Lot 4 & 5 Soil Assessment (2) CONSULTANTS, INC. ALAN E. WEISS,M.S.,L.S.P. Licensed Site Profess orel Regislcred Sanitarian Hydrogcologisi President 350 Old Enfield Rd. Bcichenown,MA 01007 (413)323-5957&323-4916(FAX) -Subsurface Investigations •2 IE Site Investigations -Pollution Remediation •PC¢olmion Tests and Septic Designs FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 1 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Nor .roues , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal Date: 6/zz /ay Performed By: R-Lt}Fr S S Witnessed By: eo' c . st-Actifoeu Date: Co (a4yt mnon.mts,oe Loc, COft'Af( 01--)o9 acy ks)PsIP.c .e+vd7c3, New Construction L1 Repair �I Geri' R.. ,. ,�r• Ic L a w rr C.2 'Ulf>sLec.-s,.. l� . ci We`lLa..-p4rn/ 6(o6z Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Year Published Drainage Class Sur icial Geologic Report Available Year Published Geologic Material (Map Unit) Land form Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No Within 500 year flood boundary No Within 100 year flood boundary No Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) res Publication Scale Soil Limitations No I Yes ❑ Publication Scale ❑yes L IJYes ❑ s ❑ Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS)'. Month Range :Above Normal ❑Normal el.•v Normal H Other References Reviewed: YG DEP APPROVED FORM 12/07195 Soil Map Unil ?y Location Address or Lot No N a FC £ftfb FORM 11 -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 of 3 On-site Review Deep Hole Number 'ie-f Date: (cIZZ foV Time• 1'3o Weather CtO DS %C Location (identify on si a plan) _.. .. __ . .. Land Use Mea dt J/024-54 , ° Slope (°%) 2- Surface Stones cad Vegetation 9 cnP$. Landform AeV-6 Q.4 • Position on landscape (sketch on the back) . ._. Distances from: Open Water Body 10014-- feet Drainage way feet Possible Wet Area /Gyp+ feet Property Line IS feet Drinking Water e -1O0 feet Other _. ,... . DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG• Depth from Surface (Inches] Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders. Consistency. % Gravel) O /Q rr 410 43 (5L F5C / Ls /Oi ' 1°.1'516 Z,SY/Z 36� by< e L.S y✓Ir a616 loo 5p f �6�, ]005( /F/1 } Y' SR � ( lilK¢ S/ff. It -3Z `/ 32 —I� r3c � L S/5 Z.5y Y�If 1°746/f Mc 4.4. 100El %✓wliter 1�5a. L. {•S F7X1ip. r/ b -'/Ci /O - � r/ AS' e,(4) Zr r„ Y�3 ZS7H/, Sore 0. 5A..1D 0 to /O- ZLor Zb-l2.4rl FIP 3w C1 F5 t-- i5L 5/x,5 /oyres/4/ royr We Z.Ty Y/3 r 6 /oy R6/8 Ana bte_, — r' t looses r C1.4.'0- C_0.03.52 (MUM UY 3 RULE XLUUIHtO AI tVtXT YHUYUOCU UO/Wna nncn • Parent Material (geologic] tac✓+ttK Depth to Groundwater, Standing Water in the Hole: liD1. /iv ) 16P Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: NO—jtae DEP APPROVED FOR I•12107195 Depdrtoeedrock: /24'4 Weeping from Pit Face: /10 t4 Location Address or Lot No. OFF C tn.M I ICJ Mi Deep Hole Number A-Ly Date FORM 11 -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page2of3 On-site Review SJ310S Time: 10 :ju Weather SUU Location (identify on site plant -.... .,,..__. .. Land Use . . . .. Slope (%) Z Surface Stones Rfw Vegetation ftoefl:aS Landform Te,.C(a c$L'._ _. Position on landscape (sketch on the back) - Distances from: Open Water Body 100 3 feet Drainage way !WY feet Possible Wet Area iCO l feet Property Line 3o'. feet Drinking Water Well TAW& feet Other _.._ Depth from Soil Horizon Surface (Inches) DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG. Soil Texture (USOAI r3L LS S SL Soil Color Soil (Monett) Mottling Z.'�y 5L 36 toiRH( Other (Structure,Stones. Boulders, Consistency, % • Graven rktCIL- L-o0 e Cn-5b4 Matz-- coScSE S.i--PJ - UEV- t1Eb t P,4Jca YSil+ • MINIMUM OF 2 HQLEo REQUIReD A I EVERY PROPOScSDISPOSAEARcA • Parent Material (geologic) tiEM.NJc St&_ Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: yo Si Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: .3e DepVrto Bedrock: 2.0 a� Weeping- from Pit Face: DEP APPROVED FORM-1.11137/95 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. Jet >mac, J COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Nor-ittay.p1br2 , Massachusetts Minimum of 1 pe