888 Septic Soil & Perc Test 1997 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM OWNER ' S NAME: 4-1c lr&inex C LOCATION ADDRESS: Ghee ( r{ZcdbA Yd 444,P ,,LOT # JOB NUMBER: 97-044 DATE: 6/(7/97 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS f-.)0(Eni- MQTaUJ Massachusetts ) 11 Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Performed By:—.1%)oe,G,L4$ Mac Lein Witnessed By: p cs-r fl\c, Fr)c c Location Address or CHEST Q.FIL`L2) £o4a Lot • Owner's Name C u.J C Ltt P P Address and�C Teleoadne 1 V L 62-5"-- QI-1-1 New Construction 7 Repair 1 Number of Bedrooms . Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes d �SL Year. Published P921 Publication Scale: / = (32OSoi1 Map Unitrhad � Drainage Class Soil Limitations Surficial Geologic Report Available: No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year Flood boundary NO ❑ YES Within 500 year Flood boundary NO ® YES ❑ Within 100 year Flood boundary NO ® YES ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) : Month Range: Above Normal 1 Normal Below Normall ryi n+k+nrn nnhrrnnrnr nnvinwnrl FORM ii — SOIL EVALUATOR FORM l OWNER' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: LOT # JOB NUMBER: 97-044 DATE: Chi/97 Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: Depth observed standing in observation hole inches . Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches . Depth to soil mottles 7= 45T inches .2= S`jwihcjcs ❑ Ground water adjustment feet . Index Well Number Reading Date index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in .all areas Y1^observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorbtion system? "i y If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on /O 5 (date) I have passed the examination approved by the Department of Enviro mental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me cosistent with . equire. raining. expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017 FORM ii - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM IER ' S NAME: I Page 2 rOCATION ADDRESS: LOT # JOB NUMBER: 97-o44 On -Site Review Deep. Hole Number ) Date: 6/x7/97 Time: c? SO441 Weather: PTLY C.Lb'y' Location (identify on site plan) Land Use: /JIY,CiE)_i7 Slope (%) Z Surface Stones SEW Vegetation: G2q Cfc r _and form: 'osition on Landscape (sketch on the back) iistances from: Open Water Body Zoo-% feet Possible Wet Area 2oo-V feet Drinking Water Well h/0Na feet Drainage way ace—r Property Line N021 Other: feet feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG lepth from Sur ace (inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA' Soil Calor (Bunsen' Soil Mottling 0 her (Structure, tones. Boulders. Cons tats 0 : 5" 94 Z/ " z/° Sr o, 37k - IC," fl 13w C. �aqm SAkIS sir rINC t5 A e.rb\ 7cnie 3i« I°YR`- Icy ` / Io' sic 2. CI ¢ 'a SS / SYSit 1590 4.5.1 S/% cy. I Gravel) �a(A� ,r &ftW Sr°NHS �RIABLIS Fn.),a,;L(r ZSZ CyC- Pelt Fl P-M f�W- S['oNLr rent Material (geologic) 154S4L T7tC__ Depth to Bedrock: 4e/'f pth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: A./40/.../12- Weeping from Pit Face: ,C/arar FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM JWNER ' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: LOT # JOB NUMBER: 9-7-a 44 Page 2 On -Site Review Deep Hole Number Z Date: G in /91 Time: II : I4 AM Weather:CLb'' Sr' _ocation (identify on site plan) _and Use: //QYLAFTo Slope (%) 2- Vegetation:f/2.455c:f _andform: Surface Stones 'FEW 'osition on Landscape (sketch on the back) listances from: Open Water Body Zaa-! feet Possible Wet Area Lao-,1 feet Drinking Water We11 ,vo.v4 feet Drainage way 200 ' Property Line W/p Other: feet feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface finches) Soil Hort on S it Texture (USDA) So 1 Color (M nse11) Soil Hot ling Other fat ucture. Stones. Boulders. Consistency. % Gravel) °—/Z " I2M - 2- I ZI - 36" R L- j c , L34kLrY LoAnn SA Inf.)/ L 4 Ofit.ra IoY24/3 I(SYR q, To)" L sera e P 2,cirk 54 2,g‘ri2 S4 2o% FRiAaL�r FIXW STCriC FCzmt3L- 2c CS, c C12 IaBLLr r ,si"or`'1.:[- a rent Material (geologic) aacts- %L Depth to Bedrock: 91e ?pth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: A104/4r Weeping from Pit Face: R/0h/r FORM i2 — PERCOLATION TEST WNER ' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: LOT # I JOB NUMBER: 7/-044- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS /.IDRTN AIIIPTON, Massachusetts Percolation Test Date: - 4,0-7/91 Time. Id AM Observation Hole -# I Z Depth of Perc . - - S SQ N Start Pre-soak I O : C. End Pre-soak - p ! IF Time at 12" WIT ,,,s( Time at 9" - Jo Z-3 Time at 6" 10r30 Time (9'-6") Rate Min/Inch 3 Site Passed Site Failed n Performed By:DouG Lac tccc_ Lea Witnessed By: c.41s✓ iMC _v(a . e Comments: Ge Fraca 0Aa KG 0 — _ oct SawMiL(- s rrE i ' N