29-001 (12) 3.07 FIXTURES
A. Fixtures shall be supported from structure. Provide all supports
and hangers required to support all fixtures.
A. Piping and equipment. All conduit and equipment shall be installed
in a neat workmanlike manner. Conduit shall be installed parallel
to building walls where exposed, with provision for expansion as
necessary and to accurate grades and lines.
B. Hangers and supports. Furnish and install all supports, hangers,
and other appliances necessary to support firmly and substantially
the apparatus described in this Section of the Specifications.
Florence Heights. 16A-17
A. Contractor shall visit the job site and determine the nature and
extent of the work involved. ' No excuse for poor or defective work
shall be presented due to lack of job site visit.
A. Comply with the of Section 1 C Conduct of work.
A. Certain equipment is to be removed and relocated. This shall be
accomplished at a minimum of discomfort to occupants. Provide all
safety precautions, and keep cleanliness to a maxim. Set up any
temporary barricades and partitions required for containing the
refuse and debris to the area concerned.
A. Contractor shall be responsible for the sufficiency of the size of
r adequate clearance in double partitions and hung ceilings for the
proper installation of his work. He shall cooperate with the Gene-
ral Contractor and all other Contractors whose work is in the same
spaces and shall advise the General Contractor of his requirements.
Such spaces and clearances shall, however, be kept to the minim
size required.
A. This Contractor shall guarantee all material and workmanship fur-
nished by him to be free from all defects for a period of one year
from the date of substantial completion, and shall make good,
repair, or replace any defective work which may develop within that
time at his own expense and without expense to the Owner. He shall
extend to the Owner any warranties running beyond this one year
period normally published by the manufacturer.
A. All .work areas utilized by this Electrical Contractor shall be
clean of debris. All refuse shall be picked up and disposed of at
the day's end.
Florence Heights 16A-16
A. Electrical Contractor shall ground natural gas piping system for
Heating Sub-Contractor.
A. Furnish and install complete, meter centers indicated on the draw-
ings, one meter for each apartment, and one owners meter in each
building. Meter sockets shall conform to the Mass Electric Co. ,
requiremets. Provide disconnect switch before meter sockets, as
indicated on the drawings. Furnish and install Pull Boxes in each
building. Each meter socket shall have 100 amp breaker except
building No. 1 and No. 3 which shall have 200 amp breakers. Meter
sockets shall be single phase.
B. Refer to schematic drawings on plans for number of meter sockets
per bank, and disconnect switch size.
C. Meter sockets, disconnect switch amd breakers shall be as manu-
factured by Bryant, General Electric, Westinghouse, Square D,
A. Furnish and install a complete and operable cable television system
Installation shall be performed under the supervision of the Cont-
inental Cable Vision Company, Inc.
B. Continental Cable Vision shall furnish all cable and furnish and in-
stall all outlet fittings, splitters, amplifiers, and other required
accessories and shall furnish and install cable from street to ent-
rance cabinet. Continental Cable Vision shall make all final con-
nections of wiring to terminals, and shall furnish and install all
hardware, make all adjustments to provide a minimum signal strength
of +6 dBmV on all channels at all outlets. Conformance with this
requirement shall be demonstrated with afield strength meter.
C. The MATV contractor shall receive the cable from the Continental
Cable Vision and shall install same during construction, from en-
trance cabinet to all outlets, leaving sufficient slack as directed
by Continental Cable Vision. The electrical contractor shall furnish
and install outlet boxes at each outlet shown on the drawings,
sleeves thru masonry walls and conduit to buildings. All conduit
shall use long sweep bends or elbows.
Florence Heights. 16A-15
Converters solid state, one piece, and designed for indoor use.
t Input and output impedence 75 ohms. Jerrold Model UVC 117 V AC.
M. Channels 22 to 5, 40 to 10, 57 to 7, and 61 to 12. Band mixing
filters shall be INS 76. Band splitting shall be supplied when nec-
cessary. Input and output 75 ohms, units shall be available with
cross over frequency of 50MHZ, 130HE and 375MHZ isolation between
output terminals shall be :25 DB minimum for all models. Typical
insertion loss shall not exceed 1 DB. The match of all terminals
shall be 14 DB or better.
N. Broadband mixing/splitting devices shall be used in the system as
required, housed in rugged cast aluminum housing. Units shall
meet FCC regualtions on radiation .
0. Terminating resistors with 75 ohm impedance shall be installed at
all unused ports and feeder line ends. Terminating resister shall
be designed to cover the frequency range of from 5 HE to 890 MHZ
with minimum return loss of 25 DB at UHF, and 30 DB across the VHF
band. Jerrold Model TR-75F ( " F" connector ) Jerrold Model TR72
("C" connector) .
P. Equipment housing shall be provided to protect and mount headend
equipment. Heavy guage metal, Hammertone finish. Jerrold Model
Q. VHF master antennas shall be of the single channel yagi type, or
where signal conditions permit, of either a low band broadband or
an high band broadband type with at least five elements for Channel
3. The output impedance shall be 75 ohms, witha VSWR of 1:5 max-
imum. Antenna shall be capable of survival in winds up to 125 MPH.
Jerrold Model No. J-55 series, or J-105 series.
R. UHF antenna shall meet the following specification. Antenna shall
be comprised of a slot fed 12 element log periodic drive and array
of 13 directors. The antenna shall be designed to cover the UHF
band (channels 14 - 83) . Gain 12 DB. Minimum of front to back of
20DB. Out impedance 75 ohms, with VSWR of 1:5 or less. Mounting
hardware shall be galvanized, or stainless steel. Capable of with
standing winds of 125 MPH. Jerrold Model J-275 series.
S. Each local origination channel shall be provided with a RF modu-
lator to produce standard television signals from audio and video
inputs. Modulator shall contain meter to adjust video inputs.
Modulator shall contain a meter to adjust video and audio modula-
tion with out the use of additional test equipment.
Florence Heights 16A-14
2. 0 DB mV, VHF TV (channels 14 -83)
3. . -6 DB mV, VHF 'IV (88 to 108 MHZ)
System designed for subsequent expansion to addition VHF and UHF
channels shall require modification of headhend equipment only.
All equipment designed for 117 V, 60HZ, AC operation.
G. All equipment installed in neat and workmanlike manner, all wiring
to conform to Mass Electrical Code. Equipment, antenna, and ant-
enna supports shall be grounded. (No 6 solid copper wire). All out-
door connections shall be weatherproof. All antennas shall be pro-
perly supported by guying. Cables shall be suitably supported and
secured. Cable entrances to building shall be accomplished in an
approved manner.
H. Completion of system, make all necessary adjustments and balancimg
of signals and level controls, to insure proper operation of the
system. Furnish all personell and equipment required for tests.
System balance test shall employ a Jerrold Model 727 Field Strength
Meter. Measurements shall be made of the headend combined output.
1. All levels shall be within 1 DB plus or minus of the design
levels specified.
2. Level difference between channel picture carriers shall not
exceed 2 DB for adjacent charnels or 12 DB between the strongest
and weakest channel.
3. Picture carrier to sound carrier level ration of any lower adj-
cent channel whll not be less than 12 DB, or more than 18 DB.
4. Systems containing individual channel strip amplifiers with ACC
shall be tested for ACC opertion. Field strength level at the
output of ACC type amplifier shall not vary more than plus or
minus 0.5 DB with the insertion of 6 DB of attenuation.
I. Complete system shall be tested and set up by performance tests
such that when complete, the system shall operate with satisfactory
performance that is acceptable to the owners.
K. VFH amp shall be Jerrold THPM for Channels 2,3,5,10,7,12
L. UHF to VHF converters shall be provided on chanells as specified.
Florence Heights. 16A-13
B. This Electrical Contractor shall tandem connect second floor, first
floor and basement smoke detectors with wiring such that the alarm
of one unit shall sound the alarm of all units in the apartment.
C. Furnish and install heat detectors as indicated on the drawings.
Heat detectors 190 degree, 2098-9403, Bell 2901-9060.
D. Fire alarm system shall be Simplex, Standard Time, or Gamewell.
A. Furnish and install complete, Television system indicated on the
drawings and as specified herein. The system shall be guaranteed
for a period of one year from the date of substantial completion of
building The installer shall respond to a trouble call within 24
hours of being notified. Installation in conformance with the Mass
Electric Code, National Electrical Code, and manufacturers require-
ments. All equipment, labor, and materials required for a complete
system shall be included.
B. System shall provide for reception of monochrome, and color TV
transmission and FM at every outlet equal to or better than any
one receiver connected directly to the antenna. Channels to be
received are 22, 40, 57, and 3. System design shall be minimum of
43 DB carrier to noise ration, and 43 DB cross modulation level at
the ouput of the last amplifier on the system. The outlets shall
provide a minimum of 25 DB at UHF and 30 DB across the VHF band.
Jerrold Model TR-75F, Jerrold Model TR-72 or approved. Furnish
proper pick-up antenna and input and out put filters required.
C. Provide equipment housing as required to mount and protect equip-
ment. Jerrold EH 40, or as approved.
D. Single outlet taps shall be provided for signal distribution. Taps
shall exhibit good return loss, and shall be available in four
color coded isolation values. Unit shall be equipped with 6 pin
device for connection of auxillary devices. Jerrold Model UT-82
Tap or equal approved.
E. Cable shall be RG-6 and RG-59 sizes . Longer trunk lines the larg-
er cable, smaller dimension cable for short trunk lines. Cables
Jerrold Model CAC-6 or equal approved.
F. 75/300 ohn matching transformers shall be provided. 6 foot cord,
Jerrold Model T 4040 or equal approved. Standard female F con-
nector, and short twin lead and spade lugs for 300 ohm transmission
Unit contained in cast aluminum housing. Levels as follows:
1. +6dBmV, VHF TV (channels 2 -13)
Florence Heights 16A-12
Awk of exposed wiring within wiremold.
A. Panelboards shall be of the dead front, safety type, circuit break-
er type as scheduled on the drawings. Panelboards shall be suit-
able for operation on 120/240 volt, 1 phase, 3 wire installation.
B. Apartment panelboards shall be for use on 120/240 volt, 1 phase op-
eration. Panelboards shall be complete, with flush or surface trim
as indicated on the drawings. Door to have lock. Trim factory
finished in grey enamel paint for finished areas, and prime coat
for unfinished areas. All panelboards shall have typewritten di-
rectory installed, indicating circuit, equipment served, and loc-
ation. Panelboards shall be Bryant, Westinghouse, General Electric
Square D, Cuttler Hammer.
C. Circuit breakers shall be thermal magnetic common trip for multi-
pole units, handle ties will not be permitted. All breakers shall
be of the plug in type, having an interrupting rating of 10,000
amperes (symmetrical) and/or as indicated on the Panelboard Sche-
dule on drawings. Mount panels on 3/4" plywood backpanel, painted
two coats on grey enamel. (All by Electrical Contractor. )
2.14 LAMPS.
A. Furnish and install lamps for all fixtures furnished under this
contract. Ballasts for fluorsecent fixtures shall be energy saving.
A. Site lighting shall consist of wall mounted fixtures, and pole
mounted fixtures as indicated on the drawings. Fixtures and poles
shall be furnished and installed by this Electrical contractor.
B. Electrical contractor shall furnish templates, anchor bolts, and
race ways for casting in concrete pole bases.
C. Concrete bases shall be furnished and installed by General Con-
D. Fixtures and Poles shall be as manufactured by:
1. Grouse Hindes 4. Halophane Corp.
2. General Electric 5. McGraw Edison.
3. Hubbell Inc. 6. Hi Tech
4. Lighting Systems Inc. 7. N. American Phillips.
A. Furnish and install where indicated on the drawings. Apartment
smoke detectors shall be for Tandem connection 120 VAC Simplex
Florence Heights 16A-11
shall furnish and install for each such existing panel, a stain-
less steel plate with gasket and stainless steel machine thread
bolts to secure the plate to the existing box. Stainless steel
plate shall be 14 ga.
A. This Electrical contractor shall remove existing wiring, and equip-
ment that is to be renovated or deleted. Wiring to be reused that
has insulation frayed, shall be taped before connection to new cir-
cuits or fixtures. The Electrical Contractor shall disconnect all
existing equipment to be removed. Thermostats shall be disconnected
and removed by the Electrical Contractor. The Heating Contractor
shall furnish new thermostats, to be wired by the Electrical Con-
B. The Northampton Housing Authority shall have the option of retain-
ing all the equipment, fixtures, conduit, or wiring removed under
this contract. Material to be retained by the Housing Authority
shall be stored on the site as directed. Material the Housing
Authority does not wish to retain shall become the property of the
Electrical Contractor and shall be removed from the premisis by
the Electrical Contractor.
A. All wiring shall be concealed. Where it is not possible to conceal
wiring and conduits, wiremold shall be installed. Wire rums on
first floor plans shall be run in the basement, with short rise to
receptacle. Wire runs on second floor plans shall be concealed in
first floor ceiling area, with short rise to receptacle. Where
receptacles are installed in furred out spaces, wiring shall be
concealed within the wall. Where receptacles are located in closet
walls, the wiring shall be run on the inside of the closet if wall
is of the solid type. Receptacles are to be on finished room side,
as indicated on the drawings. Provide all accessories required to
produce a neat finished job. Wiring to new front and rear lights
on the exterior walls shall be concealed in the walls. Utilize
BX as required to wire in masonry walls. Receptacles located in
furred out walls shall have concealed wiring. Wire runs may also
be concealed behind baseboard where practical.
B. Coordinate receptacle locations and runs with the General Con-
tractor to keep cutting and patching to a minimum. Before install-
attion of exposed wiring, the Engineer shall be made aware of the
conditions requiring same, and shall approve or disaprove the use
Florence Heights 16A-10
A. All exterior circuits shall carry a green insulated grounding con-
ductor in addition to the conduit as a ground. The complete ground
ing system shall comply with the regulations of the Massachusetts
Electrical Code, the Natior)al Electrical Code, all local municipal
and state codes, inspections and laws that are applicable in the
specific area. Lighting fixtures exterior to the building shall
have an isolated ground with rod and lugs. '
A. In general, and where applicable, specifications for pull boxes
shall be the same as for junction boxes. Pull boxes shall be in-
stalled where necessary to facilitate conductor installation. Pull
boxes shall be installed in runs of more than 100 feet, or runs
having more than 3 right angle bends. Pull boxes shall be "access-
able" as defined in the Mass. Electric Code. Boxes shall be sup-
ported independently of entering conduits.
A. Furnish and install where indicated on the drawings, range hoods,
recirculating type, with filters, lamps, and motors.
B. Range hoods shall be Nutone, V-25 color selected by Architect.
Width 30".
C. Provide lamps. Two speed blowers.
A. Furnish access panels for all electrical item concealed within the
structure such as controls, or electrical junction boxes or equip-
B. Access panels shall be installed by the General Contractor. Coor-
dinate with the trades having responsibility for area they are to
be installed in.
C. Access panels shall be Milcor, to accomodate the particular con-
struction they are to be installed in. Doors shall be 14 gauge
steel, with 16 gauge prime coat frame, and screwdriver lock.
D. Existing kitchen electrical panels shall be utilized as junction
boxes for existing circuits to remain. This Electrical Contract-
Florence Heights. 16A-09
F. Existing receptacles and circuits in kitchen areas shall be
removed, and new receptacles and circuits installed as indicated on
the drawings. New circuits shall be 20 Existi
in basement area for laundry shall be removed, includingeconduit,
and a new 20 Amp receptacle and circuit installed as indicated on
the drawings. Wire to laundry circuit shall be in tubing. Wire
for Electrical dryer receptacle shall be in tubing.
A. Toggle switches shall be heavy duty AC quiet type 20 amp, in 20
20 amp circuits, 15 amp in 15 amp circuits. 120 Volt. Color ivory
Plates shall be plastic, ivory in finished areas and galvanized
steel in unfinished areas. Kitchen areas shall have ivory switches,
stainless steel plates.
A. Outlet boxes shall be in accordance with National Electrical Code,
Massachusetts Electrical Code, Underwriters Laboratories require-
ments and of sufficient size and suitable design to meet the condi-
tions involved. Outlet boxes shall be pressed galvanized steel as
required by Electrical Code. Minimum size 4" x 4" for junction
boxes, 2" x 4" for switches and receptacles.
A. Furnish and install in all bathrooms ground fault receptacles,
receptacles shall be ivory, with ivory plates. Furnish and install
for receptacles located within 5'0" of kitchen sink ground fault
receptacles, color irovy, plates stainless steel.
A. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install for the Tele-
phone installation the following. All Wiring to telephone outlets
indicated on the drawings from Telephone Company entrance to each
apartment telephone location. Provide outlets and boxes with cover.
B. Furnish and install for each building telephone panel board of 3/4
finished plywood, painted two coats of grey enamel. To be located
where shown on the drawings. Board shall be 2'0" X 210".
C. Grounding lugs and connections for the telephone system shall be
furnished and installed by the Electrical Contractor. Coordinate
with the Telephone Company.
Florence Heights 16A-08
A. Unless noted otherwise in these Specifications, all conduit in haz-
ardous areas, outdoors, and/or concealed below floor slab shall be
galvanized rigid steel conduit. High voltage underground conduits
shall be schedule 40 PVC or galvanized rigid steel conduit. Site
lighting conduits shall be schedule 40 PVC. All other raceways
shall be electric metallic tubing or BX. Minimum size of conduit
shall be 1/2". EMT connectors shall be of the steel compression
type only. For EMT sizes larger than two inch trade size, set
screw type connection will be allowed with a minimum of four set
screws for couplings and two set screws for connectors and
fittings. Set screws shall be steel. Wiring in boiler room shall
be in tubing, type THHN wire. All wire shall be copper. Final
connection to motors shall be by means of flexible connections. BX
shall be utilized.
B. Minimum size wire for lighting and power branch circuits shall be
No. 12 AWG for 20 Amp circuits, and shall be No. 14 AWG for 15 Amp
C. All branch wiring shall be copper THHN-THWN or XHHW. Conduit sizes
r shall be based on THHN-THWN wire.
D. Electrical Contractor shall ground isolated conduits with ground
rod and clamps for each conduit.
A. Convenience receptacles shall be duplex, rated 120V, 20A, 3 wire
ground, and shall be installed in all 20 amp circuits.
B. Furnish and install 15 amp receptacles in all 15 amp circuits.
Recptacles shall be 3 wire ground.
C. Color of plates and receptacles shall be ivory.
D. In finished areas covers shall be plastic, except in kitchen, where
plates shall be Stainless Steel.
F. All existing receptacles shall have new receptacles installed, with
ground, 3 wire, and new receptacle plates to match.
Florence Heights. 16A-07
including existing ng receptacles.
9. New switches installed through out the project including ex-
isting switches.
10. New circuits as indicated on the Renovated Drawings and re-
moval of circuits and wiring to be discontinued. Existing
Kitchen area and Laundry wiring shall be disconnected and
equipment shall be removed, new circuits, and wiring includ-
ing receptacles and switches shall be installed.
11. Furnish and install new fixtures at front and rear doors of
each apartment with controlling switches.
12. Furnish and install new receptacles in locations indicated.
13. Furnish and install new Electrical Fixtures as indicated on
the drawings, and removal of existing to be replaced.
14. Master Antenna Television System in Conjunction with the
Continental Cable Vision installation.
A. All electrical systems shall be tested and written certified
results of the following submitted to the Owner:
1. Complete acceptance testing of all permanent distribution equip-
ment furnished and installed under this Contract.
B. Final Inspection:
1. To obtain acceptance of his work the Contractor shall show in a
joint inspection with the Electrical Engineer, Job Superinten-
dent, and Owner personnel:
a. That the work of installation is complete in accordance with
the Plans and Specifications.
b. That the required tests performed indicate satisfactory
c. That the necessary inspections and inspections' certificates
have been obtained.
d. That all parts of the system have been energized at normal
working voltage and that each piece of equipment covered by
this Contract has functioned satisfactorily in a test of
.e. All permits shall be turned over to the Owners at completion.
Florence Heights 16A-05
2. E-2 Existing Basement Plan, 6 Apt. Building, No. 6.
E 3. E-3 Existing First and Second Floor Plans 6 Apt. Building No.6.
4. E-4 Renovations Basement, First and Second Floor Plans, 4 Apt.
Buildings. No 1 thru 5 and 7 thru 12.
5. E-5 Renovations Basement Plan 6 Apt. Building. Building No. 6
6. E-6 Renovations First and Second Floor Plans 6 Apt. Building.
Building No. 6.
7. ME-1 Site Plan.
B. Contractor shall refer to these and to all other drawings for a
full comprehension of the work to be done, and for conditions af-
fecting the location and placement of his equipment and materials.
These drawings are intended to be supplementary to the Specifica-
tions, and any work indicated, mentioned, or implied in either is
to be considered as specified by both. This Contractor, before in-
stalling any of his work shall see that it does not interfere with
the clearances required for finished work as shown on architectural
drawings and details. Work installed by this Contractor which
interferes with or modifies the architectural design as shown on
the Contract drawings shall be changed as directed by the Architect
and all incidental costs for such changes shall be paid by the
Contractor. Should the character of the work herein contemplated
or any matter pertaining thereto, be not sufficiently explained in
the Specifications or on the drawings, this Contractor shall apply
to the Architect for more information and shall conform to such
when given, as it may be consistent with the original intent.
A. This Contractor shall provide his own portable extension lines and
obtain 120 volt, 60 cycle, single phase electric power from General
Contractor to drive his machines and light his work. He shall
provide his own light bulbs, plugs and sockets, etc.
A. Work under this section shall include but not be limited to
1. New Electrical Panelboards.
2. New Electrical Entrances to 12 Buildings, and the ComT mity
3. Wire Conduit and Fittings.
4. New Feeders and Branch Circuits.
.5. New Meter Sockets and meters.
6. Removal of existing Meters and Sockets.
7. New Fire Alarm Systems.
8. New grounded receptacles installed through out the project,
Florence Heights 16A-04
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and usless the Archi-
tect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient product
data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials (all as required
and determined by the Architect) for a proper evaluation of the
quality of the proposed substitution to that which has been speci-
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate the
work under this section with related work under other Sections.
B. The following work shall be accomplished by the General Contractor
at no expense to this Plumbing Contractor.
1. Cutting and patching of floors, ceilings, walls or roofs except for
the installation of hangers. Core drilling by Electrical Contract-
2. Painting.
3. Concrete work.
4. Carpentry. ( Painted Backboards for Meters, Panels and Telephone
shall be furnished and installed by the Electrical Contractor) .
5. Excavation and Backfill
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropriately addressed
by the entity responsible for the work under this Section.
A. See Section 1G - Temporary Facilities for information relative to
the availability of and responsiblity for temporary facilities.
A. This Section of the Specifications is a Filed Sub-Bid.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as required
on the following Contract Drawings unless specifically indicated to
the -contrary:
1. E-1 Existing Basement, First and Second Floor Plans 4 Apartment
Buildings No. 1 Thru 5, and No. 7 thru 12.
Florence Heights. 16A-03
B. Observe manufacturers' , producers' , and the industry accepted temp--
erature and weather condition limitations for the installation of
materials, products, systems, etc. , in force.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide necessary
labor, equpment, forms, moulds, container, etc. , in conjunction
with testing of materials to verify compliance with requirements of
the Contract Documents, such testing to be paid for by the
Contractor and accomplished by a Licensed Testing Laboratory sel-
ected by the owner from three proposed by the Contractor.
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be deliverd in man-
ufacturers/producers' packaging complete with installation and when
appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitablility for incorp-
oration in the work.
A. Submit a minimum of Six (6) copies of Shop Drawings, Product Data,
etc. , for the following items bo be installed under this Section
for the Architects Approval. Submittals on other items may be
required by the Architect.
1. Panelboards. 6. Switches and Receptacles.
2. Circuit Breakers. 7. Fixtures.
3. Transformers. 8. Ballasts. (Energy Saving) .
4. Disconnect Switches. 9. Fire Alarm System.
5. Starters. 10. MATV SYSTEM.
A. No subsitiutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers have
been specified unless the Contractor con demonstrate through
written evidence from such manufacturers that timely submission of
required submittals and timely issuance of Purchase Orders would
none the less result in a reasonable and measurable doubt that the
approved Contruction Progress Schedule could not be met unless sub-
stitution of another manufacturer is permitted.
Florence Heights. 16A-02
A. Examine Part A-Bidding and Contract Requirements and Division 1
• General Requirements which are hereby made a part of this Section.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures, all
Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual includ-
ing other Sections of the Specifications for requirements which
may affect the work of this Sections.
C. Available Original Construction Drawings for the project have been
been provided for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were noted
in the Architects random review with such observed discrepancies
being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the Modernization
r of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall investigate and evaluate
all discrepancies between the Original Construction Drawings, the
Contract Drawings for the Modernization of Florence Heights, and
all existing conditions in the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance with the
applicable portions of: Codes, Ordinances, Regulations, etc, in
force; the Reference Standards, the recormiendations of the manu-
facturers and/or the producer of the materials, products, systems,
etc. involved and with the best trade practices and quality of
workmanship of the industry. In the event of a conflict between
any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be referred to the
Architect whose decision shall be final and binding.
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of
the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as all Referenced
Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by Codes, Ordinance
Regulations, etc. , in force.
Florence Heights. 16A-01
A. Contractor shall visit the job site and determine the nature and
extent of the work involved.
A. Certain equipment is to be removed under these specifications. Eq-
uipment to be removed, and not reused shall at the owners option
become their property, equipment removed, that does not become the
property of the owners shall become the property of the Heating
Contractor, and shall be removed from the premises by him.
A. All piping shown on the drawings is diagramatic, and exact location
is subject to the approval of the Architect. All piping shall be
r concealed wherever possible, and exposed only where permitted by
the Architect. Piping shall run true and straight to proper pitch,
and shall be firmly supported without strain. Screwed joints shall
be made up with pipe compound applied to the male threads only.
Ream all pipe before assembly. Do not use lead wool or peaning to
repair leaks. Vertical risers shall be supported at the floor with
riser clamps firmly attached (not resting thereon) to the floor or
building frame. Pipes passing through floors, concrete, or masonry
walls shall be centered in sleeves or steel pipe set.
B. Valves shall be so placed as to be readily accessible. Valves
shall not be installed with the stem inclined at more than 90 de-
grees from the upright position. The stuffing boxes of all valves
shall be packed with new wicking and drips eliminated.
A. This Heating Contractor shall disconnect the existing gas ranges.
Gag ranges shall be removed from the premises by the General
Contractor at no expense to this Heating Contractor.
Florence Heights. 15B-09
OW A. This heating contractor shall furnish and install for each apart-
ment where indicated on the basement drawings, one 4" aluminum
vent cap. Vent cap shall be installed in 18 gage sheet metal,
secured to the sash . Sheet metal shall be the size of one pane of
glass. Remove existing pane of glass and install sheet metal, and
secure vent cap to sheet metal, and metal to window sash. Sheet
metal shall be galvanized. Dryer vent shall have one 3'0 aluminum
pipe and elbow attached and shall be filled with fibreglass blanket
insulation. Caulk between sheet metal and glass frame.
A. Furnish T87 Minneapolis Honeywell thermostats, to the Electrical
Contractor for installion and wiring by the Electrical Contractor.
One thermostat for each apartment. Existing thermostats shall be
removed by the Heating Sub-Contractor, and disconnected by the
Electrical Contractor. Existing thermostats shall become the
property of the Northampton Housing Authority, and shall be
delivered to them. Thermostats three wire.
A. Heating Contractor shall make all final connections to new gas
ranges. Gas ranges shall be set in place by others. Furnish and
install gas cock at each range connection. Contractor shall start
at existing mains, extend gas to new location of gas mains, and
remove existing gas piping not re-used.
A. This Heating Contractor shall furnish and install under this Con-
tract a new gas entrance for the Proposed Community Building. Ar-
range with the Bay State Gas Company for new entrance. See Site
Plan ME-1 for proposed location of Comrnmity Building. Pay all
fees required for gas entrance.
'` Florence Heights 15B-08
A. Work to comply with American Gas Association, Local ordinances and
utility company requirements, and with Massachusetts Gas Code
B. Pipe gas to each piece of equipment requiring the use of gas.
C. Start at existing connections at mains and revamp gas piping as
required for new connection to new gas range locations. Existing
gas piping and fittings not to be reused shall be removed by this
Heating Contractor.
D. Piping-Schedule 40 black steel with black malleable iron fittings.
All piping in compliance with the Massachusetts gas code. Provide
gas cock at each range connection.
E. Unions - 150 lbs. at all pieces of equipment. Make final connect-
ion to ranges by the use of unions.
F. Hangers - Band hangers, lag machine thread rods. Side beam clamps
and machine rods, as required to support gas piping.
G. All joints shall be made up with shellac, and tested with 100
pounds air pressure for a period of six hours or in accordance with
local rules and regulations.
A. Furnish and install for the each piece of existing cast iron rad-
iation hangers or supports to secure the radiation to the walls.
Supports shall consist of 3/8" lag rod, with machine thread on one
end, and lag on other end. Provide steel plate to span a minimum
of two sections of the radiation. Install hex head nut exterior to
the steel plate and peen over the end of the machine thread so the
nut cannot be removed. Lag rods shall be attached to the studs.
Steel plate shall be installed within the inner tube of the sec-
tions, and shall maintain the existing space between the wall and
the. radiation. Radiation over 10 sections shall have two lag rods
and steel plates installed. Determine location of studs before
drilling holes for lag rods.
Florence Heights. 158-07
A. Contractor shall give full cooperation to other trades and shall
furnish (in writing with copies to Architect) any information
necessary to permit the work of all trades to be installed satis-
factorily and with least possible interference and delay.
B. Where the work of the Contractor will be installed in close prox-
imity to the work of other trades or where there is evidence that
the work will interfere with the work of other trades, he shall
assist in working out space conditions to make satisfactory
A. Guarantee all materials and workmanship for a period of one year
from the date of substantial completion as determined by the Archi-
B. The Contractor shall, during the period of the guarantee, replace
or repair at his own expense any piece of equipment and/ or mate-
rials which found to be defective. The replacement or repair shall
be done as notified by the Architect, or authorized by his repre-
sentatives. The Contractor shall also repair all damage to sur-
rounding work caused by failure and repair or replace the defective
equipment or material.
1.18 TESTS
A. Conduct such tests and adjustments of equipment as specified or
necessary to verify performance requirements. Submit data taken
during such tests to Architect. Pay all professional engineering
fees involved in required testing of equipment.
B. No pipes shall be backfilled, covered, or concealed until tests
have been approved.
C. Architect/Engineer and all authorities having jurisdiction shall be
given proper notice and ample time before tests are made. A pre-
liminary test shall be made before witness of final test is re-
quested. Piping shall be retested as often as necessary to prove
such work tight at pressures and for periods specified. Defects
disclosed by tests shall be repaired or replaced with new work at
no extra cost to the Owner.
Florence Heights 15B-06
for and other Contractors, sufficiently in advance of the work, so
that all openings may be built in advance. He shall also furnish
all sleeves, supports, etc. , so that the General Contractor may
build same in place. In case of failure to give proper information
as noted above, this Contractor will be required to pay for cutting
and patching to be performed by the General Contractor.
A. The work shall be performed in such a manner as to conform to the
codes and regulations governing such work, as may be required by
Local and State Ordinances. This Contractor shall submit two sets
of drawings to the public authority charged with inspecting the
work of this Contractor for approval and shall receive one approved
set from such authority before commencing any work. The approved
drawings shall be forwarded to the Architect immediately. This
Contractor shall secure all permits required for installation of
his materials and shall pay all fees required for such permits.
A. All necessary tools, machinery, scaffolding, and transportation for
completion of this work shall be provided, and all waste or broken
material resulting from this work shall be removed, by this Con-
tractor. This Contractor shall at all times fully protect his work
and materials from injury or loss by others. Any injury or loss
which may occur shall be made good without cost to the Owner. He
shall provide for the delivery of all his materials and fixtures to
the building when required, so as to carry on the work in the most
efficient manner. He shall be responsible for the proper protec-
tion of all his material until the building is accepted by the
A. It is the intention of the Specifications and drawings to call for
finished work, tested, and ready for operation.
B. Any apparatus, appliance, material, or work not shown on the draw-
ings but not mentioned in the Specifications or vice versa, or any
incidental accessories necessary to make the work complete and per-
fect in all respects, and ready for operation, even if not parti-
cularly specified shall be furnished, delivered, and installed by
the contractor without additional cost to the Owners.
C. Minor details not usually shown or specified, but necessary for the
proper installation and operation shall be included in the work and
in the Contractor's estimate, the same as if herein specified.
Florence Heights 15B-05
4. ME-1 Site Plan.
B. Contractor shall refer to these and to all other drawings for a
full comprehension of the work to be done, and for conditions af-
fecting the location and placement of his equipment and materials.
These drawings are intended to be supplementary to the Specifica-
tions, and any work indicated, mentioned, or implied in either is
to be considered as specified by both. This Contractor, before in-
stalling any of his work shall see that it does not interfere with
the clearances required for finished work as shown on architectural
drawings and details. Work installed by this Contractor which
interferes with or modifies the architectural design as shown on
the Contract drawings shall be changed as directed by the Architect
and all incidental costs for such changes shall be paid by the
Contractor. Should the character of the work herein contemplated
or any matter pertaining thereto, be not sufficiently explained in
the Specifications or on the drawings, this Contractor shall apply
to the Architect for more information and shall conform to such
when given, as it may be consistent with the original intent.
A. This Contractor shall provide his own portable extension lines and
obtain 120 volt, 60 cycle, single phase electric power from General
t Contractor to drive his machines and light his work. He shall
provide his own light bulbs, plugs and sockets, etc.
A. Work under this section shall include but not be limited to
1. Furnish and install materials and supports required for the
relocation of the gas piping for the ranges.
2. Furnish and install vents from dryers. Vents shall be 4"
with 4 " vent cap installed in basement window. Remove exist
pane of glass, blank off area not used with sheet metal.
3. Furnish to the electrical contractor, new Heating Thermostats
for existing control valves.
4. Furnish and install for each piece of existing cast iron rad-
iation now installed, wall hangers to secure the radiation to
the walls.
A. This Contracter shall give full information to the General Contrac-
Florence Heights. 15B-04
t B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and usless the Archi-
tect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient product
data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials (all as required
and determined by the Architect) for a proper evaluation of the
quality of the proposed substitution to that which has been speci-
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate the
work under this section with related work under other Sections.
B. The following work shall be accomplished by the General Contractor
at no expense to this Heating Contractor.
1. Cutting and patching of floors, ceilings, walls or roofs except for
the installation of hangers and supports.
2. Painting.
3. Electric Wiring.
4. Concrete work.
5. Carpentry.
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropriately addressed
by the entity responsible for the work under this Section.
A. See Section 1G - Temporary Facilities for information relative to
the availability of and responsiblity for temporary facilities.
A. This Section of the Specifications is a Filed Sub-Bid.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as required
on the following Contract Drawings unless specifically indicated to
the contrary:
1. H-1 Basement, First and Second Floor 4 Apartment Buildings,
No. 1 Thru 5, and No. 7 thru 12.
2. H-2 Basement Plan, 6 Apt. Building, No. 6.
3. H-3 First and Second Floors 6 Apt. Building No.6.
Florence Heights. 15B-03
B. Observe manufacturers' producers' , and the industry, p accepted temp-
erature and weather condition limitations for the installation of
materials, products, systems, etc. , in force.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide necessary
labor, equpment, forms, moulds, container, etc. , in conjunction
with testing of materials to verify compliance with requirements of
the Contract Documents, such testing to be paid for by the
Contractor and accomplished by a Licensed Testing Laboratory sel-
ected by the owner from three proposed by the Contractor.
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be deliverd in man-
ufacturers/producers' packaging complete with installation and when
appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitablility for incorp-
oration in the work.
A. Submit a minimum of Six (6) copies of Shop Drawings, Product Data,
etc. , for the following items bo be installed under this Section
for the Architects Approval. Submittals on other items may be
required by the Architect.
1. Thermostats.
2. Insulation.
3. Radiation Hangers or supports.
4. Vents for Dryers.
A. No subsitiutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers have
been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate through
written evidence from such manufacturers that timely submission of
required submittals and timely issuance of Purchase Orders would
none the less result in a reasonable and measurable doubt that the
approved Contruction Progress Schedule could not be met unless sub-
stitution of another manufacturer is permitted.
Florence Heights 15B-02
A. Examine Part A-Bidding and Contract Requirements and Division 1
General Requirements which are hereby made a part of this Section.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures, all
Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual includ-
ing other Sections of the Specifications for requirements which
may affect the work of this Sections.
C. Available Original Construction Drawings for the project have been
been provided for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were noted
in the Architects random review with such observed discrepancies
being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the Modernization
of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall investigate and evaluate
all discrepancies between the Original Construction Drawings, the
Contract Drawings for the Modernization of Florence Heights, and
all existing conditions in the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance with the
applicable portions of: Codes, Ordinances, Regulations, etc, in
force; the Reference Standards, the recommendations of the manu-
facturers and/or the producer of the materials, products, systems,
etc. involved and with the best trade practices and quality of
workmanship of the industry. In the event of a conflict between
any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be referred to the
Architect whose decision shall be final and binding.
A. All.-materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of
the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as all Referenced
Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by Codes, Ordinance
Regulations, etc. , in force.
Florence Heights. 15B-01
this one year period normally published by the manufacturer.
A. Furnish to General Contractor for installation flush type access
doors or panels for all valves, cleanouts, or apparatus located in
chases, walls, or floors, .finish shall be chrome plated or stain-
less steel. 18 x 18 " access panels under sinks shall be prime
coat finish ready for painting.
B. When panel occurs in wall which is of plaster, furnish to General
Contractor for installation flush panels complete with metal frame.
Panels are subject to approval of Engineer.
C. Panels installed in firewalls shall be fire-rated for the same
period as the walls are rated for. IE : 2 hours for a 2 hour
wall, 1 1/2 hours for a 1 1/2 hour rated wall. Access panels shall
screw driver operated locks.
A. This Plumbing Sub-Contractor shall disconnect the following equip-
ment to be removed from the premisis by the general contractor, at
no expense to the Plumbing Contractor.
1. Set Tubs in the basements.
2. Lavatories.
3. Water Closets.
4. Kitchen Sinks.
A. The Plumbing Sub-Contractor shall furnish the following items to be
utilized as spares for future installation as required.
1. 4 sets of Kitchen Faucets as specified.
2. 4 sets of Lavatory Faucets as specified.
3. 6 Sill Cocks as specified.
Florence Heights. 15A-13
A. Piping and equipment. All piping and equipment shall be installed
in a neat workmanlike manner. Piping shall be installed parallel
to building walls, with provision for expansion as necessary and to
accurate grades and lines.
B. Hangers and supports. Furnish and install supports, hangers, and
all other appliances necessary to support firmly and substantially
the apparatus described in this Section of the Specifications.
C. All piping shall be supported at distances not greater than 8'0"
by means of hangers or supports.
A. All new equipment, piping, fittings, and associated items installed
under this Contract shall be tested by the Contractor in the pres-
ence of the Engineer or his representative and or Plumbing Inspect-
or. The equipment, materials, and labor to perform this test shall
be furnished by this Contractor. The Inspector shall be notified
when the system is ready for the tests. All pipes must remain un-
covered in every part until they successfully passed the tests.
B. The rough water supply system, including hot and cold lines, shall
shall be plugged, then tested and proved tight under a pressure of
125 pounds per square inch before the system is flushed and placed
in service.
C. Any defects or leaks resulting from the disturbance of the existing
piping shall be corrected or replaced by the Contractor to the sat-
isfaction of the Engineer.
A. This Contractor shall guarantee all material and workmanship fur-
nished by him to be free from all defects for a period of one year
from the date of substantial completion, The Contractor shall
make good, repair, or replace any defective work which may develop
within that time at his own expense and without expense to the
Owner. He shall extend to the Owner any warranties running beyond
Florence Heights. 15A-12
of hot water, cold water risers, entrances and meters as indicated
on the drawings.
A. This Plumbing Sub-Contractor shall furnish and install complete,
1" cold water entrance for -the future Community Building. Furnish
and install curb cock and box at connection in the street. Corm-
shall be made in accordance with the City of Northampton's require-
ments. Piping shall be type "K" soft, with flared fittings. Excav-
ation, backfill, and repair of street surfaces shall be accomplish-
ed by other sections of these specifications at no expense to this
Plumbing Sub-Contractor. Terminate piping where indicated on the
Site Drawing. ME-1. Mark location for future connection.
B. Pay all fees required by the City of Northampton for the cold water
entrance and connection.
A. Furnish for installation by others, copper flashings 16 Oz. for all
existing stacks to be extended thru the new pitched roof. Flashing
shall extend up over the top of the vent outlet and terminate with-
in the stack. Copper flashings shall conform to the slope of the
t new roof.
A. Existing set tubs in the basements shall be removed, and new stand-
pipes shall be installed for clothes washing machines. Stand pipes
shall be constructed of 1 1/2 " copper, with 1 1/2 X 2" copper con-
centric couplings. Re-vamp existing sanitary connection to
existing set tub to accomodate new standpipe. Connect to exist
vent. Support standpipe independent of sanitary and vent
A. Furnish and install sill cocks indicated on the drawings. . Sill
cocks shall be Mansfield, fig. 578, with vacuum breaker integral
with unit, 3/4" size. Furnish and install on each sill cock to
remain, 3/4" stop and waste valve.
Florence Heights. 15A-11
opposite side of studs. Height of lavatory as required by Archtect.
Provide 1 1/2" X 1 1/4" C.P. P trap. Alter waste vent, hot and cold
water connections within wall to suit new height.
Bathtub shall be as specified for other apartments or units. Bottom
interior of tub shall be slip -resistant. Alter hot and cold water
piping to connect to Handicap shower. Tub shower unit shall be S96-401
XT3 symmons tub and hand shower unit, 3 GPM flow restrictor, 30"
chrome slide bar, temperature limit stop, wall and hand shower with
59" of flexible hose, wall connection with flange.
A. All existing hot water, cold water and recirculating hot water
piping where exposed in the basements or in boiler rooms shall be
insulated with fibreglass, 3/4", and dual temperature vapor barrier
jacket. All fittings, flanges and valves shall be insulated with
fibreglass wrap, and Zeston (or equal) fittings. Seal all joints
vapor proof.
B. The insulation contractor shall visit the project, and determine
for himself the amount and sizes required to insulate the existing
piping, valves, and fittings.
C. All new hot water, cold water, and recirculating hot water piping
installed under this contract shall be insulated as specified for
existing hot water, cold water, recirculating hot water piping,
valves and fittings.
A. Piping shall be adequately supported. Type L copper, solder joints
Hangers copper plated. (Lead Free Solder. )
B. Ball valves shall be utilized for gate valves. Ball valves shall
be Watts, Apollo, Wolverine or Jamesbury with bronze bodies and
stainless steel ball. 1/4 turn to full open.
C. Water pressure test shall be applied to supply piping before equip-
ment is connected. Hydrostatic pressure of not less than 150 psi
shall be applied, two (2) hours.
D. Furnish and install for clothes washing machines, Symmons W 400
valves, with check valves on inlets.
E. Furnish and install valves indicated on the drawings for isolation
Florence Heights. 15A-10
shower mixing valves with new over rim filler. Shower shall be
Symmons, 96-2XL2 with two gpm shower head mounted 614" to inlet
above floor (maximum). Set at 110 degrees. Provide over rim
filler with diverter and shower arm, chrome plated. Provide
volume control in shower head. Cutting and patching by General
Contractor at no expense to this Contractor.
52409 Wolverine 25 X 22" self rimming, 4 holes, sound deadened,
302 stainless steel, 18 gage, Just, Elkay, with stops separate
on hot and cold water. stainless steel sink strainer, with tail-
piece, 52808, Neoprene stopper. Faucet, Finale, Wolverine, with
spray, 8" one piece cast brass spout, 1/2" straight I.P. shanks,
metal handles, 52431 Wolverine. Full off, full on 1/4 turn, with
removeable cartridge, canopy handles. Areator, double 0 ring
spout seal. Sinks are located on wet walls, but are in different
locations than where now installed. Alter waste, vent, hot and
cold water connections as required for new location.
Furnish and install liners for the existing bathtubs. Existing
waste and overflow shall be removed. Liners shall be Uni-Form
Type A. Liners shall be installed by the manufacturer of the
units. The manufacturer shall caulk all seams, where dis-similar
materials meet or where seams are part of the installation.
Caulk material shall be of the manufacturers standard install-
ation products, and shall be guranteed for a period of one year
Liner shall fit the tubs without bubbles, or air spaces between
the tub and liner. Liners shall be white. Liners shall be as
manufactured by the Universal Plastics Corporation, 165 Front
Street, Chicopee Massachusetts.
Plumbing Contractor shall furnish and install new bath waste and
overflow unit in each existing bath tub. Bath waste and overflow
shall be Wolverine 52429. Cutting and Patching by General
Contractor at no expense to this Plumbing Contractor.
NOTE. The above items specified as Wolverine, and the tub liner spec-
ified shall be furnished as specified. These items are items
standardized on by the Northampton Housing Authority, and has
been approved by a vote of the Board.
Lavatory shall be furnished and installed with wrist handle faucet
Heritage centerset with pop-up drain, 4" centers. Am. Standard
2103.786 2.5 GPM flow restrictor. 1 1/4" C.P. Tailpiece. Lavatory
Declyn Vitrous China 19 X 17 " 0321.026 with wall hanger. Provide thru
bolts and back up steel plate to be installed within the wall on the
Florence Heights. 15A-09
3. All fixtures shall have the manufacturer's warranty label or
trademark indicating first quality. All acid resisting enam-
eled ware shall bear the manufacturer's symbol signifying acid
resistant material.
4. All exposed fixtures, brass goods, and trimmings, including
faucets, traps, waste.; strainers, escutcheons, supplies to
lavatories and water closets shall be chromium plated.
5. All surfaces shall be clean of dirt, dust, and foreign mater-
ial before installation of any plumbing fixture.
6. All joints between the fixtures and walls or floors shall be
sealed against water penetration.
7. Plumbing Sub-Contractor shall furnish all supports, brackets,
bolts, etc., for proper installation of any fixtures requiring
support. They shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and, if necessary, shall be built into place
as the building progresses. This Contractor shall be held
responsible for the stability and proper support of all
plumbing fixtures. Unless otherwise noted, catalogue numbers
are those of American Standard.
Water Saver, Cadet 2122.453 or 2124.336 round front, siphon
jet action bowl with close coupled, with water saving trim. 2
bolt caps, 12 inch rough, or 14 inch rough as required, closet
wax, deep floor flange, and seat. Seat Church 5330.022, with
cover Provide supply, chrome plated, with stop. Tank
fittings, backflow preventer, water control, with volume
regulator, flush valve, and trip lever waste. Color White.
Seat white. Supplies, Wolverine, Blue Line, 52004.
Regalyn lavatory, wall hung, with wall hanger, soap depression
19 X 1711, 4869.012, Wolverine FINALE faucet, removeable cart-
ridges, full on and off, 1/4 turn, integral inlet shanks,
brass lock and coupling nuts, triple chrome plated, with
aerator, 52441, metal handles, 1 1/4" 17 ga. tailpiece with
C.P.Pop-up. Wolverine C.P. Brass P trap with C.P. Escutcheon.
1 1/4 X 1 1/2" 52285. Supplies with stop, C.P. Wolverine,
52002. 2.75 GPM flow restrictor.
Existing hot water and cold water valves in existing bathtubs
shall be removed. Piping shall be altered to receive new
Florence Heights. 15A-08
1. This Sub-Contractor shall furnish and install all fixtures in
accordance with the drawings and schedule in this Specifica-
2. All plumbing fixtures shall be provided with individual stops
at the fixtures. Chrome plated with flexible supplies.
3. All traps, nipples, plates, escutcheons, and appurtenances
shall be furnished for a complete installation. C.P.
1. Plumbing fixtures shall be of the best quality as fabricated
by a manufacturer of established reputation whose products
have been in constant use for not less than ten years.
2. Fixtures shall be similar in design, size, quality, and type,
as manufactured by American Standard, Crane, Kohler. The
manufacturer's trademarks and numbers for fixtures referred to
herein are intended to establish the standards of quality,
size, design, and type desired.
3. All fixtures shall be by the same manufacturer throughout.
1. All vitreous fixtures shall be best quality, regular selec-
tion, vitreous china thoroughly fused and vitrified, producing
a white material which, when fractured, shall show homogeneous
mass with close grain and freedom from pores. All surfaces
coming in contact with walls, floors, or surfaces of other
fixtures shall be reasonably flat.
2. Enameled cast-iron ware shall be quality acid resisting enam-
elware of the best grade manufactured. The demensions spec-
ified shall be followed to within 1 inch in width and length.
Iron ware shall have porcelain enamel coat thoroughly fused on
the surfaces required. Enamel shall be of smooth, even thick-
ness; white, and free from cracks, discolorations, chips, and
other flaws. Exterior exposed surfaces not required to be
enameled shall be treated with one coat of filler at the
Florence Heights 15A-07
A. The work shall be performed in such a manner as to conform to the
the codes and regulations governing such work, as may be required
by Local and State Ordinances. This Contractor shall submit two
sets of drawings to the public authority charged with inspecting
the work of this Contractor for approval and shall receive one
approved set from such authority before commencing any work. The
approved drawings shall be forwarded to the Architect immediately.
This Contractor shall secure all permits required for installation
and shall pay all fees req�Ared for such permits.
A. This Contractor shall maintain a record of all changes in the
plumbing work as installed by him and shall submit one set of re-
producible record drawings on cloth and two sets of black on white
prints showing the "as built" conditions of the plumbing systems.
Final payment will not be made until these record drawings have
been received and approved.
A. All necessary tools, machinery, scaffolding, and transportation for
completion of this work shall be provided, and all waste or broken
material resulting from this work shall be removed, by this Con-
tractor. This Contractor shall at all times fully protect his work
and materials from injury or loss by others. Any injury or loss
which may occur shall be made good without cost to the Owner. He
shall provide for the delivery of all his materials and fixtures to
the building when required, so as to carry on the work in the most
efficient manner. He shall be responsible for the proper protec-
tion of all his material until the building is accepted by the
Florence Heights 15A-06
valves to be set for 110 degrees mixed temperature.
\ 7. Furnish and install new clothes washer hose valves with
vacuum breakers and check valves on both hot and cold water
8. New connection to the existing water main in the street and
installation of 1 inch Type K cold water to the proposed
new Community Building. All joints shall be flared copper.
Provide curb cock and box in street. Waste for Camirdty
Building shall be furnished and installed by the General Con-
tractor at no expense to this Plumbing Contractor. Gas for
the Comrnmity Building shall be furnished and installed under
the Heating Contract.
9. Insulate all existing and new hot, recirculating hot and cold
water piping, valves and fittings within the building where
exposed. (Quantities and sizes required shall be ascertained
at the jobsite prior to bidding. )
10. Furnish and install for each existing boiler make-up feed
piping connection, Watts No 900 backflow preventer. 12 re-
11. Extend existing Vents through new sloped roof to be install-
ed under this Contract. Provide Copper flashings which are
to extend up and over vent outlets.
12. Furnish and install all isolation valves indicated on the
drawings for the existing hot and cold water risers. Furnish
and install valves indicated for cold water entrances and
cold water meters. Remove existing valves. New valves
shall be ball type, with lever handle.
A. In general, all utilities including water supply, and sanitary sew-
ers are available for connecting within the existing buildings. The
water connection for the New Community Building shall be furnished
and installed under this contract. Terminate as indicated on the
Site drawing ME-1. Connect to existing water main in the street.
Provide curb cock and box. Pay all fees required to the City of
Northampton for water entrance. Cap as indicated.
A. This Contracter shall give full information to the General Contrac-
tor and other Contractors, sufficiently in advance of the work, so
that all openings may be built in advance. He shall also furnish
all sleeves, supports, etc. , so that the General Contractor may
build same in place. In case of failure to give proper information
as noted above, this Contractor will be required to pay for cutting
and patching to be performed by the General Contractor.
Florence Heights. 15A-05
t 4. ME-1 Site Plan.
B. Contractor shall refer to these and to all other drawings for a
full comprehension of the work to be done, and for conditions af-
fecting the location and placement of his equipment and materials.
These drawings are intended to be supplementary to the Specifica-
tions, and any work indicated, mentioned, or implied in either is
to be considered as specified by both. This Contractor, before in-
stalling any of his work shall see that it does not interfere with
the clearances required for finished work as shown on architectural
drawings and details. Work installed by this Contractor which
interferes with or modifies the architectural design as shown on
the Contract drawings shall be changed as directed by the Architect
and all incidental costs for such changes shall be paid by the
Contractor. Should the character of the work herein contemplated
or any matter pertaining thereto, be not sufficiently explained in
the Specifications or on the drawings, this Contractor shall apply
to the Architect for more information and shall conform to such
when given, as it may be consistent with the original intent.
A. This Contractor shall provide his own portable extension lines and
obtain 120 volt, 60 cycle, single phase electric power from General
Contractor to drive his machines and light his work. He shall
provide his own light bulbs, plugs and sockets, etc.
A. Work under this section shall include but not be limited to
1. Disconnection of existing laundry set tubs, and revamping
waste for new standpipe for clothes washers.
2. Furnish and install new plumbing fixtures for Kitchen, and
Bathroom areas, including stops on the kitchen sinks, and
C.P. Stops on lavatory and water closet. Disconnect existing
fixtures not to be re-used.
3. Furnishing and installing new starts for the lavatories and
kitchen sinks. This refers to nipple between trap and waste
4. Removal of existing kitchen sinks, lavatories, bath tubs,
laundry set tubs and water closets shall be accomplished by
General Contractor
5. New wax, deep throat floor flanges, closet bolts and bolt cap
6. Furnish and install new over rim filler, mixing valve with
stops, arm and shower head, with diverter valve. All shower
Florence Heights. 15A-04
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the Archi-
tect has been supplied upp by the Contractor with sufficient product
data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials (all as required
and determined by the Architect) for a proper evaluation of the
quality of the proposed substitution to that which has been speci-
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate the
work under this section with related work under other Sections.
B. The following work shall be accomplished by the General Contractor
at no expense to this Plumbing Contractor.
1. Cutting and patching of floors, ceilings, walls or roofs except for
the installation of hangers.
2. Painting.
3. Electric Wiring.
4. The installtion of concrete work.
5. Carpentry.
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropriately addressed
by the entity responsible for the work under this Section.
A. See Section 1C - Temporary Facilities for information relative to
the availability of and responsiblity for temporary facilities.
A. This Section of the Specifications is a Filed Sub-Bid.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as required
on the following Contract Drawings unless specifically indicated to
the contrary:
1. .P-1 Basement, First and Second Floor 4 Apartment Buildings,
No. 1 Thru 5, and No. 7 thru 12.
2. P-2 Basement Plan, 6 Apt. Building, No. 6.
3. P-3 First and Second Floors 6 Apt. Building No.6.
Florence Heights. 15A-03
'* B. Observe manufacturers' , producers' , and the industry accepted temp-
( erature and weather condition limitations for the installation of
materials, products, systems, etc. , in force.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide necessary
labor, equpment, forms, moulds, container, etc., in conjunction
with testing of materials to verify compliance with requirements of
the Contract Documents, such testing to be paid for by the
Contractor and accomplished by a Licensed Testing Laboratory sel-
ected by the owner from three proposed by the Contractor.
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be deliverd in man-
ufacturers/producers' packaging complete with installation and when
appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitablility for incorp-
oration in the work.
A. Submit a minimum of Six (6) copies of Shop Drawings, Product Data,
etc. , for the following items bo be installed under this Section
for the Architects Approval. Submittals on other items may be
required by the Architect.
1. Plumbing fixtures.
2. Insulation.
3. Trim.
4. Valves.
5. Piping materials.
A. No subsitiutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers have
been specified unless the Contractor con demonstrate through
written evidence from such manufacturers that timely submission of
required submittals and timely issuance of Purchase Orders would
none the less result in a reasonable and measurable doubt that the
approved Contruction Progress Schedule could not be met unless sub-
stitution of another manufacturer is permitted.
Florence Heights. 15A-02
A. Examine Part A-Bidding and Contract Requirements and Division 1
General Requirements which are hereby made a part of this Section.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures, all
Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual includ-
ing other Sections of the Specifications for requirements which
may affect the work of this Sections.
C. Available Original Construction Drawings for the project have been
been provided for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were noted
in the Architects random review with such observed discrepancies
being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the Modernization
of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall investigate and evaluate
all discrepancies between the Original Construction Drawings, the
Contract Drawings for the Modernization of Florence Heights, and
all existing conditions in the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance with the
applicable portions of: Codes, Ordinances, Regulations, etc, in
force; the Reference Standards, the recommendations of the manu-
facturers and/or the producer of the materials, products, systems,
etc. involved and with the best trade practices and quality of
workmanship of the industry. In the event of a conflict between
any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be referred to the
Architect whose decision shall be final and binding.
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of
the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as all Referenced
Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by Codes, Ordinance
Regulations, etc. , in force.
Florence Heights 15A-01
3.11 Cleaning
A. Upon completion of each surface painted under this contract,
the Contractor shall remove all paint spots and all scraped
material from all floors, plumbing fixtures, glass, electri-
cal fixtures, and switch covers, and finished hardware. He
shall leave the premises free from rubbish caused by his
work and shall present the work clean and free from blemish.
2. Touch-Up and Finish - One Field Coat
DeVoe Metalclad 417xx
1 1. 5 mil dry thickness
B. Metal Doors and Frames
1. Primer - Factory
2. Finish - Two coats
DeVoe Metalclad 417xx
3. 0 mil dry thickness
(1. 5 per coat)
C. Wood
1. Primer - One Coat
DeVoe All-Weather
Primer #1102
2. 0 mil dry thickness
2. Finish - Two Coats
Devoe Regency
House #18xx
2. 8 mil dry thickness
(1. 4 per coat)
D. Masonry
1. Primer - One Coat
DeVoe Bonding
Coat # 16100
2. Finish - One Coat
Filler and Finish
3. 08 Flame Spread
A. Paint material quality as installed, shall be resistant
to Flame-Spread as determined by ASTM-E-119 "Standard
Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials"
in accordance with minimum resistance ratings for the type
of construction.
3. 09 Extra Material
A. Provide one gallon of each coat type of paint required by
the Painting and Finishing Schedule contained herein.
Paint shall be in one-gallon containers clearly marked as
to type and color. A list indicating each type and color
by manufacturer ' s catalog description and where within
the project same was used shall accompany these extra
materials and serve as a receipt for same.
3. 10 Guarantee
A. Contractor shall provide written guarantee for his work for
a period of one year form Date of Compeltion. Contractor
shall repair any defects at no cost to Owner.
C. Ferrous Items (except as noted)
1. DeVoe: One (1) coat - 13101 Metal Primer
C, Two (2) coats -
509XX Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
2. Pratt & Lambert: One (1 ) coat - Metal Alkyd Primer
Two (2 ) coats - Pro-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
3. Glidden: One (1 ) coat- Y-590 Glid Guard Rust
Master Primer
Two (2) coats - Ultra-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
D. Radiators and Heating Pipes
Two coats of heat resistant enamel conforming of Federal
Specification TT-E-496 TYPE I. Apply enamel when surfaces
are less than 1400 F.
E. Do not piant finished hardwrae which has not been previously
painted except that existing reused butts affixed to metal
jambs shall be painted.
G. Brass and Copper Items - If Applicable
i Do not prime any brass or copper items. Apply three (3 )
finish coats.
1 . DeVoe: Three ( 3 ( coats - 509xx Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel
2. Pratt & Lambert: Three (3 ) coats - Pro-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
3. Glidden: Three ( 3 ) coats - Ultra-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
3. 06 Washability
A. Interior finish coat shall privide a washable finish to the
extent of removing ordinary household stains and resistant
to damage from grease, water, detergents, and normal house-
hold cleaners.
3. 07 Painting and Finish Schedule - Exterior
A. Wrought Iron Fencing and Other Ferrous Metals.
1. Primer - One Shop or Field Coat
a. On Base Metal:
DeVoe Metalclad 417xx
1 . 5 mil dry thickness.
b. On Galvanized Metal:
DeVoe Mirrolac 13201
1. 5 Mil dry thickness
4. Repair all defects in exising surfaces equal or smaller
than the size of a U.S. 25 cent coin.
3. 03 Applications
A. Apply each coat at proper consistency.
B. Each coat of paint is . to be slightly darker than preceeding
C. Sand lightly between coats to achieve required finish.
D. Do not apply finishes on surfaces that are not sufficiently
E. Allow each coat of finish to dry before following coat is
applied, unless directed otherwise by manufacturer.
3. 04 Cleaning
A. As work proceeds and upon completion, promptly remove paint
where spilled, splashed or spattered.
B. During progress of work keep premises free form any un-
necessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus mater-
ials and debris.
C. Upon completion of work, leave premises neat and clean, to
the satisfaction of Architect.
3. 05 Painting and Finishing Schedule - Interior
Painting Schedule (Note: Primers are required for previously
unpainted surfaces ) .
A. Woodwork and finish carpentry work for paint finish
1. DeVoe: One (1 ) coat - 51301 Super Enamel Undercoat
Two (2 ) coats - 509XX Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel
2. Pratt & Lambert: One (1 ) coat - Alkyd Primer
Two (2 ) coats - Pro-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
3. Glidden: One (1 ) coat - Alkyd Primer
Two (2 ) coats- 4600 Ultra-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
B. Walls and Ceilings
1'. DeVoe: One (1 ) coat - 50501 Alkyd Primer
Two ( 2 ) coats - 509xx Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
2. Pratt & Lambert: One (1 ) coat - Alkyd Primer
Two (2 ) coats - Pro-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
3. Glidden: One (1 ) coat - Alkyd Primer
Two (2 ) coats - 5950 Ultra-Hide Alkyd
Semi-Gloss Enamel
D. Remove flaking, alligatored, or otherwise unsightly
{ paint, grease, rust, scale, dirt and dust from steel
and iron surfaces. Where heavy coatings of scale are
evident, removed by wire brushing, sandblasting or
or any other necessary method. Ensure steel surfaces
are satisfactory before paint finishing.
E. Clean unprimed steel surfaces by washing with .solvent.,
Apply a treatment of phosphoric acid solution,. ensuring,
weld joints, bolts and nuts are similarly cleaned.
Prime surfaces to indicate defects, if any. Paint
after defects have been remedied. t ; t:
F. Sand and scrape shop primed steel surfaces to remove loose
primer and rust. Feather out edges to sake touch-up
Patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent.
Prime bare steel surfaces.
G. Wipe off dust and grit from miscellaneous wood items and
Millwork prior to priming. Spot coat knots, pitch
streaks and asppy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes
and cracks after primer has dried and sand between coats.
Back exterior woodwork.
H. Thoroughly wash, fill, sand, wire brush and otherwise pre-
pare existing painted surfaces to be repainted per manu-
facturer' s recommendations to result in a smooth, uniform
and unblemished surface.
I. Preparation of Existing Concrete Ceilings and Dropped
1. Scrape, wire brush abrade, and by other Architect
approved means remove all loose, blistered, scaling,
alligatored and otherwise defective paint surfaces.
2. Clean remaining surfaces by rough sanding and wash
down with agent recommended by the paint manufacturer.
3. Fill all voids, holes, cracks, etc. with a spackling type
compound recommended by the manufacturer. Feather off all
ridges, fins, and other indications of concrete form work
using the spackling compound and a minimum six inch wide knife
4. Sand and clean all resulting surfaces.
J. Preparation of Existing and Replastered Surfaces
. 1. Scrape and by other Architect approved means, remove
all loose, blistered, alligatored or otherwise
defective paint surfaces.
2. Fill all small holes, hair line cracks, etc. Feather
in adjacent surfaces.
3. Sand to A smooth finish all resulting surfaces.
C. All materials shall be brought to the building and
atoned in the mixing room in the manufacturer's original
sealed containers, bearing the manufacturer's standard
label and indicating the type and color. Materials shall
be delivered in sufficient quantities in advance of the
time needed in order that the work will not be delayed
in any way.
D. All materials shall be of a type recommended by the
manufacturer for the particular surface to be painted.
No claim concerning the unsuitability of any material.
specified under this Section, or ability to produce
first class work with same, will be entertained after
the Award of Bid.
E. No material shall be changed or thinned in any way except
as specifically directed by the manufacturer.
F. Where any manufacturer makes more than one grade of
each material specified, the highest grade of each type
shall be used whether or not the material is mentioned
by trade name in these Specifications.
G. All unspecified materials, such as linseed oil, thinners,
etc. , shall be pure and of highest quality as approved or
recommended by the paint manufacturer.
3. 01 Inspection
A. Thoroughly examine surfaces scheduled to be painted prior
to, commencement of work. Report in writing to Architect
any condition that may potentially affect proper
application, Do not con-mence until such defects have been
3. 02 Preparation of Surfaces
A. Remove dirt , loose mortar, scale, powder and other
foreign matter from concrete and concrete block surfaces
which are to be painted or to receive a clear seal.
Remove all and grease with a solution of tri-sodium
phosphate, rinse well and allow to thoroughly dry.
B. Remove stains from concrete and concrete block surface'
caused by weathering of corroding metals with a
solution of soldium metasilicate after being thoroughly
wetted with water. Allow to thoroughly dry.
C. Pill hairline cracks, small holes and imperfections on
plaster surfaces with patching plaster. Smooth off to
match adjacent surfaces. Wash and neutralise high
alkali surfaces where they occur.
OAK D. Remove electrical plates, surface hardware, fittings
and fastenings prior to painting operations. These
items are to be carefully stored, cleaned and replaced
on completion of work in each area. Do not use solvent
to clean hardware that may remove permanent laquer
1. In no case shall there be any attempt to paint new
finish hardware or.-otherwise removable items which
are already in place.
2. In no case shall new interior butts or hinges be painted.
E. Do not use any plumbing fixture or pipe for the disposal
of waste materials. Carry all water required to the
mixing room and dump all waste materials in containers
outside the building.
F. The Contractor shall be held strictly responsible for
any and all damage resulting from his failure to observe
these provisions.
2. 01 Colors
A. Color schemes shall be in accordance with schedules
selected by the Architect.
1 . Three interior colors may be selected excluding wood
2 . Four exterior colors may be selected.
B. Colors of priming coats (and bodycoats) where specified
shall be slightly lighter than that of finish coats.
C, Color chips of all paints used must be submitted to the
Owner with manufacturer's name and his designation
of the paint and color for the purpose of future re-ordering
of paint. Color chips for color shall total at least 6
2. 02 Materials
A. Except as noted on the schedule, all :paint materials shall
be first-quality products as manufactures by Zinsser .- Co. ,
Pratt and Lambert, Glidden, California or Sherman Williams.
For purposes of defining materials and not to limit
competition, Sherman Williams and, Zinsser Co. trade
names are used herein.
B. A schedule of proposed manufacturers with material
types shall be submitted to the Architect for approval
prior to purchase.
B. Identify each sample as to finish, formula, color name
and number and sheen name.
- C. Colors to be selected by Architect prior to commencement
of work.
1.15 Maintenance Materials
A. Leave on premises, where directed by Architect, not
less than five gallons' of all coats in all colors.
B. Containers to be tightly sealed and clearly labelled for
1. 16 Delivery
A. Deliver paint materials in sealed original labelled
containers, bearing manufacturer's name, type of paint,
brand name, color designation and instructions for
mixing and/or reducing.
B. Provide adequate storage facilities. Store paint materials
at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degreed F (7 degrees
C) in well ventilated area.
C. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and
spontaneous combustions.
1.17 Environmental Conditions
f A. Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic
moisture meter. Do not apply finishes unless moisture
contents of surfaces are below following maximums:
1. Plaster and gypsum wallboard: 12 percent.
2. Masonry, concrete and concrete black: 12 percent.
3. Interior located wood: 15 percent.
4. Exterior located wood: 18 percent.
B. Ensure surface temperatures or the surrounding air
temperature is above 40 degrees F before applying finishes.
Minimum application temperatures for latex paints for interior
work is 45 degreed F and 50 degrees F for exterior work.
Minimum application .temperature for varnish and finishes is
65 degreed F.
C. Provide continuous ventilation.
1.18 Protection
A. Adequately protect other surfaces from paint and
damage. Repair damage as a result of inadequate or
unsuitable protection.
B. Furnish sufficient drop cloths, shields and protective
equipment to prevent spray or droppings from fouling
surfaces not being painted and in particular, surfaces
within storage and preparation area.
C. Place cotton waste, cloths and material which may
constitute a fire hazard in closed metal containers
and remove daily from site.,
Sheet No. Title
A-11 Window Details
A-12 Typical Building Front Entry
A-13 Room Finish Schedule
A-14 Door Schedule
A-15 Door Details
1. 12 Requirements
A. Furnish all material and perform all operations in
connection with the Specifications and the Drawings.
B. Touch-up of factory finished or primed items shall be
Performed under this Section as follows:
l. -Touch-up of pre-painted or primed equipment with
matching paint.
c. Field painting shall not be required on the following:
I. Anodized or factory finished aluminum except
as otherwise specified or called for.
2. Factory finished items except as otherwise
specified or called for.
D. To avoid all possible confusion, examine the other Sections
of the Project Manual, and be thoroughly familiar with all
of their provisions and understand that all materials
installed throughout that necessitate painting
and which are left unfinished by the requirements of said
other Sections shall be painted to completion under this
E. It is required that this Specification shall cover the
painting throughout the entire project of all new and
existing surfaces unless noted to the contrary, to make a
thoroughly complete job in every aspect. Where items are
not mentioned, they shall be finished the same as specified
for similar work. All existing exposed areas which were
painted and which shall remain exposed shall be repainted.
1. 13 Sample Model
A. Before proceeding with paint application, finish one com-
plete apartment clearly indicating selected colors, finish
texture, materials and workmanship.
B. If approved, Sample Model will serve as a minimum standard
for work throughout the Project.
