06-062 (2) V NHESP 01-9552 November 5,2001 Page 2 migration habitat for the wood turtle as well as feeding, shelter, overwintering, and migration habitat for the Jefferson's salamander. The applicant shall avoid all alterations of the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and Riverfront Areas on the above-referenced parcel. Please note that this determination addresses only the matter of rare wildlife habitat and does not pertain to other wildlife habitat issues that may be pertinent to the proposed project. This review does not pertain to endangered species protection under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (M.G.L. c. 131A). It is important that all parties copy any and all correspondence,revisions, or permits associated with this project to this office. If you have any questions about this matter please call Nancy Putnam at(508) 792-7270, ext. 306. Massachusetts Endangered Species Act(M.G.L.c. 131A) This project may be subject to the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). The applicant should contact Hanni Dinkeloo at the NHESP (508) 792-7270, ext. 302 to determine the filing requirements. Sincerely, s Patricia Huckery NHESP Wetlands Environmental Reviewer cc: Beaver Brook Nominee Trust Mark P. Reed,Heritage Surveys,Inc. Karen Hirschberg,DEP Western Regional Office Commonwealth of Massachusetts DIVI.Slonot UIV Fisheffies &VIddlife Wayne F. MacCallum, Director November 5, 2001 Northampton Conservation Commission City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 RE: Applicant: Beaver Brook Nominee Trust Project Location: Haydenville Road(Rt. 9) and Grove Avenue Project Description: Construction of a 54 lot single-family housing subdivision with a wetland crossing,roadways, stormwater management system, and related site improvements&utilities NHESP File No. 01-9552 Dear Commissioners: The applicant listed above has submitted a Notice of Intent with plans (dated 9/14/01) to the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program (NHESP) in compliance with the inland rare wildlife species sections of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act Regulations (310 CMR 10.58(4)(b) & 10.59) for the subject project. The applicant proposes to alter 13,961 square feet of Riverfront Area, 4868 square feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland, and 48,536 square feet of Buffer Zone associated with the Mill River, Beaver Brook or other on-site wetlands. Based on a review of the information that.was provided and the information that is currently contained in our database, the NHESP has determined that portions of this project occur within the actual habitat of the wood turtle (Clemmys insculpta) and the Jefferson's salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) two state protected rare wildlife species. The wood turtle and Jefferson's salamander are state-protected as species of "Special Concern" pursuant to the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (M.G.L. c.131A) and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). We have enclosed a copy of the DWW Policy 90-2 to help explain the standards and procedures that are employed to determine adverse effects to rare wildlife habitat as well as factsheets for these two species. The NHESP finds that the portions of this project within Riverfront Area and Bordering Vegetated Wetland will adversely affect the actual habitat of the spring salamander and wood turtle. The construction of the roadway crossing the wetland and detention basins or their outlets in the Riverfront Area will have short or long term adverse effects on the habitats of the spring salamander and wood turtle. The'Bordering Vegetated Wetland provides important feeding, shelter, overwintering, and migration habitat for the Jefferson's salamanders. These salamanders often move between upland forests into wetland resource areas and breed in the vernal pools as adults. The proposed roadway and culvert crossing will destroy rare species habitat and will be a barrier to normal movement of the Jefferson's salamanders. The Riverfront Areas on this site provide important feeding, breeding, shelter, and yip�r',u� 1f Y� Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program Route 135,Westborough,MA 01581 Tel: (508) 792-7270 x 200 Fax: (508)792-7821 �p An Agency of the Department of Fisheries,Wildlife&Environmental Law Enforcement ��/ httn•//www state ma iic/rlfiuPle!1dAv/nhPcn Peb' .14 01 10s48a Northampton Citb Hall 4135871264 p• 4 13.Speed limit signs and Pedestrian crossing signs should be placed on Grove Avenue at Evergreen Street. 