Lot 1 Septic Application & Plans No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �i BOARD OF HEALTH 1. r y OF ./Ya.F:.ze?•amP>ait/ .Apptiratiun fur Eispnsd ini orb trnnstrurtinn jrrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (✓f or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: _......._e FFear.7.r/a.D...._........!5...0, Location Address or Lot�o. _✓-4.. .162 Mesrd?e/cli .22, Lrz.,7 sr . Le.r1e,tm c7 e/ Owner Address Instiller Address Type of Building Size LotaC40 7—` Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms '-' Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (—) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow .57 gallons per person per day. Total daily flow..3ra A gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity/35, gallons Length.r-A '" Width.6 =0 ' Diameter Depth-.1-f-51”/ eE2Disposal T....dr—No. Width Z-fJ Total Length ...7Z Total leaching area./°A° sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Dosing tank ( ) Performed by✓ />'h�°.r //uN..rLE.y minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit g L minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 7'—C" z Other Distribution box ( .a Percolation Test Results ,.t Test Pit No. 1 Test Pit No. 2 NGet. Date 4/51271-- Depth to ground water Ko.vcr Depth to ground water..H4.&4 rG O Descri ption of Soil.2 ' O,tCGAN 7Af.'rc"-- / is"SG> 40/Tit' 4 9.::C:i24..t.25 Z �7 .6 44..dc.=Z- ?'-o" cS: f.Y. Cx.efau z. cv..i..77+ RnL/t- Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Date Date Date Permit No Issued Date 1]N V ado 50c 1 V .os 'Z )l 54 4 -0(10-1. at l Q� s 'b21o0H 5z,'z No qw' e at '90/ 471/9 (131k13M --joa cOAS 02) Ix t,rwP/a 0-3sa xye GN14 tt 'rPJ )4LtN • 0010 -ifw SYY14i4).-icn N O N V ) x,1.1, Ott V W tl 1 1 1 1 M Pere Test Witness Payment Record /7/n/t/34,21.7 Date: 1/4.-.5*," Amount: $ HZ. 1$571 . Property Owner 4414--S.. 6114/76 Property Addres E( I`4ylt—Wt/�d�f`-t° X New Construction_,/Repair C WILLIAM A.CANON-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3124 i PH.413-527-6535 F%.013-527-6389 158 NORTHAMPTON STREET,RT 1O 53-7093/2118 'j EASTHAMPTON,MA 61027-1020 115 — awucxz i. LAIR riMlilF ���//'���� yCJ{,— -!'.V- /I IAi v -.-_ P HI- -9-`2- { � UN{i tp 1- /a •.As - s _ DOLLARS IS """"" I� • ESSAVEAS N S BANK L... 1 /;f� �' F✓• l • '}lo •3$(o CHE�T2K�f RV, /' FOR WIT ) f-J(12.1-5 HRe. Air • _. _.. 1: 2 L LB 709 3 5t: 409034 L 210 3 24 FORM 11 — SOIL EVALUATOR FORM OWNER ' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: LOT # JOB NUMBER: DATE: 6 7I7/47 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IJo27'4-1 AMPT6IJ Massachusetts oil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Performed By:Thoo GL65 Mac Leo)? Witnessed By: Pc4cq( M , F`r�C,✓\1C Location Address or CNESTQ.FI EL2D 0204 Lot e owner', Name. 1-1T-1 C.L.1.4 PP Address. end to mac ii we STREET Telephone e V l/&i &)i2f/O C-7-00-5 Cz-s-- 911'1 New Construction In Repair ri Number of Bedrooms . Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes Year Published 1921 Publication Scale: / n= 13205oi1 Map UnitChad � �SL Drainage Class Soil Limitations Surficial Geologic Report Available: No n Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year Flood boundary NO ❑ YES El Within 500 year Flood boundary NO pri YES ❑ Within 100 year Flood boundary NO 2 YES ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) : Month Range: Above Normal n Normal Other References Reviewed: Below Normal d ea ' pia 7, ,W maS a,o 0 0 ' i a 71S`a�,�J FORM 12 — PERCOLATION TEST OWNER ' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: LOT # JOB NUMBER: 77-64+¢ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS / /o2TN /1/11PYohh Massachusetts Percolation Test Date: 6117/9-7 Time: Ih A4 Observation Hole # 1 - Z- Depth of Perc . S l I S0 .I Start Pre-soak ) 0 : e_. End Pre-soak O . i E Time at 12" 10 ; 11- )05( Time at 9" 'pa L3 Time at 6" )OS3O Time (9"-6") Rate Min/Inch 3 3 Site Passed Site Failed n Performed By:-C)ovc LIDS Mctc Lena? Witnessed By: ;c4si roc Ufa'v\e Comments: OWNER ' S NAME: LOCATION AOORESS: JOB NUMBER: FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 97-044 On -Site Review LOT # Deep Hole Number / Date: 4//7/9-) Time: 9).5DOM Weather: PTLV Gay a.° Location (identify on site plan) Land Use: F/i9Yr(OL'T) Slope (%) Z Surface Stones F_4) Vegetation: GRA) CS[gr- Landform: Position on Landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from Open Water Body 2-0o-4 feet Possible Wet Area 200-4 feet Drinking Water We11 NcN feet Drainage way 2- Cerfr Property Line NAII Other: feet feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth f on Surface (in hes) . Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) So'l Color (N nsell) Sail Mottling 0t9 " 9 "- Z/ " 2/"- 3-li4 3r - 96" I3to Ct Co i pccr CSM Jt loyR4 j IoYR 5% I o'/R Shp 0 her (St ucture. Stones. Boulders. Consistency. % Gravel) 5 (ZIA3Ll� taw Srot4C rg + at_ 5- ic2 S, c. zs7 & ,c. Per? 2M FE u) .NTONLr Trent Material (geologic) NASAL Depth to Bedrock: rsfrefri 'H cth to Groundwater: Standing Mater in the Hole: tics/LC Weeping from Pit Face: /JCLi OWNER ' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: JOB NUMBER: FORM ii - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 97-c44 On -Site Review Deep Hole Number 2- Date: G ill /91 Location (identify on site plan) LOT # I Time: ) I : I& ANWI Weather:CLDt SC Land Use: // )Y'L sri Slope (%) 2 - Surface Stones 'FEW Vegetation: 2,/2.45Ccx Landform: Position on Landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body 2ao4 feet Possible Wet Area Zao-t feet Drinking Water Well )vo.v(e feet Drainage way 2erc Property Line I.d� Other: feet feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Sur ace (Inches) Soi1 Hor]ion SoiI Texture (USDA) So 1 Color (Munselll 5o i1 Mot ling ZI— 36" ccs"- ` 2 " c, Cz ISNUO`9 Lo AVN SAUDI LdnM Gc A ftSOE 6AlJD FINer (3Anra Other (Structure. Stones. Boulders. Consistency. i grovel) arent Material (geologic) &AIs4L, 77C L. Depth to Bedrock: 7Z A !lath to Groundwater: standing Water in the Hole: A/O1126r Weeping from Pit Face: JLJO/✓dr I) OWNER ' S NAME: LOCATION ADDRESS: JOB NUMBER: FORM Si — SOIL EVALUATOR FORM LOT # DATE: LIf1147 Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: I I Depth observed standing in observation hole inches . ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches . Z. Depth to soil mottlesls 45 inches . 2= �%x,hckcr ❑ Ground water adjustment feet . Index Well Number Reading Date _index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorbtion system? \y•- .y If not. what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification i I certify that on /0 S (date) I have passed the examination approved by the Department of Enviro mental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me cosistent with tfa._Qequired (raining. expertise and experience described in 310 DMR 15.017 11 , Signatu Date 6777