1.14 Samples
A. Prepare 4 '-0" x 4 ' -0" samples (s) of all finishes
when requested by Architect. When possible, apply
finishes on identical type materials to which they will
be applied on job.
• New lighting fixtures
- New chain link fencing
* New concrete crib retaining walls
*Newly cleaned brickwork
4. Paint all sitework items not presenting a prefinished
surface including:'
a. Wrought iron fencing
b. Benches
C. Areaways and gratings
B. See Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequence and Areas.
C. See Section 1K relative to model/sample installation
1.11 ,Filed Sub-Bid
A. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H inclu-
sive, and a Filed Sub-Bid for such work shall be submitted
in appropriate form.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as
required on the following Contract Drawings unless
( specifically indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
X-1 Site Plan
X-2 Site Plan Details
X-3 Site Details
X-4 Dumpster Enclosures and Details
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
lst, 2nd & Basement Floors
A-2 Typical Four Unit Building
A-3 Six Unit Building Plans
1st and 2nd Floors
A-5 Six Unit Building Elevations
A-7 Roof Plans & Details
** A-8 Mansard Roof Details
A-9 Typ. Bath Plan & Elevs.
A-10 Type "A" , "D" & "B" Kitchen Plans
and Elevs.
1. 09 Submittals
�, A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
- under this Section for approval.
1. All paints, coatings, stains, finishes, etc.
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1. All colors, finishes, stains (on wood to which it is to
be applied) , finishes, etc.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
following at Buildings No. 1 through 12:
1. At first and second floors, paint all surfaces of all
items within all apartments unless an item presents
a finish appearance acceptable to the Architect. Paint
both sides of basements doors.
2. Paint all exterior surfaces of all apatment buildings,
including exposed portions of exisitng building and
porch foundation walls, unless an item presents a finish
appearance acceptable to the Architect.
3. Items known to have an acceptable finish appearance are:
a. Interior
-New bath accessories
-New resilient flooring
-New door hardware
- New creamic tile
- New kitchen cabinets
• New lighting fixtures
-New plumbing fixtures
- New prefinished metal windows
b. Exterior
• New prefinished roofing items
- New prefinished metal windows
- New prefinished bevel siding
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers%producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section 1G-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1..08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1.01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted hereiri, -all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
low M. Install materials in strict accordance with manufacturer' s
printed instructions, Prime subfloor as required by tile
or adhesive manufacturer.
N. Lay flooring into recesses and toe spaces, square with room
axis with tight aligned joints. Where VCT is used, no
border tile shall be less than 4 inches wide.
O. Lay flooring and base so as to insure full uniform contact
with base material and' to produce finished surfaces which
are smooth, even, true to plane, and free of buckles, waves,
and other imperfections. Install straight base after car-
pet installation.
P. Comply with manufacturer' s recommendations for preparation
of existing resilient flooring over which new resilient
flooring is to be installed. Use manufacturers ' recom-
mended installation system. All wax and other finishes
must be completely stripped prior to application of ad-
hesives. Do not sand existing resilient flooring
3. 03 Cleaning, Waxing and Polishing
A. After the resilient flooring has been laid, the
floors shall be thoroughly cleaned of any surface
dirt or dust . The fl ors shall be then buffed dry
by machine , bringing surface to a sheen in
accordance with the manufacturer 's recommendation.
The Contractor shall inspect this work and
immediately make any necessary adjustment within
thirty days after the final buffing . Any tiles
showing broken edgess , corners , or fracture lines
partially or entirely across their surface , shall
be carefully removed, and new the of same color
and thickness substituted.
B. Following replacement of defective tiles , all
resilient floors shall receive two (2) coats of
wax , thoroughly and uniformly buffed between coats .
3. 04 Protection
All rooms or spaces in which the resilient floors
are being laid shall be closed to traffic or other
work and kept closed until floors are completed and
the work firmly set . All resilient flooring shall
be protected as required during the remainder of
construction until completion and acceptance of the
work . Any resilient flooring damaged during
construction shall oe replaced
without charge to the Owner.
B. At completion and acceptance of the work , leave
floors clean , whole , polished and buffed , and in
perfect condition .
D. All flooring and borders shall be laid flush with
adjacent surfaces whether or not materials are
similar or dissimilar . Where the concrete floor
requires filling or building up on order to produce
flush surfaces within fields and borders or flush
surfaces of flooring and border with adjacent
flooring materials of whatever nature they may be ,
such building' up shall be done by the Contractor in
an approved manner without additional cost to the
E. No resilient flooring shall be set on . surfaces
where other work is required to be flush with this
flooring until such work has been installed and
F. Flooring tile at second floors shall be run as a continuous
field off of hall centerlines with the intent of minimizing
tile pieces of less than one. half. Otherwise, flooring shall
be laid with joints parallel and at right angles to enclosing
walls, field symetrical with center line or room. Borders
shall be of sufficient width to avoid the use of fractional
field tile unless otherwise directed.
G. Resilient flooring shall be laid with joints tight
and in true alignment across the entire floor and
shall be laid to patterns required. Ends and edges
of flooring shall be cut to fit accurately to
joining with other materials.
H. Neatly cut all holes required for pipes and closely
fit flooring so as to leave no space for dirt to
collect . Seal with waterproof cement joints around
pipes and at all other vertical surfaces .
I. Joints shall be as inconspicuous as possible and
all surfaces shall be rsmooth, straight and free
from buckles , waves or projecting edges .
J. Promptly after application of flooring , all cement
and stains shall be removed from top surface of
K. Vinyl base shall be set to all walls , columns ,
piers, partitions , cabinets , casework, etc. ,
throughout the rooms and spaces . Cove shall be
featheredge toe so that when installed the toe
shall be under compression to affectively seal the
joint between the floor and the base . ease shall
be securely fastened into position with adhesive
cement . Joints shall be tight and even .
L. Subfloors and walls shall be dry , clean , smooth ,
and level before installation of materials . Cracks
and depressions , score marks , ridges , and other
surface defects shall be repairs to manufacturers
tolerances before installation begins .
2. Leveling compound used for uneven areas, filling of
joints, cracks, etc shall be of the later base type
( and be approved by the manufacturer of the products to
be installed.
3. Primers for use for all the various conditions and
materials shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
H. Wax for polishing shall be of a now yellowing
commercial duty paste - type approved by the
manufacturers of the resilient flooring.
I• Resilient materials shall be free of objectional
odors , blisters , cracks , objectional foreign .
material , or other physical defects affecting
appearance or serviceability .
3. 01 Preparatory Work
A. Prior to commencement of any work , Contractor shall
test the sub-base for moisture content to ascertain
its acceptability for application of the resilient
flooring. All dirt, grease, oils , dust and other
materials which might impair the bond of flooring
to the sub-base shall be removed.
B. All straightening leveling and smoothing required for a
level flooring, shall be done hereunder, using leveling
compound manufactured for this purpose.
C. Such work or conditions as will affect the laying
of the flooring or the level of same and cannot be
rectified hereunder shall be brought to the
attention of the Architect , in writing.
3. 02 Installation
A. ir„tallation of all wgrk described in this Section
shall be made only by a firm or company which has
been established in this business at least five
years and is authorized and approved by the
manufacturer. All work shall be installed strictly
in accord with the manufacturer 's specifications
and instructions governing each type of flooring.
B. Resilient flooring , including all preparatory work ,
shall not be laid until all work has been installed
to such an extent as to avoid damage to the
preparatory work or tile itself.
C. The Contractor shall be held responsible for
correcting any damage done to adjoining finished
floors , base , walls, etc . , as a result of his
operations .
Do not begin installation until work of other trades which
would have an adverse affect upon work under this Section,
including painting, has been completed.
1.14 Protection
A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for protecting
resilient flooring from damage until the building is ac-
cepted by the owner. The Resilient Flooring contractor
shall furnish protective covering as required by a job
condition and to the extent and manner required by the
General Contractor and the Authority.
2. 01 Materials
A. Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) shall be 1/8" thick x 12" x 12"
complying with: Federal Specification SS-T-312B(1 ) , Type IV,
Comp. 1. ; ASTM E 84, ASTM E 648, and ASTM E 662 for code sat-
isfaction in areas used; and existing job condition require-
ments; and be Armstrong Standard Excelon Series, Imperial
Modern as selected by the Architect or equivalent by Azrock
or GAF. Tile shall be selected by Architect from manufac-
turer's full line of colors and patterns. A maximum of three
( 3 ) colors will be used.
B. Resilient sheet flooring shall be vinyl sheet . 085" thick x
t 6 ' -0" wide rolls complying with: Federal Specification
L-F-475A( 3 ) , Type II, Grade A with a minimum wear layer of
. 050" ; the ASTM requirements listed for VCT; and existing
job requirements ; and be Armstrong Classic Corlon Series,
Brigantine, Sandoval, Seagate, Montina or Palestra as
selected by the Architect or equal products of Azrock or
C. Underlayment shall be 3/8" thick APA underlayment Grade Ply-
wood installed in accordance with APA instructions. Par-
ticle board shall not be permitted.
D. Vinyl base shall be smooth surface set-on cove type, . 080"
thick, 2h" and 4" high, rounded tops, supplied in 100' roll
lengths or 4 foot straight lengths, as produced by manufac-
turer whose products meet all the Architect ' s requirements
and are approved for use on the project. Use manufacturer' s
preformed corners at all exterior corners.
E. Oak transition strips and treads shall match the species
and saw characteristics of the existing oak treads.
F. All colors, textures, and finishes shall be as selected by
the Architect.
G. Adhesives, leveling compound, crack fillers and primers.
1. Adhesive shall be type and brand recommended by manufac-
turer for each of the various conditions and resilient ma-
terials. Where manufacturer lists more than one recom-
mended adhesive, the manufacturer ' s "preferred choice"
shall be used.
6. At all apartments, installation of new oak tread at
t second floor level at top of stairs.
B. See Division I, Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequience and
C. See Section 1K for model/sample installation requirements.
1.12, Filed Sub-Bid
A. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H inclu-
sive, and a Filed Sub.-Bid for such work shall be submitted
in appropriate form.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as
required on the following Contract Drawings unless
specifically indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
X-1 Site Plan
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
1st, 2nd, & Basement Floors
A-3 Six Unit Building Plans
1st and 2nd Floors
A-9 Typ. Bath Plan & Elevs.
A-10 Type "A" , "D" & "B" Kitchen Plans &
A-13 Room Finish Schedule
A-14 Door Schedule
A-15 Door Details
1.13 Job Conditions
A. Examine surfaces to receive resilient flooring to
see that they are 4n proper condition to receive
the work specified . Report unacceptable surfaces
to the Arcnitect in writing . Starting work in any
area shall constitute acceptance of that surface .
Defects resulting from use of accepted surfaces
shall be corrected by this contractor at no
additional expense to the Owner.
Resilient flooring , adhesives , and the room where
work is to be installed shall be maintained at a
minimum of 60 degress Farenheight for at least 24 hours
before , during and for 48 hours after installation.
1. 09 Submittals
-A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
1. Submit manufacturers ' installation instructions, clean-
ing instructions, and printed guarantees to the Archi-
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1. Submit complete range of color and pattern samples to
Architect for selection and approval.
2 . Submit full size tiles in the approved colors and sur-
face patterns to the Architect prior to. commencement of work.
3. Submit full size finished oak transition strip.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Reference Standards
A. Comply with the following:
1. Federal Specifications
a. L-F-475A( 3 ) , Type II, Grade A Sheet Vinyl
b. SS-T-312B(1 ) , Type IV, Comp. 1 Vinyl Composition Tile
1.11 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to
the following at Buildings No. 1 through 12 :
1. Installation of new Vinyl Composition Tile on all floors
of all rooms on first and second floors of apartments
(including all contiguous areas such as closets ) except
kitchens and baths.
2 . Installation of new sheet vinyl flooring on all kitchen
and bathroom floors of all apartments.
3. Installation of new underlayment on all areas of floors
of all kitchens and baths and at the area indicated in-
side of all front entries to apartments.
4 . At all apartments, installation of new vinyl cove base
in all rooms and contiguous areas such as closets on
first and second floors of all apartments. Base shall
be 2�" unless otherwise noted.
5'. At all apartments, installation of new prefinished oak
transition strips at bathroom thresholds, between kit-
chen flooring and living room flooring and basemenst
stairs, between living room flooring and front entry
flooring, between second floor flooring and stairs, and
elsewhere as required to provide a smooth transition be-
tween adjacent finish flooring surfaces.
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers!/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
• have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
f per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1 . 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein', all provisions of Part, A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority's main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization .of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , . producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
3.15 Maintenance Stock
A. Provide extra stock to the Authority for use in maintenance
and repair work, in the following quantities:
1. One carton of tile units of each of the colors used
in the work.
2. 10 feet of bull-nose trim.
3. Two tubes or cartridges of silicone caulking.
3.10 Installation Methods for Ceramic Tile
A. Methods for installation referred to are from the 1980
Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation by the Tile
Council of America, Inc. (TCA) and the referenced ANSI
Standards unless otherwise noted.
TCA Method W213-80. Latex Portland Cement
3.11 Additives
A. All full mortar for ceramic the shall have latex additives
which shall be equal to those manufactured by Lacticrete
International, Inc. and be mixed in strict accordance with
the manufacturef's directions.
3.12 Installation of Surface, Recessed and Semi-Recessed
Ceramic Fixtures
A. Cut a hole in the backup surface to permit the use of a
wire basket or mechanical support for the setting mix.
Make sure that when pressure is applied to the fixture
during installation that it is 'dispersed evenly to the
surrounding wall surface. Setting mix shall be Portland
Cement mortar or latex mortar. Support fixtures with
masking tape or other mechanical means until setting mix
3.13 Windows
A. Where windows occur within tiled walls, the tile shall be
- returned to the new metal window at all four sides less
1/4" and have a continuous sealant installed in the space
3. 14 Cleaning
A. Keep all areas clean and dispose of all materials off
site. See Special Conditions.
B• Clean all ceramic tile as follows:
1. With soft cloth or brush, coat entire surface
generously and thoroughly with undiluted neutral
soap. Allow coated surface to dry and stand for
several hours. Neutral soap to be Hillyard's Super
Shine All or equal.
2. -While surface is wet, sprinkle small amount of scouring
powder over tiles and grout joints. Then scrub clean.
3. Mix neutral soap with warm water at same strength as
normally used. With this warm solution, wet down tile
4. With sponge, squeegee or cloth, wash down tile surface
to remove soapy solution. With turkish towel rags,
Polish surface dry for sparkle.
3. 07 Workmanship Standards
A. All materials and workmanship shall be in strict accord
with the latest edition of the 1980 Handbook for Ceramic
Tile Installation as issued by the Tile Council of
America, Inc. All tile work set around pipes, fittings,
and fixtures, shall be neatly and accurately cut 'after
scribing profiles required so as to fit tightly around
B. All tile, grout, caulking, and other materials shall
be delivered to the job in unbroken factory
containers and shall be stored in a weather tight
enclosure until time of use.
3. 08 Caulking and Sealants
A. All caulking and sealants shall be applied under sufficient
Pressure to force out all air and to completely fill the
joint, using a caulking gun having nozzle widths as nec-
essary to fit the various joint widths. All joints and
spaces shall be filled continuously and completely with
material forming neat, uniform beads, finishing flush
with adjoining surfaces except as otherwise shown.
B. The use of materials having an age of more than six (6)
months from date of manufacture and materials which have
started to set is prohibited.
3. 09 Installation
A. Carefully plan tile layout.
B. Prior to installing wall tile, ensure surfaces are level,
with maximum surface variation of 1/8 inch in 10 feet.
C. Ensure surfaces are clean and well cured.
D. Do not commence until surface conditions are within
tollerances required for proper installation.
E. Neatly cut tile around fitments, fixtures and pipes.
Accurately form corners.
F. Ensure tile joints are uniform in width, subject to
Normal variance in tolerance allowed in tile size. Ensure
joints are watertight without voids, cracks, excess
mortar or grout.
G. Sound tile after setting. Remove and replace hollow
sounding units.
H. Allow the to set for a minimum of 48 hours prior to
I . Completed installation to be free of broken, damaged or
faulty tile.
3. 03 Acceptance of Installation Conditions
A. This Subcontractor shall be fully responsible for the proper
execution and performance of the work described herein. It
shall be his responsibility to inspect all installation con-
ditions and request the General Contractor to correct any
conditions which may affect his work adversely. He shall
report to the Architect, prior to commencing any portion of
his work, failure of the General Contractor to provide suit-
able installation conditions for his portion of the work.
Commencement of work by this Subcontractor will be considered
as unqualified approval of installation condition.
3. 04 Measurements
A. Take all required measurements at the building and be
responsible for their accuracy.
B. Any difference between actual measurements it the building
and those shown *on the Drawings, or any obstruction en-
countered during the progress of the work shall be re-
ported to the Authority immediately for his consideration
before proceeding with the work.
3. 05 Certification and Approval
A. Before proceeding with the tile work, the Ceramic Tile Sub-
contractor shall furnish to the office of the Authority a
Certificate of Grade in the form adopted by the Tile Manu-
facturers Association, Inc. , such Certificate to be signed
by both the manufacturer and the Subcontractor, certifying
to the grade, type and quality of the tile, together with
adequate information for identification of the containers
to which they apply.
3. 06 Precautions and Preparation
A. All material shall be installed in strict accordance with
the manufacturer's printed directions and applicable
referenced American Standards and TCA Handbook, as ap-
proved by the Authority. Areas in which tile walls are
applied shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of
55 degrees F. , 48 hours after installation. All areas
where tile has been installed shall be ventilated.
B, All surfaces to receive tile setting beds shall be sound,
properly repaired, dry and free from dust, dirt, oil,
grease and other deleterious matter.
C. urinal Preparation:
All major uneveness in sub-strates to receive tile shall
be corrected prior to application of setting beds Walls
having projections or depressions greater than h inch or
out of plumb more than h inch from ceiling to floor,
shall be prepared and leveled with a material compatible
with sub-strata and tile adhesive, as approved by the
C. Grout shall be neat white Portland Cement installed per
Reference Standards.
�. D. Ceramic Fixtures: See drawings. Non-ceramic fixtures to
be installed under other Sections of the Project Manual.
E. Caulking shall be one part silicone rubber meeting Federal
Specification TT-S-QO1543 or as recommended by manufac-
turer. Caulk around all pipe penetrations for complete
F. Water: Clean, fresh and free of deleterious substances.
2. 02 Mixing for Ceramic Wall Materials
A. Mix and proportion pre-mix setting bed, bond coat, and
grout materials in accordance with manufacturer' s recom-
3. 01 General
A. All installation shall be done in strict accordance
with the American National Standard Specifications for the
Installation of Ceramic Tile Council of America (TCA) , the
Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation of the TCA, the
Recommended .Standards Specifications for Ceramic Tile
(TCA 137.1-1976) , and as specified herein and shown on the
All work shall be complete with all trim pieces required
whether specifically called for or not, for a first
quality installation, in accordance with the best practice
of the trade. All work shall provide sanitary coves noses,
etc. to provide easily cleaned surfaces. Tiles shall be
laid out with the objective that not less than one-half
tile occurs on any one surface and so that tiles are of
equal size.
3. 02 Inspeciton of Surfaces
A. Inspection
1 . Examine surfaces to receive ceramic tile, setting
beds, or accessories before tile installation
begins for:
a. Defects or conditions adversely affecting
quality and execution of tile installation.
b. Deviations beyond allowable tolerances of
surfaces to receive tile.
es'* 2. Caulk all joints between ceramic tile work and new and
existing dissimilar material. Provide approved bond
breaker in all cases.
3. Caulk all penetrations through finished tile work in-
cluding plumbing items for a watertight seal.
4. Install semi-recessed ceramic tile soap dish without han-
dle at each bath tub.
5. Mitre window return tiles at intersecting corner planes.
Pitch bottom return to drain to tub.
1.11 Filed Sub-Bid
A. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H in-
clusive, and a Filed Sub-Bid for such work shall be sub-
mitted in appropriate form.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as
required on the following Contract Drawings unless specifi-
cally indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
X-1 Site Plan
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
lst, 2nd, & Basement Floors
A-3 Six Unit Building Plans
1st & 2nd Floors
A-9 Typ. Bath Plan & Elevators
A-11 Window Details
A-13 Room Finish Schedule
1.14 Environmental Conditions
A. Provide sufficient heat and ventilation in areas where work
of this Section is being performed, so as to allow tile
to properly set. Take all precautionary measures necessary
to ensure that excessive temperature changes do not occur.
2.01 Materials
A. All tile shall comply with the provisions of the *Recommended
Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile (TCA 137.1-1976) ,
shall be of Standard Grade as evidenced by the manufacturer's
certification in accordance with the Master Grade Certificate.
B. Ceramic wall tile shall be glazed 4-h inch by 4-h inch x
5/16 inch, cushioned edge pregrouted tile with all required
trim pieces including those indicated herein and shown on
the drawings. and otherwise required.
I 1. 09 Model Apartment
\ A. Install in the Model Apartment, a sample of work required
under this Section which if accpetable, may become a
part of the permanently installed work and serve as a
standard for work subsequently installed. See Section
1.10 Reference Standards
A. Comply with the following:
1 . ANSI Standard Specifications for the Installation of
Ceramic Tile, ANSI A118. 4 - Latex - Portland Cement
2. Recommended Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile of
the Tile Council of America.
3. TCA' s Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation.
4. Ceramic Tile Institute ' s Recommendations.
1 .11 Submittals
A. Submit a minimum of Six(6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be in-
stalled under this Section for approval.
I . Submit shop drawings showing plan and elevations and
details of all tile plane intersections with other
tile and dissimilar materials showing size and con-
figuration of trim pieces proposed, referencing same
to plans and elevations. Submit drawings in accordance
with Section 1D.
2 . After approval of materials and colors by the Authority,
submit a 12-inch square panel of each type of tile,
complete with joint material specified and all trim and
ceramic fixtures. Mount on backer board.
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1. Submit samples of all tile specified herein. Samples
shall contain the full range of colors and finishes and
clearly indicate the pattern, coloration, and grouted
joints. Submit in accordance with Section 1D.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1. 12 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but isnot limited to the
following at Buildings No. 1 through 12:
1 . Install glazed ceramic wall tile from top of new tub
liner to ceiling at three sides of tub and at window
returns at all four sides. Tile shall be installed
over Backer Board installed under other provisions of
the Project Manual.
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
ih manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
i with that which has been specified. '
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1 . 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See SectionlG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
,� 1. 08. 5 Sequence
A. See Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequence and Areas.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority's main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect 's random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
HW Set No. 6
Reuse existing butts and pins
1 privacy set A405 x PLY
1 stop
3 Silencer
Bathroom door at ambulatory accessible unit (in building No. 4 )
substitute privacy set A405 x.'LEV61
HW Set No. 7
Not listed Provide
HW Set No. 8
Reuse existing butts and pins
1 latchset A105 x PLY
1 stop
3 silencer Ives 20
Provide knurled or roughened surface (to give tactile warning)
on handle leading to basement stairs at ambulatory accessible
Schedule of Hardware Sets
l_ HW Set No. 1
Apartment front entry doors at non-handicapped units:
1 lockset FL 1700 FD-2L1-2H
1 knocker/viewer Mount 56" A.F.F.
1 stop
1 letter slot
Apartment front entry door at ambulatory accessible unit
(Building No. 4 only) , add:
1 viewer Mount 42" A.F.F.
1 stop
HW Set No. 2
Apartment rear entry doors at non-handicapped units
1 lockset FL 1700 FD-ZLI-ZH
1 knocker/viewer Mount 56" A.F.F.
1 stop
Apartment rear entry door at ambulatory accessible unit
(Building No. 4 ) add:
1 viewer Mount 42" A.F.F.
Rear screen door hardware
1 screen door set Stanley screen door set 1172 US10
1 pr. hinges Stanley 1751 US10
1 snap catch Stanley SP210
3 door guard Stanley 1736
3 silencer Ives
HW Set No. 3
1 set sliding door hardware Stanley 2840 series-
length as required
2 flush pulls Ives 220.B26D
6 silencers Ives 21
HW Set No. 4
lk butts F179 x 3�
1 latchset A105 x PLY
1 stop
3 silencer Ives 21
HW Set No. 5
Reuse existing butts and pins
1 latchset A105 x PLY
1 stop
3 silencer Ives 20
C. Provide appropriate cylinders at each lock, keyed in ac-
cordance with including locks furnished under
other Sections.
A. Select stops to suit conditions of each door from one of the
1. Ives 407k or 408k for apartment front entrance doors.
2. Ives 438 floor type for rear entrance doors.
3. Provide rubber tipped spring coil type stops for mounting
on door or wall at bedroom, bath, and closet doors.
A. Provide Ives 20 silencers at all hollow metal frames and Ives
21 for wood frames. Three for each leaf in sliding doors.
A. Residential door knocker-viewers shall be Ives 774B x 700B10.
Engrave apartment numbers as directed.
B. Viewer at handicap apartment shall be Ives 700B.
Tools and Manuals
A. With the delivery of permanent keys, deliver to the Owner one
complete set of adjustment tools and one set of maintenance
manuals for locksets, latchsets, closers and panic devices.
Letter Slots
A. Ives 627 B260 with No. 600 sleeve.
Key Cabinet
A. Provide key cabinet having a capacity of all keys provided
under this Section plus 20% expansion. Key cabinet door
shall have a suitable lock with 3 change keys. Cabinet
shall be as manufactured by Lund, Alladin, or Key Control.
Cabinet shall have storage space for extra cylinders, and
shall have a detailed index acceptable to the NHA with all
keys fully indexed under this Section.
Hardware Sets
A. The following hardware sets represent the complete hardware
for one opening (single or pair of doors ) , the quantities
of each type are the responsibility of each bidder. Manu-
facturer' s product numbers used in the schedule are not
complete and must be supplemented to indicate the herein-
before specified features.
hardware in position for long life under hard use.
B. Furnish all hardware components required to recondition
existing hardware scheduled to remain. Existing hardware
shall be considered reconditioned when it is clean, properly
secure and functions in the manner in which it was orignally
designed and intended. The Contractor may, at his option,
propose new hardware at any "recondition" location where
he believes that it is economically advantageous to do so,
and fully comply with all the requirements for new hardware.
C. Furnish fastenings where necessary with expansion shields',
toggle bolts, sex bolts, and other anchors approved by the
Architect, according to the material to which the hardware
is to be applied and the recommendations of the hardware
D. All fastenings shall harmonize with the hardware as to material
and finish.
Materials - General
A. All hardware shall be of the best grade of solid metal entirely
free from imperfections in manufacture and finish and shall be
guaranteed to satisfactorily perform the necessary functions
required of it for a period of one year from date of Substan-
tial completion.
B. The model numbers in the hardware schedule and in the hardware
sets below are not necessarily complete. It shall be the res-
ponsibility of the hardware supplier to provide all hardware
required for a complete and substantial job, examining all
Drawings and Specifications for requirements affecting this
C. All hardware determined by the Architect to be defective
for any reason, including noncompliance with these Speci-
fications, shall be replaced, reworked or otherwise made
good as required.
A. Where doors are required to swing 180 degrees, furnish hinges
of sufficient throw to clear the trim.
B. All butts shall be full-mortise type, except as noted.
Locksets and Latchsets
A. All knob type privacy sets and latchsets shall be by Schlage,
and shall be A Series cylindrical types as scheduled. Knobs
shall be Plymouth (PLY) design as scheduled. Lever handles
shall be Levon design as scheduled.
B. Mortise locks and latches shall be Arrow FL 1700 series,
function as scheduled, with lever "Z" handles and escutcheon
and conform to all applicable U.L. requirements and bear
appropriate label.
Bronze) finish. Exceptions are noted in the schedule. No
other exceptions will be accepted. Closers may have black
enamel finish.
A. All locks throughout the Project shall be construction master-
keyed. Provide two construction keys each to the Owner.
The Contractor shall control distribution of construction
keys so as to restrict entty to appropriate supervisory
personnel only.
B. All door locks shall be masterkeyed (MKD) , and grandmaster-
keyed (GMKD) in one new factory prepared system approved
by the Architect.
1. The grandmaster key shall open all locks throughout the
development. Provide three ( 3 ) large bow GM keys, with
permanently affixed metal identification tags, in pre-
sentation cases.
2. Apartment locks shall open only to the apartment key and
the GM key - there shall be no Masterkey level for apart-
ment locks. All locks for each apartment shall be keyed
alike (KA) , and shall be keyed differencly (KD) from all
other locks.
3. A separate Masterkey level system shall be extablished
for the following functional classification: Maintenance
and Management. Locks within each system shall be KA.
In general, keying shall be set up to provide maximum
security for each space. Provide six (6 ) large bow mas-
terkeys, with permanently affixed metal identification
tags, in presentation cases.
4. Allkeysfor use at the ambulatory accessible unit shall
be of the large bow type. All other keys may have either
large or regular bows. Provide six ( 6 ) change keys for
each lock. All keys shall be stamped with a warning
against unauthorized copying.
5. All locks shall be of the six pin tumbler type. Wafer
locks are prohibited.
C. Tag one set of all keys with metal tags stamped with the
key and door numbers.
D. Permanent keys shall not be delivered until the time of the
Architect' s inspection for Substantial Completion for each
building, as directed. As part of the preparation for in-
spection, void the construction key system, and in the pre-
sence of the Owner demonstrate that the specified keying sys-
tem is operating properly.
A. Furnish all finish hardware with all necessary screws, bolts
and other fasteners of suitable size and type to anchor the
of this specification as written, with the above regulation
shall be brought to the attention of the Architect.
A. Proprietary products: References to specific proprietary
--- -products are used to establish minimum standards of utility
and quality. Unless otherwise approved by the Architect in
accordance with the provisions of Division 1, provide only
the specific products. Design is based on the materials
B. Manufacturers of hardware shall be as indicated.
1. Butts : specified: Stanley
equal: Hager
equal: Lawrence
2. Locksets: specified: Arrow
equal: Schlage
equal: Sargent
3. Latchset &
Privacy specified: Schlage
equal: Arrow
equal: Sargent
4. Closers: specified: LCN
equal: Sargent
equal: Norton
5. Stops, miscellaneous: Ives, Trimco, Glynn-Johnson,
Builder' s Brass.
6. Thresholds : Pemko, Reese, Zero.
7. Weatherstrip: Pemko, Reese, Zero.
C. All products of each type will be of one manufacturer through-
out the Project.
A. Comply with all pertinent ANSI Standards for all new hardware.
1 . Architectural Door Trim: ANSI A156.6-72
2. Butts and Hinges: ANSI A156. 1-76
3. Door Controls (Closers ) : ANSI A156. 4-72
4 . Cylindrical Locks and
Lock Trim: ANSI A156. 7-72
5. Mortise Locks and Trim: ANSI A156. 2-76
B. All locks and latchsets shall comply with Fed. Spec.
C. Comply with applicable UL requirements for fire-rated openings.
A. In general, all hardware shall be supplied in US 10 (Satin
necessary for
fastenings L g y proper installation. All new hard-
ware shall be wrapped in paper and packed in the same package
as the hardware. Each package shall be legibly labeled, indi-
cating that portion of the work for which it is intended.
B. Protection: use all means necessary to protect materials of
this Section before, during and after delivery to the job
site and to protect the work and materials of all other trades.
C. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all re-
pairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Archi-
tect and at no additional cost to the Owner.
D. Coordinate with the contractor and deliver to the door manu-
facturer all hardware to be provided under this portion of
the specifications and assembled within the front and rear
replacement doors by the door manufacturer.
Installation and Inspection
A. The hardware supplier shall provide fully qualified per-
sonnel to give all necessary assistance and guidance to
the trades installing the hardware, shall provide all
special tools required for the proper installation and ad-
justment of all items, and shall regularly inspect the work
in progress to ensure that all necessary items have been sup-
plied and that each item is being properly installed.
B. Prior to and as a condition of the Architect' s inspection for
Substantial Completion, the supplier' s AHC ,member shall in-
spect the completed installation of the items furnished under
this Section and direct such adjustments as may be necessary,
and shall reinspect all inadequate installations until all
work has been properly completed. Upon full acceptance, the
supplier shall submit a notarized statement in acceptable form
that all items have been installed in conformance with the
Contract Documents.
Defective Work
A. Hardware found defective in materials or installation shall
be replaced, reworked, or otherwise made good as required.
Fire Rating Requirements
The current NFPA Bulletin 101 and 80 requirement and Under-
writers Label recommendation for openings in fire walls shall
be required for all equipment, all openings and indicated by
door labels. That is to say, positive close and positive
Requirements of Regulatory Agencies
Hardware required and installed under this section or other
sections of the specification shall conform to the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, Architectural Barriers Board, Rules and Regu-
lations for the Visually and Physically Handicapped. Any conflicts
�. Quality Assurance
A. All products used in the work of this Section shall be
produced by manufacturers regularly engaged in manufacture
of similar items acceptable to the Architect.
B. The supplier of all hardware shall have in its employ a
fully qualified member of the American Society of Archi-
tectural Hardware Consultants who shall be responsible
for this work. All submissions to the Architect under
this Section shall be accompanied by a letter from the
supplier certifying that all products submitted are in
full compliance with the Contract Documents, and that all
required materials will be supplied in accordance therewith,
signed by the AHC member.
A. Submit a complete list of all materials to be supplied
under this Section, in form suitable for ready checking
by the Architect.
B. Submit full Product Data for each hardware item identified
by manufacturer, the manufacturer' s catalog number, and the
location of the item in the work, which shall include full
specifications, catalog cuts, and other data required to
demonstrate compliance with specified requirements.
C. Samples : within 15 calendar days after being so requested,
deliver to the Architect physical samples of any item re-
__quested by the Architect.
D. Advise the Architect in writing with each submission of
any item requiring long lead times or special ordering
or handling so as to avoid delay of the work. It shall
be the responsibility of the supplier to identify all
items specified which may for any reason delay the orderly
progress of the work, and to suggest equivalent substitute
items which, if accepted by the Architect, would assure com-
pletion of the work within the Contract Time.
E. Allow sufficient lead time to submit all required product
data to the replacement door manufacturer for the prepara-
tion of his shop drawing and approval process.
A. In a timely manner to ensure orderly progress of the work,
deliver templates of the approved finish hardware or physical
samples to pertinent manufacturers of the interfacing items
such as doors and frames. Templates shall include exact
finish dimensions of doors and frames, including under-
OW cutting, required to accommodate the approved hardware.
Product Handling
A. All hardware shall have the required screws, bolts, and
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
►, to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
\_- three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required -and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section 1G-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirement:
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders. may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , . producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
"" in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
D. Both front and rear doors shall be equipped with perimeter
sealing to provide a continuous snug fit and limit air leak-
age. Both head and strike jamb shall be sealed with mag-
netic weather stripping, the hinge jamb sealed with compres-
sible vinyl weatherstripping and the door bottom shall be
sealed with an adjustable door sweep. Air leakage, when the
door is closed, shall comply with ASTM 283-73 standards for
total infiltration against a 25 MPH wind.
E. Frames shall be 16 guage galvanized steel and attached to
existing frame per the manufacturers installation instructions.
F. The door and frame shall be shipped complete, prehung with
pre-installed weatherstripped door stops and aluminum threshold
(special h" high style threshold to be provided for ambulatory
accessible townhouse unit) .
G. Door panel shall receive the manufacturer' s standard prime
finish coating. Finish painting shall be done as a part
of the painting section of these specifications.
Screen Doors
A. Provide screen doors at the rear doors of all townhouse units.
B. Screen Doors shall be the Brosco Easy-Change Classic combina-
tion storm and screen door as manufactured by Brockway-Smith
Company, as specified herein or Architect approved equal.
C. Screen doors shall be 1-1/16" thick, constructed from ponderosa
pine and treated with manufacturers water repellent preserva-
tive. The top rail, cross rail and stiles shall be 44" and the
bottom rail 9-3/4" .
D. Screening shall be charcoal color aluminum wire screen with
18 x 16 mesh. Do not furnish glazed combination door inserts.
E. Finish painting of screen door shall be completed as a part of
the painting section of these specifications.
A. Install all components in strict accordance with the manu-
facturer' s instructions as approved by the Architect. Coor-
dinate with related trades for locations of required mounting
devices. Provide secure attachment developing the full strength
of the door assembly.
B. Adjust all components to provide proper operation in all res-
pects. , Do not modify parts in the field - secure proper parts
from the door manufacturer for improperly fabricated or damaged
Screen Doors
A. Screen doors shall be installed at the Townhouses rear doors.
The doors shall be installed in strict accordance with the
Manufacturer ' s instructions as approved by the Architect.
B. Doors shall be left in perfect operating condition, with jambs
plumb and straight, heads level, and all hardware installed.
�. A. Comply with the provisions of Section 1C.
B. Submit all required materials within 45 days after the
Contract Date, to allow time for proper coordination with
other trades.
C. The following submissions._ may be required by the Architect:
1. Complete materials list of allitems to be furnished under
this Section.
2. Manufacturer' s Specifications and other data required to
demonstrate compliance with the specified requirements.
3. Shop Drawings showing details of each frame type, eleva-
tions of each door, design type, details of all openings,
and all details of construction, installation and anchorage.
Include a detailed schedule of all units presenting all
information required for coordination with Work specified
in other Sections.
4. The Manufacturer' s recommended installation procedures,
which, when approved by the Architect, will become the
basis for inspecting and accepting or rejecting actual
installation procedures used on the Work.
Product Handling
A. Protection: use all means necessary to protect materials of this
Section before, during and after installation, and to protect
installed Work and materials of all other trades.
B. Replacements: in the event of damage, immediately make all re-
pairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Archi-
tect and at no additional cost to the Owner.
A. Secure templates and hardware from hardware supplier before
fabricating doors and frames.
Metal Replacement Door
A. Metal replacement doors shall be Benchmark Secura-Fit as manu-
factured by General Products Company, Inc. , Fredericksburg, VA.
22404, as specified herein or Architect approved equal.
B. Front doors shall be the colonial 4 light style, series R4E,
fabricated from 23 gauge galvanized steel with polyurethane
insulation cone with . 069 U factor. Insulated panels shall
have an R factor of not less than 14. 5.
C. Rear doors shall be the colonial 2 light style, series R2E fab-
ricated from 23 guage galvanized steel with thick dense
foam insulation. Insulated panels shall have an R value of
not less than
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
4 three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers!/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section 1G-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
a A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully- examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirement!
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
B. Adhesives and bonds shall conform to NWMA I.S.-1 Standards,
as follows:
1. Waterproof, type I, for bathroom doors, and doors leading
to unheated spaces.
2. Type II for all other interior doors.
C. Warp tolerances shall be in. accordance with NWMA I.S.-l.
D. All wood doors shall be manufactured to exact finish dimen-
sions, including undercutting, before finishing. Under-
cutting shall be sufficient to clear floor finishes and to
provide proper air circulation between rooms, and shall be
indicated on the Shop Drawings. Head and jamb clearances
shall be in accordance with industry standards.
E. Prepare all doors to receive finish hardware as specified in
the hardware Section. Secure templates for all hardware from
supplier. Locations shall be as indicated, or as directed by
the Architect.
Flush Hollow Core Doors
A. Flush interior doors shall be 1-3/8" thick, unless otherwise
indicated. Hollow core construction with hardboard face veneers:
AWI economy grade.
B. Cores for hollow core doors shall be small cell double wall
corrugated honeycomb conforming to NWMA I. S.-l. Provide
blocking in bathroom doors to receive accessories.
C. Undercut doors shall be manufactured to finish dimension.
Cutting of rails will not be permitted.
A. Install wood doors plumb and square, and with maximum diagonal
distortion of 1/8 inch. Install hardware in accordance with
requirements of Section 8700.
400k Quality Assurance
A. Qualifications of manufacture: all wood doors shall bear the
NWMA seal of approval and I.S. 1-73 stamp, or the manufacturer
shall provide a letter certifying compliance, at the Contrac-
tor' s option.
B. AWI quality standards of Architectural Woodwork institute.
A. Submit Product Data as follows:
1. Complete materials list showing all items proposed to be
furnished and delivered under this Section.
2. Sufficient data to demonstrate that all such items meet
or exceed the specified requirements, certified by the
3. A copy of the guarantees proposed to be furnished.
C. Submit Shop Drawings for all doors indicating construction,
jointing methods, hardware locations, under cutting and loca-
tions of all cut-outs.
A. Upon delivery of the doors of this Section to the job site,
and as a condition of their acceptance, deliver to the Archi-
tect two copies of an agreement written on the door manufac-
turer ' s standard form, signed by the door manufacturer and the
Contractor, agreeing to replace or repair defective doors
which have warped (bow, cup, or twist) or which show photo-
graphing of construction below in wood veneer faces, as defined
in NWMA Standard Door Guarantees, except the NWMA provision for
refunding the price received by the door manufacturer for any
defective door shall not apply. The guarantee shall also in-
clude refinishing and reinstalling which may be required due
to repair or replacement of defective doors after substantial
B. The guarantee period for all wood doors shall not be less than
two years beginning on the date of Substantial Completion.
Product Handling
A. Protection:
1 . Protect the materials of this Section during transit, storage,
and handling to prevent deterioration, damage, and soiling.
B. Replacements: in the event of damage, immediately make all re-
pairs and replacements necessary to approval of the Architect
and at no additional cost to the Owner.
C. Immediately upon fitting doors to openings all edges and faces
shall receive primer or sealer.
A. Wood doors shall be of the types, sizes and designs shown on the
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
' to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1 . 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirement:
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force ; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
AOW necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
"* D. All guarantees shall begin on the date of Final Sub-
stantial Completion of a complete building.
E. Nothing contained in any guarantee required shall be
so worded that it can be construed to place any res-
ponsibility upon the Housing Authority to do any phy-
sical work involved in remedies sought under such guaran-
tee except providing access at the Project Site to the
work guaranteed.
1. 29 Installation
A. Install Replacement Windows true, plumb, level, straight ,
square without warp or twist in accordance with approved
Shop Drawings and Sample installation and to provide a
smooth operating installation.
$, All installation shall be in strict accordance with
manufacturer 's recommendations and instructions .
1. 30 Fastening Devices
All fastening devices for replace-
ment windows, including screws , bolts, nails, anchors
and the like, shall be rust-resistant and compatible
with the materials with which it comes in contact . The
final determination of the type, size, material, spacing,
finish, etc . of all fastening devices shall be made
by the Architect considering the recommendations of the
supplier and manufacturer and the sample installation.
1. 31 Instruction
The Contractor shall provide at least four (4 ) hours
instruction to maintenance staff in the removal, repair,
and replacement of windows - including glass , balances,
and other hardware items .
1. 32 Lubrication
All sash shall be lubricated along travel contact surfaces
with silicone spray lubricant .
1. 33 Cleaning
The Metal Window Contractor shall be responsible for
removal of all glass labels and cleaning of all glass
and products installed by him.
1 . 34 Guarantees
The Contractor shall supply the Architect and the Housing
Authority with a Guarantee satisfying the following:
A. A written gaurantee from the glazing manufacturer against
infiltration of air, dust, and water vapor into the en-
trapped air space, spotty discoloration, and distortion
of glass and glazing for a minimum of five years.
B. A written guarantee from the window manufacturer, co-
signed by the Contractor, against paint defects, spotty
discoloration, blistering, peeling, or other blemishes
for a period of five years.
C. A written guarantee from Window Contractor guaranteeing
the unit and its installation against defects or failure
for a period of one year.
1.25 Existing Conditions
CA. By entering into the Contract, the Contractor agrees that
he has examined the existing conditions and allowed for
replacement of unserviceable items affecting his work
at no additional cost to the Housing Authority.
1. 26 Caulking
A. Caulking shall be done as shown on the Drawings , as
recommended by AAMA, as specified herein, at places
where old caulking has broken away from its contact
surfaces or is otherwise defective , as required in good
practice , and to assure a weather and watertight instal-
lation. Interior caulking will be required for a finished
appearance .
B. Caulking shall be WLKEM 116 by Mameco International or
an approved equal, and be installed in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations .
Caulking shall be uniform in color. New caulking
shall be compatible with existing caulking, as evidenced
by written confirmation by the manufacturer and/or field
testing conducted by the manufacturer's technical
C. Caulking shall be free of runs and sags and left tooled
to a smooth, even surface .
D. Caulking shall reach a shore "A" hardness not less than
15 nor more than 50 , as required by TT-S-00230C.
E. Caulking shall reach a tack-free state prior to 72 hours .
F. Color or caulking shall be as selected by the Architect.
1 . 27 Existing Shades and Curtains in Occupied Apartments
All existing shades, curtains, etc. shall be removed and
shall be re-installed by the Contractor in good working
order and appearance. The Contractor shall provide and in-
stall any additional or special shade holders required to
re-install shades. Air conditioning units shall be removed
and re-installed by the Contractor with blocking required for
proper support.
1.28 Protection of Existing Work
All existing work within and without the building shall be
protected by instituting satisfactory safeguards to insure
that no damage occures to existing work, materials and
finishes which are to remain. Particular emphasis shall be
given to apartment interiors. The Contractor shall repair
and replace all damage caused by him, at his own expense, and
in the case of damage to apartment interiors, at the conven-
ience of the occupant. All repairs or replacements shall
be done to the satisfaction of the Housing Authority.
1. 22 Shop Drawings
Full scale shop drawings based upon information obtained
by field measurement by this Contractor shall be sub-
mitted for the Architect 's approval (six copies to be
submitted) , prior to the manufacture of any windows for
the project . Details shall show all configurations,
wall thickness and nature of materials and method for
fastening and assembly. A sepia of the shop drawings ,
shall also be submitted.
1. 23 Additional Material
A. This Contractor shall supply the following additional
material to be turned over to the Housing Authority
at the end of the job:
1 . Provide the following, including window frames,
sash, glass , screens , mullions, grilles, locks,
and all hardware :
One (1) complete windows for each window size
and type
2 . One top and one bottom sash complete with glass
for each window required to be supplied per
paragraph one above .
3 . Two insect screens for each window required to
be supplied per paragraph one above .
4 . Two sash balance sets for each window required
to be supplied per paragraph one above.
5 . Five new window cam locks complete with screws.
6 . One quart of paint matching window finish
for job site touch-up (spray cans) ,.
B. All material shall be wrapped appropriately and in a
manner so as to easily confirm counts (in sets or pairs )
and properly labeled.
1. 24 Removal Work
A. Carefully remove existing items.
B. Carry all items to be removed carefully through apartments
to exterior truck or dumpster. Do not drop anything from
windows. The Aluminum Replacemnt Window Contractor shall
be responsible for the legal disposition of all removed
*01k items and all construction trash caused by him.
and neither the Architect not the Housing Authority ac-
cepts any responsibility for the accuracy of such infor-
D. Screen shall be provided with approved friction devices
suited particularly for application to the specific
window for which it is intended, and of aluminum or a
material compatible with aluminum, and of sufficient
strength to perform satisfactorily especially in retaining
screen within its tracks and holding screens in any open
position along its length of travel.
1.17 Deburring and Finishing
All cut and other edges of all window components shall
be carefully ground or otherwise made free of all burrs
and left smooth and free of sharp edges and corners .
1 .18 Counting and Measuring of Windows
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor under
this Section of the Work to count and measure all existing
window openings which are to receive Aluminum Replacement
Windows . Any information supplied in the Specifications
and/or Drawings is for the convenience of the Contractor
1.19 Color
The color of all components of the aluminum replacement
window shall be selected by the Housing Authority
between white or bronze, including all visible operating
hardware except cam lock. Finish of all window com-
ponents shall be electrostatically applied baked enamel
finish. After the award of bid, it shall be the res-
- ponsibility of the Contractor to obtain, in writing, the
color selected by the Ailthority.
1. 20 Standard Compliance
All windows supplied under this Section shall, in addition
to the specific requirements stated herein, comply with
American National Standard Institute Specification DH-
A2-HP of ANSI A134 .1-1972 , amended to date, and bear a
label indicating such compliance.
1 . 21 Samples
The Aluminum Replacement Windows Contractor shall supply
and install three windows complete in openings designated
by the Architect and used as a standard of the workman-
ship to be acceptable throughout the project, such
windows to be a part of the completed work if approved
by the Architect . No manufacture of windows for the
project shall begin until such written approval is ob-
0", tained.
3. In addition, glass shall withstand the pressure
of a one hundred (100) mile-per-hour wind velocity
at fifty (50) feet above the ground, with certi-
fication of same provided to the Architect from
the window manufacturer. Testing of glass
shall be in accordance with ASTM E 330-70 method.
Minimum glass thickness shall be double strength.
F. Glazing Material
Glass shall be set in channel-type gaskets (marine
glazing) and shall be of materials compatible with
aluminum, which will not promote corrosion, and shall
be resistent to deterioration by all forms of weather-
ing, and shall be suitably retained to maintain a
watertight seal between the glass and its surrounding
frame. Flexible vinyl, where used, shall be equal to
Commercial Standard CS 230-60.
G. Finish
The exposed surfaces of all aluminum members shall be
clean and free from serious surface blemishes, and be
finished with electrostatically baked enamel. Painted
finish shall meet AAMA 603.6. Film thickness is to be
1 mil, minimum.
H. Hardware
Cam locking arrangement at the meeting rail shall be
made of zinc and shall be nickel plated. All latching
arrangements shall be easily replaced or repaired without
disassembly of sash members .
1.16 Insect Screens
A. Standard screen members shall be of hollow extruded
aluminum 6063-T5 or 6063-T6 with a minimum wall thick-
ness of . 050" . Screens shall be provided with half-
moon frection devices ; 4 per screen, sized for the
specific window for which it is intended, with minimum
standards in conformance with CS 138-55. Screens shall
have an integral aluminum lift rail or Architect-approved
aluminum lift handles .
B. Corners shall be firmly joined in a secure and workman-
like manner. Frame shall be of sufficient rigidity and
crossbraced as required to lie flat against window and
prevent excess bow in frame members and sag in screening.
C. Standard screen cloth is aluminum 18 x 16 charcoal color
mesh and shall meet the requirements of CS 138-55 ,
securely held in frame with splines.
to AAMA Specifications 701.1. Flexible vinyl weather-
stripping, if used, must conform to AAMA Specifications
CS 230-60.
1.15 Construction
A. Assembly
The window shall be assembled in a secure and workman-
like manner to perform as hereinafter specified and
to assure a neat and weathertight construction.
B. Main Frame
All joints of the main frame shall be of butt type .
construction joined neatly and secured by means of screws
anchored in integral screw ports. The main frame at
the junction of the sill and frame shall be sealed at
the outside with a good grade of sealant meeting the
requirements of AAMA 803.2.
C. Sash
Lower sash shall be counter balanced and operational ,
and sash members shall be of butt type, joined at the
corners with screws in integral screw port which can
be easily removed for repair or reglazing. All hori-
zontal sash members shall be of hollow construction.
The meeting rails of both sashes shall interlock in
the closed position. The interlock shall be weather-
stripped, and provide full closure at the meeting rail.
D. Thermal Barrier
All main frame and sash members shall be thermally
broken by means of liquid poured polyurethane or
other Architect-approved material . There shall be no
exterior to interior metal contact throughout the
window. The thermal break shall allow for independent
expansion/contraction of interior and exterior sash
and main frames .
E. Glass
1. Glass shall not be less than "B" quality and
shall conform to FS DD-C451c. Units shall be
hermetically sealed, bear the label of the manu-
facturer indicating glass quality and sheet
thickness, and be guaranteed against infiltration
of air, dust or water vapor into the entrapped
air space , except for glass breakage, for a
period of five (5) years.
2. All windows shall. have interior grilles which reflect
a 6 over 1 small pane Colonial appearance of the win-
1.14 Materials
A. Alloys
Aluminum shall be of commercial quality and of proper.
alloy for window construction, free from the defects
impairing strength and durability.
All extruded sections shall be of 6063-T5 or 6063-T6
alloy temper, and shall have a minimum ultimate tensile
strength of 22,000 PSI and yield of 16,000 PSI.
B. Window Members
Main frame and sash members shall have a nominal wall
thickness of not less than 0.062" except for fin trim
either integral or applied. The standard wall thickness
tolerances as defined by the Aluminum Association shall
apply. Frame sill members shall have a nominal thickness
of not less than 0. 078" . The master frame shall be no
less than 3-1/4" in depth.
C. Fasteners
All screws and other miscellaneous fastening devices
incorporated shall be of aluminum, stainless steel or
other non-corrosive materials compatible with aluminum.
z Cadium or zinc-plated steel, where used, shall be in
accordance with ASTM A 164-71 or A 165-71. Nickel or
chrome-plated steel, where used, shall be in accordance
with AAMA recommendations , and ASTM A 166-61T, Type KS.
D. Hardware
Hardware having component parts which are exposed shall
be of aluminum, stainless steel or other non-corrosive
material compatible with aluminum. Cadium or zinc-plated
steel, where used, must be in accordance with ASTM
$pecifications A 165-71 or A 164-71.
E. Counter-Balancing Mechanisms
Balances complying with the requirements of AAMA 902.1
"Sash Balance Specifications" and of appropriate size
and capacity to hold both typ and bottom sash stationary
in any open position shall be used. Sash balances shall
allow, sash to disengage simply for cleaning or repair .
F. Weatherstripping
All window units shall be double weatherstripped with
a woven pile so that there is no metal-to-metal contact
between the master frame and the operating sash. All
weatherstripping shall be installed in specially
extruded parts and secured to prevent movement , shrinkage ,
or loss when removing sash for either cleaning or repair.
Woven pile weatherstripping, where used, must conform
1.11 ,Filed Sub-Bid
A. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H inclu-
sive, and a Filed Sub-Bid for such work shall be submitted
in appropriate form.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as
required on the following Contract Drawings unless
specifically indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
X-1 Site Plan
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
1st, 2nd, & Basement Floors
A-2 Typical Four Unit Building
A-1 Six Unit Building Plans
1st and 2nd Floors
A-5 Six Unit Building Elevations
A-9 Typ. Bath Plan & Elevs.
A-10 Type "A" , "D" & "B" Kitchen
Plans & Elevs.
A-11 Window Details
1. 12 Reference Standards
A. Comply with the following:
1. ANSI A134. 1, Latest Edition.
1. 13 Requirements for Single Hung Replacement Windows
A. Aluminum Replacement Windows shall be the three-track,
`Dingle-hung, prefinished type having one vertical
sliding sash and one vertical sliding framed screen
insert with aluminum screening material. Glass in
sash shall be minimum 5/8" thick insulating. Both
upper and lower sash shall have "Tilt-In" or "Side-Load"
for ease of cleaning and sash and framed screen inserts
shall be easily removable from the frame. In requiring
compliance with AAMA Specification DH-A2-HP (Commercial
Type) , it is also required that all work and components
shall similarly be of commercial quality (not residential)
suitable for installation in and able to withstand the
rough usage common in public housing.
1. 09 Submittals
- A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
1 . Window Installation and Compliance Testing Data.
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1 . Window Complete including screen.
2. Color Samples.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
following: at ,Buildings No. 1 through 12:
1. Remove all existing metal windows from their openings
at the first and second floors of all twelve buildings
and replace same with new prefinished aluminum Prime
Replacement Windows complying except as noted with AAMA
Specification DH-A2-HP, complete with half-screens.
Windows shall have a maximum infiltration of air .of 0. 30
cubic feet of air per minute per lineal foot of crack.
2. New interior wood stops.
B. See Division 1, Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequence and
C. See Section 1K relative to model/sample installation
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
_three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers'/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under . other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See SectionlG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1..08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirementf
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization. of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
,, in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
F. Install 12" x 12" tab strips cut from 12" x 36" shingle
strips at ridges, five inch exposure.
G. Comply with manufacturers recommendations.
3. 03 Membrane Roofing Installation
A. Comply with manufacturers recommendations to withstand code
required wind induced :uplift forces, at minimum 15 pounds
per square foot.
B. Install per manufacturer' s recommendations.
3. 04 Guarantee
A. Provide the Manufacturers' Standard warrantees to the
Housing Authority.
3. 05 Shop Drawings and Samples
A. Provide all required shop drawings and samples of all items
to be installed. Order no materials without written ap-
proval of Architect.
B. Contractor should assume that two different asphalt shingle
colors may be installed in the project.
3. 06 Extra Materials
A. Provide two bundles of shingles for each color used.
2.11 Materials for Flat (Slightly Pitched) Roofs
A. Manufacturer shall be Carlisle Goodyear, or approved
equal with ten year material warranty.
B. System shall be of the adhered, minimum 60 mil thick EPDM
membrane type supplemented by all required mechanical
C. Submit shop drawings previously approved by manufacturer.
D. Adhesives per manufacturer.
2. 12 Caulking and Sealants
One part Silicone in full range of colors, complying with
Federal Specification TT-S-001543.
2.13 Cricket Flashing
A. Comply with Reference Standards and SMACNA Manual Plate 62.
2.14 Scupper Flashing
A. Similar to SMACNA' s Manual Plate 29.
2.15 Other flashing details whether by this or other trades shall
comply with the Reference Standards.
3. 01 Preparation of Roofs
A. Cover all large cracks, slivers, knot holes, loose knots,
pitchy knots, and excessively resinous areas with sheet
metal securely nailed to sheathing.
B. Just before applying the new roofing, sweep the deck
thoroughly clean of all loose debris.
3. 02 Pitched Roofing Installation
A. Install continuous metal drip strip at all roof eaves. Nail
at 8" to 10" centers.
B. Install 15 pound asphalt felt underlay over eave drip strip
and over entire roof area of buildings. Lap felt 2" mini-
mum at top and 4" at ends. Lap felts from both sides 6"
over ridges.
C. Install continuous metal drip strips at all gable ends
over felt underlay.
D. Install a 36" wide 55 pound smooth roll roofing eave
flashing strip which overhangs the underlay and eave drip
strip by 3/8" .
E. Install 9" starter strip of 90 pound mineral surfaced sheet,
nailed at 8 inch centers, over bottom portions of 55 pound
eave flashing strip.
AW 2. 01 Manufacturers of Materials for Pitched Roofs
A. The products of Georgia Pacific, Certainteed, or GAF
Corporation, accompanied by manufacturers standard 20
year warranty.
B. For purposes of designating the type, style, color range,
configuration, etc. the products of Georgia Pacific
are mentioned. Equal products of the other manufacturers
may be substituted when approved by the Architect. The
recommendations of the roofing manufacturer shall be
strictly adhered to.
2. 02 Asphalt Saturated Felt.
A. Felt shall be 15 pound asphalt saturated complying with
ASTM D226.
2. 03 Asphalt Shingles
A. Asphalt shingles shall be conventional 3 stick-down tab
235 pounds per square Class C with equal but not more
than 5" exposure.
2. 04 Nails and Fasteners
A. Nails for asphalt felts and shingles shall be large
headed hot dipped galvanized of lengths and spacing
recommended by the Roofing Manufacturer.
B. All other fasteners shall be compatible with the materials
with which they shall be in contact.
2 . 05 Drip Strips
A. Drip strips shall be 3" wide by 1" drip with return and be
made of 0. 025 inch prefinished aluminum. Nail through
prepunched holes with aluminum nails.
2. 06 Ridge Vents shall be prefinished color Univent by Air Vent Inc.
or equal.
2. 07 Concealed Metal Including Step Flashing
A. Mill finish aluminum, 0. 019 inch thick, minimum 4" lap in
all directions.
2. 08 Exposed Metal Including Counter-finishings
A. Prefinished aluminum, 0. 032 inch thick, minimum 4" lap.
2 . 09 Other Exposed Metal
Prefinished 0. 032 inch aluminum.
2.10 Colors shall be selected from the full range of manufacturers'
colors. Prefinished aluminum colors shall include the range
of at least those produced by Alcoa Aluminum.
1.11.Filed Sub-Bid
A. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H inclu-
sive, and a Filed Sub-Bid for such work shall be submitted
'in appropriate form.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as
required on the following Contract Drawings unless
specifically indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
X-1 Site Plan
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
lst, 2nd, and Basement Floors
A-2 Typical Four Unit Building Eleva-
A-3 , Six Unit Building Plans
1st and 2nd Floors
A-5 Six Unit Building Elevations
A-7 Roof Plans & Details
A-8 Mansard Roof Details
A-12 Typical Building Front Entry
1.12 Reference Standards
A. Comply with the following:
All items of workmanship and materials not specified or
detailed shall be done in accordance with the Manufacture,
Selection and Application of or Asphalt Roofing and Siding
Products, Tenth Edition, as published by the Asphalt Roof-
ing Manufacturers Association and the Architectural Sheet
Metal Manual and Specifications, Third and Fifth Editions
published by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contrac-
tors National Association. Any conflict between the pro-
visions of these publications and materials used shall be
resolved to the satisfaction of the Architect.
1. 09 Submittals
A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
1 . Shop drawings and product data for:
a. Mineral surface shingle installation.
b. Single ply membrane roof installation approved by
c. Metal flashings, ridge vent, edge drip.
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1 . Full range of roofing shingles.
2. Ridge vent.
3. Edge drip.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section include& but is not limited to the
following at Buildings No. 1 through 12:
1. Install new mineral surfaced roofing shingles over all
pitched roof surfaces including new main, mansard, and
front building entry roofs.
2. Install new single ply roofing over all "flat" (only
slightly pitched) portions of front building entry
3. Install new ridge vents.
4. Install new chimney and cricket flashings.
5. Install flashings provided by others for installation.
6. Install all flashings required for a water and weather-
tight installation unless specifically required by
7 . Make all building roofs water and weathertight during
inclement weather and prior to terminating work each
B. See Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequence and Area.
C. See Section 1K relative to model/sample installation
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under ,other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion, two years for metal
and other flashings.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority's main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect's random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization .of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers' , . producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
tions in its intended manner. Report any deviations to the
Architect , and correct such deficiencies to the satisfaction of the
A• Just prior to completion of work of this Section in each building,
the General Contractor shall , in the company of the Architect,
inspect the entire work and shall make all required adjustments or
corrections to the work leaving all operating parts in perfect
operating condition, all jointings to adjacent material tight, all
surfaces without blemish or stains, all work properly executed and
complete, and all defects and damaged work replaced or corrected.
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A. All interior finish work shall be made perfectly straight, level or
plumb. Set and putty all nails, countersink all screws and counter-
bore and plug screws in exposed trim. Glue all miter and scarf
joints before nailing with white glue. Accurately fit members
before installing.'
B. Install hardwood items with finish nails, finish screws, or plugged j
wood screws only. Set and putty nails with putty matching wood
C. Cull out knots and other defects from wood used to provide uniform,
1 smooth and even finished work. Dress all edges and joints as
directed, and sand all exposed surfaces smooth to the touch, leaving
all work ready for final finishes.
A. Examine all grounds, strapping and blocking to secure cabinets and
do not start installation until conditions are proper. Verify that
all related work is sufficiently complete to permit proper
B. Install cabinets plumb and level without distortion.
C. Shim as necessary with concealed shims.
D. Accurately scribe and closely fit all counters, face plates, filler
strips and trim strips to irregularities of adjacent surfaces.
E. Neatly cut holes for the passage of plumbing pipes and wiring
through the cabinets. Holes shall be as small as possible, and in
any event smaller than the escutcheon plates. Provide all cutouts +
for fixtures and accessories.
F. Where cabinets, such as sink fronts, are not supplied with base
shelves or other features , provide such construction of plywood or
other wood products as directed by the Architect.
F. Finishing: carefully touch-up all trimmed surfaces, sanding edges
smooth to the touch and applying a slight bevel to the edges of the
faces. Coordinate with Section 9Cso that primers and sealers are
applied to wood doors immediately after doors are adjusted.
A. Hardware shall be attached and placed by skilled mechanics and shall
be accurately fitted and adjusted. Install door pulls, latch-sets,
locksets, etc. at locations conforming to National Association of
Hardware Manufacturers ' standards, or as herein described.
B. Coordinate hardware installation with finish painting of doors.
Except for hinges, install no hardware until doors have been primed.
Wherever possible, defer hardware installation until after painting
is complete.
C. Before final acceptance of the work, the General Contractor will go
over the entire project with the Architect and see that each piece
of finish hardware is undamaged and in good working order, as
described in Section 8F.
I : All finish wood work shall be sandpapered at field joints and where
, required by installation and shall be left in perfect condition for
,finishing by painting subcontractor. Sand exposed edges of all
woodwork smooth to the touch.
A. Install all doors and frames under this Section. Frames shall be
securely fitted, and shall be set square in rough openings without
twisting or springing. Heads shall be level and jambs plumb and
true. Mortise butts flush with jamb and door edges. Refer to per-
tinent sper_i¢,cations for additional installation instructions for
each type of door and frame.
B. Initial inspection of doors : prior to start 'of installation of each
door, carefully inspect the door and verify:
1. That the door furnished is the proper door for the opening, as #
described on the Door Schedule in the Drawings.
2. That the door is in sound condition, unblemished, without warp,
twist, bow or other attributes causing it to be rejected upon
C. Handling: carry doors, do not drag them. Use extreme care in
handling to prevent damage.
D. Fitting: trim all wood doors as necessary to provide a uniform
clearance of between 3 mm (1/8") and 5 mm (3/16") at jambs and head,
and a uniform clearance at the threshold or floor to properly clear
the floor covering described on the Finish Schedule in the Drawings.
E. Installing: for each door, verify the hardware type as described on
the Door Schedule in the Drawings and verify that hardware actually
supplied is the hardware specified. Using only the specified hilage s
or butts, and the proper equipment for the purpose, install the
into the opening.
r.- -- - -
A. Wood shall be furnished in longest practical lengths with respect to
each intended use, and single-length pieces shall be used wherever
B. Take all necessary field measurements before starting fabrication of
built-in work.
C. All joints shall be tight and formed to conceal shrinkage. All
running joints in trim shall be scarfed; butt joints will not be
accepted. Miter all corners in interior areas. Form exterior
joints to exclude and shed water.
D. All joints shall occur over and all nailing shall be to solid
framing or blocking. Coordinate requirements for blocking built
into construction under other Sections.
E. All nails in finished work shall be blind nailed, wherever possible,
and surface fasteners shall be set and filled. Fasteners shall be
spaced no more than 16" o.c. along length of trim and boards.
Spacing of fasteners across width of board shall not exceed 2 1/2
inches, with not less than: two fasteners for 5" widths or less,
three for widths to 7. 1/2", four for widths to 10", and so on. Such
spacing shall be regardless of types of fasteners used, as the
intent is to resist warpage, cupping and other deformation of wood
F. Woodwork shall be properly framed, closely fitted, and accurately
set to the required lines and levels and shall be rigidly secured in
? G. All millwork and trim shall conform to design and detail as shown.
Where practicable, cabinetry and millwork items shall be finished
and assembled at mill . !
H. All millwork and trim shall be finished smooth and free from machine
or tool marks that will. show through the finish. Nails used to
fasten painted work shall be set to receive putty.
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1. 22 Work at Ambulatory Accessible Unit at Building No. 4
A. Comply with all Architectural Barriers Board Requirements
for such unit type including notes on Plan A-1.
B. Door sizes required by the installation of new apartment
entry doors are acceptable. All other doors shall fit
existing frames but the swing shall be reversed at the
C. Install adhesive backed abrasive surfaced tread covers
over oak treads at first to second floor stairs after
D. Except as noted, replace existing underlayment/sub-floor
or install new plywood underlayment over existing through-
out so as to eliminate need for all "transition strips" .
E. Resurface basement stairs with �" plywood or turn over
existing treads depending upon the option chosen by the
Contractor under (D) above. Adjust stairs so that bottom
riser is equal to others. New plywood if installed shall
be edged by 1 x � wood with eased edges. Install abrasive
pads in (C) above.
F. Remove existing bathroom sub-floor/underlayment and replace
same so as to be flush.
G. Towel bars shall be equal to stainless steel grab bars and
shall be located on partitions. Contractor to submit
attachment methods for approval.
H. All work not the responsibility of other Sections shall be
performed by the General Contractor under this Section.
(i.e. G.C. shall remove existing bathroom underlay with
new underlay by Resilient Flooring Contractor.
1. 21 ,Bevel Siding
A. Western Red Cedar, saw texture side exposed, ? 11 x 6" , Clear
and A Grade in 4 to 20 foot lengths, WWPA Grading Rules.
B. Nailing shall be high tensile strength aluminum Alloy, blunt
point, ringed full shank length nails wil small heads set
flush in view of the fact that siding will be prestained.
Nailing shall be plumb, in alignment, and in accordance with
the recommendations of the Western Red Cedar Lumber Associa-
tion and the State Building Code.
C. All siding shall be prestained with one coat of machine
applied Olympic Semi-transparent Oil Stain applied at the
rate of not more than 150 square feet per gallon. The
Olympic Stainer System shall be used so that allsurfaces
of the siding are first flooded with stain, the saw-texture
side which is to be exposed mechanically pressure-rolled,
and all surfaces mechanically brushed using high-speed
brushes. The products and prestaining systems of the fol-
lowing manufacturers are also acceptable providing the full
range of stain colors available from Olympic are matched:
Samuel Cabot Inc.
Benjamin Moore Co.
d. Colors of plastic laminate shall be as selected by the
e. All sides of cabinets which may be exposed by removal
of any non-built-in item shall be finished in material
equal in all respects to all visible portions of the
cabinets. Stoves and refrigerators shall not be con-
sidered built-in items. Cabinets shall come complete
with all required returns, sides, and filler pieces.
2 . All countertops shall be made in one piece to the full
length as measured in the field, of a depth providng a
minimum of 3/4" lap over cabinet door and/or drawer face,
with a 4" backsplash. No field cutting, other than
scribing, permitted.
3. Countertop shall be cut out for sink and cooktop accord-
ing to templates. Coordinate with appliance manufac-
turer(s) to obtain a finished appearing installation.
I. Samples
1. Submit plastic laminate samples in full range of colors
including those to match appliance colors.
2 . Submit a typical base and wall cabinet.