14.The request for 20% reduction of cul-de-sac frontage for lots on Grove and Hanley Grove was approved. 15.Applicant should replace the street suffix to Hanley "Grove" . Use either "street", "road" or "place" in order to avoid confusion with Grove Avenue. DETENTION PONDS& OPEN SPACE 16. The calculation for Open Space should not include the portion of detantion ponds that require regular maintenance. 17. The reserved open space should be dedicated to the City. The City reserves the right to take this in fee or through a right-of-way or conservation restriction. 18. The amount and configuration of open space should fully comply with the cluster provisions in the zoning Ordinance §1U.5, including the trail system. 19. Detention areas must be designed and located outside the 50'wetland buffer, and outside the 100' buffer wherever possible. 20.The detention ponds should be designed for easy enforcement of maintenance and the covenants. WETLANDS 21. If feasible, the-wetland crossing from Route 9 into the subdivision should be constructed with a bridge. Otherwise, oversized culverts, with cantilevered sidewalks should be constructed. 22.A 100° buffer line should be drawn around all:Vemal Pools located within the vicinity of the site- No disturbance should occur within this 100' buffer of the Vernal Pools. Permanent no build" bounds should be placed along the 100' buffer of the Vernal Pools. 23. All building envelopes for house construction should be outside the ICU buffer. Lawn area should not encroach within the 50' buffer of wetlands. 24.All lots that have property boundaries that fall within the 100' buffer should contain language in the deeds indicating that no disturbance is allowed within 100' of wetlands or Riverfront Area without permits from the Conservation Commission. 25. The curve of Grove Avenue (at lots 34 and 35) should be redesigned so that no portion of this road, sidewalk or landscaping fails within 100' of the wetlands buffer or Vernal Pool buffer. OTHER 26. Additional Department of Public Works requirements must be satisfies 27. The other land owned by the applicant on the south westerly edge of the project, along Grove Avenue should be incorporated into the subdivision and the overall calculations for open space and total buildable lots. 28. All maintenance and ownership responsibilities for infrastructure and other open land identified in the subdivision must be clearly documented in a covenant to be approved by the City. ` The Planning Board may alter the above conditions if the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program and/or Conservation Commission under local or state law promulgate additional applicable requirarnents. _ r;eb 14 01 10: 48a Northampton City Hall 4135871264 p- 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Conditions of Approval Beaver Brook Estates, Preliminary Subdivision, Leeds As Approved by the Northampton Planning Board February 8, 2001 1. Lot#12 must meet the 80'frontage requirement. 2. The Planning Board agreed to approve the waiver request for road radius on Hanley Grove Provided that three (3) of the proposed lots be dedicated for affordable housing. These lots may either be given to the City or the City's designee for affordable housing or otherwise developed in a way that is acceptable to the City. TRAFFIC& PEDESTRIAN SAFETY 3. Sidewalks.must be extended along the project boundary on Haydenvilie Road south to Leonard Street and north to Beaver Brook. If the sidewalk is to be located on Haydenville Road right-of-way, the applicant must obtain permission from Massachusetts Highway Department. If accepted, these sidewalks must be H'wide. If the sidewalks are not acceptable on Massachusetts Highway Department right-of-way, these sidewalks should be located within the boundary of the applicant's property, subject to Conservation Commission approval and may be 4'wide. 4. Sidewalks must be extended along the existing portion of Grove Avenue from the entrance to the subdivision to the intersection of Front Street, where the currew sidewalk ends. 5. A sidewalk should be placed along the easement line extending-f-om the end of Hanley Grove cul-de-sac and connect to Grove Avenue. 6. The sidewalk on Hanley Grove should be relocated to the south side of the cul-de-sac. 7. Snow removal on sidewalks within the subdivision that abut open space will be the responsibility of the Homeowners' Association. Snow removal on all sidewalks abuting individual building lots will be the responsibility of individual owners or the Association, whichever is determined by the applicant_ 8. Maintenance and removal of snow on the Haydenville Road sidewalk and in the easement from Hanley to Grove Avenue (across country) must be the responsibi,ity of the Homeowners'Association. 