18-002 (18) accept the roads as City Streets. J. Erosion/Sedimentation control measures, in accordance with USDA Soil Conservation Service guidelines, shall be implemented in a manner sufficient, in the opinion of the Planning Board, to both temporarily and permanently stabilize disturbed areas of the site to control run-off and prevent/mitigate soil erosion and sedimentation both on-site and off-site. K. All conditions of the Conservation Commission and Board of Health shall become a part of these order of Conditions. L. The developer will leave at least two (2) mature deciduous trees in front of every lot, or plant two (2) 3" caliper trees to take their place. M. All improvements required and authorized under the approval of this Definitive Subdivision Plan must be completed within six (6) years of the date of the expiration of the Appeal Period if no appeals have been filed or the expiration of the Appeals process if an Appeal has been successfully defended. N. Existing trees to be saved within the right-of-way of Cooke Avenue shall be "boxed" sufficiently to protect said trees against damage during construction activities. gravel on the proposed roadway, the developers shall present ties to fixed and easily identifiable objects and elevations (whenever applicable) on 4" x 6" cards, of all appropriate components (such as bends, tees, gates, corporations, service boxes etc. ) of said system so that the DPW will be able to physically locate said components in the future. Said cards are to be prepared by the project's engineer. Upon approval of the above by the DPW, the Planning Board shall instruct the developers 'in writing to proceed with the construction. 3 . The developers shall present proof, at their own expense, by a qualified person/firm, to be approved by the City Engineer, that the gravel to be used on the project meets State specifications. 4. The water main shall be tested by the developers or their designees for leaks and adequate fire flow (to be determined and approved by the Northampton Fire Chief) under the supervision of the DPW. The fire flow test shall be conducted by a Mass. Registered Professional Engineer. G. Upon completion of construction (including the Cooke /Avenue improvements) , the developers shall present the Board with: 1. Record plans, the standards for which have been set by the DPW. 2 . A formal petition, signed by six Northampton residents, accompanied by appropriate plans so that the Planning Board can proceed with the acceptance of the ways as City streets. The standards for the plans have been set by the DPW. 3 . A document, suitable for recording, deeding the proposed public roadways to the City. H. There will no occupancy permits issued by the Building Inspector for any lot until the Planning Board notifies the latter that the following have been constructed by the developers and approved by the City Engineer: 1. All utilities to said lot. 2 . A driveway, and 3 . At least the binder course has been installed. I. The total responsibility for the maintenance (including snow and ice removal) , repair, reconstruction of the roadway and utilities shall remain with the developers, their successors and assigns until the Planning Board fully accepts the subdivision and the developers have petitioned the City to i - r d) that a bank account shall be established to cover the expenses incurred during the maintenance of the detention area and pipes. Said bank account shall have a minimum balance of $3,000 at all times, e) addressing the liabilities that might be incurred through the existence of said detention area. An additional bank account shall be opened with sufficient funds to purchase adequate insurance coverage, 5. submit documents, suitable for recording at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds and subject to the approval of the Planning Board and City Solicitor, stating that the City is not responsible for the utilities leading to any lots after they leave the main lines on the street. 6. The maintenance of the cul-de-sac islands (including the berm) shall be the responsibility of the developer, his successors or assigns (excluding the City of Northampton should the roadway be accepted as a City Street) and that fact shall be stated in appropriate documents to be approved by the Planning Board and City Solicitor. In addition, the islands shall be planted with low maintenance vegetation. 7. All of the above shall be presented to the Board within 60 days of the expiration of the appeal period of the approval of the subdivision. C. The Building Inspector shall issue no permits for any of the lots of the development unless he is notified in writing by the Chairman of the Planning Board that all necessary plans and documents have been recorded at the Registry of Deeds. D. Any modifications which might be required in order for the existing driveways on Cooke Avenue to meet the grades of the new Cooke Avenue street construction (within the right-of- way) shall be constructed by the developer. E. Prior to the beginning of any construction, the developers, the project's engineer and the contractor shall attend a pre- construction conference to be arranged by the City Engineer. F. During the physical construction of the public ways and utilities, the developers shall comply with the following: 1. The developers shall notify in writing the DPW and Planning Board five days in advance of commencement of construction and subsequent phases of construction so that proper inspection can take place. 