G /LLAL Percolation Test Test No. /2/J/C / c / /Z -/ Reading Time Saturation ( 15 min) 9/ VS - /6 "1 _40 /J C.. /i9 /z //J /9 147 "t 55 Pere Rate Ground Elev . Depth of Hole 0 �^ . a:c/ci/.. C ,O Min/inch Teat Pit %/1z- i Depth Soil Description t�-/ e_ Si92'L2 5t'I / OI Sic &/'/1a.c/1, // c9 „edict Green water Depth /7t.t/Elev . Bedrock Depth -- Elev . g n = Test fJo ._�B�=� �et7 � "'"/."'"/.17' Rending Time Saturation ( 15 min) 9G/S '/ l Cc /2 //) /y "/c5ae 3 -Y. v /o ' z.E; cr. (O 25 ) 'y-. A; 5 0 Min/inch Pere . Rate Ground Elev . Depth of Hole Deep Test Pit /s Test Pit Depth Soil Description V 0PS LU/2tz) ©✓.--/- y-/(0 S/Lry,..n0t,..b su> 74,7 - t) ZCC»'L 6.4:5etc //// 9t, iZZ/ /Zecir' Groundwater Depth g/ Elev. Bedrock Depth Elev. Ground Elev . G/✓/c;r et •• Ground Elev . 4.21/12/. ,/ ' 1 Soil Description 7 ,LX Seasonal High Water Table? 45 Ajo 6,-) i`i// / ;;sz-p2 Description jtt ,1 S.C.S . Bench Mark: Elev. Date : Litt /O `er /7[v Lf% G.i"t" /14_s'/v//Oce,dez, Engineer: zej S /EE-i> uf%9 6,t/7, .0/ l ti' Witness : f. N7%l iff /4E a.- Location of Pere : 1.71 - - FORM 11-SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 a /Yi 3—/cG(/��v Pak e20f3 ./12.2,1-574...e./4-1/7 Y �-U/p/ S �y J 4/roe-x / 76; /Ot`S /'Y4')7/22[� Ibn Addressor Lot No oution Address or lql No Z.-C-71.7 v rfa7/ v kofric it 'c- O On-stte Re flew Reiew •• 7/22. eeD Hole Number T n :.. . 7L� w..m Yt 121/ n � o A4�.. t0 ITS weather Deep Hole(ec Locatiop IldenWV n Is $e 1 ` { o G endtlon 1 d�ntily on eB plan ---- -face. - -"-- / And Use di/ 514 Slope 1%l— surface stones .a .tlon Jajoc stop.lxl �. Surface I�-9/r�2s/ /L-e��,� vegetation. /A�F'k?l2. .O Lui .gelamn �[iG< /='c'/_'J.:. - ;. - L.mmrm sJc nC_J endlorm a/2h on 99 C/�f Position on landscape(sketch on the backl (Anion Im: p Eke n the beck) ( Disition o from: / / a.. I ! / openwetere dy/�`5T�y� bet Drainage y /Sr leer winces Open Water B di—a.G fleet U g We' p//,, / feet Possible WetA /Zialeat PropertyU e/ (�llest P(Aelnng Wet r WM leer Property floe .9G, feel Winking Water Well__ Ilea Other (limiting Water well last Other __ _ ___. / i t.-Cf f/5 s roc / ' Poo / AUG c.�DEEP. ER / ION HOLE ,SOU /UC DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Other SjCiehrlerneri DEEP.OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Ca""1.." 6......... a.. q . a..o..n.....n s+H✓✓✓. CU 7• ° �w°..w aw.°'w.. ne✓.✓...u..g..ei»o..v.......... IUSDAI. Iwv.P wee ✓..a, ii• ....... D. .m.Lle- s/� y_e Y—/ 3f opt- '4 ifer V- 14, &� 5 Cy/X tGy. CrGC_P 4,.-y° Ci 9 />/lf 'c- S/-se /a/A. 7o 2. Bch �'l 2e % co S 7�z �t3U/ �-r �r�/[��_�C/t�✓c �•R pBaratIElp[p Ai ! BY TiILPBSFGB6iBS.lL2�ID1 / • . .l• • i✓/ W'/r�/- r f r ..✓, ✓..✓H m..wn- 6L//'/!J/OSN{] m.e,me— ( P✓✓n u✓im la..lww G'Jt tt�eee.✓e✓, cL, p mien 0.wn.n...' Sp.W✓ ..✓k Ih H°l. A/L_-y w... 4m N Fees 124 7 p.omtoO.._n wowt St✓.dnownsi thonol eV/2 y ' w..0,0 Mf e. ;et moms Sensed HM cram wow: totems swami IM 4na W. / /z--NG�r (,Gi it ,(,ta_i/- 06 - Oa arno.�.D of W par AITWO.m FORM. . s No. Lof Z 116 Coles Meadow ?4k, FORM II - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 1 of 3 Date: 1// Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal Performed By: /Lit CL //IA 7 )*/4'1 2 -4 1 C't / Date: ,f/.J:3/G V Witnessed By: E.. /"-1/ir5///c c/ /j'( h/ £072 i4///L r- 6o4'S acn.aco New construction ❑ Repair ❑ o-......./4f4a/ Erec•.. , -..i r,...-. . / 7G/ C c/ZeS ,7&275,/7ocai ..ate /VO/�Tom//.'/71j1 /oec' /4Zy OIIice Review /i10/2 fl/A/77A )P%cs /-'//i Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes Year Published Drainage Class Surficial Geologic Report Available: No ❑ Yes n�>% Publication Scale .. . Publication Scale .. . ..._ Soil Limitations Year Published Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landfonn .. Flood insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No Oyes ❑-� Within 500 year flood boundary No ❑ ri--0 Within 100 year flood boundary No ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS): Month Range :Above Normal L7Nortnei ❑Below Normal: ❑ Other References Reviewed: 0p Soil Map Unit IMF Arraovea roues-umns