J. Installation
1. Wall and base cabinets shall be secured to partition
studding by screwing, through a portion of such cabinet
which is a minimum of 5/8" thick directly into studs
or blocking.
2. Cabinets and vanities shall be set level with the toe
kick space being scribed to the floor or shimmed or
both if required in the case of base cabinets.
3 . Scribe all cabinets and countertops to effect a snug
fit. Should any countertop require more than a 4"
scribe cut, the wall shall be made a true plane and made
at right angles to abutting walls if required.
K. Sample Installation
1 . Install a typical kitchen and obtain Architect' s written
approval prior to manufacture in quantity.
L. Warranty
1. Cabinet manufacturer shall warranty his work in writing
for one year from the date of Substantial Completion.
6 . Other Components
POW a. Cabinet bottoms must have a minumum thickness of :
4" tempered hardboard or plywood, or 3/8" hardboard
or high-density particle board. Cabinet sides must
have a minimum thickness of Toe kicks must be
totally enclosed.
b. Wall cabinets must have a minimum of two (2 ) wood
nailing strips (top and bottom) . Minimum dimensions
for nailers are 3/4" x h" .
c. All cabinet interiors must be treated with a water-
resistant substance.
d. Kitchens coutertops shall be equipped with a back-
splash permanently attached to the countertop.
e. Caulk all penetrations through cabinets.
G. Cabinet Hardware
1. All cabinet hardware will comply with ANSI A156. 9 - 1975
unless otherwise indicated:
a. Drawers - side mount drawer slides (Type B85051/B85052 )
shall be wrought steel with plastic rollers and positive
b. Door and drawer pulls - three and one half inch anodized
aluminum plain bar type at all doors and drawers.
c. Door hinges - wrought steel pivot hinges, spring close
wrap around type, two per door.
d. Silencers - provide rubber or felt silencers at all
doors and drawers.
2 . Finish of all visible hardware shall be as selected by
the Architect.
3 . With the exception of drawer slide rollers, no plastic
parts will be permitted.
H. Finishes
1 . All plastic laminated work shall bein conformance with
NEMA Standard LD3 and the referenced NAPF Standard.
a. Plastic laminate of all counter tops, both horizontal
and vertical surfaces, shall be general purpose grade,
or in the case of formed pieces, forming grade. All
} countertops shall be factory assembled including cor-
ner mitering.
b. Countertops shall have a curved anti-drip self-edge
nose, a small radius cove, and a rectangular back-
splash with return to allow for scribing to the wall
c. Where no drawers are called for, a raised panel equal.to
drawer fronts shall be installed to give a continuous
e. Drawers are to be constructed of wood, plywood, or
particle board without sharp edges, have smooth and
OOPk easy glide full length double runners fastened to a
single full width rear plywood brace with a minimum
thickness of Y" and have installed commercial quality
type stops .
f. Drawers and doors are to have easy grasp type hardware
such as knobs or pulls.
g. Exposed cabinet surfaces shall be uniform in finished
3 . All cabinets shall bear a label indicating compliance
with ANSI A 161. 1.
4 . The minimum standard acceptable will be in accordance
with AWI ' s Economy Grade.
F. Cabinet Layouts
1. Except at kitchen sinks, base kitchen cabinet units shall
be 28;�" high and shall contain a drawer over each cabinet
door plus a half depth intermediate and full depth bottom
shelf. Base cabinets shall be as shown on the drawings
and any cabinet over 18" wide shall have two doors.
2 . Wall cabinets
Wall cabinets shall be 30" in height and contain two ( 2 )
full depth intermediate adjustable shelves except that
cabinets over the sink and range shall have one full
depth intermediate adjustable shelf.
3 . Doors
Doors shall be minimum 5/8" high density particle board
with plastic laminate applied to all surfaces, solid stock
or multi-ply plywood with wood face veneers, or made up
of solid wood members.
4. Cabinet Fronts
The fronts of all cabinets shall be 3/4" x minimum 11-2"
hardwood with mortise and tenon or dowel joining in ac-
cordance with Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI )
Section 400-G-7 .
5. Drawers
All drawers shall comply with the following:
a. Cabinet drawers must be full-length (minimum of
1811 ) . Drawers must be designed with a durable, full-
length, side-mounted, double runner suspension system
with manual positive stops. Currently recommended
is a full-length steel system with nylon wheels. Mono-
rail systems are not recommended (with the exception
of the Accuride 42 ball bearing system) .
b. Drawer bottoms must have a minimum thickness of :
1/8" tempered hardboard or plywood, or �" hardboard
or high-density particle board . Drawer sides must
have a minimum thickness of 7/16" .
1 . 20 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops
A. Work included:
1. Remove existing kitchen cabinets completely.
2 . Install new kitchen cabinets and countertops complete.
B. Reference. Standards
1 . ANSI A156 . 9-1975 - Cabinet Hardware
2. ANSI A161 . 1 - 1973 - Cabinet Construction and Perfor-
mance Standards.
3 . NAPF - Performance Standards for Fabricated High Pressure
Decorative Laminate Countertops.
4. AWI - Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards and Guide
Specifications - Custom Grade
5. Architectural Barriers Board Requirements
C. Shop Drawings
1. Submit shop drawings of all work in this Section at
3" = l ' -0" in accordance with the General Requirements.
D. Samples
1 . Submit a sample of the following in accordance with the
General Requirements.
a. Base Cabinet
b. Countertop
c. Wall cabinet
E. Minimum Cabinet Standards
1 . All kitchen cabinets are to comply with all requirements
of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI )
A 161 . 1, latest edition, as well as the applicable HUD
Criteria contained in the HUD Minimum Property Standards,
and the Rules and Regulations of the Massachusetts
Arcictectural Barriers Board.
2 . The level of quality is to reflect, at minimum, the
a. Cabinet exterior finish must be a durable material such
as a prefinished hardwood, veneer plywood or plastic
laminate comparable to formica general purpose grade
55 (V-32 ) .
b. Particle board, if used, is to be high density grade,
a minimum of Y" thickness and to have plastic laminate
on both inside and outside surfaces.
c. Hardboard (tempered only) if used, is restricted to
verticle cabinet backing only and shall be a minimum
thickness of 4" .
d. The various members of the cabinet shall be neatly
fitted to each other, blocked, wedged, glued and
backscrewed or stapled together to produce satisfactory
E. Materials
""` 1 . Wall Board
a. Comply with ASTM C36, Minimum k" thick.
b. Type X where fire resistance required at party walls
(one hour) .
c. Horizontal application at walls.
d. All joints to be three coat finish.
e. Provide all required trim corner and casing beads as
determined by the Architect.
f. Comply with Reference Standards.
g. Install all material furnished by others and installed
in Gypsum Wall Board.
2 . Patching Materials
a. Compatible with existing surfaces to be repaired and
recommended by manufacturer.
F. Finish
1. Install and finish per Reference Standards.
G. Cementitious Backer Board
1 . Cementitious backer board shall be "Wonderboard"
fiberglass reinforced panels by Modulars, Inc. , Hamilton, j
Ohio or equal. All joints shall be taped as recommended
by the manufacturer to be self-setting, or shall be
countersunk flush.
2. Install all wall surfaces to receive ceramic wall tile.
H. Repair of Destructive Investigation /Other Areas.
1. As it is known that destructive investigation is allowed
by the Bid Documents and has taken place within certain
apartments, the Contractor shall correct all areas so
affected and other areas requiring correction by accom-
plishing the following in addition to other work re-
quired by the Contract Documents: j
a. Repair/replace 100 square feet of wall area including
supporting members to equal the surrounding area
when finished.
b. Repair/replace 100 square feet of ceiling area in the
manner of (1 ) above.
2. Work shall not commence under this heading prior to
notification and measurement by the Clerk of the works
and the approval of the Architect.
3 . The Contractor and the Clerk of the Works shall make a
joint inspection of all apartments immediately upon
their being made available to the contractor.
C. Caulk to provide a water and weathertight installation, a
neatly finished appearance, and to seal off all areas
which may serve as nesting places for insects and other
vermin. j
1 . 19 Gypsum Wall Board, Cementitious Backer Board, Wall/Ceiling
Finishes i
A. Reference Standards :
1. Recommendations of the Gypsum Association Including:
a. Specificaitons for the Application and Finishing of
Gypsum Board.
b. Using Gypsum Board for Walls and Ceilings.
c. Fire Resistance Manual.
d. NFPA' s Design of Firestopping and Draftstopping for
Concealed Spaces.
e. US Gypsum Construction Handbook.
B. Fire Resistance
1 . Maintain a minimum of one hour fire resistive construc-
tion between apartments, horizontally and vertically.
2 . Firestopping and draftstopping for code and Natural Forest k
Products Association recommendations.
C. Work Included:
I"* 1. Repair of all existing surfaces with defects larger than r
the size of a US 25 cent coin.
2 . Repair of all surfaces (not required to be repaired under
other Sections) affected by the Contract work.
3. Installation of new gypsum drywall in kitchens and bath-
roms. Installation of new cementitious backer board in
bathrooms at three sides of tubs.
4 . Installation of new gypsum drywall at new partition work. t
5. Gypsum board separations above existing roof line, every
other apartment.
6 . Blocking to support and rigidly secure all items whether
new or to be reused.
7 . All other work required to fulfill the intent of the
Contract Documents.
D. Attachment Methods:
1. Screen to metal or wood studs/furring. y
2 . Combination. of adhesive/screw/nail methods in bathrooms,
at other solid partitions, and where a single method F
does not insure a lasting securement.
3. All methods as recommended by manufacturer and subject
to approval of the Architect.
primed all surfaces (back primed) with one coat of the
appropriate finish specified under Division 9 prior to
its arrival on the job site. All sap streaks, knots and
the like shall be sealed with a coat of shellac prior to
1. 15 Finish Wood
A. Exterior Boards other than Mouldings and Worked Wood
No. 2 Common White Pine
B. Exterior Mouldings
Clear Select White Pine
C. Exterior Worked Wood (Column Capitals )
Clear Select White or Sugar Pine
D. Interior Boards
No. 2 Common White Pine including base.
E. Interior Mouldings and Worked Wood including Door and
Window Casework.
Clear White Pine
F. Exposed Plywood at Exterior
A/C with exterior glue
1. 16 Replacement of Deteriorated Items to Match Existing
A. Replace 200 square feet of existing sheathing.
B. Replace 100 linear feet of wood base.
(No. 2 Pine)
C. Replace 100 board feet of Number 2 Pine where directed
by the Architect.
D. The above shall be installed where directed by the Architect
and is in addition to all other work required elsewhere by
the Contract Documents.
E. Notify the Clerk of the Works of all work to be done under
this heading for measurement prior to any removal and/or
new installation.
1. 17 Repair of Existing Wood Surfaces
A. Repair all surfaces to their original configuration so as
to present a neat, repaired, and finished appearance. Par-
ticular note shall be taken of jambs of exterior roofs
where combination doors are to be removed and new doors in-
stalled in their stead.
1 .18 Caulking
A. Caulk all items not required to be caulked under other
Sections in accordance with best trade practices and else-
where where directed by the Architect.
B. Caulking shall be Silicone, colors as selected by the
the American Woodwork Institute ' s Custom Grade except that
exterior work above First Floor Ceiling levels may at mini-
mum be of the Economy Grade.
1 . 12 Quality Assurance
A. Comply with reference standards cited herein. Submit
evidence of compliance for each material noted in the Work.
B. All architectural woodwork and millwork items shall be fab-
ricated and installed in strict accordance with at minimum,
the quality standards of the Architectural Woodwork Insti-
tute references.
C. Grade and trademark required on each piece of lumber (or
each bundle if bundled stock) . Use only the recognized
official marks of association under whose rules it is
graded. Grade and trademarks will not be required if each
shipment is accompanied by certificate of inspection issued
by association. Plywood shall conform to U.S. Product
Standards (PS-1 ) and shall be branded or stamped with type
and grade.
D. All wood shall be kiln-dried to moisture contents as follows :
1. Exterior 9% to 14% (average 12% ) .
2. Interior 5% to 10% (average 8% ) .
1 . 13 Submittals
A. Submit Shop Drawings for all finish woodwork items. Shop
Drawings shall show all significant details of materials,
construction, and installation, and conform to the pro-
visions of Division 2. Submit a complete materials list
of all items proposed to be furnished and installed. under
this Section.
1 . 14 Grading Standards and Back Priming
A. Unless otherwise noted, all wood shall be graded in ac-
cordance with the following:
1. Selets, finish, shop and mouldings, Boards, and Western
Red Cedar.
Western Wood Products Association
2. Dimension Lumber
National Grading Rule for Dimension Lumber (per
PS 20-70)
3. Plywood
US Product Standand PS 1-83 ,
B. Unless otherwise noted, all lumber shall be kiln dried to
the moisture contents indicated in the standards and be pro-
tected at all times to maintain such percentages.
C. All exterior boards, mouldings, and worked wood including
those used at cornices, soffits, rakes, corners, window
trim and sills, column capitals and the like shall be
1. 09 Submittals
/A. Submit a minimum of Six ( 6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1. 10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
following at Buildings No. 1 through 12 :
1 . Install new doors and frames.
2. Install new bevel siding.
3 . Install new exterior trim.
4 . Install kitchen cabinets and countert6ps.
5 . Install cementitious backer board.
6. Install new gypsum wall board.
7 . Install caulking.
8 . Back priming of all exterior trim (all sides and ends
with paint of manufacturer selected by Painting
Cotnractor) members to remain exposed to the weather.
9 . Install finish hardware.
10. Install new interior trim.
B. It is not the intent of this specification to define the
types, sizes, or installation methods for each item of
finish or trim. Installation, joinery, sizes, types of
finish, and spacing of nailers and furring strips, shall
be done in accordance with the details on the drawings for
the specific areas involved in accordance with the listed
standards as approved by the Architect.
C. All finish carpenter' s work and maerials not specified
elsewhere, but which are implied by the Drawings and/or
required for the work, shall be furnished under this
Section, whether or not specifically described herein.
1.11 Reference Standards
A. All work and materials shall at minimum comply with the
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
sow Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1 . 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
ih manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
,,, per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under .other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad- s
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section 1G-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1 . 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
' and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of : codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
' ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , . producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
than $250, 000.
1. Detailed shop drawings based upon field measurements
showing the exact configuration of all trusses, the
materials used, product data and the HUD Truss Con-
nector Buleting of the manufactuer of the connectors
to be used, bracing, location of tags, BWT Green Sheets,
and product data on rafter ties.
2. All design calculations for trusses, bracing, connectors,
rafter ties, etc.
F. Do not fabricate any truss work prior to approval of
material required under (E) above.
G. Erect in accordance with Reference Standards.
3. 08 Insulation
A. Install six inch (6" ) unfaced Fiberglass (R-19) batt
insulation over all existing roofs of apartment buildings
and as otherwise shown on the drawings. Provide clear
1" circulation space for soffit to ridge vent air move-
ment. Products shall be Owens Corning or equal.
3. 06 Centering and Shoring
A. Centers and shores for all work where required shall be
provided, installed, maintained in position, and removed
from premises before completion.
3. 07 Wood Trusses - Prefabricated
A. Reference standards:
1. All design, fabrication, erection, and other work in
connection with wood trusses shall be at minimum in
accordance with the following: '
a. Truss Plate Institue Publications
TPI - 85, Design Specifications for Metal
Plate Connected Wood Trusses.
QCM - 77, Quality Control Manual
HET - 80, Handling and Erecting Wood Trusses
BWT - 76, Bracing Wood Trusses
CSP - 78, Code of Standard Practice
b. HUD Publications
Handbook 4850.2, Design Criteria for Trussed
Truss Connector Bulletin Approving Connectors
of Manufacturer
c. State Building Code including Articles 7, 8 , 9, 13
and 18.
B. All trusses shall be delivered complete with warning tags,
BWT Green Sheets and tags locating bearing, lateral
bracing, special bracing, and erection lift points.
C. Truss bearing points are to be located directly over the
existing wood bearing partitions below. Truss designs
shall allow for any and all loading introduced by any non-
symetrical locations of central bearing partitions in
roofs, the upper chords of which are to be symetrical about
their ridge poles.
D. Roof truss design shall be in accordance with Article 7 of
the State Building Code. Snow Loading shall be as indi-
cated for Zone 4 and Wind Loading for Zone 1, Exposure C.
Provide galvanized steel rafter ties of the required
.strength and configuration secured in place to resist all
loading including uplift at the ends of each truss con-
necting same to the existing ceiling joists below or
to new bearing plates secured to existing ceiling joists
E. Submit the following sealed and signed by a Professional
Engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
who has and will maintain for a period of seven years
from the date of Substantial Completion of the last build-
ing completed under this Contract, Professional Liability
(Errors and Omissions ) Insurance in the amount of not less
3. 01 Laying out Work
A. Lay out all work in accordance with the Contract Documents,
approved Shop Drawings, and completed portions of the work.
Report all discrepancies to the Architect promptly for
correction and adjustment.
3. 02 Materials Installed by Others
A. Coordinate the work of this Section with all other trades.
B. Provide all anchors, inserts, and other items required to
be set in concrete or masonry construction in a timely
manner, with all required templates and locating informa-
C. Work improperly coordinated shall be corrected to the sat-
isfaction of the Architect at no additional cost to the
3. 03 Miscellaneous Blocking and Carpentry
A. Furring, blocking, and backing shall be furnished and
installed where required for reception of wall board,
formation of architectural features concealment of pipes,
conduits, ducts, attachment of supports for accessories,
building specialties, and other fixtures. Contractor
shall consult with the trades concerned and set furring
and blocking they require.
3. 04 Rough Hardware
A. Furnish and install all stock items of rough hardware, as
indicated or required, including clips, anchors, hangers,
bolts, ties, and plates for connecting wood members to
concrete, masonry, or steel, except as specified to be
provided under other Sections. Details are subject to the
approval of the Architect.
3. 05 Intent and Workmanship
A. It is not the intent of this Section to herein define
the types, sizes, or installation methods for each item
of work. Methods of installation, joinery, sizes, spacing
of nailers and furring strips, and other information per-
taining to the lumber, plywood, and other items of re-
quired work, shall be installed in accordance with the
details on the Drawings for the specific areas involved.
B. Work that is to be finished or painted shall be free from
defects or blemishes on surfaces exposed to view that
will show after the finish coat of paint is applied. Any
material which is in any way defective and not up to speci-
fications for quality and grade for its intended use, or
otherwise not in proper condition, shall be rejected.
is to be installed, and notify the Architectin writing
of conditions detrimental to the work. Do not proceed
with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions
have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Architect.
C. Coordinate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds,
and similar supports so that attached work will comply
with design requirements.
2. 01 Wood
A. As called for on the Drawings, herein, and at minimum in
compliance with the State Building Code.
B. Furring shall be 1x3 or 1x4 Construction Grade not more
than 16" on center.
C. Moisture Content shall not exceed 19%.
2. 01 Anchoring and Fastening
A. Anchorage and Fastening Materials: Select proper type, size,
material and finish for each application. Materials for
work within exterior construction shall be galvanized.
Comply with the following:
1. Nails and staples: Fed. Spec. FF-N-105
2. Tacks: Fed. Spec. FF-N-103
3. Wood Screws: Fed. Spec. FF-S-111
4. Bolts and Studs: Fed. Spec. FF-B-575
5. Nuts : Fed. Spec. FF-N-836
6. Washers: Fed. Spec. FF-W-92
7. Lag Screws or Lag Bolts: Fed. Spec. FF-B-561
8. Masonry Anchoring Devices: For expansion shields, nails,
and drive screws, comply with Fed. Spec. FF-S-325
9. Toggle Bolts: Fed. Spec. FF-B-588
10. Bar or Strap Anchors: ASTM A575 carbon steel bars.
B. Joist hangers, cross bridging, rafter ties, framing anchors,
header hangers, post caps, post straps, and other miscell-
aneous connectors and supports shall be fabricated of 16
or 18 guage galvanized steel, and shall be by Heckman,
Silver Metal Products, Teco, or Simpson.
C. Comply with all requirements and recommendations of the
Massachusetts State Building Code and the manufacturers of
the materials to be joined.
D. *Fabricated hardware items shall be by Teco, Simpson, Heck-
man or Silver as approved by the Architect. In exterior
areas or where in contact with concrete rough hardware
shall be hot-dip galvanized. In other areas electro-
galvanizing will be acceptable. Select products for
size of members joined or supported and to develop the
full strength of the members, as directed by the Architect
or shown on the Drawings.
1.11 Referenced Standards
A. Comply with the following:
1. At minimum American Woodwork Institute's Custom
Grade for all work except that exterior work above
the first floor ceiling level may comply with Economy
Grade requirements.
2. The State Building Code
3. National Forest Products Associations' Design of
Firestopping and Draftstopping for Concealed Spaces.
1.12 Quality Assurance
A. Provide at all times during the work of this Section ade-
quate supervisory personnel who shall be thoroughly fami-
liar with the type of construction involved and with the
requirements of the Contract Documents pertinent to this
work. Provide adequate numbers of skilled craftsmen
and other personnel to ensure the orderly and proper
progress of the work in accordance with the approved
progress schedule.
B. Lumber standard: Comply with PS20 for each indicated use,
including moisture content and actual sizes related to
the indicated nominal sizes, except as otherwise indicated.
C. Lumber grading: Comply with the Grading Rules of the
National Forest Products Association (NFPA) National De-
sign Specification for Stress Graded Lumber and its fasten-
D. Plywood standard: Comply with PS1-74.
E. Comply with standards referenced throughout this Section,
and submit producer certificates of compliance to the
F. Factory mark each piece of lumber and plywood with type,
grade, mill, and grading agency identification, or sub-
mit letter or certificate of compliance.
1. 13 Product Handling
A. Keep carpentry materials dry during delivery, storage
and handling. Store lumber and plywwod in stacks, with
provision for air circulation within stacks. Protect
bottom of stacks against contact with damp surfaces. Pro-
tect exposed materials against weather.
1.14 Job Conditions
A. Time delivery and installations of carpentry work to avoid
delaying other trades whose work is dependent on or af-
fected by the carpentry work and to comply with protection
and storage requirements.
B. Installer must examine the substrates and supporting struc-
tures and the conditions under which the carpentry work
1. 09 Submittals
� - A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
: 1. Trusses
2. Rough Hardware
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1. Plywood
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
following: at Buildings No. 1 through 12:
1. New prefabricated roof trusses including bracing.
2 . New roof sheathing with plywood clips and cricket
3. New partition work and furring.
4. New framing for door openings.
5. New framing and sheathing at entry roofs.
6 . New sheathing at vertical surfaces.
7 . Fire stopping to comply with codes.
8. All new blocking and furring required to support all
finish items.
9. Removal of all exisitng aluminum siding, trim, etc.
and its legal disposal off-site.
. 10. All work required to fulfill the requirements of the
intent of the Contract Documents.
B. It is not the intent of this specification to define the
types, sizes, or installation methods for each item of
finish or trim. Installation, joinery, sizes, types of
finish, and spacing of nailers and furring strips, shall
be done in accordance with the details on the drawings
for the specific areas involved in accordance with the
listed standards as approved by the Architect.
C. All finish carpenter' s work and materials not specified
elsewhere, but which are implied by the Drawings and/or
required for the work, shall be furnished under this Sec-
AOft whether or not specifically described herein.
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
j 1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See SectionlG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1 . 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , . producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
�"', in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
A. Wrought Iron Style Work
1 . Wrought iron style railings and gates shall be con-
structed of AISI Type 1017 steel stock and shall be
firmly secured in place and made rigid.
2. All vertical pickets in railings shall be Y" square
equally spaced and comply with codes in force but in
no case shall spacing be more than 6 inches on center.
3. Square tubular sections shall be ASTM_A36 steel, hot
dipped galvanized.
B. Steel Pipe Columns
1 . Steel pipe columns shall be ASTM A36 steel fabricated
to match existing.
C. Protective Coatings
1 . All metals not presenting a factory finish shall
be given one shop coat of rust inhibitive primer ex-
cept that all items subject to exposure to the weather
shall be hot dipped galvanized and given a shop coat.
Exterior wrought iron AISI 1017 components need not be
D. Welding
1 . All welding shall be in accordance with AWS Standards
with exposed surfaces ground smooth.
E. Hardware
1 . All hardware for exterior wrought iron style work shall
be hot dipped galvanized.
A. Install all work in a true plane, level and plumb, stepping
fencing on sloping grades.
B. Install fencing where coring on sleeving is an approved
method of installation using "Pour-rock" or similar expan-
sive material intended for such use.
C. All bolts and other exposed fasteners shall be hot dipped
galvanized secured to resist working forces to which the
members are subjected as well as the full strength of the
members connected and/or secured in place.
1.11,Filed Sub-Bid
., A. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H inclu-
sive, and a Filed Sub-Bid for such work shall be submitted ,
in appropriate form.
B. All work under this Section is as required herein and as
required on the following Contract Drawings unless
specifically indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
X-1 Site Plan
X-2 Site Plan Details
X-3 Site Details
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
1st, 2nd, & Basement Floors
A-2 Typical Four Unit Building Eleva-
A-3 Six Unit Building Plans
1st and 2nd Floors
A-5 Six Unit Building Elevations
1. 09 Submittals
-A. Submit a minimum of Six (6) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
"` Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
1. All fencing including gates, in plan and elevation
showing grade changes.
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1. Butt hinges.
2. 11" tempered steel wire gate spring for each gate.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
following at Buildings No. 1 through 12:
1 . New wrought iron style railings and gates at front
porches and patios.
2. New wrought iron style railings and gates at Tot Lot.
3 . New column to match existing at center entry of
Building No. 6.
4. All rough and finish hardware and welding required to
complete fabrication and installation.
5. Shop painting.
B. See Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequence and Areas.
C. See Section 1K relative to model/sample installation
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1.01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority's main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization .of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
.,, in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
B. Concrete block: For load bearing walls, shall conform to
ASTM C90, Grade U-II for exterior work, Grade P-II for
interior work, and made of sand and gravel aggregates.
For non-load bearing walls, block conforming to ASTM C129
or similar grades may be used.
C. Mortar: Shall conform .to ASTM C215, Type N made of cement,
lime and sand, or masonry cement and sand.
D. Cement Plaster: Per BIA recommendations including surface
preparation and additives.
3. 01 Laying
A. All brick shall be laid in a full bed of mortar and be
tied to backup by metal ties, or header units every sixth
course. Common bond shall be used except that existing
brickwork shall be matched. Concrete block shall have
full shell bedding. New brickwork or masonry shall be
toothed into and match in size, color, joints, and bond
the existing brickwork insofar as possible.
B. All new and repaired areas shall be cleaned and pointed
upon completion.
C. No masonry work shall be done when the temperature of the
surrounding air is below 40 degrees F.
3. 02 Repointing
A. Repointing of areas of the buildings shall be done as
directed by the Architect.
B. Before repointing, joints shall be raked out clean to a
minimum depth of one-half inch (Y' ) and wetted.
C. Mortar shall be as specified, color to match color of
existing joints as closely as possible.
D. Finish joint shall be tooled to a concave surface and/or
match existing adjacent finished joints.
3. 03 Firestopping
A. Install masonry and/or wire lath and plaster firestopping
as required by codes in force.
1. 09 Submittals
-A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
1 . Brick mortar mix
2. Cement plaster mix
3'. Brick
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1 . Brick to match existing chimnies. (Submit samples
in field. )
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect. .
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
1 . Provide all masonry work indicated on the Drawings, in
the Specifications, elsewhere in the Contract Documents,
and to fulfill their intent.
2 . Extension of chimnies including flue liners at all resi-
dential buildings.
3. Repointing of a total of 200 square feet of exterior
wall area where directed by the Authority.
4 . Total of fifty ( 50 ) square feet of cement plaster (two
coat - 3/4" thick total) over existing masonry where
directed by the Architect.
5. Remove all graffitti, "wash" stains (from existing
painted aluminum siding) , etc. from exterior masonry
surfaces of all buildings including one story building
attached to Building No. 1.
1.11 Reference Standards
A. Comply with the following:
1 . Recommendations of the Brick Institute of America
including its Technical Notes on Brick Construction.
2. 01 Materials
A. Face brick: All new face brick required shall conform to
ASTM C216, Grade SW of a type and color to match as closely
as possible to that used on the existing structure. Brick
used on horizontal surfaces also conform to ASTM C216, Grade
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
to manufacturers!/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See SectionlG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
A. All dead and diseased branches shall be removed and
disposed of off the site. Branches that cross over
each other shall be pruned in accordance with the
accepted practices of pruning. Trees specified shall
be thinned out. All trees shall be fertilized accord-
ing to accepted practices. Pruning should take :place
for all maple trees in August. All others should be
pruned in the Winter.
Remove all dead and diseased branches and dispose of off the
site. Fertilize according to accepted practices.
A. At the end of the maintenance period, all plant material
shall be in a healthy growing condition.
B. During the maintenance period, should the appearance of any
plant indicate weakness and probability of dying, immedia-
tely replace that plant with a new and healthy plant of
the same type and size without additional cost to the
C. Replacements required because of causes beyond control of
the Contractor are not part of the Contract.
D. Extension of maintenance period: continue the maintenance
period at no additional cost to the Owner until all pre-
viously noted deficiencies have been corrected, at which
time the final inspection will be made.
A. Install four inches of loam and seed at all areas dis-
turbed by work under the contract that are not to re-
ceive new loam and sod.
A. Guarantee all plant material including sod for one full
year following inspection and acceptance.
A. Prepare subsoil, spread loam, lime, and fertilizer and
rake it in the proper order. The amount of lime and
fertilizer to be used is to be determined by the re-
sults of the soil tests taken as required by the
B. Moisten surface to be sodded before sod is set; care-
fully handle sod to prevent loosening of loam from roots.
Settle sod firmly in place, fill crevices with approved
loam, tamp, roll and water surface.
A. Protect and maintain new planting until planting is cam-
plete. Water, weed, cultivate, mulch, tighten and re-
pair guys, remove dead material, reset plants to proper
grades or upright position, restore planting saucer, and
other necessary operations. If any planting is done
after lawn preparation, protect lawn areas and repair any
damage resulting from planting operations.
..µ✓) B. Continue planting maintenance operations until ehe date of
Substantial Completion.
A. Begin maintenance immediately following last operation of
installation for each portion of lawn. Protect and main-
tain by watering, mowing and re-sodding as necessary to
produce a uniform stand of grass. Continue maintenance until
a uniform turf is established composed of grasses specified
and until acceptance. A uniform stand of grass may be
judged after new growth has reached 2" height and received
three cuttings, 7 days (min. ) apart.
B. Continue watering, weeding and lawn mowing operations until
the date of Substantial Completion, after acceptance by
the Architect of a uniform stand of grass in any area.
A. All existing trees shall be protected from damages
while work is being performed.
B. Prune limbs from trees in the way of (over) trash re-
"* moval truchks ' path to new dumpster areas.
L. Cover all tree and shrub pits immediately after plant-
ing with 3" (min.) layer of specified mulch. Limit of
!��.•`" mtalch for trees shall be area of pit; for shrubs in beds,
entire area of shrub bed.
M. If rock or underground obstructions are encountered in
plant pit excavation, remove obstructions to 3 ' (min.)
` below, grade and 12" (min. ) below bottom of ball or roots.
A. Rough grading of subsoil is specified in Section ,
B. Loosen and mix subgrade'material 2" to 4" deep. Remove
stones over 2" , sticks and rubbish. Move no heavy objects
j over planting areas and lawns after preparing subgrade
C. Apply lime to subsurface spread at a rate of 20 lbs. to
1000 sq. ft.
D. Evenly spread and lightly compact loam to finish grades
shown on the Drawings, allowing for settlement. Spread
no muddy or frozen loam. Install a minimum of 12" of
loam in all planting beds and in the garden plots, and
.� 6" where lawns are indicated.
E. Spread lime and fertilizer at a rate consistent with that
determined by a certified soil testing agency such as the
Waltham Field Experiment Station located in Waltham, MA.
F. Apply fertilizer subject to the findings of the soil tests.
Superphosphate - 25 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.
20-10-10 - 20 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.
A. Where lawns are to be planted in areas that have not been
altered or disturbed by excavation, grading or stripping
operations, prepare soil for lawn planting as follows:
Till to a depth of not less than 6" ; apply soil amend-
ments and initial fertilizers as specified:
remove high areas and fill in depressions; till soil to
a homogeneous mixture of fine texture, free of lumps, clods,
stones, roots, and other extraneous matter.
A. Plant nursery stock immediate) upon
and approval b the Architect. P delivery to the site
a pp Y If this is not feasible,
heel-in material with damp soil to protect from sun and wind.
B. Planting may be done whenever weather and soil conditions
it are favorable or as otherwise authorized by Architect.
C. Notify Architect
prior to beginning planting operations.
, ? D. Excavate tree pits 2 ' diam. (min. ) and shrub pits 12" diam.
(min. ) greater than ball of earch or spread of roots and
sufficiently deep to allow for 6" (min. ) thick layer of
planting mixture beneath ball or roots.
E. Locate pits prepared and backfilled with planting mixture
to grade prior to planting by staking and recording on
plans for location when planting proceeds.
F. Set plants in center of pits, plumb and straight, with
crown of plant 1" lower, after settlement, than surround-
ing finished grade.
G. When B&B trees are set, compact topsoil mixture around bases
of balls to fill all voids. Remove burlap, ropes or wires
from tops of balls and tuck them down on the sides before
filling in with loam.
a H. Thoroughly compact planting mixture around roots or balls
and water immediately after plant pit is backfilled. Form
3 a shallow basin slightly larger than
g Y 9 pit with a ridge of
sod to facilitate and contain watering. Cultivate soil in
shrub beds, rake smooth and neatly outline after plating.
Provide 12" (min. ) of loam between all shrubs and 6" (min.)
between all ground covers.
I. Stake trees as detailed.
J. Wrap all deciduous trees immediately after planting. Wrap
spirally from bottom to top and adequately secure. Over-
lap wrapping approximately 2" and entirely cover trunk from
ground to height of second branch:
K. Prune each plant in accordance with American Association of
Nurserymen standards to preserve natural character. Remove
all dead wood, suckers, broken or badly bruised branches and
1/4 to 1/3 of wood. Prune with clean, sharp tools. Paint cuts
over 1" in diam. with approved tree paint; cover all exposed
cambium and living tissue.
densely foliated when in leaf, free of disease, insect
pests, eggs, or larvae, with well developed root systems.
E. If plants of specified kind or size are not available
within a reasonable distance, substitutions may be made
upon request, if approved by Architect.
F. Plank Dimensions - conform to USDA Standard for Nursery
Stock, latest edition, and as specified. Exceptions as
1. Plants larger than specified may be used if approved
by Architect at no increase in contract price. In-
crease spread of roots or earth ball in proportion to
size of plant.
2. Undersize plants (10% max.) in any one variety or
grade may be used. Provide sufficient plants above
size to make average equal to or above specified grade.
Undersize plants shall be larger than average size of
next smaller grade.
G. Balled and burlapped (B&B) plants - dig with firm natural
earth roots. Made balls are unacceptable.
H. Container grown plants - grown in container long enough for
root system to have developed sufficiently to hold its soil
together firm and whole. Plants loose in container will
not be acceptable.
I. Protect B&B plants not planted immediately upon delivery
with soil, wet moss, or other acceptable material. Pre-
vent voids among roots with careful filling. Bind no plants
with wire or rope so as to damage bark or break branches.
J. Plants are subject to inspection and approval at place of
growth or upon delivery for conformity to Specifications
as to quality, size, and variety. Architect reserves right
of inspection upon delivery at the site or during progress
of work or right of rejection due to damage suffered in
handling or transportation. Remove defective plants im-
mediately from site. Plants to be accompanied by. State
Nursery inspection certification, if required.
A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Sec-
=`' tion will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to the
proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Stakes - sound wood, uniform size, reasonably free of
knots, capable of standing in ground 2 yrs. (min.)
nominally 1 3/4" sq. or 2" diam. For guying - 30" long
(min.) . For staking - 8 ' long (min. ) . Install as direc-
ted. Stakes for tree pits shall be as detailed on the
L. Wire '- pliable No. 12 to 14 ga. galvanized soft steel
M. Wrapping material - first quality, heavy, water-proof crepe
paper manufactured for this purpose; not less than 4"
2. 02 SOD
A. Grass sod for lawn areas shall be commerically grown,
mature in growth, and be predominately bluegrass contain-
ing an admisture of chewing and/or red fescue grasses for
shady locations. Kentucky bluegrass shall contain two and
preferably three of the following improved strains such as
Fylking, Baron, Warren A-20, Warren A-34, or Pennlawn.
Pure Kentucky bluegrass is unacceptable.
B. All sod shall be two years old (minimum) from time of
original seeding. It shall be vigorous, well-rooted,
healthy, and free from insects, diseases, weeds, stone,
other grasses and all deleterious matter.
C. Strip with approved equipment and cut as thinly as possible,
allowing only sufficient thickness to allow strips to hold
together well during handling, transporting, and rehandling.
D. Roll or fold sod prior to lifting and handle in manner that
will prevent tearing, breaking, drying or any other damage.
A. Furnish all plant materials consistant with the kinds and
sizes indicated on the Drawings.
B. Furnish and plant all plants as per Drawings in quantities
listed on plant materials list.
C. All plants nursery grown unless authorized to be collected.
D. Plants - in accordance with USDA Standard for Nursery Stock,
latest edition, hardy under climatic conditions similar to
locality of project,P 7 typical of species or variety, normal
habit of growth, sound, healthy, vigorous, well-branched;
2. Deliver no topsoil in frozen or muddy condition.
B. Superphosphate - finely ground phosphate rock eighteen
percent (18%) minimum available phosphoric acid.
C. Bone meal - commercial raw bone meal, finely ground 1%
nitrogen and 18% phosphorus acid (min. ) .
D. Manure - well rotted, unleached, cattle manure, reasonably
free of wood shavings, sawdust or other litter and no chem-
icals or other ingredients harmful to plants. Dehydrated
manure (Bovung) is acceptable.
. E. Fertilizer - complete 50% (min. ) nitrogen derived from
natural organic sources or ureaform. Percentages by
weights: .
1. N - 5% P - 10°/0 K - 10% For plant materials
2. N - 200% P - 10% K - 10% For lawns
Deliver mixed as specified in standard size, unopened con-
tainers, showing weight, analysis and manufacturer. Store
in a weather-proof place. If bulk spreading is authorized,
provide Architect with notarized written affidavit certify-
ing weight and analysis.
F. Peat - domestic or imported, of partially decomposed vege-
table matter of natural occurrence, brown, clean, low in
content of mineral and woody material; mildly acid, granu-
lated or shredded, free from weedy grasses, sedges or rushes.
G. Lime - ground, dolomite limestone, 95% passing 100 mesh
H. Planting mixture - topsoil thoroughly incorporated with well
rotted manure or equivalent dehydrated manure or bone meal
and peat proportioned 1 c.y. to 7 c.y. topsoil.
I. Mulch - aged pine bark consisting of the outer bark of pine
trees with minimum hardwood bark. Bark shall be thoroughly
mixed and aged in stock piles a minimum of 6 months, partial-
ly decomposed, dark brown in color, and generally free of
chunks of wood thicker than 1/4" . Aged pine bark containing
an excess of fine particles will not be acceptable.
J. Water - Provided by Contractor. Furnish hose, hose connec-
tions, and accessories from furnished 'outlets.
...' A. Delivery and storage:
1. Deliver all items to the job site in their original
containers with all labels intact and legible at
time of Architect's inspection.
2. Immediately remove from the site all plants which are
not true to name, and all materials which do not com-
ply with the specified requirements.
3.. Use all means necessary to protect plant materials
before, during, and after installation and to pro-
tect the work and materials of all other trades.
4. Replacements: in the event of damage, immediately
make all repairs and replacements necessary to the
approval of the Architect and at no additional cost
to the Owner.
A. Utilities: determine location of underground utilities
and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible
damage. Hand excavate as required. Maintain grade stakes
set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by all
parties concerned.
B. Excavation: when conditions detrimental to plant growth.
are encountered such as rubble fill, adverse drainage con-
ditions, or obstructions, notify Architect before planting.
2. 01 General
A. Loam - friable, typical of local cultivated topsoils con-
taining 2/ (min. ) decayed organic matter (humus) , no toxic
materials, from well drained, arable site, reasonably free
of subsoil, stones, earth, clods, sticks, roots or debris.
1. Test for acidity, fertility and general texture by a
recognized commercial or government agency. Report
findings and recommendations to the Architect. Add
soil .conditioners as per report findings and recom-
..,r.-• - '----7--
1. 09 Submittals
A. Materials List: submit a complete list of all mater-
ials proposed for use in this work, demonstrating
complete conformance with the requirements specified.
j B. For all plant materials, submit a complete list show-
ing each type, each source of materials, and the mea-
sured size and number of each.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. The work of this section consists of all Landscaping
and related work as shown on the Drawings or required
herein and includes, but is not limited to the follow-
1 . Treatment of the Sub Grade
2. Finish Grading
3. Loaming
4. Soil Treatment
5. Sodding of Lawns
6. Planting of Trees and Shrubs
7. Pruning and Care of Existing Trees
8. Maintenance and Guarantees
1. 11 Quality Assurance
A. All plant materials shall be true to name according
to the latest Edition of "HORTUS III" . Each plant
or bundle shall be tagged with the name and size of
plants in accordance with the standards of the Ameri-
can Association of Nurserymen (A.A.N. ) . In all cases,
Botanical names shall take precedence over common
B. Quality and size shall conform to the current edition
of American Association of Nurserymen (A.A.N. ) for
Number One grade nursery stock.
C. All plants and materials shall comply with all Federal,
State and local laws and regulations requiring inspec-
tion for plant disease and insect control.
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1.04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under .other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1 . 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1..08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
'"* in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
J. No vehicular traffic or loads shall be permitted on the
newly completed pavement until adequate stability has
been attained and the materials have cooled sufficiently
to prevent distortion or loss of fines.
3. 11 Final Corrections
A. Check all manhole covers, grates, valve boxes and similar
structures for correct elevation and position and make,
or have made, any necessary adjustmetns in such structures.
B. All subgrades must be inspected and approved by the Archi-
tect before paving, loaming or other site improvements
are made.
3.12 Dust Control
A. The Contractor shall employ methods and/or materials
to prevent spread of dust. Chemical materials may not
be used on subgrades of areas to be sodded or planted.
3. 13 Clean Up
A. The Contractor shall remove all debris, construction
equipment and scrap material from all areas within the
limit of work prior to inspection for acceptance.
B. Prepare existing driveway areas by treating all existing
t cracks with applications of a state approved hot applied
bituminous concrete crack sealer complying with Federal
Specifications SS-S-1401. All execution shall be in
strict accordance with the manufacturers written re-
C. Clean all existing surfaces to be resurfaced of all
foreign matter and loose material by means of power and/
or hand brooms.
D. Immediately prior to laying of topping, spray apply a
prime (tack) coat of MC-70 cutback asphalt at the rate
of not less than 0. 1 and not more than 0. 2 gallons per
sq. yd. to all surfaces to be resurfaced. Surfaces
shall be taken in the preparation for and application
of the prime coat at all edges of topping applications.
E. Install a 1k inch rolled thickness of class I dense mix
bituminous concrete topping (wearing course) to driveway
areas required to be resurfaced. Install in accordance
with Section 460 of the "Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Public Works 1973 Standard Specifications
for Highways and Bridges" and the 1980 Supplemental Speci-
fications thereto, excluding references to coursing and
F. The gravel base shall be 8" deep for the Service road and
4" for walks, set to lines and grades shown on the draw-
G. For the purpose of testing the finished surfaces of the
base course and the top course of compacted mixtures, a
10-foot straightedge shall be used. The straightedge
shall be carefully applied immediately after the first
compaction by rolling and, from then on, as may be
necessary until and after the final compaction of the
material in place.
H. Any irregularities which vary 4 of an inch from the true
surface in the finished surface shall be corrected. Any
irregularities which vary 3/8 of an inch from a true
surface in base or bottom course shall be corrected. Ir-
regularities which may develop before the completion of
rolling and while the material is still workable, may
be remedied by loosening the surface mixture and removing
or adding material as necessary. Any unsatisfactory ir-
regularities or defects remaining after final compaction
shall be corrected by removing and replacing with new
material, as specified, to form a true and even surface.
All minor surface projections, joints, and minor honey-
combed surfaces shall be ironed out smoothly to grade,
as may be directed.
I . If, at any time before the final acceptance of the work,
any soft, imperfect places or spots shall develop in
the surface, all such places shall be removed and re-
placed with new materials and then compacted until the
edges at which the new work connects with the old be-
comes invisible.
B. Maintain all subgrades for site improvements in satisfac-
tory condition, protected against traffic and properly
drained, until the surface improvement is places. In
areas to receive pavement or other surface materials,
at top and bottom of embankments, along swales and else-
where, place sufficient grade stakes to facilitate
checking the subgrade levels. Correct all irregularities,
compacting thoroughly any fill materials.
C. Check all manhole covers, grates, valve boxes and similar
structures for correct elevation and position and make,
or have made, any necessary adjustments in such struc-
D. All subgrades must be inspected and approved by the
Architect before paving, loaming or other site im-
provements are made.
3. 08 Tree Protection
A. Protect all existing trees that are 2�" caliper or larger
and not specifically scheduled to be removed. Provide
field stone wells or walls to lower or raise new finish
grades and match existing at tree base and over root ball.
1. Mark wrap and protect all existing trees trunks and
remain clear of branches when working within the proxi-
mity of trees to remain.
3. 09 Concrete Walks
- A. Construction of concrete walks, pedestrian walkways and
terraces shall be 4000 PSI cement concrete.
1. Construction of concrete walks shall consist of the
construction of 4" cement concrete walk placed on
4" gravel base to the required lines and grades shown
on the drawings. Expansion joints shall be premoulded
joint filler spaced at 30 ' maximum intervals. Control
joints spacing shall be as shown on the drawings. Con-
crete surface to have fine broom finish.
B. Construction of concrete terraces shall consist of con-
struction of 4" concrete terraces on 4" gravel base
scored in 29" x 24" panels with fine broom finish
unless otherwise shown.
3. 10 Bituminous Concrete Pavement
A. Service road and walks pavement shall consist of a two-
course, Class 1, Type I-1 dense mix laid in two courses,
the base (binder) course lh" compacted thickness mixed
with coarse aggregate, the top (wearing) course 1h"
compacted thickness, mixed with fine aggregate. Thick-
ness given herein for pavement are minimum compacted
dimensions and not "average" thickness.
in thickness. Take care not to disturb the pipe.
Compact the remainder of the backfill thoroughly
with a rammer of suitable weight or with an approved
mechanical tamper to achieve compaction of ninety-
five ( 95) percent as specified.
3. Trenches and utilities structures shall be backfilled
with greatest care; only the suitable materials taken
from the excavaton shall be used. No backfilling will
be allowed around manholes or other masonry structures
until the concrete or brick masonry has set sufficiently
as determined by the Architect. Any additional fill
materials required for backfilling to subgrades shall be
graded fill or ordinary fill as specified. Backfill
shall be compacted to ninety-five (95) per cent as
specified under pavements and 90% in green areas. No
mud, frozen earth or stone more than 6" in greatest
diameter or other objectional material shall be used
for refilling. Any selected material required for
filling in addition to earth from trench excavation,
shall be furnished and placed by the Contractor.
4. Where piping is laid in filled areas, place the fill
before any pipe is laid and compact as specified to
a depth of not less than two (2 ) feet above the pro-
posed flow line of the pipe. A trench shall then be
excavated to the required grade as specified.
3. 05 Interference
A. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining clear-
ance between adjacent pipes and between pipes and equip-
ment as installed under this contract. If, for practical
purposes of maintianing clearance for providing a more
practical method of support, the Contractor proposes
to route some of the more important piping in a manner
other than indicated on the Drawings, a sketch of the
proposed new routing shall be submitted for approval.
3. 06 Utility Service Lines
A. Water, electrical, etc. services shall be as specified
under Divisions 2,. 14 and 16. The excavating, trenching
and backfilling for these utilities and other pertinent
structures shall be done under this Section.
B. Trenches for utility lines, including storm drainage
and sanitary sewer, shall be excavated of all peat, silt
. and other materials which the Architect deems not stable
and backfilled with clean fill, compacted to form a
stable foundation for laying the utility lines.
3. 07 Subgrade Information
A. Bring all areas to required subgrade levels as specified
and determined from the Drawings.
fill materials or layers below it are frozen.
001%, 4. In confined area adjacent to footings and foundation
walls and in utility trenches, the fill shall be com-
pacted with hand operated vibration tampers. The maxi-
mum lif* thickness shall be six ( 6 ) inches. The de-
gree of compaction attained shall be equivalent to
that attained in the adjacent open areas where heavy
rolling equipment is used.
5. After the subgrade under exterior concrete slabs and
paved areas has been shaped to line, grade and cross-
sections, it shall be rolled with an approved power
roller weighing not less than six (6 ) tons until
thoroughly compacted. This operation shall include
any reshaping, refilling or wetting required to obtain
proper compaction. Any areas which subsequently settle
shall be refilled to true subgrade and properly com-
C. Placing Graded Gravel Fills
1. Base course under slabs on grade shall be placed to
a total minimum thickness of six (6 ) inches of compacted
fill, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.
2. As gravel base course under all pavements unless other-
wise called for.
3. Place gravel in six ( 6 ) inch maximum layers ; fill and
compact each layer to ninety-five ( 95) percent maxi-
mum dry density.
D. Placing Graded Fills
1. Graded fill material as specified shall be placed
under structures and pavements and drainage system
as required.
2. Fills shall be placed in layers as noted above up to
subgrade. Compaction shall be to ninety-five ( 95 )
percent of maximum dry density as specified.
E. Deficiency of Fill Materials
1. Provide required additional fill materials as speci-
fied if a sufficient quantity of suitable material is
not available from the required excavation on the pro-
ject site at no additional cost to the Owner.
F. Fill and Backfill for Utilities
. 1 . Backfill trenches only after pipe has been inspected,
tested and locations of pipes and appurtenances have
been recorded.
2. Each pipe section shall be laid on a six ( 6 ) inch
minimum bed of sand or graded gravel borrow with no
stone larger than three ( 3 ) inches as specified here-
in above. Bed shall be shaped to gvie full and con-
, tinous support to the lower one-third ( 1/3 ) of each
pipe. Backfill by hand around pipe, and for depth of
twelve ( 12 ) inches above the pipe, use sand or gravel
and temp firmly in layers not exceeding six ( 6 ) inches
water, to six inches ( 6" ) below bottom and to twelve
inches (12" ) each side of pipe or wall (i.e. -manholes,
catch basins, retaining walls) .
E. If rock is encountered, the contract price shall be
adjusted by the unit prices stated. The unit price for
rock removal of the rock with suitable materials in ac-
cordance with paragraphs on Fill, Backfill and Compac-
tion at no added cost to the Owner. The Architect re-
serves the right to adjust the propsed grades to conform
to any rock conditions.
3. 04 Fills, Backfills and Compaction
A. Samples and Testing
1. All fill material and its placement shall be subject
to testing quality control. A qualified laboratory
will be selected by the Owner to perform tests
on materials. Initial costs of testing will be paid
for by the Owner. Results and laboratory recommenda-
tions shall be available to the Architect. However,
if the tested material does not meet specification re-
quirements, all subsequent testing until approved
material is obtained will be paid by the Contractor.
2. Provide samples of each fill material from the pro-
posed source of supply including on-site sources.
Allow sufficient time for testing and evaluation of
results before material is needed. Submit samples
from alternate source if required.
3. The laboratory will determine maximum dry density and
optimum water content in accordance with ASTM D-1557-
Method D and the in-place density in accordance with
ASTM D-1556.
4. Cooperate with laboratory in obtaining field sample
of in-place materials after compaction. Furnish
incidental field labor in connection with these tests.
B. Placing Fills and Compacting
1 . Fill material shall be placed in horizontal layers
not exceeding 12" for stair and wall backfilling, 6"
for slabs and pavements and twelve (12 ) inch layers in
lawn areas. Each layer shall be compacted to the per-
centage of maximum dry density specified for the parti-
cular type of fill and at a water content equal to op-
timum water content plus or minus two ( 2 ) percent.
The maximum dry density and optimum water content
shall be as specified herein.
2. Where water content of the fill must be adjusted, the
fill shall be thoroughly disked to insure uniform dis-
3. Areas to be filled or backfilled shall be free of
construction debris, refuse, compressible or decayable
materials and standing water. Do not place fill when
4. Grade the bottom of trenches evenly to have a constant
pitch in the direction of flow and to ensure a uniform
compacted thickness of selected material as called for.
B. Existing services and utilities encountered shall be im-
mediately repaired, protected and maintained in use.
K. Rock Excavation
A. The excavated material will be classified as rock only
when the following conditions prevail. Use of explosives
will not be permitted.
1. When the material cannot be broken and removed by power
excavating equipment including rippers and requires
the use of drilling and splitting.
2. Rock or stones in original ledge.
3. Hard shale or original ledge.
4. Boulders in excess of one (1 ) cubic yard in trenches.
5. Boulders in excess of two (2 ) cubic yards in open
6. Anything other is "earth" insofar as removal of the
material to be excavated is concerned; also removal
of paving and paving foundations and existing walls
are not classified as rock removal.
B. Note: - When during the process of excavation rock is
+ encountered, such materials shall be uncovered and freed
of loose material, and the Architect shall be notified
by the Contractor before proceeding further. The areas
in question shall then be cross-sectioned as stipulated
herein. The Contractor shall not proceed with excava-
tion of material claimed as rock until the material has
been classified by the Architect. Failure on the part
of the Contractor to uncover such materials or notify
the Architect or take cross-sections will forfeit the
Contractor ' s right-of-claim to any credits. The quantity
of rock to be removed shall be based on the pay line
limits as established herein. The quantity of rock to be
removed shall be approved by the Architect prior to re-
C. Complete current records of actual quantities of rock
excavated, methods of excavation used and extent of
labor and equipment involved shall be maintained, jointly
by the Contractor and the Architect, shall be dated,
signed by both and duplicated copies retained by the
Architect for record.
D. Excavate rock encountered in grading the areas outside
the buildings to depth as follows:
1 . Under paved areas to six inches ( 6".) below the re-
quired subgrade for such areas.
2. Under planting areas to twenty-four inches ( 24" ) below
finished grade.
3. Under all steps, slabs and utility lines, such as
General Contractors of America, Inc.
4. Frost Protection - Make no excavations to the full
depth indicated when freezing temperatures may be ex-
pected unless the footing or slabs can be poured im-
mediately after the excavation has been completed. Pro-
tect the bottoms as excavated from frost, if placing of
concrete is delayed,. with straw, tarpaulins or temporary
heat until footings or slabs are poured and backfill is
5. The Contractor shall control the grading around the build-
ing structures so that the ground shall be pitched in or-
der to prevent water from running into the excavated areas
or prevent damage from other structures. The Contractor
shall furnish all pumping required to keep excavated area
clear of water during construction. Water shall be con-
ducted into the existing drainage system.
6. Excavations for construction shall be made in a careful
manner to protect the existing trees to remain. Particular
care shall be given to root cutting to permit construction.
I. Excavation for Site Improvements
1. Excavate to the lines and grades shown on the drawings
and as specified to obtain the subgrades for the following
items of work:
a. Concrete paving, walks & patios.
b. Service roads
c. Bituminous concrete pavements and walks.
d. Shrub bed areas- to twelve inches ( 12" ) below finished
e. Footings - to bottom of footings.
f. Unspecified Site Improvements - to bottom elevation
of item plus ample working space on all sides.
J. Excavate for Utilities and Utility Structures
A. Excavate to the lines and grades shown on the drawings
and as specified herein to obtain the subgrades for the
following items of work:
1 . All utility lines - six inches (6" ) below bottom of
utility lines of structures.
. 2. Trench for water pipe to provide a minimum of five
feet ( 5' ) of cover above top of pipe.
3. Unless otherwise shown, provide separate trenches for
each utility. Lay all piping in open trenches, ex-
cept where tunneling is required. Excavation for
structures and other accessories shall have sufficient
clearances on all sides for proper installation.
Ow beyond the depth and dimensions indicated on the drawings or
specified herein, or if the foundation soils are disturbed
by dewatering or other construction operation, or unsuitable
materials are encountered and removed, the General Contrac-
tor shall, at his own expense, refill with gravel compacted
to ninety-five percent ( 95% ) of the maximum dry density at
optimum moisture content or with concrete as determined by the
D. When excavations have r-eached the prescribed depths, the Archi-
tect shall be notified and will make an inspection of the
conditions and approve the placing of foundation materials
or structures.
E. The Contractor shall obtain from the proper authorities lo-
cations of all utilities within the scope of this work so
that there will be no damage done to such utilities. Neither
the Owner nor the Architect will be responsible for any such
damage, and the Contractor shall restore any structure or
utility so damaged without additional compensation.
F. Attention is called to the fact that there are existing water
pipes, gas pipes, drains and other utilities within the site.
Written notification to the utilities involved shall be made
at least ten ( 10 ) days prior to the commencement of any work.
Prior to commencing any work, written clearance by the said
agencies must be presented to the Owner.
G. Wherever culverts, sewers, drains, manholes, catch basins,
catch basin connections, water mains, valve chambers, utility
tunnel, gas pipes, electric and telephone conduits, house
service connections, or any other underground construction
are encountered in excavating utilities or any other site
work, they shall be protected and firmly supported by the
Contractor, at his own expense, until the trench is back-
filled and the existing structures are made secure. Injury
to any such structures caused by or resulting from the Con-
tractor' s operations shall be repaired at the Contractor' s
expense. The authority having charge of any particular
underground structure shall be notified promptly of injury
to its structure.
H. Excavation:
1 . Protect open excavations with fencing, warning lights and
other suitable safeguards for both worker and public
2., Shore, sheet or brace excavations and trenches are re-
quired so as to maintain them securely and provide sheet-
ing piling as necessary to protect adjacent existing
structures and walls and prevent cave-ins. Remove shoring
piling as the backfilling progresses but only when the
banks, structures and walls are safe against caving. Any
such shoring, sheeting or bracing shall be at the Contrac-
tor' s expense.
3 . Comply with state, local and OSHA regulations or, in the
absence thereof, with the provisions of the MANUAL OF
utilizing basic log shapes and shall be approved for the
use intended by the Manufacturer in the form of shop draw-
ings bearing the stamp of an engineer registered in Massa-
3. 01 Stripping Topsoil
A. Stripping shall consist of the removal of all loam, mulch,
peat and any materials unsuitable for fill to the full depth
encountered below the original ground surface, as herein
specified or directed by the Architect. Suitable loam
shall be stockpiled where directed by the Architect.
B. Materials not suitable for reuse and/or materials other than
loam declared by the Architect to be excess shall be dis-
posed of offsite at the Contractor ' s expense and as directed
by the Architect.
3. 02 Grades and Elevations
A. The drawings indicate, in general, alignment and finished
grade elevations. The Architect, however, may make such
adjustments in grades and alignments as are found necessary
in order to avoid interference and to adapt to other special
conditions encountered. Grading between indicated final
grades shall be smooth, even surfaces, except as otherwise
B. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to estab-
lish lines and grades in conformity with the contract draw-
3. 03 Excavation
A. Excavation for footings and foundations will take into ac-
count submerged (and possibly unrecorded) utilities.
B. Excavate all materials to the elevations, dimensions and
form as shown on the drawings and as specified for the con-
struction of structures, wall, utility structures, utilities,
site improvements and other structures necessary for the
completion of the site work. All unsuitable materials
within the indicated and specified limits shall be exca-
vated and removed and refilled with graded fill as speci-
fied under Products at no extra or other adjustment of
the contract price. Unsuitable materials shall include
the following:
1. Abandoned man made structures.
2. Peat, organic silt and other organic materials subject
to decomposition, consolidation or decay.
3. Miscellaneous fill including cinders, ash, glass, wood,
metal, and ledge.
C. If any part of the excavation is carried through error
approved by the Architect and meeting the following
requirements to be used for general filling to subgrades
other than specified above:
1. It shall be free of organic or other weak or compres-
sible materials, of frozen materials and of stones
larger than six ( 6 ) inches maximum dimension within
two ( 2 ) feet of finished grade.
2. It shall be of such nature and character that it can be
compacted to the specified densities in a reasonable
length of time.
3. It shall be free of highly plastic clays of all materials
subject to decay, decomposition or dissolution and of
cinders or other materials which will corrode piping or
other metal.
4. It shall have a maximum dry density of not less than one
hundred ( 100) pounds per cubic foot.
E. The Contractor shall furnish any and all fill and gravel for
completion of the work of this Contract.
F. Bituminous Concrete Pavement
Bituminous concrete shall conform to Mass. DPW Standard
Specifications for Highways and Bridges, for Type I-1 bit-
uminous concrete.
G. Concrete for walks, pedestrian walkways and terraces shall
be 4000 psi cement concrete.
H. Pavement Markings at Ball Courts
1. Paint markings for basketball court and handball court
to comply with applicable sport regulations governing
layout, configuration, line thickness, etc.
2 . Paint shall conform to Federal Specification TT-P-115c,
Class A. Paint shall be "Zone Marking #388" by Martin-
Senour, "Traffic Line" by Devoe, "Lion Clad Safety Zone
Paint" by Benjamin Moore.
I . Provide and install a new catch basin and sanitary sewer
manhole as shown on the plans. All connections to existing
pipes shall be made with appropriate fittings and adapters,
cut and installed in existing pipe.
1 . The catch basin and manhole shall be precast, as shown
. on the drawings and specified herein.
2. Furnish and install a manhole frame and cover marked
"sewer" equal to the R-1640 series by Neenah or Architect
approved equal by E. L. LeBaron or others.
3 . Furnish and install a square catch basin frame and grate
equal to the R-1879-A6G by Neenah or Architect approved
equal by E. L. LeBaron or others.
J. Provide log retaining wall systems as manufactured by Pre-
cast Inc. , Gray, Maine 04039, for locations and configura-
tions shown on the plans. All layouts shall be formed
shall be washed graded stone free of organic materials.
Gradation shall conform to S.S.H.B. (The Commonweath
of Massachusetts Department of Public Works, Standard
Specifications of Highways and Bridges, latest Edition)
Section M2. 01.2 as follows:
U.S. Sieve No. Percent Passing
Minimum Maximum
2 inches 100% ---
lh inches 95% 100%
1 inch 35% 70%
3/4 inch 0% 25%
B. Graded Gravel Fill - Gravel base as called for on the Draw-
ings under pavements, slabs, retaining walls, and founda-
tions shall consist of a well-graded sand and gravel, free
from deleterious matter, loam and clay, meeting the follow-
ing gradation requirements conforming to S.S.H.B. , Section
M1 . 03. 0 having maximum stone size of 3" and AASHTO T-11 and
T-27 , as follows :
U.S. Sieve Size and No. Percent Passing
Minimum Maximum
3 inches 100% ---
� inch 50% 85%
No. 4 40% 75%
No. 50 8% 28%
No. 200 0% 8%
The Contractor shall submit to the Architect a sieve analy-
sis from the independent recognized testing laboratory of
the material he intends to utilize. No material shall be
placed until approved by the Architect in writing.
C. Grade Fill - Fill required for backfilling under concrete
paving, and access road up to subgrade, shall consist of
a well-graded sand and gravel borrow, free from deleterious
matter, loam and clay, meeting the following gradation re-
quirements conforming to S.S.H.B. , Section M1.03. 0: having
maximum stone size of 2" .
U. S. Bureau of Stans Percent Passing
Sieve Size and Numb
Minimum Maximum
2 inches 100% ---
k inch 50% 85%
No. 4 40% 75%
No. 50 8% 28%
No. 200 0% 8%
D. Ordinary Fill- Well-graded, natural inorganic soil
A. Provide all labor and materials, equipment and services
necessary to complete the work under this Section, in-
cluding but not limited to the following:
1. Spoiled material not suitable for fill shall be re-
moved from the site .and disposed of. No burning on
the site shall be permitted.
2. Removal and stockpiling of topsoil.
3. Excavating, filling and backfilling required for com-
pletion of the project. The locations of existing
underground utilities shown on the drawings are
from the best available sources and are approximate
only and are not guaranteed to be correct. The Con-
tractor shall make necessary excavations for proposed
electical lines, manholes, etc. However, if under-
ground obstructions necessitate a change in location
of the work, the Contractor shall thoroughly backfill
the excavation and proceed with excavations at other
locations approved by the Architect.
4. Fill material as required to be graded to meet final
5. Campacting
6. Install barricades and safety devices or controls as
7. Protection of all exiting buildings, utilities, and im-
provements from damage due to work of this Section.
8. Tree protection.
B. The scope of work further consists of furnishing and in-
stalling the following items of work and related items
incidental thereto all as shown on the drawings and as
specified herein:
1. Construction on 8" gravel base course for service road.
2. Construction of 4" gravel base course for sidewalks and
3. Construction of 4" cement concrete walks and terraces.
4. Bituminous concrete pavements.
5.. Layout and apply white paint stripes on finished clean
bituminous pavement to delineate ball courts.
6. Construction of catch basin & sewer manhole.
7. Log retaining wall systems.
2. 01 Materials
A. Crushed stone to be placed behind retaining wall weepholes
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely .
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirement
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
` D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers ' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
grade elevations and layout. The Architect, however,
may make such adjustments in grades and layout as
'AW are found necessary.
3. 02 Lightpole base and site equipment footings
A. Locate lightpole base and site equipment footings as
indicated on the site plan. Coordinate lightpole base
with electrical contractor.
B. Coordinate all new relocated equipment with other work
being performed in other parts of the Contract DoQu-
3. 03 Site Benches and Play Equipment
A. Benches : Install in cement concrete footings where
shown on the site plans. Stain wood members with two
coats of stain as specified.
B. Trash Receptacles : Locate where shown on the Site Plans.
Permanently install by approved method as suggested by
the Manufacturer.
C. Play Equipment:
1 . Refurbished Equipment: Locate where shown on Site
Plans in cement concrete footings.
2. New Equipment: Locate where shown on Site Plans and in-
stall according to Manufacturers' instructions.
D. Final locations for all site benches and play equipment
shall be approved by the Architect.
3. 04 Chain Link Fencing and Gates
A. Install true to line and grade where shown on the draw-
B. Post footings shall be as detailed ; forms for placing
footings shall not be required.
C. Construction shall be done by experienced personnel in
accordance with best industry standards.
3. 05 Timber Curbs
A. Construct as shown on the drawings, true and plumb.
Distribute allowable defects in specified grades to
best overall advantage and appearance. Treat all field
cuts with preservative.
2. Grade sand to fully cover all play equipment founda-
2. 06 Timber Curb
A. Timber: Southern Yellow Pine, Grade #2 or better,
preservative treated, graded for not less than 1100
PSI ; sound, well seasoned and straight grained free
from shakes and large or loose knots with no de-
cayed wood, worm holes or any defects which will impair
its strength or durability for the purpose intended.
Pieces of exceptionally light weight not acceptable.
B. Timber preservative: Osmose K-33
C. Nails and fasteners: Hot dipped galvanized.
D. Size of timbers as noted on the plans.
2. 07 Trash Receptablcles
A. Provide trash receptacles as manufactured by Form Pro-
ducts, a division of Wausau Tile, Inc. Receptacles shall
be model C with Quaker Bronze low profile top or Archi-
tect approved equal. To discourage tampering, the top
must be lifted directly upward before it can be swung
1 . Container shall have a weatherstone finish with sand-
stone color.
2. The weight (with low profile top) shall be approxi-
mately 450 pounds and provide a 28 gallon capacity.
3. Each trash receptacle shall come with a light weight
polyethelene plastic liner with 28 gallon capacity.
2. 08 Refurbish Existing Play Equipment to Remain
A. Refurbish two (2 ) existing swing sets and relocate as
indicated on dwg. X-1 . Each swing set shall receive
new polyethylene swing seats as manufactured by the
J. E. Burke Company or Architect approved equal.
1. All new swing seats shall also have new 4/0 chain
sized for the swingset and new standard swing hangers,
model 92 (sized for existing pipe ) .
2 . All damaged and missing support parts on swing set
(after being relocated) shall be repaired or re-
placed at no additional cost to the Authority. Sup-
port legs shall be set into the ground in 3 ' -0" x
1" -0" diameter concrete footings set 6" below finish
3. 01 General
A. Grading and elevations: The drawings indicate the finished
2. Terminal and Corner Posts: 2k" OD, 3. 70 pounds per
foot ; fabric shall be attached to these posts by
means of a vinyl coated steel tension strip.
3. Line Posts: 2" OD, 2.73 pounds per foot; spaces not
further than 10 '-0" apart; fabric shall be fastened
to line posts with permafused No. 9 guage vinyl coated
ties spaced approximately 12" apart.
4. Top & Bottom Rails: 1-5/8" OD, 2. 30 pounds per foot;
top rail to run continuously through openings provided
in the vinyl coated post tops. Each length shall be
coupled with a vinyl coated sleeve coupling. Fabric
shall be attached to rails with permafused No. 9
guage vinyl coated tie wires spaced approximately
12" apart.
5. Gates : 1-5/8 0 D, 2. 30 pounds per foot; fabricated to
fit a 3 ' -3" clear opening typically unless otherwise
noted on site plans ; gate frame shall be welded;
frame shall be filled with the same fabric as the
fence ; the fabric shall be fastened to the frame with
coated fasteners (min. 3 per side) and tension rods.
Heavy duty post hinges shall be furnished allowing a
90° swing into private yards. Gates shall be equipped
with a vinyl-coated latching device that accomodate
D. The framework for the fencing at the handball court shall
consist of polyvinyl chloride coating similar to item
2. 04.C.
1. Terminal and Corner Posts: 4" 0 D, 9. 11 pounds per
foot ; fabric shall be attached to these posts by means
of a vinyl coated steel tension strip.
2. Line Posts: 2� 0 D, 3. 70 pounds per foot; spaced not
further than 10 ' -0" apart; fabric shall be fastened
to line posts with permafused No. 9 guage vinyl
coated ties spaced approximately 12" apart.
