13-038 (19) MAX.HT.ALLOWED o NEW BEAR GRAPHIC.DOUBLE * SIDED.REVERSE SIDE TO MIRROR THIS SIDE. o ° ° ° O 0 O EXISTING UPPER � * o SIGNBOARD WITH r-1 f 1 TEXT ANDL GRAHIC, ED iO LIGHTING.NEW * PAINTED FINISH AS SCHEDULED t APPROX 49.5 SF EXISTING SIGN 3'-8" BOARDS TO BE n RE-LETTERED AND E REPAINTED AS "f SCHEDULED 0 C? APPROX.2.25 SF/EA. i� EXISTING WOOD POSTS TO REMAIN &BE REPAINTED 2 STREET SIGNAGE - EXISTING VIEW ASSCHEDULED EXISTING CONCRETE ° FOOTING TO REMAIN r GRADE �3 river Vwl" COOP T I�114 1 ELEVATION AT RENOVATED STREET SIGN a e: Renovations to EXISTING AND THOMAS DOUGLA PROPOSED Architects, Inc. RIVER VALLEY STREET SIGNAGE +96 Sfta4 NoMwnp9w,MA MARKET 3 phaw:(413)US.U841 3 STREET SIGNAGE - RENDERING OF PROPOSED CHANGES PHASE 2 r--��-� �----� - -�-� 330 North King Street [b11e1W.���1O��n[biy Mmq�yK AIMCb)I�ib Northampton, Massachusetts ISSUE: DATE: ZONING r�nsr�s i c �I 1 SOUTH ELEVATION - EXISTING SIGNAGE 2 SDUTH ELEVATION - PROPOSED SIGNAGE RENDERING cafe: Actual ize Renovations to EXISTING AND THOMAS DOUGLAS PROPOSED Architects, Inc. RIVER VALLEY BUILDING SIGNAGE in Pwmam sae.k Hwft=Ptw%w► MARKET °hom:"t"SBA'" PHASE 2 2 330 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts ISSUE: DATE: zoNit, aarisis BASE BID-OPEN WALL AS REQUIRED FOR REPAIR OF REMOVE EXISTING EXISTING FLAMING- SIGNAGE AND ASSOCIATED MATERIALS ALTERNATE-DEMO EXISTING AS REQUIRED FOR KALWALL WINDOW AT STORE INSTALLATION OF NEW FRONT-PREP EXISTING OPENING SIGNAGE.SIGNAGE TO BE AS REOUIRED FOR NEW WINDOW PROVIDED BY AND WALL SYSTEM. 14STALLED BY OWNER VENDOR t - -T--+—+—+—+--j-- --- ---- -- ---------------- r- --T- - +-+--+----I--+-+-+ t -F - --I-- - -T- _-T- -- --T- - --1-- - -. — --i---t- -�— L —�— �- - --I coo u u u u u u u u u u u u _ FE ❑ 1 �RU TH Eff�ATIQ�N - XISTING BUILDING SIGNAGE 5 t0 15 20 FT e: NEW GRAPHIC AT UPPER WALL-VINYL OR PAINTED ON PLYWOOD,STAND OFF BASE BID-REPAIR EXISTING AND INSTALL NEW FLASHING WALL.2"BY STORE SIGNAGE VENDOR-- AT WINDOW PERIMETER.OPEN WALL AS REQUIRED FOR ACCESS TO PERIMETER FRAMING.PATCH!REPAIR WALL NEW BACKLIT LED CHANNEL LETTERS,COLOR"GREEN",BRUSHED ALTERNATE-NEW STOREFRONT SYSTEM IN EXISTING ALUMINUM LETTER BY STORE OPENI/G.HE-FLASH AND SEAL AT PERIMETER OF WINDOW. NEW METAL FRAMED SHED SIGNAGE VENDOR.POWER BY REPAIR INTERIOR DRYWALL,SOFFITS AND A.G.T.UNDER ROOF OVER DELIVERY AREA. ELECTRICAL' ALLOWANCE STEEL DECKING OVER STEEL p CHANNELS.PROVIDE NEW 1 m SF RUBBER ROOF. z +28 EXISTING 2 t2 t72 SF NEW STEEL POST 114'PER tr A} END OF �! PA O UL I - IT i u ff- u u ! u u u u u OQF 134'11" I ug u u u u u u u 1 0 PA I m a � m P.it m 0 m v � v r * I 4 1 P.11 P./1 P.11 F M I I PAINT SHADED PAINT SHADED I I I I AREA SCHEDULED T A ENTRY TO SCHEDULED NOTE:STEEL CANOPY TO BE ( REPAINT EXISTING KNEE WALL.PAINT CAP SHOP PRIMED,FIELD n T OF KtE WALL COLOR G �gUTH VON - PROPOSED NEW BUILDINfUI ► 0 5 t0 t5 20 FT 1 - Renovations to EXISTING AND THOMAS DOUGLAS PROPOSED Architects, Inc. RIVER VALLEY SIGNAGE 1GNAGE INPl"wdSbast,Noetlwmptmi,NA MARKET Phom:f413)SBS4 •/ PHASE 2 330 North Kin Street 9 Northampton, Massachusetts ISSUE: DATE: zO1wNG r�r19r15 'o.o 'D.o D.. 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Lumens Lum. Watts LLF Label jUnits I Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min > J 2 Type A Lumark NAV-AE-02-E-UNV-T4FT 10584 107 0.900 jObject Planar Fc 0.72 5.0 1 0.0 N.A. I N.A. R1G U) 2 Cam- ---0 Type Al Lumark NAV-AE-02-E-UNV-T4FT 10589 107 0.900 1 Type B Lumark NAV-AE-02-E-UNV-SL2 10294 107 0.900 page 2 of 2 Submitted by Reflex Lighting G up of Connecticut Catalog Number: Type: Job Name: SSS20-B4-XX-XX River Valley Market Architect: Thomas Douglas Architects (Northampton) Notes: CTCT15-172147 4 Bolt Base SSS20S4-4 Optional