18-045 t 4 � r s t t Ulf SI c Y, E s 3 w✓ # w V l f�I i V - !� �-..�,�, �' "•_'�—tee i �` �'�` ropc tl ; -7 ..t,_ fi The Berkshire Demip (41 � - Grading revision Std.£: �'=�ti Qa4'i% S tit'79,'33 rem OwAi tA LL � st x d-M• 4 !/ � Rf�ll �i ({ •� � �� tit� 9� � �p�` 1.� ��� dr •xIM11111.�w�xwt��Y�IMMw { 3' sr 1 igae!rtisi. •.er '' �� '•� �,« r �" `*xr. _ Q �� •�< e�+7e1�"I .,+ "( .aaK�. � i+eW"wr� j 1 f 't'�• sue,: gt � _ awnr++r/r MsMkYMnMw*!Mr� f �, ...e...� q ,wog -ttl d(v now)w Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, IV Wayne Feien, FAICP Director of Planning and Sustainability ' completely enclose and clearly identify the limits of the earthen berm. Where feasible(around the berm'nentire perimeter except for the southwest ,the fence shall enclose an additional buffer zone around the base of the berm that encloses the level area that surrounds the berm and the area enclosed by the curve of the berm(Figure 2). A qualified archaeologist familiar with the project area and the recent intensive archaeological survey will stake the location mf the fence prior to installation byacontractor. To ensure that the fenced areas remain ln their existing condition,the fencing and signs will remain in place throughout the construction process. The fencing will be included on all working construction plans and clearly marked as a no access/noac±ivhy area. Contractors and construction personnel will also be verbally informed that these areas are tmheavoided. The signs and fencing must be removed once construction has been completed. There will be no work north or west of the berm and no work other than what is shown on the plan. The waste piles are planned for nenova Vreducz'}pn for the purposes ofriverfron1 restoration. The potential impacts to any archaeological deposits that may be located beneath the existing waste piles stem from possible compression by heavy vehicle traffic during the reduction of the piled material,or machine excavation into underlying soils hyinQbeneath the waste piles. Io order to protect any potential archaeological deposits hm this area,vve propose two mitigations. First, the northerly waste pile will NOT be disturbed. Second,for the removal of the southerly waste pile bis proposed that the existing cover material be used to protect the underlying site. Load(per unit area) Analysis in similar situations has determined that when adding a minimum uf1.5 feet of cover material, construction loading on top of the fill will result in pressure (load per unit area)on the existing ground surface no greater than what is realized durimBlight vehicle trayfic(such asa typical G,[03 pound pickup truck). To accomplish this,the waste piles will not be removed in their entirety,but will 6e reduced until 1.S feet of material remains(when the tops ofthe piles stand 1'5 feet above the surrounding ground surface). The remaining fill will reduce any compaction pf the underlying ground that might becaused by the driving mf earth-moving vehicles over the waste piles in the course ef their reduction. Aqual#ied archaeologist familiar with the project area and the recent intensive archaeological survey will monitor the reduction of the waste piles to ensure that the appropriate thickness of fill is retained and that the underlying soils are not disturbed. Access tothe southerly waste pile will be across the gravel landscape that has served as the stockpile and working areas for the asphalt plant for the past several decades, Very heavy loaded loaders drove across this area daily for all those decades and all access will be confined to the access ways that have already been disturbed hy that machinery. if,following construction, it is proposed to remove the northerly waste pile or the remainder of one or both of the waste piles,an intensive archaeological survey shall be conducted for the waste pile area proposed for removal. The purpose of the survey,which shall be conducted under an excavation permit from the Massachusetts State Archaeologist is to determine whether potentially significant archaeological resources exist in the areas beneath the waste piWe(s)and to determine whether additional archaeological testing is warranted in order to evaluate the significance of any archaeological resources that may bc identified by the intensive survey. } nir - - z-xf"t mnwi;-scar+ham on GIs-trite•communkv pmowrat oa-c teal tmmnest"arrhl emote 1l'svz�c t r F r vitt�x c naaszFx s;�ixc s atk2c• aka iensr nvatiwtr€ Starc- e - R;xr February 21,2014 Karen K.Adams,Chief ATTN:Paul I Sneeringer Permits and Enforcement Branch,Regulatory Division US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District 696 Virginia Road Concord,MA 01742-2751 RE: Northampton Community Boathouse Project(MHC#RC52500)--Avoidance Report/Plan Dear Fels.Adams, We asked our project archaeologist, Eris S.Johnson,PhD,director or Archaeological Services at the University of Massachusetts to develop an avoidance plan. His language,which the city will adhere to, follows. Results of an intensive(locational)archaeological survey conducted by University of Massachusetts Archaeological Services at the location of the proposed Connecticut River Greenway:Larne Business Parr and Northampton Community Boathouse in Northampton, Massachusetts identified no significant archaeological resources in the area that was tested. There are three areas for which the archaeological significance,if any,is not known. These areas are: - An earthen berm feature located in the northeast corner of the property. The berm is semi- circular in plan,open to the northwest. Archaeological testing at the base of the berm revealed undisturbed soils. Limited testing within the area enclosed by the berm identified fill soils. No artifacts were recovered from the testing within and around the berm. - Two waste piles located south of the boat ramp access route. The northern pile contains soil, asphalt, brick,and concrete(ABC)waste deposited a couple of decades ago. The southern pile contains soil,gravel, and asphalt aggregate and was in use as recently as one year ago. These areas are shown in Figure 1. The City of Northampton proposes to protect any potentially significant archaeological deposits these areas may contain, by implementing the following archaeological resource avoidance and protection plan. Earthen Berm Area The proposed grading and vehicle turnaround has been modified so that it avoids the berm(Figure 2). At the southwest corner of the berm,the proposed turnaround follows the route of an existing deep road cut and is at its closest to the berm:approximately 5 feet from the base of the berm. Prior to the start of construction within the APE,high-visibility fencing(e.g. orange snow fencing or temporary construction-grade non-excavation chain-link fencing)will be installed and posted with"Environmentally Sensitive Resource Area—No Trespassing"signs to Af 950 CMR: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE CC) It ONWEAL,TI-i APPENDIX A (continuetd) To the best of your knowledge,are any historic or archaeological properties known to exist within the project's area of potential impact' If st),specify. The northern terminus of the New Haven and Northampton Canal is on the property. No ether known feature What is the total acreage of the project area?22.6 plus an additional 1 acre for a trail from Damn.Road Woodland 9 acm Productive Resources: Wetland _ a Agriculture 0 ass Floodplain— ass Forestry 0 acres Open space acres Mining/Extraction -� — acres Developed acres Total Pro}ea Acreage ��_�-acres What is the acreage of the proposed new construction? 