31A-240 (4) REFERENCE: 60't BOOK 8496, PAGE 336 BOOK 442, PAGE 131 / 777777 I I .Cc bui ca ( 1 25 51 4 I reen - '1 743 I O I ' ao C 3 w � u r 3 #55 NOTE: L SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAYS OF RECORD. I F --J LOT #14 60't KENSINGTON AVENUE '0: FLORENCE SAVNGS BANK & CONNECTICUT ATTORNEYS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY '0 THE BEST OF MY INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF HEREBY REPORT THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THE PREMISES AND BASED ON EXISTING IONUMENTA11ON ALL VISIBLE EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS AND BUILDINGS ARE LOCATED ON HE GROUND AS SHOWN AND THAT THE BUILDINGS ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE LOT LINES, :XCEPT AS NOTED. I FURTHER REPORT THAT THE PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN , FLOOD PRONE AREA AS SHOWN ON FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE MAPS FOR :OMMUNITY #250167 —NOTE- :URVEYOR: QLn. 1�Q �. rLg.,� THIS PLAT FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROPERTY SURVEY —MORTGAGE LOAN INSPECTION PLAT— NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS RANE ALL PREPARED FOR IZER y COLLEEN M. O'CONNOR, ET AL /35032 SCALE: 1"=20' NOVEMBER 12, 2012 HAROLD ASSOCIATES, REGISTERED D PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 235 RUSSELL STREET — HADLEY — MASSACHUSETTS BOOK 8496, PAGE 336 Gv<<►� v ��'t�� BOOK 442, PAGE 131 -00 (O rety� NOTE: LA) tl L. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAYS OF RECORD. Lj 5 60't S4 1�t5�: 5�ty 6,f-edl KENSINGTON AVENUE 0: FLORENCE SAVNGS BANK & CONNECTICUT ATTORNEYS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY '0 THE BEST OF MY INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF HEREBY REPORT THAT 1 HAVE EXAMINED THE PREMISES AND BASED ON EXISTING IONUMENTATION ALL VISIBLE EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS AND BUILDINGS ARE LOCATED ON HE GROUND AS SHOWN AND THAT THE BUILDINGS ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE LOT LINES, XCEPT AS NOTED. I FURTHER REPORT THAT THE PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN , FLOOD PRONE AREA AS SHOWN ON FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE MAPS FOR :OMMUNITY #250167 —NOTE— THIS PLAT FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES ONLY — AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROPERTY SURVEY of —MORTGAGE LOAN INSPECTION PLAT— NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS r RANDALL PREPARED FOR E. -4 � lZER y COLLEEN M. O'CONNOR, ET AL X35032 SCALE: 1"=20' NOVEMBER 12, 2012 HAROLD L. EATON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 235 RUSSELL STREET — HADLEY — MASSACHUSETTS 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO `, IF YES, describe size, type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO V IF YES, describe size, type and location: 11. Wilt the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building Department EXISTING PROPOSED REQUIRED BY ZONING Lot Size S i= Frontage 60 60 Setbacks Front � �(�, s;�w,ik� ;,,� t-o lick � s►�v�el�cta� kd7.�' rc�d Side L: L: R: L: R:Z ,' Rear Building Height Building Square Footage Z 1125 %Open Space: (lot area minus building£t paved 3 9 Z�1-3 parking #of Parking Spaces / #of Loading Docks t� 0 O Fill: (volume &t location) 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. k �} 13 2015 Applicant's Signature Date: Pp g NOTE:Issu ce of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to co m ly with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. W:\Documents\FORMS\original\Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 JUL 14 ' File No. L4iiiive ING PERMIT APPLICATION (,910.2) r print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the $15 filing fee (check or money order)payable to the City of Noo lrthhampto/n 1. Name of Applicant: !�"I i'�V1��PJ1Vlt�J'` Jt.l ;t'��2 l���yl✓4=�� Address: +V O hA �Jh14, /'tiVI Ak 01®06 Telephone: C-) (8 q ZcS 'AMOz 2. Owner of Property: Mi,r1 A? 0'(,VIAV — St��,evJ�, 6, lltn►A V (f)yulof Address: .55 kn t q�vl A ye,_.(l1lArAVq A MA-d 1 OPT O Telephone: lc� 4 21a 2-`l0 Z 3. Status of Applicant: Owner V Contract Purchaser Le�sssee Other (explain) 4. Job Location: 5 ���VISi✓l�iV1 �� �y TUIUlM �7lYf /�'I/� ( 1 a�v� Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): In Elm Street District In Central Business District (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: '5 F�on j 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): iiyiGfit lG hin I aylcI'nGd SAk_ r - �All�Vl�1 1J"d8y11L7�4)Jl- ,yyj1i C�ov�giJl (on Tt ' 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan v'l Engineered/Surveyed Plans �o 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW ✓ YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW `� YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9.Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) W:\Documents\FORMS\original\Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 File#MP-2016-0002 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON MICHELE OCONNOR-ST PIERRE ADDRESS/PHONE 17 TRUMBULLE RD (518)428-2402 PROPERTY LOCATION 55 KENSINGTON AVE MAP 31A PARCEL 240 001 ZONE URB(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT o Fee Paid t Xl Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ZPA-6 PARKING SPACES New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existiniz Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRES TED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project: Site PIan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan r?r♦PoU ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § �O " 3( � �� N�otZ AA r� Finding L Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management {� -7I Signature of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information.