Lot 7 Septic Application CHECK OR Fl! IIS.S File No. 78-56 No_ ......... .......... THE COMMONWEALTH OF M5ssACHUSETTs BOARD OF HEALTH c PIT of NUrcru, ,t PTON i}m n1I5t1IUTin.I :nit to Construct (X ) or Repair ( ) : a Individual ewngr Aptplira?inn fo, Applic Ltion is hereby made for a Per System at: CloTent Street Fru Victoria H. N6eeler ()Taste Bros. , Inc. t „aat. Type of Hrilding Size Lot Sq. feet Type Dwelli ig— No. of Bedroom: _ Fapansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other --Type of Pcilding No. of pp -.. -_-- Showers ( ) -- Cafeteria ( ) Other futures - Design Flow gallons per person per day. Told dai; • flow Septic TLn':—Liquid cauacitc Lena h.—_........_ Width Diameter Disposal Tench--No. AATin Total Length Total leaching ar-u Seepage Pi: No - Diameter _ Depth below inlet Total leacbimb area Other Dist ibution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by `Ciehael C . Suprenant, PE Date 04/28/78 Test lit No_ 1 4.3 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 8•0• Depth to ground water 7.59 Test I•it No. 2 6.4 minutes:tes per inch Depth it of Test Pit 8 •0' Depth to ground Wc.' .-0 0" — 6" Torsoil - Dark Brown .p} 6" - 21 " Subsoil - Srovn Lot No. 7 Wheeler Subdivision 353 Fmrt.s Pit Hoed Northarrton., RR 998 Nesthamotort Road Northarnton , 1L:a g:lon Dcpt'. Rn h. Description of Soil 21" - 96" Sand-Clay - 6rnv - Loosely Packed - Dome Stones , om ( it Nature of 2epairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable - =- Agreement: ' The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System iif v+ =nee wid the provisi ms of Article NI of the SU:te Sanitary Code-- The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation t ntil a Certitticate of Con:p!iunce has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application. Approved By Date Daft Application Disapproved fur the following reason Datt Permit No Issued Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF ("rrfifir:ir Ilf ("Innpiianr TIIIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (. ) or Repaired ) by at haS heeil .i culled in is e v a tiv 1 r . o:: of Artii-._ Si of The St. . Sanitary Code as described in the appliclion for I)ispn<al ACor1:3 Cntxtrnetinn Permit No dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CEkTiF;CATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTCRY. FIATG --