3. Top, Bottom and Intermediate Rails: 2" 0 D, 3. 70
pounds per foot ; top rail to run continuously through
openings provided in the vinyl coated post tops.
Each length shall be coupled with a vinyl coated
sleeve coupling. Fabric shall be attached to rails
with permafused No. 9 guage vinyl coated tie wires
spaced approximately 12" apart.
2. 05 Sand for Tot Lot
A. Sand: Consisting of clean inert, hard,, durable grains of
quartz or other durable rock, free from loam or clay,
surface coatings and deleterious materials. The allow-
able amount of material passing a No. 200 sieve shall not
exceed 10 percent by weight. Maximum particle size shall
be 1/8 inch.
1. Provide sand to a minimum depth of 19 inches at edge
of sand box and 22 inches in the center.
manufactured by Mexico Forge Division of Kilgore Corp-
oration. Each outfit shall consist of:
a. 4�" 0 D galvanized steel post with sweep that off-
sets baulboard 4 ' .
b. Model 904-200 support with fan board, twin rim
goal and chain net (weight 330 lbs. ) .
c. All appurtenances for complete installation.
2. Locate one basketball outfit at each end of the
basketball court ( layout per YMCA Standards for High
School Court) and one outfit at the runaround along
the service road.
B. Turtle as manufactured by Form Incorporated, South
Lyon, Michigan or Architect approved equal, shall be
provided and installed at the tot lot.
1. Standing Turtle shall be 72 inches long, 53 inches
wide, 32 inches high and weigh 750 pounds. Turtle
shall be with muted color tone as selected by Archi-
2. Sleeping Turtle shall be 51 inches long, 43 inches
wide, 19 inches high and weigh 625 pounds. Turtle
shell pattern shall be painted, color selection by
3. Provide for permanent installation per the manufac-
turers ' recommendations.
2 . 04 Chain Link Fencing and Gates
A. General: All materials new, conforming to ASSHTO-M181,
vinyl coated by the permafused method ; black; 3 ' -8"
high where shown on site plans and as detailed. (At
handball court, fencing shall be 16 ' -0" high. )
B. Fabric: No. 9 guage after vinyl coating; woven into
approximately 2 inch diamond mesh' base metal shall be
a good quality galvanized steel to which a 7 mils. (min. )
coating of polyvinyl chloride had been bonded by the
fusion method. The coating shall be applied evenly
and free of blisters, with the bond between the vinyl
coating and the steel wire equal to or greater than
the cohesive strength of the vinyl. Fabric shall be
furnished with knuckled selvages.
C. Framework: The framework shall be thermal fusion coated
with a polyvinyl chloride coating bonded to the metal
surface. The coating shall be 10-15 mils. (min. ) ;
color to match fabric.
1. At combination corner/clothes poles ; 3" 0 D, 4. 64
pounds per foot: provide a diagonal and bottom brace
1-5/8" O D, 2.30 pounds per foot at all fencing ab-
butting the clothes pole.
D. Clean-up: The Contractor shall remove all debris, con-
struction equipment and scrap material from areas within
the limit of work prior to inspection for acceptance.
1.12 Definitions
A. ASTM - American Society for Testing Material.
B. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and
Transportation OfficiAls.
2. 01 Site Benches
A. At tot lots provide and install two model 32-60 benches as
manufactured by DuMor, Inc. , or Architect approved equal.
Benches shall be 6 ' long with a one piece sqaure steel
tubing frame.
1. Slats: 3" x 3" nominal Douglas Fir with clear
2. All fasteners shall be stainless steel or plated.
3. Bench indicated on the plans as type A-6.
B. At the bus stop provide and install one model 38-80 bench
as manufactured by DuMor, Inc. , or Architect approved
equal. This bench shall be8" long with two supports.
1. Slates: 3" x 8" and 3" x 4" nominal dimension Doug-
las Fir with clear preservative.
2. Bench indicated on the plans as type B-8.
C. At the basketball court provide and install two model
36-80 benches as manufactured by DuMor, Inc. , or Architect
approved equal. Benches shall be 8 ' long.
1. Slats: 4" x 4" nominal dimension Douglas Fir with
clear preservative.
2. Bench indicated on the plans as type C-8.
D. Provide for permanent installation per the manufactuers '
2. 02 Lightpole Base and Site Equipment Base
A. Refer to electrical drawings and Section 16A-Electric for
requirements and location of base. Coordinate this work
with the Electrical Subcontractor and Utility Companies.
B. Conduit seeps, mounting bolts and related items as re-
quired to be supplied by others and installed under this
section of the Specifications.
C. Concrete: 4000 PSI.
2. 03 Play Equipment
A. Basketball Outfit
1. Provide and install three ( 3) basketball outfits as
1. 09 Submittals
- A. Submit a minimum of Six (6 ) copies of Shop Drawings and/or
Product Data, etc. , for the following items to be installed
under this Section for approval.
1. Each item listed under 1. 10-A
B. Submit a minimum of two Samples of the following items to
be installed under this Section for approval.
1. Color Samples.
C. Submittals on other items may be required by the Architect.
1.10 Work Included
A. Work under this Section includes but is not limited to the
1. Site benches
2. Light polebase and site equipment footings
3. Play equipment
4 . Chain link fencing and gates
5. Sand for tot lot
6. Timber curb (at playspace & tenant planters)
7. Trash receptacle
8. Refurbish existing play equipment to be relocated
B. See Division 1, Sections lA and 1C for Work Sequence and
1.11 Job Conditions
A. Site information: Data on indicated grades, utilities and
other existing conditions are not intended as representa-
tions or warranties of accuracy.
B. Existing utilities: Locate existing utilities in areas of
work. If utilities are to remain in place, provide ade-
quate means of protection during installation of site im-
C. Protection: The contractor shall use all means necessary
to protect the materials of this section before, during
and after installation. In the event of damage, make all
repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the
Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. All
work shall be executed in such a manner as to prevent any
damage to existing streets, curbs, paving to remain, and
adjoining properties.
with requirements of the Contract Documents, such testing
to be paid for by the Contractor and accomplished by a
Licensed Testing Laboratory selected by the Owner from
three proposed by the Contractor.
1. 03 Delivery and Storage of Materials
A. All materials shall be readily identifiable and be delivered
in manufacturers!/producers ' packaging complete with installa-
tion and when appropriate, operating instructions.
B. Store all materials so as to insure their suitability for
incorporation in the work.
1. 04 Substitutions
A. No substitutions shall be permitted if three manufacturers
have been specified unless the Contractor can demonstrate
through written evidence from such manufacturers that timely
submission of required submittals and timely issuance of
Purchase Orders would none the less result in a reasonable
and measurable doubt that the approved Construction Progress
Schedule could not be met unless substitution of another manu-
facturer is permitted.
B. No substitutions shall be permitted until and unless the
Architect has been supplied by the Contractor with sufficient
product data, samples, shop drawings, and other materials
(all as required and determined by the Architect) for a pro-
per evaluation of the quality of the proposed substitution
with that which has been specified.
1. 05 Related Work
A. Review all other Sections of the Specifications and coordinate
the work under this Seciton with related work under. other
1. 06 Alternates
A. Alternate work under Section 1B must be appropraitely ad-
dressed by the entity responsible for the work under this
1. 07 Temporary Facilities
A. See Section lG-Temporary Facilities for information relative
to the availability of and responsibility for temporary
1. 08 Guarantee
A. See Section 1J for guarantee requirements for work installed
under this Section which shall in no case be for less than
one year from Substantail Completion.
1. 01 Conditions, requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing structures,
all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the Project Manual
including other Sections of the Specifications for requirements
which may affect the work of this Section.
C. Available Orignial Construction drawings for the project
are available at the Housing Authority' s main offices for
review for whatever use Bidders may choose. Certain dis-
crepancies between these drawings and actual conditions were
noted in the Architect ' s random review with such observed dis-
crepancies being reflected in the Contract Drawings for the
Modernization of Florence Heights. The Contractor shall in-
vestigate and evaluate all discrepancies between the Orginal
Construction Drawings, the Contract Drawings for the Moderni-
zation of Florence Heights, and all existing conditions in
the field prior to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict accordance
with applicable portions of: codes, ordinances, regulations,
etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the recommendations
of the manufacturer and/or producer of the materials, products,
systems, etc. involved, and with the best trade practices and
quality of workmanship of the industry. In the event of con-
flict between any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be
referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final and
E. The General Contractor shall perform all other required
and/or incidental work, if any, of a nature similar to but
not required to be performed under this Section.
1. 02 Quality Assurance
A. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the require-
ments of the Contract Drawings and Specifications as well as
Referenced Standards referred to herein and/or referred to by
Codes, Ordinance Regulations, etc. , in force.
B. Observe manufacturers ' , producers' , and the industry accepted
temperature and weather condition limitations for the in-
stallation of materials, products, systems, etc.
C. The Contractor shall coordinate, cooperate, and provide
necessary labor, equipment, forms, moulds, containers, etc. ,
in conjunciton with testing of materials to verify compliance
Section 2A Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements
Page 3 of 3
Bid Price Summary Sheet
WRITTEN IN WORDS Dollars Cents Dollars Cents
997 350 3" PVC Pipe (Laid as directed
for utilities) , at
per linear foot
506.1 200 Linear feet of GRANITE CURB
TYPE VB, CURVED, complete
in place, at
per linear foot
For Items based on
Estimated Quantities
(Append this Bid Price
Summary Sheet to the Form
of Sub-Bid)
Section La xoaaway ana siaewaix improvements
Page 2 of 3
Bid Price Summary Sheet
WRITTEN IN WORDS Dollars Cents Dollars Cents
460 220 Tons of CLASS I BITUMINOUS
for resurfacing, at
per ton
506 500 Linear feet of GRANITE CURB
in place, (includes necc.
excavation) at
per linear foot
580 500 GRANITE CURB R & R
Complete in place, at
per linear foot
701 650 Square yards of CONCRETE
complete in place, at
per square yard
751 10 Cubic yards of LOAM BORROW,
complete in place, at
per cubic yard
765 50 Square yards of SEEDING,
complete in place, at
per square yard
Section 2A Roadway and sidewalk improvements
Page 1 of 3
Bid Price Summary Sheet
Dollars Cents Dollars Cents
120 250 Cubic yards of EARTH
(to include bit. conc. side-
walk and bit. conc. across
Florence Road)
per cubic yard
(for underground utilities)
per cubic yard
376.2 1 Relocate Hydrant (incl.
all necc. fixtures,
EXCAVATION, pipe, etc. )
complete in place, at
lump sum
151 160 Cubic yards of GRAVEL for
per cubic yard
I-1, for patching along
curb, complete in place, at
(and where grass areas have
been removed)
per ton
j. When completed the walks shall be kept moist and
protected from traffic and weather for at least
3 days in accordance with the applicable provi-
sions of Sub-section 476.74 of the aforementioned
k. Work under this item shall also include the
construction of wheel chair ramps as shown
on the plan.
3. Concrete will be paid for at the contract unit
price per square yard complete in place.
d. Item No. 151 Gravel Borrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C.Y.
1. Work to be done under this item shall conform to
relevant paragraphs of Section 150 of the Standard
Specifications for Highways and Bridges and the
following. The maximum size of stone in the gravel
shall be six inches as specified in Division 111,
Sub-section M1. 03. 0 Type A of the aforementioned
Standard Specifications.
e. Item No. 420.1 Class 1 Bituminous Concrete Binder
Course Type I-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TONS
f. Item No. 460 Class 1 Bituminous Concrete Pavement,
Type I-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TONS
1. Work under these two items shall conform to the
requirements of Section 420 and Section 460 sub-
ject to amendments thereto included hereinafter
except that no mixture shall be placed when the air
temperature in the shade and away from artificial
heat is 40 degrees F. or less, except by written
permission of the Engineer.
2. The work to be done under these items consists of
constructing a pavement consisting of mineral ag-
gregate, mineral filler and bituminous material,
plant mixed and laid hot, all as specified in and
in accordance with the provisions of Section 420
and Section 460 of the aforementioned Standard
2. The following specifications shall apply to
both Item No. 701 concrete sidewalks 1-course
using Class D Cement concrete and Item No. 701.1
concrete sidewalk at driveways using Class D
Cement Concrete.
a. Subgrade. The subgrade for the sidewalks
shall be shaped parallel to the proposed sur-
face of the walks and thoroughly compacted.
b. Forms. Side forms and tranverse forms for
sidewalks shall be smooth, free from warp, of
sufficient strength to resist springing out of
shape, of a depth to conform to the thickness
of the proposed walk, and of a type satisfac-
tory to the Engineer.
c. All mortar or dirt shall be completely removed
from forms that have been previously used. The
forms shall be well staked and thoroughly braced
and set to the established lines with their up-
per edge conforming to the grade of the finished
walk which shall have sufficient pitch to the
roadside edge of the walk to provide for surface
drainage but not to exceed k-inch per foot.
d. All forms shall be oiled before placing concrete.
e. Placing Concrete. The concrete sidewalks shall
be placed in alternate slabs not greater than
20 feet in length unless otherwise directed and
each section shall be completed by the end of a
working day.
f. Expansion Joints. The slabs for sidewalks shall
be separated by preformed expansion joint filler
and shall be ;-inch asphalt or bituminous type
g. Finishing. The finishing and jointing shall be
as directed by the Engineer. No finishing
operation shall be performed while free water
is present. Finishing operations shall be de-
layed until all bled water and water sheen has
left the surface and the concrete has started
to stiffen. The finishing of the concrete sur-
face shall be done by experienced and competent
cement finishers.
h. Scoring. The surface of all concrete sidewalks
shall be uniformly scored into units as directed
by the Engineer. The depth of scoring shall be
at least one eighth of the thickness of the
i . Curing shall be in accordance with the appli-
cable provisions of Sub-section 476.71 of the Mass.
Dept. of Public Works Standard Specifications for
Highways and Bridges.
than five hundred ( $500) dollars.
J . Acceptance and Final Payments
1. The Engineer shall, as soon as practicable after the
satisfactory completion of the contract, make a final
estimate of the amount of work done thereunder and the
value of such work, and the Department shall, after the
expiration of sixty=five (65 ) days from and after the
day the work has been approved by the Party of the First
Part forward to the Contractor a copy of the final es-
timate together with an agreement form for his acceptance.
After such acceptance has been filed with the Board of
Public Works payments of the entire sum will be made,
so found to be due thereunder after deducting therefrom
all amounts to be retained under the provisions of the
contract. All prior partial estimates and payments
shall be subject to correction in the final estimate
and payment.
K . Scope of Work
1. The scope of work to be done under this proposal con-
sists of Concrete Sidewalk construction, Roadway re-
surfacing, granite curb and all related work in Florence
Heights. , City of Northampton, as shown on plans.
2. General
a. Bituminous pavement shall be cut with either a saw,
cutting wheel or other mechanical means approved by
b. Item No. 405 Processed Gravel for Base Course. . . . .C.Y.
1. Gravel base course shall consist of processed
gravel placed upon the subgrade as directed by
the Engineer and in accordance with relevant pro-
visions of Section 150 and Section 401. The ma-
terial shall meet the requirements specified in
the following Subsection of Division 111, Materials ;
M1. 03. 1, Processed Gravel for Subbase.
2. Compensation for this work shall be determined
only by the number of cubic yards of the above-
described material hauled and placed as prescribed
herein and the contract unit price per cubic yard
under the item named above.
c. Item No. 701 Concrete Sidewalk 1-Course Using
Class D Cement Concrete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S.Y.
1. The concrete shall conform to the requirements of
the Mass. Dept. of Public Works Standard Specifi-
cations for Highway and Bridges for air entrained
Class D Cement Concrete. Coarse .Aggregate for
Cement Concrete shall consist of screened washed
gravel stone.
D. Insurance Requirements
1. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 7. 05
which are included hereinafter. The coverages of the
required public and property damage liability policies
shall be as follows:
Bodily Injury General Liability. . . . . . . . $100, 000/$300,000
Property Damage General Liability. . . . . . $ 50, 000
Bodily Injury Automobile Liability. . . . . $100, 000/$300, 000
Property Damage Automobile Liability. . . $ 50, 000
2. Attention is directed to Section 7. 05C wherein it stipu-
lates that the insurance shall cover all damages to
property whether above or below ground.
E. Barricades and Warning Signs
1. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section
7 .10 which shall apply to this contract.
F. Traffic Officer
1. Attention is direted to the provisions of Section 7.11
which shall apply to this contract.
G. Protection and Restoration of Property
1. In addition to the requirements of Section 7.13, special
care shall be taken to avoid damaging utility lines
and services and the like wherever excavation and other
work under this contract is in close proximity to same.
H. Amendments of the Standard Specifications, Etc.
1. Amendments of the Standard Specifications for Highway
and Bridges, 1973 edition, except where in conflict
with other special provisions contained in this pro-
posal, together with minimum dump truck rates as re-
vised by the Department of Public Utilities, and minimum
wage rates and health and welfare fund contributions as
determined under the Provisions of the Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 26 to 27D, inclusive,
all of which are on display at the Engineering Department,
125 Locust Street, Northampton, Mass. , are hereby
included and made a part of this proposal.
I . Partial Payments
1. The Engineer shall, once in each month, make an estimate
in writing of the total amount of the work done to the
time of such estimate and value thereof. The Party of
the First Part shall retain ten per cent (10% ) of
such estimated value as part security for the ful-
fillment of this contract by the contractor, and shall
pay monthly to the Contractor while carrying on the
work, the balance not retained as aforesaid, after de-
ducting therefrom all previous payments and all sums
to be kept or retained under the provisions of this con-
tract. No such estimate or payment shall be required
to be made when, in the judgement of the Engineer, the
work is not proceeding in accordance with the provisions
of the contract, or when in his judgement the value of
the work done since the last estimate amounts to less
t 1. 02 Special Provisions
A. Supplementing the Massachusetts Department of Public
Works Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridges,
1973 edition, the following clauses relate in particular
to this Contract:
1. Such amendments and addenda as may be attached hereto or
referred to herein are hereby specifically made a part
of the Special Provisions of this Contract as fully
and to the same effect as if they had been set forth
at length herein.
2. References in the following Special Provisions, unless
otherwise stated, are to the aforesaid Standard Speci-
fications. In case of conflict between these Special
Provisions and the aforesaid Standard Specifications,
amendments or addenda, these Special Provisions shall
take precedence and shall govern.
3. The enforcement of the requirements of any of these
Special Provisions shall not be construed as waiving
any of the rights of the Party of the First Part con-
tained in any of the other provisions of this Contract.
B. Definition of Terms
1. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section
1. 00 and to the following revisions and amendments:
Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Department of Public
Works of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, and, when
applicable, the particular
Department, Board, or offical
of the City of Northampton
authorized by the City to con-
tract for the work involved.
Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Engineer of Northampton
acting directly or through an
authorized representative
acting within the scope of the
particular duties entrusted
to him.
City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The City of Northampton acting
through an authorized represen-
tative, such representative act-
ing within the scope of the
particular duties entrusted to
C. Construction (Stakes ) Staking
1 . All the requirements of Section 5. 07 regarding employ-
ment by the Contractor of engineering personnel or the
furnishing and setting of stakes by him are hereby
waived by the City for this project. The City will fur-
nish all engineering necessary to maintain lines and
grades and accurate control for the work.
H. The Scope of Work is generally as outlined below, it being
understood that all incidental work required to conform
with the intent of the Contract Documents is also to be
1. The work under this Section is as generally indicated
on the Contract Drawings and as required by the quanti-
ties indicated on the Bid Price Summary Sheet included
2. The three existing Grass Plots shown on Sheet No.
DPW - #1 shall be fine graded and landscaped through
work under other Sections of the Specifications with
all rough grading to approximately four inches below
finish grade accomplished under this Section.
3. All work in conjunction with the installation of the
Underground Electrical Distribution System complete,
from the Electric Pole designated as E24 across
Florence Road through to and including the installation
of all hand holes, pad mounted transformers, and new
light poles as indicated on Sheet No. DPW - #2 is re-
quired under this Section. This work also includes
that required for the complete system installation,
not limited to conduit, cables, concrete pads and
other required mountings, testing and other incidental
work, and all Electric Utility Company charges to
which company' s standards the system shall be installed
in strict accordance.
I. All engineering, control and staking required for work
under this Section and abutting work under other Sections
shall be provided, established, and maintained by the
Engineer. Any discrepancies between information given
on the drawings describing the work under this Section,
other Site Contract Drawings, and field conditions shall
be reconciled by the Engineer in the field as necessary.
J. The Contractor shall coordinate the work of this Section
with that required under other Sections with special em-
phasis upon work to be accomplished under Divisions 2,
15 and 16.
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. The work under this Section of the Specifications is to
be accomplished with funds provided by the City of
Northampton. Except as noted herein, all provisions
of Part A - Bidding and Contract Requirements are
made a part of this Section, which provisions shall be
fully examined by the Contractor.
B. Examine all site conditions including existing struc-
tures, all Contract Drawings, and all portions of the
Project Manual including other Sections of the Specifi-
cations for requirements which may affect the work of
this Section.
C. Available Original Construction Drawings for the pro-
ject have been provided for whatever use bidders may
choose. The Contractor shall investigate and evaluate
all discrepancies between the Original Construction
Drawings, the Contract Drawings for work under this
Section, and all existing conditions in the field prior
to submitting his bid.
D. All work under this Section shall be in strict ac-
cordance with applicable portions of : codes, ordinances,
regulations, etc. in force; the Reference Standards ; the
recommendations of the manufacturer and/or producer of
the materials, products, systems, etc. involved, and
with the best trade practices and quality of workman-
ship of the industry. In the event of conflict between
any of the aforementioned, the matter shall be referred
to the Engineer whose decision shall be final and binding.
E. All work under this Section is subject to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through H inclu-
sive, and a Filed Sub-Bid for such work shall be sub-
mitted in appropriate form.
F. All other required and/or incidental Roadway and Sidewalk
Improvements, if any, shall be performed by the General
G. All work under this Section is as required herein and
as required on the following Contract Drawings unless
specifically indicated to the contrary:
Sheet No. Title
DPW-1 Construction Plan #1
DPW-2 Underground Utility Plan #2
R. It is not intended that the Drawings and Specifications
show every detail of the Work, but the Contractor shall
be required to furnish within the Contract Sum all material
and labor necessary for completion of the Work in accor-
dance with the best standard practice of the construction
industry in accordance with the intent of the Drawings
and Specifications.
S. All mechanical systems within habitable or occupied
spaces shall be enclosed. When ceilings must be dropped
or walls thickened for installaiton of mechanical systems
at places other than those shown on the Drawings, the
Architect shall be consulted for his determination of
the extent of the areas to be dropped or thickened with
the view of avoiding "Pilaster" or "Beam" like enclosures.
T. At the completion of the Work, the Contractor shall clean
and polish all finish floors, vacuum all carpeting, wash
all finish surfaces requiring same, clean all glass and
acceptably prepare for inspection occupancy.
U. In the event that an area of work required for compliance
with the intent of the Documents is not clearly defined,
the requirements of HUD' s Minimum Design Standards and
that Agency' s manual of acceptable practices will be the
minimum standard of compliance for work required under the
V. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect all technical
' data, cuts, samples, and other pertinent information re-
quired to evaluate any and all items (materials, equipment,
systems, etc. ) which the Contractor wishes to submit for
approval as complying with the Contract Documents. In ad-
dition, when requested by the Architect, the Contractor
shall submit the same information on the specific item
(of the manufacturer) originally specified to aid the
Architect in required evaluation.
W. The term "Product" as used in these Contract Documents
refers to materials, systems, and equipment provided by
the Contractor.
The term "Project Manual" as used in these Contract Docu-
ments includes bidding requirements, Conditions of Contract
and specifications.
X. Construct the work so as to minimize inconvenience to
the public, the residents of Florence Heights, and the
Northampton Housing Authority.
Y. In case of ambiguity between any of the Contract Documents,
the better quality and/or the greater number will be re-
G. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Architect of
the delivery of all permits, licenses, certificates of
inspection, of approval, of occupancy, etc. , and any other
�. such instruments required under codes by authorities having
jurisdiction, regardless of to whom issued, and shall cause
them to be displayed to the Architect for verification
and recording.
H. All materials, equipment, work and installations shall be
in strict accordance with the State Building Code and all
peritnent Federal, State and local codes, laws, and ordi-
nances, which requirements have precedence over the speci-
fications shall be referred to the Architect.
I. All matters not herein covered shall be dealt with in ac-
cordance with the custom and usage in the construction in-
J. The Contractor shall pay for all required licenses and
permits and shall include same in his bid. The Contractor
and his subcontractors shall "sign on" at the appropriate
governmental agencies having jurisdiction prior to com-
mencing the work and assume all responsibilities attached
K. Time is of the essence of this contract.
L. Unless specifically indicated otherwise in the Contract
Documents, use of the word "install" or similar language
shall carry with it the implied meaning that such items
to be installed shall also be supplied by the Contractor.
In the same manner, use of the word "provide" or similar
language shall carry with it the implied meaning that
such items to be provided shall also be installed by the
Contractor unless specifically indicated otherwise in
the Contract Documents.
M. The Architect reserves the right to require shop drawings
of any and all portions of the work at any scale up to
full size even though individual divisions of the Speci-
fications may not require same.
N. The Architect retains the right to select any and all
colors and finishes of all portions of the work, be they
prefinished or field finish.
O. The words "shall" or "will" mean "must" as used in these
Contract Documents.
P. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the local
Fire Department prior to ordering finish materials.
Q. The basis for partial payments under the Contract will be
subject to the approval of the Architect and be based upon
dividing the work into easily verifiable quantitative
units against which costs of such work are to be charged.
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements; Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
B. It has been attempted to indicate on the Drawings and in
the Specifications what existing items are to be removed,
what are to remain, and what new work is required to ful-
fill the intent of the Contract Documents. It shall be
incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and
determine what is existing, its condition, and what will
be required to accomplish the work intended by the Contract
Documents. The submission of a Bid by the Contractor will
be held as incontrovertible evidence that he has accom-
plished the aforementioned. Selective investigatory
demolition by the Contractor will be allowed in unoccupied
spaces with the permission of the Northampton Housing
Authority. No increase in the Contract Sum will be per-
mitted as a result of the contractor' s failure to accom-
plish any or all of the above requirements.
C. The Contractor shall employ a competent Licensed Builder
with at least five years rehabilitation experience on
similar building types as superintendent who shall be
in responsible charge of the work and have full time
daily supervision of same.
D. All work shall be performed in accordance with the best
practice of the construction industry. The work shall
comply with the Contract Documents and with all the
applicable codes, laws, regulations, and ordinances
wherever applicable. The most stringent of all the fore-
going shall govern.
E. The Contractor shall have all work inspected by local,
state, federal and any other authorities having jurisdic-
tion over such work, prior to enclosing work; and shall
maintain written evidence of such inspection for review
by the Architect.
F. Manufacturer' s directions and recommendations shall be
strictly followed in the installation of all materials
and systems and all items incidental to their proper
installation shall be supplied as if specifically called
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 Model Apartment
A. As soon as possible after signing the Contract, the Con-
tractor shall perform complete Modernization Work within
one typical apartment for the purpose of establishing
the required standards of materials and workmanship and
to verify the feasibility of the Contractor' s scheduling
and method of operation. The apartment shall be that
selected by the Authority. The Detailed Operational
Plan shall include scheduling work under this Section.
B. This sample apartment shall be inspected by the Architect
and representative(s ) of the Authority. Upon approval by
the Authority, the sample apartment will establish the
standards required for all subsequent work. It is required
that each subsequent apartment be of equivalent or higher
quality than the aforementioned standard installations to
the end that repeated reference back to the original apart-
ment will not be required.
1. 03 Other Model/Sample Installations
A. The Architect may require other model/sample installations
which shall be promptly installed at no cost to the Owner.
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements,.- Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 Guarantee
A. The Contractor shall in writing, guarantee all labor and
material under this Contract to be free from defects or
errors in workmanship or installation for a period of
one year from date of substantial completion. The
Contractor shall also indemnify the Authority and Archi-
tect for any damage to the property that may result by
reason of the defects which rendered such repairs neces-
sary, and defend any suits brought against the Authority
and Architect for alleged infringement of patents by
any methods by construction or appliances or material
furnished under the contract, paying any damages or costs
that may be awarded against the Authority and Architect
as a result of such suits, free of all expenses to the
Authority and Architect.
Pest Control $27. 00 per apartment
per treatment
Provide pest control as described below
under the HUD Consolidated Supply Program.
XX Term Inc.
42 Old Barn Road
West Sringfield, MA 01089
First Treatment:
RFF Spectrum method including fogging,
aerosol flush, and residual spray
throughout apartments and cellars after
removal work and prior to commencement
of installation of new work.
Second Treatment:
Drilling of "wet" walls in kitchens and
bathrooms and wherever deemed necessary
and spraying control agent in powder form
into walls. Apply Gencor, Max Force, and
Roach Motels also. Treatments after in-
stallation of new work but prior to com-
mencement of interior painting or at
other time approved by the Authority.
Third Treatment:
A combination of elements of the first
two treatments as required after modern-
ization work is complete and prior to
tenant occupancy.
Initially perform work in unoccupied
buildings (approximately 26 apartments)
followed by other units as they become
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 Scope
A. The cost of all work based upon Predetermined Unit Prices
for items of work set forth in the Schedule of Predetermined
Unit Prices attached shall be included in the General Bidder' s
Proposed Contract Price.
1. 03 Duration
A. The Predetermined Unit Prices have been computed taking into
consideration the price escalation during the life of this
contract. No changes in the predetermined prices, whether
ADDITIONS or DEDUCTIONS, will be permitted, except as otherwise
authorized by Change Order.
1 . 04 Performance
A. Performance of work which is not required under this section or
which is not authorized by Change Order, whether or not such
work items is set forth hereunder as a Unit Price item, shall
not be considered cause for any extra payment on account of the
Contract. The Contractor will be held fully responsible for
such unauthorized work, including the performance of all cor-
rective measures required by the Authority.
of all finishing trades where needed, whether or not
cleaning by such trades is their respective specifications.
E. Repair, patch and touch up marred surfaces to specified finish
to match adjacent surfaces.
F. Clean and polish glass on both sides. Clean plastic glazing
(if any) on both sides in accordance with the manufacturers'
C. Do the final cleaning of ceramic tile, resilient floors, and
wood floors in the mariner specified and/or the best trade
practices of the industry.
H. Leave all architectural metals, hardware, and fixtures in
undamaged, polished conditions.
I. Leave pipe and duct spaces, plenums, furred spaces and the
like clean of debris and decayable materials.
J. In cleaning items with manufacturer' s finish or items pre-
viously finished by a Subcontractor, care shall be taken not
to damage such manufacturer' s or Subcontractor' s finish.
In cleaning glass and finish surfaces, care shall be taken
not to use cleaning agents which may stain adjoining finish
surfaces. Any damage to finishes caused by cleaning opera-
tions shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense.
K. Broom clean exposed concrete surfaces and paved surfaces.
Rake clean other surfaces of grounds.
L. Before turning over the completed work to the Housing Author-
ity, the Contractor shall remove from site, at his expense,
all debris of any nature caused by his work and he shall
leave the premises thoroughly clean to the satisfaction of
the Housing Authority.
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the contractor.
1. 02 Cleaning During Construction
A. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with
local ordinances and anti-pollution laws:
1. Do not burn or bury rubbish and waste materials on pro-
ject site.
2. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits,
oil, or paint thinner in storm or sanitary drains.
3. Do not dispose of wastes into streams or waterway.
B. Wet down dry materials and rubbish to lay dust and prevent
blowing dust.
C. Do not allow materials and rubbish to drop free or be
thrown from upper floors, but remove by use of the material
hoist or rubbish chutes.
D. Provide on-site containers for collection of waste materials
and rubbish.
E. Vacuum clean interior building area when ready to receive
finish painting, and continue vacuum cleaning on an as-
needed basis until building is ready for Substantial Com-
pletion or occupancy.
F. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contami-
nants resulting from cleaning process will not fall on wet,
newly painted surfaces.
G. At end of each day' s work remove waste materials and rubbish
from site and legally dispose of it at public or private
dumping areas off the Owner' s property.
1. 03 Final Cleaning
A. Employ experienced workmen or professional cleaners for
final cleaning.
B. Employ only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer
on surface to be cleaned.
C. In preparation for Substantial Completion or occupancy,
conduct final inspection of sight-exposed interior and exterior
D. Remove grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints,
and other foreign materials form sight-exposed interior
and exterior surfaces. This includes cleaning of the work
C. The General Contractor shall supply temporary lighting
and power and shall pay the cost of electrical energy
consumed by all trades until Substantial Completion where
temporary electrical work is necessary.
D. The General Contractor, at his own expense, shall main-
tain all lamps in operating condition. The Contractor,
and each Subcontractor,- shall furnish their own extension
cords and all additional lamps as may be required for
their work.
E. All lamps installed in permanent lighting fixtures which
are used as temporary lights during the construction
period shall be removed and replaced shortly before Sub-
stantial Completion by the set of lamps required to be
provided in Section 16A, Electrical Work.
F. The General Contractor shall dismantle and completely re-
move from the project site all temporary electrical facili-
ties only when the permanent electrical system has been
installed and is in operation.
1.13 Fire Protection
A. The General Contractor shall take all necessary precautions
to insure against fire during construction. He shall be
responsible that the area within contract limits is kept
orderly and clean and that combustible rubbish is promptly
removed from the site.
B. Fire protection shall be in accordance with the require-
ments of Industrial Bulletin No. 12, Division of Industrial
Safety, Department of Labor and Industries, Commonwealth of
1. 14 Hoisting Facilities
A. The General Contractor shall provide, operate, and remove
material hoists, cranes and other hoisting apparatus and
shall do all hoisting as required for the performance of
the work by all trades. All such hoisting service shall
be without charge to the Subcontractors.
1.15 Noise and Pollution Control
A. All work performed under the Contract shall conform to
the requirements of Chapter 11, Section 31 C and Section
142 D of the General Laws, and Rules and Regulations
adopted thereto by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Department of Public Health.
8. Within 30 calendar days after his award of contract,
the Contractor shall submit in writing to the Awarding
Authority for approval three (3 ) copies of his proposed
methods for "Weather Protection. "
B. When an existing or specified permanent heating system is
used for temporary heating, the General Contractor must
comply with the following conditions:
1. The Contractor shall pay the costs of all fuel and
electricity required for temporary heating until Sub-
stantial Completion.
2. The Contractor shall be in charge of and provide all
labor required for the attendance, operation and final
restoration of the permanent system is used for tempor-
ary heating purposes.
3. The,--Contractor shall provide final cleaning and any re-
pairs or replacements necessary to restore the permanent
system to perfect condition at the time of Substantial
C. Responsibility for Weather Protection
1. The entire responsibility for weather protection during
construction until Substantial Completion, shall be as-
sumed by the General Contractor, who shall be liable
for any damage to any work caused by his failure to
supply proper weather protection and proper ventila-
tion as required.
2 . Any work damaged by frost shall be removed and replaced
by the General Contractor at his own expense and as
directed by the Architect.
3. It is to be specifically understood that the Contractor
shall do no work at any time or under any condition
which he deems unsuited to the perfect execution of
the Work. This provision shall not be interpreted as
constituting any waiver, release or lessening of the
General Contractor' s obligation to bring the work to
Substantial Completion within the period of time set
forth in the Agreement.
1.12 Temporary Electricity
A. The General Contractor may make use of the electrical
systems available at the site provided that he will sup-
ply the proper adapters and extension cords. Where
heavy duty electric equipment drawing a current in excess
of 15 amp. is involved, he shall provide temporary elec-
tric work to supply the power.
B. All temporary electrical work shall be installed in con-
formity with the National Electrical Code and in accord-
ance with State Laws and requirements of the applicable
power company under the supervision of a Master Electri-
„ 1.11 Weather Protection
A. The General Contractor shall provide weather protection
in accordance with Chapter 497 of the Acts of 1970 and
with the "Weather Protection Standard” established by
the Director of Building Construction.
1. It is the intent of these specifications to require
the Contractor to provide temporary enclosers and heat
to permit construction work to be carried on during
the months of November through March in compliance
with Chapter 497 of the Massachusetts General Laws of
1970. These specifications are not to be construed
as requiring enclosures or heat for operations that
are economically infeasible to protect in the judge-
ment of the Awarding Authority, such items as Site
Work, Excavation, Roofing and similar operations.
2. He is also required to provide a minimum temperature
of 700 fahrenheit to all occupied areas of the project,
if the existing permanent heating system cannot be
utilized or if the work requires a shutdown of the
existing system.
3. "Weather Protection" shall mean the temporary protec-
tion of that work adversely affected by moisture, wind
and cold, by covering, enclosing and/or heating. This
protection shall provide adequate working areas to per-
mit the continuous progress of all work necessary to
maintain an orderly and efficient sequence of construc-
tion operations. The Contractor shall furnish and in-
stall all "weather protection" material and be respon-
sible for all costs, including heating required to main-
tain a minimum temperature of 500 fahrenheit at the work-
ing surface. This provision does not supersede any spe-
cific temperature requirements for items/methods of con-
struction and/or curing of materials.
4. Unit heaters, if used, shall be of the smokeless type
and be installed and operated in such a way that they
will not damage finished work or endanger the health
and welfare of the occupants. Salamanders shall not be
5. The Contractor may, with the approval of the Housing
Authority, elect to utilize the permanent heating
system, existing or newly installed and tested, for
temporary heating.
6 . Installation of weather protection and heating devices
shall comply with all safety regulations including pro-
visions for adequate ventilation and fire protection
7. The Contractor shall provide thermometers at places
designated by the Awarding Authority in order to de-
termine if specified temperatures are maintained.
=oil 111111
staging, and planking over 8 feet in height, as required
for the use of all trades for the proper execution of
their work.
B. The Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain, and
remove all temporary ramps, stairs, ladders and similar
items as required for the use of all trades for the exe-
cution of their work.
1. 09 Temporary Protection
A. The Contractor shall:
1 . Protect excavations, trenches, building and materials
at all times from rain water, ground water, backing-up
or leakage of sewers, drains or other piping and from
water damage of any origin; provide all pumps, piping,
covering, and other materials and equipment as re-
quired and/or specified.
2. In addition to the weather protection during the
months of November through March specified hereunder,
provide temporary weathertight enclosures for openings
in exterior walls and in roof decks when and as re-
quired to protect the work from damage by inclement
weather. Temporary enclosures shall be provided with
adequate means of ventilation to prevent accumulation
of excessive moisture in the building.
3. Provide temporary wood doors for exterior entrances
and elsewhere as required. Permanent door enclosures
shall not be used as temporary enclosures.
4. Protect sills, jams and heads of openings through
which materials are handled.
5. Protect all surfaces to receive work by other trades
from any soiling which will prevent proper execution
of subsequent work.
B. After the installation of work by any Subcontractor is
properly completed, the General Contractor shall be res-
ponsible for its protection and for repairing, replacing
or cleaning any such work which has been damaged by other
trades or by any other causes, so that all work is in
perfect condition at the time of Substantial Completion.
C. All temporary protection and covering shall be removed
at or before Substantial Completion.
1. 10 Temporary Water
A. The Contractor may make use of the available water supply
at the site for construction purposes, provided that he
obtains the permission of the Authority beforehand and
takes care not to use the water wastefully or abuse the
B. The Contractor shall provide an adequate supply of cool
drinking water with individual drinking cups for all per-
sonnel and workmen on the job.
C. Where the permanent sanitary system is in operating
condition, the Contractor may use portions of the
system as approved by the Authority provided that the
Contractor (1) assumes full responsibility for the so
used portions of the sanitary system, and ( 2 ) pays all
costs for maintenance, cleaning, and restoration of the
used portions.
1. 05 Temporary Construction Fence
A. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall erect a
temporary construction fence along the Work Area limit
lines and as otherwise required to totally enclose the
area in which construction activities are to take place,
providing for tenant and Authority access as directed.
B. The fence shall be 7 feet high, fabricated of No. 9 gauge
galvanized wire, chain link woven in a 2 inch diamond
mesh; salvage edges shall be twisted and barbed; inter-
mediate posts shall be H-type, 2.72 lb/lin. ft. , at 10
feet maximum on center; terminal posts shall be 3 inch
O.D. braced; top and bottom reinforcing wire shall be
No. 7 gauge. Provide gates as required and of matching
construction. All steel and iron parts shall be gal-
vanized after fabrication. All posts shall extend at
least 36 inces below grade. Set terminal posts into
concrete; set intermediate posts into the ground.
C. The fence shall be kept in orderly condition and removed
when directed by the Architect.
1. 06 Watchmen
A. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing con-
tinuous watchmen service as necessary to insure adequate
protection of his own interests, the Owner' s interests,
and the general public, from the beginning until Substan-
tial Completion.
B. Watchmen service shall be provided whenever excavation
is to be undertaken outside a fenced-in work area.
1. 07 Temporary Structures and Storage
A. The Contractor shall provide such storage sheds, tempor-
ary buildings, or trailers as required for the perfor-
mance of the Contract.
B. The Contractor must obtain the permission of the Housing
Authority for the use of any stroage facilities avail-
able onsite, but the Authority assumes no responsibility
for articles stored.
C. All temporary structures shall be removed at Substantial
1 . 08 Temporary Staging, Stairs, Chutes
A. Except as otherwise specified in any Section of the
specifications the Contractor shall furnish, install,
maintain in safe condition, and remove all scaffolds,
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, 'Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A -
Bidding and Contract Requirements are made a part of
this Section, which provisions shall be fully examined
by the Contractor.
• 1. 02 Field Office
A. The Contractor shall provide a suitable office at the
site for his own use.
B. The office shall be set in location approved by the
Architect, shall be maintained by the Contractor in
a clean and orderly condition, and be removed at or
before Substantial Completion.
C. Within the field office, the Contractor shall provide
a separate room for the owner' s Project Representative
(Clerk of the Works ) which shall be able to be locked
and which shall contain a desk and two chairs, a plan
table ( 42" x80" ) , a four drawer file cabinet with
working lock, and a telephone.
1. 03 Temporary Telephones
A. Separate individual services shall be provided:
1 . In the field office of the Contractor, for the use
of his authorized agents and Subcontractors ; and
2 . In the field office of the Project Representatives.
A desktype telephone with lock and key shall be pro-
vided for this purpose.
B. The Contractor shall pay for the installation and re-
moval of the foregoing temporary telephones and for calls
and fixed charges in connection therewith.
C. The temporary telephone services shall be maintained un-
til Substantial Completion.
1. 04 Temporary Toilets
A. The Contractor shall provide an adequate number of toilet
booths, with chemical type toilets and lighting, rented
from and serviced by an approved company.
B. The toilets shall be erected in a location approved by
the Architect, shall be maintained by the Contractor in
a clean and orderly condition in compliance with all
local and State helth requirements, and shall be re-
moved at Substantial Completion.
temporary means of supplying said services, the Contrac-
tor shall supply all labor, materials or whatever may
be required to fulfill the above requirements at no extra
cost to the Authority and in accordance with the state and
local regulations on health and safety.
B. Contractor shall give the Authority written notice of all
shutdowns of services to occupied units for less than eight
hours fourteen days in advance in order that adequate
notice be given affected tenants through the Tenant Coor-
1. 06 Responsibility
A. Any damage to buildings, roads, public roads, bituminous
concrete areas, fences, lawn areas, trees, shrubbery,
poles, underground utilities, etc. shall be made good by
the Contractor at his own expense, all to the satisfaction
of the Authority.
B. The Contractor shall patch, repair and/or replace all ad-
jacent materials and surfaces damaged after the installa-
tion of new work at his expense. All repair.and replace-
ment work shall match the existing in kind and appearance.
1.01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1 . 02 Protection of Persons and Properties
A. Several of the buildings and the premises are now occupied.
The work is to be done with as little inconvenience as reason-
ably possible and without danger to the people occupying the
structures within the project area. Special care must be
excercised in the use of machinery so as not to constitute
a source of danger or nuisance.
B. The Contractor shall take possession of the Work Area(s )
which is (are) made available to him and contruct a chain
link fence securly enclosing such area(s ) subject to pro-
viding required access to tenants and Authority personnel.
C. Coordinate with Section 1C - Conduct of Work and Section 1G-
Temporary Facilities and Utilities.
1. 03 Access
A. The Contractor shall, at all times, leave unobstructed way
along walks and roadways required for tenant and Authority
access and shall maintain barriers and lights for the pro-
tection of all persons and property in all locations where
he has material stored or work in progress at all times.
1 . 04 Noise and Dust Control
A. The Contractor shall take special measures to protect the
tenants from noise, dust and other disturbances by:
1. Keeping common circulation areas clean and unobstructed,
2. insulating work ares from occupied portions in so far
as possible and,
3. sealing dust and fumes from contaminating adjacent oc-
cupied spaces.
1. 05 Shutdown of Services
A. The contractor' s attention is especially called to the fact
the continuous operation of services for occupied portions
of this housing development is mandatory. If the deve-
lopment is to be left without heat, hot water, city water,
electricity, gas, sanitary facilities or any other services
for more than an eight hour period, the Contractor shall
submit a letter and obtain written approval from the
Authority before proceeding. At this time, if the Auth-
ority will not allow this shutdown, but wants instead a
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 Original Construction Drawings
A. In an effort to make all information available to the De-
signers available to Bidders, reproducibles of the Latest
Revisions of All Original Construction Drawings Made Avail-
able by the Northampton Housing Authority are available at
the Authority' s main offices. These documents may be re-
viewed at the Authority' s offices and copies made if paid
for by Bidders prior to their being sent to a blueprint
company of the Authority' s choosing. Failure to take ad-
vantage of the knowledge made available shall not be rea-
son for an increase in the Contract Price.
F. If Sample is rejected by the Architect, a new Sample
shall be resubmitted in the manner specified herein above.
This procedure shall be repeated until the Sample is ap-
proved in writing by the Architect.
G. Samples will not be returned unless return is requested at
the time of submission. The right is reserved to require
submission of samples whether or not particular mention
thereof is made in the Specifications.
1 .13 As-Built Record Site Drawings
A. Provide washable mylars of the following drawings reflecting
the location of all underground work installed under this
Contract, such submission in acceptable form to be a condi-
tion precedent to final payment: drawings X-1 and ME-1.
1. 14 Operating and Maintenance Instructions
A. Operating Manuals
1. Subcontactors, installers, and suppliers shall furnish to
the Contractor two sets of operating and maintenance in-
structions of all mechanical, electrical, and manually
operated equipment furnished or installed by them. Mech-
anical and electrical Subcontractors shall furnish instruc-
tions as specified in their respective Sections.
2. The Contractor shall collect all of the above instructions,
bind them into two complete sets, and submit them to the
3. Submission of operating and maintenance instructions
shall be a condition precedent to final payment for each
part of the Project, and for completion of filed Subcon-
B. Instructions of Owner ' s Personnel:
1. Where specified in the individual Sections, the Subcontrac-
tor shall instruct the Owner' s personnel at the site in the
use and maintenance of equipment installed by them under the
2. Submission to the Architect of a certificate of compliance
to this requirement signed by the Subcontractor and the
Owner' s representative, shall be a condition precedent to
final payment.
3. The Owner' s personnel shall be deemed to include such
persons as are designated by the Owner, including without
limitations, service or maintenance contractors, employees
of the Owner, or other appropriate persons.
B. Shop Drawings shall be for whole systems. Partial sub-
missions will not be accepted.
' C. The Architect reserves the right to review and approve
Shop Drawings only after approval of related Product Data
and Samples. Special attention shall be directed to the
simultaneous submission of finish materials.
D. Shop Drawings shall be properly identified and contain name
of Project, name of firm submitting the Shop Drawing number,
date of Shop Drawing and of revisions, Contractor' s stamp
of approval and sufficient spaces near the title block for
the Architects stamp.
E. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect one legible,
reproducible transparency and two black line prints of each
Shop Drawing. Transparency and prints shall be mailed or
delivered in roll form. Each submittal shall be accompanied
by transmittal notice.
F. When the transparency is returned by the Architect with the
stamp "Revised and Resubmit" or "Disapproved" , the Contractor
shall correct the original drawing or prepare a new drawing
and resubmit a transparency and two prints thereof to the
Architect for approval. This procedure shall be repeated
until the Architect' s approval is obtained.
G. When the transparency is returned by the Architect with the
stamp "Approved" or "Approved as Noted" , the Contractor
shall provide and distribute the prints for his own and his
Subcontractors ' use.
H. The Contractor shall maintain one full set of approved Shop
Drawings at the site.
1.11 Submission of Product Data
A. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect, seven ( 7 )
original copies of Product Data. All such data shall be
specific and identification of material or equipment
submitted shall be clearly made in ink. Data of general
nature will not be accepted.
B. Product Data shall be accompanied by transmittal notice.
The Contractor ' s stamp of approval shall appear on the
printed information itself, in a location which will not
mar legibility.
C. Product Data returned by the Architect with the stamp
"Disapproved" shall be resubmitted in seven (7 ) copies
until the Architect' s approval is obtained.
D. When the Product Data are acceptable, the Architect will
stamp them "Approved" , or "Approved as Noted" and will
return 3 copies to the Contractor. The Contractor shall
provide and distribute such number of additional copies
as required for his own and his Subcontractors' use.
E. The Contractor shall miantain one full set of approved ori-
ginal Product Data at the site.
evaluating the Contractor' s periodic estimates for partial
payments as the work progresses. The two parts of the
�. Cost Breakdown must be approved by the Architect, the
Owner and the HUD representative before any application
for periodic payment will be considered. Submit seven
copies of the Breakdowns for review. The Architect shall
be the sole judge of the adequacy of the breakdown, which
shall be reviewed as Shop Drawings submittals.
1. 07 List of Suppliers
A. The Contractor shall maintain a complete list of material
suppliers for the work indicating the exact class or des-
cription of items provided by each supplier. The list
shall be typewritten and on completion of the work, the
list shall be included in the Record Documents.
1. 08 Project Directory
A. The Contractor shall prepare within 15 days after Notice to
Proceed, and shall thereafter maintain in current condition,
a detailed Project Directory of all firms and their princi-
pal representatives engaged in the project. The Directory
shall be distributed at least monthly to the representatives
of the LHA, HUD and the Architect. The following shall be
included in the Project Directory:
1 . The LHA.
2. The HUD representative(s ) .
3. The Contractor, including all personnel actively engaged
in the work and all emergency telephone numbers.
4 . The Architect.
5. The Architect' s Consultants.
6. Testing laboratories and agencies.
7. The Project Representatives.
8 . All filed subcontractors.
9 . All approved non-filed subcontractors.
1 . 09 Submittal Schedule
A. Within 15 days after Notice to Proceed the Contractor shall
submit to the Architect a complete schedule of submittals,
for approval as herein described.
B. The schedule shall indicate by trade the date by which each
such item is to be submitted and the date by which final
approval of each item must be obtained and shall be revised
as required by conditions and progress of the work subject
to Architect' s approval. In each case reasonable time must
be permitted for Architect ' s review, consultants review and
for resubmittals. Allow at least two weeks for review of each
1. 10 Submission of Shop Drawings
A. Shop Drawings shall be complete, give all information neces-
sary or requested in the individual Sections of the Speci-
ficaitons, and also show adjoining work and details or con-
nection thereto.
easily determined. A graphic chart shall show clearly the
following data for each activity.
1. Activity description.
2. Estimated activity duration.
3. Start dates.
4. Finish dates.
5. Other activities which must be completed before the
activity may start.
6. Other activities which cannot start before the activity
is complete.
C. Activities shown on the graphic Progress Schedule chart
shall include but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Project mobilization.
2. Submittals and approvals of Shop Drawings and Samples,
including Sample Apartments.
3. Procurement of equipment and materials.
4. Fabrication of special material and equipment, and their
installation and testing.
5. All major systems and subsystems identified by specification
reference and by geographical location in each building.
6. Every entry into each occupied apartment necessary for
the conduct of the work, identified by trade and showing
the approximate time of operations in the apartment.
An activiity may include more than one trade, but each
entry on different days shall be a separate activity.
7. All activities by the Housing Authority and City of
Northampton representitives that affect progress, re-
quired dates for completion, or both, for all and each
part of the Work.
8. Final Cleanup by building.
9. Final inspection and testing by building.
D. Upon LA' s approval of the Progress Schedule, the Architect
and the LA shall be entitled to rely on the information
therein presented, and to interpret and use such informa-
tion in the administration of the Contract.
E. The Progress Schedule shall be updated and resubmitted monthly.
1. 06 Cost Breakdown
A. The Contractor shall submit a detailed Breakdown of the
Contract Price immediately upon execution of the Contract
and before proceeding with any work at the site. The
Breakdown shall be in two parts, the summary and the detailed
breakdown shall form the basis of the periodic estimate
''` for partial payments. The detailed breakdown shall be
arranged by specification section and by a sufficient number
of subdivisions within each specification section to detail
the cost of each activity for the purpose of preparing and
G. All costs for printing, preparing, packaging, submitting,
resubmitting and mailing or delivering submittals specified
in this Article shall be included in the Contract Sum.
1. 03 Items of Work Designed by Others
A. The responsibility of the design of certain items of work
under this Contract lies with other licensed professionals
in response to requirements of which the Architect does not
have full knowledge. The drawings bearing the seal of, and
related specifications prepared by such licensed professionals
shall be interpreted by them as the responsible design pro-
fessionals with full knowlege of their clients' requirements.
Submittals for such items of work shall be made through the
Architect for proceedural purposes only, Approval being by
the responsible design professionals.
1. 04 Action Markings and Notations
A. Reviewed submittals will be returned with one of the following
actions recorded thereon by appropriate markings:
1 . Final Unrestricted Release: Where marked "Approved" the work
covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies
with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Acceptance
of the work will depend upon that compliance.
2. Final-But-Restricted-Release: When marked "Approved as Noted, "
the work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it
complies with the notations or corrections on the submittal,
and complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
Acceptance of the work will depend upon these compliances.
Indicated corrections shall be made prior to resubmission
for record under paragraph D.7. below.
3. Returned for Resubmittals: When marked "Revise and Resubmit, "
or "Disapproved" the work covered by the submittal (pur-
chasing, fabrication, delivery or other activity) should not
proceed. The submittal should be revised or a new submittal
resubmitted without delay, in accordance with the notations
stating the reasons for returning the submittal.
1. 05 Administrative Submittals
A. Prior to the start of any work at the site (except such
project mobilization activities as delivery of office
trailers and furniture) the Contractor shall submit to
the Architect a Project Schedule in the form of a Shop
Drawing, as specified below, a detailed Progress Schedule
pursuant to the following requirements. It is strongly sug-
gested that the Contractor employ a CPM or PERT method
scheduling program to comply with these requirements.
B. The Progress Schedule shall be prepared by the Contractor
so as to graphically show the order and interdependence
of all activities necessary to complete the Work, and the
00k sequence in which each activity is to be accomplished,
as planned by the Contractor. The detail of information
shall be such that duration times of activities can be
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bid-
ding and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 General Proceedures
A. The Contractor shall transmit each submittal to the Architect
sufficiently in advance of performing related work or other
applicable activities, so that the installation will not be
delayed by processing times, including disapproval and resub-
mittal (if required) , coordination with other submittals, testing,
purchasing, fabrication, delivery, and similar sequenced acti-
vities. In no event shall submittals be made later than the
times indicated in the individual Sections of the Specifications
and on the Progress Schedule. No extension of time will be
authorized because of the Contractor' s failure to transmit
submittals to the Architect sufficiently in advance of the Work.
B. The Contractor shall transmit each submittal in a sequence which
will not result in the approval having to be later modified or
rescinded by reason of a subsequent submittal which should have
been processed earlier or concurrenity for coordination.
C. Only submittals received from and bearing the stamp of approval
of the Contractro will be considered for review by the Architect.
Submittals shall be accompanied by a transmittal notice stating
name of Project, date of submittal, "To" , "From" , (Contractor,
Subcontractor, Installer, Manufacturer, Supplier) , Specification
Section or Drawing No. to which the submittal refers, purpose
(first submittal, resubmittal) , description, remarks, distri-
bution record, signature of transmitter.
D. On the transmittal, or on a separate sheet attached to the
transmittal, the Contractor shall direct attention to any
deviations including minor limitations and variations from
the requirements of the Contract Documents. Deviations shall
be highlighted on the submittals.
E. When an item is submitted as an equal to the specified item it
shall be clearly indicated as such on the transmittal. Con-
tractor must submit the item to which it is to be equated or
appropriate documentation and information.
F. Where a Section of the specification states, in the Paragraph
titled "Submittals, " that a complete submittal of the Work
and/or materials of the Section is required, the Architect
will not be expected to review the submittal of work under that
Section until the submittal is, in the opinion of the Archi-
tect, complete.
1. 07 Authoritys Cooperation
O., A. The Authority shall take all necessary steps to help the
Contractor perform his work in accordance with the approved
operational plan and shall remove obstructions that may be in
his way to assure the continuity of the work upon proper
notice from the Contractor.
The Authority shall hire a Tenant Coordinator to act as liason
with tenants and to assist the Contractor in fulfilling the
1. Notify all tenants in writing two ( 2 ) weeks before any work
is scheduled in their apartment.
2. Notify each tenant again, in writing forty-eight (48 ) hours
before work is scheduled in their apartment.
3. Obtain signed permission to enter the apartment if resident
will not be home, and at no time leave it unattended.
4. Obtain from the Authority the keys for any vacant apartment(s )
where resident is not at home and be responsible for their
safekeeping them and return at the end of the work day.
5. Notify the Authority of any resident who refuses to cooperate
with the proposed operational plan.
B. The Authority shall hire the Tenant Coordinator as necessary for
timely progress of the work. The Tenant Coordinator will be a
resident who is mutually agreed upon by the Authority and the
Tenant Council.
C. The Authroity will furnish the contractor without charge, five
(5 ) copies of the Drawings and Specifications. Additional
copies requested by the contractor will be furnished at cost.
shall be Substantially Complete within 200 consecutive calendar
days from the date indicated in the Notice to the Contractor
to Proceed.
C. The Authority intends to accept the indivdual buildings as
they are Substantially Complete although the Contractor may
elect to turn over all buildings in a Work Area at one time.
1. 04 Detailed Operational Plan and Coordination
A. The Contractor will submit for approval to the Authority a de-
tailed operational plan showing the sequence of operations
prior to commencement of any work at the site. Any changes
to this operational plan must be approved by the Authority.
B. The Contractor shall submit in bar chart form, a Construction
Progress Schedule prior to commencement of any work for the
approval of the Authority. This schedule shall be updated
C. Retain on the Work during its progress, a competent full time
Superintendent with at least five years experience on similar
modernization work and otherwise satisfactory to the Authority.
This Superintendent shall not be changed except with the con-
sent of the Authority. The Superintendent shall be in full
charge of the work and all instructions given to him shall be
D. Supply to the Authority the home telephone number of a respon-
sible person who may be contacted during out-of-hours emergen-
cies on the project.
1. 05 Existing Conditions
A. Before submitting his bid, the Contractor shall make a thorough
examination of the conditions at the site, checking the re-
quirements of the Plans and Specifications with the existing
B. No claim for extra compensation or extension for time will be al-
lowed on account of Contractor' s failure to estimate properly
the quantities, locations and measurements of all items re-
quired to complete the work.
C. Report any discrepancies to the Architect and request his in-
1 . 06 Drawings
A. Drawings shall not be scaled. Field verification is directed,
since actual conditions may vary from recorded data.
B. Should the drawings not agree in themselves or not agree with
the specifications, the greater quantity and the superior
quality of work or materials shall be estimated upon and included
in the bid price.
C. All items, not specifically mentioned in the specifications or
Aek noted in the drawings but implied b
g p y trade practices to form
part of the complete installation, shall be included.
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirement's are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 Project Management
A. To the extent possible, the work must be completed in a con-
tinuous uninterrupted operation. The Contractor must use
sufficient men and adequate equipment to complete all the
necessary work requirements within the periods of time in-
B. Unless specifically authorized by the Authority, the work
must be conducted between the hours of 8 :00 a.m. and 4 : 30 p.m.
on Monday through Friday. No work is to be done on holidays,
Saturdays, or Sundays other than for emergencies.
C. The Contractor is responsible for the security of partially
completed work until the project is finally accepted by the
1. 03 Work Areas
A. The work under the Contract has been divided into two work
areas, Work Area I and Work Area II. It is required that all
work necessary for Substantial Completion of all buildings
located in Work Area I and all other work (except that await-
ing seasonal completion which shall in general be limited to
landscape work) within this area to be completed prior to com-
mencing work in Work Area II except that the following items
may be accomplished at any time during the Contract Time
providing reasonable advance notice is given to the Authority
and all other Contract requirements have been fulfilled:
1. Installation of new main, mansard, and building entry roof
structures, roofing and flashings for same, and work in-
cidental to such installations including insulation and
extension of chimnies.
2. Removal of existing metal siding and installation of new
wood siding and trim.
3. Removal of existing windows and installation of new re-
placement windows.
4. Exterior painting.
B. The Authority shall schedule all apartments in all buildings in
Work Area I to be timely vacated so that work may proceed on
same, commencing on the date indicated in the Notice to the
Contractor to Proceed. Buildings shall be completed in the
order established by the Authority and tenants living in Work
Area II moved into completed Area I buildings prior to com-
mencement of work in Area II. All Buildings within Area I
Filed Sub-Bid
Alternate No. 11 Section Affected
Delete Access Road Completely including Dumpster
Collection Areas and adjacent Retaining Walls
shown on Drawings X-1, X-3.
Filed Sub-Bid
Alternate No. 6 Section Affected
Delete Basketball Court
Delete Basketball Court complete and delete
all walks (including walk relocated under
Alternate No. 5 ) serving same shown on draw-
ing X-l. Eliminate catch basin shown on draw-
ings X-1 and X-3 and limit regrading in the
affected area to that required to provide posi-
tive drainage and a slope of not less than three
to one ( 3 :1 ) along adjacent buildings . Pro-
vide 4" of loam and grass seed in all areas dis-
turbed by work under this Alternate.
Alternate No. 7
Delete Rear Concrete Pad Patios
Delete Rear Concrete Pad Patios shown on Draw-
ings A-1 and A-3 substituting 4" of loam and sod
for same. Where indicated, provide 450 angle
cut of square concrete panel for proper access
to rear door platforms.
Alternate No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A & 9C
Delete Front Porch and Front Patio Fencing
Delete All Front Porch and Front Patio Fencing
and Gates shown of Drawings A-1, A-3, and X-3.
Alternate No. 9
Delete Front Concrete Pad Patios
Delete All Front Concrete Pad Patios shown on
Drawings No. A-1 , A-3 and X-1 substituting 4"
of loam and sod for same.
Alternate No. 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A & 9C
Delete Tot Lot
Delete Tot Lot shown on Drawings X-1 and X-3
completely and install 4" of loam and sod in
this area in its stead.
Filed Sub-Bid
Section Affected
Alternate No. 1
Delete Landscape Work Shown on Drawing LS-1.
Delete Landscape Work Shown on Drawing LS-1,
Building Entry Planting, completely and sub-
stitute 4" of loam and sod in areas affected.
Alternate No. 2
Delete Auto Repair Area
Delete Auto Repair Area work shown on Draw-
ings X-1, X-3, and X-4.
Alternate No. 3
Delete Tenant Front Planters
Delete all Tenant Front Planters, End and In-
terior, shown on Drawings A-1, A-3, and X-3.
In areas where Planters have been deleted, in-
stall 4" loam and sod.
Alternate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16A
Delete New Lighting Pole and Luminaire Illumin-
ating Handball and Basketball Courts.
Delete new Lighting Pole and Luminaire illumin-
ating handball and basketball courts and all
items serving same shown on Drawing ME-1 includ-
ing direct burial cable, photocell and timeclock.
Delete rubber tire protection shown on Drawing
Alternate No. 5
Delete Handball Court
Delete Handball Court complete and delete/re-
locate walks serving same as shown on Drawing
X-1. Limit regrading to that required for posi-
tive drainage. Provide 4" of loam and grass
seed in areas disturbed by work under this al-
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bidding
and Contract Requirements are made a part of this Section,
which provisions shall be fully examined by the Contractor.
1. 02 Scope
A. The attached List of Alternates describes the alternate
work for which Alternate Bid Amounts are required and
the Filed Sub-Bid Sections of the Specifications which
are affected.
B. All Sub-Bidders affected shall fill in their Alternate
Bid Amounts in the spaces provided on the form of Sub-
Bid with all General Bidders, after reviewing Sub-Bids,
filling in their appropriate Alternate Bid Amounts on
the Form of General Bid.
1. 03 General Instructions
A. Each General Bidder and Sub-Bidder shall be held fully
responsible for examining the scope of the Alternates
generally defined herein and for recognizing any modifi-
cations to his work caused by any Alternate whether or
not his particular Trade Section is mentioned therein.
B. Filed Sub-Bidders shall enter only the amount of addition
or subtraction necessitated by the scope of the Alternate
which pertains to the work of his trade in the Form of
C. All Sections of work which are affected by the Alternate
but which are not designated as Filed Sub-Bid Sections
will be considered work to be performed by the General
D. General Bidders shall enter a single amount in the appro-
priate space provided in the Form of General Bid which
total amount shall consist of the Filed Sub-Bidders '
amounts and the amount for all work to be performed
by the General Contractor.
E. The work of the various trades to be performed under Al-
ternates shall be in strict accordance with the require-
ments of the particular Sections of the Specifications
Specifications shall be paid for with funds administered
by the City of Northampton under proceedures established
by the Engineer of Northampton:
Section 2A - Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements
B. All utility charges, be they private, public, or munici-
pal, required for the accomplishment of such work shall be
paid for by the Contractor responsible for the portions
of the work concerned.
C. Except as noted, the General Contractor shall be respon-
sible for and coordinate all such work.
1. 06 Items Furnished by Owner
A. The following items will be furnished and delivered f.o.b.
to the Project Site by the Owner at no expense to the
1. All new ranges and refrigerators required for the
B. The Filed Sub-Contractor responsible for the installation
gas piping serving ranges shall be responsible for their
hook-up, leveling, and permanent installation after the
General Contractor has placed ranges in kitchens.
C. Except as noted above, the General Contractor shall be res-
ponsible for unloading, uncrating, setting in, leveling,
and permanently installing the above items, and also the
removal and disposal off the Project Site of all crating
D. The Owner shall timely provide all information required
for proper installation of ranges and refrigerators as
well as their timely delivery to the Project Site for such
1. 07 Extent
A. Unless specifically noted to the contrary, all items of
work required to ba accomplished in, at, and/or for one
apartment shall be accomplished in, at, and/or for all
B. Unless specifically noted to the contrary, all items of work
required to be accomplished in, at, and/or for one building
shall be accomplished in, at, and/or for all buildings.
C. It has been attempted to define the exact work required by
Filed Sub-Contractors. In the event of conflict between the
Contract Documents with respect to work required by a Filed
Sub-Contractor and work required by the General Contractor,
the General Contractor shall perform such work.
1. 01 Conditions, Requirements, Etc.
A. Except as noted herein, all provisions of Part A - Bid-
ding and Contract Requirements are made a part of this
Section, which provisions shall be fully examined by the
1. 02 General Scope of Work
A. The work under the Contract consists of:
1. The Modernization of Florence Heights, Northampton,
Massachusetts including the following items:
Site Work and Landscaping
Bathroom and Kitchen Renovations
Primary and Secondary Door Replacement
Window Replacement
Replacement of Flat Roofs with Pitched
Resilient Flooring Replacement
Interior Door Replacement
Interior and Exterior Painting
Porch and Canopy Repairs
Electrical System Upgrade
Building Insulation
2. All work and items either shown on the Drawings or
included in the Specifications unless specifically
marked "N. I.C. " or "by others" .
3. The restoration to its original condition of any work
damaged or destroyed by encroaching upon areas out-
side the Project Site.
1. 03 Time of Completion
A. The work shall be commenced at the time stated in the
Notice to the Contractor to Proceed and shall be completed
within 360 consecutive calendar days thereafter.
B. Liquidated damages shall be at the rate of $200. 00 per
day in accordance with the Special Conditions.
1. 04 Work by Contractor ' s Own Work Force
A. The General Contractor under this Contract shall use
workers on his payroll for performing all work under the
following Section:
Section 6 A - Rough Carpentry
1.05 Work Paid For Under Separate Proceedures
A. Work accomplished under the following Sections of the
release upon payment thereof. The Contractor further certifies
that upon the payment of the amount listed in Paragraph 2 hereof,
and of any amount which may be deducted from paragraph 1 hereof,
he will release the Owner and its agents from any and all claims
of any nature whatsoever arising out of said contract or modi-
fication thereof, and will, if required, execute such further
releases or assurances as the Owner or its agents may request.
In Witness Whereof the Undersigned Has Signed and Sealed This
Instrument This: Day of 19 .
By (Seal)
Name and Title of Officer
Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me This Day of ,
My Commission Expires
From: (Contractor)
Name Address City or Town State
TO: Northampton Housing Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the
Owner" )
Reference: Contract for Modernization of Florence Heights (MA 26-1)
Entered into the Day of 15
Know All Men By These Presents:
1. The undersigned hereby certifies that there is due and payable
under the contract and duly approved change orders and modifica-
tions the balance of $
2. The undersigned further certifies that in addition to the amount
set forth in paragraph 1, there are outstanding and unsettled the
following items which he claims are just and due and owing by the
Owner to the Contractor.
(Itemize claims and amounts due. If none, so state)
3. The undersigned further certifies that all work required under this
contract including work required under change order number(s) :
has been performed in accordance with the terms
thereof and that there are no claims of laborers or mechanics for
unpaid wages arising out of the performance of this contract, and
that the wage rates paid by the contractor and all subcontractors
were in conformity with the contract provisions relating to said
wage rates.