colation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reservz e ar a. Site Passed Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments: .._.. Site Failed ❑ rl�{ /t't4'/LLYJ. DEP APPROVED FORM.12/07195 Percolation Test* Date: .. �6 v Time:, Observation Hole # ? t Y2 ' Depth of Perc ' /q �r i O / �,/ 11 't/ O Start Pre-soak /: I++uctO End Pre-soak _ �t 5 - /o'T) Zgyel$ Time at Ir Time at 9" 2'110 LS Time at 6" L: 3o / ; 5Z Time (9"-6") Zo 2/ 2 Rate Min./Inch 6 e.,,a L 2 Minimum of 1 pe colation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reservz e ar a. Site Passed Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments: .._.. Site Failed ❑ rl�{ /t't4'/LLYJ. DEP APPROVED FORM.12/07195 Location Address or Lot No. FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS N3f- rti�hD,i. , Massachusetts Minimum of 1 pe colation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed Li Site Failed ❑ Performed By: A-vi 53 Witnessed By: c. • (nRRbkye . DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 Percolation Test* Date: .. .5\ `os Time:, Observation Hole # (:\ -05 Depth of Perc 4 '1 Start Pre-soak 10:45 End Pre-soak IC.00 Time at 12" II '.no Time at 9" 11 . 01 Time at 6" kj.OZ Time (9"-6") Rate Min./Inch LZ Minimum of 1 pe colation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed Li Site Failed ❑ Performed By: A-vi 53 Witnessed By: c. • (nRRbkye . DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 rvnUYL 11 - J1.U1L Lr ALUArutt FORM Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. 642bjti i,Ja cFF- kig gD. Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: H Depth observed standing in observation hole.... . inches [r�1 �Depth weeping from side of observation hole .. inches R 6epth to soil mottles 36-56'linches n Ground water adjustment . feet Index Well Number ... Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor _ Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring observed throughout the area proposed for the If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring Certification I certify that on 66195- pervious material exist in al! areas soil absorption system? r5 pervious material? (date) i have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature DEP APPROVED FORM- 11/0W95 Date 64/icy I a nl m 3 > �1 IL =I i9 -1 Alec. bot T' A li N_•?, 3 .31iUB -b---- 1. -}' mo - N 83'51' i E 439.32' ' .-.--------1i\\— fi r-- _ _7-7-1111V -C Q' o N �M� � 1 _- / 1 �u rle le`c g l of —/— >> om 4. a O/ '3io... PI / do ik:eY a•' pRG oJZ PORTION OE 1 f A�tiee " p44d BOOK 296]AKPAGE o ( CAOORE E 5 a 40,257* SQ. FT. co 0.9242* ACRES 11 0 w 1_i I1 IP/.ET s -- 5 S 6331'19' `M 2e9.9e' "SUBDIVISION APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED" 1P/SET PUN OF LAND IN --- NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS ul SP_SNCURR NTAZ�NNG RED„EM �rsi° a .,,� LAURENCE AND MARY S. CADORETTE O mxau SCALE 11. 31:i FEBRUARY 17. 2005 "o [MR HAROLD L EATON AND ASSOCIATES _INC. ". aeam REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 235 RUSSELL STREET - HAD LEY - MASSACHUSETTS ' 413-584-7599 413-585-5978 (fox) i 4 '^^` m cc email - hloatoneaoLoo401-14 0' 30' 60' 90' • -II: 12:1: --- `42\ --z_ - " --_- -•-• , I,- '•.-f- -.: IX: . EN ;10% I.*" /Sit iaraL--,a1a,.: - • " " IX c", - - in - 4 • iiit I -:: ,zrz a I Eitio, itg)tits 04407/441,1 it.-, • IS .040:14 Iasi IV -Ite, :_n- 5e :.: 1 Fast-- \ • ‘ Nit sis.r -Ipt i - - -MOW - ' "- At 1 i: El IEE24ipsii -f-s4 v. ...4 trizie -::- 1 ::: ramS*441401ktv Ak4Liiiik". N to ...k - rai-egicloidicri 1 _ - .efamt j: af ft . - agen- 00411/40 It - _ i-J---- - Sae tam. ill trig --_- - 411 klitiagenn -\-- gm :ion --- ---. . . - &r : -_ -- -- -- . - --- - - . -- v----f-- \ \-<-zi - _ _ _ rt.:/,- - - :27:- -2: c 1 Northampton Assessors and Zoning Map ea.......Imalifini : :---- 7 = .7 n- ..... .. .- " 1 'al S . Map Sheet . .-- - .- - -- 36 --- ....