Terror Mounting(sped(y) � Tcp Diameter Arm Drilling Per Customer Specs. "B"Wall Carbon Steel f-- With Powder Coated Fnish WARNING: Do not install light pole without luminaire. Grounding Provision Opposite Hardhde „F R ftoed Handiole(3"x S") Bolt Cirde O r—V t Steel Cover And Rainier pa, Steel screws(see Detail) ,•�. "C"Butt Dianete A' ABS Plastic Base cover 1 -- (4)Anawr Bolts Per AASHTO M314-W, — "E" Grade 55,Top 10"Galvanized Per Sq. ❑ ASTM A153,With Gale Sd.Hex.Nuts, T— Lodmashers&Hatvrashers Notes: 1)AN Material Shall Be Weldable-Grade,Hot-WW,Corr nerdal Quality carbon Steel Ab rig. Base Kate and Handhole Material Shaill Conform to ASTM A36. AN Welds Shall Conform To AWS DI.1 Using E70xx BeModm 2)EPA Calnitaaons Based Upon AASHTO Standard Spealkations for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,Luminaires and Traffic Signals,1994 Edition,Using An EPA Ykq t of 25 Nis Per Sq R of EPA. Height Coetfide tS Based On Fankrla,(W30)^(1/7).EPXS Are CakuWted At Top Of shaft.AN Welds Shall Conform To AWS D1.1 Using E70xx Bemodes. Mounting Height: 20 ft Gauge: 11 Maximum EPA Your Name: Butt Diameter: 4 in 70: 12.9 Representative Name: Top Diameter: 4 in B0: 9.3 Architect Name: Base Diameter: 8 in 90: 6.7 Project Name: Bolt Circle: 8-9 in 100: 4.7 Customer P.O.#: Bolt Projection: 2.75 in 110: 3.2 Finish: - Solt Size: .75 x 17 x 3 Date:04/07/2015 Net Weight: 138 Accessories Notes: Luminary Weight: 75 Arm Length: Quantity: Visit Hapco.com or call 800-368-7171 or fax 276-628-7707 v.2.03 Submitted by Reflex Lighting G up of Connecticut Catalog Number: Type: Job Name: NATAE-02-D-UNTSU-10K-AI-BZ River Valley Market 9 Architect: Thomas Douglas Architects (Northampton) Notes: CTCT15-172147 NAV NAVION LUMEN MULTIPLIER LUMEN MAINTENANCE Ambient Lumen Multiplier Ambient TM-21 Lumen Theoretical L70 Temperature Maintenance Temperature (60,000 Hours) (Hours) 0°C 1.02 25°C >94% >350,000 10°C 1.01 40°C >93% >250,000 25°C 1.00 40°C 0.99 50°C >90% >170,000 50°C 0.97 ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number:NAV-AE-01-E-UNV-T3-1OK-AI-AP Product Light Engine Number of , Voltage Distribution Surge Protection Family I Light Squares' NAV=Navion AE=1A Drive 01=1 E=Non-Dimming UNV=Universal(120-277V) T2=Type II 1OK=Cooper 10kV Surge Module(Standard) Current 02=2 D=Dimming 347=347V T2R=Type II Roadway X=Driver Surge Protection Only e 03=3 4801 T3=Type 111 04=4 T3R=Type III Roadway 06=6 T4FT=Type IV Forward Throw T4W=Type IV Wide 5NQ=Type V Narrow 5MQ=Type V Square Medium 5WQ=Type V Square Wide SL2=Type II w/Spill Control SL3=Type III w/Spill Control SL4=Type IV w/Spill Control SLL=90°Spill Light Eliminator Left SLR=90°Spill Light Eliminator Right RW=Rectangular Wide Type I AFL--Automotive Front Line Options(Add as Suffix) Color 2L--Two Circuits' MS/DIM-L08=Motion Sensor for Dimming Operation,Maximum 8'Mounting Height a AP=Grey(Standard) 7030=70 CRI/3000K° MS/DIM-L20=Motion Sensor for Dimming Operation,9'-20'Mounting Height' BZ=Bronze 7060=70 CRI/6000K a MS/DIM-L40=Motion Sensor for Dimming Operation,21'-40'Mounting Height a BK=Black 530=Drive Current Factory Set to 53DmA 7 MS/X-LO8=Bi-Level Motion Sensor,Maximum 8'Mounting Height DP=Dark Platinum 701 Current Factory Set to 700MA 7 MS/X-L20=Bi-Level Motion Sensor,9'-20'Mounting Heights GM=Graphite Metallic PER=NEMA Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle MS/X-L40=Bi-Level Motion Sensor,21'-40'Mounting Height a WH=White PER7=7-PIN NEMA Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle K=Level Indicator IP66=1P66 Rated AI=Arm Included 10 HA=50°C High Ambient LCF=Light Square Trim Plate Painted to Match Housing L90=Optics Rotated 90°Left HSS=Factory Installed House Side Shield 11 R90=Optics Rotated 901 Right