6 aces (within footprint of What is develope, What is the present land use of the protect area? plus new trails and docks) Asphalt hatching plant .Please attach a copy of the section of the USGS Quadrangle map which clearly marks the project location. This Project Notification Farm has been submitted to the M14C in compliance w=ith 950 CMR 71.00. Signature of Person submitting this fo=. Daft: May 9, 2012 Name: Wayne Feiden,FAICP, Northampton birtwctor of Planning and Development 210 Main Street,Roam 11, City Hall - A,ddress: City/Town/Zip: Northampton.,MA 01060 _..._ ._ .. Telephone: 413-587-1265 wfeiden@northamptonma.gov REGULATORY AUTHORITY 950 CMR 71,00: M.G.L, c, 9, §§ 26-27C as amended by St. 1988, c. 251. 7/1193 950 CMR-276 950 CMR: OFHCE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COM2 Ol~t'WEALI 14 APPEhMI A MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION 220 MOR.RI.SSEY BOULEVARD BOSTON,MASS. 02125 617-727-8470,FAX: 617-727-5128 I'ROX —&CT NOW TION FORM Project Name: Connecticut River Greenway and Lane Business Park Location f Address: Damon Road Northampton City d Town. M� Project Proponent Name: Wayne Fciden,FAICP,Director of Planning and Development, City of Northampton Address; 210.Main Street,Room 11,City Hall CityTown,/ZiplTelephone: Northampton,MA 01060 413-587-1265 wf6iden@northamptonma.gov Agency license or funding for the project(list all licenses,permits,approvals,grants or other entitlements being sought from state and federal agencies). ecuttve ffice of Energy and EEnvironmenrsP grant and legislative earmarks Massachusetts Dept_ of Transportation Transportation Improvement Program Executive Office of:Economic Affairs Economic development assistance Project Description{narrative): The existing Lane Construction Company site,currently an asphalt batching plant, would be divided. Approximately 40 would be retained by Law for three 10,000 square foot buildings with parking. The remaining land will be donated to the.city for boathouse, walking and bicycle trails, and docks. Does the project include demolition? If so,specify nature of demolition and describe the building(s)which are proposed for demolition. Existing asphalt hatching structures and stales will be removed. Does the project include rehabilitation of any existing buildings? If so, specify nature of rehabilitation and describe the building(s)which are proposed for rehabilitation. No. Does the project include new construction?If so,describe(attach plans and elevations if necessary). Yes, three commercial buildings (10,000 square feet each),one boathouse, multi-use trails, and docks. (See attached plans.) 5/31/96(Effective 711/93)-=Tect-d 950 CMR -275 4 PLANNING AND DEvlsLopmENT - Cn-Y of NoRTHAMyl o.N plattn ug+cn:c curt on+sirrein�•nm-°LL warn a#am GIS•IvL4arsr+coaawxa iy pra serveiaD's raffia lsuaizacaa arrlsiiec+cry r Wayne Feiders,FAIM Direcmral aja>xxdn and Development+W3eidesc ic>rthsmglanMA.g +.i:s-3R7-'S�5 C3ctober23,2012 w _— R-E-CTIAT+D-.e .._ ._ Edward Bell OCT 3 0 2012 Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Massachusetts Historical Commission MASS. KIST. COMM 2213 Morrissey Boulevard Boston,MA 02125 R£: Connecticut River Greenway and Lane Business Park,Northampton MA. MHC#RC.52500 Request for a Section 206 Review Dear Mr.Bell, 1 would like to follow up on your review of the above referenced project. Our project has changed very slightly and it now appears that we are going to need a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers,under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. As such,we would like to request a Section 106 Review of this project. Although eventually we hope to build a bridge across the New Haven and Northampton Canal, that is a future phase and we will come back to MHC with a review of that project when it is ready. The current project is shown on the attached plans. It will include access to the water,a dock, and a walkway that will go to the bank above the canal and include an interpretive sign there. That walkway will NOT disturb the canal. Thank you for your assistance Air r+or aF i{ iha ttxate"s yon w6A4 I Iiimi bw ddwmbwd Sincerely, fis PV0 is WA* b 4+ Wok or t+ssaur�w. Wayne Felden, FAICP Edward L Director of Planning and Development Seriff. A 9 City Hull • 21C Main St.* t,Room 11 * NarthamvtDr� MA LY1060*www.NortharnptonMa.gov- • Fax 4,3-597-1264 or%jna;Premed wi aecp W pApff Bk: 11109 Pq: 179 November 6, 2012 1. Wendy Mazza. City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton Planning Board was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on October 16. 2012, that twenty days have elapsed ince such filing and that no appeal has been filed in this matter. Attest*- City Cler#, City W Northampton �p REGIS= ATrWr.BA30SEDIM Sk,: 11109 P . 17 Planning-Decision City of Northarnpion Hearing No.:PL#-,093-x#33 gate:October 16,201 Access by safety was,the wraarvema nt edparking and loading spaces,and provisions for persoats With disabfgties;The pro,)aot wX result in connoctfr g a*in Pry"to new y trail rwWwork and(ff allowed by a4usting faxwnents.a 3idvwatk*kww the shared a=aeas neat The boat ramp wX~AM + brad i4 The pn#k:t;htckx*V any concrnrrarrt road JaWrovomente,will not decrease the havai of service(LOS)of ah arm City and state roads or Intersections affedod by ft prat bokwv the axdsting c on dilfarns**an the pfvjoa is Proposed and shaft conShIer the incremental nature of pmwW arad cuouiatnre hrnpwts on tare LM (3)Acmes by nonawtorked means must be occommodolod with fooftos such as bike racks,shh"w"cannectians from the building to Me sb*4 eyde tracks,and b&e paths that arm clearly dalMeated through matarlsiv&mkw markiMs to dfistngruish the vahFctritrr route €rte#a ronvetei ar rmd*.Titter are shown on stile w4h new.sidawa;Wcrasswaik carat bike storage faeces, C The sloe wto Macaw harrmonkrusiy in reiataan to oaten servo#"acrd open spaces to the natural landscape,wdsong buildings and other ctmtmunlW assets in the area as it relafeas to landscaping,drainage,a#W hues,buftdkV orde ntWon,Massing, and setbacks.Rear itnagor aide Well hmod+es within 50 fry of a Wmpfeted or pie nod section of a cycle►track or"a padr shall lie"Mattrrts Mat itwho pedostrfan sow=from that side of the btaildirrg,and D The requested use will not overload and wX mAlgata afiv a Impacts+err,the City's ir,emoves,kwAxNng the affas"it an the Ws avatar suppfy and dlsdrdbutkm system,saWtory and stwmm Corr and treatment systems,f"protection,streerts and szchoolL E Tire requested use meets any specM re quistions set tcrM in this chapter No additional crftda asrply. F. ContpAsnea*aft lofionvimg wohnical performance stanrdwds; (f) Curb carts ordee streets ashes be minknized.Accass to businesses soak'use comm"ointvsways,satiating side sunsets,or kip.service roads:shared by a4acent bts when paaxdbhs the sfh►is accessed over a steamed ddvo"y with existing oasawaft (2)P*destrten,btcyale and vshk4dar trafd5c movement on site must be separated,to than exfenetpossfbda,wad stdewafks muw be provided between businesses wAVdn a devabopment and from peubffar sidowaft,c #r tracks and bona paths.The site has variows a hnnents that *operates pedestrians and vehhsfees. (3) bfatsa`prqjocts�except in the Central Business DuarprA crust be designed so there is no increase fn peak dfarws frnrrrr flee ogre-Or Mv- arnd twn-rwSO Conawyabon Sarvira design storw ftm predevaNbpement rartairitions(tire condition at the tiers a site plats approval is requested and so teat the runoff from a four-to ttn4nch rain storm(Prue Aust#is detained an sitt for an average of six hours.A sWmw*W parrot is to be Issued. Coto NOT 0010"TE e HATE: HEAFMG CONTMED DATA: e+ntar:T BY: DATA: &23Wf2 t fY fall/2M 141"12 MMURS er SATE DEAT91 W PATE MWO C ASE DATE. FOAL SKWM By' 9OW2012 iOAVMZ ft 111/2012 144MM2 ff/"S/X"2 FHW A944TMM UTE HEAFOUG DATE VOTOG DATE DAT ttOW2ftf2 Wf37012 1 &M2 IWIS/2012 DE; T J'M GEAVUW- .0=mwn l 23 MEMIMEASPRIEWW: VOTE John Lady votes to Grant 006th Brace votes to Grant Stephen G&*" votes bD Grant iif wk Suffivan votes W Grant Fra arms Johnson votes to Grant TMN MAW t t: t cocarsT: s Francis Johnson Gilscen S ved with Conditions MNUT£s OF W-EI M Avatfabie in the Office of Meaning 3 Development I Carohm Mach,as agent to the Ffaaning&W4 cwtffy that finis is a true and accurate decision made by the Plano kv Board and certify that a copy of titles and alf phm have been tot w4h the Board and the City Clerk an the die shown above, I coroy a copy of this djKdahr has boon mailed ao the Owner and Applicant; 'AA IMI/A Asppaeeaal, of the planning Board may ba made by any person appriaved pursuant to hut.C"pt.40A,$, tion 17 as awortdod within try(20)days ar!t�the date of tie 'of the notice of the decislon with�Cftj%"Cha The dare is l s`;ed above Such epp eat stray be trade to the Hampshire Superior Court wfth a candled copy of ttte appear sent to the Ctv Gkv*of the City ofNwftwptsn, GeoTMSV 2012 Des Laurlers Municipal Solutions,lot, Bk: 11109 Pg: 177 Planning.recision City of Northampton Bk:11 109P9: 177 Page: 1 of 3 ring o.:P1*2013- 3 Date:October 16,20 2 Reow s; 11/0712Cl2 r :3a APPLICATUM TYPE: SUSMISSOM DAM, PB She Pion X1'012 APPNcwWs Naw* Ownees Name: NAME "AM CITY OFNORTHAMPTON LAME CONSTRitC7lfNMf CORD 7741 O ike of Planning i DovtAa ant $65 EAST MAIN STREET 210 MAN STREET row w. STATE I ZIP 110volf, STATE YAP cooE: WRTHAi MUN t 1"D AtMEN CT p4ow toi , FAX to r PHONE ND-., FAX NG,: 4i 5ii7-f287 MAL ADORESSt EMAIL ADD#ES'3 Site itttonnation: S S Nattw. STWEET NO.; Sr*z0w4GI 001~km*E IAWiAM RD TOWN AG 9 WTAM NGARTt1AII04W MA 0100Yi Aprxoved WO Conditions MAP' anc LOT: mAP HATE SECTION OF SYLAw': to 012 001 Chpt.3S0-11:S#t Phan Approval Tc1uo+. STATE 21P ixxl� saw_ 111Z, P NCt FAX NW NATURE OF PADPOSED WOW t ons&Ixt 3 comrnors w ofike btAwkrtgs up to 4c ow squivo fart 6 J boathouse with pubes boat launch and site bnpnovei"WK& KODS e. 00MMN OF APPAL: 1) The muht&use sha0be constructed concurrent with the droolOpment of Me first i ftsk-o lttti #1/ 1'MM&uWo►t. 2.Pt or to issuance of a bukftg permit for the second c namerc#at Ong or consirtmOon that rtsufts in 20,AW sf of cornmareiial space,a Jet Toni cant shall be added to the I?Aw tctkw at Damon Road as recommondod In do&aft anatysit 3.CoverimUshollored bicycle storage areas~be provided In front of each buHAV for storage of at lout 6 AftwoodWy,WW-ua rs may incopp mute sftrV&f rm&/e the buHdbV if shr►"to accommodate d bicycias at the time of build v pwmk apPilcaft- +t akydo kanp+s Shell be p ovided In front of the boat house for up to 10 bicycles. 5 Pdor to the division of Property inhw*sts,shared maintenance and&cc*"Woomonts shhaa be rewrdod at the reglevy of doods for On boat house and caor»menclad bui/dint, LwVuagt shaffbe submitted to Oft*of Phinning and Dr"10PINOW for sAwvvad Prior to r*cordkW ti Skfowxtk to Damon shed be oonsbucted cwwwrtnt with build out of first phase of Pngoct(boat house or pad sates„unions proof is sho"that the River Run condo assoctaftn has voted to pnWb k Ito e,,oahstrlxdion. FIRS: T ho Pianring Board approved the request for site pion based on info nrstion submitted with tine APP04060n and the feboa+htg Plans: I.Connecdcut Rho Groemvoy,Lane Business Park 6 community&oat Haas♦►by The Berkshire Design C+ICUP,km R#Wsion date 00,9, soil Sheats Et,Z 2;S9-W;01,VZ in approving the proj*4 the Bound made the fa/lowing A" A.The named use prated aoPlnt V proMIDD r against soriousiy drtrimontal uses.OappIk*bie,Ohi t shah auIudt Prsovision fvrwwfwe water dvinapk swwd and•sW#buffers and preservation of vttwa ftht and air; Tlat offk*uses pn*wsrd we alitmod in the GI district and we Ans Own sit and sound pwxpoc&w than heavy cm=*Wa*ft*botching and ftmkkV opoerallons. B. The requssded use w pnornote the o mwenierrce and safety of vehicular and Pin movement wag in the slit and on avocen t cycle backs and b"pathm mbdrnko&aft IMPOcts on 00 strNSIS and made in the area.hf Oafs SW consktorlrgX Our bonbon of in r*kftn to traffic and ocPcaent sb easements to i G*oTM3*2012 tree tAutlem ItlunicAPel S ores,Inc, 6. The construction plans must include a high point at the tap of the driveway to the deck to keep drainage going dawn the driveway from the large paved area to the west, 7. Prier to the start of con tniction or issuance of a building permit,the applicant must provide drainage easements for all drainage structures crossing adjacent properties that stipulates ownership,specifies responsibility for maintenance of the structures,and sets up provisions for financial guarantees to maintain the structures.The DPW must review and approve all proposed drainage easements prior to recording at the land records of the Registry of Deeds. 8. The plans and specifications approved by this Permit include conceptual roadways, parking areas,and buildings for three commercial buildings. During building and other permitting applications for these buildings,the applicant for each phase roust submit plans and specifications for approval to the Northampton DPW.If the overall size of the impervious surface footprint proposed for each building is greater than the area specified in the approved plains and drainage calculations or if the drainage system is changed in a substantive way,the applicant shall be required to request and receive approval by the DPW of an amendment to this Stormwater Management Permit and document the amended changes with revised plans,specifications,and drainage calculations. 9. The proposed stormwater management system is designed to mitigate peak stormwater flows.If,after construction of the proposed system,the system is found to increase stormwater flaws to adjacent properties or to the municipal storm drain system,the owner shall redesign and reconstruct the drainage system to prevent any increased stormwater flows to adjacent properties or the municipal storm drain system. 10.All components of the proposed stormwater system shall be constructed as proposed and stabilized prior to receiving drainage flows from the proposed development.No construction ply stcamwater flaws shall be discharged to the infiltration system. 