9. The paved road width should not exceed 24' throughout the subdivisionZ. 10. Grove Avenue extension should have a 20' paved width (or equal to the existing paved width of the Grove Avenue stub) starting at the Grove Avenue entrance and extending for at least 340' north into the subdivision. At this point, it should widen to 24'. llWaximurn design speed for streets within the subdivision should be 25 miles per hour. '12. Street design must include traffic calming devices throughout the subdivision and beyond. The design must ensure that drivers traveling eastbound from the intersection of Grove and Hanley Grove, on average, can reach Leeds Elementary School more quickly than if traveling westbound along Grove Avenge. Such measures should include a speed table at the intersection of Grove Avenue and Hanley Grove, a speed table at the entrance of the subdivision at the Grove Avenue Extension, and speed tables at inte'rsections on Grove to Front Street. Other measures may be appropriate. A speed table should be located on Leonard Street at evergreen to mitigate the incremental impact of traffic that the subdivision will have on Leonard Street. The City would be willing to work with the applicant to review cost-sharing for this speed table P. 2 .FORM F NORTHAMPTON, MA February 9, 200 Date NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL Td: Clty Cleric The Planning Board on February S 2001 by Date vote APPROVED with CandRire sE$, attachment)the following subdivision plan: Name or,description:_Beaver Brook Estates New street names: Hanley Grove, Grove Avenue Submitted by: Beaver Brook Nominee Trust—John Hanley Address: 150 West 56"'Street, Apartment 5905, New York, NY 100.19 On December 13 200a pending termination of the statutory twenty day appeal period. Date Signed Chair, Northampton Planning Board o This vote of the Planning Board is duly recorded in the minutes of their meeting: C.C. Applicant Police Department Building Inspector Board of Assessors Board of Public Works Register of Voters Fire Department File Board of Health Conservation Commission After,twenty (20) days without notice of appeal, endorsed bluepdnts,,if approved, will be transmitted to: Applicant— 1 myfar Register of Voters- 1 print City Engineer—1 rnyiar Police Department-1 print Assessors-1 print Fire-Department— 1 print Bldg. Inspector— 1 print File— 1_print -BEAVER BROOD ESTATES NORTHAMPTON, MA SITE PLAN LAND USE DATA PROJECT PARCEL AREA W/IN ZONE DISTRICTS PARCEL AREA IN URA ZONE 9.27 ACS. (403,801 S.F.) INCLUDING KELLEY PARCEL PARCEL AREA IN SR ZONE 50.65 ACS. (2,220,631 S.F.) TOTAL PARCEL AREA 59.92 ACS. OPEN SPACE REQUIRED BY ZONING TOTAL TRACT AREA 59.92 ACS. STANDARD LOT AREA (FLAG LOTS- 33,34,50 & RESERVED LOT) - 5.41 ACS. NET TRACT AREA FOR 54.51 ACS._ 2 = 27.26 ACS. REQ'D. OSR DEVELOPMENT 27.26 x 75% = 120.45 ACRES MIN. REQ'D. AS NON WETLAND, FLOOD PLAIN OR STEEP SLOPES. OPEN SPACE BREAKDOWN STEEP SLOPES >8% AREA = 6.68 ACS. WETLAND AREA AREA = 5.77 ACS. TOTAL AREA 12.45 ACS. X OF AREA NOT ALLOWED X 75% STORM DRAINAGE- 9.34 ACS. FOREBAY DET. BASIN + .30 ACS. TOTAL AREA NOT ALLOWED 9.64 ACS. BY ZONING IN OPEN SPACE CALL. TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA 37.59ACS. OPEN SPACE CALCULATION TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA SHOWN 37.59 ACS. TOTAL AREA NOT ALLOWED BY ZONING - 9.64 ACS. NET OPEN SPACE AREA 27.95 ACS. DENSITY CALCULATIONS FOR ZONE DISTRICTS (OSR USE) URA ZONE SR ZONE ENTIRE PARCEL TOTALS WETLAND AREA (90%) .50 ACS. (21,780 S.F.) 4.69 ACS. (204,296 S.F.) 5.19 ACS. (226,076 S.F.) ROADWAY AREA .94 ACS. (40,946 S.F.) 3.53 ACS. (153,767 S.F.) 4.47 ACS. (194,713 S.F.) STANDARD LOT AREA 1.04 ACS. (45,302 S.F. 4.37 ACS. (190,357 S.F. 5.41 ACS. (235,659 S.F. UNUSEABLE LAND AREA -2.48 ACS. -12.59 ACS. 15.07 ACS. (868,151 S.F. LAND AREA IN DISTRICT 9.27 ACS. 50.65 ACS. 59.92 ACS. NET LAND AREA 6.79 ACS. 38.06 ACS. D.U. PER ACRE ALLOWED x2.2 x1.5 NO. OF UNITS ALLOWED 14.94 ACS. OR 14 UNITS 57.09 ACS. OR 57 UNITS 71 UNITS SHOWN 59 UNITS PAGE 2OF2 BEAVER BROOK ESTATES NORTHAMPTON, MA SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES & ZONING GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS PLAN IS SUBMITTED AS AN AMENDMENT TO PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD JAN. 2001. 2. NO WORK OR DISTURBANCE IS PROPOSED WITHIN THE 100' WETLAND BUFFER ZONE AND THE 200' RIVERFRONT AREA OF MILL RIVER AND BEAVER BROOK. 