DIMRF-LW=LumaWatt Wireless Sensor,Wide Lens for 8'-16'Mounting Height 12 DIMRF-LN=LumaWatt Wireless Sensor,Narrow Lens for 16'-40'Mounting Height 12 Accessories(Order Separately) OA1223=10kV Surge Module Replacement MA1011-XX=2 @1800 Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon MA7078-XX=2 @1800 Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8"O.D.Tenon OA/RA1013=Photocontrol Shorting Cap MA1012-XX=3 @120°Tenon Adaptor for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon MA10191`Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8"O.D.Tenon OA/RA7014=NEMA Photocontrol-120V MA1013-XX=4 @90°Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon MA1045-XX=4 @900 Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8"O.D.Tenon OA/RA1016=NEMA Photocontrol-Multi-Tap MA1014-XX=2 @90°Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon MA1048-XX=2 @90°Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8"O.D.Tenon OA/RA7027=NEMA Photocontrol-480V MA1015-XX=2 @120°Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon MA1049-XX=3 @90°Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8"O.D.Tenon OA/RA1201=NEMA Photocontrol-347V MA1016-XX=3 @901 Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon FSIR-100=Wireless Configuration Tool for Motion Sensor 1' MA1010-XX=Single Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2"O.D.Tenon MA1017-XX=Single Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8"O.D.Tenon LS/HSS=Field Installed House Side Shield 14 NOTES: 1.DesignOghts Consortium-Qualified,Refer to www.designlights.org Qualified Products List under Family Models for details. 2.Standard 4000K CCT and minimum 70 CRI. 3.Not to be used with un-grounded systems. 4.Consult factory for driver surge protection values. S.Low-level output varies by number of light squares specified.Consult factory.2L is not available with MS/X,MS/DIM,DIMRFLW or OIMRFLN in combination with 347V or 48001.2L is available in 4 and b light square configurations.No terminal block with 21.options. 6.Use dedicated IES files for 3000K and 6000K when performing layouts.These files are published on the Navion luminaire product page on the website. 7.1 Amp standard.Use dedicated IES files for 530mA and 700mA when performing layouts.These files are published on the Navion luminaire product page on the website. 8.Sensor mounted e#ernally.Must specify dimming driver.Consult factory for more information. 9.Sensor mounted externally.Available in 4 or blight square configurations.Replace"X"with number of squares in low output mode.For ON/OFF operation,replace"X"with"0".Maximum two squares in low output mode. Not available with dimming driver.No terminal block with ON/OFF sensor. 10.22"upsweep arm.Round pole adapter and mounting hardware included,"M"drill pattern. 11.Only for use with SL2,SL3,SL4 and AFL distributions.The light square trim plate is painted black when the HSS option is selected. 12.Lumayvaa wireless sensors are factory installed only requiring network components RF-EMT,RF-GW1 and RF-ROUT7 in appropriate quantities.See wer-cooperlighting.com for LumaWatt application information. Not available with PER7,PER,FADC or 2L options. 13.This tool enables adjustment of parameters including high and low modes,sensitivity,time delay,cutoff and more.Consult your Eaton's Cooper Lighting business representative for additional details. 14.One required for each light square. Eaton Eaton's Cooper Lighting Business 1000 Eaton Boulevard 1121 Highway 74 South Cooper Lighting Cleveland,OH 44122 Peachtree City,GA 30269 Specifications and ADH140426 united Stales P:770AS64800 dimensions subject to by F.T-M Eatoo.com www.cooperlighhr,9 com &ange without notice. 