11.The Recharge Calculations have not beery,updated to be consistent with the increase of impervious area specified in the reviser Drainage Calculations dated 10/9/2012.The proposed infiltration trench may need to be enlarged or an additional stxucture proposed to meet the required recharge volume. Within 30 days of the issuance of this permit,the Recharge Calculations dated 912112012 must be revised and the proposed infiltration system revised on the plans as necessary and resubmitted to the DPW for approval. fwun OA k / 1-Z— ture of Ci gineer ate cc,Plann g Board clo f5ce of Planning and Development B 'ng Department Conservation Commission c/o Office of Planning and Development Awiv t nginecringNStormwatcr Mampment Perm tst t Stormwater Pemits Inte mahParats,new WficstionsDawn fed,CT River Greenwsy&Lant_Permit.dom Page 4 of 4 i Specific Permit Conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit for each phase of the project,the owner or applicant for each phase of the project shall record an expected Stormwater Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Agreements that are binding on all subsequent owners of land served by the private stormwater management facility by recording it in the land records of the Registry of Deeds.The maintenarce schedule and responsibility for maintenance of all components of the proposed stormater management system must be adequately specified in Attachment A to each Agreement The draft Proposed Stormwater Management System Operation&Maintenance Plan for Post-Construction submitted as part of the Stormwater Drainage Report referenced above roust be revised to the satisfaction of the Northampton DPW including but not limited to the following items. inspection and maintenance schedule for the level lip spreaders,inspection and repair of erosion along roadways, and cleaning of the Stormceptors at least once per year.The DPW can provide additional guidance on required revisions to the maintenance schedule. The final agreement shall be approved by the Northampton DPW and signed by the owner and the Mayor of Northampton.The final agreement shall be recorded at the Registry of Deeds at the owner's expense.Section 281-8 of the Northampton Stormwater Management Ordinance provides additional guidance for the requirements of this agreement 2. This project will be required to submit one or more Notice of Intent(NOI)to the U.S. EPA for coverage under the NP`DES Stormwater Construction General Permit during each phase of the project.A copy of the final NOI and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans(S WPPP)shall be submitted to the Northampton DPW for approval prior to the start of construction and prior to issuance of a building permit for each phase of the project. 3 3. Construction plans and specifications for each phase of the project shall be submitted to the DPW for approval prior to issuance of Building Permits and prior to the start of any construction. A summary of any revisions to the approved plans should be submitted in writing. 4. The construction plans must include armoring on slopes greater than 2 to 1 for approval by the DPW. S. The construction plans must include specification of the riprap stone size and dimensions of the proposed riprapped area in the wetland swale and along the driveway for approval by the DPW. Information must also be provided to the DPW showing that the riprap has been sized for the expected velocities. 1\winftngittetringlStormwater Management Permitsll Stormwattr Permits internalTermits ntw apriicationsOamon ltd CT River(ircanway&Lane_Pcrmlt.docx PW 3 of , October 5,2012 and revised October 9,2412,stamped by Mark B. Darnold,P.E., The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. b. MA.DEP Checklist for Stomwater Report stamped by Mark B.Daroold,F.E., The Berkshire Design Group,Inc,91312012. c. Stormwater Drainage Report and Revised d Drainage Calculations,CT River Gree<nway,Rev 912312012,prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. d. Letter to Northampton DPW Re:CT River Greenway&Lane Business Park Response to Storrnwater Permit Comments,from Brian Darnold,EIT,Ile Berkshire Design Group, Inc.,dated September 5,2012. e. Letter to Northampton DPW Re:CT River Greenway&Lane Business Park DPW Site Flan Review Comments,from Brian Darnold, EIT,The Berkshire Design Group,Inc.,dated October 9,2012,with attached documents including revised HydroCAD drainage calculations,Peale Flow'Table,and Subcatch ent Plans elated 10/912012. f. CT River Greenway&Lane Business Park,Conceptual Phase 1 Delineation, Sheet SKI,Dated 91512012,prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. g. Connecticut River Greenway&Lane Business Park,Estimated Poor Grass/Suft Gravel area Map,Dated 91712012,prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. 2. The Northampton Department of Public Works(DPW)or its authorized representative shall be provided access to the property to conduct inspections before,during,and after construction activities as necessary.The applicant shall arrange with the DPW to schedule the following in3pecti0113:Initial Inspection,Erosion Control Inspection,Bury Inspection,and Final Inspection.The DPW may also conduct random inspections to entire effective control of erosion and sedimentation during all phases of construction, 3. At the completion of each phase of work,including construction of stormwater management facilities and landscaping,the applicant shall submit to the DPW as-built plans stamped by a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a statement from a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts certifying that the materials and construction of the stormwater management system was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and will function as designed. All changes to the approved stormwater facilities Mall be documented by a professional engineer of record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and approved by the DPW prior to submission of as-built glans and the certification statement described above. 4. Annual Reports that are stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer documenting the actions completed as required by the Operation,Maintenance and Inspection Agreement shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works by October 1u of each year(see Specific Condition l below). 5. If construction of the proposed storniwater system has not started within five years of the issue date of this permit,then the permit will expire and a new permit will be required. Construction is defined as clearing,grading,excavation,filling,and installation of drainage structures on the lots specified in this permit. \\w1a0\engirtaringtStarmwatcr Managmem Perm'stsll Swmwaw Pcrmiu intmalTermits spew applicatiowADam4n i d_CT River+Grtenway&Lanc—Ptrrn1Ldocx Page 2 of$ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION DECISION My of liorthana fto t"rtwent of Ptsmk wart Project/Site Marne: CT River Greenway&Lary Business Park Project Street or Location/Assessor ID:,Pamon Road/Lane P ant Road Applicant Name:City of orthMpton Applicant Address/Pbone: 210 Main SktgL N—orft nmptun !UIU Owner Name:Lane Cotsstruction Owner Address/Phone:90 Fieldstone CL Cheshire CT 06414 Application Submission Date; 8/; 12Q12____—_ THE FOLLOWING ACTION BY THE NORTHAMPTON., DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASER ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based an a determination within seven days of the receipt of the application that the application is administratively incomplete(see attached documentation). Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application. X _ Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application subject to any conditions,modifications or restrictions required by the Department of Public Works(see below) Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based upon a determination that the proposed plan,as submitted,does not meet the purposes set forth in the Northampton Stormwater Management. Standard Permit Conditionst 1. All clearing,grading,drainage,construction,and development shall be conducted in strict accordance;with the fallowing plans and information submitted with the application and as amended by any conditions attached to this permit: a Connecticut River Greenway;Lane Business Park&Northampton.Community Boathouse, Site Plans,Sheets El,E2,E3,SI,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,DI,DZ Dated \\wiat?k=gin=dnjtStoMwater Moapawnt Permhsli stormwater Permits intemalTemits_new applicationslDmon Rd—CT P iver Gremway&Lstu_Per nAt dMx Page 1 ot4 Bk: 11116 Pg: 143 35. The applicant and contractor shall develop a specific plan to prevent allegation to elands areas during construction. This plan shall include specific provisions for each wetlands area,and must be included in the sequencing plan. 36. The 115 sf of buffer zone&swxba=designated as`riprap for slope stabiiization' shall be replaced with a feaftire that will provide erasion control while rntt*_tinin°wetland characteristics.Prior to construction of this feature,a plan must be provided to the Commission and the Department of Public Works for reN iew and approval. 37. An annual report,in accordance with the Massachusetts Inland Wetland Replication Guidelines,shall be provided to the Commission by November 30 of each year,for the first three grove sans. The report shall,contain all elements requked in monitoring the wetdand replacement area, and shall detail hove and to what extend the replacement area meets the General Performance Standards and the Wetland Replication on Plan in the NOL If non-compliance with any Performance Standards or the Replication Plan is documented,the report shall dude a draft"corrective plan of action." 38. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of compliance,the applicant shall demonstrate that at least 7510 of the surface of each replacement areas has been re-established with indigenous wetlands plants. 39. The Commission shall be given 48 hours notices prior to the beginning of construction of each wetlands replication areas,to allow for discussion of requiremenu and to east= compliance a with:all special conditions. 40. Future alterations of areas shown on NOI plans as Wetland Replication Area and Riverfront Mitigation areas,except as may be required to maintain then in restored or mitigated condition,are prohibited. Additional allowable activities am removal of species fisted on the Massachusetts Prohibited Plant list and planting of native species. 41. Vista pruning for safety adjacent to the ramp and access read is allowed without further Conservation Commission review-. Cutting within other resource areas or buffers will require Conservation Commission review. 42. Prior to work on the duck,the applicant must provide the Commission with construction drawings for review and approval. 43. The O&M agreement shall include provisions for maintenance and reporting of maintenance of the raingarden in accordance with"Vole 2,Chapter 2., Structural RMP Specifications for the Massachusetts Storrawater Handbook." 44. Prior to work on the entrance driveway,the applicant must provide a detailed planset for that portion of the project for review and approval by the Conservation Commission. Plans must demonstrate compliance with the st+ormwater standards,mitigate for the proposed increase in impemous area,and include measure to protect water quality in the unnamed perennial stream crossed by the driveway. ATTEST- SA3PBMR1, c-t• RI C B'd PA.TMCIA A.PLAZA Bk: 11116 Pg: 142 28. Soils exposed for periods greater than two months shall be stabilized v4ath erosion control blankets and netting,a covering of straw mulch,or a temporary cover of rye or other grass to prevent erosion and sedimentatiom Drainage ditches shall be stabilized and seeded with a native perennial grass mixture. Any stabilization materials such as Jute netting shall be firmly anchored to prevent them from being wa.hed fpm slopes by rain or flooding. Pm&reace should be given to biodegradable materials 24. All disttarbexl areas shall be graded,,,loamred and seeded,or stabilized with erosion control blankets or netting,and a covering of straw mulch prier to November 30,of each year. No disturbed areas or stockpiled materials will be left uuprOt or without Asian control after this dame. 30. No disposal of soils or other materials shall be allowed within: a l Wyear floodplain;40 feet of the I00-year floodplain elevation;any wetland; any area within lWfect of a wetland;any area within 200 feet of a perennial ;a vernal pool,or any area within. 200 feet of a vernal pool unless such a.reas are specifically tally awed by the C smmission, in accordance with 310 CM R 14.00, and City of Northampton Ordinances- Chapter 337 31, Ongoing conditions that shall not expire with the issuance of a Certificate Of Compl ame are as follows:33,44,41 32. Upon completion of the work covered by this Order,the applicant shall submit an as-built plaxi,signed and stamped by a registered professional urging or land.survey `,together with a written request for a Certificate of Compliance. The plan and written request shall specify any ways that the completed pmje ct differs from the plans ref=nced in the Order, The a&-built plaza:shall include,at a minimum,and as applicable to the project" elevations of all pipe inverts and m le sp pipe sizes, materials,and slopes;all other drainage structures;limits of clearing,gig,and fill;all structures,pavement,and contours within 100 feet of wetland boundaries;all altm-afions within the wetland resource areas, and all dates of fieldwo& 33. The owner of the property described in this Order must advise any potential buyer of the property that any construction or alteration to said property,including brush cutting or clearance,may require approval by the Northampton Conservation Ccammissaon. Any deed or legal instrument conveying any or all of the owners"interest in said property or any pontoon thereof, shall contain language the following language: "This property is subject to the Nordiampton Wetlands Protection Ordinance and/or Wetlands Protection Act.Any construction or maintenance work performed on this property may requim an Order of Conditions,and/or a Aetearnrninatio;n of ApplicabiMy from the Northampton Conservation Commission. 34. The Stormwater O&M must specify an appropriate snow-storage location. Bk: 11116 Pg: 141 "ATTAC'l d AENT A" 20. Prior to the initiation off'any work,the applicantlowner shall submit a letter of understanding to the Commission statue that he/she has received,read,understands and shall comply with these Orders. The applicant,and,his or her contractor,foreman and/or construction manager shall sign the lei of understandinng. 