3. DENSITY AND OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS DO NOT INCLUDE LAND AREA OF STANDARD LOTS (33,34 & 50) AND LOT RESERVED FOR OWNER (WHICH TOTAL 5.41 ACRES/ 235,659 S.F.), 4. UNIT BREAKDOWN AS SHOWN ON PLAN: SHOWN: SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS: 49 EXISTING MULTIFAMILY (LOT 2) UNITS: 4 PROPOSED MULTIFAMILY (LOT 51) UNITS: 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 59 ZONING District: SR (suburban Residential) Min. Lot Area 30,000 s.f. Frontage 125' Depth 160' Setbacks front 30' Side 20' rear 40' Max. Bldg. Coverage 20% Flag Lot: Min. Lot Area 60,000 s.f. Frontage 50' Min, Depth 160' Setbacks Front 60' Side 40' Rear 80' Envelope Circle required 187.5' District: URA (Urban Residential—A) Min. Lot Area 12,000 s.f. Frontage 75' Depth 120' Setbacks front 30' Side 15' rear 30' Max. Bldg. Coverage 25% Open Space Residential Development (single family) District SR District URA District Min. Lot Area 10,000 s.f. 7,500 s.f. Frontage 80' 75' Depth 110' 100' Setbacks f25' s15' r25' f20' s10' r2O' Max. Bldg. Coverage 20% 25% Density* 1.5 DU/a 2.2 DU/a *Tract area less proposed roadway and 90% of wetlands. Open Space Required 50% of net tract area** **75% shall be neither wetlands or floodplain or over 8% slopes. PAGE 1 OF 2 -d JOIN J. H ANLEY TRUSTEE 53-716612118 0523510794 .1 2 110 KING STREET f I r o NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 t P® API DATE ' '� J' PAY TO t ORDER OF THE s °l4 RD d?' ✓°.. I ii DOLLARS FLORENCE SAVINGS BANK j j 65 MAIN STREET,FLORENCE,MA 01062 ap 4 2 L LE17 L688': 05 23 5&0794u® 0244 SaiEtt Pa PEP FORM B NORuar MP?N�002 Date APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDED PRELIMINARY PLAN File sixteen completed forms and plans and file seven additional copies, showing wetlands,which may be 11"x17" reduced scale plans,with the City Cleric and the Planning Board, in accordance with the requirements of Section 4:02. To the Planning Board: The undersigned herewith submits the accompanying Preliminary Plan of Property located in the City of Northampton for approval as allowed under the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land of the Planning Board in the City of Northampton. 1, Applicant Beaver Brook Nominee Trust f � Print or type name ignature 150 West 56th Street, Apt. 5905 (212) 451-8553 Address New York, NY 10019 Phone 2. Owner See Below Print or type name Signature Address Phone 3. Engineer Richard P. Weisse !&�, .de• Print or type name Heritage Surveys, Inc. Signature College Highway & Clark St. , P.O. Box 1, Southampton, MA (413) 527-3600 Address Phone 4. Surveyor Bruce A. Coombs Print or type name Heritage Surveys, Inc. Signature 5. Deed of property recorded in Hampshire County Registry or Land Court(circle one), Book See Note Page 6. Location and Description of Property: See Note 7. Assessor's Map ID: See ote Lot(s): Date submitted to Planni Boa UU Date Decision Filed: Ci 9 G City Clerk: C9*(S gnatu a (Signature) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS-------PAGE 59 Note: See letter dated January 23, 2002 addressed to the City of Northampton Planning Board for #5,6 & 7. 2. Owners Beaver Brook Nominee Trust Robert J. Kelly 150 West 56th St. , Apt. 5905 28D Evergreen Road New York, NY 100 9 Leeds, MA 0103 Signature ' �`o Signature .. Page Three Northampton Planning Board January 23, 2002 Section 7.00 (9), Street Standards from the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in The City of Northampton requires a horizontal alignment for local streets to be a minimum radius of 250 feet. We are requesting a reduction near the intersection of Evergreen Road and Chestnut Avenue, which shows a radius of 125 feet on the new section of Chestnut Avenue between road station 0+0 and 2+0. This waiver will allow the intersection of Evergreen Road and Chestnut Avenue to be in alignment, instead of an offset intersection. This issue was originally discussed at a meeting with city departments. If the above waiver is granted, it is our understanding that all other Subdivision Rules and Regulations can be met with the proposed plan. As part of this application we are also submitting the following: • Form-13 Application for Approval of Amended Preliminary Plan. • Copy of a check in the amount of$500.00 addressed to the City of Northampton (check #244). This amount is based on the Office of Planning and Development, Fee Schedule for Amendment to Definitive Plan. We would appreciate your directing any correspondence regarding the above referenced project to John J. Hanley, Trustee, The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust (212) 451-8553 with copies of the same to Heritage