2014-12-17 10:13:22 NAV NAVION NOMINAL POWER AND LUMENS (530MA) Number of Light Squares 1 2 3 4 6 Drive Current 530mA 530mA 530mA 530mA 530mA Nominal Power(Watts) 30 54 80 105 159 Input Current @ 120V(A) 0.25 0.45 0.66 0.86 1.32 Input Current @ 208V(A) 0.17 0.28 0.39 0.51 0.78 Input Current @ 240V(A) 0.17 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.7 Input Current @ 277V(A) 0.19 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.64 Optics Lumens 3,011 6,002 8,926 12,022 17,750 T2 BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 131-UO-G2 62-UO-G2 62-UO-G2 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 3,223 6,426 9,556 12,871 19,004 T2R BUG Rating 61-U0-G1 B1-U0-G1 B2-1-10-G2 B2-UO-G2 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 3,077 6,134 9,122 12,286 18,140 T3 BUG Rating 61-U0-G1 61-U0-G2 B2-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 3,128 6,237 9,275 12,492 18,445 T313 BUG Rating I B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B1-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-U()-G3 Lumens 3,100 6,180 9,191 12,379 18,278 T4FT BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B1-U0-G2 B2-UO-G3 B2-UO-G3 Lumens 3,039 6,060 9,011 12,137 17,920 T4W BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B2-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 3,015 6,012 8,940 12,041 17,778 SL2 BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 3,072 6,124 9,107 12,266 18,110 SL3 BUG Rating 81-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B1-U0G2 132-U0-G3 B2-UO-G3 Lumens 2,934 5,850 8,699 11,717 17,300 SL4 BUG Rating B0-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B1-U0-G3 B1-U0-G3 B2-UO-G4 Lumens 3,162 6,304 9,374 12,626 18,642 5N0 BUG Rating B1-UO-GO B2-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 B3-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 Lumens 3,275 6,530 9,711 13,080 19,312 5M0 BUG Rating I B2-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 B3-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 Lumens 3,200 6,380 9,487 12,778 18,866 5W0 BUG Rating 62-U0-G1 63-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 84-UO-G2 B5-UO-G3 Lumens 2,716 5,416 8,054 10,848 16,017 SLUSLR BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 61-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 62-UO-G3 Lumens 3,143 6,266 9,318 12,551 18,531 RW BUG Rating B2-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 B3-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 Lumens 3,151 6,283 9,344 12,585 18,581 AFL BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 61-UO-G1 B1-U0-G1 I B2-1-10-G2 I 62-UO-G2 Nominal data for 4000K CCT. Eaton Eaton's Cooper Lighting Business 1000 Eaton Boulevard 1121 Highway 74 South Cooper Lighting Cleveland,OH 44122 Peachtree City,CA 30269 Specifications and ADH140428 United States P*770-486-4800 dimensions subject to by B:T-N Eaton.com www.cooperlighting.com change without notice. 2014-12-17 10:13:22 NAV NAVION NOMINAL POWER AND LUMENS (700MA) Number of Light Squares 1 2 3 4 6 Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA Nominal Power(Watts) 38 72 105 138 210 Input Current @ 120V(A) 0.32 0.59 0.86 1.14 1.72 Input Current @ 208V(A) 0.21 0.36 0.51 0.67 1.02 Input Current @ 240V(A) 0.19 0.32 0.45 0.59 0.9 Input Current @ 27N(A) 0.2 0.29 0.40 0.51 0.80 Optics Lumens 3,768 7513 11,172 15,047 22,217 T2 BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-UO-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G2 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 4,034 8,043 11,961 16,109 23,785 T2R BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G2 B3-UO-G3 Lumens 3,851 7,677 11,417 15,377 22,704 T3 BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 