392 Septic Application 1995 No ac9-9S• - FEE 60'_ THE COMMONWEALTH OF/MASSACHUSETTS ^� w L Y 012-7771/9 ,O To/t) MASSACHUSETTS pplirattun for pieppSal System Construction Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) o Repair(X)an On-site Sewage Dispo al System at: Location Address or Lot No. 392. CHESrEr2F/el-D izOAb Owners Name.Address and Tel.No. NAKrzy LetsH404y Se4-334-5 Installer's Name.Address.and TeI.No. Designer's Name;Add Addrus and Tel No Slam ES . t 9C,4, PC 49 EN�1Lc•!7j E'ranJ c w 527-52-90 Type of Building: Dwelling Other Design Flow Plan Date Title No. of Bedrooms 3 Type of Building Other Fixtures Garbage Grinder(X) No per Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) 5-40 Description of Soil gallons per day. Calculated daily flow +9,5 /O! 12 J9r Number of sheets SEPT/c 5ysTeM 2sfe/ie_ 5tt So,t to o ?no , # Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when ap C, C LEA Cr • Revision Date gallons /D icable) /e6-10.#51,09.— 5Eic C E 4010 Date last inspected' / Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has bee ssued by this Board of Health. A 4 ICS Wed pipeti Signed Application Approved by Application Disapproved fo Date Date -.)-41--5 1-- he following reasons Permit No Date Issued 6'