4. Except for the amounts stated under paragraph 1 and 2 hereof,
the undersigned has received from Owner all sums of money payable
to the undersigned under or pursuant to the above mentioned
contract or any modification or change thereof.
5. That in consideration of the payment of the amount stated in
paragraph 1 hereof the undersigned does hereby release the Owner
and its agents from any and all claims arising under or by vir-
tue of this contract, except the amount listed in paragraph 2
hereof: provided, however, that if for any reason the Owner
does not pay in full the amount stated in paragraph 1 hereof, said
deductions shall not affect the validity of this release, but the
amount so deducted shall be automatically included under paragraph
2 as an amount to which the contractor has not released but will
d. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given as of
the time of actual delivery; or, in the case of mailing,
when the same should have been received in due course of
post; or, in the case of telegrams, at the time of actual
8. Minimum Rates of Pay
a. The minimum rates of pay required to be paid mechanics
and laborers employed directly upon the site of the work
under this project shall be in accord with the Wage Rate
Decision listed in the schedule hereinafter attached. The
wage rates have been determined by the Secretary of Labor
in accordance with Public Law 403 of the Seventy-Four
Congress approved August 10, 1935 as amended.
9. Visit to the Site
Each bidder is urged to visit the site, view the existing
areas and acquaint himself with all of the conditions under
which the work is to be performed. Failure of the Contractor
to acquaint himself with all the conditions involved will
not relieve him from fulfilling the Contract in all its details .
10. Progress
Once the Contractor undertakes the work included under this
specification it shall be carried through to an early comple-
tion on all days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays,
when weather and surface conditions for the scope of the work
are favorable.
11. Conduct of the Work
During the progress of the Work, the Contractor shall so con-
duct his work that as little inconvenience as possible is
caused to the occupants . At the close of the work each day,
the Contractor shall pick up and stow all equipment and miscel-
laneous material leaving the site in a neat and safe condition.
12. Working Hours
Regular working hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 4: 30 p.m. ,
Monday .through Friday. If the Contractor finds it necessary to
work other than regular working hours, he must obtain a written
approval from the Northampton Housing Authority.
13. Periodic meetings will be held at the job site on dates and at
times determined by the Architect with the approval of the
the location of temporary construction fencing defining the
area (s) of the site under the Contractor' s control during the
various stages (and Phases) of the work shall accompany the
Detailed Operational Plan submission. As Florence- Heights is
a family development, security forces may not employ the use
of guard or attack dogs without the specific permission of the
Authority, such permission being revocable at the discretion of
the Authority.
5. Time for Completion
The work shall be commenced at the time stipulated in the
Notice to Proceed to the Contractor and shall be fully complet-
ed within 360 consecutive calendar days thereafter.
6. Liquidated Damages
As actual damages for any delay in completion are impossible
of determination, the Contractor and his sureties shall be
liable for and shall pay to the Northampton Housing Authority
the sum of $200.00 as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages
for each calendar day of delay until the work is completed and
7. Communications
a. All notices, demands, requests, instructions, approvals,
proposals and claims must be in writing.
b. Any notice to or demand upon the Contractor shall be
sufficiently given if delivered at the office of the Con-
tractor stated on the signature page of the Contract (or
at such other office as he may from time to time designate
in writing to the Authority) or deposited in the United
States mail in a sealed, postage-prepaid envelope, or if
delivered with charges prepaid to any telegraph company
for transmission, in each case addressed to such office.
C. All papers required to be delivered to the Authority shall,
unless otherwise specified in writing to the Contractor,
be delivered to the contracting office at the Northampton
Housing Authority, 49 Old South Street, Northampton, MA.
01060 and to the A3-.chitect at R. D. Fanning Architects, Inc.
36 Bromfield Street, Boston, MA. 02108. Any and all notices
to or demands upon the Authority or Architect shall be
sufficiently given if so delivered, or deposited in the United
States mail in a sealed, postage-prepaid envelope, or
delivered with charges prepaid to any telegraph company for
transmission to said Authority or Architect at such address,
or to such other representatives of the Authority or to such
other address as the Authority may subsequently specify in
writing to the Contractor for such purpose.
1. Project Site
The Project Site is a Parcel of land in the city of Northampton,
Massachusetts lying east of Florence Road on which twelve two
story buildings containing fifty dwelling units and an attach-
ed one story structure used by the maintenance staff of the Own-
er, the Northampton Housing Authority. A plan describing the
metes and bounds of this Parcel, the location of the structures
thereon, and other pertinent information is included in the Con-
tract Drawings.
2. Phasing of the Work
In order that the Contractor be able to pursue his work with
minimum interference from and to Florence Heights ' residents,
the work has been separated into the two Phases described here-
after. Phase One (I) is comprised of the Buildings identified
on the Site Plan as Number 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, all of which
shall be vacated and made available to the Contractor by the
effective date of the Notice to Proceed. Upon Phase One (I)
being determined Substantially Complete, all residents still
living in Phase Two (II) Buildings, Number 1, 2, 9, 10, 11,
and 12, will be relocated (at no expense to the Contractor)
within a period of fourteen calendar days to Phase One Build-
ings and the then vacated Phase Two (II) Buildings made avail-
able to the Contractor.
3. Detailed Operational Plan
Because of the differing methods that various Contractors
may have in approaching a phased project such as Florence
Heights, specific requirements for project scheduling and work
progress have in general been omitted from the Project Manual.
Instead, the General Contractor, after consulting with suppliers,
his Subcontractors, and the Housing Authority staff, shall sub-
mit a Detailed Operational Plan for Authority approval in which
detailed and sequential work items shall be clearly defined with'
due consideration to the fact that at all times approximately
one-half of the site will be occupied by Authority tenants
who may reasonably expect to conduct their everyday lives and
comings and goings without undue and/or unnecessary interfer-
ence from the actions of the Contractor. Similarly, Autority
representatives and those in its hire, such as the trash removal
service 'City employees, the employed utility companies which
provide services, and others having business at Florence Heights
should be considered and provided for in the Detailed Operation-
al Plan.
4. Security
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing security
measures and personnel adequate to his needs . A plan indicating
Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed.
3. The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Director of the
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs within 10 working days of award
of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier for construction
work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification
shall list the name, address and telephone number of the subcontractor; employer
identification number, estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated
starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical area in
which the contract is to be performed.
4. As used in this Notice, and in the contract resulting from this solicitation,
SGC- 11
NUTIGE Ut Kr%4U1f%-C 1LIV1 rVrt nrrir mra.a. •+ ...�,
1. The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity
Clause" and the "Standard Federal Equal Etiployment Opportunity Construction
Contract Specifications" set forth herein.
2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation expressed
in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on
all construction work in the covered area, are as follows:
Federal Requirements - Minority 4.8%
Federal Requirements - Women 6.9%
These goals are applicable to all the Constructor's construction work (whether
or not it is Federal or federally assisted) performed in the covered area.
The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulation in 41
CFR Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity
Clause, specific affirmative action obligations required by the specifications
set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a) and its efforts to meet the goals established for
the geographical area where the contract resulting from this solicitation is to
be performed. The hours of minority and female employment and training must
be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, and in each
trade, and the constructor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities
and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female
employees or trainees from Contractor. to Contractor or from project to project
for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor's goals shall be a voilation of
• the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4.
SGC- 10
Such affirmative action shall entail positive and agressive measures
to ensure equal opportunity in the areas of hiring, upgrading, demotion .
or transfer, recruitment, layoff or termination, rate of compensation, and
in-service or apprenticeship training programs. This affirmative action
shall include all action required to guarantee equal employment opportunity
for all persons, regardless of race, color, religious creed, national origin,
age or sex. A purpose of this provision is to ensure to the fullest extent
possible an adequate supply of skilled tradesmen for this and future Common-
wealth public construction projects.
As part of his obligation of remedial action under the foregoing section,
the Contractor shall maintain on this project a not less than 4,8$
percent ratio of minority employee man hours to total man hours in each masons,
electricians, ironworkers, operating engineer, and those "classes of work"
enumerated in Section 44F of Chapter 149 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
In the hiring of minority journeyment, apprentices, trainees and advanced
trainees, the Contractor shall rely on referrals from a multi-employer
affirmative action program approved by the Commission, traditional referral
methods utilized by the construction industry, and referrals from agencies,
not more than three in number at any one time, designated by the Liaison
Committee or the Commission.
At the discretion of the Commission there may be established for the life of
this contract a body to be known as the Liaison Committee. The Liaison Committee
shall be composed of one representative each from the agency or agencies
administering this project, hereinafter called the administering agency, the
Commission and such other representatives as may be•designated by the Com-
omission in conjunction with the administering agency.
The Contractor (or his agent, if any, designated by him as the on-site equal
employment opportunity officer) shall recognize the Liaison Committee as an
affirmative action body, and shall establish a continuing working relation
ship with the Liaison Committee, consulting with the Liaison Committee on
all matters related to minority recruitment, referral, employment and training.
The Contractor shall prepare projected manning tables on a quarterly basis.
These shall be broken down into projections by week, or workers required in
each trade. Copies shall be furnished one week in advance of the commencement
of the period covered, and also when updated, to the Commission and Liaison
Records of employment referral orders, prepared by the Contractor, shall
be made available to the Commission and to the Liaison Committee on request.
The Contractor shall prepare weekly reports in a form approved by the Commis-
sion of hours worked in each trade by each employee, identified as minority
or non-minority. Copies of these shall- be provided at the end of each such
week to the Commission and to the Liaison Committee.
The recovery by the administering agency from the General Contractor'
of 1/100 of 1% of the contract award price or $1000 whichever sum is
t , greater, in the nature of liquidated damages or, if a Sub-contract
' price, or $400 whichever sum is greater, in the nature of-liquidated
damages, for each week that such party fails or refuses to comply
The suspension of any payment or part thereof due under the contract until
such time as the General Contractor or any Subcontractor is able to demon-
strate his compliance with the terms of the contract;
The termination, or cancellation,. of the contract, in whole or in part,
unless the General Contractor or any Subcontractor is able to demonstrate
within a specified time his compliance with the terms of the contract;
The denial to the General Contractor or any Subcontractor of the right
to participate• in any future contracts awarded by the administering
agency for a period of up to three years.
If at any time after the imposition of one or more of the above sanctions
a Contractor is able to demonstrate that he is in compliance with this
Section, he may request the administering agency, in consultation with
determination by the Commission as to whether the contractor is in com-
pliance. Upon final determination of the Commission, the Administering
Agency, based on the recommendation of the Commission, shall either lift
the sanctions or reimpose them.
Sanctions enumerated. under Sections X1-2 shall not be imposed by the admin-
istering agency except after an adjudicatory proceeding, as that term is
used. M.G.L. c. 30A, has been conducted. No investigation by the Coam►ission
< or its agent shall be initiated without prior notice to the Contractor.
9. Severability
The provisions of this section are severable, and if any of these provisions
shall be unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the
decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining pro-
10. Equal Employment opportunity for the Handicapped
The contractor shall comply with the provisions of Executive Order No. 143
entitled "Equal Employment opportunity for the Handicapped" which is herein
incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. In connection with
the performance of work under this contract, the contractor, subcontractors
and supplies of goods and services shall not discriminate against the han-
dicapped. Furthermore, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of goods
and services must give written notice of their commitments under this
Article to any labor union, association or brotherhood with which they
have a collective bargaining contract or other agreement. A copy of such
notice must be furnished to the Awarding Authority at the time of the
signing of the contract.
"The bidder hereby certifies he shall comply with the minority man
. * power ratio and specific action steps contained in the appendix EEO
attached hereto, including compliance with the minority contractor
compliance specified in Section V of said appendix. The contractor.
receiving the award of the contract shall be required to obtain from each
of its subcontractors and submit to the contracting or administering
agency prior to the performance of any work under said contract a .
certification by said subcontractor, regardless of tier, that it will
comply with the minority manpower'ratio and specific affirmative action
steps contained in the appendix EEO."
7. Contractor's Certification
The Contractor's certification form must be signed by all successful low
bidder(s) prior to award by the contracting agency. ( See Attachment)
8. Compliance-Information, Reports and Sanctions
The Contractor will provide all information and reports required by the
administering agency or the Commission on instructions issued by either of
them and will permit access to its facilities and any books, records, accounts,
and other sources of information which may be determined by the Commission
to affect the employment of personnel. This provision shall apply only to
information pertinent to the Commonwealth's supplementary affirmative action
contract requirements. Where information required is in the exclusive pos-
session of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the
Contractor shall so certify to the administering agency or the Commission
as appropriate and shall set forth what efforts he has made to obtain the
Whenever the administering agency, the Commission or the Liaison Committee
believes the General Contractor or any Subcontractor may not be operating
in compliance with the terms of this Section, the Commission directly, or
through its designated agent, shall conduct an appropriate investigation, and
may confer with the parties, to determine if such Contractor is operating
in compliance with the terms of this Section. If the Commission or its
agent finds the General Contractor or any subcontractor not in compliance
it shall make a preliminary report on non-compliance, and notify such Con-
tractor in writing of such steps as will in the judgment of the Commission
or its agent bring such Contractor into compliance. In the event that such
Contractor fails or refuses to fully pefform such steps,' the Commission shall
make a final report of non-compliance, and -recommend to the administering
agency the imposition of one or more of the sanctions listed below. If,
however, the Commission believes the General Contractor or any Subcontractor
has taken or is taking every possible measure to achieve compliance, it shall
not make a final report of non-compliance. Within fourteen days of the
receipt of the recommendations of the Commission, the administering agency
shall move to impose one or more of the following sanctions, as it may
deem appropriate to attain full and effective enforcement:
If the Contractor shall use any subcontractor on any work performed under
contract, he shall take affirmative action to negotiate with qualified minority
subcontractors. This affirmative action shall cover both pre-bid and post bid
"^ periods. It shall include notification to the Office of Minority Business
A Assistance (within the Executive Office of the Communities and Development) or
its designee, while bids are in preparation, of all products, work or services
for which the Contractor intends to negotiate bids.
In the employment of journeymen, apprentices, trainees and advanced trainees,
the Contractor shall give preference, first, to citizens of the Commonwealth
who have served in the armed forces of the United States in time of war and
have been honorably discharged therefrom or released from active duty therein
and who are qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates, and,
secondly, to citizens of the Commonwealth generally, and, if such cannot be
obtained in sufficient numbers,then to citizens of the United States.
A designee of the Commission and a designee of the Liaison Committee shall
each have right of access to the construction site.
3. Compliance with Requirements
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Executive Order No. 74 as
amended by Executive Order No. 116 dated May 1, 1975, and of Chapter 151B as
amended, of the Massachusetts General Laws, both of which are herein incorpor-
ated by reference and made a part of this contract.
4. Non-Discrimination ,
The Contractor, in the performance of all work after award, and prior to
completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on grounds of race,
color, religious creed, national origin, age or sex in employment practices,
in the selection or retention of subcontractors, or in the procurement of
materials and rentals of equipment.
S. Solicitations for Sub-Contracts, and for the Procurement of Materials and
In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the
Contractor either for work to be performed under a subcontract or for the pro-
curement of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier
shall be -notified in writing by the Contractor of the Contractors' obligations
under this contract relative to non-discrimination and affirmative action.
6. Bidders Certification Requirements
1. The bidders certification form currently in use will be deleted from
all future bid documents.
2. The following certification statement will be inserted in the bid document
just above the bidder' s signature, as a substitute for the present
certification form:
(a) The contractor warrants, represents and agrees that durfng the time
this contract is in effect, neither it or any affiliated company, as
hereafter defined, participates in or cooperates with an international
►. boycott, as defined in Section 9999(b) (3) and (4) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or engages in conduct declared to be
unlawful by Section 2 of Chapter 1S1 E, Massachusetts General Laws.
If there shall be a breach in the warranty, representation and agree-
ment contained in this paragraph, then without limiting such other rights
as it may have the HHA shall be entitled to rescind this contract. As
used herein, an affiliated company shall be any business entity of
which at least 51% of the Ownership interests are directly or indirectly
Owned by the contractor or by a person or persons or business entity
or entities directly or indirectly owning at least S1% of the ownership
interests of the contractor, or which directly or indirectly owns at least
51% of the ownership interests of the contractor.
2. Access to Contractor's Records (Executive Order #195)
The Governor or his designee, the secretary of administration and finance
and the state auditor or his designee shall have the rights at reasonable
times and upon reasonable notice to examine the books, records and other
compilations of data of the contractor which pertain to the perforamnce and
requirements of this contract insofar as there is no conflict with HUD like
1. For purposes of this contract, "minority" refers to Asian-Americans, Blacks
Spanish Surnamed Americans, North American Indians, and Cape Verdeans.
"Commission" refers to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.
2. During the performance of this contract, the Contractor and all of (his)
sub-contractors (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Contractor) ,
for himself, his assignees, and successors in interest, agree as follows:
In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the Contractor
shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment
because of race, color, religious creed, national origin, age or sex. The
aforesaid provisions shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
employment upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment advertising;
recruitment layoff; termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation;
conditions or privileges of employment; and selection for apprenticeship.
The contractor shall post hereafter in conspicuous places, available for
employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the
Commission setting forth the provisions of the Fair Employment Practices
Law of the Commonwealth (M.G.L. Chapter 151B)
In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the Contractor,
shall undertake in good faith affirmative action measures designed to eliminate
any discriminatory barriers in the terms and conditions of employment on the
grounds of race, color, religious creed, national origin, age or sex, and
to eliminate and remedy and effects of such discrimination in the past.
(c) The contractor shall lay out his own work, and he shall be responsible
for all lines, elevations and measurements of the building, grading,
paving, and other work executed by him under the contract. He must
exercise proper precaution to verify the materials shown on the drawings
before laying out the work and will be held responsible for any error
resulting from his failure to exercise such precautions.
12. Cutting Patching
(a) All necessary cutting, coring, drilling, grouting, and patching to
fit together the several parts of the work shall be done by the general
contractor, except as may be specifically noted otherwise under any
particular filed sub-bid section of the specifications.
13. Debris
(a) Debris, both exterior and interior, shall not be permitted to accumulate
and the work shall at all times be kept satisfactorily clean
(b) Remove debris from the site of the work ind 'dispose it at any private
or public dump that the general contractor may choose. The general
contractor shall make all arrangements and obtain any approvals neces-
sary from the owners or officials in charge of such dumps and shall bear
all costs, including those resulting from such disposal. Garbage
shall be removed daily.
(c) No open fire on site permitted.
14. Site Protection
(a) The General Contractor shall take precaution in execution of work for
demolition of existing structures and materials not to disturb or
damage any existing structures, landscaping, walks, roads, or other
items, scheduled to remain. The contractor shall restore any damaged
items to original condition and as directed by Architect.
(b) The Contractor shall provide and erect acceptable barricades, fences,
signs, and other traffic devices to protect the work from traffic and
the public.
15. Form For Subcontract
The contractor when subcontracting with sub-bidders filed pursuant to G.L.
C140 s. 44f, shall use the form for subcontract as it formerly appeared in
G. L. C149 x. 44I, prior to July 1, 1981, and the provisions of said sub-
contract form are hereby incorporated by reference into this general contract.
do I
1. Anti-Boycott Covenant (Executive Order #130)
'8. Separate individual telephone service to the lines of the New'England
Telephone $ Telegraph Company shall be provided and properly maintained
and all calls relating to the work paid for by the general contractor.
Service shall include provisions for incoming and outgoing calls-
1. in his office for the use of his authorized agents.
2. in the Resident Engineer's office for the use of authorized agents
of the HHA
9. Employment of Competent Workmen
(a) The contractor shall employ only competent men to do the work, acid
whenever the Architect shall notify the contractor, in writing, that
any man on the work is in his opinion, incompetent, unfaithful,
disorderly or otherwise unsatisfactory, such employee shall be dis-
charged from the work, and shall not again be employed on the project
except with the consent of the Architect.
(b) Duties and Qualifications of the Superintendent. The Superintendent
shall be a competent and responsible employee, satisfactory to the OFFICE
and the Architect, who is regularly employed by the contractor and as
designated by him as his representative to be in full time attendance
at the project site throughout the prosecution and progress of the Work.
The Superintendent shall be responsible for coordinating all the Work
of the contractor and all subcontractors. The Superintendent shall be
licensed consistent with the Massachusetts State Building Code. All
attempts to change the Superintendents shall be with the consent of the
Architect and the OFFICE. The Superintendent's resume shall be submitted
to the OFFICE and the contractor shall establish an emergency telephone
10. Safety Regulations
(a) This project is subject to compliance with Public Law 92-596 "Occupa-
tional safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) , with respect to all rules
and regulations pertaining to construction including Volume 36, numbers
75 and 105, of the Federal Register as amended, and as published by the
U.S. Department of Labor.
(b) The committing of nuisance on the site or adjacent property is prohibited.
11. Coordination of the Work.
(a) The contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his best
skill and attention. He shall be solely responsible for all construc-
tion means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coor-
dinating all portions of the Work under the contract.
(b) The contractor shall be responsible for the proper fitting of all work
and the coordination of the operations of all trades, subcontractors
or material, men engaged upon the work. He shall be prepared to
guarantee each of his subcontractors and dimensions which they may
require for the fitting of their work to all surrounding work.
Take down and remove all portions of the work condemned by the Architect as
failing to conform to the contract, and promptly replace and re-execute the
work in accordance therewith and without expense to the RHA and bear the
expense of making good all work or property of other contractors or of the
RHA• destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement, repair any injury,
defect, omission or mistake in the work as soon as it is discovered; com-
plete and leave the work in perfect condition and finish, and immediately
make good any defect, omission or mistake remaining therein upon notice by
the Architect or OFFICE.
6. Provide buildings for the sanitary necessities of all persons employed on
the work, beginning with the first workman at the site, shall be provided
and maintained by the contractor -
1. at approved locations near work.
2. on the basis of not less than one unit for each 1S persons, or fraction
3. in a clean, sanitary condition at all times
4. of an approved chemical or incinerator type, or water closets, if
permitted. If an incinerator type, a sufficient number shall be
provided to permit daily incineration of 33-1/3%.
S. adequately screened to be inaccessible to flies (Note: if existing
sanitary facilities at the project site may be used by the contractor,
this requirements will be modified accordingly in the Supplementary
7. Temporary offices shall be erected near the site of the work, as directed by
the Architect, adequately furnished and maintained in a clean, orderly condi-
tion by the Contractor - provided the cost of once relocating the resident
engineer's trailer shall be borne by the general contractor if the need so
1. For his field office at which he or his authorized representative shall
be present at all times while work is in progress. Instructions received
there from the Architect shall be considered as delivered to the Contractor.
2. For the Resident Engineer, either a separate building or separate
quarters with a thermostatically controlled heater, with full height
partitions in close proximity to the contractor's office, at the
option of the contractor, not less than 200 square feet in area,
weathertight, well heated, well lighted by windows and electric lights,
tightly screened door and windows with secure locking devices, separate
toilet, and equipped with the following furniture and equipment in good
condition: desk, typewriter, swivel chair, three office chairs, plan
rack, calculator, plan table at least 32 by 84 inches, metal filing
cabinet with 16 square feet of shelving and lock and key, coat rack,
and outside a first-class mercury thermometer, all of which shall become
the property of the general contractor at the conclusion of the work.
Note: If office space can be assigned in existing buildings at project
site this requirement will be modified accordingly in the Supplementary
" Conditions.
In general, the contractor shall:
1. Carefully study the Contract Documents and any orders that shall be made
and given as authorized in this contract, and procure from the Architect
special information as to any part of the work not fully shown by said
specifications, plans or orders., detail drawings if detail drawings are to
be provided, and directions as to the order and manner of doing the work.
2. Carefully compare all specifications, plans, orders and drawings all figures
dimensions, line marks, and scales, and all directions of the Architect
relating to the work, and conform to those so there shall be no doubt or
discrepancy, and at once submit all cases of doubt or discrepancy to the
Architect for adjustment.
3. Furnish to the Architect in a timely manner all coordination drawings, shop
details, shop drawings, and setting diagrams which may be necessary to
acquiring and installing materials. These shall be reviewed as required
by the Architect and a minimum of four (4) copies shall be submitted for
final approval, one of which shall be returned of the contractor, one to the
Resident Engineer, one to the OFFICE and the other filed with the Architect.
The inspection and approval by the Architect of shop drawings etc. shall
be general and shall in no way relieve the contractor from responsibility
for proper fitting, construction and construction sequencing.
' 4. Give all notices, take out all permits except for gas and water and electric
permits and connection charges; pay all other charges, fees, water, electric
other rates therefore, give personal supervision thereto, keep a full time
competent superintendent and sufficient competent employees thereon, carry
on the work with all proper speed, and in accordance with the requirements
of law and of all other public authorities, and to the satisfaction of the
Architect, and the OFFICE, and furnish the Architect with such information
and vouchers relative to the work, the materials therefore, and the persons
employed thereon, as the Architect shall from time to time request.
S. Furnish such batter boards and stakes and cause to be placed thereon so
as to be easily read, such lines, marks and directions relating to the work
as the Architect shall from time to time direct, and if any thereon is
removed or cannot be easily read, replace same. The Architect shall es-
tablish base lines and bench marks on the drawings for the location of
the work but all other lines and grades must be determined by the Contractor.
Prevent, by sheeting and shoring or bracing if necessary, any caving or
bulging of the sides of any excavation made by the contractor, leaving
sheeting and shoring in place, and if any is removed, fill solid the spaces
left thereby.
Provide pumping, drainage, and disposal of all water and/or whatever flows
in any conduit interfered with by the contractor so that no puddle or
nuisance will be caused by water or floor; protect everything from injury
by water, frost, wind, fire accident or other cause, and from any
SGC-1 -
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{ b. Neither final payment nor any provision in the Contract construed to extend to this Contract if made with a
(including the foregoing subparagraph) nor partial or entire corporation for its general benefit.
use or occupancy of the premises by the LHA shall
constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance
with the Contract or relieve the Contractor of liability in 40, INTEREST Of MEMBERS,OFFICERS.OR EMPLOYEES
respect to any express warranties, special guaranties, or in ANO FORMER MEMBERS,OFFICERS.OR EMPLOYEE:
respect to faulty materials or workmanship, in accordance No member, officer, or employee of the LHA, no member
with the low of the place of building
- of the governing body of the locality in which the project is
situated, no member of the governing body in which the
39. INTEREST OF MEMBER OF CONGRESS LHA was activated, and no other public official of such
No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United locality or localities who exercises any functions or
States of America or Resident Commissioner shall be responsibilities with respect to the project,shall,during his
admitted to any share or part of this Contract or to any tenure, or for one year thereafter, have any interest,direct
benefit to arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be or indirect, in this contract or the proceeds thereof.
'US Government Printing Office 1973 74-301 1117M
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for employment without regard to race,color.religion.sex, responsible for all such loss when a particular design.
Or national origin. process or the product of a particular manufacturer or
c. The Contractor will send to each labor union or
manufacturers is specified, but if the Contractor has reason
representative of workers with which he has a collective to believe that the design,process or product specified is an
fLargaining agreement or other contract or understanding,a infringement of a patent, he shall be responsible for such
notice to be provided advising the tabor union or workers loss unless he promptly gives wch information to the
representative of the Contractor's commitments under this
Equal Opportunity clause and shall post copies of the 39 WARRANTY OF TITLE
notice in conspicuous places available to employees and
applicants for employment. The Contractor warrants good title to all materials, sup-
plies. and equipment incorporated in the work and agrees
d. The Contractor will comply with all provisions of to deliver the premises together with all improvements
Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the thereon free from any claim, liens, or charges, and agrees
rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of further that neither he nor any other person, firm, or
Labor• corporation shall have any right to a lien upon the premises
e. The Contractor will furnish all information and reports or anything appurtenant thereto.
required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965,
and by the rules,regulations,and orders of the Secretary of �• FINAL INSPECTION—ACCEPTANCE-
Labor or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his PARTIAL OCCUPANCY
books, records and accounts by HUD and the Secretary of a. The Contractor shall notify the LHA, in writing, as to
Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance the date when in his opinion all or a designated portion of
with such rules,regulations,and orders. the work will be substantially completed and ready to-
f. In the event of the Contractors noncompliance with the inspection. If the Architect determines that the state of
Equal Opportunity clause of this Contract or with any of preparedness is as represented, the LHA will promptly
;h rules, regulations, or orders, this Contract may be arrange for the inspection.
. ;ncelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and b. The LHA, at its election, may occupy any of the
the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further dwelling units, buildings,or other portions of the project as
contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in such portions are inspected and accepted by the LHA, upon
Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such the following terms:
other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as (11 The occupancy or use of any space in the project
provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965,
or by rule, regulation, or cider of the Secretary of Labor, shall not relieve the Contractor of liability to perform
or as otherwise provided by law. any work required by the Contract but not completed at
g. The Contractor will include the statement preceding the time of said occupancy
subparagraph (a) and the provisions of subparagraph (a) (2) The Contractor shall be relieved of all maintenance
through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless costs on the buildings occupied under this agreement.
exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary (3) The Contractor shall not be responsible for wear and
of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive X 'er tear or damage resulting from said occupancy.
11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will (4) The LHA shall assume risk of ;oss with respect to
be binding upon each subcontractor or ven('or. The
Contractor will take such action with :espect to ny •^Y building occupied by it under the terms of this
subcontract or purchase order as HUD may direct as a Igreement; provided, the Contractor shall assume Lull
means of enforcing such provisions including san.;tions )r responsibility for loss or damage traceable c his fault or
noncompliance: Provided, however, That in the event ..se negligence in the performance of his Contract.
Contractor becomes involved in or is threatei d w':h (5) The Contractor shall not be required to furnish heat.
litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a resu;t of s-.-h light, power, and water used in the buildings occupied
direction by HUD, the Contractor may request :-e Un: d without proper remuneration therefor.
States to enter into such litigation to protect th., �nter us
WAGE PROVISIONS a. fhe contractor shall promptly remedy any detects due
to I wlty materials or workmanship and pay for any damage
• 4 breach of paragraphs 27, 29, 30, 31, 32 at- 3 rrrsy oe t:, i her work resulting therefrom which shall appear within
[ounds for termination of the Contract and 'karni !nt a period of one year from the date of LHA's u;e or
r•re—ided in 29 CFR 5.6. ..zo.)ancy of the project as a whole. In the event that the
%3L..ROYALTIES AND PATENTS piuj-:ct is scheduled to be completed in specified.grwlps or
portions, car the LHA, at its election. accepts ;.00ps or
The Contractor shall pay all royalties and 1.- fees. -le lxrrt'ont of the project for use or occupancy, :h-jn the
"It defend all suits or claims for infrir,a• n,::it of my wuranty period for such group or portion will r(srn•,ience
patent rights and shall save the Owner harrrrle-; from fuss at the time of its completion or acceptance The LIIA shall
on -account thereof, except that the Uwner shall be give notice of observed defects with reasonable Proirlptness
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t� 1 March 1973
determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such required under the labor standards clauses of the Contract
Contractor or subcontractor for liquidated damages as available for inspection by,authorized representatives of the
provided in the clause set forth in subparagraph b. LHA, HUD, and the Department of Labor,and will permit
d. Subcontracts—The Contractor shall insert in any subcon- such representatives to interview employees during working
tracts the clauses set forth in subparagraphs(a), (b),and (c) hours on the job.
of this psra"ph and also a clause requiring the subcon- c. The Contractor shall also furnish to the LHA any other
tractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcon • information or certifications relating to employees in aueh
tracts which they may enter Into, together with a clause form as the LHA may request.
requiring this insertion in any further subcontracts that
may in turn be made. 31. DISPUTES CONCERNING WAGE RATES AND '
a. Compliance with Section 107(a) of the Act—The CLASSIFICATION OF LABOR
Contractor shall comply with Section 107(x) of the A All disputes concerning prevailing wage rates or clmKi-
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (Title 40 cations arising under this Contract involving (1) significant
U.S.C., Sec. 333 (a)) and all regulations, rulings and sums of money, (2) large groups of employees,or(3) novel
interpretations of the Secretary of Labor Issued thereunder. or unusual situations shall be promptly reported by the
LHA to HUD for decision or, at the option of HUD,
29. COMPLIANCE MTN COPELAND REGULATIONS referral to the Secretary of Labor.The decision of HUD or
(29 CFR Pan 3) the Secretary of Labor,as the use may be,shall be final.
The Contractor shall comply with the Copeland Regula- b. All questions arising under this Contract relating to the
tions (29 CFR Part 3) of the Secretary of Labor which are application or interpretation of the Copeland Act or Sec.
herein incorporated by reference. 16(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 shall be
referred to the Secretary of Labor for ruling or interpreta-
30. SUBMITTAL OF PAYROLLS AND RELATED REPORTS tion,and such ruling or interpretation"it be final.
a. Payrolls and basic records relating thereto shall be
maintained during the course of the work and preserved for 32• WAGE CLAIM"ND ADJUSTMENTS
a period of three years thereafter for all laborers and In uses of underpayment of salaries or wages to any
mechanics employed in the development of the project. architect, teainicai engineers. drattsmen, technicians,
Such records shall contain the name and address of each laborers, or mechanics (including apprentices and trainees)
such employee, his correct classification, rates of pay by the Contractor or any of his subcontractors,the LHA
(including rates of contributions or costs anticipated of the may withhold from such Contractor out of payments due,
types described in section 1(b)12) of the Davis-Bacon Act), an amount sufficient to pay persons employed on the work
daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions covered by the Contract the difference between the salaries
made, and the actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of or wages required to be paid under the Contract and the
Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)00 that the wages salaries or wages actually paid such employees for the total
of any laborer or mechanic include the amount of any costs number of hours worked, and the amounts withheld may
reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or be disbursed by the LHA for and on account of the
program described in section 1(b)(2)(S) of the Davis-Bacon Contractor or the subcontractor to the respective em-
Act, the Contractor shall maintain records which show that ployees to whom they are due.
the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable,
that the plan of the program is financially responsible,and 33. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
that the plan or program has been communicated in writing During the performance of this contract, the Contractor
to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records which
show the cosu anticipated or the actual cost incurred in fees a follows:
providing such benefits. a. The Contractor will not discriminate against any em-
b. The Contractor shall submit weekly to the LHA such ployee or applicant for employment because of race,color,
copies and summaries (on forms prescribed by HUD and religion, sex, or national origin. The Contractor will take
furnished by the LHA) of all his payrolls and those of each affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed,
of his subcontractors, as the LHA or HUD may require. and that employees are treated during employment, with-
Each payroll and summary shall be accompanied by a out regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national
statement signed by the employer or his agent indicating origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to,the
that the payrolls are correct and complete, that the wage
following- Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer;
recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termina-
rata contained therein are not less than those determined
by the Secretary of Labor, and that the classifications set lion; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and
forth for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work klett'on for training, including apprenticeship. The Con•
he performed. A submission of a 'Weekly Statement of tractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available be
Compliance" which is required under this Contract and the employees and applicants for employment, notices to
ROW. Copeland Regulations of the Secretary of Labor (29 CF R, provided setting forth the provisions of this Equal Oppor-
Part 3) and the filing with the initial payroll or any tunity clause.
subsequent payroll of a copy of any findings by the b. The Comractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements
Secretary of Labor under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv) shall satisfy for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor•
this requirement. The Contractor shall make the records state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration
of 13
(b) He will assure that 25 percent of such apprentices or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed
trainees in such occupation are in their first year of as an hourly wage rate and the Contractor is obligated to
training, where feasible. Feasibility here involves a pay a cash equivalent of such a fringe benefit, an hourly
consideration of (a) the availability of training oppor- cash equivalent thereof to be established. In the event the
tunities for first year apprentices, (b) the hazardous Contractor, the LHA, and HUD cannot spree upon a cash
nature of the work for beginning workers, (c) excessive equivalent of the fringe benefit, the question will be ,
unemployment of apprentices in_ their second and referred by HUD to the Secretary of Labor for final
subsequent years of training; determination.
(c) During the performance of the contract he will, to j• The Contractor may consider as part of the wages of any
the greatest extent possible, employ the number of Laborer or mechanic the amount of any costs reasonably
apprentices or trainees necessary to meet currently the anticipated m provioiny oenetrts under a pion or program
requirements of (a)and (b) immediately preceding; described in section 1 (b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act,or
any bona fide fringe benefits not expressly listed in section
(d) He will maintain records of employment by trade of 1 (b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act or otherwise not listed in
the number of apprentices and trainees, apprentices and the wage determination decision of the Secretary of Labor
trainees by first year of training,and of journeymen,and which is included in this Contract,only when the Secretary
the wages paid and hours of work of such apprentices, of Labor has found, upon the written request of the
trainees and journeymen;and he will make these records Contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis-
available for inspection upon request of the Department Bacon Act have been met. Whenever practicable, the
of Labor and the Government; Contractor should request the Secretary of Labor to make
such findings before the making of the Contract. In the
(e) If he claims compliance based on the criterion stated event of unfunded plans and programs, the Secretary of
in 29 CFR 5a.4(b), he will maintain records of employ- Labor may require the Contractor to set aside in a separate
ment. as described in the immediately preceding para• account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan
graph, on non-Federal and nonfederally assisted or program.
nstruction work done during the performance of the
_.mtract in the same labor market area;and he will make 29. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS
these records available for inspection upon request of ACT—OVERTIME COMPENSATION
the Department of Labor and the Government;
As. used in this paragraph, the terms "laborers" and
(f) He will supply one copy of the written notices mechanics" ipclude watchmen and guards.
required in accordance with 29 CFR 5a.4(c) at the
request of Government compliance officers, and will s. Overtime requirements—No Contractor or subcontractor
contracting for any part of the contract work which may
supply at 3-month intervals during the performance of
the contract and after completion of contract perform- require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics
once a statement describing steps taken toward making a shall require or permit any taborer or mechanic in any
diligent effort and containing a breakdown by craft, of workweek in which he is employed on such work to work
hours worked and wages aid for first year a in excess of eight hours in any calendar day or in excess of
9 p y apprentices forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or
and trainees, other apprentices and trainees, and mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one
journeymen. One copy of the statement will be sent to and one-half times his basic rates of pay for all hours
the Government and one to the Secretary of Labor. worked in excess of eight hours in any calendar day or in
g. No laborer or mechanic employed in the development of excess of forty hours in any ;uch workweek, as the case
the project shall be discharged or in any other manner may be.
discriminated against because such laborer or mechanic has
filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be institut b. Violation, liability for unpaid wages, liquidated dam-
any proceedings ages—In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in
ngs or has testified or is about to testify in any subparagraph a, the Contractor and any subcontractor
proceedings under or relating to, the labor standards responsible therefor shall be liable to any affected em-
incorporated in the Contract. ployee for his unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor
III. The LHA will require that any class of laborers or and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for
mechanics (including apprentices and trainees) liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be
which is not listed in the wage determination and which is computed, with respect to each individual taborer or
to be employed under the Contract shall be classified or mechanic employed in violation of the clause set forth in
reclassified conformably to the wage determination. In the subparagraph a, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on
evp'- the Contractor, the LHA, and HUD cannot agree on which such employee was required or permitted to work in
0,Wper classification or (eclassificatiun of a particular excess of eight hours or in excess of the standard workweek
laborers and mechanics (including apprentices and of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages
trainees) to be used, the question will he referred by HUD required by the clause set forth in subparagraph a.
to the Secretary of Labor for final determination. c. Withholding for liquidated damages—The LHA may
withhold, or cause to be withheld, from any moneys
i. The LHA will require, whenever the minimum wage rate payable on account of work perfurmed by the Contractor
Prescribed in the Contract for a class of laborers or or subcontractor, such sums as may administratively be
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and building equipment. The Builder's Risk Insurance shall covering the particular weekly period, are deemed to be
be for the benefit of the Contractor and the LHA as their constructively made or incurred during such weekly period.
interests may appear. and each shall be named in the policy d,. If the Contractor or any of his subcontractors finds it
or policies as on assured. The Contractor in installing necessary or desirable to exceed the prevailing salary or
equipment supplied by the LHA, such as ranges and wage ata specified in his Contract an ex
� >� Y pease incurred
refrigerators, shall carry insurance on such equipment from by the Contractor or subcontractors because of the
the time he takes possession thereof until his Contract work payment of salaries or wages in excess of such amounts
is accepted by the LHA. Builders Risk Insurance need not shall not be cause for any increase in the amount payable
be carried on excavations, piers, footings, or foundations under his Contract.
until such time as work on the superstructure is started. It
need not be carried on landscape work. Policies shall e• The LHA will not make any payment under this
furnish coverage at all times for the full cash value of all Contract unless and until the LHA has received a certifica•
completed construction, as well as materials in place and/or tion from the Contractor that such Contractor and each of
stored at the site, whether or not the partial payment has his subcontractors have made payment to each class of
been made by the LHA.The Contractor may terminate this employees in compliance with the applicable provisions of
insurance on buildings taken over for occupancy by the subparagraphs a,b,and c of this paragraph.
LHA as of the date said buildings are taken over. 11.(1)(a) Apprentices will be permitted to work as such only
e. All insurance shall be carried with companies which are when they are- registered, individually, under a bona fide
financially responsible. If any such insurance is due to apprenticeship program registered with a State apprentice-
expire during the construction period, the Contractor shall ship agency which is recognized by the Bureau of
not permit the coverage to lapse and shall furnish evidence Apprenticeship and Training, U.S. Department of Labor;
of coverage to the LHA. or, if no such recognized agency exists in a State, under a
program registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and
Z7. PREVAILING SALARIES OR WAGES Training, U.S. Department of Labor.The allowable ratio of
apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification shall
a. The Contractor shall pay to'all architects, technical not be greater than the ratio permitted to the Contractor as
engineers, draftsmen, and technicians employed in tonnes- to his entire work force under the registered program.Any
tion with this Contract not less than the salaries or wages employee listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate,
prevailing in the locality of the project, as determined or who is not a trainee as defined in subsection (b) immediate.
adopted (subsequent to a determination under applicable ly following or is not registered as above, shalt be paid the
State or local law) by HUD. wage rate determined by the Secretary of Labor for the
b. The Contractor shall pay to all laborers and mechanics classification of work he actually performed. The Con-
employed in the development of the project not less than tractor or Subcontractor will be required to furnish to the
the wages prevailing in the locality of the project, as LHA written evidence of the registration of his program
predetermined by the Secretary of Labor of the United and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and
States pursuant to the Davis Bacon Act (Title 40, U.S.C., wage rates, for the area of construction prior to using any
Sacs. 276a-276a•5). apprentices on the contract work.
e. All laborers and mechanics employed in the develop. (b) Trainees will be permitted to work as such when
ment of the project shall be paid unconditionally and not they are bona fide trainees employed pursuant to a
less often than once a week, and without subsequent program approved by the U.S. Department of Labor•
deduction or rebate on any account (except such payroll Manpower Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship
deductions as are permitted by the regulations issued by the and Training, and where subsection (c) immediately
Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR Part following is applicable, in accordance with the provisions
3)), the full amounts due at the time of payment computed of Section 1g(2).
at wage rates not less than those contained in the wage
determination decision of the Secretary of Labor, the (c) On contracts in excess of $10,000 the employment
substance of which is included in the Special Conditions, of all laborers and mechanics, including apprentices and
regardless of any contractual relationship which may be trainees, as defined in 29 CFR Part 5.2(c) shall also be
alleged to exist between the Contractor or subcontractor subject to the provisions of Section 19(2). Apprentices
and such laborers and mechanics; and the wage determina• and trainees shall be hired in accordance with the
tion decision and the Department of Labor Wage Rate provisions of Section ig(21.
Information Poster shall be posted by the Contractor at the
site of the work in a prominent place where it can be easily (2) The Contractor agrees that:
seen by the workers. For the purpose of this clause,
contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated under (a) He will make a diligent effort to hire for tht
• section 1 (b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of performance of the contract a number of apprentices of
laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such trainees, or both, in each occupation,which bears to thr
laborers or mechanics subject to the provisions of 29 CFR average number of the journeymen in that occupation tc
6.6 (a)(1)(M. Also for the purpose of this clause, regular be employed in the performance of the contract th,
contributions made w costs incurred for more than a applicable ratio as determined by the Secretary o
weekly period under plans, funds, or programs, but Labor;
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b. "Construction material" means any article, material, or 23. SANITARY FACILITIES
supply brought to the construction site for incorporation in The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain ample
the building or work. An unmanufactured construction sanitary facilities for the workmen. These facilities shall be
material is a'domestic construction material" if it has been su"16ent to meet the project needs ano located to the
mined or produced in the United States. A manufactured satisfaction of the Architect. All such facilities and services
construction material is a'domestic construction material" shall be furnished in strict accordance with governing health
if it has been manufactured in the United States and if the regulations.
CM of its components which have been mined, produced,
Or manufactured in the United States exceeds SO percent of 24. TEMPORARY HEATING
the cost of all its components. "Component' means any The Contractor shall provide and pay for temporary
article, material, or supply directly incorporated in a heating, covering and enclosures necessary to otect
construction material. y protect
Properly all work and materials against damage by damp-
c. A component shall be considered to have been "mined, ness and cold, to dry out the work, and to facilitate the
produced, or manufactured in the United States" (regard- completion of the work. Any permanent heating equipment
less of its source in fact) if the article, material, or supply in used shall be turned over to the LHA in the condition,and
which it is incorporated was manufactured in the United at the time,required by the Specifications.
States and the component is of a class or kind determined 25, REVIEW BY THE LHA,ARCHITECT,AND HUD
by HUD to be not mined, produced, or manufactured in
the United States in sufficient and reasonably available a. The Local Authority, Architect, and HUD shall, at all
commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality. times and places, have access to and be permitted to
observe and review all work, materials,equipment, payrolls,
21. CARE OF THE WORK personnel records, employment conditions, material in-
voices, contracts, books of account,and other relevant data
a. The Contractor shall adopt reasonable methods during and records. All instructions and approvals with respect to
•tee life of the Contract to furnish continuous protection to the work shall be given to the Contractor only by the LHA
site and to the work, materials, and equipment thereon or the Architect as provided herein, or their authorized
to the end that loss or damage may be prevented. He shall representatives.
be responsible for all damages to persons or property that b. If any work is covered up without approval of the
occur as a result of his fault or negligence in connection Architect, it must, if, requested by the Architect, be
with the prosecution of the work and shall be responsible 'uncovered at the expense of the Contractor. Should the
for the proper care and protection of all materials delivered Architect Consider it necessary or advisable, at any time
and work performed until completion and final acceptance, before final acceptance of the entire work, to make an
whether or not the same has been covered by partial examination of work already completed, by removing or
payments made by the LHA, tearing out same, the Contractor shall on request promptly
b. The Contractor shall shore up, brace, underpin, secure, furnish all necessary facilities, labor, and material. If such
and protect as may be necessary all foundations and other work is found to be defective in any material respect, the
parts of existing structures adjacent to, adjoining, and in Contractor shall defray all the expenses of such examins-
any way affected lion and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such
the vicinity of the site, which may be in
work is found to meet the requirements of the Contract,
by the excavations or other operations connected with the
construction of the the cost of uncovering and replacement shall be covered by
project. The Contractor shall be appropriate Change Order adjusting the contract amount
responsible for the giving of any and all required notices to accordingly.
any adjoining or adjacent property owner or other party
before the commencement of any work. The Contractor 26. INSURANCE
shall Indemnify and save harmless the LHA from any a Before commencing work, the Contractor and each of
damages on account settlement or the toss of lateral his subcontractors
support of adjoining properly shall furnish the LHA with evidence
and from all loss or expense '
and all damages for which the LHA may become liable in showing that the following insurance is in force and will
consequence of such injury or damage to adjoining and cover all operations under the Contract:
adjacent structures and their premises. (1) Workmen's Compensation, in accordance with State
or Territorial Workmen's Compensation laws;
22. ACCIDENT PREVENTION (2) Manufacturers and contractors public liability with
The Contractor shall exercise proper precaution at all times uodily injury and property damage limits of not less
• the protection of persons and property. The safety than $100,000/S300,000/S50,000 to protect the Con•
^-:ions of applicable law, building, and construction tractor and each Subcontractor against claims for per-
shall be observed. -Machinery, equipment and all s°nal injury or death and damage to the property of
hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the safety others. This shall covet the use of all equipment, hoists,
provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Con- and vehicles on the site or sites.
struction published by the Associated General Contractors b. The Contractor shall carry Builder's Risk• (fire and-
of America, to the extent that such provisions are not in extended coverage) Insurance upon all work in place and/or
contravention of applicable law. materials stored at the building site, including foundations
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Non. not already in his possession, which he will require in d. Wherever materials art required to comply with nco¢
the planning and production of the work. Such requests nized Standards or Federal Specifications, such specific&-
may be submitted from time to time as the need is tions shall be accepted as establishing the technical qualities
approached, but each such request shall be filed in ample ind testing rnstnods, but Walt not "ern the tluntoer of
time to permit appropriate at:uun W ue taKen Dy all parties tests required to be made nor modify other contrsct
involved so as to avoid delay. requirements. The Architect may require laboratory test
reports on items submitted-for approval or may approve
17. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP materials on the basis of data submitted in Certificates with
a. The Contractor warrants to the LHA that all materials samples. Check tats will be made, on materials delivered
and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new for use, only as frequently as the Architect considers
unless otherwise specified,and that all work will be of good necessary to insure compliance of materials.
quality, free from faults and defects, and in conformance e. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract,
with the Contract. Where materials, equipment, articles or the costs of sampling and toting will be divided as follows:
workmanship are referred to in the Technical Specifications
as "equal to" any particular standard, the Architect shall (1) The Contractor will furnish without extra cost,
decide the question of equality. including packing and delivery charges, all samples
b. Materials specified by reference to the number or required for testing purposes;
symbol of a standard,such as a Product Standard, a Federal (2) The Contractor will assume all costs of re-testing
Specification, or other standarc:, shall comply with require- materials which fail to meet contract requirements;
ments in the latest is uE revisinn, and and amendment or (3) The Contractor will assume all costs of testinc
suppitment thereto in effect o.t the date ui the invitation materials offered in substitution for those found defi-
for Bids. cient;and
It Spec+tic reference in tlrr Technical S^erificstions to any (4) The LHA will pay all other expenses.
article, device, product, material, fixture, form or type of f. After approval,samples will be kept in the Project Office
construction, etc., by trade name, mare or catalog number until completion of work.They may be built into the wori
shall be interpreted as establishing a standard of quality and
shall not be construed as limiting competition; and the after a substantial quantity of the materials they represen
Contractor, in such cases, may at his option use any article, has been built in and approved.
device, product, material,fixture, form or type of construc
tion, etc.,which in the judgment of the A-t hitect expressed 19 PERMITS AND CODES
in writing, is equal to that namHi. a. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with a
d. The Contractor shall furnish In the Architect for applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulation!
The intent of this Contract is that the Contractor shall bas
approval the name of the m>,nutar turn at machinery, his bid upon the Drawings and the Specifications, but the
mechanical and othr equipment which he contemplates all work installed shall comply with all applicable codes an
installing, together with full into,matron as to type,
performance as amended by any waivers. Before installing t►
erfnrmance characteristic. and all other pertinent infor• work, the Contractor shall examine the Drawings and t'
motion required. He shall likewise submit tar approval as Specifications for compliance with applicable codes a•
required full information concerning the materials or regulations bearing on the work, and shall immediate
articles which he propose to incorporate in the work. report any discrepancy to the Architect.Where the requir
111. SAMPLES,CERTIFICATES.AND TESTS ments of the Drawings and Specifications fail to comp
with the applicable code or regulation, the Contract shall
a. The Contractor shall timely furnish to the Architect for adjusted by Change Order to conform to the code
approval all samples (and certificates related to them) as regulation.
stipulated under the several divisions of the Technical
Specifications. He shall label, or otherwise properly mark b. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, ter
on the container, the material or product represented, its and licenses necessary for the proper execution a,
place of origin, the name of the producer, the name of the completion of the work. Where the LHA can arrange f
• Contractor, and the identification of the Project for which the issuance of all or part of these permits, fen a
• it is intended. licenses, without cost to the Contractor, the Contrr
amount will be reduced accordingly.
b. Certificates shall be submitted in triplicate, describing
seeh sample submitted for approval,and certifying that the 20. BUY AMERICAN
material, equipment or accessory complies with Contract a. In accordance with the provisions of Section 6(c) of t
requirements. They shall include the name and brand of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, (42 U.S
product, name of manufacturer, and the location where 1406(c)), the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 108•10d). a
produced. Executive Order 10582, December 17, 1954, 13 C
e. Approval of any material shaft not constitute a waiver of Supp.), the Contractor agrees that only domestic coast►
the LHA's right to demand full compliance with Contract tion material will be used (by the Contractor, subs
requirements. Materials, equipment and accessories may be tractors• materialmen, and suppliers) in the performsnct
rejected for cause even though such articles have been given this contract, except for the nondomestic materials lister
— . approval. the Special Conditions.
4 370 .
ri 13
Irosaute the same to completion, by contract or other- like effect as if shown on or mentioned in both. In ase of
rise, and may take possession of and utilize in completing difference between Drawings and Technical Specifications`
he work such materials,appliances„ and plant as may be on the Technical Specifications shall govern. In use of any
:he site of the work. The Contractor and his sureties shall discrepancy in Drawings, or Technical Specifications. the
)o liable to the LHA for any excess cost occasioned the matter shall oe Immedistwy suumttted to the Architect,
'.HA in completing the work. without whose decision said discrepancy shall not be
). Until such time as the LHA terminates the right of the adjusted by the Contractor, save only at his own risk and
.ontractor to proceed, the Contractor shall continue the expense. In case of differences between small and large
Mork, and the Contractor shall pay to the LHA as fixed, scale drawings, the larger scale drawings shall take prece-
►greed, and liquidated damages (it being impossible to done.
ietermine the actual damages occasioned by the delay) for b. Except for the Contractor's executed set, all Drawings
Mach calendar diy of delay, until the work is completed, or and the Specifications are and remain the property of the
wccepted, or until such time as the Contractor's right to LHA. Such Drawings and Specifications are not to be used
xoceed shall be terminated, the amount as set forth in the on other work, and those sets in usable conditions shall be
Contract; and the Contractor and his sureties shall be liable returned to the LHA, upon request, at the completion or
for the amount thereof. In the event the LHA shall at any cessation of the work or termination of the contract.
time subsequent to the date of completion as established in
the Contract or any amendment thereto, terminate the 14. SHOP DRAWINGS
Contractor's right to proceed, such termination shall not a The Contractor shall review, stamp with his approval,
relieve the Contractor of the payment of the liquidated and submit to the Architect with reasonable promptness,so
lamages which have accrued from the completion date as as to cause no delay, all required shop drawings. No work
estsblished in the Contract, up to and including the date of shall be fabricated by the contractor, save at his own risk,
the termination of the Contractors right to proceed. until approval has been given. At the time of submission,
:. The right of the Contractor to proceed shall not be the Contractor shall inform the Architect in writing of any
I^ ninated nor the Contractor charged with liquidated deviation from the Contract requirements.
gas because of any delays in the completion of the
worts due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and b• Where a shop drawing as submitted by the Contractor
Ar to-
without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including test rites s departure from the Contract which the Arche
but not restricted to acts of God, or of the public enemy, teR deems to be a minor adjustment in the interest of the
LHA not involving a change in Contract price or extension
acts of the Government, acts of . LHA, tires, floods,
epidemic. quarantine restrictions, strikes, fitiQht em of time. the.Architect may approve the drawing but the
bargoes,-and unusually severe weather or delays of subcon-
tractors due to such causes, if the Contractor shall within "The modification shown on the attached drawing is
10 days from the beginning of such delay (unless the LHA, approved in the interest of the LHA to effect an
with the approval of HUD, shall grant a further period of improvement for the project and is ordered with the
time prior to the date of final settlement of the Contract) understanding that it does not involve any change in the
notify the Contracting Officer in writing of the causes of Contract price or time; that it is subject generally to all
the delay. The Contracting Officer shall ascertain the facts Contract stipulations and covenants; and that it is
and the extent of delay, and the LHA shall, subject to the without prejudice to any and all rights of the LHA under
prior approval of HUD, extend the time for completing the the Contract and bond or bonds."
work when in its judgment the findings of fact of the c. The approval of shop drawings shall not relieve the
Contracting Officer justify such an extension, and his
findings of fact thereon shall be final and conclusive upon Contractor of responsibility for adherence to the Contract,
the parties to this contract. nor shall it relieve him of the responsibility for any error
which may exist.
The Contractor's obligations and duties under this Contract 15. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS
shall not be assigned in whole or in part by the Contractor As requested, the Contractor shall provide the Architect
without the written approval of the LHA,but this shall not with accurate information to be used in the preparation of
prohibit the assignment of the proceeds due hereunder to a permanent As-Built drawings. For this purpose, the Con-
bank or financial institution nor shall this provision tractor shall record on one set of contract drawings all
preclude the Contractor from subletting, as provided in this changes from the installations originally indicated, and
Contract, parts of the work in accordance with the general record final locations of underground lines by depth from
r, 'ice of the building industry. This Contract may be finish grade and by accurate horizontal offset distances to
,,IIId by the LHA to any corporation, agency, or permanent surface improvements such as buildings, curbs,
ientality authorized to accept such assignment. or edges of walks.
S. Anything mentioned in the Technical Specifications and It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to make
not shown on the Drawings,or shown on the Drawings and timely-Tequests of the Architect for such large scale and full
not mentioned in the Technical Specifications, shall be of size drawings, color schemes, and other additional inform&•
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Method-2-Adjustment after Performance tions differing materially from than inherent Jr, Work ce
By prior issuance of a Proceed Order. authorizing the character provided for in this contract. he shat
Contractor to proceed with the change by the most promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed,notifl
economical method. If net extra cost is anticipated such the LHA in writinjp. They shall cause the Architect U
order shall state the maximum sum, including all items of Investigate such conditions and if they do materially differ
overhead and profit. If such sum is exhausted prior to the make such changes in the Drawings and Specifications a
completion of the change,the Contractor shalt not proceed the Architect may find necessary.
with the work without an additional and separate Proceed c. Any discrepancies which may be discovered between
Order. If a credit is anticipated the Proceed Order shall actual conditions and those represented by the topoyraplti
state the amount of anticipated credit. at maps and plans shall be reported to the LHA at unee
The Contractor shall keep an accurate current account of and work shall not proceed,except at the Contrar:tor's rio
the cost of such work and present it in such form, and until written instructions have been received by him.
substantiated by such supporting papers as the Architect d. If the Contractor claims that any instructions b
may require. Upon completion and determination of the drawings or otherwise involve extra cost or extension c
cost, a Change Order shall be issued establishing the time, he shall, within ten days after receipt of suc
increase or decrease in the contract price or contract time. instructions, and in any event before proceeding to execui
e. For any item involved in a change for which a unit price the work,submit his protest in writing to the LHA.
(including all items of cost, and overhead and profit) has e. If, on the basis of available evidence, LHA determine
been duly established, either as provided in the contract or that art adjustment of the Contract price or time
by subsequent agreement,the change in contract price shall justifiable, the procedure shalt then be as provided herei
be determined by applying the unit price to the net for"Changes in the Work."
quantity of the item involved without further allowance for
overhead and profit. 10. DISPUTES
d. The following allowances shall be added to the net extra a. All disputes, uther than those required to be handle
cost of all changes (excluding items for which unit prices under Paragraph 31 of the General Conditions, and e
have been established): claims for alleged brearh of contract shall, within ten da
(1) For the subcontractor, 12% of the net extra cost of of cumme,►cernent of dispute, be presented in writing
the work he performs. the Corner Ling Officer fm dpcision; but in the rtreanwhi'
the Contractor shall proceed with the work as directed.
(2) For the Contractor, 6% of the net extra cost of the
work performed by subcontractors. b. The Contractor shall submit in detail his claim and t
pruuf thereof. The LHA shall,with reasonable promptner
(3) For the Contractor, 12%of the net extra cost of the after obtaining the approval of HUD, render its decision
work he performs with his own forces. the Contractor in writing
e. The cost shall include all direct and necessary produc• c. If the Contractor does not agree with any decision of t
tion costs of the work itself, i.e. labor and items incidental Contracting Office,, Ile sl,611 except that decision from t
to labor (such as public liability and workmens'compensa• final release.
tion insurance, old age and unemployment insurance,social
security), pro-rata charges for foremen, material, and the d. Provided the Contractor has (1) given notice of a
use of power tools and equipment. Among the items to be dispute within the limit stated above; (2) taken except
considered as overhead and not as cost are insurance other to the Contracting Officer's decision in his release; and
than as mentioned above, premium or bond(s) required by brought suit within 120 days after receipt of final paym
the Contract, supervision, superintendents, timekeepers, under this contract or within six months of a writ
clerks, watchmen, small tools, incidental job burdens, and request by the LHA that he submit a final voucher s
general office expense. release, whichever time is the lesser. then the Contract
f. For each Change Order issued, the Contractor shall Officer's decision shall not be final and conclusive but
dispute shall be tried in court on its merits. In the event
furnish an itemized, bona fide,written proposal in multiple- above conditions precedent have not been met, the C
copy form and with such supporting papers as the Architect tractor hereby agrees that his noncompliance with
may require, conditions precedent constitutes a waiver of his right
11. CLAIMS assert said claim.
a. By execution of this Contract, the Contractor warrants 11. DELAYS—DAMAGES
that he has visited the site of the proposed work and fully a. If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the vw
acquainted himself with the conditions there existing or any separable part thereof, with such diligence as
relating to construction and labor, and that he fully insure its completion within the time specified in
understands the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions at- Contract,or any extension thereof,or fails to complete
tending the execution of the work under the Contract. work within such time,the LHA,may.by written notic
b. Should the Contractor encounter subsurface or latent the Contractor, terminate his right to proceed with
conditions at the site materially differing from those work or such part of the work*as to which there has t
provided for in this Contract, or unknown physical condi• delay. In such event the LHA may take over the work
jap4of 13
1973 _
contractors and carefully fit his own work to that provided by other contractors,or as a waiver of the right of the LHA
under other contracts as may be directed by the LHA.The to require the fulfillment of all terms of the Contract. In
Contractor shall not commit or permit any act which will the event the work of the Contractor has been damaged by
interfere with the performance of work by any other Sher- contractors or by others than the employees of the
contractor. Wire other contractors are employed for such LHA in the course of their employment, the Contractor
additional work. it shall be the responsibility of the LHA to agrees to restore such damaged work without cost to the
coordinate the work of all such contractors unless other- LHA and to seek redress for his damage only from those
wise expressly provided elsewhere in this contract. who directly caused it.
S. SCHEDULE OF AMOUNTS FOR CONTRACT PAYMENTS d. Upon completion and acceptance of all work required
hereunder, the amount due the Contractor under this
a. Immediately after execution of the Contract, and as a Contract shall be paid upon certification by the Architect
basis upon which partial payments may be authorized, the and approval by the LHA and HUD, after the Contractor
Contractor shall furnish to the Architect, on forms sup- has furnished the LHA with a release in satisfactory form of
plied, a detailed estimate (herein termed "Breakdown"), all claims against the LHA arising under and by virtue of
giving a complete breakdown of his Contract price, so this Contract, other than such claims, if any, as may be
arranged and itemized as to meet the approval of the specifically excepted by the Contractor from the operation
Architect. If the Contract covers more than one project, a of the release. Each such exception shalt embrace no more
separate Breakdown shall be furnished for each. than one claim, the basis and scope of which is clearly
b. The values and quantities employed in making up this defined and the amount stated, and the amounts of such
Breakdown are for determining the amount of partial excepted claims shall not be included in the voucher for
payments and shall not be taken as a basis for additions to
final payment.
or deductions from the contract price. e. The LHA, before making any payment, may require the
e. In order to receive partial payments .as• the work Contractor to furnish receipts or other evidence of payment
progresses, the Contractor shall submit to the LHA, on from all persons performing work and supplying material to
rms supplied, periodic estimates showing the value of the the Contractor, if the LHA deems the same necessary in
.fork performed each period, based upon the items appear- order to protect its interests. The LHA may, however, make
ing in the approved Breakdown. Such estimates must be payment in part or in full to the Contractor without
submitted not later than ten days in advance of the date set requiring the furnishing of such receipts or evidence of
for payment, and are subject to correction and revision as payment. These provisions shall be construed solely for the
required. In final form, they must bear the certification of benefit of the LHA and shall not require the LHA to
both the Architect and the LHA before any payment may determine or adjust any claims or disputes between the
be made. Contractor and his subcontractors or materialmen, or to
withhold any moneys for their protection unless the LHA
S. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE elects to do so. The failure or refusal of the LHA to
Promptly after approval of the "Breakdown,' the Con withhold any moneys from the Contractor shall in nowise
tractor shall submit to the Architect for approval, s impair the obligations of any surety or sureties under any
carefully considered Progress Schedule prepared in accord bond Or bonds furnished under this Contract.
ance with instructions.
7. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR a. The LHA may make changes in the work Of the
a. Partial payments will be made at approximately thirty Contractor by making alterations therein, or by making
(30) day intervals; and in preparing estimates, acceptable additions thereto, or by omitting work therefrom,without
work in place, material delivered to and properly stored on invalidating the Contract, and without relieving or releasing
the site, ono preparatory worn vaTir will be taken into the Contractor from any guaranty given by him pursuant to
consideration. If the Contract covers more than one the Contract provisions, and without affecting the validity
project,a separate estimate shall be furnished for each. of the bond(s) and without relieving or releasing the surety
b. In making such partial payments, there snair oe retained or sureties of said bond(s). All such work shall be executed
10% of the estimated amount until final completion and under the conditions of the Contract.
b. Except in an emergency endangering life or property,no
ameptance of all work covered by the Contract. If, after
change shall be made by the Contractor unless he has
50% of the work has been completed, the Architect
determines that the Contractor's performance and progress received a Prior written order from the LHA,countersigned
by the Architect, and approved on its face by HUD,
w satisfactory, the LHA may make the remaining partial
+ syments in full for the work subsequently completed, authorizing the change. Any change in the work shall be
ordered and the adjustment of the contract price or time
^All material and work govered by partial payments made shall be determined by one of the following methods:
dl thereupon become the sole property of the LHA,but
this provision shall not be construed as relieving the Method-1–Adjustment before Performance
Contractor from the sole responsibility for the care and
protection of materials and work upon which payments By issuance of a Change Order providing for an agreed
—Rave been made or the restoration of any damaged work, lump-sum adjustment and supported as provided in sub-
whether such damage has been caused by the Contractor or paragraph 8f.
_ Page 3 of 13
Iw ci ti»
l ,
1. DEFINITIONS tractor. The Contractor shall also
preside a staff adequate
a. The "Contract' mans the Contract executed by the to coordinate and expedite his work and that of his
LHA and the Contractor, of which these General Condi- subcontractors to ensure compliance with contract require•
tions form a port. manta.
b. The terms "LHA" or "Local Authority" and "Con. c. The Contractor may authorize his superintendent or
tractor"man the respective parties to the Contract other Individual to sign for him and in his name, N the
c. The term "HUD" mans the United States of America contractor has filed with the LHA a notarized statement
(acting through the Department of Housing and Urban evidencing such authorization and authenticating the sigma-
Development) which (subject to the Lure to be so honored.
pmt j provisions of a
contract for financial aid with the LHA) has agreed to d. The Contractor shall lay out the work and be reworui-
purchase certain obligations of the LHA to aid in financing ble for all lines, levels and measurements of all work
the work to be performed under the Contract. However, executed under the Contract He shall verify the figure
nothing contained in the Contract shall be construed to before laying out the work and will be held responsible for
crate any contractual relationship between the Contractor any error resulting from his failure to do so.
and HUD.
d. The term "Project" mans the housing project, the & SUBCONTRACT&
construction work for which is contemplated in whole or in
part under this Contract. a. The Contractor shall not contract with any pr6poaed
subcontractor who has not been accepted by the LHA.
a The term "Architect' means the person, firm, or b. As soon as practicable nor to the award of each
corporation under contract with the LHA for architectural- subcontract, the Contractor shalt notify the LHA in writing
engineering and other es related to the work as of the name of each subcontractor proposed, and furnish
provided for in the Contraact.ct. such written information a it may require concerning the
f. The term "Contracting Officer"mans the person within proposed subcontractor, together with the proposed sub-
the LKA's organization duly authorized by the governing contractor's non-collusive affidavit in the form prescribed
body thereof to administer construction contracts for,end by the LHA. Any objection"ll be expressed in writing by
in the name of, the LHA. It does not necessarily mean the the LHA within ten(10) days after receipt.
person executing this Contract. The LHA shall advise the a The LHA may, without claim for extra cost by the
Contractor as to the person or official who is designated owe an Contractor, disc
Contracting Officer, pp y subcontractor for cause on the
basis of its own determination or because of the fact that
g. The term "Specifications" means the volume which the proposed subcontractor is listed as ineligible to receive
includes, and the term shall include, the Instructions and awards of contracts from the United States on a current list
Forms (consisting of the Form of Invitation for Bids, or lists furnished by HUD.
Instructions to Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Bid Bond, d. The Contractor shall be as fully responsible for the acts
Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit, Form of Contract and
Form of Performance and Payment Bond or Bonds), the and omissions of his subcontractors, and of persons either
General Specifications (consisting of the General Condi- directly or indirectly employed by them as he is for the acts
tions, the Special Conditions, and the Schedule of Draw- and omissions of persons directly employed by him.
ings)and the Technical Specifications. e. The Contractor shall cause appropriate provisions to be
h. The term "Drawings" means the Drawings enumerated inserted in all subcontracts relative to the work to bind
in the Schedule of Drawings. subcontractors to the terms of the General Conditions,
Special Conditions, and other documents comprising the
Contract in so far as they are applicable to the work of
2. CONTRACTOR subcontractors. TM Contractor shall insert in each of his
a. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract, subcontracts the provisions (appropriately modified) of
peragraphe ti, taiw wim respect w suosection 042),
the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, copies of 29 CFR Sa.4, 5e.5, 5a.6 and 5a.7 shall be
tools, equipment, water, light, heat, power,transportation, attached) 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, of then General
superintendence, temporary construction of every nature, Conditions.
taxes legally collectible because of the work, and all other
services and facilities of every nature whatsoever necessary t. Nothing contained in the Contract shalt crate any
to perform the work to be done under the Contract and contractual rotation between any subcontractor and the
deliver it complete in every LHA.