21. Prior to the initiation of any work,the applicant shall submit to the Commission a sequencing plan for construction,and erosion and sedimentation control installation. 22. Friar to the start of any site work,excavation or construction,a pre-construction conference shall be held,ort the site,between the contractor conducting the work,the siWpr+nrject engineer,the applicant,and a member or agent of the Conservation Commission,in caroler to ensure that the requirements of this Order are understood by all parties.Prior to the pre-construction meeting,all erasion control devices must be installed. 23, All required d permits must be obtained from federal,.state and municipal agencies and dements prior to the start of any Projeect. 24. A copy of this Order and associated plans shall ruin on site during all consrcuction and/or building activities.The project manager and all equipment operators shall be familiar with the approved plan,and shall be informed of their location on the site. This location shall be accessible to all contractors whenever wart is occurring on Ate. 25. All revised plans,referenced within this Order of Conditions,shall be awed by the Conservation Commission and incorporated into the pesmt by reference and shall be followed during the course of construction.. 26. The areas of construction shall remain in a stable condition at the close of each construction day. Erosion control measures shall be inspected at this time,and maintained or reinforced as necessary. All such devices shall be inspected,cleaned or replaced during construction and shall re mmin in place until such time as stabilization of all areas that may impact resource area is permanent. These devices shall also be inspected to assure that the maxinnum control has been provided. Any entrapped silt small be removed to an area outside the buffer zone and resource areas,and maintained or reinforced as necessary. Erosion controls shall be inspected after every rainfall to assure that mmmum control has been provided. 27. An adequate stocker of erosion control mataials shall be on site at all times for emergency or rotes replacement and stall include materials to repair or replace silt fences,straw bales,erosion control blankets, r prap,filter bums or other devices planned for use daring construction. . • f S M 'Wtir-Al if a� ►sa -i'4+i� s :.a .- i a♦ m. erc�= i r' ►::<:e .3 j � i i R' • _ iE-fix • .- • �i. - :a • � • • R R ... ( . -♦•-`_3 •P G-i+� `<.i ♦ i' !` 1 _ - ♦ ie i t M i..:sip i i' � �.. i i.1..i5 • i i Gi .4 i -# 4 • i' .xY' • V• t R I- • t . i<Y1- fEi • , a a q. i s #R # i# R — s� _ t i. R_ i • 0 Bk. 11116 Pg: 139 � Massachusetts Departamt of Env vatmeental Pro ectioi, Pmvid 0dby EIS: Bureau of Rya Pr ction-Weda Mam;DEP Fi c*-146-- 58 WPA Farm 5-Order of Ct►nd dons �T �AmPT L I Mas We dan&Protecdco Aax XG.L..c 131,§4#i C>iyd3 D.Findings Under Municipal Wetlands Bylaw or Ordinance 1, h a al w bykw ter office ?l; ym r Tian s r- MGESOv--"oftdwmtwhchmmxtbeom&uonedto umct the swrAwds set for&in a mtmk#W onbm=or bylaw 1.Mmicipol Omfinmwcor Bylaw 2 cko im Tbetcfore,watt an ffis p q=my to go forwintl unkm and ued1 a revised Noum ofln=t is wAmfimed whieb pawid s uzamvs which aao xieqwc to mem 6= and a fratai Order or Cood"sti=%ismuxl Wbwb are nozemary to cam*wA s mmic4ml ordinmve or bylaw. b APMOVES&e pmposed wa k mk6em w 6=kdowing a&tfi nol rw3radom NORTHAMPTON CHAPTER 337 OF THE 1.Mmicipel Or&w=or Bylaw WETLANDS GEN rRAL C ODE ORDINANCE 3. The Caxr umm o das dvA all vAxk be pafmwd in W=dww with the i sbd '8c N06m of above To the chart the followirg amatkcs moffy or drffes f m the grlaas,specificafions,or popmals m6nktod witb the Nodcc oflr6mrt,the " The qccml coodibom relabng to mmicipil crr&nw=car bylaw are as follows: PLEASE SEE.A.TIACHMENT A THE PRojBCT]NCI. MES PERMITTED ALTERATION TO 1,845 SQUARE FEET OF ISOLATED V'EMATED WETLAND FOR WHICH THE C7CtMtw MSON HAS RMW1CTION UNDER THE NORTHAMPTON WETLANDS ORDLNANC E Page&of 10•ELECTRONIC COPY BBk: 11116 P9: 138 t> tk tt:Dep atumt ttf F,nvlry estal Protedm Pmvided by MawsD12 of It m==Pre c�-Wdlan& Foe#-.246-0661 WPA Form 5-Order of Ccnditiow cDEPTrw=c6mk5l9337 � 3vlassacitttwxs Weeads E"ritas Act.KG. ..c..I31,§44 tusemaldleedibatgrams dw k pwty 110CM U)Pcrfism dr-requved cqxxzbw and ramrsamcirmustbtsubmitted kgvk' .. The ibk patty"ii oper'Ut and Mangum. all st0mvager EMP's In Vz=dW=with the 4CAP 004 the("P'=4 anci to of ttse Marppwaaer luook 8} 7�re `lpany f. - `. am ' and rrsainte�araae��r the htxt�e(3} } of` . M&s.,cp d tits +va x sysum or MY Part 0=4 sod (for&SPosal tie ke slaa n iaceft else type of Mateng sad 6c&VoW kwujficmx 2 Mgkc&-M=ww=wjpS mulabkto MasaM am cift CkxwvztwCwxnmm ' lion')upw mqwst and 3.Atksw mambmwd qms oribeMasaDEPand dw Cmw2 w to enter and she to end= the party is in n aomph.""wim r eras far oxh BMP cobjaW in*c Ck-M Pion appvved by dre' h) All c r rrcrrvuW ficm wax'BMPs slallbe&Wmd af m ammlanot whiz ail ` fodelld,wade,and kKW laws and rr,gnlatia L } g,€6c su=ww=mmageMew system as defined in 310 CM R 10.04 arc PrckRbibtA } The WxMwvwMwW=xxl syv=Wpowd m dt Order of Caadcos shall"be 1,Vd wtOwA the prim wnum l:) Areas clesipawd as qualif'An pavxas arras for the peapeae c(der Low Site Desitgn QV&(as defoW m iffie hawDE P&=Ywatcr H sk.Volcm►e 3,Owper 1,Low Si*Riga at""s)shall nca be ahatd fe paior 0(*c M U A==br wountmamr,:epacir,aa>aar rep ofE Ps shal nat be wWihdi Any wm d mes, axxxas gaw acrd shrEll be at Icast= ko a glade tv aDw hr wsgdl& Special Conditions: PLEASE SEE ATTACHMINfi A Page 7 of 10*E 2C'TRONIC COPY i. i f< t= 4 .:yi i.♦'� A •..t>i. ,'A{:.t•:.A3 IY � s'A ♦-.,x ♦ 4 i; f f 4{¢.I•:a f! x .:°9 s:t9.£ i{ 4 6d{ i', {S R ♦l Eti�-i +:( t 8'..i +! t' ''EA£'«+' f•6w+. ♦^ r`R^le a` i♦'f �} S si.! ..4} ;r i° t B _xf.+^ +°i R B 4 L:'�r :�t€4 A`{21n Y#k 4-♦♦+a +iis{7,.i£:{{µs£ ;.tf ,r { 8R:tilt^:x4 .•Y ai 6#Y ♦;;£E i"a ii 1e.:+.e v'.«t .- R-rg f !x+! ab♦x t 37.1;1 Os !i¢P4�,:fk4 s (�-♦;„2l+ al r'!Y-;.+{ Y. £;t r♦k=4§ £.i3 R{ s«t4 £e° r'. tttx p r4ii:�zw M4':i♦'; «♦.'-:1.1 ♦.W x'..{ta {-t-to . 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If the p xpe d kNohft-%ream CrossaW,,plum a rater the mmbw of new wlnu ez oftqAwamew Its a numbw of new sin craswp b,number of tvpbomm*==otossop C. General Conditions Under Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act Page:4 of 10•I=LBC7IRONIC COPY Bk: 11116 Pg: 134 Massachusetts Depau neat of Evv caanmental P,raxtecdou PwvxW by Bureau ofm==ve Protection..Wedgy 1 #;246-668 WPA Fear 5•Order of Cep " T #..Sl9M7 LI7 massachuseft Waflands Pmftcfim Act .G L,c, 131.W omtifiW�.� is not �tittes�,�tv+crk ore amt a�`�ae,aic as ffie' a*WWoim&pmommAxL Tnrrr*Mv*jm spa notp hrmrdutimandma awAsedNoumof Uffixtis wbxhpvvxks mffimxt. ard'mdudnmmMaVbKb SM tapes. Gftle Act,wda&W Ordwd is bvjgd A deacalpdm of dw Rndfic h whkb k beldw and+array ft is swenary U to tttis Order as per 310 CMR t1. {04. Buffer Zone h �d bad 1 ofpr t and the restatscac 3.t` amspecffied its 310CMP,10.aXIX4 S.hmmfed r Paq"ed Pemiftd p trpased Pamided Resource Atca Alftradon A, em ut RqAx=mcnt l " afoot to a0ar�xt ' d.