Surveys, Inc. Sincerely, C/L 4,--'�L Bruce A. Coombs CC: The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust Northampton City Clerk with one copy of plans and Application Page Two Northampton Planning Board January 23, 2002 connect from Evergreen Road to land of Beaver Brook Nominee Trust as shown on the Amended Preliminary Subdivision Plan, dated January 23, 2002. This will allow the project to be in compliance with the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program ruling. A copy of the Land Use Summary, Project Parcel Areas within Zoning Districts, Zoning Requirements, Open Space Required by Zoning, and Density Calculations for Zoning Districts are attached for review. The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust property is located in SR (Suburban Residential) and URA (Urban Residential-A) Zoning Districts of the City of Northampton. The parcel of land has a total area of 57.05 acres and is defined by several lots on the City of Northampton Assessor's Maps (Map 5, Parcels 6 & 7, Map 6, Parcels 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 58). The deeds for the property are recorded in the Hampshire County Registry in book 5869, page 6, book 5917, page 206, book 5493, page 23 and book 5869, page 3. The Robert J. Kelly property is located in URA (Urban Residential-A) Zoning Districts of the City of Northampton. The parcel of land has a total area of 2.87 acres and is defined on the City of Northampton Assessor's Map (Map 11A, Parcel 3). The deeds for the property are recorded in the Hampshire County Registry in book 4758, page 119. The applicant/owners are requesting the following waivers in accordance with the Rules & Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in the City of Northampton, Section 3:00, Waiver of Compliance, §3:02. These waivers are some of the same waivers granted for this project within the document entitled, "Attachment 1, Conditions of Approval, Beaver Brook Estates, Preliminary Subdivision, Leeds, as approved by the Northampton Planning Board, February 8, 2001." Section 6.3 (1), Cul-de-sac Frontage requirement within the Zoning Ordinance. Reduction in lot frontage by twenty (20) percent for lots situated at the end of the proposed cul-de-sac as shown on plan. Section 7.00 (7), Right of Way Width Standards from the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in The City of Northampton requires that within a Type I subdivision all street have a width of 60 feet. We are requesting a reduction of the Right of Way width within two sections of the project. First is a Right of Way Width of 50 feet from the end of the existing section of Grove Avenue for a distance of 350 feet. This portion of Grove Avenue is shown on a recorded plan in Plan Book 32 Page 38. The applicant does not have title to the property located on either side of the right of way, which is shown on the Amended Plan. The second request is for a 58 foot wide Right of Way for a distance of 200 feet from the intersection of Evergreen Road and Chestnut Avenue. The existing apartment building located on Lot 2 will now need a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet, by granting this waiver this building will meet zoning requirements. HERITAGE SURVEYS, INC. Professional Surveyors and Engineers College Highway & Clark Street Post Office Box 1 Southampton, Massachusetts 01073 Bruce A. Coombs, President Telephone(413) 527-3600 Professional Surveyor, MA, CT& VT Facsimile (413) 527-8280 E-mail: bruce@heritagesurveys.com Website: heritagesurveys.com January 23, 2002 City of Northampton Planning Board 210 Main Street - City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Amended Preliminary Subdivision Plan Beaver Brook Estates Grove Ave. and Evergreen Road Northampton, MA HSI Job #3923-980831 Dear Planning Board Members: On behalf of the applicant, The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust, we are submitting sixteen (16) prints and seven (7) 11" x 17" reduced scale prints of a plan entitled, Amended Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Sheet 1 of 1, Dated January 23, 2002 prepared for "Beaver Brook Estates, Northampton, MA. This plan shows an Open Space Residential Development with fifty one (51) lots and 3,244 L.F. of roadway connecting Grove Avenue and Evergreen Road through land of Beaver Brook Nominee Trust and Robert J. Kelley. Also included in this application are sixteen (16) prints and seven (7) 11" x 17" reduced scale prints of a plan entitled Existing Wetland Areas and Steep Slopes, Sheet 1 of 1, Dated January 23, 2002 prepared for Beaver Brook Estates, Northampton, MA. The