� p cry respect within the specified
? " b. The Contractor shaft personalty supervise the work or a• OTHER CONTRACTS
have a competent superintendent on the work at all times The LHA may award other contracts for additional work,
during progress with full authority to act for the Con. and the Contractor shall fully cooperate with such other
h� X4370 .
Pow 2 of 13
0"S 1973
Prue Pape Paragraph Pape
1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25. Review by the Local Authority,
2. Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Architect,and HUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Subcontracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 26. Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4. Other Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 27. Prevailing Salaries or Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5. Schedule of Amounts for Contract Payments . . . 4 28. Contract Work Hours Standards Act-
6. Construction Progreee Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Overtime Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7. Payments to Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 29. Compliance with Copeland Regulations
B. Changes in the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (29 CF R Part 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
9. Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 30. Submittal of Payrolls and
10. Disputes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 17-lelated Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
11. Delays-Damages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 31. Disputes concerning Wage Rates and
12. Assignment of Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Classification of Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1. Specifications and Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 32. Wage Claims and Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. Shop Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 33. Equal Employment Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . 11
15. As-Built Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 34. Termination because of Violation
16. Requests for Supplementary Information . . . . . 6 of Wage Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
17. Materials and Workmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 35. Royalties and Patents . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 12
18. Samples,Certifications and Tats . . . . . . . . . . 7 36. Warranty of Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
19. Permits and Coda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 37. Final Inspection-Acceptance Partial Occupancy .12
20. Buy American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 38. Defects and Noncomplaint Workmanship
21. Care of the Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B and Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
22. Accident Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 39. Interest of Member of Congress . . . . . . . . . . . 13
23. Sanitary Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 40. Interest of Members,Officers,or Employees
24. Temporary Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 and Former Members,or Employees . . . . . . . . 13
Poe 1 of 13
Mordh 1973
U.S.D&Wrngnt of Houdnq and Urban Development
Low-Rent Public Housing
- GC-1
(� ,aTANDARO FORM ZS? BACK Uu1r 19761
The Employment Utilization Report is to be completed by each subject contractor (both prime and subcontractors)
and signed by a responsible official of the company. The reports are to be filed on the day required,each month;during
the term of the contract, and they shall include the total work-hours worked for each employee level in each desig-
nated trade for the entire reporting period.The prime contractor shall submit a report for its aggregate Mork force and
shall collect and submit reports for each subcontractors aggregate work force to the Federal Compliance Agency that
is funding their construction project
Reporting Period.......................................... Self-expl„natory.
Compliance Agency........................._.......... U.S. Government contracting or administering agency responsible for equal
employment opportunity on the project.
Contractor .................................................. Any contractor who has a construction contract with the U.S. Government
or applicant(See OFCCP Revs.60-1.3).
1. Ccmpany's Name.................................... Any contractor or subcontractor who has a federally involved contract.
2. Trade ...................................................... Only those crafts covered under applicable Federal EEO bid conditions.
3. Work-hours of Employment...................... The total number of hours worked by all emplcyees in each classification;
the total number of hours worked by each a minority group in each
classification; and the total work-hours for all women.
Classification ........................................— The level of accomplishment or status of the worker in the trade. [C—Craft-
worker. qualified (formerly journeyman), Ap—Apprentice. Tr—Trainee.)
4. Percent of minority work-hours................ The percentage of total minority work-hours worked of all work-hours
of total work-hours worked (the sum of columns b, c, d and a divided by column a).
S. Total Number of minority employees......_ dumber of minority employees working in contractor's aggregate work force
during reporting period.
6.Total Number of Employees...................... Number of all employees working in contractor's aggregate work force dur-
ing reporting period.
•(Minority is defined as incl„d.na Blacks,Mspanics,Asian/Pacific Is �kmancan Indians and includes both men and-omen.!
s-p o ro-w 2s7 MW'THLY E!.'PLO1'!:ENT
ART '.S76 fv,%th. e.)
frwmertr c;t;zrol Form 6s) UTILIZATION REPORT
►•r•c•':r: by Ley of labor
( s) erx 6tLt.r (Soe for instruelions)
` . ns report is required by Executive Order 11246, Section 203. Failure to report can result in sanctions %hich inch,
rwptmion, te-mmination, cancellation or debarment of contract
TO: Ills..#esi towel"e!CowrNswre Afr...rt►) From: f�'e+•t swl trsfirs sJ t�sfreefert) _-
L L 3. �. S. tg-
Work hours o!tnp!oyrnent tStr feetwate) % R1)• Total Ne
e�aui- a 1• e• d.• a• f,.. i"O t)r No.of of Ern.
C:.-;say's Name (I.D.)••• Trade fO' %mrk. minor.
ties Total slack Nis- /.Peer. A•ios/ Total hours ity EM
Tee psis Indian Peen.• re.:.ola of W.&I ployeas
111rnler Wo*-
r .e�al Art
Tr -
Ap - --- -
Tr — -
Tr —
C —
Tr _--
Ap --
Tr -
Ap -
7. CoT;:any Official's S;psture and Title L Date Vved 9. Tt:tphone No. tiK:1:.t
dr.e [•de)
(•MStts and Females • Wnerities and non•n+inoritiaf •••I.D.is tt+e Dun t/radat,eet idontir.Cation nwrn0er) 257-)01 0:23-1 Pass — of—
- -RF-7 - - - - -
• [ 6500.3 '
( Bdiibit I
r �
This statement of comp:iaace greets needs resulting frov the ae+endmest of the Davis. -
Bacon Act to include (ting* benefits provisions. Under this amended lair, the eoatrsetot
is required to pay fringe benefits as predetermined by the Depart-seat of tabor, is addi-
tiot to payMest of the Minimum rates. The ca htractor's Obligation to pay fringe benefits
may be met by payment of the fringes to the various plans. funds;or programs of by rask-
Ing these payments to the soploy*es as trash in lieu of fringes.
The Contractor should show on the face of his avroll all monies paid to the *Moto ens
Whether as basic rates of as cash in lieu of riages. .he coat.•ector shall represent to the ,
Statement of corsplilattct that he is Dayint to others fringes t•quired by the eontsset nor
not paid as trash is lies of fringes. Detailed instructions tollour.
Contractors who pay all required fring*Aenefits:
A coatractor who pays fringe. benefits to approved plans, funds. or programs In ampeets
Dot less than were determined in the applicable wage decision of the Secretary of Labor
shall continue to show 03 the face of 4is payroll the basic cash hourly rate and overtime
rate paid to his e•rnotoyri, just as be has always done. :uch a contractor shall check
paragfaph Ora)of the itaterrent to indicate that he is also paying to approved plans,funds.
Of programs trot less than the amount predetermined as fringe benefits for tae%craft. Any
exceptioe.shall be acted is Section 4(c)
Contractors wbo pay no fringe benefits:
A contractor wbo pays fro fringe benefits shall pay to the employee and insert in the t
straight time hourly rate column of his payroll an amount not less than the predetermined
ntte for eats cl+s.itiestiM plus the amount of frin&e benefits deterined fair each classi-
fication in thr applicable*ag-decision. Inasmuch as it is not necessary to pay time and
a bal.,on cash p*id in lieu of frirces. the overtime rate shall tie not less than the sum of
the 5ssic predetermined rate. plus the half tirre p:emium cot the basic or regular tuft plus
the requited cash is lieu of fringes at the s:raight time rate. To simolify computation of
overti-e. it is suggested that the straight time basic rate and cash in lien of fringes be
separately stated in the boerly rate column, thus.S3.2__°l.A0. to addition, I%* contractor
shall check pararaoh A(b) of the statement to indicate that Ire is paving fringe benefits
I" cash directly to his employees. Any exceptions shall be noted in Section 4(e).
U.e of Section wc), Exceptions
Any contactor rAO is .raking payment to approved plans. funds, or pro;rams in amounts
less t!an the wage determination requires is obliged to pay the eeficiaeef dimctly to Lie
enoln.acs all cash in lieu of fringes. Any exceptions to Section 4(a)or 4(b). whichever
tee contractor may check. shall bo entered in Section VA). Enter in the Exceptioacolumn
Me craft, and rata in the Explanation column the hourly amount paid the employees as
v•h in le-u of fringes,and the hourly s>soaat paid to Warts, feeds.of programs as fringes.
t41D-w.rh.LC. '
!/ Page 2 of Z �•
. . FRF-6
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Samples of Federal Reporting forms follow herewith. Contractors
shall be responsible for the timely filing with the concerned
agency of these and any other forms relating to the Payment of Minimum
Wage Rates and the Employment of Minorities and Women and any other
reporting forms required to be filed by Federal, State, County and
City Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. Copies of all such reports
shall be contemporaneously filed with the Northampton Housing Authori-
ty and any other agency that so requests.
U.S. Department of Labor
MA86-3 ( °=
or over total discharge, Compressors ( 1 or 2) 900 cu. ft. and over,
Powered Grease Truck, Tunnel Locomotives and Dinkeys, Grout pumps,
Hydraulic Jacks (jacking pipe, slip forms, etc. ) , Boom Truck, self-
propelled Hydraulic Cranes--up to 10 ton, Combination Back Hoe-Loader-
-up to 3/4 yard hoe.
CLASS IIIA - Asphalt Rollers, Self-Powered Rollers and Compactors,
Tractor without blade drawing sheeps foot roller. Rubber tire roller,
Vibratory roller, or other type of compactors including machines for
pulverizing and aerating soil .
CLASS IV - Hoists, Conveyors, Power Pavement Breaker, Self-propelled
Material Spreader, Self-powered Concrete Finishing Machine, Two Bag
Mixer with skip. MCarthy and similar Drills, Batch Plant (not self-
loading) , Bulk Cement Plant 3 or more 10KW Light Plants, 30 KW or more
CLASS V - Compressor (315 cu. ft. to 900 cu. dt . , i or 2) . Pumps-4" to
16" total discharge.
CLASS VI - Compressor (up to 315 cu. ft . ) , Small Mixers with skip,
Oiler Pumps up to 4" , Grease Truck, Helper on powered Grease Trucks,
Power Heaters, Welding Machines (when 3 or more welding machines are
used. Classification 4 rat shall be paid) , A-Frame Trucks, Forklifts--
up to 7 ft . lift and up to 3 ton capacity, Hydro Boom, Power Safety
Boat .
CLASS VII - Truck Crane Crews
CLASS IX - Master Mechanic
CLASS X - Boom lengths over 184 feet ( including jib)
CLASS XI - Boom lengths over 225 feet ( including jib)
CLASS 1 - Station Wagons, Panel Trucks and Pickup Trucks
CLASS II - Two axle Equipment ; Helpers on Low Bed When Assigned at the
Discretion of the Employer , Warehousemen, Forklift Operators
CLASS III Three Axle Equipment and Tiremen
CLASS IV - Four and Five Axle Equipment
CLASS V - Specialized Earth Moving Equipment under 35 tons other than
Conventional type trucks, Low Bed, Vachual , Mechanics, Paving
Restoration Equipment , Mechanic
CLASS VI - Specialized Earth Moving Equipment over 35 Tons
CLASS II - Trailers for Earth Moving Equipment (Double Hookup)
382 (Nov. 14, 1986)
U.S. Department of Labor
' Tractor without blade drawing sheepsfoot roller, rubber tire roller,
vibratory roller, or other type of compactors including machines for
pulverizing and aerating soil .
CLASS IV - Single Drum Hoist , Power Pavement Breakers, Concrete
Pavement Finishing Machines, Two Bag Mixers with Skip, McCarthy and
similar drills, Batch Plants (not self-loading) , Bulk Cement Plants,
Self-propelled material spreaders, A-Frame Trucks, Fork Lifts--up to
15 ft . , 3 or more 10KW Light Plants, 30 KW or more Generators.
CLASS V - Compressors (one or two) 315 cu. ft . to 900 cu. ft. , Pumps--
4 inches to 12 inches (total discharge) .
CLASS VI - Compressors (up to 315 cu. ft. ) , small mixers, pumps (up to
4 inches) , power heaters, welding mahines, (when 3 or more heaters or
welding machines are used on one job, classification 4 rate will be
paid) , Conveyors. Oiler, helpers on grease trucks with hand greasing
equipment .
' CLASS VII - Truck Crane Crews
CLASS IX - Master Mechanic
1 h CLASS X - Boom lengths over 184 feet ( including jib)
r CLASS XI - Boom lengths over 225 feet ( including jib)
CLASS I - Shovels, Crawler and Truck Cranes, Derricks. Backhoes,
( Trenching Machines, Elevating Graders, Belt-type Loaders, Gradalls,
Pile Drivers, Concerte Pavers, on site Processing Plant (Engineer in
charge) ,Dragline, Clam Shell , Cableways, Shaft Hoists, Mucking
Machines , Front End Loader--5 1/2 yards and over Tower Cranes, Self- .
propelled Hydraulic Cranes--10 tons and over, Dual Pavers, Automatic
Grader--Excavator (C. M. I . or equal ) , Scrapers towing pan or wagon,
Tandem Dozers or Push Cats (2 units in tandem) , Welder using semi-
automatic Welding Machine, Shotcrete Machine, Tunnel Boring Machine,
Combination Back Hoe-Loader--3/4 yard hoe or over, Jet Engine Dryer,
Tree Shredder, Post Hole Digger, Post Hole Hammer, Post Extractor,
Truck Mounted Concrete Pumps with boom, Roto-Mill .
CLASS II - Rotary Drill (with mounted Compressor) , Compressor House (3
to 6 Compressors) , Rock and Earth Boring Machines (excluding McCarthy
and similar drills) , Grader, Front End Loaders-- 4 yards to 5 1/2
yards, Scraper--21 yards and over (struck load) , Forklifts--7 ft . lift
and over or 3 ton capacity and over, Sonic Hammer Concole, Road
Planner, Cal Tracks, Ballast Regulators, Rail Anchor Machines, Switch
CLASS III - Bulldozer, Push Cats, Scrapers--up to 21 yards (struck
load) self-propelled or Tractor Drawn, Self-powered Asphalt Paver,
Front End Loaders -- up to 4 yards, Mechanics, Welders, Well Driller,
Pumperete Machine, Engineer or Fireman on High Pressure Boiler (on
job) , Self-loading Batch Plant(on job 0, Well Point Operators,
Electric Pumps used in Well point system, Tireman, Pumps -- 16 inches
381 (Nov. 14 , 1986)
U.S. Department of Labor
MA86-3 ,'w •
GROUP 3 - Pre-cast Floor and Roof Plank Erectors and Asbestos Removers
GROUP 4 - Air Track Operators, Block Pavers, Rammers and Curb Setters
GROUP 5 - Powdermen and Blasters
CLASS I - Carpenter Tenders. Cement Finisher Tenders, Laborers,
Wrecking Laborers
CLASS II - Asphalt Rakers, Fence and Guard Rail Erectors, Laser Beam
Op. , Mason Tender, Pipelayer, Pneumatic Drill Op. , Pneumatic Tool Op. ,
Wagon Drill Op.
CLASS III - Air Track Op. , Block Pavers. Rammers, Curb Setters
CLASS IV - Blasterers, Powdermen
CLASS V - Flaggers
CLASS I - Shovels, Cranes ( including all tower, climbing and bridge
cranes, used in Building Construction as defined in Scope of
Employment ) , Hydraulic Cranes-- 10 ton capacity or over, Draglines, CA
Derricks, Elevators with Chicago Boom, Backhoes, Gradalls, Elevating
Graders, Pile Driving Rigs , Concrete Road Pavers, all three Drum
Hoisting and Trenching Machines, Belt-type Loaders. Foreman Mechanics,
Front End Loaders--5 1/2 yards or over, Dual Drum Paver, Automatic
Grader ( i .e. C.M. I . ) , Combination Backhoe-Loader--3/4 yard or over;
Jet Engine Dryer, Tree Shredder, Post Hole Digger, Post Hole Hammer,
Post Extractor Truck Mounted Concrete Pump with boom, Roto-Mill .
CLASS II - Rotary Drill (with mounted compressor) , Compressor House (3
to 6 compressors) , rock and earth boring machines (excluding McCarthy
and similar drills) , Graders, Front End Loaders-4 yards to 5 1/2
yards, two Drum Hoists, High Fork Lifts with capacity of 15 ft. and
over, Scraper--21 yards and over (struck load) , Sonic Hammer Console,
Road Planer, Cal Tracks, Ballast Regulators, Rail Anchor Machines.
Switch Tampers.
CLASS III - Combination Backhoe-Loader--up to 3/4 yard hoe,
Bulldozers, Push Cats, Scrapers--up to 21 yards (struck load)
selfpropelled or tractor drawn, Tireman, Front End Loaders--up to 4
yards, Asphalt Paver, Well Drillers, Mechanics, Welders, Pumperete
Machines, Concrete pumps , and similar type pumps, Engineer or Fireman
on High Pressure Boiler (on job) , Self-Loading Batch Plant, Well Point
Operators ( including installing) , Electric pumps used in Well Point
System, Pumps--12 inches and over (total discharge) , Compressor (one
or two 900 cu. ft . and over, Engineers in charge of Powered Grease
Truck, all automatic elevators (permanent or temporary) operated
manually or remote control (not to be confused with elevators
operating from conventional hoist--1 , 2 or 3 Drum) , Grout pumps, Boom
Truck, Hydraulic Cranes--under 10 ton. t
CLASS IIIA - Asphalt Rollers, Self-powered Rollers and Compactors,
' 380 (Nov. 14 , 1986)
U.S. Department of Labor
Area 1 : FRANKLIN (Orange)
1 Area 2: BERKSHIRE (Except Otis,•• Becket , Sandisfield) ; FRANKLIN
(Monroe, Towe, and Western part of Charlemont)
Area 3: HAMPDEN; HAMPSHIRE; BERKSHIRE (Otis, Becket, Sandisfield;•
' FRANKLIN (Remainder of County)
. Welders - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to
which welding is incidental .
Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope
of the classifications listed may be added after award only as
t r provided in the standards contract clauses (29 CFR 5. 5(a) ( 1 ) ( ii ) ) .
1 Paid Holidays: A-New Year's Day; B-Memorial Day; C-Independence Day;
D-Labor Day; E-Thanksgiving Day; F-Christmas Day
a. Employer contributes 8% of basic hourly rate for 5 years or more
of service 60/10 basic hourly rate for 6 months to 5 years of service
as Vacation Pay Credit.
` .' b. 6 paid holidays: A through F providing employee has worked 5
consecutive days before and the working day after the holiday.
C. 2 paid holidays: C & D, provided the employee has been employed
seven days prior to the holiday by the same employer .
d. 8 paid holidays: A through F, Washington' s Birthday and Veterans
e. 9 paid holidays: A through F . Washington' s Birthday, Columbus Day
and Veterans Day.
f . 10 paid holidays: A through F, Washington's Birthday. Patriot's
Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day.
g. Paid Vacation: 4 months to 1 year - 1/2 day's pay per month; 1-5
years - 1 week; 5-10 years - 2 weeks; 10 years or more - 3 weeks.
Employee must have received pay for 120 days during last year of
employment .
GROUP 1 - Laborers, carpenter tenders and wrecking laborers
GROUP 2 - Asphalt Rakers, Carbide Core Driller Operators, Chain Saw
Operators, Pipelayers , Jackhammer and Paving Breaker Operators, Barco-
_S..K type Jumping tampers, Laser Beam Operators, Concrete Pump Operators,
Mason-Tenders, Mortar Mixers, Ride-on Motorized Buggy Operators and
Wagon Drill Operators
379 (Nov. 14 , 1986)
U.S. Department of Labor
Area 2 : BERKSHIRE (Adams , North Adams, Cheshire, Florida, Savoy,
Clarksbury, Williamstown)
Area 3 : BERKSHIRE (Remainder of County)
Area 1 : BERKSHIRE ; FRANKLIN (Monroe, Monroe Bridge)
Area 2: FRANKLIN (Erving, Warwick, Orange, North Orange)
Area 3 HAMPDEN; HAMPSHIRE ; (South Hadley, Granby, Betchertown,
Huntington, Pelham, Amherst , Ware) FRANKLIN (Leverett , Shutesbury,
Area 4 : HAMPSHIRE (Remainder of County) ; FRANKLIN (Remainder of
Area 1 : BERKSHIRE; FRANKLIN (Hawley, Monroe, Rowe) ; HAMPSHIRE : ,�?!►
(Middlefield, Cummington, Plainfield) ���
Area 2 : FRANKLIN (Remainder of County) ; HAMPSHIRE (Remainder of
County) ; HAMPDEN (Chester, Holyoke and North Portion of Chicopee
North of Mckinstry Avenue from the connecticut River to Grattan
Street , Lafayette Street to York Street, McKinstry to Granby Road,
and projected to the Westover Air Force Base fence, continuing
northeastly along this boundary to the county line) .
Area 3 : HAMPDEN (Remainder of County - including Westover Air Force
Base) ; HAMPSHIRE (Betchertown, ware) .
Lee, Sandisfietd, New Marlboro, Hinsdale, Peru, Savoy, Monterey,
Sheffield, Windsor, Otis, N. & E . Otis
Area 2 : BERKSHIRE (Remainder of County) ;
LABOF 'RS : Heavy & Highway:
Area 1 : Except Twps . of W44�',rrick and Orange in FRANKLIN
Area 2 : FRANKLIN (Orange. iWarrick ) :
LINE CONSTRU�-`;YION: (See Electricians & Line Construction) X1111;14
An _✓
. =ej
_`78 (Nov. 14, 1986)
-� FMWR-6 -- - ---- - --- ____ -
1 i
U.S: Department of Labor
l '�5 MA86-3
Brush and Tapers 15 .06 3.54
1 Spray and Sandblasting 18.43 3.54
Swing stage and steel riding under
40 ft . 15.25 3.54
Swing stage and steel riding .bver
40 ft . 15.56 3.54
Sign Painters 14 .44 2 .50
Area 1 15.08 3.70
Area 2 18 . 70 3.80
Area 3 16.82 4 .59+ c
1 Class 1 17 .33 2. 55+d
Class 11 17. 13 2. 55+d
�- Class 111 16 .98 2 . 55+d
Class IIIA 16.56 2 . 55+d
Class IV 14 .91 2 . 55+d
t Class V 14 . 17 2 . 55+d
Class VI 12 .96 2 . 55+d
Class VII 18.08 2 . 55+d
Class VIII 14 . 13 2 . 55+d
Class IX 17 .95 2.55+d
Class X 17 .87 2.55+d
Class X1 18 .40 2. 55+d
Class I 17. 33 2 . 55+e
a Class II 17 . 13 2. 55+e
Class III 16 .93 2.55+e
Class IIIA 16.56 2 .55+e
t Class IV 14 .91 2. 55+e
Class V 14 . 17 2.55+e _
Class VI 12 .96 2. 55+e
Class VII 18 .08 2 . 55+e
Class VIII 14 . 13 2. 55+e
Class IX 17 . 95 2.55+e
' Class X 17 .87 2. 55+e
Class XI 18 .40 2. 55+e
Composition, Damp Waterproof 15 .45 4 . 49
Slate. Tile, Precast Concrete 16.23 4 .49
Class I 15. 38 3 .23+ f+g
Class 1I 15.55 3 . 23+ f+g
Class III : 15.62 3 . 23+ f+g
Class IV 15.74 3. 23+ f+g
Class V r' 15.84 3. 23+ f+g
Class VI 16. 13 3. 23+ f+g
Class VII 16.42 3. 23+ f+g
X377 (Nov . 14, 1986)
U.S. Department of Labor
� �a
Group 5 14 .60 3.95
Area 1
Class I 13.60 3.95
Class II 13.85 3.95
Class III 14 . 35 3.95
Class IV 14 .60 3.95
Class V 9.75 3. 70
Area 2 :
Class I 14. 30 3.95
Class II 14 .55 3.95
Class III 15.05 3.95
Class IV 15.30 3.95 r
Area 1
Lineman, cable splicer dynamite man 16 .72 3.25+ 4 . 75%
Heavy equipment operator 15 .05 3.25+ 4. 75% t
Equipment operator, tractor trailer
driver, field mechanic 14 .21 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Driver groundman 12 .54 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Groundman 9.20 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Area 2 :
Lineman, cable splicer dynamite man 16 .34 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Heavy equipment operator 14 .71 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Equipment operator, tractor trailer
driver, field mechanic 13.89 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Driver groundman 12.26 3. 25+ 4. 75%
Groundman 8 .99 3.25+ 4.75%
Area 3 :
Lineman, cable splicer, dynamite man 18 .95 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
• Heavy equipment operator 17 .06 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Equipment operator, tractor trailer
driver, field mechanic 16 . 11 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Driver groundman 14 .21 3. 25+ 4. 75%
Groundman 10.42 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Areas 1 , 2 & 3:
Traffic Control , Illumination &
Linemen, technicians & cable
splicers 19.30 3. 25+ 4. 75%
Equipment operator 16 .41 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Driver groundman 14 .48 3. 25+ 4 . 75%
Groundman 10.62 3. 25+ 4. 75%
Railroad Construction ( inclu-
ding electrical distribution,
transmission lines, substation
and signal construction:
Linemen, cable splicers &
dynamite man 18 .86 3. 19+ 4. 75"Gi.
Heavy equipment operator 16.97 3. 19+ 4 . 75d'
Equipment operator , tractor _
trailer driver, & field "
mechanic 16 .03 3. 19+ 4 . 751°'
Driver groundman 14 . 14 3. 19+ 4 . 75%;
Groundman 10. 37 3. 19+ 4. 75%.
MILLWRIGHTS 17 . 95 5. 60 0 fr
376 (Nov. 14 , 198G) -�'►
U.S. Department of Labor
Basic Fringe
Hourly Benefits
Area 1 15. 30 5.09
Area 2 19. 30
(' Area 3 16. 27 2.86
• Area 1 15.64 2.99
' Area 2 16. 18 4.90
Area 3 15. 20 4.77
Area 4 15.83 3.42
Area 1 17. 55 2.70+ 3%
Residential (Single family housing 11 .00 2.64+ 3%
Area 2:
Electrical contracts 125,000 and
45. 91 3.92+ 3%
q' Electrical contracts under 125,000 13. 9i 3.92+ 3%
Residential (Single family housing) 12 .00 2.22-1 3%
Area 3: 17. 23 4.25+ 3%
Elevator Constructors i6. 925 3.58+ a+b
Helpers 11 . 85 3. 58+ a+b
Probationary Helpers 8.46
' 14 . 12 3.32
Area 1 16 . 75 6. 32
Area 2:
Structural , ornamental , reinforcing, machinery,
movers, riggers, rodmen, fence erectors & stone
derrickmen 15. 45 4.69
Sheeters 15 . 70 4.69
Sheeters, bucker-up 15. 575 4.69
Commercial projects valuled at $4CO.000
a or less and/or industrial projects
valued at $100,000 or less (excluding
complete razing of structures ) except pre-
engineered metal buildings and excepting
erection and installation of structural
steel 11 . 59 4.69
Rehabilitation work on residetial structures
( including structures over 4 stories ) , defined
' to include all work , including demolition,
alteration and repair on any existing
structure which is intended for predominatly
residential use 11 . 59 4.69
'. Group 1
13. 60 3. 95
`.,., Group 2 13 . 85 3.95 �=
Group 3 14 . 35 3.95
Group 4 14 . 35 3. 95
375 (Nov. 14, 1986 )
FMWR-3 .
U.S. Department of Labor /
Supersedes General Wage Decision No. MA85-3015
Type: Building, Heavy, Highway & Residential
Description: Building, Heavy, Highway and Residential Construction
` Modification Record:
No. Publication Date Page No. (s)
1 Jan. 10, 1986 375
2 Feb. 28, 1986 376-377
3 Apr. 4, 1986 375-378
4 May 9, 1986 375
5 May 30, 1986 375
6 July 11 , 1986 375-377
8 July 25, 1986 375-376
Sept. 5, 1986 375-377
9 Oct. 17, 1986 380 376
10 Oct. 31 , 1986 375-376 ,
11 Nov. 14, 1986 375-382
FMWR-2 = >.
374 "
Boston Regional Office,Region I
Boston Federal Building,3rd Floor
`9�h pt.t`• 10 Causeway Street
Boston,MA 02222-1092
2tat �
Enclosed is a copy of Federal Wage Vic'sion Number VY`Ar �- 3 11(� ��► �
of the Secretary of Labor, dated 1 / 3� �� and expiring
* wIA
This schedule must be made part of the contract documents for the
subject project.
. Saracusa
Supe ry Contractor
C Indus al Relations Specialist
*Area wage determinations are published without time limitations, and are
effective until a new decision is published in the Federal Register. All
modifications and superseding decisions published within the next 60 days
will be forwarded. If the bid opening is subsequent to this period, please
request a new wage determination.
Modifications and Supersedeas Wage Determination
In the case of contracts entered into pursuant to campetetive bidding
procedures, all actions modifying a general wage determination which are
published ten (10) days or rrore before the bid opening shall be effective
with respect to any project to which the determination applies. Modifications
published less than ten (10) days before the bid opening shall be effective
unless the agency finds that there is not a reasonable time still available
before the bid opening to notify the bidders of the modification, and a report
of thelfindings is inserted in the contract file.
If the contract is not awarded within 90 days after the bid opening, any
modification published in the Federal Register prior to the award of the
contract shall be effective with respect to that contract, unless the Federal
Agency requests, and the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, U. S. Department
of Labor, approves an extension.
t ~
Section 3.7 Applications for Ilse arprotal of 111e Secretary•of Ll"Os. -
Aral siq•rlr.sioa fr.r the rsaatin;of I•a?roll Jetoutlinrra under 13.6 a1l:n twol•l) u ills 11.r requ4n+aaat.1e.-To-if m lift
follor in;par:�•rglu of Ilri•sn l'raaa:
(a) Ttu aplairatioa Aun tK in•riliuF a/J 1-63111.r aoh:rr.taal Sella-Fcer.t.or)of lat.or.
(1.) The application tl.a!!ideu,i% 1114-tousraet a,r cuntr.eu ul.A•IF%I:irh sloe•r•rt in ol,,"tion it to l.r r•rf•eawea. 1P
tau=lure%M Lt O.ea fur dcJwiinn•olJy on aln:ifie.idr►otifiad u.jn s noose i.4 of e�cq•1'r rid r iaww•lanter.
(t) The srprwasiva Alan.late afrinnatiaelo ills,t!.are i►e*n:rrulur a.ill,the►tandarJ,rei fordo in the 1+n+i-w.wt of
3.6.Thu aff rnutia.1/Plan Ir 1..eompvlurd Ly a fan►latement of tLe factf uldi:auto;Purl,,onsphance.
. (d) The awrlralMln t lsif ineUlAa a Ae.ertl4on of the prulo.rd clAW 011. the purro.r late Pvo'•d 111trelw.Plod the
.laver of W.r.rcn K nMtllanki from al+ole M%-a tilt Iorol.nK•d deduliM•n..Quid It made.
(e) 711e aprliratLis than.talc tl.r name nId l u.inet•of a;4-; ILirA I••r-un to-Isom u1y fund,obt:u..-I fl:.,..1l,.•pro•
ro.cd dcdurtion►Mr to t.r tranrinittrd alld the afroliatian of wrl,porr.n.if ally..oith"or applicant.
Section 3.8 Action by the ceoet:ny of Labor upon appliratiutts.
The S(.rot irr)of I star rhmtl d.aide a tic then or nc•t tl.e r••qn•ttvd d.dl,rtion it I.rclnir-1 le uoarr I+wi.iwo•of 13.6;
and r1:.11 l.:.iif% tilt alytirant in.rams&d Lis Jet ieion-
Section 3.9 Prohibited p syrotl dedaetions.
Deduction#toot el•c..l,ere�.ro:iJ.A tole Ly tlu►fart and wl,icL arc nut.fuln,d to toe l.cnuis:l.le c,.Ju :.fi�.).rc•LiLil.d.
Section 3.10 Nicthods of pa;'Incnl ort.'aZes.
Tin ps)oncnt of r airs dull Lb•L% ea-h,nelotlaLle inttrun.rnt•pa.aLie on demand,or tilt a214innal L.rm•of mull-loa
lion for..hich Jeduetioln we r.•rmi-r;Lle uudti this part. 10 otlocr rnrtt.odr of payment►11411 be recquirrd on earl v.Ljret
to tloc Copeland Act.
_ Section 3.11 Retttl3tions part or contract.
All eonlrarts made with rnl ret to sloe eonttruction,prolacati..n,completion.or repair of ant ruLlie{rcilTml or poJJir
�orl or Luilein j or.o o,rl financed in.late or in part b) Inaoo ur,rant.from slot Uslit.J'tale"to.crrd Ly tl.rcFutationt in
itsil pan olall eayrcwI%Lind Sloe cototra.Iar or rut«wdr«•tour to comply..ith tucb of tic rr�ulatiotot u1 tLir part at r^..ar Lie aI.
phraLle. In ttd►rclard,ac< 15.5(a)tot Iloilo rubtitlr-
MUD•s01o.1 (2.76)
u pt►►.trn Paart.:vta ts's–Ise-tsusoc
(d) Aar dtduetisPn eerittituting a contrl•ut«to on Lehalf of the rrrte tmplal.l N fwids eslabiislnd to dw rosl!eq e
w rrlrr.eotati.es of einplo)ew.w Loth,Gtf the l.—alote of l.mj;d;ng cilia,from principal or income.or loth;enaical x
1w.pkal ere.Ia wook oP at annuities on retirement,d-3th Len-fits,eonipentaliou for injuries.illnew,fttr;dtotk#L tern,w
di.A:lity.v sue io►urance to presi3e any of the fort.;rt.oe uncotpluymrnt Itenefsts..rratioti Pay,wtiap aenttm.ts.or
►;ales,pa;on.aria fw the I.neFa of emi.bl ew,tl.;r fa::�l;rr and dtlwndt nta: feet Jodi Rea net.T1.at Ilse fo!ltt.uy tt.r!.role
;t i•either (i)1nbnlanl;ewnrr .d N Ly ts er�lthty
Tlw dedurtcrn r rnt stIw'wt`L;"L;la.:("P)
in.rit;n-and in sdtaoee of the period in%Nth the w..rL if to he dMte and►ueh room of it Mt a.ot�tiva ritl.rr fttr the
edeain;r.t.J ar fare the t ont;nue;on of cntplo)carol,c•r(5)pr r M fa in a Lone Gale rvll-t-thr I.arpa;niwe.a.Tt etn.w1 Le•
t.ten Ow rustle ad or w tal.r anlractor and relrr>.•nt.tii."of its tinplo)ens:(3)no prord w Otbtr t-,n.At if Other.iPe nl.ts;hedi
d'ir it)"in.Fuerth.U)list c a.tracter or wbeontra.tw or are affiliated pert...^in lLe faro of rofnn is.kA,dit;d.ltd.a,
t.tl:.r.i•e; and(t)the if,duct;ons Phan"'Me the gomen;eact and interest of the req.ks;few
(e) An%d••Aurtkm et•,.trlw6sig toward the j•urchate of Visited Statn Defense-%r"[-t and hoer§%hen.t 1.i-laity
atithuria•d L)the r ft.
(f) Aso)d,dw-;ai rc•lw-t.d Ly the cmrlo.er tv rraLle l,;m to repay 1„an%tai w to purchase sharer in credit r:.wns
ttrgat.ised a„d ol-.tatrd in arat.rdancr w;tb retkral and State credit union statutes.
(S) lm dadurt;on taluntarilt sutlwtritrd b. the•,..plot re f..r list mat.ir.3 of n+arlul;nns to ttrtertintental or yuasi-
g,n.n,nv^tai ere",nrirt,such at the.t,nwriean R.•d rrota.
(h) fry d.dw twin t..hmtanl� autlwsrttrd Lt the esj�o;ee fw tlw on&L;ng of et.:1roiiut;ont to roTniurity(.hell.
Unit.-d ris.rt Furdt,and:ii:ilia,t hariial.k orian;tat;ona.
(1 .gym .1,sluttitrns tort? regular union;nil 46rsn fort and nlrmLerthlp slwe.wl in•:ludinl fines Of cprrial St.rt+inents:
/1a idrd,hoursrr,That a cullectise La►gt;niog agrrtr..rnt bct.ten the contractor or PuLcontrattor rid representatis0 of its
cml.l.t,art prot;dcs fur wcls dednct;oni,and the dcducti,ant are ant utlr rite l.n•hUtrd b}late.
O) An% d-durl;oa not mule than for Ilse"rra•or.aLlr coq°of buaid,larlaing.or other fsiilit;ea tnrcl;rig the r-quire-
nwrits of rrrt;on 1(tn)of t1m Fair hbur Ftandard.Art of 1938.a an.cadrd,anJ Part 531 of the title. when Purh a dtductioe
is made the aJditiunal rrenrdt nyuYed u,.def 15 16.27(a)of this title shall be lept.
Section 3.6 Payroll deductions permissible with the tpprotal of the SecTeury of Labor.
.Ant r.,ntrartur or subrontraetur may arrlt to the Serretan of L at.or for rertn;v;on to maLr My drdurtion not per.
Milled und-r 13. The Srtrctart etas pant Iwrmi+•;on•I.entstr he finds that:
(a) The t tnitrxlw,subcontwttr.or am sff;Gatrd lwfon does not maLr a profit of bcniert dirreth or indirecth from
tlw J.doction'eidwr in the furna of a evmini••;on,dhidend.of othrn;te:
(b) The drdurt6m is not ntlierw4or lroh;bited b% late.
(c) The deduction;s either(1)wluntaril% con-r.1-4 to by the cmplo�ee in writin;and in adtanR of tle lwr6.d in which
the wurl,it to Le dour and tech eun+ent n not a eond;t;oa either for the oLtaininj ur rmplo%inent or it-runlinuante,w(2)
pro.;Jrd for in a 1-vis fidr collertite baria;ning apermeni l•etwcen the contractor at►ul.rontraetut and reprorsentatises of its
(J) Thr deduction enea the«,merskner and'►nteretl of the ernplwa&
tiUa�010.1 (2.76)
• CO) F.•6 eu"lnwtor or salsonlraalor r"VV4 in the construction. proarriatiew.a+relJrtins.er orpsir of an 1"rt'1'ie
b•oL6s=a pul,tie%orL.or lsuihTns.-or.ork• financed in whole air in LaA 1.1 bans or`wards(rum Ilse t'rAtnl Flatrs.4A
(urnirh each.rrl a rlatemerst sith rr-past to the ars;•ea paid each of it,ewl�m.)ees ots.�r�td wm.rtl timed Ia Lr'1 WIt<
farts 3 and S Jurist:the prar—fin.-•tell) payroll p••ia•d. Thi►Nato arnrt.ball la car+atod In the rontraeter.se msb.vr.
tractor ar by ono antlo arirr'd ofrsrr at rmjJu)er or the ruatrartor of•nln motraclM%he wlwn;.e,floe pia arW.d tea,r.wed
al.211 k on foram Wit 3 ill*1talcrnrnt of CortiZance.or on an ids esticsl Itarna ran Ilse lLaA of%11317.'ra)Pill(1'rt riser
tea:furs Optiws•1 L'.t)"or pn am furmn nrl6 aleatral aoordin=,. rara;dc topir►o(16'11 317 and tti II 3111 may Ise edrlaonrd frown
Ilse G+aernn.ermt mnl fact in,-at Fts.aroria:agc nr).seal rcal'in 4Ilrr.e(prim array be purcbard at the Can crnnkal 1'ricting
(e) Ilse ra44rre made of NO Wel.ur shall"of apitly to any contract of UP=er 6na
(a) t!pon a a%rittea Gndisso,it)-Ilse bead of a Federal a.-tar,Else Srcretry of Kilmer may p toMe tes.onable funitatien<
vw;stoona,telrrt,scoo,and r%rmptwus frown flat rre)uirea.ent►of tlw section wf jeet to fork conditions a.Its .leerrt:q of
L3twr may grctify.
(2n F.R.93,Jan.4.1964.as amended at 33 FA.101116,July 17.1%81
Section 3.4 Submission of weekly statements and the preservation and Inspection of weekly payroll records.
(a) Each we.lly .talcuatot required unJer 5 33 shall Le Jcti%rrcd In dot eontra•lor or•ubeuntrartor,within,warn
days after the rr`+dar fwyto.•nf Jai of the pad roll peri..d,to a relre.+utative of a FeJrral or State a;rnq in rhar=r at Else
site of floe building;pr.or►,air.if then is no nlrexnisttye of a Fr•d.•►al or State a.•nq at lime mile of Ilse bsrildir i w marl.
Ilse alatense,.t.hall lee wailed 6 Ilse ewalraclor or uolxvnlraetor,w ithin Kwh liner,to a Federal or State alma.) r..ntaaaiir
for ne firmaeorin;floe bul 1%or a+vd. .Lticr Inch eaamivation and rhrrk as Puy!sec raedr,sarls.tal.•na at,tat a c.vlr! else reor.
11.311 be lcpt 8..11121,1!.nr shall be irar.pma lard tr..dwr%L ills s report of any%iulal6n.in acordanve as iIh appla,a(.le lrrureJures
perrcril,cd Ly the l:nited States Do-p.Asneni of Labor.
(L) F.ach contractor or t4cunt:actor rhafl recta me 1.6 u reLly pad ron rcenrela free a period of fbrae years fn.ra dale of
eo.nPl,tim.ss of the s-onLariscIL Tlse payrull record,shall set out accurately surd eomplt lely the name and adJrrao of rash Latwrr
&ost necelunic.trip corm-1 eta,.iGc2tiun,rate of pay,daily and.ecll) nuont.i of ho on a.orlyd.deduct61t►madr,and xfual
.arcs paid. Such pay roll rccurds mJull be nook av+ilahh at all Einmes for in.per6ors by the euntraclin,;officer we fair aullarisad
reprereniatia•e,&red Ivy suthuriard rrprerrretatiao of the Deparin%cnt of Labor.
Section 3.S Payroll deductions permissible without application to or approval of the Secretary of Libor.
Dednrtinns mask os let 110c eircurn►tanees or in Else utuati.ana Jescr3ed in floe pare..Lira of boat section may I.e MO&
w•ithoat applica6wo to and appro%al of the Secretary of Labor.
(a) Any deduction made in rornpfunee oath Ilse raquircrnrnts of fedrral.State,or locat bar.inch as Federal or State
sh1slololinj incmne ta%cs and Federal social security la,sm
(is) My Jrdoetioom of mm•Irr%iwsl)•paw to the rniplo)ce a a lwoos fide pray.aynsent o(\ai:es\lien ouch lsrl•a%resent
'r nude sithovl Ji..a,unt et intnest. A'bona roir pftp&)mnrnl of a.a;t►'ir ron.;drrrd to ha%e Leer+aoade onit slv.ra.h er
its equnvtrnt ha.Lva s ad%an.-rd to Else person entploystl in ssa•h msnner sow Bane Ili s complete freedman of dimloriliun of glop
adcanerd funds.
(e) An) J.•Juction of amounts rcqurred by court proceu to be paid to another.Write•s list deduction is is fa%or of the
eoeotractor.►ubcs►ntr.clw we ass) affiliated per.*%. or when cutlu.iorm or rodaboration eaists.
HUD-4010.1 (2-70
(e.g.,the Coll.;•t Housing Act of 1930,the Fed.rat water pollut;an Conlrol Act,ar.4 ll.e flouting Act of 14:4),.:d in t4
en(preenent of the*,.c-rt;me I•rotVant of the Contra"/furl Mines$tarsi edt Act w•herrter they are apprec.b!e tY ron•1rKtioa
,-e rL The 1-aA d-t:ls the nt,%elioo of eeatraetnrs and rubconesaeton,statue to the•rely suLm'w;oa of►tsttinentS rgard. -
1q the wa..p4if on work eot•crcd thtrcboy;sets forth the cirtutrotancn and proredrrres gotersing tle asst;nj of 1.8)n.11 dto-
dwl;om from tle%.agH of those a_y!o;a don web nark;and k ron..tes the net Lode,of payment I crari;•'l le ea tech werk-
S;c6on 3.2 Mrs. Worm
At■mo d m the te.lat;on►;n shit 1.we
(a) Tl a assns"Wlding"or'.ak-&,nerally include eo'etrurliun srikih-ar tdingu;shed from manufacturing.
ruin;•hin;of r.atcrials,w t!nic;%II-d eta;ntenaner%wk. The Item;nc!ktde.n.ithorA tmiutiott,bul4np,ttlrtacturrs.arrd
ir::jaovcrnrnU of all 1%lics,such so t/;d;rl.dame,plant:,h4h%ai,s.park%ays,streets.su:u sys,tunnels.w.M,nsins,pe►.ar
firw•r.paakp:ng stat;one,railways,airlock,terminals,dock,piers,wharves,•n s,liihthouo.",butn-t.j-ilies,Ural%at"%
leteer,and ranalt:drt d.;tsg,shoring•r-u!fold;ng,drilling,bl.tlls g,e�tatating,ekaing,ana landfreping. Unless tonducis•d is
euanrct;on%ith and at the site of tzsch a building or wart as it described in the foregoing untrnce.the manufarture or ft:rn;tb.
• in;of mater;alt,at;ehos.Sul-lairs,or eyO ment(whither or not a F►d.oal or Stitt a:cney atquiret title to such materials,
at;chs,tvfpl'rct,or etlw;pment during 1{.e Course of the man:l!atture we furnVhing,or owns the nnsttr;S!r from W16
.iCh tfft%r its
m:nufMured or fert;.hed)is we a'7•6;piing"or"work"with;n the mtaning of the regulat;ortr;n two paA.
(b) T'he terms"ron►truct;on,"'f•ro•ccct;on,"'a•nplrtan,'or'rel•sb"nstsn all t;PCs of.arl done on a p-nicular
I•uiltng at*t.:k at the s;le tlrrrof,inrLI;ni-,,without limitation,Ott tins,rrr..-Atling. 1-aintinj and drmrN;n=•the trantioA.
in:of matrrialf and rui•pl;rr to or from Ow I uad;ng at wort Ly the entplol ens of the tnn?trutl;on rorar.rtw or conrtruet;oa
sul,runtt--clor,and the nianufactueng or!t:rniJona of materials,crueler,nrf•�''►s,or.yciptnrnt on the rte of the Lu;!ding or
worl,Ly Ivrkom r". lob ed at like rite b% the contras fur or euLcon:rartor.
(e) Tl.e terns"puLGc l•uldin f'or"pkkl.6e wort"include Lul•f;ng or uark for w hose rnnttruct;on.proeeeut;on,Corsi.
ple6fte.of rcpsir,sr do fined A-ote,a Fe d-ral akcnry it a eontr.et;ng party,tg;:31ctt of.lwthrr title 11-errof it in a Fide.al
ag ney-
(d) The term"building or work firsnced in whole or in pan by loans or grants from the United Taste";ntludes build
ing or wort fuf ULOW con►tr.kct;on,prow cut ion,eompietiun,or repair,as defined abote,pay ment or part payment is made
directly or it,d'u.rt1) fnum fi-nds pro%Lit d b% loans or grants by a Federal agency. The term does rest include building or.ark
for uhieh federal a.;44tar.ee u United tolel% to loan guarantees or insurance.
(e) Etcry remon paid by a contractor or subcontractor in an, manner for his 1aLor in the construction,proserut;oa-
eomr1tt;ok or rel.air of a public building or public worL or building or.orL financed;n whole or;n part by loans or grants
from the United ftstts is"emploled'ard receiving'wages,"rrgardlraa of an; contractual relat;onthip all,:fed to exist hetw eta
him and the real employer.
(f) The tern"any af.Tated perrsoa—includes a tl,,u-e,child,parent,or other clone frlalke of the trwraetor or rub•
contractor;a partntu or officer of the contractor or subcontractor:a rorl•oratioa clo.el, connected with the contractor or
subcontractor as parent.tu)%f;diary•or othrrw ite,and an officer or agent of tucl corl-orat;ota
(g) The term"Fcdrral agency"means the United States,the Dirtr;ct of Columbia•and oil esccutite deparire-..ts,ia-
dtper.dent e±tabl;thmentt,admininratne menu;rs,and instrun.cntali:ire of the t'n;led Mater and of the Dit:r;et of Colua+hia.
inclu4n.-rorlorat;cns,all or tuLeantiall% a9 of the Mork of t.h;ch it tern,fic;a!h o.ned by the('sited Sutes,by the Di►taid
of Columbia,or ant of the foregoing departments,roubl;.hrnents.a;cnc;es,and instrumentalities
Section 33 Wetkly stafement with respect to payment of w•ageL
(a) As used in this section,the term"employet"sha0 not apply to per.ons in etassif;rntiont hkha than that of laborw
or mechanic and those w ho are the immediate rupen•iton of ouch employees,
HUD-4010.1 (2-76)
FLSP-10 — —
' r1uD-.o1o.t
TITLE 13. U.S.C.. section 874
(Repbms section 1 of the Act of June 13, 1934(48 Stat.948.40 U.S.C.
sec. 276b)pursuant to the Act of June 2S. 1948.62 Stat.$62)
alror.er,In rarer,intimidation,or threat of procuring dirmieal from eniplol newt,we by any other mainer.tut+.
eser induces am person enrydo;%:d;n lire ronstrvetiun.pro.rertinn,eurnpletiun or a pair of any public building,pu1.6e•.wk.
or buldn6 or-or►financed in.)suit or in pan by Arius ur 17antr from list Unit.d=uM,to Par up any part of the torn-
p.nation to.hick he is entitled urAa his eontraet of.•mpio%meat,shall Ire Gncd nut nwrrr than 55,000 s r inpri+ined not
more than inn%can.ur bock.
SECTION 2 OF THE ACT OF JUKE 13. 1934, AS .A )ENDED (43 Slat.948,62 St3t.662.
63 Stat.108.72 Stat.967,:0 U.S.C.,sec.276c)
The Geretary of Woof shall male rrarou.,Lle regulations for euntraclur,and subcontractors.engaged is the eon.truetion.
proacutan,cornptetion or►epau of public buildings,puLGe wails ur buildings ur woAs financed in.hole or in pan 1.. loans
or pant#train the Lenked 5tatrr,including a I.ro.i:ion that each contractor and tuLcunlrsctor shall furnish%erLIv a statement
with raped to the.ages psid each eniplo%ee during the prrerding.er4. Section 1001 of Title 18(United States Code):hall
app11 to.ochstatementa.
Pureuant to the alorrsaid Anti•KiclbacL Art,the Secretary-of Lal or,United States Department of tsbos•.has Promul-
gated tt.e regulations hereinafter set forth,-hick regulations are found in Title 29,Subtitk A,Code of Frderal Regu!atioro,
Part 3. The tam-this pan'as u ed in the re.lations hereinafter set forth,refers to Pan 3last above mentioned. Said eel-
ulati..nr are as fullo.rs:
Subtitle A—Office of the Sec-retary of Labor
Section 3.1 Purpose and scope.
This part prescribes-antilicLback-regulations under section 2 of the.Act of June 13,1933,as amended(40 V.S.C.
276c),popularly k no.•e as the Copeland Ali This part split-ier to sm contract w kith is wbjeet to Federal,.age rtandads
and•kith is for the construction,prosecution,completion,or repair of public buildings,pubiie anon&or Lur7dings or%orks
financed in.hole at in pan b) loans or pants[turn the Visited Staten. The pan is intended to aid in the enforeemerst of the
minimum.age proairiorts of the DnirRaron.Act and the.araut statutes dralin6 with Frderallr•aasisted constrvdian that
contain similar minimum wage pro.isions.including those lwotisions which are not subject to Reorganisation Plan Ne.16
without the Local Public Agency's or Public Body's prior written ar_•ioval
of the subcontractor. The Local Public Aaancy or Public Body will not
approve any subcontractor for }pork cover.•d by this Contract who is at ,
the time ineligible under the provisions of any applicable ragslatiors
issued by the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor or
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop—.ent, to receive' Ln award of
such subcontract. - -
The Contractor Phall include or cause to be included in each
subcontract covering any of the work covered by this Contract, provi-
sions which are consistent with these Federal Labor Standards Provisions
and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include such provisions
in any lower tier subcontracts which they may enter into, together with
a clause requiring such insertion in any further subcontracts that ray
in tu=n be made.
In addition to the causes for te=ination of this Contract as
herein elsewhere set forth, the Local Public ASency or Public Body
reserves the right to terminate this Contract if the Contractor or any
subcontractor whose subcontract covers any of the work covered by this
Contract shall breach a-ny of these Federal Labor Standards Provisions.
A breach of V-ese Federal Labor Standards Provisions. may also be grounds
for debarment as provided by the applicable regulations issued by the
Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor.
• FIUD•t010(2a6)
ea by the Local Public A!- ncy or Public N)dy. Me Contractor
shall submit weekly to the Local Public Agency or Public Aody two
certified copies of all payrolls of the Contractor and of the subcon-
tractors, it being understood that the Contractor shall be responsible
for the nibmicsion of copies of payrolls of all subcontractors. Fach
such payroll shall contain the "L:cekly Statement of Compliance" set
forth in Section 3.3 of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations. The
payrolls and basic payroll records of the Contractor and each subcon-
tractor covering all laborers and mechanics employed upon the Work
covered by this Contract shall be maintained during the course of the
work and preserved for a period of 3 years thereafter. Such payrolls
and basic payroll records shall contain the name and address of each
such e=ployee, his correct classification, rate of pay (including rates
of contributions or costs anticipated of the types described in Section
1(b)(2) of the Davis-Pacon Act), daily and weekly number of hours wotked,
deductions made, and actual wages paid. In addition, whenever the
Secretary of Labor has found under Section 5.5(a)(1)(iv) of Title 299
Code of Federal Regulations, that the wages of any laborer or mechanic
include the Pnount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing
benefits under a plan or program described in Section 1(b)(2)(B) of the
Davis-Bacon Act, the Contractor or subcontractor shall raintain records
which show that the co=mitment to provide such benefits is enforceable,
that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan
or program has been co:=unicated in writing to the. laborers or mechanics
affected, and records which show the costs anticipated or the actual
cost incurred in providing such benefits. The Contractor and each
subcontractor shall make his employment records with respect to persons
employed by him upon the work covered by this Contract available for
inspection by authorized representatives of the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development, the Local Public Agency or Public Body, and the United
States Department of Labor. Such representatives shall be permitted to
interview employees of the Contractor or of any subcontractor during
working hours on the job.
The transporting of materials and supplies to or from the site of .
the Project or Program to which this Contract pertains by the e_ployees
of the Contractor or of any subcontractor, and the W-nufacturing or
fuxnishi_ng of materials, articles, supplies, or equipment on the site
of the Project or Program to which this Contract pertains by persons
employed by the Contractor or by any subcontractor, shall, for the
purposes of this Contract, aAd without limiting the generality of the
foregoing provisions of this Contract, be dee=ed to be work to which
these Federal Labor Standards Provisions are applicable.
The Contractor shall not subcontract any part of the work covered
by this Contract or permit subcontracted work to be further subcontracted
r 11. rOSiING 1-11I.G3 DECISIG::S IND r':UT:iOMI2,tZ IVACE T.HuuCT10. S
The applicable ua•-e poster of the Secretary of Labor, United States ,
Department of Libor, and the applicable uaae determination decisions of
said Secretary of Labor with respect to the various classification of
laborers and mechanics .employed and to be employed upon- th¢ work coffered
by this Contract, and a statement showing all deductions, if any, in
accordance with the provisions of this Contract, to be Trade -from wages
actually earned by persons so employed or to be employed in such classi-
fications, shall be posted at appropriate conspicuous pou=ts at the site
of the work.
No laborer or mechanic to whom the wa£e, salary, or other labor
standards provisions of this Contract are applicable shall be dischax:;ad
or in any other ma_rnzer diRcrirl'nated against by the Contractor or c+v
subcontractor because such employee has filed any complaint or Instituted
or cassed to be instituted any proceeding or has testified or is about Lo
testify in any proceeding under or relating to the labor stp-ndards r-ppli-
cable under this Contract to his employer.
Claims and disputes pertaining to uaV rates or to classifications
of laborers and mechanics employed upon the work coffered by this Contract
shall be promptly reported by the Contractor in writing to the Local
Public Agency or Public Body for referral by the latter through the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to the Secretary of Labor,
United States Department of Labor, Whose decision shall be final with
respect thereto.
All questions arising under this Contract which relate to the
ap lication or interpretation of (a) the aforesaid Anti-Kickback Act,
(b5 the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, (c) the aforesaid
Davis-Bacon Act, (d) the regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor,
United States Department of Labor, pursuant to said Acts, or (e) the
labor standards provisions of any other pertinent Federal statute, shall
be referred, throw the Local Public Agency or Public Body and the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of Labor,
United States Department of Labor, for said Secretary's appropriate
ruling or interpretation which shall be authoritative and may be relied
upon for the purposes of this Contract.
The Contractor and each subcontractor shall prepare his payrolls
on forms satisfactory to and in accordance with instrsctions to be
'-FLSP-6 -.
No person under the age of sixteen years and no person who, at the
time, is serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution shall
be employed on the worc covered by this Contract.
The Contractor ehall comply with the applicable regulations (a
• copy of which is attached and herein incorporated by reference) of the
Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, made pursuant to
the-so-called "Anti-Kickback Act" of June 13, 1931 (48 Stat. 948: 62
Stat. 862; Title D.S.C., Section 874: and Title 40 U.S.C.l Section 276c),
and any amendi-ants or modifications thereof, shall cause appropriate
provisions to be inserted in subcontracts to insure compliance therewith
by all subcontractors subject thereto, and shall be responsible for the
submission of affidavits required by subcontractors thereunder, except
as said Secretary of Labor may specifically provide for reasonable
limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions from the require-
ments thereof.
Any class of laborers or mechanics which is not listed in the wage
determination and which is to be employed under the Contract will be
classified or reclassified conformably to the wage determination by the
Local Public Agency or Public Body, and a report of the action taken
shall be submitted by the Local Public Agency or Public Body, through
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of
Labor, United States Department of Lesbor. In the event the interested
parties cannot agree on the proper classification or reclassification
of a particular class of laborers and mechanics to be used, the question
accompanied by the reco=endation of the Local Public Agency or Public
Body shall be referred, through the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development, to the Secretary of Labor for final determination.
The Local Public Agency or Public Body shall require, whenever the
minimum wage rate prescribed in the Contract for a class of laborers or
mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly
,rage rate and the -Contractor is obligated to pay cash equivalent of such
• a fringe benefit, 'an hourly cash equivalent thereof to be established.
In the event the interested parties cannot agree upon a cash equivalent
of the fringe benefit, the question, accompanied by the recomendation
of the Local Public Agency or Public Body, shall be referred, through
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of
Labor for determination.
furnish to the contracting officer or a representative of the
Wage-Hour Division of the U. S. Department of Labor written
evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as
well as the appropriate ratios -and wage rates (expressed in
percentages of the journeyman hourly rates, for the area of
construction prior to using any apprentices on the contract
work. The :rage rate paid apprentices shall be not less than
the appropriate percentage of the Journeyman's rate contained
in the applicable wage determination:
b. Trainees. Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.15 trainees will not
be permitted to work at less than the predetenai;ned rate for
the work performed unless they are employed pursiLasmt to and
individually registered in a program which has received prior
approval, evidenced by formal certification, by the U. S.
Department of Labor, Manpo::er Administration, Bureau of Appren-
tice and Training. The ratio of trainees to journeymen shall
not be greater than permitted wider the plan approved by the
Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. Every trainee asst be
paid at not less than the rate specified in the approved pro-
gram for his level of progress. Any employee listed on the
payroll at a trainee rate who is not registered and partici-
pating in a training plan approved ty the Bureau of Apprentice-
ship and Training shall be paid not less than the wage rate
determined by the Secretary of Labor for the classification of
work he actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor
will be reouired to 'finish the contracting officer or a repre-
sentative of the Vage-Hour Division of the U. S. Department of
Labor written evidence of the certification of his program,
the registration of the trainees, and the ratios and wage
rates prescribed in that program. In the event the Bureau
of Apprenticeship and Training withdraurs approval of a train-
ing program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to
utilize trainees at less than the applicable predetermined'
rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is
c. Eoual Enmloyment Ovportiinity. The utilization of apprentices, '
trainees and journeymen under this part shall be in conformity
with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive
Order 11246, as mended, and 29 CFR Part 30.
•- - - - - ... _ -- - -- FLSP-4
in excess of 8 hours or in excess of the standard workweek of 140 hours
without parent of the overtime vages required by,the clause set forth
• in paragraph (a).
(c) Withholding for liquidated damnages. The Local Public Agency
or Public Body shall withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys
payable on account of work performed by the Contractor or subcontractor,
such sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to
satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or subcontractor for liqui-
dated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (b).
(d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert in any subcontracts
the clauses set forth in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this Section
End also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses
in any lower tier subcontracts which they may enter into, tobether With
a clause requiring this insertion in any further subcontracts that ray
in turn be made.
a. Avprentices will be permitted to Work at less than the prede-
termined rate for the work they performed wheii they are er-
Floyed snd individually registered in a bona fide apprentice-
ship program registered With the U. S. Department of Labor,
Maunpower Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,
or With a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau,
or if a person is employed in his first 90 days of probationary
employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program,
who is not individually registered in the program, but who has
been certified by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or
a State Apprenticeship Agency (where appropriate) to be
eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. The
allowable ratio of apprentices to journeynen in any craft clzssi-
fication- shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the
contractor as to his entire work force under the registered
program. Any employee listed on a payroll at an apprentice
wage rate, who is not a trainee as defined in subdivision (b)
of this subparagraph or is not registered or otherwise employed
as stated above, shall be paid the wage rate determined by the
Secreta of Labor for the classification of work he actually
performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to
� MU7•�OlOI]•76)
1.Ccncy or Public rody ray con:3ider'nncesn&17 to Fay Bach laborers or
mechanics Ilia lull a*aoant of wages required by this-Contract. The
( amount so withheld ray be disbursed by the Local Public f gency or
Public Body, for and on account of the Contractor or the subcontractor
(as may be appropriate, to the respective laborers. or nncha•-iies to
whom the aame is due or on their behalf to plans, fluids, or programs.
for any type of fringe benefit prescribed in the applicable vage
If the Contractor does not make payments to a trustee or othei
third person, he may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or
rech�tnic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing
fringe benefits under a plan or program of a type expressly listed in
the wage determination decision of the Secretary of Labor which is a
part of this Contract: Provided, however, the Secretary of Labor has
found,, upon the written request of the Contractor, that the applicable
standards of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of Labor
may require the Contractor to set aside in a separate account assets
for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. A. copy of
any findings made by the Secretary of Labor in respect to fringe benefits
being provided by the Contractor must be submitted to the Local Public
Agency or Public Body with the first payroll filed by the Contractor
subsequent to receipt of :he findings.
STRUM RDS ACT (76 Stat. 357-360: Title 40 U.S.C., Sections 327-
(a) Overtime requirements. No Contractor or subcontractor
contracting for any part of the Contract work which may require or
involve the employment of laborers or mechanics, including watchmen
and guards, shall require or permit any laborer or mechanic in any
wor,c4eek in which he is employed on such work to work in excess of 8
hours in any calendar day or in excess of 40 hours in such work week
unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not
less than one and one-half times his basic rate of pay for all hours
worked in excess of 8 hours in any calendar day or in excess of 40 hours
in such work week, as the case may be.
(b) Violation: liability for unpaid wz�as liquidated = s.
In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph a),
the Contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be
liable to any affected employee for his unpaid wages. In addition,
such Contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States
for liquidated doges. Such liquidated da=ages shall be computed with
respect to each individual laborer or mechanic employed in violations
of the clause set forth in paragraph (a); in the sum of $10 for each
calendar day on which such employee was required or permitted to work
HUD-4010 (2.76)
- - FLSP-2
The Project or Program to Which the work covered by this Contract
pertains is* being assisted by the United States of America and the .
following Federal Labor Standards Provisions are ihcluded in this
Contract pursuant to the provisions applicable to such Federal assist-
All laborers and mechanics eriployed upon the work covered by this
Contract shall be paid unconditionally and not less often than u:nce
each week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account
(except such payroll deductions as are made mandatory by law and such
other payroll deductions as are permitted by the applicable regula-
tions issued by the Secretary of Labor, United States Depart=ent of
Labor, pu:=uf_int to the Anti-Kickback Act hereinafter identified), the
full amount due at time of payment computed at ::age rates not less
than those contained in the wage determination decision of said
Secretary of Labor (a copy of which is attached and herein incorporated
by reference), regardless of any contractual relationship which may be
alleged to exist between the Contractor or any subcontractor and such
laborers and mechanics. All laborers and mechanics eyployed upon such
work shall be paid in cash, except that payment may be by check if the
employer provides or secures satisfactory facilities approved by the
Local Public. Agency or Public Body for the cashing of the same without
cost or expense to the employee. For the purpose of this clause,
contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated under Section 1 (b)
(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of la'Dorers or mechanics are.
considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the
provisions of Section 5.5(a)(1)(iv) of Title 29, Code of Federal
Regulations. Also for the purpose of this clause, regular contribu-
tions made or costs incurred for more than a weekly period under plans,
funds, or programs, but covering the pArt?cular weekly period, are
deemed to be constructively made or incurred during such weekly
In case of underpayment of :ages by the Contractor or by any
subcontractor to laborers or mechanics esrloyed by the Contractor or
subcontractor upon the work covered by this Contract, the Local Public
Agency or Public Body in addition to such other rights as may be afford-
ed it under this Contract shall withhold •from the Contractor, out of
any payments due the Contractor, so much thereof as the Local Public
FLSP-1 _.
The Bidder' s attention is called to the requirement that each
Bidder and Sub-Bidder must make a good faith effort to employ
Local Area Residents with the goal of employing Local Area Residents
for periods equaling 5.0% of the total hours expended by the
General Bidder and each Sub-Bidder.
Evidence of such good faith efforts shall at minimum include: the
conspicuous posting at the site of signs soliciting the employment
of Local Area Residents ; the notification in writing of local insti-
tutions of worship and other local community organizations of the
availability of employment to Local Area Residents; and a written
report of each inquiry for such employment including a filled out
Job Application, a Log of all Applications, and the action taken on,
and the ultimate disposition of each Application.
as those standards prescribed in parm its effortshtoe ensure fequal ,
so as to achieve maximum results from i
employment opportunity. If the Contractor fails to comply with the
requirownts of the Executive Order, the implementing regulations, or
these specifications, the Director shall proceed in accordance with
41 CFA 60-6.3.
14. the Contractor shall designate a responsible official to monitor
all employment related activity to ensure that the company EEO policy
is being carried out, to submit reports relating to the provisions
hereof as may be required by the Government and to keep records shall
at .lsast include for each employee'-the name, address, telephone num-
bers, construction trade, union affiliation, if any, employee ident-
ification number when assigned, social security number, race, sexd
status (e.g. mechanic, apprentice, trainee, helper, or laborer). dates
of changes in status, hours worked per week in the indicated trade,
rate of pay, and locations at which the work was performed. Records
shall be maintained in an easily understandable form; however, to the
degree that existing records satisfy this requirement, contractors
shall not be required to maintain separate records.
15. Nothing herein t-^Filed shall be conitrued as a limitation upon the
application of other laws which establish different standards of com-
pliance or upon the application of requirements for the hiring of local
or other area residents(e.g. those under the Public Works Employment
Act of 1977 and the Community Development block Grant Program).
ATTKcm--V T D Page w
Ensure that all facilities and company activities are nons
except that separate or sing
la-user toilet and necessary changing facilities
shall bt provided maintain a record ofeallesolicitations of offers for
o. Document and mai ain
subcontracts, from minority and female conaczyction contractoss and suppliers
including ci-rculation of solicitations to minority and female contractor
associations. of &11 supervisors' adherence
p. Conduct a review, at least annually,
to and ssformaace under the Contractor' • EEO policies and atfir�ative
action obligations• articipate in voluntary associations
S. Contractors are encouraged to p
' which assist in fulfilling one or more of their affirmative.action joint
Ii ations (7a through p). The efforts of a contractor assoeatiof which
g or other similar group
contractos-union, concractor-cocrosua=tics ant, may be asserted as ful'
the contractor is a member and a p obligation under 7a through p of thew
filling any one or more of its artici aces in '
filling ations provided that the contractor active appositive
the group, makes every effort to assure that the g: p an-
impact on the emploTment of minorities anzOgrsmnare reflected in� the
sures that the concrete benefits of the p S makes a food
Contractor' s minority and fema'.e vorkeandztimetables, and can pro
faith effort to meet its individual goals
vide access to doc,�encacioa which demonscrThesobli obligation to effectiveness
actions taken an behalf of the Contractor. The g to fulfill
however, is is the Contractor' s, and failure of such a group I:jnce.
an obligation shall not be a defense for the Contractozoalnforwomen
9. A single goal for minorities and a separate single required CO provide
have been- established. The Contractor, however, is zeq
equal employoene opportunity and to take affirmative action for all
4 and all women, both minority
minority groups, both =ale and female, be is violation
and non-minority. Consequently, the Contractor may
group is employed is a substanti;lay
of the Executive Order if a particular even though the Contractor has achieved
disparate manner (for example, the Contractor �y also be in violation
its goals for vaaen generally, of women is under-
of the Executive Order if a specific minority group
utilized. ) oals and timetables or af!i:---stave
10. The Contractor shall not use the 8
action standards to discriminate against any p erson because of race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin.
11. The Contractor shall not enter into any Subcontract with any p
firs debarred from Govert�ent contracts pursuant to Executivs Order
or alties for
11246. out such sanctions and p en
12. The Contractor shall carry d of the Equal Opportunity Clause,
violation of these specifications an
suspension, ter^�ination and cancellatisCOnt acts on of ax
including p pursuant to Execution Order 11246, as
as may be imposed or ordered p ulacions , by the Office of Federal
amended, and its ze8
Any Contractor who fails to cals
Contract Compliance ?rograms. ha ll be in violation of these Specification
such sanctions and penalties sha ecificatioes
and Executive Order 11246, as amended obligations under these sp
13. She Contractor, in fulfilling at least as extensive
shall implement specific sffi:-nacive action steps ,
f including upgrading programs and apprenticeship and trainee programs
relevant to the Contractor's employment needs, especially those pro-
grams funded or approved by the Department of Labor. The Contractor
shall provide notice of these programs to the sources complied under
7b above.
:f. Disseminace.the Contractor'a EEO policy by providing notice of the-
policy by providing notice of the policy to unions and training programs
and requesting their cooperation in assisting the Contractor in meeting
its -U-0 obligations; by including it in any policy manual and collective
bargaining agreement; by publicizing it in the company newspaper, annual
report, ate. by specific review of the policy with`all management personnel
and with all minority and female employees at least once a rear, and by
posting the company EEO policy on bulletin boards accessible to all
employees at each location where construction work is performed.
X. Review, ac least annually, the Company's EEO policy and affirmative
action obligations under these specifications with all employees having
any responsibility for hiring, assignment, layoff, termination or other
employment decisions including specific review of these terms with on-
site supervisory personnel such as Supertendents , General Foremen, etc. ,
prior to the 'initiation of construction work at any job site. A written
record shall be made and maintained identifying the time and place of
these meetings , persons attending, subject matter discussed, and dis-
position of the subject matter.
h. Disseminate the ,Contractor's EEO policy externally by including
it in any advertising in. the news media, specifically including minority.
and female news media, and providing written notification to and discussing
the Contractor' s EEO policy with other Contractors and Subcontractors with
whom the Contractor does or anticipates doing business.
i. Direct its recruitment efforts , both oral and written, to minority,
female and community organizations , to schools with minority and female
students and to minority and female recruitment and training organizations
serving the Contractor's recruitment area and employment needs. Not later
than one month prior to the date for the acceptance of applications for
apprenticeship or other training by any recruitment source, the Con-
tractor shall send written notification to organizations such as the
above, describing the openings , screening procedures, and tests to be
used in the selection process.
j. Encourage present minority and female employees to recruit other
minority persons and women and, where reasonable, provide after school,
s,,—ar and vacation employment to minority and female youth both on the
site and in other areas of a Contractor' s workforce.
k. Validate all tests and other selection requirements where there is
an obligation to do so under 41 M. part 60-3.
1. Conduct, at least annually, an inventory and evaluation at least
of all minority and femal personnel for promotional opportunities
and encourage these employees to seek or to prepare for, through approp-
riate training, etc. , such opportunities.
m. Ensure that seniority practices, job classifications, work Assign-
ments and other personnel practices, do noc have a discriminatory effect
by continually monitoring all personnel and employment related activities
to ensure that the EEO policy and the Contractor's obligations under
these specifications are being carried out.
01001 In 'I I
AVIAC'HMn Dr Page 2 ..
As Contractor is expected to make substantially uniform progress toward '
its goals in each craft during the period specified.
S. Neither the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, nor
the failure by t union with whom the Contractor has a collective bargaing
agreement, to refer either minorities or women shall excuse the Contractor's
obligations under these specifications, Executive Order 11246, or the
regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
f. In order for the nonworking training hours of apprentices and trainees
to be counted in meeting the goals, such apprentices and trainees must
be employed by the Contractor during the training period, and the Con-
tractor must have made a committment to =play the apprentices and trainees
at the completion of their training, subject to the availability of asa-
ployment opportunities. Trainees must be trained pursuant- to training
programs approved by the U.S. Department of Labor.
7. The Contractor shall take specific affirmative actions to ensure equal
employment opportunity. The evaluation of the Contractor' s compliance
with these specifications shall be based upon its effort to achieve max-
i=um results from its actions. The Contractor shall document these efforts
fully, and shall implement affirmative action steps at least as extensive
as the following:
a. Ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment, in-
timidation, and coercion at all sites , and in all facilities at which
the Contractor's emp:oyees are assigned to work. The Contractor, where
possible, will assign two or more women to each construction project.
The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foremen, superintendents,
a.,d other on-site su*e rJisory personnel are aware of and carry out the
Contractor' s obligation to maintain such a working environment, with,
specific attention to =Mority or female individuals working at such
sites or in such facilities. -
b. Establish and maintain a current list of minority and female recruit-
ment sources , provide written notification to minority and female recruit-
ment sources and to :=unity organizations when the Contractor or its
unions have employxeftt opportunities available, and maintain a record of the
organization' s responses.
c. maintain a current file of the names , addresses and telephone numbers
of each minority and female off-the-street applicant and minority or female
referral from a union, a recruitment source or coc=unity organization
and of what action was taken with respect to each such individual. If
such individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and was
not referred back to the Contractor by the union or, if referred, not
employed by the Contractor, this shall be documented in the file with
the reason therefor, along with whatever additional actions the Con-
tractor may have taken.
d. Provide i=ediate written notification to the Director when the union
or unions with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agree-
ment has not referred to the Contractor a minority person or woman sent
by the Contractor, or when the Contractor has other information that
o0wtha union referral process has izpeded the-Contractor's efforts to meet
its obligations.
e. Develop on-'the-Job training opportunity and/or participate in train-
ing programs for the area which expressly include minorities and women,
Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Specifications
(Executive Order 11246)
As used in these specifications:
a. "Covered area" means the geographical area described in tht
solicitation from which th is'contract resulted:
b. "Director" means director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Programs, United States Department of Labor, or any person to whom the
Director delegates authority.
C. "Employer identification number" means the Federal Social Security
number used on the Employers Quarterly Federal Tax Return, O.S.
Treasury Department Form 941
d. "Minority" includes :
(i) Black( all persons having. origins in any of the Black African
racial groups not of Hispanic origin) ;
(ii) Hispanic (all persons of Mexican. Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central
or South American or other Spanish Culture or origin, regardless
of race);
(iii) Asian and Pacific Islander ( all persons having origins in any
of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the
Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands); and
(iv) American Indian or Alaskan Native; All persons having origins
in any of the original peoples of North America and maintaining
identifiable tribal affiliations through membership and part-
icipation or community identification) .
2. Whenever the Contractor, or any Subcontractor at any tier, sub-
contracts a portions of the work involving any construction trade, it
shall physically include in each subcontract in excess of $10,000 the
provisions of these specifications and the Notice which contains the
applicable goals for minority and female• participation and' which is
set forth in the solicitations from which the contract resulted.
3. If the Contractor is participating (pursuant to 41 CFR 60-4. 5) in
a Hometown Plan approved by the U.S. Department of Labor in the covered
area either individually or through an association, its affi-...s cave
action obligations on all work in the Plan area (including goals and
timetables) shall be in accordance with that Plan for those trades which
have unions participating in the Plan. Contractors must be able to
demonstrate their participation in and compliance with the provisions
of any such Hometown Plan. Each Contractor or Subcontractor participating
in an approved Plan is individually required to comply with its obligations
• under the EEO clause, and to make a good faith effort to achieve each
goal under the Plan in each trade in which it has employees. The over
all good faith perforsance by other Contractors or Subcontractors
toward a goal in an approved Plan does not excuse any covered Contractor' s
or Subcontractor' s . failure to make good faith efforts to achieve the
Plan goals and timetables.
4. The Contractor shall implement the specific affir-sative action standards
provided in paragraphs 7a through p of these specifications. The goals
1 set forth in the solicitation from which this contract resulted are
expressed as percentages of the total hours of employment and training
of minority and female utilization the Contractor should reasonably be
able to achieve in each construction trade in which it has employees
in the covered area.
• EOTM-7
tTTaCR'L'rT_-- Paga 2
Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.
(7) The contractor will include the portion of the sentence
Immediately preceding paragraph (1) and the provisions of paragraphs
(1) through (7) in gvary subcontract or purchase order unless extupted
by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Libor issued
pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24,
1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor
or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any
subcontract or purchase order as the administering agency may direct
as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for non-
compliance: Provided however; Thit in the event a contractor becomes
involved in, or is threatened with litigation with a subcontractor
or vendor as a result of such direction by the administering agency,
the contractor say request the Cnited States to enter into such
litigation to protect the interests of the United States .
The applicant further agrees that it will be bound by the above
equal opportunity clause with respect to its own employment practices
when it participates in federally assisted construction work: Provided
That if the applicant so partici;ating is a State or local goverment
the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to any agency.
instruaentalitY or subdivision of such gove^-ent which does not
participace in work on or under the contract.
The applicant agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively
with the administering agency and the Secretary of Libor is obtaining
the compliance of contracr.ors .and subcontractors with the equal
opportunity clause and the rules , regulations , and relevant orders
of the Secretary of Labor. that it will furnish the adainistering/
agency and the Secretary of Libor such information as they may require
for the supervision of such compliance, and that it will other- se
assist the administering agency in the discharge of the agency' s
pr•;=ary responsibilities for secaring c=pliar,ce.
The applicant further agrees that it will refrain fr= entering
into any contract or contract modification sub;ect to Executive
Order 11246 of Septe=3er 24,1965, with a contractor debarred from, or
,who. has not deaonstra:ed eligibility for , Gover=ent contracts and
federally assisted const.—action contracts pursuant to the Executive
order and wil•1 carry out such sanctions and penalities for violation
of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and
subcontractors by the administering agency or the Secretary of Labor
pursuant to Part I1, Subpart D of the Executive order. In addition.
the applicant agrees that if it fails or refuses to 'c=ply with
these undertakings, the administering agency nay take any or all of
the following actions: Cancel , te:=inate, or suspend in whole or in
par: this grant (contract , loan, insurance, r.:arantee) : refrain from
extending any further assistance to the applicant under the program
with respect to which the failure or re_°und occured until satisfactory
assurance of future compliance has been received from such applicant ;
and refer the case to the Departxent of Justice for appropriate
legal proceedings. ,
The applicant agrees that it will isicorporate or cause to be in-
corporstad into any contract for construction work, or siodificution
thereof, -as defined in the regulations of the Secretary of Labor at
41 Cn Chapter 60, which is paid for is whole or in part with funds
obtained from the Federal Goverttmant or borriwed on the credit of ,
the Federal Coverament pursuant to a grant contract, lose, insurance, .
or guarantee, or undertaken pursuant to any Federal program involving
such a grant, cont=act, loan, insurance, or guarantee, the following
equal opportun.it7 clause:
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees
as follows: .
(1) The contractor will not discriminate against anT emploTee
or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex,
or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to
ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated
during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex,
or aational origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to
the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruit-
ment or recrui=en: advertising, layoff or taraination; rates of pay,
or other forms of compensation; and selection for training,including
• apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places ,
available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be
provided sctting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
(2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements
for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that
all qualified applicants will receive considera:icn for employment
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
(3) The contractor will send to each labor union or r4presentat4 a
of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or
other contract or understanding , a notice to be provided advising
the said labor union or workers ' representatives of the contractors'
caamit=ents under this section and shall post copies of the notice
in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for
(4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive
Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 , and of the rules , regulations , and
relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor.
(5) The contractor will furnish all inforgation and reports
required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by
rules , regulations , and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant
thereto, and will permit access to his books , records , and accounts
by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes
to ascertain compliance with such rules , regulations , and orders .
(6) In the event o: the contractor' s noncompliance with the
nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said
rules, regulations, or orders, this contract my be cancelled, termiaata=,
or suspended in whole or im part and the contractor say be declared
ineligible for turt-har Goverment crratzacts or federally assisted
construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized- in
Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions
may be imposed and remedies invoked as lationedornorderuofvche der 11246
of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regu
- EOTM-5
•►►462 or rVoCnA►co■ve a4T co"OUJAf-ca resranis"s
fRranr+r f" Fein!Re ester. YoL me Ij.Ab Sd - F�sc.'1t. Mct•3. l9yd.l�e3 19d73_191y�1
• cook end sataiaNO tt�anosrMS Areto-Grentiess/
*New of ass■.ef`r-alaP COMP&M W Ts.w.aie cal•�.�""e'e" am ::
r .�
�C■iaM Liao 1taiMOar.1LS as C3MS1'tLC'10N P"■w L 19"4efrt um at.am_ LS
r-s Aar I.II're VAL9 ta■I et.Iwo— I e 14 h+Aq We t'w%wn It arm are
P-4 Aa. 1.INC,SW leant tit.amt N ■t Id 001111114 We SPRisra■t am
t6erh er1 lt�ewal.a /t,r raa+eM ana atal..•"� V4101%tw
IerrT.uaa».. sue C■n4fal�rp.aa tq�rr■sq: At:CDttlitlSly. ApptadLtt 8 Of tbt �lotlo v4�
Issued on April 7. 197L(43 FR 24899) dsar•�c..� as
AOL-ICY: Offlcc of FederzJ Cantsart and corrected on kfay S 197L (43 FR "'o w"" `" 4i"• w ta.a K "T
CoapltaA= TrDCMCL.Labor. Ca v7 c+.+.�r K VWV % t K
241:7(end Appendix 8-2 of the notice t..f. ri a..-... �+* ar"r te. vl
A=OK Carreetlon. issued on March 2A 1VM(44 FR 171261 t'—'^°`^"R*%MM K An..
ens VT WV? K t■rrYl.
6C7vv.A>•Y. Th1s notice to a mrret• which established Soa1s for minority ar.a■...■o.
Una of the not,ee uLat:lsnuul to aJs utilization is the construction industry a'``te SAASA
and timetables for female nerd _'-:or• are hereby superseded. „a amio.al•loped••%.sew•LVOWM
fty uwaistlon for ecrs:ruetion con. A new Appendix 5-ao is bereby '-".W-A
W [ia■t W M-11111114-q MA .rye■: a&
tractors and 6ubcantra:.4rs sublet %4 issued as set forth below which shall s,,.ft ■.e,r,.,,s
Iatevtive Ordrf 1124E ss amended become effective on November Sal 19x0. i7C '-•43G FR 7231!. 32 FR 143031. Oared.September 30.1910` f.#a a■Aa W— 4s
177TC:I12 DATE May L 11:6. Ray MardmL r+•sr•�a
fraa wsa. . IeAw 1ww..
TOR MRT'}L'1M UNTO R14ATION SrQ-VUryoflrbar. M. sa WA ICON ACT. Joan N.Geary. �+c• is
t''t:La�t 1[ataond. Associate Dit•ee• VAdersocrirat7 its•-um-r a..a M. ..r.e.c
w W Cale■W M.w ftn I"
tar. OFCC?. 202-523-144;. Donald L Msbw%. $"$"a
AralrranrSecmiary.EmploymeMSmndort+s =5 PD.-Ore srr..e.ra�ttr-a0.A
• Adr.�vitror:on. sMsA r...e
Weldoe Revttas. 'is, p ~"°' Q L wooft
'P PL_t Y V�77.AP.Y Lam:P.MATION. D,'recrar.afrim of Federal Comma "V 1s
FR Doc. 11.0014 apoea.••at Lt 43 Grr;honce Pro;raau. wA.tar•.,.CWt
!� 1:846 tA�r:; t. 1171 al, :al`fe De?aft, App.edist0 caro•+cn.s■nra.■
>!-, a
went o! Labor published a notice es- Until frttltr riotite the folio»i la for 00 c°"'e rw�r
Lbhih_-IC goals and t,metsb.es for ^t:04 :2:7 .row•w-s►..al•cal+. ta._ ae
fetal!!• at+: mLlortty utU,.u•Ion for clnonty utlGsslioo ut e■r1i :onf Tvction craft CT ..Ar. CT ,,"Ortoo c- ..r,L
"T'S'ruet:on eontrze•.ors n b;ett to La. and nde shall be included in as Federal or 4•ell �-W�•ve"W T•M."w CT_ u
federally assisted cans-ruction contracts and C"""""
41tvUvt Calder 31246. as e_-lerldear The subc:n;rscu is eausa of 570.ot70 to be � �"°°�'°'�� `a
Aor'.1 7. I018. notice ecr.AL.ed Appen c kar.%&%=I+
4.% A which eiubli,shtd tcali Lad ti- perfwred in the respecnVe seatrsphiza u23 e•s++-r .MA ss
=r jbles for fe=alt utU:.a:ion and a-s+s 1''•1 foals art appl:csofe to ese.! soo n ,mow er seal`
A;;�end3= B whit-h taLbl:s`.ed nLs ncnextrr.pt cvntrsc-ar-t total ormte cT_ y
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Loa A rlu=bef of calms sale:t eon• '"ntlher at Oct part of that .•arklome is �'AWs� w• w e.LVC ..
U-6rit`d In the apperid)cts. Lid, bemuse perf:mirt,ark on a Federal.'ede-slly r•.or,or.„t M,M
ursced or nonfedsrally related pralem rT-••e
the aDOer+drees are a:pet:et: Lo be used m1�
Oro-stantl> p1' prWurentnt offlctfs aont.•tct or °nceet
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lt11I ss Carrccted. parit_;at:ng in en a;proved Horr.e(awn Plan �• A&•al+ wed warow wv •T ww.
(see 41 CSR 54-431 are rpui.-td to oom sr."T S-'•'°K ^'
Dated, AorU 23. 1976. w1th_he Scala of:„e Ho:Ielown Plan� r QowwtcO'- Zo%,.K „f• ttT,e off !e
R'C..ecr J Rarc%A , rnard to construction worn they perform in PW&*%r 6...e••.r-+w yT snw
tae arts =%ered by the Hometown Plan. 44•••MT••r•••t•n+WLftrge•a Val air►
Director, OfCCl' With retard to an their other ci vered on' "'1411111% .
..rte fR:
cor.1.^action -or*- rich cm-Zactors ere I&OU x814•"
eryuirsd to comply wsL'f tal4e applicable S�tSA also s"°'�.wed le
of EA goal contained in this appendix 6•aa OW AW-0.qT__ I as
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[XM1e1T V
1. Tw Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the 'Equal Opportunity Clause' and the
'Standard Federal Equal E;ployment Opportunity Wstruction Contract Specifications' set
forth herein.
2. jhe goals- end timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentaye
terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in
the covered area, are as folla+s:
Coals for minority Goals for female
Tisretables participation for participation in
each trade •' each trade ••
These goals art applicable to all the Contractor's construction work performed in the
covered area, whether or not it is federally assisted.
The Contractor's carrpliance with the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-
4 shall be based on its irplarentation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affir-mtive
action obligations required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60.4.3(a), and is
efforts to meet; the goals established for the geographical area where the contract resulting
frm this solicitation is to be performed. The hours of minority and female eJrployment
and training must be substantially uniform throughout the ler+gt'+ of the contract, and in.
eyeh trade, and t!e eont:ractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities and
ww n evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or fenhale erployees or
trainees frm Contractor to Contractor or from protect to protect for the sole purpsve of
meeting the Contractor's goals stall be a violation of the can-act, the Executive Order
and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compliance with t. goals will be measured against
the total work Avers performed.
3. 'are Contractor shall provide written notification to the Director of the Office of Federal
Contract Ompliance Pregrams within 10 working days of award of any constriction subcontract
in excess of $10,000 at any tier for construction work under the contract resulting frsn
this solicitation. Z* notification stall list the rwm, address and telephone number of
the subcontractor; erployer identification number; estimated dol:ar amount of the sub=
tract; estimated starting and corpletion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical
area in which the contract is two be performed.
4. As used 'in this Notice, and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the 'covered
area' is (insert description of the geu3raphical areas where the contract is to be performred
giving the state, county and city, if any).
. �vot}a�9e ts•>e�
In addition. all contractors and subcontractors subject to the Federal
•f"*Up bid Conditions are required to file he standarditation57. The
instructions for tiling this Monthly Employment 0
to as follow:
The report is to be Completed by each subject contractor
(both prime and subcontractors). signed by a responsible official
of the company. sndjiled by the fifth day of each month during
the term of the contract. beginning the effective date of the
contract. The report includes the total work hours worked for
each er+ployee level in each designated -trade for t*e sntire ate
reporting period. The contractor suSmits a report for its agi re g
work force on all federally-funded or assisted construction
contracts and all non-Federal construction work within the
particular Sid Condition area. and collects froc+ subcontracts
performing work on a Federally-assisted construction project t`eir
i»dividual SF-:57 reports of aggregate workforce in the bid
Condition area. and submits then with its own report to: '
Assistant Regional Administrator
l - -
Office of. Federal Contract compliance progrssis
U.S. Department of Labor
irk Federal luilding. Room 1b12C
3ostoa. Missachusette 02203
To obtain the current SF-257 Cali (617) 223-1491--
Subcontractors should not individually submit these reports
directly to "VU-
b. Attach to the Standard Fors 257 a one time listing of all
Federally-funded or assisted contracts within the particular
lid Condition area by agency, contract and/or project number
location dollar volume, percent completed. completi7n date.
and a siilar listing of all non-Federal work being perfomt d
in that area. Monthly reports, thereafter should only include
a listing of new contracts (both Federal and non•Federal)
received and current contracts completed.
e. Label the final report for a contractor or subcontractor
d. Snter your employer identification Number (Federal Social
• Security number used on the Employers Quarterly Tax Return.
O.S. Treasury Department Form 941) 11% item I of the Standard
Yom 257.
• e.' Kinority is defined as including Blacks. Fispanica. &signs/
pacific Islanders and American Indians.
to The procedure for &&signing OFCCP identification numbers to _ •
each contract awarded has been cancelled. and the project naves R `
Ord OFCCP number are vo longer required to be reported an
the SF-257.
prepared by the FFAZO Divieiamr
Boston Area Officce BUD
These instructions are provided to assist you' le eomplying v;th certain
solicitation. contract. subcontract. and reporting requirements of
Executive Order 11246 (employment of minorities and women) relating
to FUD-assisted construction contracts in excess of =10.000.
Solicitation. Contract, and Subcontract Doctments
Attachment A is the "Notice of Requirement for Affirmative Action to
Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (11246)."
Attachment S contains the Equal Opportunity clause.
Attachment C contains the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity
Construction Contract Specifications."
All three of these attachments must be in all solicitations for
offers for bids. and in K D-assisted contracts and contracts resulting
from solicitation. ,
Reporting •' i
Within 10 working days of the award of a contract or subcontract in
excess of i10.00D a "Notice of 'Award of Construction Contract (or Subeoatrset.
:oust be sent to the two offices tsned below. We have included sample
tomato for this notice of contracts and subcontracts.You may devise
other tomato as long as they contain the same information. Submission
j of a "Notice of Award of Construction Contract" is the responsibility
of the assisted agency. Submission of "Notice of Award of Subcontract"is
_ = the responsibilty of the contractor.
tend The Notice to:
Deputy Contract Compliance Officer/
Director- Regional Office of Fair Housing and Lgv,sl Opportunity
V.S. department of HE'D
JFX Federal building, Room 510
3oston, Massachusetts 02203
Assistant Regional Administrator
Office of Federal Contract Corpliance h ograms
V.S. Department of Labor
J K Federal building, Room 1612C
=oston.' Massachusetts 02203
60,154 tawsana Keguiatlons 2.16-79
Secretary of Labor and to furnish the Secretary such information and assist.
ance as the Secretary may require in the performance of the Secretary's
functions under this Order.'
"(b) In the event an applicant fails and refuses to comply with the
applicant's undertakings pursuant to this Order. the Secretary of Iibor sway.
after consulting with the administering department or agency. take any or all Af
of the following actions: (1) direct any administering department or agency to
cancel, terminate. or suspend in whole or in part the agreement. contract or
other arrangement with such applicant with respect to which the failure or
refusal occurred; (2) direct any administering department or agency to refrain
from extending any further assistance to the applicant under the program with
respect to which the failure or refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of
future compliance has been received by the Secretary of Labor from such
applicant; and (3) refer the case to the Department of Justice or the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission for appropriate law enforcement or
other proceedings.".
"(c) In no case shall action be taken with respect to an applicant pursuant
to clause (1) or (2) of subsection (b) without notice and opportunity for
1-214. Section 401 of Executive Order No. 11246. as amended. is amend.
ed to read:
"Sec. 401.The Secretary of Labor may delegate to any officer, agency. or
employee in the Executive branch of the Government. any function or duty of
the Secretary under Parts II and Ill of this Order.-.
1-3. General Prvvisionr. .
1-301. The •transfers or ream4rinvrnts provided by Section 1-1 of this
Order shall take effect at such time or times as the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget shall determine. The Director shall ensure that all
such transfers or reassignmenu take effect within 60 days.
1-302. The conforming amendments provided by Section 1-2 of this
Order shall take efI'cct on October 8. 1978. except that, with respect to those
agencies identified in Section 1-101 of this Order, the conforming amend-
ments shall be effective on the effective date of the transfer or reassignment of
functions as specified pursuant to Section 1-301 of this Order.
THE WHrrt; Houst,
October J. J978.
pended absolutely or continuance of contracts may be conditioned upon a
program for future compliance approved by the Secretary of Libor.%
1-209. In order to reflect the transfer from the agencies to the Secre-
tary of Labor of the enforcement functions, substitute "Secretary of Labor"
for "each contacting agency" in Section 209(b) of Executive Order No.
1 1246. as amended, so that Section 209(b) is amended to,read
"(b) Pursuant to rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of
Labor. the Secretary shall make reasonable efforts. within a reasonable time
limitation, to secure compliance with the contract provisions of this Order by
methods of conference. conciliation. mediation. and persuasion before pro.
ceedings shall be instituted under subsection (a)(2) of this Section.or before a
contract shall be cancelled or terminated in whole or in part under subsection
(a)(5) of this Section.%
1-210. In order to reflect the responsibility of the contracting agencies
for prompt compliance with the directions of the Secretary of labor. Sections
210 and 211 of Executive Order No. 11246. as amended. are amended to
read: -
"Sec. 210. Whenever the Secretary of Libor makes a determination
under Section 209. the Secretary shall promptly notify the appropriate agency.
The agency shall take the action directed by the Secretary and shall report the
results of the action it has taken to the Secretary of Libor within such time as
the Secretary shall specify. if the contracting agency fails to take the action
directed within thirty days. the Secretary may take the action directly.".
"Sec. 211. If the Secretary of Labor shall so direct. contracting agen-
cies shall not enter into contracts with any bidder or prospective contractor
unless the bidder or prospective contactor has satisfactorily complied with the
provisions of this Order or submits a program for compliance acceptable to
the Secretary of labor.".
1-211. Section 212 of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended. is
amended to read:
"Sec. 212. When a contrart has been cancelled or terminated under
Section 209(a)(5) or a contractor has been debarred from further Government
contracts under Section 209(a)(6) of this Order, because of noncompliance
with the contract provisions specified in Section 202 of this Order. the Secre-
tary of Labor shall promptly notify the Compuoller General of the United
1-212. In order to reflect the transfer of enforcement responsibility to
the Secretary of Libor, references to the administering department or agency
are deleted in clauses (1). (2), and (3) of Section 301 of Executive Order No.
1 1246. as amended, and those clauses are amended to read:
"(1) to assist and cooperate actively with the Secretary of Labor in obtain-
ing the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with those contract
provisions and with the rules, regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary,
(2) to obtain and to furnish to the Secretary of Labor such information as the
Secretary may require for the supervision of such compliance. (3) to carry out
sanctions and penalties for violation of such obligations imposed upon con-
tractors and subcontractors by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part 11.
Subpart D. of this Order.".
1-213. In order to reflect the transfer from the agencies to the Secretary
of Labor of the enforcement functions "Secretary of Labor"shall be substitut-
ed for "administering department or agency" in Section 303 of Executive
Order No. 11246. as amended, and Section 303 is amended to read:
**Sec. 303(a). The Secretary of Labor shall be responsible for obtaining
the compliance of such applicants with their undertakings under this Order.
Each administering department and agency is directed to cooperate with the
e 1979 P-H Inc.EEO Compliance mama—See Cmu ttdemumt Table for tatest ds.etorrm is 186,151
-�. - EE0E0___ _ -
Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965. so that such provisions
will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take
such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be
directed br the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions
including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided. however, that in the event the
contractor becomes involved in. or is threatened with, litigation with a subcon-
tractor or vendor as a result of such direction. the contractor may request the
Uni:ed States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the
United States."".
1-202. In subsection (c) of Section 203 of Executive Order No.
11246. as amended. delete "contracting agency" in the proviso and substitute
"Secretary of Libor"therefor.
1-203. In both the beginning and end of subsection (d) of Section
• 203 of Executive Order No. 11246. as amended, delete"contracting agency or
the"in the phrase "contracting agency or the Secretary".
1-204. Section 205 of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended. is
amended by deleting the last two sentences. which dealt with agency designa-
tion of compliance officers. and revising the rest of that Section to read:
"Sec. 205. The Secretary of Libor shall be responsible for securing
compliance by all Government contractors and subcontractors with this Order
and any implementing rules or regulations. All contracting agencies shall
comply with the terms of this Order and any implementing rules. regulations.
or orders of the Secretary of Labor. Contracting agencies shall cooperate with
the Secretary of labor and shall furnish such information and assistance as the
Secretary may require.".
1-205. In order to delete references to the contracting agencies
conducting investigations. Section 206 of Executive Order No. 11246 as
amended, is amended to read:
"Sec. 206. (a) The Secretary of Labor may investigatto the employ.
ment practices of any Go,.ernment contractor or subcontractor to determine
whether or not the contractual provisions specified in Section 202 of this
Order have been violated. Such investigation shall be conducted in accordance
with the procedures established by the Secretary of Labor.
"(b) The Secretary of Labor may receive and investigate complaints
by employees or prospective employees of a Government contractor or sub-
contractor which allege discrimination contrary to the contractual provisions
specified in Section 202 of this Order.".
1-206. In Section 207 of Executive Order No. 11246. as amended.
delete"contracting agencies, other" in the first sentence.
1-207. The introductory clause in Section 209(a) of Executive Order
No. 11246, as amended, is amended by deleting "or the appropriate contract-
ing agency" from "In accordance with such rules, regulations, or orders as the
Secretary of Labor may issue or adopt. the Secretary or the appropriate
contracting agency may:".
1-208. In paragraph (5) of Seaion 209(a) of Executive Order No.
11246, as amended. insert at the beginning the phrase "After consulting with
the contracting agency, direct the contracting agency to", and at the end of
paragraph (5) delete "contracting agency" and substitute therefor "Secretary
of Labor"so that paragraph (5) is amended to read:
"(5) After consulting with the contracting agency. direct the contracting
agency to cancel, terminate. suspend. or awe to be cancelled, terminated. or
suspended, any contract, or any portion or portions thereof. for failure of the
contractor or subcontractor to comply with equal employment opportunity
provisions of the contract Contracts may be cancelled, terminated. or sus-
586,151 Executive Order 12086(43 F.R.46501,
Executive Order 12086 • October 5, 1978
Consolidation of Contract Cotnpriance Functions for Equal Employment Opportttttity '
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and
statutes of the United States of America, including Section 202 of the Budget
and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 5810, in order to provide
for the transfer"to the Department of Labor of certain contract compliance
functions relating to equal employment opportunity. is is hereby ordered as
1-1. TreWfer of Fa Maim
1-10). The functions concerned with being primarily responsible for the
enforcement of the equal employment opportunity provisions under Pau U
and III of Executive Order No. 11246, as amended. are transferred or real•
signed to the Secretary of Libor from the following agencies: ;•
(a) Department of the Treasury.
(b) Department of Defense.
(c) Department of the Interior.
(d) Department of Commerce.
(e) Department of Health. Education,and Welfare.
M Department of Housing and Uban Development.
(g) Department of Transportation.
(h) Department of Energy.
6) Environmental Protection Agency.
0) General Services Administration. • .
(R) Small Business Administration.
1-102. The records, property, personnel and positions. and unexpended
balances of appropriations or funds related to the functions trannferred or
reassigned by this Order, that are availtb:e and necessary to fuunce or dis.
charge thuce functions,are transferred to the Secretary of Labor.
1-103. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall make
such determinations, issue such orders. and tale all actions necessary or
appropriate to effectuate the transfers or reassignments provided by this
Order, including the transfer of funds, records, pruperty. and personnel.
1-2. Conform►ng Anrrndmmh to Ewuthv Order No I12,f6.
1-201(a). In order to'reflect.the transfer of enforcement responsibility io
the Secretary of Labor. Section 201 of Executive Order No.-11246, as amersd-
ed, is amended to read:
"Sec. 201. The Secretary of Labor shall be responsible for the administra-
tion and enforcement of Parts 11 and 111 of this Order. The Secretary shall
adopt such rules and regulations and issue such orders as are deemed netts.
sary and appropriate to achieve the purposes of Parts 11 and lit of this
(b) Paragraph (7) of the contract clauses specified in Section 202 of
Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, is amended to read;
"(7) The contractor will include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through
(7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules. regula-
tions. or orders of the SecretmT of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of
•1979 P-H Iw.EEO compt;.a a Ma&.W—in Gvu Waums TsbW for Wm deoelopi S 8br151
tions. and other directives issued by the President's Committee on Equal-
Employment Opportunity and those issued by the heads of various departments
or agencies under or pursuant to any of the executive orders superseded by this
"`" order, sho11.to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this order. remain
i in fuD force and effect unless and until revoked or superseded by appropriate
authority. References In such directives to provisions of the superseded orders
shall be deemed to be references to.the comparable provisions of this order.
,.SEC. 404. The General Services Administration shall take appropriate
action to revise the standard Government contract forms to accord with the
provisions of this order and of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of
Labor. -
SEC. 405. This order sh&U become effective 30 days after the date,of this
order: .
September 24.1965
SEC. 303 (a) The Secretary of Labor shall be responsible for obtaining the
compliance of such applicants with their undertakings under this Order. Each
.� administering department and agency is directed to cooperate with the Secretary
of Labor, and to furnish the Secretary such information and assistance as the
Secretary may require in the performance of functions under this Order.
(b) In the event an applicant fails and refuses to comply with the applicant's
undertakings pursuant to this Order, the Secretary of Labor may, after consult=
ing with the administering department or agency,take any or all of the following
actions: (1) direct any administering department or agency to cancel,terminate,
or suspend in"whole or in part the agreement, contract or other arrangement with
such applicant with respect to which the failure or refusal occurred; (2) direct
any administering department or agency to refrain from extending any further
assistance to the applicant under the program with respect to which the failure or
refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been re-
ceived by the Secretary of Labor from such applicant; and (3) refer the case to
the Department of Justice or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
for appropriate law enforcement or other proceedings."
(c) In no case shall action be taken with respect to an applicant pursuant to
clause(1)or(2)of subsection(b)without notice and opportunity for hearing.
SEC. 304. Any executive department or agency which imposes by rule,
regulation. or order requirements of nondiscrimination in employment. other
than requirements imposed pursuant to this order, may delegate to the
Secretary of Labor by agreement such responsibilities with respect to compli-
ance standards,reports, and procedures as would tend to bring the administra-
tion of such requirements into conformity with the administration of require-
ments imposed under this order: Provided,That actions to effect compliance by
recipients of Federal financial assistance with requirements imposed pursuant
to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 shall be taken in conformity with the
procedures and limitations prescribed in section 602 thereof and the regula-
tions of the administering department or agency issued thereunder.
SEC. 401. The Secretary of Labor may delegate to any officer, agency, or
employee in the Executive branch of the Government, any function or duty of
the Secretary under Parts II and III of this Order.
SEC. 402.The Secretary of Labor shall provide administrative support for
the execution of the program known as the"Plans of Progress."
SEC. 403. (a) Executive Orders Nos. 10590 (Jan. 28, 1955). 10722 (Aug. S.
1957). 10925(Mar.6. 1961). 11114(June 22. 1963).and 11162(July 25.1964), are
hereby superseded and the President's Committee on Equal Employment
Opportunity established by Executive Order No. 20925 is hereby abolished. All
records and property in the custody of the committee shell be transferred to the
Civil Service Commission and the Secretary of Labor. as appropriate.
(b) Nothing In this order shall be deemed to relieve any person of any
obligation assumed or imposed under or pursuant to any executive order
superseded by this order. All rules,regulations, orders, instructions. desigaa-
® 1979 P-H Inc. EEO Compliance Manual—See Cross Reference Table for latest developments 1 85,101
SEC. 214.Any certificate of merit may at any time be suspended or revoked .
by the Secretary of Labor if the holder thereof,in the judgment of the Secretary.
has failed to comply with the provisions of this order.
SEC. 215. The Secretary of Labor may provide for the exemption of any
�- employer. labor union. or other agency from any reporting requirements
imposed under or pursuant to this order if such employer.labor union,or other.
agency has been awarded a certificate of merit which has not been suspended
or revoked.
SEC.301.Each executive department and agency which administers a pro-
gram involving Federal financial assistance shall require as a condition for the
approval of any grant. contract, loan. insurance; or guarantee thereunder.
which may involve a construction contract. that the applicant for-Federal-
assistance undertake and agree to incorporate. or cause to be incorporated.
into all construction contracts paid for in whole or in part with funds obtained
from the Federal Government or borrowed on the credit of the'Federal
Government pursuant to such grant. contract. loan. insurance. or guarantee.
or undertaken pursuant to any Federal program involving such grant,contract.
loan, insurance, or guarantee, the provisions prescribed for Govemment ,
contracts by section 202 of this order or such modification thereof, preserving
in substance the contractor's obligations thereunder, as may be approved by
the Secretary of Labor, together with such additional provisions as the
Secretary deems appropriate to establish and protect the interest of the United ,
States in the enforcement of those obligations. Each such applicant shall also '.
undertake and agree: (1) to assist and cooperate actively with the Secretary of
La%.or in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with those
contract provisions and with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the
Secretary; (2) to obtain and to furnish to the Secretary of Labor such information
as the Secretary may require for the supervision of such compliance; (3) to carry
out sanctions and penalties for violation of such obligations imposed upon con-
tractors and subcontractors by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to part 11, Subpart
D, of this Order; and (4) to refrain from entering into any contract subject to this
order, or extension or other modification of such a contract with a contractor
debarred from Government contracts under part II,subpart D.of this order.
SEC. 302. (a) "Construction contract" as used in this order means any
contract for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension,
or repair of buildings.highways.or other improvements to real property.
(b) The provisions of part I1 of this order shall apply to such construction
contracts, and for purposes of such application, the administering department
or agency shall be considered the contracting agency referred to therein.
(c) The term "applicant" as used in this order means an applicant for
Federal assistance or, as determined by agency regulation, other program
participant,with respect to whom an application for any grant.contract,loan.
Insurance. or guarantee is not finally acted upon prior to the effective date of
this part.and it includes such an applicant after he becomes a recipient of such
Federal assistance.
the Secretary of Labor as the case maybe.
(S) After consulting with the contracting agency, direct the contracting
agency to cancel, terminate, suspend, or cause to be cancelled, terminated, or
suspended any contract, or any portion os portions thereof, for failure of the
tom'" contractor or subcontractor to comply with the equal employment opportunity
provisions of the contract. Contracts may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended
absolutely or continuance of contracts may be conditioned upon a program for
future compliance approved by the Secretary of Labor.
(6) Provide that any contracting agency shall refrain from entering Into
further contracts. or extensions or other modifications of existing contracts. .
with any noncomplying contractor, until such contractor has satisfied the
Secretary of Labor that such contractor has established and will carry.out
personnel and employment policies in compliance with the provisions of this
(b) Pursuant to rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor.
Secretary shall make reasonable efforts. within a reasonable time limitation, to
secure compliance with the contract provisions of this Order by methods of con-
Terence, conciliation, mediation. and persuasion before proceedings shall be insti.
toted under subsection (a)(2) of this Section, or before a contract shall be cancel-
led or terminated in whole or in part under subsection(a)(S)of this Section. .
Sec. 210. Whenever the Secretary of Labor makes a determination under
Section 209, the Secretary shall promptly notify the appropriate agency. The
agency shall take the action directed by the Secretary and shall report the results
of the action it has taken to the Secretary,of Labor within such time as the
Secretary shall specify. If the contracting agency fails to take the action directed
within thirty days,the Secretary may take the action directly.
SEC. 211. If the Secretary of Labor shall so direct, contracting agencies
shall not enter into contracts with any bidder or prospective contractor unless the
bidder or prospective contractor has satisfactorily complied with the provisions
of this Order or submits a program for compliance acceptable to the Secretary of
Labor. -
SEC. 212. When a contract has been cancelled or terminated under Section
209(a)(5) or a contractor has been debarred from further Government contracts
under Section 209(a)(6) of this Order, because of noncompliance with the eon-
tract provisions specified in Section 202 of this Order. the Secretary of Labor
shall promptly notify the Comptroller General of the United States.
Subpart E—Certificates of Merit
SEC. 213. 7be Secretary of Labor may provide for issuance of a U.S. Cov-
ernment certificate of merit to employers or labor unions, or other agencies
which are or may hereafter be engaged in work under Coverament contracts,if
the Secretary is satisfied that the personnel and employment practices of the
employer, or that the personnel, training, apprenticeship, membership. griev-
ance and representation, upgrading, and other practices and policies of the
labor union or other agency conform to the purposes and provisions of this
m 1979 P-H Inc. EEO Compliance Manual—Soe Cross Rcference Table for latest d"clopments gS,101
__.� - EEOEO-5- - _ -
(b) The Secretary of Labor may receive and investigate complaints by em-
ployees or prospective employees of a Government contractor or subcontractor
which allege discrimination contrary to the contractual provisions specified in
Section 202 of this Order.
SEC. 207. The Secretary of Labor shall use his best efforts, directly and through
interested Federal. State, and local agencies, contractors, and all other available
instrumentalities to cause any labor union,engaged in work under Government
contracts or any agency referring workers or providing or supervising apprentice-
ship or training for or in the course of such work to cooperate in the implementa-
tion of the purposes of this order. The Secretary of Labor shall, in appropriate
cases, notify the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Department of
Justice, or other appropriate Federal agencies whenever it has reason to believe
that the practices of any such labor organization or agency violate Titles VI or V11 ,
of the Civil Rights Act of 1963 or other provision of Federal law. ;
SEC. 208. (a)The Secretary of Labor. or any agency, officer. or employee
in the executive branch of the Government designated by rule, regulation, or
order of the Secretary. may hold such hearings, public'or private. as the .
Secretary may deem advisable for compliance, enforcement. or educational
(b) The Secretary of Labor may hold. or cause to be held. 'hearings in
accordance with subsection(a) of this section prior to imposing. ordering. or
recommending the imposition of penalties and sanctions under this order. No
order for debarment of any contractor from further Government contracts
under section 209(x)(6) shall be made without affording the contractor an
opportunity for a hearing.
Subpart D—Sanctions and Penalties
SEC. 209. (a) In accordance with such rules, regulations. or orders as the
Secretary of Labor may issue or adopt,the Secretary may:
(1) Publish, or cause to be published, the names of contractors or unions
which it has concluded have complied or have failed to comply with the
provisions of this order or of the rules,regulations,and orders of the Secretary
of Labor.
(2) Recommend to the Department of justice that.in cases in which there is
substantial or material violation or the threat of substantial or material
violation of the contractual provisions set forth in section 202 of this order.
appropriate proceedings be brought to enforce those provisions, including the
enjoining. within the limitations of applicable law. of organizations. Individ-
uals,or groups who prevent directly or indirectly,or seek to prevent directly or
indirectly.compliance with the provisions of this ordbr.
(3) Recommend to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the
Department of justice that appropriate proceedings be instituted under Title V11
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(4) Recommend to the Department of justice that criminal proceedings be
brought for the furnishing of false information to any contracting agency or to
EEOEO--4 _
1-12-79 •Executive Order I I Aqo 63,r us
nate on the grounds of race.color, religion, sex, or national origin. and that the
signer either will affirmatively cooperate in the implementation of the policy and
provisions of this order or that it consents and agrees that recruitment, employ-
ment, and the terms and conditions of employment under the proposed contract
shall be in accordance with the purposes and provisions of the order. In the event
that the union, or the agency, shall refuse to execute such a statement, the com-
pliance report shall so certify and set forth what efforts have been made to secure
such a statement and such additional factual material as the Secretary of Labor .
may requite.•
SEC. 204. The Secretary of Labor may. when le deems that special
circumstances in the national interest so require, exempt a contracting agency
from the requirement of Including any or aU of the provisions of section 202 of
this order In any specific contract, subcontract. or purchase order. The
Secretary of Labor may, by rule or regulation, also exempt certain classes of
contracts,subcontracts,or purchase orders. (1)whenever work is to be or has
been performed outside the United States and no recruitment of workers within
the limits of the United States is involved: (2) for standard commercial supplies
or raw materials: (3)involving less than specified amounts of money or specified
numbers of workers: or (4) to the extent that they involve subcontracts below a
specified tier.The Secretary of Labor may also provide.by rule,regulation. or
order, for the exemption of facilities of a contractor which are in all respects
separate and distinct from activities of the contractor related to the perform-
ance of the contract: Provided.That such an exemption will not interfere with
or impede the effectuation of the purposes of this order: And provided further.
That in the absence of such an exemption all facilities shall be covered by the
provisions of this order.
Subpart C—Powers and Duties of the Secretary of Labor and the Contracting
SEC. 205. Each contracting agency shall be 'primarily responsible for
obtaining compliance with the rules, regulations. and orders of the Secretary of
Labor with respect to contracts entered into by such agency or its contractors.
All contracting agencies shall comply with the rules of the Secretary of Labor in
discharging their primary responsibility for securing compliance with the
provisions of contracts and otherwise with the terms of this order and of the
rules,regulations.and orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to this
order. They are directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Labor and to
furnish the Secretary of Labor such information and assistance as he may
require in the performance of his functions under this order. The Secretary of
Labor shall be responsible for securing compliance by all Government contractors
and subcontractors with this Order and any implementing rules or regulations. All
contracting agencies shall comply with the terms of this Order and any imple-
menting rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor. Contracting agen
cies shall cooperate with the Secretary of Labor and shall furnish such informa-
tion and assistance as the Secretary may require.
SEC. 206. (a) The Secretary of Labor may investigate the employment prac-
ticei of any Government contractor or subcontractor to determine whether or not
the contractural provisions specified in section 202 of this Order have been violated.
Such investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures established
by the Secretary of Labor.
T 1979 P-H Inc. EEO Compliance Manual—See Cross Reference Table for latest development$ SS,IOI
(s)The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive
Order No.11246 of September 24.1963.and by the rules,re julstions,and orders of the
Secretary of Labor.or pursuant thereto.and will permit access to his boots. records.
( and accounts by the contracting agency end the Secretary of Labor for purposes of
investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules.regulations,and orders.
(6) In the *veal of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination
clauses of this contract or with any of such rules,regulations.or orders.this contract
may be cancelled.terminated.or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may
be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures
authorized In Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24. 1963. and ouch other
sanctions may be Imposed and remedies Involved as provided in Executive Order No.
1124a of September 24.1965.or by rule.regulation.or order of the Secretary of Labor.
er as otherwise provided by laN.
(7)The contractor wilt include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) In
every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules.regulotiorm or Orders
of the Secretary of Labor issued parsaant to section 204 of Executive Order No.11246
of September 24.1963.to that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor
or vendor.The contractor wilt take such action with respect to any subcontract or
purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a mans of enforcing Vich
provisions including sanctions for ooncompiiana:Provided.however.That in the event
the contractor becomes involved in.or threatened with.litigation with a subcontractor or
vendor as a result of such direction.the contractor may request the United States to enter
• into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States.
SEC. 203. (a)Each contractor having a contract containing the provisions
prescribed in section 202 shall rile, and shall cause each of his subcontractors
to rile. compliance reports with the contracting agency or the Secretary of
Labor as may be directed. Compliance reports shall be filed within such times
and shaU contain such information as to the practices, policies, programs.and
employment policies, programs, and employment statistics of the contractor
and each subcontractor. and shall be in such form, as the Secretary of Labor
may prescribe.
(b) Bidders or prospective contractors or subcontractors they be required
to state whether they have participated in any previous contract subject to the
provisions of this order, or any preceding similar executive order. and in that/
event to submit, on behalf of themselves and their proposed subcontractors.
compliance reports prior to or as an initial part of their bid or negotiation of a
(e) Whenever the contractor or subcontractor has a collective bargaining
agreement or other contract or understanding with a labor union or an agency
referring workers or providing or supervising apprenticeship or training for
such workers, the compliance report shall include such information as to such
labor union's or agency's practices and policies affecting compliance as the
Secretary of Labor may prescribe: Provided. That to the extent such informa-
tion is within the exclusive possession of a labor union or an agency referring
workers or providing or supervising apprentiMhip or training and such labor
union or agency shall refuse to furnish such information to the contractor. the
contractor shall so certify to the Secretary of Labor as part of its compliance
report and shall set forth what efforts he has made to obtain such information.
(d) "Ile Secretary of Labor may direct that any bidder or prospective con-
tractor or subcontractor shall submit, as part of his compliance report, a statement
in writing. signed by an authorized officer or agent on behalf of any labor union
or agency referring workers to providing or supervising apprenticeship or other
training, with which the bidder or prospective contractor deals. wiksupporting
information. to the effect that the signer's practices and policies do not discrimi-
. y
. EEOEO-2 .
985.101 Ext+cutive Order 11246.,
Equal Employment Opportunity
Executive Order.11246, . .
As Amended By Executive Orders 11375,12086
Under and by virtue of the authority vested in tae as President of the United
States.it is ordered as follows:'' .
Subpart A—Duties of the Secretary of Labor
SEC.201.The Secretary of Labor shall'be responsible for the adrrlinistration and
enforcement of Pans 11 and III of this order.The Secretary shall adopt such rules and
regulations and issue such orders as are deemed necessary and appropriate to achieve
the purposes of Parts 11 and III of this order.
Subpart B—Contractors'Agreamenta
SEC.202. Except in contracts exempted in accordance with section 201 of
this order. all Government contracting agencies shall include in every Govern-
meat contract hereafter entered into the following provisions:
Duriq the,erformarce of this contract,the contractor agrees as follows: .
(1)The contractor will not discriminate against any amplo}ee or appticant for
employment because of race•color,religion,sex•or national origin.The contractsr will
take affirmative action to ansury that applicants are employed.and that implorers are
treated during employment,•without regard to their ran. color. religion. seer. or
national, origin. Such action shall include. but not be limited to the followinj:
employment•upgrading,demotion,or transfar;recruitment or reuuiteent advertiiir.j:
layoff or termination;rates of pay or other forms of conpensstioa: and selection for
training• including apprenticeship. Its contractor ag see to post is cow ic�aus
places,available to employees and applicants for employment. notices to be provided
by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this noad:scsirsication clause!
(2)The contractor will,in all solicitations or advert!"zonts for employees placed
by or on behalf of the contractor. state that an QuaLrid applicants will receive
consideration for employment without regard to rites. color. r*Wan.sex.or natioW
•mss _ :.
(3)The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with
which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or undantanding.a
notice.to be provided by the agency contracting officer. advising the Labor union or
workers'representative of the contractor's commitments under section-202 of Exacro-
tive Order No. 11246 of September 24. 1965. and ahsII post copies of the notice is
conspicuous pr-seas anilable to smpk.yt+etl and applicants for employment.
(4)The contractor will comply wtth all provisions of Executive Order No.21246 of
September 24.t9e5.i2id cf the ruler.reoJetions.sad relavant orders of the Secretary
of Labor.
Sres.101 do"Sh It71 d pt.t or yjwsti.e ordw 11241 deed--with La*akmUm to Wsr4 amplormW ws mpo m deed
br r.seyu.o ordw I14n L'anit a order 11cm Wbsk to comwoei .tta•t o.er+asat ee9terseaa. Vg0ad"
cozadenbtr the otdlptww of W t e•woweal lewd to 4adaMaks sQW enpterseat wraRaalrr Wobts 1te e+ro SnOs susL
E&&cuV.e Order t 14M-ae etlsd by redder tb6ard Kwa to Aye•a.lsea.
I see. 70L ,4r►ereoe(11 od 111 sad rot 413, subs. (dl ern osesded b7 Eaacwtlwo order 11375 to *soon" on
d;eclslnetloa.r&srWA.o Ordw 113r1-"Aped by rrmWew Lradoe i fa►awa an 3q1.K fans- ,
C 1979 P-H Inc. EEO Compti'mm Manual—Soo Cron Reference Table for latest developments 85,101
EEOEO-1 __,
FORM HUD-2530(Continued)
4 �
M Corwin I of Schrdaea A.krr so of row revrgre WOMI.M ad"on.
BLOCK B. f.11 M tha OMORIW Wan wthw A Me rawemd relic+Mr tat MA Inn e l or contrtto dr11.1 caoyw so gad•rewera Protect.THE
urn or.ncoor a aancwd to new.Bode the Ae•mO of thews wanrw who PROJECT OR CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION OF ALLPMI VIOVS IRO.
BLOCK 10•PIA•ear logo ta►rrtr of IRS aR4eorr grr"oer of own, MCCE&SID. Alm rw Into'tw.m of rI V a o.tote crean w aawch Sham
aunt I' ohchwr•IP aPeayeM. an .ecatod OW few Boutin-tar's—W. IaluD,USOA.FmkA r ire or
local hovu.9 bmance agency l ahr w.rtwarA At the erns of raw oaf of
•NSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING ICMEOULE A• rater"in Column I of SeAAwuy A.Orem•s.aogr"t tone now the OW to
"Aral•ter,rmtda of rooms ben"I"at HNere sophang rho forth lure
Aos Pa'row'RUeore EVEN If VOLT "AVE NEVER PARTICIPATED IN hers a dedfdohl teceref to town".
A MuO PROJECT BEFORE.YOU MUST COMPLETE FORM MLIb.". M Cotumn 3 of Ieharwlo A.her vow.0".0 all Frwoow wrowles to else of
N tea hove I* reran of Proetlon P•OMIS N Irw. free m Tom,Rrw rA ant pCea.ble floor A PMA oA owe rrllrlrctorw ve Black p.G.Ve the veemh
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&IVvre"a ernreeaayn.hall e.Perofte" mew rote.f contumA two Pomboo ram...uwma Vs gown for rhsw
ter am rose raorwrbw.
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A.row Mould CWOKr 41,ni•Mertes Lost. Br 0"loo.vow• ei lewd ugarn"off e'•o rho deep d wNrrM.of•nrorN hs boom Pored N oft-
hat.rq to Ilse eel vote re•roul Protein eAeh Sam nor Ida a now aPOe.a fh01't,wrtm orb Aerf"ClAnOr"Clans a0tr We Pow&W WI U Otte.Ilse wOAO
ton. of these an a roost.mns"ewrte.••
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arwrr 0 foe w-N,A."NNW"Not A@r.ame. CERTIFICATION CAREPLILLY.M the be.Oossaw the warkma•I Oe cant
I.enraA, eW M see nano of at FrrntOrs rd aR.looaa (type or rrH
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CAUSE IT WILL SERVE AS A LEGAL RECORD OF YOUR PREVIOUS N yes cannot rn,ty and 6W rho tvM,fm O an r1 w r,Awd boom town
EXPERIENCE. ttartonnenis do nos ClerreCHV Cow be yew AwnO, fe roe 2.900"a►
eowrePd.On the rata of IM Cwl.lecato"rMason Ornf RMSe.Meter•imam
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.heal you 00 0renwa and"oll 0.0 coot to: awm'rtad 10,~^Ono ,Am%does Oeerblt yes Or vow Hare td.
MUO.7SJ0 MASTER LISTS Attach a%Woo letter, now r aaloa'rlraw of She .r'nre yet Ara wrest►
1 la'",ous nom Icpal.all 8".0.tt0war"a Out On Me con,fyt.On now•tgOlI the Iwas of VOr. crrei rears. Item
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4S1 Swwr•r.SVeOI,S.W been con,,cled 04•fietany+eh.n 10 Voters.Rr.ae at ail of A12141 on me
Waah.,reen.D C.20410 cwthun and attal Tow, ttatarort ry""B your,o■plrtaton A frenv
Once YOU AMA road a Meer L111,yew do not AOOA to COAMWI SChadwra comroclicA.mfr not zo.'w rail octomoll.OA Is be o•appr O•e0 yryer there
A when yes rtr^,1 PwM MUG2SJ0. Insisted, wr,al Me name Of Ma .1 a p.m.w'Krdr Other rrrwenl lhai raw prerrora cOrrOVCI r mefnod
_. Oer"c'wall.n C lurA.1 of School A and bou"that Wrteo•"Sae aaerwr of d0.ni bwwnres no bpon, such rho$ rata Owls.patran a the"act
L'n On No."Aloe Ina 19-4 daal that Opinion M She Me Lon that yes Wpytd-eta It an uAnccoprero tons Iran yea to ON W'Ine turopeatl
w rn-flod Below-w,'ep0,l all chani♦a and add.l.OAs tAel nwd Occurred of M u ou'yy,lantAr or FoywnwoA/at alBayneY.
I••.te Ilse Oela Of'V MMIe,Llst. Se ern to,'clydo My MQM VW Qetawlta,
as•irtmenu or t.at�Osu'"not I.cted o'n,orty PRtVACm ACT INFORMA'MON AND AVTMORITY.
If YOU NAVE WITMORAWN iROM A PROJECT SINCE THE DATE Farm MUD21W re sulnO,e'e by Iaw 442 USC 3SJ5(d1 and 47 UK 1701
THE MASTER LIST WAS FILED, BE SURE TO NAME THE PRO. w "4't and 24 CFR 200 217, Th.%.r"fer^.aoen y tr.ecwd to W.U.Sto
JECT GeV( THE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, THE vou,more wrth•@SpWI to onjID"O w lldtda s of perfo'rrs,ce.•eoor•er.
MONTH AND YEAR YOUR PARTICIPATION BEGAN ANDIOR b'I'ry eha @pt0'l MUD 'APR hho row meta emw.fv Awmwa ISSN)
ENDED. fd salsa's vton of you, wonsil. MUD man,use vow'SSN!w aumP"ted
rmael 'i of vw,'acorta n'w to make rtta.arn for InfOrr%tW about vow
A1r Inr1 Camo,ata Eeh Adwy A OR IAA,ewrr aorta OI Fdm MUD•2530. and you,p1wout'7COnr Poath 0tmw pubic armcrw and wryer =fr oomfk
Alt tArtworm,ly Ateww'q p,orot" A which yew hays prnrOuliv pa11p• O'ectoewre a net nonasl t
ytt0 r a non a 0u'io+rNnd•l horartti f••Wtr ayer.e.r MUST be pry'but rw ti"m t»apoay.eta r wenteoealrer"
Iced. Inlon*a�o.d,Klow the MUD-,a abort`w Aar On r as oMr Fraero.Stow_le`e
! local eIOMcM for calKaty ran vw'toyer'Pre Kape'en nsard for OWN-
nee.ranww.for law uolAlp"a and td of"or Ishuhul*,"OML
Apr l at?'pops# aUD•29J0 INSTRUCTIONS(1411
(Effective January 1. 1981 for HUD Assisted Multifamily Housing Projects.)
f �
Posiuew w edbclt 20 eanaw or meet of 00 stem We a feelem o
swo"Y w oasttoe w,2a CFR 0 main 7.
= /lSow Vo p f HUD. afabpn o•�Ittlw lrtsaPtd M fsod Rlr w
Swree*ref al MUD.
Ferro MUD•2920 rim IN dortaweua two et9 ,by oil pert."No v.+9 to ewC wn of a swmwvowmw reiaw.
forswore rtr'00 prmepie to HUO mtfmfwm.ly hmrng Preface,The PROPOSED SUCSTITUTION OR OITION OF A MINCIPAL,
PvOow N due term Y to oretido HUO wet"a W"fud'sown r 40 Prf OR PRINCIPAL PARTICIPATION IN A DIPPERENT WA.
news pKeoprtlom is 04Ur1 mmrhfamry Nwnq Prager"or Ilse.e.ertie6 CITY FROM TWAT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED POO THE
wwa.ng 4p1.fJlpn for wdw toftei aarKWaton in erotfrr MUD MP frP — SAME.PROJECT.O ACOUISITIDM 9r AN EKifTINO lwf7ED FAPJT.
feat The form firm aw to r etampMtad br lease were 116we no FaeevwatY NER OF AOJITIONAL INTEREST IN A PROJECT RESULT.
pttrk*owd M HUO halt pit Iorees. INO IN A TOTAL INTEREST OF 25 PERCENT OR MDwE-OR
Iwo.tiling the form wife the NUO AM or service attics where Your PROPOSED ACQUISITION IV A STOCKHOLDER OF ADOI•
ororti epr.cst."red,be arocavwd,thew.nttrutt.owt wd the rgttletwo TT)ONA ST Of P10 PERCENT OR MOq EESULTINO IN A TOTAL
Ott alloy a Pr form Vlowid W•sad daretwlly,A copy of those mwi&
tiro publidnm M 24 CFA 200.210 a 200.245 can M ftowfw from Iry Prsteea wwM U.S.D.A..Ferman Nowt Admrua-Iw;en,or wree nova
ftdldamry Me""Rop mnvtne w will HUD Armor Sole feHam. or Lod p.amrm.m hotwq brwres egenaal tot sowwala rosiest
=— .5 that SIR•ort I of Mr Matfing Act N 1927.For PW
TM mforwwen requested ill the tom is nitre At order ter NUD a IPa7 of tell type.from MV06MO tftowld be filed ride go AW
demrnfrr it vow mro the wondrA exabl.Med to striae that all Orwwalaw Pe•p•aN eoelim ess dwwtfv a*ow opmane*.
Prtit.pmu in HUD wows will hNow :hr.f INa,l.'"Ned o and ca/Rrec• .
per obltawiefo wd an acceptable rakA from the WON"-.line 6W400t" PIEVI EN OF ADVERSE DETERMINATION
of n ffrrrr,Ir.for v pawrmntwisl fllefvY• ,
if aPploeol of Ter Oarwetpwian w,a NUO rarest r dw4ed.tsid+statd M
TO ewln M the dMermthatien.MUD rt mans#has vow weifV year record 1 eomaaonelly ges""O on ft ban of pow record of alrllaR pon cw t.on.
_ d on..bta partctpwror`.m HUD Drawn by eol^Wa"Md vqm q:hd Yet well aw eetlflod by ft field oMtCil.Yw ntwr NatAor reoon%W m w
term. tot"vow Protest odicww+or pwtafaoc.on can be am, d. by the HUD Prtrw.Car wn'"ov.Aator hat.vey.set rift remittent a eaarfng
MVO eaorowal of yowl Fortification r a netoeorv,p uctat .tarn far Yaw before•ttew.ng Office. 9-~ rg.rwl sett all nods its ssw"wt~
porectpolimt In the Weis"and in"Is apacjty that Vw,popom. 70 devs from Yaw newW N the nOmm of do riesow-r►
If vw do rot file ten•comficate.de not furndn the rifem.ation requested It yew m-ow-M mComwf mlcn by ON Revew Committee area Mid mew
atsuntaW.or Oe mot mw wtoliNd nardWt,vow-will not be epprerwd ti0erettort rm an in M 6dwrw dertwwunwton,vat""taws Npdt a
end you—6 mot bw eble to garbs**M rho proPCt a Yet had Manned. hewing Wore a Hearing Office.To Merfng OMkr wri won•Nlport as
Aitw+ft,-WV, poor I mrv,be withhold for wo to 120 drys if MUD file the Rswew Cdnwm.ctse.You ewes be nwified M on N.tel rslMq by W retld
epee.nlbeftesien a neee v to make M mastless dtasorl. met.
more the mororal of vwr cortlficAt.on doe rot obligates NUD to foorava INSTRUCTIONS FOP COMPLETING FORM MU06nXi
vow,proNn nopitatem,W if dove.at seedy all elms HUD pgnm fr
aw,mmnO relative to raw cuid0iatfona, Cam" E.t.a ypo or riff fit t tin.m►mrtan fiOwt]wt
Perm NUO.7WO meet as sgrteo and tiled by all pnncyswt and their ofhl-
utes mop prOpma partctpaltng.n ter HUC protect.►rrcpars may al ter. It vow •wd more mmm.etadt*am+owl to ter form..so win.a type
rye.end frl M rho same form or I"mar Mss to Ire troaete fo ms ff "Confirmed on ARKh•^Me"mrrnttr opoortar om Form NUO 2".
trot a more tomem.Mr Lima Comer+mwid file when tnev,decide re pun Also,e•P hem addrttna PPP stew a at m it if it.fowl to Tw as VOW
r pnrnctpals ire have strew.Illed. record.
Mincqlat tic•tds MI.rdwr duall,joint ventures.Dbmftf V..pe,c*M*M Omd. :••em aw eaRllicate ONLY oftw raw hew raw,$Carefully.File to"'Fai
testis, f%or.Wof,j orW.cst,snl or My street ptG.c at prtgw entity tot -.0.IM MUD Arse of 5"wCe Wf.pe twat her Wrldtctton Over the P414111
.will ynctpie in the Dr 91?Ud pro!Kl w a 100ntr.OWW.pf.mM Cem• N the tame time the 14-1161 pretK+to orfvr mplicat.o.forms are feed t►
tractor. %trn►er do, o0r. of awns In addtt•on,r.mnpd/in' fare VOW barlc.pahen bq.m.yw.oed to swamis only she cap'et Poem
rew011 Deckarn and come:hen. 7ro-med w or Isms providing 1,41,110-2170 to MUD-aed•Itertd ao•w an not-emu v
ad—it 1r.Km .A esriMetlon .,'.n the Itnlfte.ma or cordtfutlion of 6
IrotK 1. air mien -mi.N any stated HUO fgWfrrwwtl. Arcn.iKe wd It you here mete prersCis to lief aid rep.KI to as eeblving Inewee v for
dlarneyl err here My.mtwfw.n the project other tier•an arms Isnefh De-im.pw.M in HUD"scft.vow showid conwde,i.liry a MMIr List Sao
for anagement fr profas.orwl wrvde we haw Considered pr.rt lows by Mete List .gtrwCt.om"Isar under`Ifetruallont for ComPlems Sell►
MUD. dual A"
Ise the ter of onnen40.alf or wal as."Awt no Is@ of the"por"N". Any ownboms vow here fewldrq the form of how to to"Wlwf Is an M
aP tnter"I end Itrr.tlJ perefwn hetf•ng a 25 0eewtt ar•+o•a�Alst m in the ar..we0 A Pew NUO Are*or Sawa oMq MtlttfW%OV Hums"if Rider►
it*' f•h0 any cof+r•dereO p"mostl. In the cwt of:testa a ornrfto ew. tontwlw
.pon"'One Of poiwft _ MDres,Dnftc.Oeit the arw.dwn. Yore
pitiruc t, racrvnrv, trew.fref aid all I l e■ecwtfes aff•an war Yee slack Inswunlero:
brectiv-etoo.tstDle to the Dorf of diretton,a env aot..rant potrrnlfy
body.s.tall as all dt.ect9n end Nee stockholder hrwy A 10 Portent Of /LOCK 1 .Fin to the name of the ewnoY 10 whch yow ere eooft•ng,fr
ire.niwmt in the pOfo"Von. leaf MUO Area a$ena,offal.Ferman HOr AEm 1el-W.en Oa•
trial Offaa.of rho Not of a tun of tort'Nowe•M I-Nina i pitfir .Mfowr
Affilletde are CW,mad w MY Orion Of bws man cores-the direetiv ar in- the.fill M tee wine of the c•h wthe due offaa t6 leaed.
diiesn•y Genitals the Piety of a principal of nab m1 Comer rid do se.A
hold-9 a pare.,corpomt.on-eta is an funple of an srfd-sta A ens of
re W:,e.dfaf.ae-w a artk.pal. ILOCK I Fill in Ire name of the pra}ao,I.M e*°Gfwf—ow Alt."If
the mfw+ two not yet Deon trlse"Id.into"Mama wn►f.owt.."
EXCEPTION POR CORPORATIONS• All PRINCIPALS AND APPIL• Below rho,fill.r the NUO com'sCl or Yorsn tdwm.fttaft•on rernber,
IATES MUST PECISONAr LY SIGN THE CERTIFICATE EXCEPT IN the Forman Nome bm.441retton "s•Ct rttmtbff,w lhe seta err leaf
THE FOLLOWING SITUATION.WHEN A CCPPORATION OK►UILIC Msewns f,mAta Wa f-v propaet a tonbaet gfmtbor Ihc•tm ALL Pahl
AGENCY IS A MINCIPAL All Of ITS OFFICERS. DIRECTORS, or oonlraa+ dwnt.lwi.en nwmti n m6t an reerent to M proope.
COMM.SSIONFRS. TRUSTEES ANO STOCKHOLDERS WITH 10 PER- Lwow that.fill in IM items of the c.tv in wtcch the Proton q tested.
CENT OR MORE OF THE COMMON IVOTINGI STOCK NE ED NOT SIGN and the 21►Carts of the file loptmn.
THE Of FICED WHO IS AUTMOP.ZEO TO SIGN FOR THE CORPORA, FLOOCX 3•Pdl.4 the dollar rrtwnl•satested.m the fro0osed ntrtoaw.
TION OR AGENCY WILL LIST THE NAMES AND TITLE OF THOSE ar time a^..a a istnt of renal sal-stance rpwwted.
RECORD Of PARTICIPATION IN MUD PmOiECTS THAT.S SEPARATE /LOCK 6 Fpm in the N mew of aprnww I wises prelocsed.kids el^a0
FROM THAT Of HIS OR HER ORGANIZATION MUST REPORT THAT vnirs. r Mwi'w ototace M nunnng mane*.hill in aw"near of bade
EXEMPTIONS •The %wt" of tha f011Owwry erne do pl nerd to be QJ,OCK S It known.till in the sial4r,of lore Howling Act..Gw watch
Intl on Form HUD-MO Public Housing Atwnctes.Hnwtu.Dtefere Of the 6pp1VUM a bled.If wrtknewn.write..Um►ntlwm...
lest the /..fa Condoin'.htm of c000eretiye units and al ethsn.mwww
ectawod by inheritance r ewn Draw. C,j, / O am tZI mror.oU 1. to instate ATION r4/ PRO
cation .f+atfw M EXISTING protest, a HEHAIILITATION. w a PRO
This form nun be ftld with the HUO Area or Serif"off"items rwr BLOCK 7• AlOhabn"Iv fist rin Iwo name,Lost nets Itret,of Fit pre•
protect dWcAt.on will Oe prpcwad w the Mew urhe yw hle yaw OfOfect Ciaot rcwd.rq comorsoofal ant aff.lutw ere test wvad�Ofrt.n.t.omt
e6tp tat On. of all tmoe whe we coretEfive pr-nr.oak area wff.t.atst N pin aban.n
rite stten dtied"Whe Mua Sign and File Fomn NLJDPl70."
The form mwo be filed w104 IKteltcaltons far pralaen.r.Anse wewilwr fill In the fall set at
regw•red.n the sjhuttefts luwd balaw' BLOCK / 9sarle toe 4urle W aKn p.. 8"it,
Writ Idled will.lerfarm.Tree farlow.ng.t a Ill OI Its oawtbe raw 461
Pwatecm v be flwtced.ern mariwpm Inrfews wntle the N61ena che r.f1[Klwl .tar.Irrflrm SOeneef.Ow•w,►rrwa CO•ractar.T✓first
' Howe.ng Act I it Al. Or•.woow. f•'1PrteP n9 Agent.Psksow. Cpr.swltan t. Gvww Parties.L. -
"logn to W f,mancwd eetordt.ta to SKt.art 202 of the tftlW.ng Act nor Pennon 1•newda Pweentagel.Eewatntw Offarer.D.fettr.Trawo,r
i of 1959 IEidewtt and Handcapoedl. Maly Sot►holoor.
PwWS Nou..Aq proMCts to be financed aeord.•q 10 the United Sway the Harr of aim wit Ina reme N ems prom or Ism
5wse*NowwA Act of 1937. K aNrt wept.wfee as`AMtf.we Of Sm.dn COraerl"-W Qa--
_. Ape t NfR4w wUO2L20•ikSTRuCTiOMS 11411
�,4�A 201 YI
/y>wy name below is the completa lost of my ptevlous proltets and my par bnpation history as a principal to Multifamily Housing progami of HUMSOA FrnHA.State and Local Housiry Kos—&"A9w%d".
MOFE had and follow the atrochsJ rnstnxt;"aft**(carefully, A6Grovrale when possible.Maka full disclosure. Add*Area shorn if you naMmore apacY. DDu6�4 c1 Wt for eccvKK 0 real twee noprorviiawp/OiaWtl wrrttr
ftmrnjffw "No erroul_Ira 11Cqu1;,�n first f.perwnce.
J.L.N►..nc pr's h•I.c i(N1iow
J lrr►+evia+s hoitcU(Gn re.10 Nwnarr,v►ojttt NrrN, 4,Detroit 0000x.,M."~Raatel,
1 lrr eec%►•.naoet't Wmt Rd.and Inu•nn GM tepnlD
der of leearoq Gwo,—anl Asouy M.oh+rd ud - {p.tryr t>Me^ AraVn *.Frrxrw„•aa. IL RESERVED FOR MUD MOCEfiWG
nMrn AbNeArr.ca+Oro.r,lit Mrrt�rN/ rd Year►v1u
Nwwa+r of lair.in the nolecsJ eed endd. N None.wrNa
1. R....e Dy dv t.i0 otlK..Abet.ee Or me rr acawecy rd oonpwiorw an0 rand 2. TO:Dowment of Housing and Urban Mvolopr .Multifamily T{rticipVfkn Review CbmWminw,waehkiflim Mr-
...er A review of the records and protect Was of this office relatl-t to tAv above Ihtad prtlaa and pro)*Oo tswltla:
OAra I t*Ta Lt eNONE MUMea A ❑A. No rs,..•+a mf;rr.yrwn�f o.m MUDJSIO epy owJ M ramwr..,r.M4; ON, h bl,--*,lot My nwe^nfwdww M Own 4 e tsf d.
_-_.___...-_._._.._._ OUIaCTOA Or ttUWrNO � .
&Uta rsvfaOP,tAOCt WNO COW NOL AND Aatoll It UNIT
. _ __ ►ROCEUtt+o n Atrt►aRUEO _.
*ATa NAeaa OVA
*Jaaalw+Awrvnwt.ncarca seer-Arai P"s,2dlpoem MlJDJ5"AAO^FW44A1/NJF 1
PART 1•CERTIFICATE(To be eontplfrmo by PrawfpAlr ofMIJltI/f/nily Pro*tal
1. TO. (Now and Ory of MVO Are.OffsVO a LISCA-101—0810"M Onrca 1 MOA CT NA"L,I.D..OR►ROJACT NlaMms R ANO CI T. A I
. crt
A L80 F
81"1040 f CONTRACT NVeem/R Ij
2. LOAM OR CONTRACT ANOVNT o. NVrsaR or VNIR OR maps L MCTloss Of ACT IM Owers ll 4 TT►s of PRojs CT laymck ow i jt
= 016000 0 Its ISO
7. Amovio aw:rt of wa F.41 Newfr(rrr aw-wr feet/w4 Addne of L Roy it t.1sparred t 10.1etW/aprinty M /
911 69104%PrMKONa e•lc Iffllwtel 4000010.fIW,NMT ens Ofm$Adl*D fc/Pre"101 r two, Imenef to �3 FaVnIM
1Kiela A v"PqpcI dew,vo d'eeeae. Pr Meriwl ow—woo
1 fwr.an,nq fft Mot Otoe,rrAo Jy.s w wel/es Ma con wa ww. ~ws
a oe+w pe,twr held ePe...+a c=00 hwTA WVv to MVO Or USDA
FmHA,r me ar*wy bit fo,spowevel to petcone n a prw.twof M 1ha
rofa end prorKt I~ab n bowl Won Ty 1W•wwry Plr.lws ooftcr ► (Iee.e nOt dotawfted an M oblipr,pn eewrso by a wavy as M•
pae,o,.rseord wed thn Gan.fruN. /e,rrralra Oond am have nor Men the a b,aet el a 01Aen efrew
an W Wwyr f4Nlry fond.
/ I c Mift, OW off the unw� rrf Igede by Mrs wM
we I .ew"o1e"and 99"M
t0 fM lbw of Ty Ynew.dy. end bo-owl end an++w M good fuel,ul• 2. AJI the Fromm of IRe ponrel.Lnown b no to M rixiMlI w 1M
ee..O'ry err do0 Iaw .'. .n lef oWle A end E.h,p,e aq wd fT mw Ord woomm4l 1n wwcn r Orepoo to PwtKKera,an large Down
etOCfrd to thn 1tv m- t wn not o MUO/FmMA arnp+oyr w a moor toe,of.MUO/Fn1MA
A. I.R/+ar aenlfy tf"t' vw toe.ee'I 000-6.4 heMMhtwo r 0.1ww0,n MVO I Sta,rdwd of
1. lchapwle A ccn' "'s a lim, a/V=ailed 0,."feed wbow of Cone.cis 24 CF R O 775 2051e I12l/USDA a Slwtdwe of COIWWI
MUD. USOA F,ot MA end Suu era Lmsi Gwtrvnem hwNry .n 7 CfP►wt 0 S..b w!8
ftl.a,rce s"M wa in which 1 here been a wn now a OnncOM.
2. For rota pwiOC b.qn,ry IC yarn Pwr N rrr dove of this ewtifr• 1. 1 fifty Irdl a V-*%IW oeneipnt,.n ao,nw W Mre►e!"on th"
olio+•.We..crrw N 1�0N by Ifre on fps cor f"Ie one an wncn eenatryciwn nr Itdoom fw a ow.od in nee of 20
e• he•'Om w 0' e p,-'ect 11rt.0"rots hr awe boon M defwn. efye a w%c•.hw bell r,b.ta T.O Iy contow!w Its non Tnwr,90
401.12 10 ch.�.y.arrrnranl O'fontKleac,,re,has wortq•IP A .yey, acre 000r'otwln lo,Frio., Mei owt, hirer can own.f000l pot
lie(by IM+non pq.•bw, wen• he.o kn besot Nes wrtn MUD a OMMA
IL 1 flew n0! s. �.noc del a.Its w prow incel IeRN,My
ConlewI-0'w p%'Do Or"ro-kay ce-rwi OI SON A"FIftw1w /. To n1y a,re.rewfr.I ha.e rot Deer'tovnd by MUD or FMMA to be in
y-wth a wog r• ."gooks erolKrerly wKS Moth MI appi4swe CNN nghe IaRe.
t. TO rhe ben O,�.•y .•t�..Iadge Man n no wrreec+.ed lindlry.
n rw.aC r e ree,.�. 01 MUC a.,diu,nrv.gv'.aott rw 10.10 o,olfrw 1. 1 ALE TO GENfRa1 IAR/MfRS ON ARGf[CT OM'NERJ
(j-*" hoo 1 M.ss,I at woo CGK.r'w ,11e b fly Pofern. Ail rrr prnwt wno an pnnclowv a were n.p•OporO r w'ncoel!he.T
�. Tywe M nOt yell • auga ontr M Nn%ch Il0w p Yy,rl410 ov!/lac abase we ft v�•cgws far ww,,10.r of,Merelt an ao,•aewed
or bw any wI ael ia'�rC•tantTYf M when 1 Mw rue a f•m•I
a t.w",tW..fasn art++ta,tepw Ic wy u�
tar a'wP 9w'n. w n,
IL i Mn ml yew eon..coe of a falo„y a•rd wn not prnwnUy.M
n.� 0_7400. tot.wtwct M a CpPp.,.11 w'w<r"0n cftwy.rq C I aah fof a M.r�e'COnret a a RaeeOenf CJ•erV,t.reD,r1 e1M fte.w-
a i«ony.(/ h,Onr h Oefw..A a.^y e/M.w h.n. *0+wr+ I Ist"•6xd14pre,e by law frwn conneneva_Ih rota Getm mote++"
p"xw.'4nf/o•• ra•+n"c mg 0w r•w.OW ebe.aver 1-d-d. ' of;ft Lr,rre.d Swum of A~WA.
any offanw cba,f-d so a TrsAw+ls.r",r,r0.•row/er of a STa/e
.wd q;n.I+eOrr Dr,wrD,rdn,•ranr of f.e yr••,1 0,own/. D Sorwnane ages.Id awyl to•yhch I wel"I W-1.11T Ira.e ben lawe"O
1. ept,rot y..,'.Wepr.ro.d,OaWap 0,0•nI'wrr,eflrKied by I"rtr.Y.nq r 'Mr f.".'0'%10,1%a pot !-w. nwwl.d a en owor.on
. - w1t Oac"renw�t o, AO•'xy of Ile Fades �M o,of a 111 Jot .ere law e'l.Cn.e a Inv.and erCC.,nM syra0.tn.•'wnf frf ypr.
surf Go.w't„w•rI Iron oprp l wwm wttn Omar Deo+rtwrant w e+ -tv o a a rot. facet nw e,.o,,nw Pr wnsn ! MMY lrwpe to
o+e.�h ,rr. r a n000tNb�a plots W� IO,pens Oanw Mme Porn.
Typ.O a P, ,sc•..rots of P"M.Pmj 2"'41.n at P—N Ipiw rifts.Rwa e.cow-TV beta Ana Cod.and To+q/w re No.
• 1
J 1
MARMINQ M Y a wfwr w Yhaww.gy wW f`rrr•n.ew.ne w Cara
If 000M wAm►AL►AR1D 81 Iff.eee fret(new"! Am&A COOL f T16L►MONL NO.
41e"nw ke•r w Mr w.wT aR.r w.nllw 1—
tn.tlen ell uw h.e. •,don we a ysow ' F.I..I.r rw ?"do
t1 U.S casks a-- 1 f0
R.pu+c,•Fern FMA•2SJ0,terfch is Ol.olate RIP t of2p*r MUD'A)oeVSOA FmKA 19"437 41411
From: Northampton Housing Authority
43 Old South Street
Iorthampton, MA 01060
Project No.
Project Name:
Project Location: City:
Country: State:
Name of Prime Contractor:
Employer Tax
No. (Used on
Form 941.)
Sub Contract Amount: $
Estimated Starting Date:
Estimated Completion Date:
Send this Notice to:
Deputy Contract Compliance Office Assistant Regional Administrator
Director-Regional Office of Fair Hsg. E.0 Office of Federal Contract Compliance
U.S. Department of HUD U.S. Department of Labor
JFK Federal Building, Room 510 JFK Federal Building, Room 1612C
Boston, MA 02203 Boston, MA 02203
NAS - 1
'rom: Northampton Housing Authority
49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA 01060 .
'roj ect Number:
'ro j ect Name:
)roject Location: City:
Country: State:
?rime Contractor:
Tele No.
Employer Tax
No. (Used on Form 941)
Contract Amount:-$
Estimated Starting Date:
Estimated Completion Date:
Send this Notice to:
Deputy Contract Compliance Officer Assistant Regional Administrator
Director-Regional Office of Fair Hsg. & E-0 Office of Federal Contract Complianc:
U.S. Department of HUD U.S. Department of Labor
JFK Federal Building, Room 510 JFK Federal Building, Room 1612C
Boston, MA 02203 Boston, MA 02203
NAPC - 1
Attest: ,
(Corporate Principal)
(Business Address)
(Affix Corporation Seal)
Corporate Surety)
(Business Address)
(Affix Corporation Seal)
Print or type the names underneath all signatures.
The rate of premium on this bond is $ per thousand.
The total amount of premium charged is $
(The above is to be filled in by the surety company, and the power of
attorney of person suing for the -surety company must be attached.)
I, , certif:t that I am the
Secretary of the corporation named as Principal in
the within bond; that , who signed
the said bond on behalf of the Principal was then
Of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto
is genuine; and that said bond was clnly signed, sealed, and attested to for
and in behalf of said corporation by x-,thority of its governing body.
(print :or type the names underneath all signatures) (Corporate Seal)
ad principal, and
as surety, ars held and firmly bound unto the Housing Authority
In the sum of
lawful money of the United States of America,
to be paid to the Housing Authority for which•payments, well
and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our respective heirs, executors,
administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, fi=ly by
these presents:
W.ErAS, the said principal has made a Contract with the Housing
Authority bearing date of , for construction at
the Federally assisted-Project
NOW the condition of this obligation is such that if the principal shall pay
for all labor performed or furnished and for all materials used or employed
in said contract and in any and all duly authorized modifications, alterations,
extensions of time, changes or additions to said contract that may hereafter
be made, notice to the surety of such modifications, alterations, extensions
of time, changes or additions being hereby waived, the foregoing to include
any other purposes or items set out in, and to subject to, the provisions
of Massachusetts General Laws (Ter. Ed.), Chapter 1199, Section 29 and
Chapter 309 Section 39A as amended, then this obligation shall become null
and void; otherwise it shall remain in Rill force and virtue.
IN WIT=NESS WH=FF, the above—bounded parties have executed this instrument
under their several seals this day of , The name and
corporate seal of each corporate body being hereto affixed and these presents
duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its
governing body.
In presence of
• (Seal)
.,.(Individual Principal)
Address (Business Address)
_ (Seal)
(Individual. Principal)
4ddress (Business Address)
Page 2
(Individual Principal)
(Business Address),
(Corporate Principal
(business Address) (Affix
Title Title
Attest: l
(Corporate Surety)
(Business Address) (Affix
Title Title
The rate of premium on this bond is per thousand
Total amount of premium charged, $
(The above must be filled in by corporate surety. )
I, certify that I am the
of the corporation named as principal in the
within bond; that , who signed the said bond behalf
of the principal was then of said corporation;
that I know his signature and his signature thereof is genuine; and that said bond
was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by
authority of its governing body.
Date Corporate
PB-2 Secretary
s Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Holyoke Housing Authority, their
ertain attorney, successors, or assigns (hereinafter called the Obligee) in
he penal sum of Dollars
$ lawful m-ney,of the United States for the payment of
hick sum well and truly to be. made we bind ourselves, our heirs, administra-
ors, executors, successors and' assigns, jointly and severally firmly by these
Whereas, said Principal has entered into a certain contract with said Ob-
igee, dated , 19 (hereinafter called the Contract) for
*see footnote)
hich contract and the specifications for said work shall be deemed a part hereof
s fully as if set out herein.
ipal shall faithfully perform the contract and his part at the time and in the
anner therein provided, and satisfy all claims and demands incurred in or for
he same, or growing out of the sane, or for injury or damage to persons or
roperty in the performance thereof, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless
he said obligee from any and all outlay and expense which it may incur by rea-
on of any such defauly, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise
t shall remain in full force and virtue.
The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no
hange, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract
r to the work to be performed thereunder, or the specification accompanying
he same shall in any wise effect its obligations on this bond and it does
ereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration of addi-
ion to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument
nder their several seals this day of ,19 , the name and
orporate seal of each corporate party hereto affixed and these presents duly
igned by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing
n the presence of:
(Individual Principal)
(Business Address)
Insert type of work, for which contract is executed.
I, ,certify that I am
the of the corporation named as Contractor
herein; that who signed this contract on behalf of the
Contractor, was then of said corporation; that
said Contract was duly signed :for and in behalf of said corporation by authority
of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers.
Corporate Seal
I HEREBY CERTIFY that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, based upon
observation and inquiry, ,
who signed this contract for the
had authority to execute the same, and is the individual who sins similar
contracts on behalf of this corporation with the public generally.
(Print or type the names underneath all signatures.)
S. This agreement is contingent upon the execution of a General
Contract between the Contractor and the Awarding Authority
for the complete Work.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Agreement the day and year first 'above written.
Name of u contractor
(Name of ontractor
(a) The Subcontractor agrees to be bound to the Contractor
by the terms of the Contract Documents (including
all conditions stated therein and Addenda No.
and ) , and to assume to the Contractor all
the obligations and responsibilities that the Contractor
by . those documents assumes to the Northampton Housing
Authority, hereinafter called the Awarding Authority,
the Owner, and/or the Local Housing Authority (LHA) ,
except to the extent that provisions contained therein
are by their terms or by law applicable only to the
(b) The Contractor agrees to be bound to the Subcontractor
by terms of the hereinbefore described documents and
to assume to the Subcontractor all the obligations and
responsibilities that the Awarding Authority by the
terms of the hereinbefore described documents assumes
to the Contractor, except to the extent that provi-
sions contained therein are by their terms or by law
applicable only to the Awarding Authority.
2. The Contractor agrees to begin, prosecute and complete the
entire work specified by the Awarding Authority in an orderly
manner so that the Subcontractor will be able to begin, prosecute
and complete the work described in the subcontract; and, in
consideration thereof, upon notice from the Contractor,
either oral or in writing , the Subcontractor agrees to begin,
prosecute and complete the work described in this Subcontract
in an orderly manner and with due consideration to the date
or time specified by the Awarding Authority for the completion
of the entire work.
3. The Subcontractor agrees to furnish to the Contractor within
a reasonable time after the execution of this Subcontract,
evidence of workmen's compensation insurance as required by
law and evidence of public liability and property damage
insurance of the type and in limits required to be furnished
to the Awarding Authority by the Contractor. The Subcon-
tractor shall also timely furnish 100% Performance and
Material and Labor Bonds to the Contractor who shall bear
their premium costs if he requires such bonds.
4. The Contractor agrees that no claim for services rendered or
materials. furnished by the Contractor to the Subcontractor
shall be valid unless written notice thereof is given by
the Contractor to the Subcontractor during the first ten (10)
days of the calendar month following that in which the
claims originated.
THIS AGREEMENT made this day of
by and between
a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of
a partnership consis-
ting of
an individual doing business as
hereinafter called the Contractor and
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
a partnership consisting
an individual doing business as
hereinafter called the Subcontractor.
WITNESSETH that the Contractor and the Subcontractor for the
considerations hereafter named, agree as follows :
1. The Subcontractor agrees to furnish all labor , materials ,
equipment and services required for the completion of
all Work in Specification Section No.
entitled ,
on the Drawings referred to therein, and in Addenda No.
and , for the Modernization
of orence Heights A 26-1) , Northampton, Massachusetts ,
as prepared by R. D. Fanning Architects , Inc. , 36 Bromfield
Street, Boston, Massachusetts , acting as- and referred to
in the Contract Documents as the Architect, for the
Contract Price of
dollars ($ and the Contractor agrees to
pay the Subcontract-66-r-'sa-TJ price for said Work. This
price includes the following alternates (and other items
set forth in the sub-Bid) :
Alternate No(s) . and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument
to be executed on the day and year first above written.
Northampton Housing Authority
(Name of ontractor 49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA 01060
By: By:
Name an Seal) Name and Seal)
(Title) Title
Attest : Attest:
Witness Witness
Approved for the Department of Housing and Urban Development:
If a corporation, attach to each signed contract a notarized copy
of the vote of the Corporation authorizing the signatory to sign
this contract.
ITEM 2. The selected and agreed upon Subcontractors are as.
2A $
4A $
5A $
7A $
8A $
9A $
9B $
9C $
15A $
16A $
TOTAL OF ITEM 2 . . . . . . . . . . . $
Article 4 , PAYMENTS: The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for
the per ormance o the Work as provided in the General Conditions
as supplemented.
Article S, THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The following , together with
this Contract, form the Contract Documents and all are as fully
a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or reheated
The Project Manual complete, including the Advertisement,
all Bidding Documents , Contract Forms and Requirements ,
Conditions of the Contract, and Specifications ; the
Drawings as enumerated in the List of Contract Drawings ;
and all Modifications issued after execution of this
Article 6, ALTERNATES: The following Alternates have been accepted
and their costs are included in the Contract Sum stated in
Article 3 of this Agreement :
Alternates No(s) : and
Article 7 , VALIDATION: This Contract will not be valid until
approve y t e Department of Housing and Urban Development.
THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 19 ,
by and between the Northampton Housing Authority, .�hereinafter
referred to as the Awarding Authority, the Owner, and/or the
Local Housing Authority (LHA) , and
hereinafter called the Contractor,
WITNESSETH, that the Owner and the Contractor, for the considera-
tion hereinafter named, agree as follows :
Article 1 , SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all
labor, materials, equipment and services required for the com-
pletion of all Work required by the Contract Documents for the
Modernization of Florence Heights (MA 26-1) in Northampton,
Massachusetts , as prepared by R. D. Fanning Architects , Inc. ,
36 Bromfield Street, Boston, Massachusetts , acting as and re-
ferred to in the Contract Documents as the Architect.
Article 2, TIME OF COMPLETION: The Contractor shall commence
work under this Contract on the date specified in the written
"Notice to Proceed" from the Owner and shall bring the Work to
Substantial Completion within 360 calendar days of said date.
As time is of the essence of this Contract, liquidated damages
will be applicable for delays in the performance of the Work
in accordance with the Special Conditions of the Contract, in
the amount of $200. 00 per day.
Article 3, THE CONTRACT PRICE: The Owner shall pay the Contrac-
tor for the performance o t e Work, subject to additions and ded-
uctions by Change Order as Provided in the Conditions of the
Contract , in current funds , the Contract PRICE of
Dollars ($
The Contract PRICE is subdivided as follows :
ITEM 1. The Work of the Contractor, being all Work other
than that covered by ITEM 2, . . . . . $
G. `That is your total work force presently employed?
H. What is your anticipated work force for this project?
Now many persons will be minority group members or females?
T. Additional Comments: (Add attachments if necessary)
Date Firm
Authorized Signature
• All contractors are required to include an
Affirmative Action Plan with their bids,
otherwise the awarding authority will
reject any bid not containing such. This
requirement is mandatory, and shall not be
Subcontractors to fill in Specification Section: •
A. Company Policy statement which sets forth the Chief Executive Officer's attitude
on equal employment opportunity:
S. Cor.Vany's Equal Employment Officer:
• osition or Title
business Address
C. Current extent of minority group and female employment in company for all its
projects. List in proper columns.
Group Job Classification or Title No. of Individuals
D. What increase in over-ail employment for all this contractor's projects is
anticipated during this project?
E. Describe company's advertising, recruiting efforts and systematic contacts with
minority group organizations, etc. and evidence that, minority group men.bers are
being sought from all recruitment sources.
F. Based upon, the above items, what numerical target for hiring minority group
persons and females can be met and on what timetable?
State of se,
County of
deposes and says: , being first duly sworn,
That he is
a partner or officer of the firm of, etc.
the party making the foregoing proposal or bid, that such proposal or bid is
genuine and not collusive or sham; that said bidder has not colluded, con
spired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or
person, to put a sham bid or to refrain from bidding, and has not in any
mannAT, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or
communication or conferences, with any person, to fix the bid price of
affiant or of any bidder, or to fix any overhead or cost element of said
bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage
against the Housing Authority or any person interested in
the proposed contract; and that all statements in said proposal or bid
are true.
Signature of:
Bidder, if the bidder is an individual
Partner, if the bidder is a partnership
Officer, if the bidder is a coporation
Suscribed and sworn to before me
this day if
Notary Public
•ley commission expires
y�,, r i . • 0432�: .
' Individual. Principal
• Business Address
Corporate Principal
Business Address
. B
Affix Corporate Seal
Business Address
Affix Corporate Seal
Print or type the names underneath all signatures.
Power-of-attorney for person signing for surety company must be attached
to bond.)
certify that I am the
Secretary of the corporation named as Principal in the
within bond; that , who signed
the said on behalf of the Principal was then
of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto
is ge=,i-n ; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested to
for and in behald of said corporation by authority of its governing body.
Corporate Seal
(grin# or type the names underneath all signatures)
FBB - 2
SNOW AIW .'= BY TEE PRESENTS, that we the undersigned,
and , as SURD 9
are held and firmly bound unto the Housing Authority, here-
inafter called the "Authority", in the penal sum of
Dollars, lawful money of the United
States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind
ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,
jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CO.IDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has
submitted the accompanying bid, -dated , for
NOW, TIM=RE, if the. Principal shall not withdraw said bid within the
period specified therein after the opening of the same, or, if no period
be specified, within sixty (60) days after said opening, and shall within
the period specified therefor enter into a written contract with the
Authority in accordance with the bid as accepted, and give bond with good
and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful
performance and proper fulfillment of such contract; or in the event of
the withdrawal of said bid within the period specified, or the failure
to enter into such contract and give such bond within the time specified,
if the Principal shall pay the Authority the difference between the
amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Authority may
procure the required work or supplies or both, if the latter amount be
in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be void and
of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
r IN WIT=NESS WEMOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrum-
ent under their several seals this day of , ,
the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed
and these presents duly signed by its undersigned, representative,
pursuant to authority of its governing body.
In presence of:
Indivi chial Principal)
address (Business Address)
FBB - 1
16.0 Dated at
this day of 19
Name of Organization:
17.0 Notary Statement:
Kr./Mrs. being duly
sworn deposes and says that he/she is the _
of Contractor(s) , and
that answers to the foregoing questions and all statements
therein contained are true and correct.
Subscribed and sworn before me this day of
Notary Public:
Hy Commission Expires: _ 19
14.2 Dates of Financial Statements:
14.3 Fame, Address, and telephone number of firm(s) that prepared Financial
15.0 List all legal or administrative proceedings currently pending or
concluded adversely vithin the last five years which relate to procure-.
went or performance of any public or private construction contracts.
of your organization ever been an officer or partner of another
organization that failed, to complete a contract? If so. -indicate
the circumstances leading to the project failure: .
12.0 Bonding References: List the following information concerning your
firm's bonding.
12.1 Largest bond received in the last five years.
12.2 Fame of Surety company that issued the bond.
12.3 Name address and phone number of bonding agent which handled above listed
12.4 Largest non bonded project completed to date, if greater than largest
bond t-ceived.
12.5 Na=e. cf bonding agent that you intend to do business with for project
under consideration. Address and telephone number.
1246 Names of all other bonding companies used by your ,firm in the past ten
12.7 Has a bond ever been invoked against your currcnt organization.
13.0 Bark References: List the names, addresses and phone numbers of all banks
with whom your firm does business. Include all account numbers.
14.0 Financial References: List or attach the following data concerning your
firm's financial status certified by a CPA:
14.1 The last two year-ending Statements of Financial Conditions, including
Balance Sheets and Income Statements:
11.7 pro ect title, location, contract amount, time frame, owner and designer
OOPk on
all construction projects your organization has completed in the past
five years:
11.8 Iftmes and telephone numbers of both the owner's and the designer's
representatives with whom you did business on each of the projects listed
I1.S Project title, location. contract &count, e:r:cnt complete, scheduled
eampletion date,,owner and designer on all construction projects your
organisation has in process on this date: .
11.6 Neves and Tely a numbers- of both the owner's and the designer's
representatives with whom you do business on each of the projects
listed above.
11.0 List or attach the following information Concerning your organization'• '
construction qualifications:
11.1 All states in which your firm 3's legally qualified to do business:
11.2 All sub-trades which your firs customarily performs with own employees.
11.3 Trade References: Names, addresses and telephone numbers of several
firms with whoa your organization has regular business dealingss
11.4 Approximate percentage'of your organizational involvement on most
projects: _i with own work forces
7.0 If a partnership, list or attach the following
7.1 State in which organized:
7.2 Date of Organisation:
7.3 Type of partnership:
7.4 Names of all principal partners:
7.5 If a Limited Partnership, attach'& copy of Articles of formation as
filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth
8.0 If a Business Trust, list or attach the following:
8.1 State in which organized:
8.2 Date of organization:
8.3 Names of all principal officers:
8.4' A copy of Declaration of Business as filed with the Secretary.of the
9.0 If a Sole Proprietorship, list or attach the following:
9.1 Date business initiated:
9.2 Name of Omer:
10.0 List or attach the following information concerning your
organization's personnel:
10.1 Resumes of all the principal individuals in your firm. as listed
previously in PART II. Information should include: educational
background, construction experience, and the names of all other
construction oriented firms or support organizations in which the
individual may have a financial or decision-making interest.
10.2 Resumes of all supervisory personnel, such as Principals. Project
Hanagers, and Superintendants, who will be directly involved with
project on which you are now a bidder. Indicate the number of years
of construction experience and number of years of which you were in
a Supervisory capacity. Also list the projects in which previously
involved in the last five years indicating types of costruction.
complexity (refer to User Groups in the State Building Code) and
size (S), and educational background.
COTE: All questions must be addressed by the Contractor in order for this
qualification form to be properly completed. Failure of the contractor
to anrwar any question. or comply vith.any directive contained in this
form may be used by the awarding authority as grounds to disqualify their
bid. If a question or directive does not- pertain,to your organitation in
any vay. please indicate that fact with the symbol p/A. For additional
space attach 8 1/2" Z ll sheets. : .
1.0 Indicate exactly the name by which your organization is known:
2.0 Nov many years has your organization been in business under its present
business name?
3.0 Now many years has your organization been in business as a General
4.0 If your organization has not always beet a General Contractor, list the
trade(s) that your firm customarily performed prior to the time that you
became a General Contractor:
5.0 Indicate all other names by which your organization has been known and the
length of time known by each name: '
. 6.0 If a Corporation, list or attach the following:
6.1 State of incorporation:
6.2 Date of incorporation:
6.3 Type of corporation:
6.4 President's name:
6.5 Vice President's name(s).
6.6 Secretary's or Clerk's name:
6.7 Treasurer's name:
6.8 A copy of Articles of Organization as filed with the Secretary of' the
6.9 A copy of latest Annual Report of Condition as filed with the Secretary
of the Commonwealth.
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�RtRRRRRl��ttRRRRRRRRttttRRtftttRl tRRtfRRtRl R1tl RR!!tltRRRlRttlf#tltRAttfffRff!!f
Contractors are required to file with the NOL-ycKF_ Housing Authority
within the time period stipulated in the Invitation to Bid, a
Contractor Qualification Statement, unless the contractor has
filed a Qualification Statement with the Authority within the past
twelve months. Updates to the Qualification Statement are to
be made with applications to Bid.
ill ill i#iil�f.#*#!.#i#RR!####d###i#t.i#ttl##f#�##ti#i#1t1.##!.#t♦.#iR##it##!#i###�i#######is
Awarding Authority:
Statement Number: •
Date Received by AbRA:
PUBLICATION: ""12460-9-1000-7-81
Requested updated information is referenced to sections of the Contractor
Qualification Statement (CQS). Updated information is to be in the same
format as requested in the CQS. If additional space is needed attach
8 1/2" x 11 sheets.
1. Refer to Item 11.7 and 11.8. List projects completed since most recent
.2. Refer to Item 11.5 and 11.6 List all projects currently under contract.
3. List Project currently under negotiations.
4. Refer to Item 11.9 Projects which firms have to complete.
S. Refer to Item 10.2. List names and attach resumes of supervisory personnel
which will be assigned to the project.
6. Refer to PART II and PART V. Indicate any significant changes in firms
business organization and financial conditions.
7. Refer to Item 15.0. A description by docket number, court, name of parties,
subject in which the applicant is a party.
S. Updated to Items 12.0 • 12.7 Bonding references
I swear under the pains and penalties of perjury that the answers and statements
above, as well as those attached, are true.
Signature of Applicant
All General Bidders must accompany their Bids with a valid DCPO
Certificate of Elligibility and a current Update Statement.
An Update Statement, which must be properly acted upon, follows.
A blank copy of a Contractor Qualification Statement, which need
not be filled out, is provided to aid the Bidder in responding to
the requirements of the Update Statement.
At the time of the bid opening any subcontractor, regardless of tier,
must execute and submit to the Prime Contractor the following Certi-
fication which will be deemed a part of the resulting subcontract.
certified that it:
1. intends to use the following listed construction trades in the work under
the subcontract
2. will comply with the minority manpower ratio and specific affirmative
action steps contained herein; and
3. will obtain from each of the subcontractors and submit
to the Awarding Authority prior to the award of any sub-
contract under this subcontract, the subcontractor certifi-
cation required by these bid conditions.
"The bidder hereby certifies he shall comply with the minority
manpower ratio and specific action steps contained in the
appendix EEO attached hereto, including compliance with the
minority contractor compliance specified in Section V of said
appendix. The contractor receiving the award of the contract
shall be required to obtain from each of its subcontractors
and submit to the contracting or administering agency prior
to the performance of any work under said contract a certi-
fication by said subcontractor regardless of tier, that it
will comply with the minority manpower ratio and specific
affirmative action steps contained in the appendix EEO".
(Signature of authorized representative of subcontractor
In order to ensure that the said subcontractor's certification becomes a
part of all subcontracts under the prime contract, no subcontract shall
be executed until an authorized representative of the City agency (or
agencies) administering this project has determined, in writing, that
the said certification has been incorporated in such subcontract, re-
gardless of tier. Any subcontract executed without such written approval
shall be void.
FSC -1
If you are a foreign (out of state) corporation, are you registered with the
Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance-with-the -provisions of Chapter 161.
of General Laws, Section 3, S,• If your are-selected
Yes or No
by the General Contractor and awarded the Subcontract for this work you are
required under Mass. G.L. C30x39L to obtain from the Secretary of State,
Foreign Corporation Section - Room 136, State House, a certificate stating
that your corporation is registered; and furnish &aid certificate to the
Awarding Authority.
If a Partnership: (Name all partners)
Business Address .
Name of Partner
Name of Partner
If and Individual; or an Individual doing business under a Firm name:
Doing Business as
Sub- -idders attention is directed to Mass. G.L. Chapter 149 , Section 44F as
amended which provided in part as follows: Each sub-bidder shall list in
paragraph G of the "Form for Sub-Bid" the name and bid price of each person,
firm or corporation performing each class of work or part thereof for which
the Section of the specifications for that :Sub-Trade requires such listing;
provided that, in the absence of a contrary provision of the specifications,
any Sub-Bidder may, without listing any bid price, list his own name in said
paragraph G, for any such class of work or part thereof and perform that work
with persons on his own payroll, if such Sub-Bidder, after Sub$ id openings,
shows to the satisfaction of the Awarding Authority, that he does customarily
perform such class of work or the part thereof with persons on his own payroll
and is qualified so to do.
Section 44F of Mass. G.L. Chapter 149 further provides that every Sub-aid
which is not accompanied by a Bid D eposit prescribed in the specifications
or which otherwise does not conform with Sections F ort3zour A to 44F in-
clusive, of said Chapter 149, or which is on a form not completely filled in,
or which is incomplete, conditional or obscure or which contains any additions
not called for shall be rejected. Nor oral, written or telegraphic amendments
to this bid will be accepted. A bidder wishing to amend this bid after trans-
mittal to the Awarding Authority may do so only by amending this
Bid Document itself prior to the' Opening of Bids.
4. Bank Reference
L. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is able to furnish
labor that can work in hamony with all other elements of labor
employed or to be employed on the work.
In submitting this bid it 'is understood that the right is reserv-
ed by the Northampton Housing Authority to reject any or all bids
and it is agreed that this bid may not be withdrawn for a period
of Thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays ex-
cluded, after the approval of the awards is given by the Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , without the consent
of the Northampton Housing Authority.
Security in the sum of dollars $
In the form of , is submitted
herewith in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Attached hereto is an affidavit in proof that the undersigned
has not entered into any collusion with any person in respect
to this Bid or any other bid or the submitting of bids for the
Contractor for which this Bid is submitted.
Name of Sub-Bidder
Telephone No. By
Business Address
City and State Zip
The following information is furnished under the penalties of
If a Corporation:
Incorporated in what state
(Do not give bid price for any class or part thereof furnished by
undersigned. )
H. The undersigned agrees that the above list of bids to the under-
signed represents bona fide bids based on the hereinbefore des-
cribed drawings, specifications and addenda and that, if the
undersigned is awarded the contract, they will be used for the
work indicated at the amounts stated, if satisfactory to the
Awarding Authority.
I. The undersigned further agrees to be bound to the General
Contractor by the terms of the hereinbefore described drawings,
specifications (including all General Conditions stated therein)
and addenda, and to assume toward him all the obligations and
t responsibilities that he, by those documents, assumes toward the
Awarding Authority.
J. The undersigned acknowleges that he is aware of all Predetermin-
ed Unit Prices in so far as they affect his work and agrees to
their equitability for the duration of construction.
K. The undersigned offers the following information as evidence of
his qualifications to perform the work as bid upon according to
all the requirements of the plans and specifications;
1. Have been in business under present business name
2. Ever failed to complete any work awarded?
(If "YES" explain on a separate sheet)
3. List one or more recent buildings with names of general
contractor and architect on which you served as a Sub-
Contractor for work of similar character as required for
the above-named project.
For Alt No 10, Add $ Subt $
Sub-Bidders whose proposed Contract Price is not affected by
an Alternate shall indicate NC (No Change) in the Add and Subt
blanks for such Alternate.
E. This Sub-Bid
/ /
Z May only be used by any General Bidder except
May only be used by the following General Bidders
(To exclude General Bidders, insert "X" in one box only
and fill in the blank fllowing that box. Do not answer
E if no General Bidders are excluded) .
F. The undersigned agrees that, if he is selected as a Sub-Bidder,
he will, within five days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holi-
days excluded, after presentation of a Subcontract by the Gen-
eral Bidder, a Subcontract in accordance with the terms of this
Sub-Bid, and contingent upon the execution of the General Con-
tract, and, if requested so to do in the General Bid by such
General Bidder, who shall pay the premiums therefor, furnish
a Performance and a Labor and Materials Payment bond of a surety
company qualified to do business under the laws of the Common-
wealth and satisfactory to the Awarding Authority, in the full
sum of the Subcontract Price.
G. The names of all persons, firms and corporations furnishing
to the undersigned labor or labor and materials for the class
or classes or part thereof of. work for which the provisions of
the Section of the Specifications for this Sub-Trade require a
listing in this paragraph, (including the undersigned if cus-
tomarily furnished by persons on his own payroll and in the
absence of a contrary provision in the Specifications) , the
name of each such class of work or part thereof and the Bid
Price for each such class of work or part thereof are:
To: Northampton Housing Authority
49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA 01060
A. The undersigned, having examined the local conditions affect-
ing the cost and administration of the work, the Contract Docu-
ments comprised of the Project Manual (containing Bidding Re-
quirements, and Technical Specifications) , and the Contract
Drawings, and all Addenda prepared by:
R. D. Fanning Architects, Inc.
36 Bromfield Street
Boston, MA 02108
Hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and
services required to complete all work required by the follow-
ing Section of the Technical Specifications and all Sections
and Drawings refered to therein:
Section No. (for the Sub-Trade) entitled
for the Modernization
of Florence Heights (MA 26-1) in Northampton, Massachusetts, all
in accordance therewith, for the Contract Price proposed below,
subject to additions and deductions according to the terms of
the Contract Documents.
B. This Bid includes addenda numbered (Be sure
to fill in
C. The proposed Contract Price is: "none" if
(Total Bid in Words)
(Total Bid in Figures)
D. The undersigned proposes to Add or Subtract (Subt) the following
amounts from the Contract Price for work in the Sub-Trade Section
(Sect) bid as described in the Numbered (No) Alternate (Alt) as
For Alt No 4 , Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 8 , Add $ Subt $
A contractor shall not be eligible for award of a contract unless at
the time of the bid opening such contractor has submitted the follow-
ing certification, which is deemed a part of the resulting contract:
certifies that it:
1. intends to use the following listed construction trades in the work
under the contract
2. will comply with the minority manpower ratio and specific affirmative
action steps contained herein; and
3. will obtain from each of its subcontractors and submit
to the Awarding Authority prior to the award of any sub-
contract under this contract, the subcontractor certifi-
4 cation required by these bid conditions.
"The bidder hereby certifies that he shall comply with the
minority manpower ratio and specific action steps contained
in the appendix EEO attached hereto, including compliance with
the minority contractor compliance specified in Section V of
said appendix. The contractor receiving the award of the con-
tract shall be required to obtain from each of its subcontractors
and submit to the contracting or administering agency prior to
the performance of any work under said contract a certification
by said subcontractor, regardless of tier, that it will comply
with the minority manpower ratio and specific affirmative action
steps contained in the appendix EEO".
(Signature of authorized -representative of Contractor)
In order to ensure that the said subcontractor's certification becomes
a part of all subcontracts under the prime contract, no subcontract shall
be executed' until an authorized representative of the City agency (or
agencies) administering this project has determined, in writing, that
the said certification has been incorporated in such subcontract regard-
less of tier. Any subcontract executed without such written approval
shall be void.
of construction.
Note: The penalty for making false statements is prescribed
in 18 U.S.C. 1001.
(Name of General Bidder)
Official address: By:
The undersigned agrees that if he is selected as General Contract-
or, he will promptly confer with the Authority on the question
of Sub-Bidders; and that the Authority may substitute for any
Sub-Bid listed above a Sub-Bid duly filed with the Authority by
another Sub-Bidder for the Sub-Trade against whose standing and
ability the undersigned makes no objection; and that the under-
signed will use all such finally selected Sub-Bidders at the
amounts named in their respective Sub-Bids and be in every way
as responsible for them and their work as if they had been
originally named in this General Bid, the total Contract Price
being adjusted to conform thereto.
F. The undersigned agrees that, if he is selected General Contract-
or, he will within five days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holi-
days excluded, after presentation thereof by the Authority, exe-
cute a contract in accordance with the Terms of this General Bid
and furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Bond,
each of a surety company qualified to do business under the laws
of the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Authority and each
in the sum of at least one hundred percent of the Contract Price,
the premiums for which are to be paid by the General Contractor
and are included in the Contract Price.
G. Security in the sum of
Dollars ($ ) , in the form of
is submitted herewith in accordance with
Contract Documents.
{ H. Attached hereto is an Affidavit in proof that the undersigned
has not entered into any collusion with any person in respect
to this Proposal or any other proposal or the submitting of
proposals for the Contract for which this Proposal is submitted.
I. The undersigned hereby certifies that this bid does not include
the excise imposed by Chapter 14, Acts of 1966, upon the pur-
chase or rental of materials, supplies, services and the equip-
ment to be used in the work to furnish all albor, materials,
equipment and services required to complete the work.
J. The undersigned hereby certifies that he is able to furnish
labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor
employed or to be employed on the work.
K. The undersigned represents that he ( ) has, ( ) has not,.
participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to
equal opportunity clause prescribed by U.S. Executive Orders
10925, 11114, or 11246 or the Secretary of Labor; that he ( )
has, ( ) . has not, filed all required compliance reports; and
that representations indicating submission of required compliance
reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained
prior to subcontract awards. (The above representation need
not be submitted in connection with contracts or subcontracts
which are exempt from the clause. )
L. The undersigned acknowleges that he is aware of the Liquidated
Damages provisions of the Contract Documents relating to delays
in timely completion of the work. (See Special Conditions. )
M. - The undersigned acknowleges that he is aware of all Predetermin-
ed Unit Prices and agrees to their equitability for the duration
win III I
Boy tts required
S�acification indicated by
Section Name of Sub-Bidder Amount "Yes" or "no"
9A $
• 9B $
9C $
15A $
15B $
16A $
Total of Item 2 $
Failure to fill any or all spaces in the Bond Required column
will be construed as an entry of the word "NO" .
E. The undersigned proposes to Add or Subtract (Subt) the following
amounts from the Contract Price for the work described in the
Numbered (No) Alternate (Alt) as below:
For Alt No 1, Add $ Subt $
_ For Alt No 2, Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 3, Add , $ Subt $
For Alt No 4, Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 5, Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 6, Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 7, Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 8, Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 9 , Add $ Subt $
For Alt No 10, Add $ , Subt $
For Alt No 11, Add $ Subt $
Bidders whose proposed Contract Sum is not affected by an Al-
ternate shall indicate N C (No Change) in the Add and Subt blanks
for such Alternate.
The undersigned agrees that each of the above-named Sub-Bidders
will be used for the work indicated at the amount stated, un-
less a substitution is made. The undersigned further agrees to
pay the premiums for the Performance Bond and Labor and Materials
Bond furnished by Sub-Bidders as requested herein and that of the
cost of all such premiums is included in the amount set forth
in Item 1 of this Bid.
To: Northampton Housing Authority
49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA 01060
A. The undersigned, having examined the local conditions affect-
ing the cost and administration of the work, the Contract
Documents comprised of the Project Manual (containing bidding
Requirements, Forms, Conditions, General Requirements, and
Technical Specifications) , and the Contract Drawings, and all
Addenda prepared by:
R. D. Fanning Architects, Inc.
36 Bromfield Street
Boston, MA 02108
Hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and
services required for the Modernization of Florence Heights
(MA 26-1) in Northampton, Massachusetts, all in accordance
therewith, for the Contract Price proposed below, subject to
additions and deductions according to the terms of the Contract
B. This Bid includes addenda numbered (Be sure
to fill in
C. The proposed Contract Price is : "none" if
(Total Bid in Words)
(Total Bid in Figures)
.D. The Subdivision of the proposed Contract Price is as follows :
ITEM 1. The work of the General Contractor, being all work
other than covered by Item 2:
ITEM 2. Sub-Bids as follow:
Bonds required
Specification indicated by
Section Name of Sub-bidder Amount "Yes" or "no"
2A $
5A $
7A $
8A $
If bid is mailed, it shall be enclosed in an outer envelope with
The Bidder' s Name and Return Business Address marked legibly there-
on along with the SUB-BID or GENERAL BID notation indicated above
and addressed to:
Northampton Housing Authority
49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA. 01060
Each Bidder and Sub-Bidder shall submit the following with his
bid. Other documents also may be required to be submitted at the
same time and each Bidder shall review all Sections of the Project
Manual for which he is responsible to identify such documents . All
Bids and other required submissions shall be on Forms provided in
the Project Manual.
List for Sub-Bidders Pape
Form of Sub-Bid FSB-1 thru
Form of Bid Bond and Corporate Certificate FBB-1 and 2
(Not required if other Bid Security provided)
Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit FNCA-1.
Form of Sub-Contaractor's Certification FSCC-1
Form of Affirmative Action Program FAAP-1 and 2
List for General Bidders
Form of General Bid FGB-1 thru
Form of Bid Bond and Corporate Certificate FBB-1 and 2
(Not required if other Bid Security provided)
Form of Update Statement to Contractor' s UDS-1 and 2
Qualification Statement
Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit FWCA-1
Form of General Contractor' s Certification FGCC-1
Form of Affirmative Action Program FAAP-1 and 2
Each bid shall be sealed in an envelope with the following legibly
marked on one side of the envelope:
Bidder' s Name and Business Address
(Number and Title of Specification Section)
Modernization of Florence Heights
Northampton Housing Authority
49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA. 01060
GENERAL BID FOR: Modernization of Florence Heights
Northampton Housing Authority
A9 Old South Street
Northampton, MA. 01060
Special Conditions. The Contract Time will commence on the
date indicated in the Notice to Proceed issued by the Northampton
Housing Authority. For Liquidated Damages, see Special Conditions.
10. The General Bidder and all Sub-Bidders shall take this project
as one complete unit and all bids shall be for the total project
or the total Filed Sub-Bid for each trade. Partial General or
Sub-Bids will be rejected by the Northampton Housing Authority.
1. All bids are subject to the provisions of Massachusetts
General Law, Chapter 30, Section 39M and Chapter 149, Section
44A through H, as amended including by Chapter 484. All bids
shall be in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, the
Instructions for Bidders, and these Supplementary Instructions.
Direct all inquiries concerning any apparent discrepancy or
conflict among the aforementioned on a timely basis to the
Architect in writing.
2. Fill in all blanks on the bid forms by typewriter or manually,
in ink. No interlineations, alterations or erasures shall be
• included in any submmitted bid form. Where required, dollar
amounts shall be expressed in both words and figures. In case
of discrepancy between the two, the written amount shall govern.
3. All General Bids and Sub-Bids shall be accompanied by an Affirm-
ative Action Plan and Certification Forms in accordance with
the guidelines established in the Specifications. This require-
ment is mandatory, shall not be waived and the Northampton
Housing Authority shall reject any bid not accompanied by such.
4. The General Bidder selected as General Contractor shall provide
a Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond for 100
percent (100%) of the contract price with a surety company
satisfactory to the Authority. Sub-Bidders, if requested to do
so in the General Bid, shall furnish a Performance Bond for 100
percent (100%) of their contract price with a surety company
satisfactory to the General Contractor. Premiums for these
bonds shall be paid by the General Contractor.
5. Bidders should be aware that the successful bidder will be
issued a Massachusetts Tax Exemption Certificate by the Authority
for the work to be performed under this Contract.
6. The names of the successful Sub-Contract Bidders, along with
their bid amounts, will be transmitted to all General Contract
Bidders. The names of any excluded General Biddders (See Form
for Sub-bid) will also be included. The subject names and
amounts shall be included in the General Bids in the spaces
provided for same.
7. It is understood that each bidder, upon submission of his bid,
has thoroughly examined the Drawings, all parts of the Project
Manual and the site, and understands .and comprehends all of the
aforementioned with regard to the work to be performed and his
obligation thereunder.
8. No bid of the three (3) lowest bidders shall be withdrawn with-
in 45 calendar days, after the opening of Bids without the con-
"* sent of the Northampton Housing Authority and HUD.
9. The Contract is comprised of Two (2) Phases as indicated in
in a position to perform the contrad,or who has habitually b. A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities must be
and without (cast cause neglected the payment of bills or submitted prior to the award of a federally assisted
Otherwise disregarded his obligations to subcontractors, conrMetion contract exceeding $10,000 which is not
materialmen,or employees, exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity
d. The ability of a bidder to obtain a performance bond clause. Such a certification is printed on the bid form and is
shall not be regarded as the sole teat of such bidder's deemed executed by submission of the bid.
competency or responsibility. e. The contractor must also provide for the forwarding of
the following notice to prospective subcontractors for
10. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND, supplies and construction contracts where the subcontracts
EXECVTiok OF CONTRACT exceed $10,000 and are not exempt from the provisions of
a. Subsequent to the award and within ten days after the the Equal Opportunity clause:
prescribed forms are presented for signature,the successful
bidder shall execute and deliver to the LHA a contract in
the form furnished in such number of counterparts as the NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF •
b. Having satisfied all conditions of award as set forth NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES
elsewhere in these documents, the successful bidder shalt,
within the period specified above, furnish bond(s) in a (1) A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities must be
penal sum of at least the full amount of the contract as submitted prior to the award of a subcontract exceeding
awarded, in the form included in the specifications, which 310,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the
secures the faithful performance of the contract, and for Equal opportunity clause.
the payment of all persons, firms or corporations to whom (2) Contractors receiving subcontract awards exceeding
the Contractor may become legally indebted for labor, $10.000 which are not exempt from the provisions of
materials, tools, equipment, or services, of any nature, the Equal Opportunity clause will be required to provide
employed or used by him in performing the work. Such for the forwarding of this notice to prospective subcon-
bond(s) shall bear the same date as or a date subsequent to, tractors for supplies and construction contracts where
the date of the contract. the subcontracts exceed $10,000 and are not exempt
c. On each such bond the rate of premium shalt be stated, from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause.
together with the tots; amount of the premium charged. d. Certifications submitted by subcontractors shall be
' The current power of attorney for the person who signs for retained in the files of the prime contractor or subcon-
any surety company shall be attached to such bond, tractor receiving the certification.Where a prime contractor
d. The failure of the successful bidder to execute such or subcontractor does business with a concern on a
contract and to supply the required bonds within ten days continuing basis, a single certification may be submitted
after the prescribed forms are presented for signature, or periodically,rather than with each transaction.
within such extended period as the LHA may grant based 12 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE
upon reasons determined adequate by the LHA, shall
constitute a default, and the LHA may either award the Either before or soon after the actual award of the Contract
contract to the next responsible bidder or readvertise for (but in any event prior to the start of construction), the
bids. and may charge against the bidder the difference Contractor or his representative small attend a Preconstruc-
between the amount of the bid and the amount for which a tion Conference with representatives of the LHA, the
Contract for the work is subsequently executed, irrespective Architect and HUD. The Conference will serve to acquaint
of whether the amount thus due exceeds the amount of the the participants with the general plan of contract admin-
bid guaranty, istration and requirements under which the construction
operation is to proceed, and will inform the contractor, in
11. EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTVNITY detail, of the obligations imposed on him and his subcon-
a. Attention is called to the Equal Employment Opportun- tractors by the Executive Orders concerning Equal Employ
ity provisions of the Contract (paragraph 33 of the General ment Opportunity: Labor provisions will also be covered.
Conditions) and the requirements for affirmative action by The date, time, and place of the Conference will be
the Contractor thereunder, furnished to the contractor by the LHA.
CPO aa:-oral
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS open them will decide when the specified time has arrived,
and no bid received thereafter will be considered; except
t. BID FORM that when a bid arrives by mail after the time fixed for
a. All bids must be submitted on forms furnished by the opening• but before award is made, and it is shown to the
LHA and shall be subject to all requirements of the satisfaction of the officer authorized to make the award
Specifications and Drawings. Bid Forms will be furnished in that the non-arrival on time was due solely to delay in the
triplicate, two to be submitted with the bid and one to be ' mails for which the bidder was not responsible, such bid
retained by the bidder for his records.Only one of the two will be received and considered. No responsibility will
copies of the bid shall be signed. The other shat) be attach to an offiew for the premature opening of a bid not
conformed, properly addressed and identified. Unless specifically autho-
rized, telegraphic bids will not be considered, but modifica-
b. Bid Documents shall be sealed in an envelope which tion by telegraph of bids already submitted will be
shalt be clearly labeled with the words "Bid Documents," considered if received prior to the hour set for opening and
and show the project number,name of bidder,and date and written confirmation of such modification over the signa-
time of opening. ture of the bidder is placed in the mail and postmarked
2. INTERPRETATIONS prior to the time set for bid opening.
No oral interpretation will be made to any bidder as to the b. Bidders are cautioned that, while telegraphic modifica-
meaning of the Specifications and Drawings. Every request tions of bids may be received as provided above, such
for an interpretation shall be made in writing and any modifications, if not explicit and if in any sense subject to
inquiry received ten or more days prior to the dare fixed misinterpretation, shall make the bid so modified or
for opening bids will be given consideration. Interpretations amended subject to rejection.
will be in the form Of addenda which will be on file in the 7, OPENING OF BIDS
offices of the Local Authority and the Architect at least
seven days before bids are opened. In addition, addenda At the time and place fixed for the opening of bids, every
will be mailed to each bidder, but it shall be the bidders bid received within the time fixed for receiving bids will be
responsibility to "ke inquiry as,to addenda issued. All Opened and publicly read aloud, irrespective of any
such addenda shall become a part of the contract and all irregularities therein. Bidders and other persons properly
bidders shall be hound by such addenda, whether or not interested may be present, in person or by representative.
received by the bidders. 2. WITHDRAWAL Of BIDS
3. BID GUARANTY Bids may be withdrawn on written or telegraphic request
The bid must be accompanied by a bid guaranty which shall dispatched by the bidder in time for delivery in the normal '
not be less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, course of business prior to the time fixed for opening;
and at the option of the bidder may be a certified check, Provided, that written confirmation of any telegraphic
bank draft, U.S. Government Bonds at par value, or a bid withdrawal over the signature of the bidder is placed in the
bond secured by a surety company. Certified check or bank mail and postmarked prior to the time set for bid opening.
draft must be made payable to the order of the LHA. The Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing his bid
bid guaranty shall insure the execution of the contract and confers no right of withdrawal or modification of his bid
the furnishing of performance and payment bond or bonds after such bid has been opened.
by the successful bidder all as required by the Specifica•
tions. The bid guaranty Of unsuccessful bidders will be . B• AWARD OF CONTRACT:REJECTION OF BIOS
returned as soon as practicable after the opening of bids. a. The contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder
submitting the lowest proposal complying with the condi-
tions of the Invitation for Bids, provided his bid is
Each person submitting a bid for any portion of the work reasonable and it is to the interest of the Local Authority
contemplated by the bidding documents shall execute an to accept it. The bidder to whom the award is made will be
affidavit, in the form provided by the LHA, to the effect notified at the earliest practicable date.The LHA,however,
that he has not colluded with any other person, form or reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any
corporation in regard to any bid submitted. Such affidavit informality in bids received whenever such rejection or
shall be attached to the bid. waiver is in the interest of the LHA.
B. BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE b. The LHA is prohibited from making any awards to
contractors or accepting as subcontractors any individuals
Before a bid is considered for award, the bidder may be or firms which are on lists of contractors ineligible to
requested by the LHA to submit a statement regarding his receive awards from the United States, as furnished from
previous experience in performing comparable work, his time to time by HUD. The current list of ineligible
business and technical organization, and financial resources. contractors is available for inspection by prospective
bidders at the offices of the LHA.
C. The LHA also reserves the right to reject the bid of any
a. Bids received prior to the time of opening will be bidder who has previously failed to perform properly,or to
securely kept, unopened. The officer whose duty it is to complete on time, contracts of a similar nature;who is not
N low
Parsgraph ►aka
1. Bid Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Interpretations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Bid Guaranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Non-Collusive Affidavit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
S. Bidders Construction Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
6. Time for Receiving Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
7. Opening of Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
8. Withdrawal of Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
9. Award of Contract;Rejection of Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
10. Performance and Payment Bond; Execution of Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
11. Equal Employment Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
12. Preconstruction Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DavOopment
Low•Ront Public Housing
are not acceptable without further competition.
t The successful bidder shall be required to furnish both a Perfor-
mance and Payment Bond, each in the full amount of the Contract,
on the proper bond forms which are available at the office of the
Awarding Authority.
The Contractor shall furnish the Awarding Authority with proof of
insurance covering the following..
PERSONAL INJURY- LIMITS ($100, 000-300, 000)
Each certificate of insurance must bear a fifteen day notice of
change and/or cancellation endorsement, naming both the Awarding
Authority and the Department of Housing and Urban Development,
15 New Chardon Street, Boston, Mass. , as parties to which written
notice is to be given.
Northampton Housing Authority
Section 9B- Resilient Floors
Section 9C- Painting
Section 15A- Plumbing
Section 15B- Heating and Ventilating
Section 16A- Electrical
General Bids and Filed Sub-Bids shall be accompanied by a Bid
Deposit in an amount not less than Five Percent (5%) of the Bid
Amount. Bid Deposits, payable to the Northampton Housing Author-
ity, shall be in the form of a bid bond, or cash, or a certified
check on, or a treasurer' s or cashier's check issued by, a respon-
sible bank or trust company. %
Bids are subject to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law,
Chapter 30, Section 39M and Chapter 149, Section 44A through H,
as amended including by Chapter 484.
The Contractor shall pay to all laborers and mechanics employed in
the development of the project not less than the wages prevailing
in the locality of the project, as predetermined by the Secretary
of Labor of The United States pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act and
the Department of Labor and Industries of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, whichever is greater.
Contract Documents may be obtained at the Northampton Housing
Authority upon deposit of a certified, treasurer' s or cashier' s
check for $100 .00 per set, payable to the Northampton Housing
Authority. This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for
each general bidder upon return of the sets in good condition
within ten calendar days after the opening of the bids. Otherwise
the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Addi-
tional sets may be purchased at the same office for $100.00 (Non-
refundable) . Bid documents will be available for pick up after
10:00 A.M. on 1985.
Bid Documents will be mailed, if requested, after receiving a
deposit check of $125.00 in proper form. Twenty five dollars is
to handle mailing costs and is not refundable. All contractors
are required to inspect the site prior to bidding. Contract Docu-
ments may be seen but not removed at F. W. Dodge, 181 Park Ave. ,
West Springfield, Mass.
The Awarding Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities
in or to reject any or all General Bids if it be in the public in-
terest to do so.
The Awarding Authority also reserves the right to reject any Sub-
Bid if it determines that such Sub-Bid does not represent the bid
of a person competent to perform the work as specified of if less
than three Sub-Bids are received for a Sub-Trade or if bid prices
The Northampton Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, will
receive sealed bids for the Modernization of Florence Heights
(MA 26-1) under the Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program
of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in accordance
with documents prepared by R. D. Fanning Architects Inc. , Boston,
The Modernization Work at Florence Heights includes but is not
limited to: site work including bituminous and concrete paving,
basketball and handball courts, rough and finish grading, and
general landscape work; renovations of bathrooms and kitchens;
replacement of primary and storm doors; replacement of windows;
new pitched roofs; new finish flooring; new interior doors; in-
terior and exterior painting; porch and canopy renovation; upgrade
electrical systems; and building insulation. The estimated cost
for this work is approximately $1, 300, 000.
Bids will be received and publicly opened and read aloud at the
Nothampton Housing Authority, 49 Old South Street, Northampton,
MA. 01060 immediately following the times specified below. Bids
accompanied by other required documents must be received before
the times specified to be considered.
Only bids from General Bidders accompanied by (1) a Certificate
of Eligibility issued by the Massachusetts Division of Capital
Planning and Operations (DCPO) , showing that the Contractor has
been approved to bid on projects the size and nature of that ad-
vertised, and (2) an Update Statement summarizing the Contractor' s
record--for the period between the latest DCPO Certification and
the date the Contractor submits its bid, will be valid.
A list Filed Sub-Bidders, including their bid prices, will be
available at the Awarding Authority not more than three working
days after the date that Filed Sub-Bids are opened.
Filed Sub-Bids will be received until .m. , , 1985
General Bids will be received until .m. , 1985
The following Classes of Work in the Specifications are required to
be Filed Sub-Bids:
Section 2A- Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements
Section 5A- Miscellaneous and Ornamental Iron
Section 7A- Roofing and Flashing
Section 8A- Aluminum Replacement Windows
AOW Section 9A- Ceramic Tile
Sheet No. Title
H-2 Heating Plan
Bldg. No. 6 Basement
H-3 Heating Plans
Bldg. No. 6
ME-1 Mechanical&Electrical
Site Plan
E-1 Electrical Plans
Bldg. Nos. 1-5 & 7-12
E-2 Electrical Plan
Bldg. No. 6 Basement
E-3 Electrical Plans
Bldg. No. 6
E-4 Electrical Plans
Bldg. Nos. 1-5 & 7-12
E-5 Electrical Plan
Bldg. No. 6 Basement
E-6 Electrical Plans
Bldg. No. 6
Sheet No. Title
T-1 Title Sheet
RP-1 Record Plan of Land
DPW-1 Construction Plan #1
DPW-2 Underground Utility Plan #2
X-1 Site Plan
X-2 Site Plan Details
X-3 Site Details
X-4 Dumpster Enclosures and Details
LS-1 Building Entry Planting
LS-2 Site Planting
A-1 Typ. Four Unit Building Plans
1st, 2nd, & Basement Floors
A-2 Typical Four Unit Building Elevations
A-3 Six Unit Building Plans
1st and 2nd Floors
A-4 Six Unit Building Basement Plan
A-5 Six Unit Building Elevations
A-6 Drawing Omitted
A-7 Roof Plans & Details
A-8 Mansard Roof Details
A-9 Typ. Bath Plan & Elevs.
A-10 Type "A" , "D" & "B" Kitchen Plans & Elevs.
A-11 Window Details
A-12 Typical Building Front Entry Details
A-13 Room Finish Schedule
A-14 Door Schedule
A-15 Door Details
A-16 Drawing Omitted
P-1 Plumbing Plans
Bldg. Nos. 1-5 & 7-12
P-2 Plumbing Plan
Bldg. No. 6 Basement
P-3 Plumbing Plans
Bldg. No. 6
H-1 Heating Plans
Bldg. Nos. 1-5 & 7-12
Division 9 - Finishes
Section 9A - Ceramic Tile
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Section 9B - Resilient Flooring
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Section 9C - Painting
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Division 10 - Specialties
(Not Used)
Division 11 - Equipment
(Not Used)
Division 12 - Furnishings
(Not Used)
Division 13 - Special Construction
(Not Used)
Division 14 - Conveying Systems
(Not Used)
Division 15 - Mechanical
Section 15A - Plumbing
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Section 15B - Heating and Ventilating
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Division 16 - Electrical
Section 16A - Electrical
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Division 1 - General Requirements
Section lA - Summary of Work
Section 1B - Alternates
Section 1C - Conduct .of Work
Section 1D - Submittals
Section lE - Existing Conditions
Section 1F - Protection
Section 1G - Temporary Facilities
Section 1H - Cleaning Up
Section lI - Predetermined Unit Prices
Section 1J - Guarantee
Section 1K - Model Apartments
Section 1L - Supplementary General Requirements
Division 2 - Sitework
Section 2A - Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Section 2B - Site Improvements
Section 2C - Site Work
Section 2D - Landscape Work
Division 3 - Concrete
(Not Used)
Division 4 - Masonry
Section 4A - Masonry Work
Division 5 - Metals
Section 5A - Miscellaneous and Ornamental Iron
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Division 6 - Wood and Plastics
Section 6A - Rough Carpentry
Section 6B - Finish Carpentry
Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section 7A - Roofing and Flashing
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Division 8 - Doors and Windows
Section 8A - Aluminum Replacement Windows
Filed Sub-Bid Required
Section 8B - Wood Doors
Section 8C - Metal Replacement Doors
Section 8D - Finish Hardware
Title Page TP-1
Table of Contents TO-C-1 thru 3
List of Contract Drawings LCD-1 and 2
Advertisement For Bids AB-1 thru 3
Instructions to Bidders HUD-5369 IB-1 thru 4
Supplementary Instructions to Bidders SIB-1 and 2
Summary of Documents Required with Bids SDRB-1 and 2
Form of General Bid FGB-1 thru 4
Form of General Contractor' s Certification FGCC-1
Form of Sub-Bid FSB-1 thru 5
Form of Subcontractor' s Certification FSC-1
General Contractor' s Qualification and Update GQUSR-1
Statement Requirements
Form of General Contractor' s Update Statement FGCUS-1
Contractor' s Qualification Statement CQS-1 thru 9
Form of Bid Bond FBB-1 and 2
Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit FNCA-1
Form of Affirmative Action Program FAAP-1 and 2
Form of General Contract FGC-1 thru 3
Form of Subcontract FS-1 thru 3
Corporate Certifications CC-1
Peformance Bond PB-1 and 2
Labor and Materials Bond LMB-1 and 2
Notice of Award of Prime Contract NAPC-1
Notice of Award of Subcontracts NAS-1
Previous Participation Certification PPC-1 and 2
Instructions for Previous Participation IPPC-1 and 2
Equal Employment Opportunity Executive EEOEO-1 thru 12
Order 11246
Executive Order 11246 Training Material EOTM-1 thru 11
Local Area Resident Hiring LARH-1
Federal Labor Standards Provisions FLSP-1 thru 13
Federal Minimum Wage Rates FMWR-1 thru 10
Federal Reporting Forms FRF-1 thru 8
�#w General Conditions HUD-5370 GC-1 thru 13
Supplement to General Conditions SGC-1 thru 11
Speoial Conditions SC-1 thru 3
Contractor' s Certificate and Release CCR-1 and 2
C� q - o0
under the
of the
Project No. MA 26-1 (Comprehensive)
Prepared For:
Prepared By:
(Date of Issue)
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RD Fanning Architects, In C. 36 Bromfield Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 617/542-7735
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December 29, 1986 00
Mr. Edward Tewhilly
Building Commissioner jM
City of Northampton J :DSO
212 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Re: Florence Heights Modernization
Dear Mr. Tewhill,
Forwarded herewith is a set of Construction Documents (plans and
specifications) for the Modernization of Florence Heights Develop-
ment, owned by the Northampton Housing Authority.
Please review same at your earliest convenience to determine if they
are acceptable to your Department relative to State Code compliance
and other local regulations, ordinances, etc. which may apply.
We note the following for consideration in your review:
A. The introduction of/or existing underlayment to provide an ac-
ceptable surface to which resilient flooring may be applied
will result in a reduced riser height and/or otherwise affect
areas at ends of stairs.
B. It is assumed that one hour construction is required between
apartments and when work on existing construction or new con-
struction affects such separations, one hour rating or its
reasonable equivalent is intended to be installed.
Please contact us should you require additional information concerning
the enclosed documents or this letter, the purpose of which is to
attempt to insure satisfactory code and regulatory compliance and to
avoid changes during construction.
Very truly yours,
chard D. ng `
cc: Mr. G. O'Brien - NHA
architecture/planning/urban design