�n�arlaoat S.r`% Bwkrkg VqMW WearImd 3175 3125 12312 12312 a-squam b..aaq,r tfeet G SPM fed tl, FaaaKka a� Zllf 210 s k# b. ` ° tanc fads sqowcfm + £ ".. ] 7. band Samoat D t 7fl00 170M 171K3tt 17000 1 L aqua m f a b.squam feet C.scene feet d.gq mre fed Cubic Feet Flood Sftnc 10959 10959 10959 10959 e.cjbk fed f c1dic flex g.c tt iic fed h. fides f"bahftd Fkarg, _ €EE c.FersF7oadt 9.F Rivmfavnt Aaex 21234 21234 a tow sq.fed b.toW sg frat Sq ft wik in IOD I 12289 12M 12289 c,sgmm fed d.s9mcfam e:sclats m fed £squm fads Sq ft bdwc=300-200 ft $945 8945 8945 13945 8 stye fed h upsm fact L sgmt feet .up=foes <;n aerxx:Araa ,. Item=Arta _,p Paoposad Permitted Pasta owd Ptxmiftd A! 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F~L dCmm iW c.F Pmvmfim of Puuutim _ d F Pciv a wasrr Supply F F £ F... PmtwdmafWDdffeHabiW g F Growd tV h. F Sao= Prt v trrtian L F Flacd d Z osrh!WOW ttreps►�as�apo:ad, , Apprvwd oa tor. a F The fo&mzg=ndmmv wbwb are ray in=mdamr wit she pmfom==sundamU sd fcrffi is be wcdwj&reguhbw,& This Cmmisdm mdors that at work sbail be pew m wwr&=with&c Nofim cfb=t abrve,the folios Gwaal 'oo,, w d wy other sped trs Ens Cirdea Tta the times 6x ar &ft ftm the plan,Vomficoms,or odwproposaU wAnuftd wi&tir e Nobm afhftct,*=cmxkwm SIB b.r Tht pmpmd work cwm be corxhmwd to mod tie pufornm= sd fix*in*c weld reguUnom T'Iswe twe„ work on tip prrcied mW m SD forw d wdm rid wd a sew Ncdm dbtm is vt=ftd wlimb pmvift moaam whicb am adeqLuft to ptotc kftaft of Esc Acs,and a&W tries of C4n&6om is issued.A docip0mof the pew ataa whicb the propowd Work moot aaW is sftwbed to this Cam. Page 2 of 10*II.ECT' ONIC COPY Bk. M16 Pg: 132 VI owl Sk:1111 132 Fad 1 of 12 RecogkKL 11MV2M20912AM MaWiM&USdU Departattettt of Envy W olI Provided byMsssD1P Or Resom=Pr ou-wedands MzssDEPFfie#-146-06fi9 P'A Form 5-Order of Caudi itn �z #519337 Mssuchuseft We ands Peron Ao M.G.L.c.131, A.General Information 1.Cation Commission NORTHAMPTON 2.Isere a. 000 b.F AnumdodOOC p,. L Nam 1s.Lest Nam C.Oqwimdm CST Y CAF NORTHAMPTON d Maifing Add= 210 MAM STREET,RM 11 c~citwTown NORTHAMPTON £Stse M4 8 ZTpCDc 01061 P� _ a Fist Tunas b.Last Na we c Orpoins6m LANE CONST'RUC'TION CORP. d Muft Adder 243 KING ST.EE T,SUITE 239 c,07 'o+m NORTHAMPTON C St MA g Code 01060 S.�zdgt:ct�wrrtcas , a StreRx DAMON ROAD hCityToam NORTHAMPTON c.Zip Code €11060 d Asseswes M4~ 1$ 0. 9110,12 C 42.05031N g 71.88E►32W IL CARNO b.C ert t9 c.Bonk d.pw HAMPSHWE 1417 96 ce' _ �9 L Dote NO]Ftd; 1 011&/2012 b.Deic Pubfw H=6*Ckm& 11d&W t 2 c.Dste O(Isamm 111912(112 8�xtza�l '�exi �sid� umotita: ' �< . a.-. JL Pha 7ww b.Plan Prepored by; c Pima S mped by- b RM"FhW bate: e.Sc*W e 1 of 10*ELECMCINTC COP i City of Northampton Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS y 212 Main Street • Munioipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 ��►'�-•"{�� INSPECTOR Louis Hasbrouck Fax:413-587-1272 Chuck Miller Building Commissioner Phone:413-587-1240 Assistant Commissioner CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT (For professional Engineers/Architects responsible for Entire Project) Project Title: NCR Boat Storage Building Date: 4/14/2015 Project Location: 60 Damon Road Map:_1.Parcel:__=Zone: nni Scope of Project: Erection of rRg-engineered steel truss building and fencing In accordance with the Eighth edition Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR Section 107.6: I, (� t—it�A-S1-1 ArJ LJN 1-t K Z-1:7 Mass. Registration# O Being a registered professional Engineer/Architect hereby CERTIFIES that I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations and specifications concerning: NENTIRE PROJECT For the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge,such plans,computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code,all acceptable engineering practices and all applicable Laws for the proposed project. Furthermore,I understand and AGREE that I shall perform the necessary professional services to determine that the above mentioned portions of the work proceed in accordance with the documents approved for the building permit and shall be responsible for the following as specified in Section 1. Review of shop drawings,samples and other submittals of the contractor as required by the construction documents as submitted for the building permit,and approval for the conformance to the design concept. 2. Review and approval of the quality control procedures for all code-required controlled materials. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine,in general, if the work is being performed In a matter consistent with the construction documents. I shall submit periodically,in a form acceptable to the building official,a progress report together with pertinent comments. Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a final report as to the satisfactory completion and readiness of the project for occupancy. Sig ture an al Register P f sional .12 �co 1� 20 50231 -�i Day of NPI J J SNEIBU A,EFAILB /O ty� Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTION 10-STRUCTURAL PEER REVIEW(780 CMR 110.11) Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Review Required Yes 0 No SECTION 11 -OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT rA N U M 1. �""�1NfR �b -q�`.."'+ as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to aft on my behalf,in I matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application g lure of Owner Date 1` as Owne Authorize Agen hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge lief. Signed,under,the pains and penalties.of periury. Print Name . ... 411 t-31 1 Signature of Owner/Agent Date SECTION 12-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 10.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder: �[''G� Q!��.'�Crs 1'l-�,rk..�.G�W L�� 0 111 Ll License Number 4 au+cs � 0.17.__.. Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone SECTION 13-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the puilding permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes No 0 Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTION 9-PROFESSIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES-FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL PURSUANT TO 780 CMR 116(CONTAINING MORE THAN 36,000 C.F.OF ENCLOSED SPACE) 9.1 Registered Architect: Not Applicable ❑ ......—----------- Name.j qistra ------- I Registration Number Jones Whitsett Architepts 3 Greefield, MA.qj� ----------­-­w........... 91- --1 Addresso ............... 1'3 Expiration Date Slgnat Telephone I I - 9.2 AWgIstered Professional Engineer(s): [ '"'L' .................. . ..................... .......................... -.1.11-1.-..-,............ ............ ....................... .............. Name Area of Responsibility ......................... ............. ...................-............. ......... ..............w._...................................... ................. ................................................................... ............. ...............------- Address Registration Number ................ ............ ........... ...........L-"--"".--""-................... Signature Telephone Expiration Date ............................................. .............L...........L...............................