3,916 7,806 11,609 15,636 23,086 T3R BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 62-UO-G2 62-UO-G3 63-U0-G4 Lumens 3,880 7,736 11,504 15,494 22,877 T4FT BUG Rating B1-UO-G1 B1-UO-G2 B2-U0-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 3804 7,584 11,279 15,191 22,429 T4W BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-U0-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-1J0-G4 Lumens 3,774 7,524 11,190 15,071 22,252 SL2 BUG Rating B1-UO-G1 B1-U0-G2 2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 3,845 7,665 11,399 15,352 22,668 SL3 BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B2-UO-G3 B3-U0-G4 SL4 Lumens 3,672 7,322 10,888 14,665 21,653 BUG Rating B1-U0-G2 B1-U0-G2 B1-U0-G3 B1-UO-G3 B2-UO-G4 Lumens 3,957 7,890 11,733 15,803 23,333 5NO BUG Rating B2-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 83-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 Lumens 4,100 8,174 12,155 16,371 24,172 511111O BUG Rating B2-U0-G1 B3-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B5-UO-G3 Lumens 4,005 7,985 11,874 15,993 23,614 5WQ BUG Rating B3-U0-G1 B3-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B5-UO-G3 Lumens 3,400 6,779 10,081 13,577 20,047 SUJSLR BUG Rating B1-U0-G1 B1-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 3,934 7,843 11,663 15,709 23,194 RW BUG Rating B2-U0-G1 B3-U0-G1 B3-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 Lumens 3,944 7,864 11,695 15,751 23,256 AFL BUG Rating I B1-U0-G1 B1-U0 G1 B2-U0-G1 I 82-UO-G2 B3-UO-G2 'Nominal data for 4000K CCT. Eaton Eaton's Cooper Lighting Business 1000 Eaton Boulevard 1121 Highway 74 South Cooper Lighting Cleveland,OH 44122 Peachtree City,GA 30269 Specifications and United States P:770-486-4800 dimensions subject to ADH140428 by E:TeN Eaton.com www.cooperlighting.com change without notice. 2014-12-17 10:13:22 NAV NAVION NOMINAL POWER AND LUMENS (1A) Number of Light Squares 1 2 3 4 6 Drive Current 1A 1A 1A to 1A Nominal Power(Watts) 56 107 157 213 315 Input Current @ 120V(A) 0.47 0.9 1.31 1.79 2.64 Input Current @ 208V(A) 0.28 0.51 0.74 1.02 1.48 Input Current @ 240V(A) 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.9 1.3 Input Current @ 277V(A) 1 0.23 0.41 0.59 0.82 1.18 Optics Lumens 5,155 10,278 15,285 20,587 30,396 T2 BUG Rating 61-UO-G1 62-UO-G2 132-UO-G2 63-UO-G3 133-UO-G4 Lumens 5,519 11,004 16,364 22,040 32,542 T2R BUG Rating B1-UO-G1 62-UO-G2 62-UO-G2 83-UO-G3 63-UO-G4 Lumens 5,268 10,504 15,620 21,038 31,062 T3 BUG Rating B1-UO-G2 132-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G3 133-UO-G4 Lumens 5,357 10,680 15,883 21,392 31,585 T3R BUG Rating B1-UO-G2 B1-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 132-UO-G4 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 5,308 10,584 15,739 21,198 31,299 T4FT BUG Rating B1-UO-G2 62-UO-G2 62-UO-G3 63-UO-G4 63-UO-G5 Lumens 5,205 10,376 15,431 20,784 30,686 T4W BUG Rating I 131-UO-G2 B2-UO-G2 B2-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 133-UO-G5 Lumens 5,163 10,294 15,309 20,619 30,444 SL2 BUG Rating B1-UO-G2 132-UO-G2 62-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 B3-1JO-G4 Lumens 5,260 10,487 15,595 21,004 31,013 SL3 BUG Rating 61-UO-G2 B2-UO-G2 62-UO-G3 B3-UO-G4 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 5,024 10,017 14,897 20,064 29,625 SL4 BUG Rating 81-UO-G2 B1-UO-G3 81-UO-G3 62-UO-G4 B2-UO-G5 Lumens 5,414 10,795 16,053 21,621 31,923 5N0 BUG Rating B2-UO-G1 B3-UO-G1 133-UO-G2 134-UO-G2 B5-UO-G2 Lumens 5,609 11,183 16,630 22,398 33,071 5M0 BUG Rating B3-UO-G1 134-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B5-UO-G3 B5-UO-G4 Lumens 5,479 10,924 16,246 21,881 32,307 SWO BUG Rating 63-UO-G1 64-UO-G2 64-UO-G2 65-UO-G3 