380 Septic Soil & Perc Test 1997 No. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 1 of 3 Date: Li2L.222_ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Nnaittrorme1250, Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewaze Disposal Performed By: TEA.)hi. - 1,4 C.4,c)/z. Witnessed By: Amt-t, int Fre_L s,a Date: to-0, -e> Lanl'°"mdit's y2t& C/f z.(2 La NO-r2 # 07/7 ?CO "Vis New Construction D Repair 21 Ownis Address.ant 3 a ea ewe er-"Tea TeLeprove/ e 4:7 P-47- 0 a_a" Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No 0 Yes .1211.Q.1Publication Scale /.1/.515.44.1 Soil Map Unit VII btattr.111 Soil Limitations 3t-a tc' t 7?ALA ea,'" Surficial Geologic Report Available: No D Yes 0 bitt tFeettaje-D 'Pc) Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No 0 Yes ig Within 500 year flood boundary No M-Yes Within 100 year flood boundary No SYes 0 Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Year Published Drainage Class Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Normal 0Nonnal Below Normal Other References Reviewed: 13 /Ca• 1).ilt 1"b /1 DEP APPROVED FORS,-12/07195 Location Address or Lot Igo. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATr1 FORp1 Page 2 of 3 3so c»Es75 ,,a=lr& (-QD On-site Review Deep Hole Number Dare: Time:.£I0 an Weather 9 rfwu� Location (identify an site plan) .. Land Use Sc Sl b'u.7-4t, Slope (%) -C. Surface Stones A/4.1)2C , Vegetation L.41r1 .✓ .. Landform ..tcR.A? cc ._. ._.. , ,. . Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances `ram: Htf- Open Water Body / ce, feet Drainage way 60r feet Possible Wet Areaa,6' _ feet Property LinetO.a 2or feet Drinking Water Well /a"'. feet Other ..._.. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG. Depth from Surface (Inches) Soil Horizon Sail Tenure (USDA' Soil Color (Munson) Sail Mottling o to 1,1i le Tv .i cz totals" A ) C lPy<)12 51/ IbyeYJ pJD Other (Swcure,Stones, Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel) 4.-4wr•a • Law.." f7 eane , A-r.i] 4TaaeE,- As is o 'r C•<raeec� Fr[.n(cv90bc> yr..> Vroa. 5. 73-t'v ao 9p Gi?JtL MINIMUM CH-1 HOLCa RtQUIHCD AT EVERY PRDPOScUDIapcgALARcA Parent Material(geologic) Sec c #V aLItwgg 5 DepettoBedrack: Depth to Groundwater Standing Water in the Hole: ,V b A..t; Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 52 " /O� Weeping from Pit Face: Nau< DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 FORM 31 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM ?age 2 On-site Review Deep Hale Number - Date: (6.r.217 Location (identify on site plan) _. Land Use (CSt7]c• t• L Vegetation 'A"9/0 - Landform ._i$429.FE_. Position on landscape (sketc i on fiat bas Distances from: Open `Haler Scaly 2/9"A" feet Possible Wet Area a.BO .. feet Drinking Water Wer/ 2't./feer Slope (361 Time: ..L6B62.-• Weather l-Mr.ersr _. Surface Stones I Urci.tage way..99,_ fee; Property Line in*f feet Cther _ _.__ .. � P OBSERV'A'ITON TIOLE LOG Depth from Surface Onched rr 6^ to if Sod Texture (USDA) 5lL 5 'I Calur (Munn'', lo y4. Sol MaCling Other (Structure. Stones. ?oulGers. C rsrs:!1cv. % GreveM ibt j4✓s n T Lon?”, my° 7.5 ra F-t,,nf& Feseel CC3i%lE Y- c nvrr sei vs at a.4d✓!L Parent Material (ge plogicl ._.Ter...f✓..YSs.7.../_tree- 1<4.4 Ceat,h to Groundwater: Standing We ar in the Hola:,9flE Death to Bedrock: 929 Weeping from Pit Face:Mew _a ti.na.ed Seasonal i'lun Grout„pater: yO r Location Address or Lot No. FORDI 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FOF Page 3 o Determination or Seasonal Hi.h Water Table Method Used 0❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches 0 Depth weeping from side of observation hole... .. , inches 0 Depth to soil mottles5a"•yo inches Ground water adjustment ...... .. . feet Index Well Number -- Reading Date Index well level factor _.__..._.. Adjusted ground water level _......._._. Depth of Naturally Occurrin Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring observed throughout the area proposed for the If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring Certification pervious material exist in all areas soil absorption system?V� pervious material? T`� I certify that on (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Depa m nt of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis described in 310yCMR 1 tent with 017. eq, red training, expertise and experience Signatu.,, ,. Date fl-1') DEP APPROVED FORM•12107!95 n yvQ ciypb 3 +..ns &n$ • -ffdL 6r 14` 1 - - td1 1b 701 341 01. —r�3M stest nfiV �1+a0 1-1 113(1 eeovc3s ' g - FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. 7 2 C t-6/cz F ai EQ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �b4 rH?„rptp»Massachusetts Percolation Test` Date: . ./0 • Z- '77 Time:. Observation Hole # Depth of Pero Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 9" Time at 6" Time (9"-6") Rate Min./Inch _.L to, i I 3 � o : 33 ll .- ot Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed j Site Failed ❑ Performed By: ,friev -/-r e� Witnessed By: Comments: ..__ PEP APPROVED PORM-12,07115