48 Plans & Compliance PROPOSED DOMESTIC SUBSURFACE D1SPDSAL SYSTIH DESIGN Prepared For: ni ty �* 33-11 Location: 61.6 CAa/or / ,rts-ee % N ' ton Number of Bedrooms: 4/ Garbage Disposal: LEACH AREA DESIGN Bedrooms x 2 persons/bedroom = faj :ersons 4/ Persons x 55 gallons of wastewater/person/day = 4/410 total gallons of wastewater/day. Percolation Rate: Z. 0 min/inch Gallon of w=astewater/square feet of leach area for a Percolation Rate of: CO min/inch = t . S Gal/S: S _ewall Area _ /. 0 Gal/SF 3octor Area * If a leach bed is to be installed, no side all is allowed. * If percolation rate e< eeds inC , no bcr:r- area is allowed. .HOLC GARBAGE EGIAL: Gallons of was_ewater day x 15'J . = __,a_' _. of septic rank. L__OMNINDE-: Se_ _i: an * 7n no case will :r.e :_r... be leas than _, :G zalloas /effective r* :ITN =.A;IAGE D__ __AT: 4/440 -_--_n_ $bo cada__t'- iscaciry - ' -edit . RECOMMENDED: /Soo Ty / septic Tank ** In no case will the septic tank be less than 1,500 gallons (effective liquid capacit Al \IFR HUNTLEY. IR... & ASSOCIATES, INC. • LEACHING PIT DESIGN Z Precast Pit Used: /0 ' Long x S ' Wide x Z ' Effective Depth Using y ' of stone all around and 2 ' of stone under pit. SIDEWALL AREA: ZS ' Long x '1 ' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = ZZy SF 1°3 ' Wide x 4 ' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = 104 SF Total of 3 Zfi SF (Sidewall Area) x 2-- S— Gal/SF = pj 2_,c, Gal/Pit (Sidewall) BOTIOM AREA: 28 ' Long x t3 ' Wide = 3 4 L SF 36, LI SF (Bottom Area) x L'O Gal/SF = 3Le 4 Gal/Pit (Bottom) ,5 2.0 Gal/Pit (Sidewall) ,3 p q Gal/Pit (Bottom) // et/ IOTA1 Gal/Pit (Designed) * Without Garbage Disposal: Total Gal/Day (REQUIRED) * With Garbage Disposal: 1.5 x 4/4/Q Gal/Day (Daily Flow) = 6, 60 Gal/Pit (3 64.4.1e Oq eJa/J) (RLD,U'3ED) Using (oleo Gal/Day (Daily Flow) : /1 9 ' Gal/Pic = ALMER HUNTLEY. JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. vaIJASSE 4 Reec:Sr coucen igemect TON ij S7aU6 ? 7NLC COVER GMT Swe r0° /p'MU ON VO FIT EX/SPLC Salt ac'eeST o4YLL 4.eu Mw 2-/Airy • P N ens 774/6* S, ,tMlf. •dCC WOQX Witt tie CO/I /Al ACCO DDLICE Ain/ THE S7I TE ENvi ioNmewrA[ y WELL APE •CODE - 7/7LE S. PAGE MAT 09 0e BEiGG S ED 13 G V/42-A./ CE THE ORE OVE SEE USED iS TO TWICE JADE GREATEST EFFECT/YE N/OTH OR DEPTH OF TWO P/T, /VN/CNEYER /3 GAEATEA. ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. a ASSOCIATES , 1N( REGISTERED RS 125 PLEASANT STREET G ENGINEERS NORTHAMPTON , MASS . No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH CITY or NORTHAMPTON Disposal Iii . Permission is h eby granted to Construct ( or Repair ) In at No as shown on the aty cation for Dispos it..tife Tutuila-�r�{y�n /'py�ro t System • is em lJ . Street orks Construction Permit No. DATE roam 1255 A N. INC Aksil Frt S ib THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF.....7'/ Trrtifiratr of fdnmpl nrr / dividual Sewage Disposal System constructed (p0 or Repaired ( ) THIS IS T ICCER FY, T at by p K. Installer Y has been installed in acc rdance with the provisions of TITLE U5 of The State Sanitary Code/gs de' bed in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No �Q-... dated q/f-- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. (1 LG/�'`�/Ln" ". DATE I°I'/ /9J.-9� Inspector......_.. �'f