2. After the installation of the complete water system and sanitary sewer system and prior to the placement of any responsibility of the city, therefore appropriate easements (with metes and bounds) should be shown on Sheet 2 of 2, g. DMH 2 and DMH 3 should be relocated closer to the roadway edge, in order to eliminate the necessity for easements, h. a note "Catch Basins shall have 2.5' sumps" shall be put on the plans and detail 1/8 shall be amended, 2 . submit easement documents, suitable for recording at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, for all proposed easements shown on the Definitive Subdivision Plan for approval by the Planning Board and City Solicitor, 3 . the applicant shall provide the City with a Performance Guarantee, subject to approval by the Planning Board and City Solicitor. Said Performance Guarantee shall take the form of a Covenant which may permit the issuance of Building Permits for the units, the construction of the units, and the conveyance of the units, but shall not permit the request for or issuance of Certificate Of Occupancies for said units until such ways and services have been provided to adequately, in the opinion of the Planning Board, serve such units, and such units are Released from said Covenant by the Planning Board. 4. submit documents, suitable for recording at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds and subject to the approval of the Planning Board and City Solicitor, relative to the detention area and all storm drain pipes outside the proposed easements containing, among other things, explicit wording: a) that said detention area and pipes shall not become the responsibility or liability of the City, and all construction, reconstruction, maintenance and all liabilities relative to said area and pipes shall become the full responsibility of the developers, property owners, homeowners' association or approved (by the Planning Board) equal, b) that the city has the right to discharge storm water into said detention area, c) that a maintenance schedule with regular inspection by a qualified person to insure proper function of the detention area and pipes shall be established (said specific schedule shall be included in the document) , Approval of the Definitive Subdivision entitled Pines Edge/Cooke Avenue, for the construction of Pines Edge Drive and the reconstruction of Cooke Avenue, is subject to the following conditions: A. All work shall be done in accordance the plans entitled PINES EDGE Definitive Subdivision Plan of Land in NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS Prepared for PINES EDGE ASSOCIATES PARTNERSHIP, as approved and endorsed by the Northampton Planning Board, except that said roadway and utilities for the Cooke Avenue improvements shall be shifted (within the right-of-way) to the west in order to avoid the need to cut down the trees (except for the one at the Cooke Avenue/ Hatfield Street intersection) as per the instructions and approval of the Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) . Prior to the bidding process and prior to construction, the developer's engineer shall lay out and stake the center line and the edge of pavement of the roadway, to the satisfaction of the DPW, to satisfy said shift. Said shift shall be reflected in the Record Plans when they are submitted to the City in accordance with Condition G. B. Prior to the Planning Board endorsing the approved Definitive Subdivision Plan, in addition to the requirements of Section 6: 05 (3. ) of the Northampton Subdivision Regulations, the applicant shall complete the following: 1. the Definitive Subdivision Plan shall be revised to include the following: a. the berm on Cooke Avenue should be upright berm with a finished 6" reveal as shown in the city's Subdivision Rules and Regulations, b. appropriate storm water easements (with metes and bounds) for drainage culverts located outside the layout of the roadway, shall be shown on sheet 2 of 2 of the plans. said easements shall be 30 feet wide and extend ten feet past the outlet/inlet of all flared ends. C. all curbing at Pines Edge Drive cul-de-sac and at its intersection with Cooke Avenue shall be granite in conformance with city standards, d. granite curb inlets should be placed at all catch basins in accordance with city standards, e. date on Note #6 on sheet 6 of 10 to 'November 13, 1986" and note 17 should be changed to "1 inch copper", f. the water main and sanitary sewer main located outside the layout of the roadway should remain the g, Pep �� .. .� r.,,�„��*�n.�..,� '� {„o°..� e ' D FORM F NORTHAMPTON, MA a �FQ1 aUILDMG► SPEiroNS Tanuary 29 , 1990 Date NOTICE. OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL To: City Clerk The Planning Board on Jan. 25. 1990 by unanimous vote date ,,=VA0 /APPROVED (cross out one) the following subdivision plan: Name or description PINES EDGE New street names PINES EDGE DRIVE submitted by PINES EDGE ASSOCIATES Address R Bridge Street , Northampton , �!A 01060 can October 19 , 1959 Date nendina termination of the statutory twenty day appeal period. sianed Vice Chairman, r`� pton Planning Board This vote of the Planning Board is duly recorded in the minutes nf their meeting. �-.c. Applicant Police Department Buildina Inspector Board of Assessors Board of Public Works Register of Voters Fire DeAartment File Board of Health Conservation Commission After twenty (20 ) days without notice of appeal, endorsed hluenrints. if approved, will be transmitted to: Applicant 1 mylar Register of Voters 1 print City Engineer 1 mylar Police Department 1 print Assessors 1 print Fire Department 1 print Bldg. Inspector 1 print print File 1