----------------------- ............................ .......... ----------- Name Area of Responsibility :___ _ [" ­­­­...........L -'L-- -L------ .......................... ................- ........................ .....-------............. ----------------------- ____a Address Reqlstratlon Number ......................... ....................... ................... .............. Signature Telephone Expiration Date I", "r....................... ................................. ............ ------- r,,L-,,.l 1'rr " +r+-"r,'L,LL L,,",Lr'Lr .................-.............. ............ ------- .......- 'L—------L r' "............. Name Area of Responsibility ..................................... .............. -­.............. ............. .............. ........ -----------------------------------_._l Address Registration Number ­' '­'­,­­--'-'-'-'­'­ ....... ] j .............. Signature Telephone Expiration Date ................................ ['" ................. .......---------- .......... ....... .......... Name Area of Responsibility ... ........... .......... Address Registration Number ...........-r.................. ............. .................... Signature Telephone Expiration Date 9.3 General Contractor ......................... Not Applicable ❑ Company Name; .......... ............. ...... ..'r.-I.,............ ....................................... Responsible 19,C hffpe of Construction .......... ....... .... ----------- Address Signature Telephone ` ef4V�2 , fa eM�- Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 8. NORTHAMPTON ZONING Existing Proposed Required by 7'ed This column to Building Dep Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L:'" R: L:= _.. R:.! Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking aces Fi . olume&Location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Findin,goever been issued for/on the site? NO Q DONT KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DONT KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES: enter Book : Page. and/or Document#' B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO 0 DONT KNOW Q YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission: Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained , Date Issued: I/ !l I M ��. C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES Q NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,exccVation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES Q NO IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. (" f i Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTION 4-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PROJECTS LESS THAN 35,000 CUBIC FEET OF ENCLOSED SPACE Interior Alterations ❑ Existing Wall Signs ❑ Demolition❑ Repairs❑ Additions ❑ Accessory Building❑ Exterior Alteration ❑ Existing Ground Sign❑ New Signs❑ Roofing❑ Change of Use❑ Other,❑ Brief Description Enter a brief description here. 6Ub(r NON 3600 �P 0A-�" s�'O�•A'�� Of Proposed Work: SECTION 5-USE GROUP AND CONSTRUCTION TYPE USE GROUP(Check as applicable) CONSTRUCTION TYPE A Assembly El A-1 13 A-2 El A-3 ❑ 1A A-4 ❑ A-5 ❑ 1B ❑ B Business ❑ 2A ❑ E Educational ❑ 2B F Factory ❑ F-1 ❑ F-2 ❑ 2C ❑ H Hi h Hazard ❑ 3A ❑ 1 Institutional ❑ 1-1 ❑ 1-2 ❑ 1-3 ❑ 3B ❑ M Mercantile ❑ 4 ❑ R Residential ❑ R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ 5A ❑ S Storage S-1 ❑ S-2 5B ❑ U Utility ❑ Specify: M Mixed Use ❑ Specify: S Special Use ❑ Specify: COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF EXISTING BUILDING UNDERGOING RENOVATIONS,ADDITIONS AND/OR CHANGE IN USE Existing Use Group: _ Proposed Use Group: Existing Hazard Index 780 CMR 34): __ Proposed Hazard Index 780 CMR 34): d__. ... __....... n_.. SECTION 6 BUILDING HEIGHT AND AREA OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING AREA EXISTING PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION Floor Area per Floor(sf) 1st 1St f 2nd 2nd .. _ 3rd 3rd . 4 th 4tn Total Area(sf) Total Proposed New Construction(sf) Total Height(ft) Total Height ft 7.Water Supply(M.G.L.c.40,§54) 7.1 Flood Zone,Information: 7.3 Sewage Disposal System: Public ❑ Private ❑ Zone ' Outside Flood Zone Municipal E] On site disposal system❑ Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 _ Department,us only: of Northampton Status of F"errrrlt ding Department Curti Cut/priveway Permit 2 Main Street sewer/Sept�cA+raiiability. Room 100 WaterM_ell Avaitabtlity N rth mpton, MA 01060 Two Sets df 5tructurl Plans Electric, Plumbing�� ' s -1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Pl�itfSif Flans Northampton, Ob0 'f C?tf18t3�p�'Gl ,__ APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR,RENOVATE,CHANGE THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF,OR DEMOLISH ANY BUILDING OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION This section to be completed by office 1.1 Property Add re ss: �..-._._. ,0 Ma N Lot 7, Unit 6 S r► Zone Overlay District . Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIIP/nA"UTHORIZEDpA 15�GENT CQ/,'_�'�A-,/• inr v P 2.1 Owner of Record: N 0 r•�1} Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature Telephone 2.2 Authorized Agent Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature Telephone a n SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS t S� 700 D �S F = /a D• �� Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by ermit applicant 1. Building / 600 (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b)Estimated Total Cost of 0 ` Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fire Protection +4+5) tiJ 0 0 6. Total=(1 +2+3 '. ... / Check Number This Section For Official Use Oni 1110�A It (C Building Permit Number Date _. Issued APR I Signature: FIec` oections , MA 01060 Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date File 9 BP-2015-0968 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON WRIGHT BUILDERS ADDRESS/PHONE 48 Bates St NORTHAMPTON01060(413)586-8287(116) PROPERTY LOCATION 68 DAMON RD MAP 18 PARCEL 045 001 ZONE GI THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: CONSTRUCT BOAT STORAGE FACILITY 45 X 80 STEEL BLDG New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 047146 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF 4MATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay 4 Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning& Development for more information. 68 DAMON RD BP-2015-0968 G1S#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map.Block: 18 -045 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2015-0968 Project# JS-2015-001756 Est. Cost: $68500.00 Fee: $720.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: WRIGHT BUILDERS 047146 Lot Size(sq. ft.): Owner: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Zoning: GI Applicant: WRIGHT BUILDERS AT: 68 DAMON RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 48 Bates St (413) 586-8287 (116) Workers Compensation NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON:411712015 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: CONSTRUCT BOAT STORAGE FACILITY 45 X 80 STEEL BLDG POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 4/16/2015 0:00:00 $720.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner