24C-197 (5) r/
MAR r`
- 9 2015 John Hoops
16 Massasoit Street
Electric, Plumbing&Gas Inspections Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
Northampton, MA 01060 413 519 5682
Louis Hasbrouck March 7, 2015
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton
City Hall
212 Main St.
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mr. Hasbrouck:
I am writing to express concern about a residence being constructed on the northeast corner of Adare
Place and Prospect Street. It is across from the end of Massasoit Street.
My concerns center on the height of the structure, its scale on the lot,and the context with other
residences. Of course, I do not know the exact dimensions but it appears very much over-scale
compared to the houses in the immediate neighborhood. Other neighbors on Adare Place,which is
largely composed of smaller bungalow type houses, and on Prospect Street have also expressed
concerns, but I am not writing to you as their representative.
When I looked at the on-line zoning requirements for Northampton (Chapter 350 Attachment 6) 1
became more concerned about the size of the structure. The structure as it looks to me does not seem
to conform to zoning dimensional regulations and does not at all look consistent with the block face in
either direction of Adare Place or Prospect Street. I am only referring to size and not to the design.
Is this something your office could look into? That area has some very nice and well-kept homes;the
Adare block is especially well preserved. The new residence seems to dwarf and diminish the existing
texture of homes.
Thanks very much,
hn Hoops
Cc: Mayor David Narkewicz
Paul Spector
Maureen Carney