submission is in accordance with Section 5:00, §5:02 Submission of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in The City of Northampton, and shall be filed by the Planning Board with the following entities: Board of Health, Chief of the Fire Department, Conservation Commission and the City Engineer. The above Amended Preliminary Plans reflect an alternative concept for developing the parcel in accordance with the Open Space Residential Development requirements of §11:4 and the Flag Lot requirements of §13.0 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance. This project has been revised based on a letter from Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program, dated November 5, 2001 that states, "The applicant shall avoid all alterations of the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and Riverfront Areas on the above referenced parcel". A copy of that letter is enclosed for your review. The Amended plan shows no alterations to any Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and/or Riverfront Areas and will keep all lots and construction outside of the 100 feet Buffer Zone of the Wetlands. Beaver Brook Nominee Trust has an agreement with Robert J. Kelly owner of 28D Evergreen Road, Leeds, MA allowing the proposed roadway to City of Northampton, Massachusetts �� �� 0�� TO�, Office of Planning and Development # City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • (41 FAX (413) 5 ' 7 — • Community and Economic Development �t • Conservation •Historic Preservation • Planning Board•Zoning Board of Appeals �p • Northampton Parking Commission _��C; /I� � " `-7 ' -;L- TO: Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector t9, XD RE: Permit application It 3 FROM: Angela. Dion, Board Secretary/OPD DATE: U ! N 2 9 Would you lease review and ret r Ae `002 DEPT DJ °v y"V IO:N c enclosed >` ;` ,�.r application before th ej lanning Boar oning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for so that we can advise the Boards of any concerns you may have. Thank you. 13.Speed limit signs and Pedestrian crossing signs should be placed on Grove Avenue at Evergreen Street. 14.The request for 20% reduction of cul-de-sac frontage for lots on Grove and Hanley Grove was approved. 15.Applicant should replace the street suffix to Hanley "Grove" . Use either "street", "road" or "place" in order to avoid confusion with Grove Avenue. DETENTION PONDS & OPEN SPACE 16. The calculation for Open Space should not include the portion of detention ponds that require regular maintenance. 17. The reserved open space should be dedicated to the City. The City reserves the right to take this in fee or through a right-of-way or conservation restriction. 18. The amount and configuration of open space should fully comply with the cluster provisions in the Zoning Ordinance §10.5, including the trail system. 19. Detention areas must be designed and located outside the 50' wetland buffer, and outside the 100' buffer wherever possible. 20. The detention ponds should be designed for easy enforcement of maintenance and the covenants. WETLANDS 21. If feasible, the wetland crossing from Route 9 into the subdivision should be constructed with a bridge. Otherwise, oversized culverts, with cantilevered sidewalks should be constructed. 22. A 100' buffer line should be drawn around all Vernal Pools located within the vicinity of the site. No disturbance should occur within this 100' buffer of the Vernal Pools. Permanent "no build" bounds should be placed along the 100' buffer of the Vernal Pools. 23. All building envelopes for house construction should be outside the 100' buffer. Lawn area should not encroach within the 50' buffer of wetlands. 24. All lots that have property boundaries that fall within the 100' buffer should contain language in the deeds indicating that no disturbance is allowed within 100' of wetlands or River-front Area without permits from the Conservation Commission. 25. The curve of Grove Avenue (at lots 34 and 35) should be redesigned so that no portion of this road, sidewalk or landscaping falls within 100' of the wetlands buffer or Vernal Pool buffer. OTHER 26. Additional Department of Public Works requirements must be satisfied 27. The other land owned by the applicant on the south westerly edge of the project, along Grove Avenue should be incorporated into the subdivision and the overall calculations for open space and total buildable lots. 28. All maintenance and ownership responsibilities for infrastructure and other open land identified in the subdivision must be clearly documented in a covenant to be approved by the City. The Planning Board may alter the above conditions if the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program and/or Conservation Commission under local or state law promulgate additional applicable requirements. 