29-087 (7) C�lie W0MWw4W1_eaa a� �Z la c� i 7(9)Pia ce� FP-7(rev. 1/06) 6 A&, /025, 6C,& Road, C%,u, alaw. 01775 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE M.G.L. CHAPTER 148, SECTIONS 26F, 26F/z City o r Town Date: This Certifies that the property located at has been equipped with approved smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms and was found to be in compliance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 148 S ctions 26F, 26F1/2 and 5xa J'277 C�MR 31,, et seq. cInspection/Testing completed on: 5 By: ?` e"e�l fso Inspector Fee Paid: Head of Fire Department: \ t 5 Note:This certificate expires sixty (60) days after date of issue. SELLER'S COPY