135-UO-G4 Lumens 4,652 9,274 13,792 18,576 27,427 SLUSLR BUG Rating 61-UO-G2 81-UO-G3 62-UO-G3 62-UO-G4 B3-UO-G4 Lumens 5,382 10,730 15,957 21,492 31,732 RW BUG Rating 62-UO-G1 63-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 B4-UO-G2 85-UO-G3 Lumens 5,396 10,759 16,000 21,550 31,818 AFL BUG Rating B1-UO-G1 62-UO-G1 62-UO-G2 83-UO-G2 I B3-UO-G3 Nominal data for 4000K CCT. Eaton Eaton's Cooper Lighting Business 1000 Eaton Boulevard 1121 Highway 74 South Cooper Lighting Cleveland,OH 44122 Peachtree City,GA 30269 Specifications and ADH140428 United States P 770-486b800 dimensions subject to 2014-12-17 10:13:22 by E:TeN Eaton.com www.cooperlighting.com change without notice. NAV NAVION OPTIC ORIENTATION Street Side Street Side Street Side House Side House Side House Side - Standard Optics Rotated Left @ 90°(1-90) Optics Rotated Right @ 901(1390) OPTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS Asymmetric Area Distributions T2 SL2 T3 SU T4FT T4W SL4 (Type II) (Type II with Spill Control) (Type III) (Type III with Spill Control) (Type IV Forward Throw) (Type IV Wide) (Type IV with Spill Control) Asymmetric Roadway Distributions Symmertric Distributions RW T2R T3R 5NQ 5MQ 5WQ (Rectangular Wide Type 1) (Type II Roadway) (Type III Roadway) (Type V Square Narrow) (Type V Square Medium) (Type V Square Wide) L-J Ej C) Specialized Distributions AFL SILL SLR (Automotive Frontline) (90°Spill Light Eliminator Left) (90°Spill Light Eliminator Right) Eaton Eaton's Cooper Lighting Business 1000 Eaton Boulevard 1121 Highway 74 South Cooper Lighting Cleveland,CH 44122 Peachtree City,GA 30269 Specifications and ADH140428 United States P:770-4864800 dimensions subject to 2014-12-17 10:13:22 by F.T-N Eaton.com www.cooperlighting.com change without notice. Submitted by Reflex Li( ghting G up of Connecticut Catalog Number: Type: Job Name: NAV-AE-02-D-UNV-SL2-10K-AI-BZ River Valley Market Architect: Thomas Douglas Architects Notes:(Northampton) CTCT15-172147 L U M A R K® energy DESCRIPTION The NAVIONTI area,site and roadway LED luminaire combines world class optical performance,energy efficiency,and outstanding versatility to meet the requirements of any area,site or roadway lighting application.Patented AccuLED OpticTM technology delivers unparalleled uniformity.Heavy-duty construction and easy installation features make Navion the right choice for site lighting applications and municipal a streets.UUcUL listed for wet locations,optional IP66 enclosure rating available. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Electrical Mounting � Heavy-duty cast aluminum housing LED drivers are mounted to the Four-bolt/two-bracket slipfitter and door with extruded aluminum removable die-cast aluminum door with cast-in pipe stop and built-in Ef heat sink.Tool-less entry,hinged for optimal heat sinking and ease incremental 2.51 leveling steps are removable power tray door for of maintenance.120-277V 50/6OHz, standard.Fixed-in-place bird guard easy maintenance.3G vibration 347V 60Hz or 480V 60Hz operation. seals around 1-1/4"or 2"mounting rated. 10kV common and differential- arms. mode surge protection standard. Optics 0-10V dimming driver available. Finish Choice of 16 patented,high- Thermal management incorporates Housing and cast parts finished efficiency AccuLED Optics.The both conduction and convection in five-stage super TGIC polyester optics are precisely designed to to transfer heat rapidly away powder coat paint,2.5 mil nominal shape the distribution maximizing from the LED source for optimal thickness for superior protection efficiency and application spacing. efficiency and light output.Suitable against fade and wear.Heat sink is AccuLED Optics create consistent for ambient temperatures from anodized aluminum.Consult your NAV NAVION distributions with the scalability -40*C to 40°C.Optional 50*C HA Eaton's Cooper Lighting business to meet customized application option available.Standard three- representative for a complete requirements.Offered standard in position tunnel type compression selection of standard colors. 