— 1 __ - SITE 3&_022._ . . pert Test witness Pa/ nt Record / 'n n A Li-t Amount: $ Date: -� — � i Property Owner Property Address Repair New Construction ,n , EEAAp'S PLUMBING&HEATING 14 GILRAIN TERRACE 23431 FLORENCE,MA O 53-1093/2118 pis DOLLARS 8 ua MK C6�A 5205027231' 2874.' Pere Test Witness P vm t Record Dare:431e Amount $_437/aLtD Property Owner Property Address New Construction ZRepair EARL R I WNGSWORTH JR D/B/A EARL'S PLUMBING&HEATING 14 GILRAIN TERRACE FLORENCE,MA 01062-3431 ORDER OE �v � y ArN 7 tt 0- S/3/0C 3066 53-7093/2110 msxnis DATE $ SC , oc. WLLLN5 B °u'... PION -E SAVINGS-BANK FOR , t5S nit%i Cuid, iL* 1 Ss L 1: 2L387093 2050 27 230 3066 Septic System Permit Payment Receipt Permit i Date: 4214s on Repair_ Amount:5 Cash Checkii 45051 Address: e - � -/ �/J�P�y�y� J • O� Owner:C/ - EARL R.ILUNGSWORTH JR D/B/A EARL'S PLUMBING&HEATING 14 RERAN TERRACE FLORENCE.MA 01062-3431 u-iu 641+t rnx br Lux-4.r? �� . _A_P 'Y\ -\ r enAL1k_k i1 --AAtv- E SAVINGS AV BANK `>C 21Ash- PM( CA' 1: 2ii� 7Ota COAL Ck4 3099 aCr E I $ /`,Z 00 1E1 IZ■ Q. t.. '}CC(tCG� 3099 53-7001211B auti Nr, 20b5--,23 COMMONWEALTH OAF MASSr1CTIUSFTTS Board ofHeal/h, No(-h C mp4-C`1l Aft APPLICATION MR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLRMI Application for a Permit o Gmstnut(Y) Repair( 1 Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) - Complete System -Individual Compom I)pe of Building Dwelling-No of Bedrooms Other-Type of Building Other Fixtures Ps6(lic e 6 y.troe)] n No of persons Lot Size 'IC) 2.S7 "- sq.ft. Garbage grinder(N Showers( ),Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow (milt.required) c / gpd Plan: Date 5/G / -005 Number of sheets SrpInic c75 4 pe5�yrt flu Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No Calculated design flow 560 Tide C /4 $t, I Design flow provided 5 77 gpd Recision Date /� . wo sS Date of Evaluation C/2a /Uzl Name of Soil Evaluator /� DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS _Ts — S14 /UP 5 SPp1 The undersigned agrees to install the above further agrees to not to plac- the system in Si net described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Date w ' 1 CC Inspection Location /1 I l G YC hG C^x I w -L� t Owners Name 7P 11 y�G J �(i vrr $ t~/o/>� / Map/Panel \ 3< � Q7 Address LI 7 WPSf�'lurp/7:a, 1 / tick Lot# Telephoned 1413 g..< G . I-I c7L)( install,''s Name! .� - Designer's Name /Y(Gil t&J ``- 5 S. Add] .- 'D Address � f iC/' Pr la W.l Telephone# Telephone# y/] . 3 ) -z . S 1 % I)pe of Building Dwelling-No of Bedrooms Other-Type of Building Other Fixtures Ps6(lic e 6 y.troe)] n No of persons Lot Size 'IC) 2.S7 "- sq.ft. Garbage grinder(N Showers( ),Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow (milt.required) c / gpd Plan: Date 5/G / -005 Number of sheets SrpInic c75 4 pe5�yrt flu Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No Calculated design flow 560 Tide C /4 $t, I Design flow provided 5 77 gpd Recision Date /� . wo sS Date of Evaluation C/2a /Uzl Name of Soil Evaluator /� DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS _Ts — S14 /UP 5 SPp1 The undersigned agrees to install the above further agrees to not to plac- the system in Si net described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Date w ' 1 CC Inspection No 60cK_2 3' COMMONWEALTH Of M 1SSACWI'ST.TTS Board of Health. MA. CEPTIEICATE Of COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ❑Individual Component(s) 7 Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed ( ),Repaired ( ),Upgraded ( ).Abandoned ( ) r EE l (Lev! l'3699 bv: has been ii stalled in accordance with the prosfslons of 910 CMR 13.00 (Tide 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. t S �2 dated . Approved Design Flow (gpd) Installer Designer: Inspector: Date The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. No 24.7, > 3 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health i 22 d7tieti r+j✓//) MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM LON'STRULTION PERMIT FEE jei Permission is hetebvgranted to; Construct(V Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) anindisidual sewage disposal system fUe)tiF—. �• c�`ti f � -'C�� c /( '.4/✓I'1 '>'77-s described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit So.&C ,dated `s ( )'�.A=. Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit All local conditions must be met. rom:255 Rev 5/ss Am.Sulkin co.Boston MA DatV/ J Board of Health