37-072 (4) City of Northampton Mail - Permit Cancellations Page 1 of 1
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CRY Of Lapointe<Ilapointe@northamptonma.gov>
U" wombPermit Cancellations
1 message
Amber Berthod <Amber.Berthod@nrghomesolar.com> Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 3:55 PM
To: Ilapointe@northamptonma.gov
This is to inform you that we (NRG Home Solar) are cancelling building and electrical permits at the
following addresses because the homeowners cancelled their project before installation. Please let me
know if anything else is needed.
36 Mary Jane Lane (BP-2016-0421)
278 Rocky Hill Road (BP-2014-1041)
Thank you,
Amber Berthod
Amber Berthod
nrg. I
Permitting Specialist
Home 413.459.2018
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https://mail.goo gle.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=542a2ddO3 a&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1535... 3/9/2016