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Conditions of Approval Beaver Brook Estates, Preliminary Subdivision, Leeds As Approved by the Northampton Planning Board February 8, 2001 1. Lot#12 must meet the 80' frontage requirement. 2. The Planning Board agreed to approve the waiver request for road radius on Hanley Grove provided that three (3) of the proposed lots be dedicated for affordable housing. These lots may either be given to the City or the City's designee for affordable housing or otherwise developed in a way that is acceptable to the City. TRAFFIC & PEDESTRIAN SAFETY 3. Sidewalks must be extended along the project boundary on Haydenville Road south to Leonard Street and north to Beaver Brook. If the sidewalk is to be located on Haydenville Road right-of-way, the applicant must obtain permission from Massachusetts Highway Department. If accepted, these sidewalks must be 6' wide. If the sidewalks are not acceptable on Massachusetts Highway Department right-of-way, these sidewalks should be located within the boundary of the applicant's property, subject to Conservation Commission approval and may be 4' wide. 4. Sidewalks must be extended along the existing portion of Grove Avenue from the entrance to the subdivision to the intersection of Front Street, where the current sidewalk ends. 5. A sidewalk should be placed along the easement line extending from the end of Hanley Grove cul-de-sac and connect to Grove Avenue. 6. The sidewalk on Hanley Grove should be relocated to the south side of the cul-de-sac. 7. Snow removal on sidewalks within the subdivision that abut open space will be the responsibility of the Homeowners' Association. Snow removal on all sidewalks abuting individual building lots will be the responsibility of individual owners or the Association, whichever is determined by the applicant. 8. Maintenance and removal of snow on the Haydenville Road sidewalk and in the easement from Hanley to Grove Avenue (across country)_ must be the responsibility of the Homeowners' Association. 9. The paved road width should not exceed 24' throughout the subdivision. 10. Grove Avenue extension should have a 20' paved width (or equal to the existing paved width of the Grove Avenue stub) starting at the Grove Avenue entrance and extending for at least 300' north into the subdivision. At this point, it should widen to 24'. 11.Maximum design speed for streets within the subdivision should be 25 miles per hour. 12. Street design must include traffic calming devices throughout the subdivision and beyond. The design must ensure that drivers traveling eastbound from the intersection of Grove and Hanley Grove, on average, can reach Leeds Elementary School more quickly than if traveling westbound along Grove Avenue. Such measures should include a speed table at the intersection of Grove Avenue and Hanley Grove, a speed table at the entrance of the subdivision at the Grove Avenue Extension, and speed tables at intersections on Grove to Front Street. Other measures may be appropriate. A speed table should be located on Leonard Street at Evergreen to mitigate the incremental impact of traffic that the subdivision will have on Leonard Street. The City would be willing to work with the applicant to review cost-sharing for this speed table 1 FORM F NORTHAMPTON, MA February 9, 2001 Date NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL To,: City Clerk The Planning Board on February 8, 2001 by Date vote APPROVED with C see a me-at)the following subdivision plan: Name or de ription:_Beaver Brook Estates New street names: rove, Grove Avenue Submitted by: Beaver Brook Nominee Trust—John Hanley Address: 150 West 56th Street, Apartment 5905, New York, NY 10019 On December 13, 2000 pending termination of the statutory twenty day appeal period. Date Signed {l Chair, Northampton Planning Board This vote of the Planning Board is duly recorded in the minutes of their meeting. C.C. Applicant Police Department Building Inspector Board of Assessors Board of Public Works Register of Voters Fire Department File Board of Health Conservation Commission After twenty (20) days without notice of appeal, endorsed blueprints, if approved, will be transmitted to: Applicant-- 1 mylar Register of Voters-- 1 print City Engineer-- 1 mylar Police Department--1 print Assessors-- 1 print Fire Department-- 1 print Bldg. Inspector-- 1 print File-- 1 print