1-6 Light Squares 4000K(+/-275K)CCT and minimum terminal block.Greater than 90% LED 70 CRI.Optional 6000K CCT and lumen maintenance expected at Warranty 3000K CCT.For the ultimate level 60,000 hours.Light squares are Five-year warranty. of spill light control,an optional IP66 enclosure rated.Available AREA/SITE/ROADWAY house side shield accessory is in standard 1A drive current and LUMINAIRE available and can be field or factory optional 530mA and 700mA drive installed.The house side shield is currents. designed to seamlessly integrate with the SL2,SL3,SL4 or AFL optics. CERTIFICATION DATA UUcUL Wet Location Listed DIMENSIONS IS09001 IP66 Light Squares 1,2 or 3 Light Squares 1 Light Square 3G Vibration Rated DesignLights Consortium(Qualified* 5-7/32" t , I p 1132mm] ENERGY DATA I Electronic LED Driver I8-7/8"[225mm] L- 21-1/2"[546mm] >0.9 Power Factor <20%Total Harmonic Distortion 4 or 6 Light Squares 2 or 4 Light Squares 120-277V/50/60 Hz, 347V/60 Hz,480V160 Hz 5-7/32" -40°C Minimum Temperature p [132 mm] +40°C Ambient Temperature Rating 81mm] 1 �27-5/8"[701mm] EPA 3 or 6 Light Squares Effective Projected Area(Sq.Ft.): (Fixture only) 1 Square 0.8 2 Square's 1.0 3 Square's 1.2 ir:7 33-5/8"[854mm] 4 Square's 1.2 6 Square's 1.4 ARM DRILLING OPTIONAL ARM (Fixture .2 Al arm) 1 1 Square 1.2 22"Upsweep Arm 2 Square's 1.3 TYPE "M" 2-3/8" 3Square's 1.5 h0mml 4 Square's 1.5 2-5/16" 159mm] 6 Square's 1.7 3/4"119mm1 Rise 8"[203mm] ma.Hole 7° 9-3/4. SHIPPING DATA 2-7/16"[62mm] 1246mm] [178mm] Approximate Net Weight: ..------.--._--_-.---_----.'------------------------_----- 1 Square 17 lbs.(7.7 kgs.) 4-7/8"[124mm1 2 Square's 22 lbs.(10.0 kgs.) 3 Square's 26 tbs.(11.8 kgs.) (2)5/8"[16mm] 22"1559mm] 4 Square's 31 lbs.(14.1 kgs.) Dia.Holes 6 Square's 36 tbs.(16.3 kgs.) Cooper Lighting rb1fI ADH140428 by IF.T•M *www.designlights.org �T 2014-12-1710:13:22 City of Northampton Mail - River Valley Market Zoning application Page 1 of 1 + OfilkOf Linda Lapointe<Iapointe @northamptonma.gov> River Valley Market Zoning application 1 message Linda Lapointe <Ilapointe @northamptonma.gov> Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:24 PM To: rcooney @wright-builders.com Roger, Carolyn brought me the ZPA application for River Valley Market today. In the future the fee schedule was changed in July, zoning apps are now$30. There is also reference to sign changes which requires sign permits. Wall signs are$60 and ground signs are$100. Linda LaPointe Building Secretary https:H mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=542a2ddO3a&view=pt&search=sent&th=14M... 9/21/2015 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES X NO IF Y6, describe size, type and location: See attached. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES X NO IF YID describe size, type and location: See attached. 11. WII the construction activity disturb(clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO, X IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Nbnagement Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PMdT CAN BE DEMED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building Derartntent EXISTING PROPOSED REQUIRED By TONING Lot size 132,115 s.f. Same 0,000 S.f. Frontage 207, Same Setbacks Front 5' 0'-55' Side L: 60' It 60' L: R: L: 10' R: 10, Rear Same 5' Building Height 28' Same 35' allowed Building Square Footage 15,265 s.f. Same . %Open Space: (lot area minus building& paved 50% Same 30% parki n #of Parking Spaces 94 Same 51 #of Loading Docks 0 Same Fill: N/A volume& location 13. certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my kriowledge. Date: Applicant's Signature NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. WADocuments\F0RMS\origina1\Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Applicetion-passive.doe 8!412004 MeNo Please int all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the$i5,fiIing fee(check or money order)payable to the City of Northampton 1. Name of Applicant: Roger Cooney, Wright Builders, Inc. Address. 48 Bates St. Northampton, MA Telephone: (413) 586-8287 2. Owner of property: River Valley Market Address, 330 North King St. Northampton, MA Telephone: (413) 585-5151 3. aatus of Applicant: Owner contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain) General 330 North Kin St. Northampton, MA Contractor 4. Job Location: 9 P Parcel Id: Zoning Iftp# Paircei# District(s). fn 6Ern Street D>strict .in Central Busiit<essDistrict TO BE i=1LLED IN BYTFfE SUif1}1fVG DH'Af f 5. Existing Use of aructure/Property: Store / Market 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work]Projact/Occupation: (lase additlonal sheets if necessary): _Interior/exterior lighting efficiency upgrades, add (1) new light pole new loading dock roof structure, alterations to store layout/refrigeration equipment, glazing alterations, roo repairs, HVAU upgrades, etc. 7. Attached Plans: Scetch Ran Ste Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans X 8. las a Special Permit/Variance!Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: Yes, 9/20/05 IF YES Was the permit recorded at the PagWry of Deeds*?. NO DONT MOW YES X IFYEa enter Book Page and/or Document # 9.Doesthe site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? 'NO X DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained date issued: (Form Continues On Other Sde) W:1Documents\FORMSloriginai\Buil ding-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/412004 File#MP-2016-0019 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON WRIGHT BUILDERS ADDRESS/PHONE 48 Bates St (413)586-8287(116) PROPERTY LOCATION 330 NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid c� Typeof Construction: ZPA-LIGHTING,LOADING DOCK&RENOVATIONS iA&H T1 N6- Mu S-T fit?M f L 1 New Constructions v i Non Structural interior renovations r c_ Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management (—�, /4—e��—p - q 2 r Signature of Building Of icial Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. 330 NORTH KING ST MP-2016-0019 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON GIS l Map: Block:- -038 ZONING PERMIT L°t: 001 •• Permit: ZONING PERMIT APpLI{' APPLICATION PERMIT Category: Zoning Permit Permit#----MP-2016-0019 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# JS-2016.-000623_ _ ' Est. Cost: Contractor: License: Expires: Fee Charged:$30.00 WRIGHT BUILDERS Balance Due:$.00 Owner: BILLMAR CORPORATION C/O RIVER VALLEY MARKET E#of Fixtures Applicant: WRIGHT BUILDERS Di Safe# ING ST hh g AT: 330 NORTH K IUseG-roup Const€lass --- - — ISSUED ON: 28-Sep-2015 AMENDED ON: EXPIRES ON: TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: ZPA-LIGHTING,LOADING DOCK&RENOVATIONS-lighting must comply with 350-122 THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: Zoning Permit Application REC-2016-001212 23-Sep-15 49294 $15.00 Zoning Permit Application REC-2016-001198 21-Sep-15 49121 $15.00 212 Main Street,Phone:(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272,Email:Ihasbrouck @northamptonma.gov GeoTMS®2015 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc.